HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-04-18, Page 8i Ladies' Blouses We a invite you to see our splendid range of Liklies1 Voile, Silk and ., pe de Chine Mouses. These are made in fine material, neat flitting and. very pretty styles; and extra values at 2.00, 5. 0, 5.25, &T5, 450 and 5.00. ° LADIES' MOTOR CAPS. Very latent, nice styles and colors. Prices 1.00, 1.25, 1,50, 2.00. DRESS. SILKS thetrs: Habutia, Messmline, Duchess and Silk .Poplins in yard wide wads„ and a:splendid:range of coloiS and shades. Our silks. int ui excelled. for ..values. Priced at 1.00, 1.25, ,1.50, -1.:75 and 2.00 peryard. °3: VENUS --The New Corset Made by the Collette ,Corset Co. and specially reco 0 ended fora. summer wear. - Fine quality- coolie with •steels held inn -place.. with. eyelets, and is claimed to be one of the neatest fitting corsets on . the 'market, Ask to see Models 740. ' You' will: like it. Price $2.50. AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER Twelve months' subscription to The, Designer and one Standard ,Quarterly, including any 15q Pattern Free, and all for 75c. We have now 121 subscribers for this splendid, Fashion Journal, and want to increase our number to 200, Si bsctiibe at our store and be ready -for the June issue. • ese Sends ..arse. supplied_ =by -the -best Seed .houses:In=Canada;-..: We: give seed business s : cial attention.. Somethese. seeds. $`� :. will �. :.. of are very scarce. and will be easily fifty per cent. higher' whet present .stocks. are .sold and. we Havee to replenish, Red Clover, No. x Gov't 'Standard, -$.,2 ,00 per 'bush. Also Alsikeg. Alfalfa and Sweet Clover,Timothy, Orchard Crass and millet. Gar of Seed Corn tile sold - at, or below A ,. � � � Government .Price. T'.. expect this shi lien between the xst and xoth of May; e Pe , , P t.i y, and the best varieties obtainable ,will be on sale. Let us have your order and we. will .advise you on arrival. Sliecial, quotation on to to 2o -bushel lots' to farmer's clubs to be taken ”. Kll sDrteci fellow Air ieric _ �_. a.:�� Coen - 4 Corn on the way. Anyone wanting special prices on Feed. Corn " • A Cr-aof Fced to be taken off- car, had better call on us and book. orders. t 4 1f Farmers expecting to grass, cattle would do well .to• see as 1 SALT!: " regarding a supply of Salta 1 have two cars booked and • ' delivery is promised• about' May 1st. Salt in bulk supplied. at aboat:'65 Of too percwt: ittfari er's bags at car. Call and book orders. We will. -advise its arrival,;, 1i Cone and get a barrel of Apples, packed by Kenneth Camernn. Good re- .liabla -'stock at $4 per barrel, ` Sold also in small 1o0-254 50c or $1 worth • We have abdut xso bags of Old Standard- Flour on hand, both owe Manitoba and Blended. Also (New Grade) • War Flour. ' - A Car of Flour and Feed now rolling will be here any day. In this car will be, • xoo bags of Bran' and 250. bags Shorts. Also a °car of Ontario Bran and • Good,Middlulgs expected last' of this week. 75, bags Coaod Feed )E'lour, 50: bugs Barley And, Oat.. Chop, in bags Choicer; Middlings, 200 bagi, 4 j -n _fix v`�'.� c , °'sc* ti atz b ,` lea n ::,n ea cat �--"�S'" = w ten: n e " nron _.�-� mss'+ � m!.t+..•t„A .... ' Gviitiic,e-'cssrSu'15ew.o�eulw�.c�:,,.r.�yprn�,c,....,..eu_...m.,:,..-a`...:e.,.;....�e... .,.,-y....-....::�y,.,,..tm..«,..i...0 .,:.,.., •�'°-.myu„�;.�u:.,. .,:w�..- • meal, ideal for chicks. A. R.HNLAYON LUCKNOW. 4` Lanes --Monday, Apr. 15 Miss Lizzie McCarthy, of Kingbtldge,. w*a' &Sunday visitor with friends 'at Lams.