HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-04-18, Page 2•
Et C01111181110RATION OF viola
Csesaterewsteel Column Girdled by
Spout German Sbells Latin
Tribute ta Canadlicaa.
When France smashed ferrite osl
againtt the Loretto Ridge the aft%
Bouchee literally ran. red wt' htood.
Now the river is clean *giant bot rwis
through e wilderness, and Senehez
ckureh is so. tumbled mass
a Under itti shadow are the rametesS
graves a France, pays a =reopen&
entty Margit 15th. The shrine a our
!screw Os ssadsited 111,aeela 4111-' AirmiThE nv
easy =Wag party attache, IS bald up apeo
by one of ow posts, srepulsed. Ts
raid WI fallen Wore reaching our
wire, but two men ef the poet are
wounded` sod the third Will Seet retera,
A party of pioneers is worldng in *
certain pert of the 1LAn enemy
berme aWttal4 that trench With shell.
The daily xeport gives it as an inci-
dents The pioneers know the oast
The Pregreee of War.
The eiry of "gee disturbs the night
said tte facea ef men are hidden
=der protetling helmets that tarn
tsew --te the trtb ixte, -groe
totettoe, froott000 ex • =tee mediaeval The German neivspapers vacillate in
Men go "over the toe with their attitude toward the warlbey are'
Eon:too whit-et:4T attot4„ tome, evert waging against otviiitization. A., study
when ava ette=y post aod eteoling of them oeveala au heroic but !some-
conottoo wire are into hostile what unOneceseful determination to de-
'CRIES "ONViAltD" i ouraok
Whine* 'fithen Outlook Blackens--
Itleur Still PinHopes of Victory
On the II -Boats.
ean he no question that he will be still
further weakened. In theft citeuroo
etances, notOven the interrentien of
America ean avert England'a spec,.
teenier defiest if our II -boats centinue
their aetivitiel ae 1:valuate.
. "Tbis is the tremendous end glorit
oast work that the Uehoott aaeeeta-
plishing. We trust that the fact MO'
now he there:mei* grasped by the
doubters. If they fen to see it they
are likely vandidates for the madhouse
er the idiot asylum."
In the Frankische Tagespost, of
Moinnheim (one a the citlea bombed
by the Allies), appears this somewhat
different eentjutentz
The Coot qf Speed.
The driver wit% persists In opitresto
hog ble Meter ear at bigli speeds may
elude constanbleS and police, but he
ore end safety of .ostitera who aeed the
WeshuinchutnaetsaraleaPentgerclinalnlete \II:Wel:MY" with
nigna 514erioor :we ie;t5r le
t otxyp2oe
modernilaefitli: :Id otsourzCnedgte o...
develop their maximum efficiency
upon his car. Rere are ten reasons pending on:the zneke of tear and eQn.
"Vae people are rousing themselves. why It is expensive, dangerous, and dition of the road. Within • thie
laced blood and, treasare, they havero:Cung:iosf;isopteelidkeelnyytoacbcieci,esnetriothuast; miters
For nearly four years they. have been ,inconsideraate a others to speed.
the mute sufferers, they have saerit Tires last about twice as, long on a.
car that is driven at 15 relies* an hour EIS
f tenough not 0 be 'poky'' and the
to their readersothat Ger- been subjected, to privations untold, as upon ears driven at„..30 miles an cat will give good aervice over a
too too, to-tooteos et hen, nen. 'okay world. Some a the newspapers main- nOw they haVe had enough of suffer- is an enemy to ribber, • •
, Ita=ta ond grenades many oghtieg against an outraged they have been all but famished; sad hour. Speeding. genenatee heat, which
, trtz:t•sos Iretkaaras and revra.. =onstage
lame tak wEt4 their Prisoners and tate. persistently that all the tigers in lag., The/ demand in a voice of cm- Dri•e a -
v r ear a oundoi shar corner • Gaswine- c°*rwitiY.
period a time.