• ' • P. J. Murphy wat"arottnd last -week buzzing wood for the WI about -Lancs. We understand that Michael Bowler intends working Steeve. Doyle's farm this season. • Jno. MacDonald, of Lothian, is assist - ling in 0.W. Atton'a More on Saturday evening's. . extend eto a st►irihea to dhn d'ohn n M rs.J her thanks' to her friends and neighbor's' for their -many kindnesses daring Mr. Johnstone's sicknees *Mid 'death, :Oaiiretaitir, -De th again visited • Ws ssigisbnritonct and ieiltoved one of 1 our respected Form* men la the person of John Johnstone.. He had been in failing health for Some there bntthe end came rather suddenly on Monday April 6th. He was a young man well and fayorably known in this neighborhood add by his death the Community aufferes a distinct ' loss. Deceasedwas only thirty-six years' of age and was married to Donald'', McCreigh't, o 'Phe River who. together with 'three email children survive him: He also -leaves- hie aged path* four brothera andfour sisters. Another brother and sister died some time ago. The funeral was held on Thure- day under the auspices of the 1.0.0.F. to Greenhill cemetery and was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors. Mrs'. Johnstone and family have the sincere sympathy of the eon. munity in 'them' sad bereavement.•. Verdun •• ' '--Monday, April ib;:. Mize Elsie Steele was a Sunday guest of Miss Nellie McMullen. Mrs. A. Moly and two. children Spent a few days of last. week at Mr. P. Courtney's.' ' 0 Mrs. '.. Elliottd o nlittle a l seri are visiting • at the home of Mr. M. Weish. Mr. -and Mrs. Farrell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid Sunday dant We are glad to report that Mr. Wm. Bradley is beproeing rapidlyunderun der the care of the nursed.' and electors in the Sineardino Hoapitat, Mr. 'and. Mrs. Wit t ebitullin, spent snot* Brit t A. $omertow.. • Westford -,--Mondex, April, 15. Will Haldenbr tut recovered from M. nitres . Will *cart t}ts odour of the *OSis very ittvigoratiras, Me fid. Catpidy lett far Tercet') 'thio Kuwaiti'. where he intends following up hietrade its a builder. Master Clifford Lloyd hi spending a few days in Thorold with his aster. Mrs, Runehey. Albert Hetherington hap completed bin course in Teeewaater High School and purppaes farming ,prior to entering the Law Seliocl next. fall, "And new abideth preparation, determination and work, but the greatest of these is work," Mr,, and Mrs. John Lockhart, of Kin - toes, visited friends in the vicinity over the weekend, • The'nrajorityof our sporte attended the box,sociel in the :Opera Howe, Kin :'lough, and report`hi►vinga-lively time '"The longest way round is the sweetest way .home,," added very ittneit to the Wind up. Have you read "Gere en; War Aims,." by ,Edwin Baran; "Th it Grimes," by. Basil Matthews and "tit ' Vieta.of Vic- tory," by Cassel Co„ total.' i l -Theo' books are just in and ate worth \ while, Call_. and read them in our Ora Itis true that our swamp .!pada require wary walking but it is. y stowary for prospectors to.engage a gtiii rli but then such roads ars notadapted for bicycles builtfor, two. One offur sports.wnilol Ike to .know if this d yllight•saving. him • going to' have a effect on the Monday mbrning, fogs i but perhaps be ctiti, answer his own ueetion'now. °' • Fordyce :.. / pdtyApr:ls Mr. and "Mrs. Win. Webster and daughter, Jeanr spent Sunda( at ::Elliott Taylor's, • Mr.' and. Mrs. !S, Hayeaff IRd:, gra: L. Hasene dnent Sunday at I,i,• -r rikr'n of St Helens. Mt .and M.re. DicQlll, .o Tuynburyy, wee Sandi visitors at: Chas. Martin's. Mises Nellie O'Callogbttq, .walf home •Neer Wingham the ‘firitt day of the w°trek. 1•iannah ' itcbeson epi 4 ii coupl ' of Weeks with friends in 'Wi hlim, ; Mr;F-snarl-��rdrs,-: �Tao-a-•-j�a%rt�-of-St- Helene, spent Sunday at tib Barbour's. Quite a number- from Met locality at• tended the play' given in : St -Augustine on' Friday last. ' : • • We aresorry to report that Mrs. Jno McGee is suffering from :bronchitis. We hope to soon hear of her rec every. := ;Paramount Mr,.. D. G. Mackenzie- *bo recently sold ;lire farm has, with -his craughter Ltle4.mgv_ec to Lucknotv... • , • Misses Isabel. ,McDiaerfarid'4 and • M. Clarkson aro home after-loading'a few weeks with friends•in Aetreit. Men are at work thiq week .putting 'a new floor in the cheese factory and doing other. repairs in preparation for. the season's business. Failing to get .,a supply of wood for fuel.the managers have•put in coal. • Farmers are 'right . en the job • .this. week seeding and almost everyone has put in a few acres of spring wheat; us- ing .that famous :Margais variety for seed.. Fall wheat is looking rather back- ward. ' The Lord loves a cheerful .giver. He alert wants the gift to goto•the one .the giver intended it for. Make your own application., of this. • Culross-Cen re:: ilrV l n]lrA Seeding is now in full. swing. . . n . g . Mr. Jno. Clark, of Teeswater, has sold his farm on the 6th to Mr. J. D: Little. A number from. here attended the concert in the hall in Teeewater last Friday evening , Arthur Birnpaon hon bought ":a new Foul, car: A new flag pole is tieing erected at T3 S, Ne. b, • Mr. Walter ROM hag bought fifty sires from Mr. Jno: ,McIIenzie,• of Brantford, formerly of the 6th con. Mr. Duncan Kennedy has returned home . after spending a couple of weeks in Detroit Mrs. McKenzie, of con. 10 Kinloss, is visiting et the honie of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Day. Mr. Jno. McKenzie has returned to Branttord after spending 'a couple • of weeks here • • Mrs. Geo. Itichardsson and Miss Atkin- son spent the week with friends at Kin. loss. Mr. G. Aitcheson, Lucknow ie Wog at tht home of Wetltfr, GIAm Is Monday, Apra 15 Did jou move your eloek out Paylptht saying is the gossip of the hour. Its a 1e,rge subyeet i We are sorry to- report Airs. J. X. °Lennon is still confined to her bed. Groves was able to resume bi'a sunk services on Monday. All• welt+r Ste him bwtr on, the job. ,i oz w- -Qp Sunday, April 14th, tc; rar,.4 Mraa. Allan J. ',oft a foes.- Voni- gt atulationsi' Mies Mari Deeban 1s visiting at J. . If. McLennans. • Mr. end Mrs. Jas. Brown and family, of IPaisley, spent Saturday tvening and Sunday CO Mr. Stevnson'a. . Mr„and Mrs. N. McLeod; of .Niagara b'a1le, .have moved their' bonito 'hold ef- freta • to Arch'. Rose house• ora the end: con, of Bruce,.,'and they • wilt workthe..j farm. • - . Mr. Thos.. Colwell. arrived back from:1 Northern Ontario, last week. .: •• lhr. Chas. McKinnon ban removed' from our burg and hae•settle¢ in Ripley. 'Mr, Chas.. Harper left.. mat leek for Niagara Falls: Oa his' arrival 'there he enlisted.. Phone.No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stored • r Lothian Tuesday,. ,Apral 1 6.: ilius. Evelyn Wellington is in Luck - now learning telegraphy. The ;daylight. saving measure • has, made it: somewhat confusing. Some have fallen in dine but a .great many are ignoring it Better observe it if you want tscatcli a train. Seeding is now in full swing ' Owing to the recent heavy frosts the ground is working up splendidly. , We noticed in the Laurier budget that a deer was seen on Hector McLean's 'farm this spring. A "dear" instead of a deer le the most necessary thing Hector could,have•on his place, we thank. It issaid that the maple sugar' crop in. Quebec (wherethe making of maple -sugar; and syrup ie cue rf the establish ed industries) has beensomething of a failure. Throughout Ontario many' en- tered. with enthusiasm upon sugar mak- ing, '.endthere were . a few very good - rune of sap'.. The Beason, however, was abort and Broken by cold 'spells and the amount produced can hardly have been up to first, expectations; ;Kinlough • —Monday; "April 15 Mr.. and Mrs Wm. McLean s • ent Sunday :at Alf: Hal ' en i y s. • Mia,' -E1. 'etc and son,.' Alvin,, are visiting, in Ithicar ins t is week . - Miss Fannie an 'Mr. Weir E kins- -willerof-Clifford, motored CO their uncle's here to .spend the week -end. • ' We are glad to be able to 'say that. Mr, Oscar Hodgins ie improving'; • Mr. Dan *Donald visited' at Wm: Percy's Friday 'last. ' " Mrs. Watson,Scott.is-in' theVingham hospital where she underwent an oper- ation. We hope for a�.