lady of Loritte uPon the ridge no‘hroo„ettt-ttomeo‘oter toth ear torieeto, the universe have decided. tai• Prowl in mand-ne longer of entreety--peace, 20 reeetoom does Mereolamage -Sinae the high cost of living has be-
lages are mounds of broken stone =Card returns with risoners_sor it may 'acknowlecl ent that it is difficult to The speeches of the government's men
p gasoline, It have been seeking to -de-
vise ways and means by•which a
to include the price of
longer knows the worship at the pea -lees they Leong teen their Own, emotion the Peaceful and godlike Valleys of freedein,"hreadi
ple of little villages, for what were old -4,1a mei their dean, A rebel gees out Germany, but others make reluctant "Away with all official subterfuge!
` to the tires then 29 miles of straight gun seriotislY
road work. Excessive side r
on tires ma inch the tubes- aesndu it
y p
aura came first tinder heavy hem- ied intermittent! ail dia. • " Id h G f If d
y rtots azalea ,tvet. owl e wrong an 0 y ermany o se - etermination of the' PeoPles. • ' 1 few
tgreater mileage can be obtained. A
sof my experiments' bave prayed
waste,. Tradition says that when thOnot return, A bottety position glair eatia-fy one s the rest of tha ring vtith phrases concermn the ht
g r g always Strains the• side walls -10f the'
hardment the French • polies, toiling wait at eight The nay cornett_ xight. Well, then, the German people are eaSiligS"
owr trenches, made another, an algae tens little to the mthaitiated Many of the newspapers fluctuate ready. to show what they understand so alleges/4111 that giy!, tiltn? for
- High speeds are liltely •to cause
g and breakage of spring and the benefit ot other motorists.
their own
earthly shrine, for Our LadY under The war is too big for incidents. ' with the news troin'the fronts. When bY these words.
parapet-eaul so Worshipped so the days and nights passBe. things go badly there are guarded "If in theplaces the high• '
voice of
getous when. speeding, times
In pro ortion to the mileage obtain-
, w le are an. If one will remember to leave the
Gerfhan soldier .is treated like
- steering gear 'any of h li Id
'win * ridge. That ridge is wont but! France andEmpire. Beyond the ridge i demnities; when the war god seems to if not, machines Fill be stopped,
d IS' e syeids.require more gas°. cut-out open when coasting along un -
a dumb animal," says Redlich: "40
, under it.s protection lie many cemeter- the men of Canada fight with that ieFile qn, the Central Empties there are workshops and factories will be de- ; # ig
me atid oil than a moderate rate of . dulating country toads' the engine
-eomust grin and beat it --there iS no ap. , '
ed 'm the thottaands to Mid the ridge are the graves of outbursts against annexations and in- the people" is heeded all will bewell;
zintil they di - ie
L es. In one, vow followa Anion row ofg may be cut off cOmpletely without
' little earthen ° mounda-won each men have raade the tradition of tie fence" be prosecuted till England and .bor shall not be heard until the peo. •
4 pWs long overdue rights to peace, to excessive fear of bursting •the muffler. Th
peal." •
Hadlich's story perhaps is the raore
. sure gallantry Which Countless gentle. [vigorous demands that the "war of de- serted owe again, and the hum oi la -I
Mound * cross-over each cross the Dominion, The heart of .'srance beats ; her allies- have:been crushed.
d ls-u.slaileecetds, *slight exertion of energy to throw the
Asette of the Republic---uPon each high: Amerta rooveshnightily to the I Scant mention was made of the of- freedom and to bread be conceded?' switch off and on will, in a day's run-
ouv-eeraroll:gth ‘ •
' the hearings to enormous strains, Driving on , pavement and ' city
ning, save 'a considerable amount of
(=unknown). The ram of Canada- and growl ,have that in their tone : cussion: in the newspapers in allied , . , . .. . rapidly
to swaemare mmi jueachge mboarde fuel. • # ' •
streets one can also be economical by many to appreciate conditions that ex -
gross only the words "Ern Ineonne firing line.. The Cana as they mutter , fensive-which Was the live topic og dis- . .. '
coming froth overseas and speaking a which tells'of inettiry as if. they wetre ;countries. Occasional references to it ,"RATS" OF VARIOT.IS DEGREES. shutting off the engine half a blocki let there.
Crimes Wili Darken. the II:story* of
Kaiserism Forever; Declares
a Deser(er. 0
• Curt Redlich, a young German me-
chame employed in a maciane shop na
Ohio town, one-time via.* in • the
German' army, soldier of fortune and
finally an American citizen, not only
believes the stories a Gertnan brut
tality that have come, ocrosi seas but
he thinks when the whole etory has
been told trinies that will darken the.
pages of the,instory khsgrIsrai tori -
ever will come to the people'of the
world. They will be told not only -by
victims but by the very soldiers ofthe
kaiser himself, Hacilich thinks. '
He is a deserter from *the German -
..ormy becinuei oi treatinent, he could •
not stand His father is a life cripple
from the indignities even of peace
interesting because he has travelled
enotigh, seen enqugh and yarned
enough outside the confines of Ger-
been covered at moderate speed. • or more before the stopping place is Father Crippled for Life.
foreign tongue--Inare helped in build- asking 'what the Year would bring were based on the belief the nation
High speed nuly cause crystallize-
kriown dead of the Republica. 'fidenee. For here in the battle line:;blood, and that the fate of Germany
lag that cemeta7 to the glotions ' ma- forth, but the 'undertone is one of con-
- could not afford another drenching of System of Promotion sn. Vogue in
tion of rapidly 'flaying metal parts lil(clied. "My father.is a living example of
that are subject' to strain and, these It ia quite ramecessarY, '
the effects of German militarisMo' he
Vimy Ridge Memorial. • men anticipate victorsh Their mess- should beintrusted to Von Tirpitz . German ' '
and harmful as well, to tax the motor
with cad to 'am on the brakes\
exp et to have him come to this
• • •
will be done well. They ask that those at the curb a Ymomejnt later. The ta- said.
, One of the most succeesful ways of may break at any time without warn- "ler the watt.if he still is liv- t •
hope. They will do their work, It "Dastardly Attacks.7,
behind thexa is one of the sublnerine•
All over this area friini Lorette age to those
Ridge e,nd on to A.tras are French raid
' Britiskand Canadian cernete.ries., Can-
adian solclieralie aide by side With the
dead of Britain and France.. Mere is
disciplinieg the German people, saye jag_
• former pmted States Ambassador A high. rat- of travel over 'earth,
Angry protests appeared in most of G
tural impetus of the car avill carry it
count.ry to live as God intended peo-,
• excessiye dust and, in injuries. to the Much further •thart.ene.realizes.
of how brirtal Gerinan -officers are to
ergrd in My Four Years in GermanY,, gravel, or macadam roads +results • in A ple should live. Ile toocart tell stories
councillor,and is a title of her giv- road. strengthen the motive power of 'the •
strong- spark may be employ, to
at home :should fight with them; be of
their spirits sha.re their courage; back of German,
the newapapers against the bombing is by
cities by the French and the Rat aystem. Rat means
the soldiers under theni.
little cross of stone. It,s writing tells them up.
1 en to anyone who has attained a car- - ''' gasoline. Inexperienced drivers top •
English. Bombardments-, of railway
that it wa.s erected' to one of the sons!.
"Like all young Germans he -enier
• stations and barracks, whioh ha•ve been
High spe•
ed interfere with the acetal often leave their, sparle lever below
thin measure of success or standing in , ed military service when he was
• 'of the Dominion by "his chums from ' DOCTOR's lam cons DIME. 'the only tEtrgets of the allied airmen, his chosen. business or pr f F racy a steering, as is shown by the its point of highest efficiency, thereoy
St. Catherines, Ont." Standing out
o ession. or twenty:* Ore day his company' was
b f kl
num ar Q rye ess driver -who have overheating tb,e motor and reduc.,
upon the ViinY Ridge la a memorial of •The Ordinary Charge of Medical Men 7.ipon. the civil population.4 Y
. examPle, "a business man la made a -gene over banks and into ditches, es- ing the speed value of the open throt- 'practising scaling. Ile had beeir ill
a, . . • Wthe titter collapse of Russia .conunerce Rat; a lawyer a justice
Rat; a doctor, a s 1 ' R pecially- on 'curves. •,
stone, enclosed with Gerzdan armor' -in 'Chin
ere. branded as dastai 1 'attacks.