+speedy recovery.. Mr, Wand Mrs. R. McLean Sundayed With the latter's- parents, . Mr:.unii-_ Mrs.; Manners.' Gunner E Eckinswl':ler spent his last leave at hie home here, Friday last. He expects to go overseas in the near future. The long expected B.wi Social of the Worben's Patriotic' League .wad held on the evening of April• 12th,, in the base- mentof the .Anslecan church here. There was an excellent program con: sidering the short time they had,to pre-' pare it after being disappointed in •not' getting the B,ervie talent. , Mafeking --Tuesday; April 16. •Seedingoperationsare now well un- der way. ,. • • - La grippe•is prevalent in this neigh- borhood: • ` Miss Pearl Irvin, of this neighborhood; went to " Wingham hospital today to undergo--an-.operation-for-appendicitis: :4M • J :. Therap.son and .lauZl a, tt .._liters:':.a ,f_r. --M'r and ;Mil -Thar' Aare" n'; 'iinday."r• • Smile of our syrup makers . had . some excitement. , Saturday, Owing to the dry weather the fire from a sugar .camp spread among the leaves : in the woods and in one case got beyond the control of those in charge and the neighbours had to gather to help extinguish the flames which ran across fields of dry deeming to have as its objective a neigh - holing barna Fortunately no serious burial `reaulted..0 - ' To conserve the coal and woo supply it is necessary for people to turn to oil, particularly for the sumcur.ae,.months, In, choosing a stove you Will 'look for one that will give the, greatest. amount. of heat units from the oil concurred. r kbet,is wit «FLORENCE AUTOMATIC" It burns with a blue flame right up to the top of the burner. . It has no valves and no wicks and is very easily operated. "We can give you the names of dozensof satisfied customers uaipg the Florence Autoinnti.. The . Lucknow Hardware &-Coal Co. • • . . THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Sherwin-Williams Paint. Bitycla Accessories +Qhi-Namel and Lacqueret . • Nephnset,'Wall Board .iiisir~,ealiiiviwaaraoacsWearrKineeseacreilaaeepronnicia For Floor Coverings o: we have a good assortment of Oil Cloths, Linoleurns,° Connoleum Rugs and Carpet Squares, all at less than the present market values. Now is the time to choose the new ug fol --the--parlor:=-In~ ext to -t sseis., or -Tapestry. `. We•: have a. few Men's- Suit Ends- `n all wool Tweed -and Fine Worsted; Seewhat we have ifyott are thinking: of getting a new suit.' a Our Stock of Silks and Poplins is well assorted in the leading shades. Prices from 1.35::;to $2.50 yd The ladies will, find .in our. MillinerY, re-., artment all the newest shapes' m Hats:. Triin- mirigs and Flowers are kept well assorted. Orders promptly attended, to. See our Bargains it'Ladies' Rail 'Coats. I IAM W hL, CON . NEL,L, . . tq'14r�AAni�14�Mra�pM�,iMw� f.angsrde. Tuesday, April 16 Boger. --On Friday, April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Diemert a da ughter,. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wad observed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. da n y. Miss Ldrvina Diemert, of Toronto, is visiting her parents here.' Mri Emmett - and -son, Frank, of Tor. onto, visited .:her brother Mr. Gro. Moffat, on Sunday. Frank who is a gunner in the 70th Battery is on last leave e. TheYP.S. meeting lass week WWI led by Vara Hill.. There was a large attendance and an interesting meeting The topic was "The Christian Duty and Privilege of Bible Reading," A duet My Mother's Bible was given by shoes N.1iehardeoot,and B. Mgfat, • L fix :a picture Of this ' .Grafonola .trade mark. firmly in your`' mind. It's the one sure guide. to "The One -'incomparable Musical ..Instrument.'! This trade .mark is • on every genuine 'Columbia Grafonola and; Coiumbia -Record. ook "for'.:..... this trade mark dumbia Grior000 ola ttIIIIllhIlIHIII!1IIIiI 11111111l • FOR SALE BY Wm. A Agent, tuckitow, • 1; fMF