ficer struck .him with 'a svfo•
rd. He
'devices I am getting Era average of 16
miles to the gallort. from my Big
and was unable to get over a feriae at
• which'pritetice was being held An' of-
Itiercing shallot and croWned with. n 11th cost of a doctor's visit in China • • y y of architect or builder, a building Rat; a nerves ofdriver-and eayl:: andtheTh u h these Etna similar simple .
ani era # at; a.n c
great cross. Only a. fevodays ago the ranges froin 5 to 10 cents.. Ohe would sian territory the press gathered new keeper of the archives, an archive Rat; passengers in the car. • , • fell and' hia arm. was broken. It wits- .
commander dike Canadian Corps and
u think that, inasmuch as they are so hope and optimism. The ,newspapers, and so • on. They are created in this ',I•nally it is a menace to the pleas- not properly cared for, and that arm •
• General Byng, another We beloved heti : •
p, -nobody would be without doe- to one who feeds them earefully, are way; first, a man becomes a plain . has been useless since. #
the Empire, stood here whit C tor's visits in China, 'but, as a tact a true mirror of the German tempera- lortp-r 'ilateeroolzillizisnt
at Metz ' and Strassb9rg I' saw Clings '
leader, and many men of Canada. and c • "While I wee -stationed at the fort .
eh' t I ' li ' raent as it ia understood by the aver- • ' ' 718.1 Pat
sezractseRaer t-,
eourt Rat, and later still a wirklicher, of trench. and sit underneath it.' At
. e anon the
happen myself' that would make ' art
or reatly and truly a secret Anirt Rat, Some 'of Hi Ch t " • arty rate,. it keeps the rain •off, and
. and the seizure b Germany Rus- • It is a Strain on th •
• '
as IOW 01
Scott read a simple service; and the thIW em as •P'ossible. The reason is said
`flag of the Dominion draping the nie,. to be-ibitt the Mangoliairdoctors ase
was lifted that men. might read. such abaminable medicines-_Extracte
--Vila Was Written on the bronSe t -#01 -et of sorts of creeping thinga enter
tuiderneatiaL ; into,the Chinese drug list, and people
- Erected -in Memory of .` • are averse-to-faking•thein, except in
Officers, Non-contrafssionecti- Officers case of extreme necessity. „ •
- and hien of thePanadian . • It is possible that doctors have pur-
- • - Corps .Aetilleria
• ;Who -Fell During -the Viray Operations
'April; 1917. -
• . Canadian Field Artilleiy
Royal Field Atillert
' • Canadian Garrison Artillery,
Royal Garrison Artillery,
South African:Field Artiller3r.
age citizen. Whea the outlook • is
bright the Gerinan says 4,0award."
Whon the outlook blackens Ls whines.
Novihere is there to be, found among
theeditorial comments anything which
timacks of tha;aitruism. shown:by-the
labor of the civilized world for .the
people of the Central Empires. An
nosely provided themselves with these epitome of the • entire German press,
as read and studied by the officials of
offensive remedies as aaneans of self -
Great Britain, and by ciiilia'ns as
protection. It •welficl be very weary- Great
is, "Continue the war as long as
ing to • be a popular phyician at 5
there is hopeofcrushing England and
cents a visit; he might run. his legs.
off' and get no sleep., He accordi y theother Allies!'
makes himself unpopular through " The newspapers show clearly also
at the husmess people of Germany
Medium of medicines • decocted of!
are growing concerned about the -corn-
The whole land tells of death and „beetles and grasehoppers and such
Inercial future �f .GermEtay, particu-
. heroism_and stern endurance to the things. ' He 'prefers simple poverty to
larly in view of the hatred engendered
great end that freedom may triumph Poverty coraplicated with itinning•
and civilization endure. • There are about.
, graves besides the guns and neer the t -
guns, gunners are the land for •
• American 'soldier think that the dis-
• s arac entities Describ- thatis all thatlfis instractS derna-nd of
to which -may be added the ' title of. oaay_alp. linaheasarnetimeossimplains shorn
"excellency," which puts tthe man at ' baa-Famous-WriterrIatrillay.7-,----him.----An- ounce -at- eeinfort is *
is heaven 4n cornparison. The soldiers
the helof the Rat
odoetto -- - ----. • it the present oment ere are•right 9"•°139/41d-ef--seeerity --- - get Sunday off at •certaie periode atfd
'The oaten-Werkeinsidiouily
#- '-
jaathaeli- at re,.st Once -more, an& are -Wag Ile' looks about bite. The parapet
'- :7•
German custom, the woman . always, treated with a consideration amount- here requires fresh *sandbags; -there' lo.ok
pumping out Does visit home. • --. , . „. a
f7eals'ed'etno'ittheiilhapbpeecanusteini:theeY' a'ena:. -.
carries the husband's title.
'of 'Et successful builder -1s knownas
The wife ivniagisaoeilmaosstthtaat iwildeualgrtnbceerawgh4chat.tecnoend- the trench needs
he fill sandbags or pump of his own
timje again that offiee,rs kept aoine of,
volition? Not at alt. Unless re -
the men. in barracks, apparently mere- . t
Mrs. Rally-Trul3r-Secret-Court-Build- ,purPe",-s-stoe eprnbrpillsoeyortohgye g:fuethsoemmeohmueto,t,et- morsely supervised, he will devote the
ing Rat, and her social precedeace
A Song of Faith. Mans expect an end of the aver 'before Nit soldier the most invincible person
, ploughed the soil for the ' crop that -
I planted My seed in my garden to- a great while and are figuring on an is anything in a man's past, if he has home from home is furnished. He is
happy sigh. His work is done. His stories high, merely t? give them a
vegetable gardens, and farmers have `. . the coveted distinction; and if there ,
in -the World. The Frenchman is in- task. After they had emptied the bar -
the fall will bring.' The guns are • den ' • ' . . immediate .resumption Of world trad- shown at any time any spirit of oppor spired to glorious deeds by his .great now at leisure to think about 'they rels they would be forced to Carry the
growling louder every day for the And I turned my face to the Sun, . ,
ing. They will, to judge from the re- sition th the government, as disclosed 'spirit and passionate love of hisilier back up and fill them again. '
own Gairmans".again. That may sound likw
spirit of the living is not less than With a *steadfast hope that a rose ports, have more ships than they in- by the police registers, which are- mare . pm . e erman. g , as e
. , an exaggeration, but "comfort first" "I haye seen privates put to work _
of the dead, and it is in the minds would repay' en o leave or the rest of the world kept written up-to-datethinks, like a machineBut the Brit- about every is the motto a that loyable but impu- on Sunday., morning with a bucket ' of.'
of those who' fight that whenever, the . The work ray faith lad begun. '
a d Iy nursing a slight grudge of a per,
. t f th o t inventin
over the other women depends entire-
lyaiipon her husband's position, in the.
Rat class. •Titles a nobility aione, do
for some. paaticularly strenuous dug-
from France before tbe great out -"Jock's Lodge," or 'turns' Cot
net count when titage,”
chalking' up a title for his new prise in the near future. writes Ian
•or •"Cyclists' Rest"•-aastipple-
4y cefine in contact drive. - •
. Well, we are ready.. Andoiibove all, mented by a cautionary notice, such
with a high governinent position Nosy,
victory is in %the air., We are going as -"No admittance. •. Thig 'Wens
if a lawyer gets to be . about -forty you " '
sonaI natirre-perhaps merely to have
a bit, of sport at the private's ex-
penseto These ' same officers -would--
think up all kinds of punishments for
their men,- often puttiag: a fellow at
some task on his day off w-hile seaeral
into our next fight with new -barn con- a hundred ether soldiers were idle and..
years old and is not some sort of Rat, Thereafter, with . shells whistlin
his .wife begins to nag him, and' his fidence in the powers behind us, and
it is this very faculty -philosophic over his .head, he will decorate the could have done the same work.
na e e .e es an Great Bra' parapet in his immediate vicinity with "I-ha.ve seen officers, order men to •
thin.' Articles miblialted about ship- friends and relatives look at him•with-
suspician. There .must be something trust, coupled with absolute lack of picture -postcards aiod eigarette•photo- .carry water from the big barrels. kept • "
yards and
imagination -which makes the Brit-
. factoriee indicate' the 'Ger-
. in life that preventi his obtaining graphs. Then he leans back with a in barracks, sometimes three or our • •
and count on steaming out upon the German citizen; then:he has.,no chance
seven se -a. with. the finest merchant.
fleet afloat the moment the banner of of obtaining any of the distctions
that make up.so much of the social
peace is unfurled. . . life a German% It is a means by
' ----- "Glorious" Work of U -Boat.
The U-boat campaign is the chief re-
liance of the Germans. An article
y , through owing i ,watr 'tooth and ordered -
e -s dent grasshopper, Thomas Al all
the time. •
• end be written, —------------
4. will not cmne until • • entire' indifference, to the pros and cons to scrub the floors.' • •
If a private does not shoot �r
' •
And I.hid-my face tram the sun, "Put the average Tommy into, a
years id witr find' 'France strong of
victory is won?' Three and a half buried mSr ;rove in a grave one day of the tactical situation. •
•, march as well as the officer thinks•he.
heart. Britain, head of Eni*e, -leads. And •I shrouded -myself in mourningshould, he is certain to be punished
which the government keeps a *far retie im er re. ' ow does he com-
port himself ? Does he begin by. Cabbage and cauliflower plants
ment then was to—,
It yeto Cana, dat stronger on• the greY' ' ' . tight'er' hold on,:the intellectual art ahould be set out as early as possible'
. . little .rest.. Chi the other 0 soul th t
the anemy ' egg plants and peppers are not to be 'require a private to stand erect, then
kneel to the ground, repeating the per -
One favorite treat
.' 'battlefront ttlian ever before, gives And felt oat an joy was gone;
. • . of the population than it could if it striking an attitude and hurling de- -
fiance at the foe? No. He begin.s by and onion site ', planted. Tomatoes
, , a can plant, with faith; a this topic trecently appeared an used threats of torture and the stake.
inquiring, in no Uncertain voice, where
1 , ns and Avion and . seed, • • • . nanover 'Curler. R .reads: e 'The Social Deraocrats Who of course • -
, side 'of Vimy in Le '
s ong a white line that cannot be de .
, formance for an hour or more. I've
set out -until the ground and weathei
•his — dinner is? He.then exaraines
'And trust it vnll grow and hie o "We are entir 1 t I have declared theras.elves against the Etre warm. • • •• lteen of4cers :beat and kick '-oldiers
• •
OM ,
his .new quarters. Before him stands . .
eya a o o un-
lined, the captains and the subalterns Whyonourn in despair, that God derstand the Mentality so manv parape , u ess• may ap
existing systern of 'government arid in who became, exhausted from tine task.
- favor of a republic, can receive no dis- a .
t ttr ed h *th • "We stood in a circle around the ad.
an& the Men under veteran leaders • ` need . • . , Germans ,who are stpLunconvinced re- R frequently happens that a three
h b hurdles or balks of timber, the whole venturous dead. I have rarely attend- d
keep worrying the enemy night and Of thy9 Why • d tinctions from t e• government, e- nay, strenuous strenuous drill on breadand, we- .
day.- rt is routine. trench warfare. •
love . y e in garding the eeisive efficacy of the -being designed to pr'eserved hie life ed so olovioga seenet-this brave eon- •• •
• boat war. cause they dared. to- lift tneir voices y all, one of the first
ter diet follows."
from -hostile prbjectiles. HOW does he rao-o*.e6 ))el -OV -e -d -b
.,, a -
There is, little to report that stands If the .seed thou liast seseii briag an pens cri icism o e existing
These unreasoning peoele forget t treat, this_lralwark?. _Unless closely to got -an -Amor -jam to -this- exPeriniOnt--` • ------v-
5 a
• , '
ellt., --,,,,,..., f„,,f. .t. t • ft, 4-, • -order.. Fon- Own( theta itt thelear ,of , , . ' i . • . i •
Powers which have now become the lewt :t'env'etione v't "le q"ne et for A. wood .
_tot OiYetrae the_nian-orlonraiejettfittoott. .Inothetecearsetefottn-evenine reoephoo
_ „fiat •ti3Ofido,f;:„thip....c.forAn'tergitst.stagrejr„,:. --- -rote.
period. But atter night, under 'With fragrance and beadier so rarer trai
a..a.a..aaararataeaa\aaaaw aratraoatattathearatatanaaaillahhtt-Aittna-A:°' aeriannotha
fet •,1-• ttr. Or. Trlf,,MFIEircitYA414.. meat, • , nettini Berootte,ht-Jtoottto-• o ---------o •
- - - - _
-,.00ttiot• • to''-'tti`. ..settoltoontoheelomIthteatt iftneott-YeeetTelinig-as =to .CCIIMEIE ittl7nrifirigt51311:-
• sight, - or- M bThidingi , . . forces have been onthecline/lea:- - AV -the opening -of the war .
darkness,•our reconnoitring and battle Care less for thy- love lrad there9 defensive, is in no small •ineasure due an amnes y gr
t was anted in many of for himself a place of shelter. This ahead when others turn back, who ta, voice s:iigt for the guests. , One of
sounds a sensible proceeding, -but here stiffens up, when others weaken, who ' ie gues s, urne o a mee co o mg
ritroIs are out in No Man's Land. ' " these cases, the ministry of war vrith-
to the U-boats. . • d , • . again it is a case of "safety second." knoWs no such word as "caret" or little man, who sat at his side and •
Ives lighten the laadscape
• .
for, a Ground awes -are excellent in clip- "More than that, however, the 'sub,
rawing many proseau.tiona agarast
tA • British Tommy regards himself 'as "give up"; wail will show you a man said:
e campaign.has• greatly weaken -
r chief enemy in view of the earn- in jail li.ecause they had dared ' te
•-= 'of his enemies if he can I y h t f
corrugated iron roofi acro s his bit
Moment d OUt '
ng nightto boards where ants are found. The inarin
might Snipers' bullets' whinethrough ins,eets will. not Foss a circle ..of ed ou
the Serknese.. Machine galls thatter vio:Q-es„
ci s o gtrial completely' protected frciafthe assaults
eeisive-:land battlei; asd there
tag .4.
speak d'isPectfullr 'cif the. arni*V-
...MI 1
a a s ee o
who will win in the end, no matter • "lIew awful! Who can she be?"
what obstacles edif,ronf Iiim.---11fata "That," replied the man addressed, _
dep, my wife."
_ toots, ' "Oh, I lob -bog your pardon!" itut-
thred the other. !. "She's really
kraiw she'd sing beautifully if. she
-made a better selection ober mu*.
Wbo do you. 'suppose wrote that
, "I did," replied the meek.looking
little !nen, •
714-714c201-2aftpus icof tol4G)
DolooR .6tioppir4a
.1404! AT Pikesetni!
:Age, Sa
Do loUR stioPPING
govi! PRF.6641.1.•
ARS. So PLEAsAtfi.
DO tr 11041 AND DO
Le-CalD111014 a
ARV- So inzAsAtO.
bon -Now Are Po
11 emu.*
loos Moto -rite.
i , .,
/ ,
., ,i,
ttelltillinga *Owe. ftt, fi
,....,4,4444ik •
\A, vvit
' Air Raid Signs,
Itondoners can tell by looking at, the
night Sky whether to expeet Gotha
raids or whether to go comfortably to
:bed. if the moon shines and the night
is dear he studies the cond. ,Should
they: be at some height racing from -
the east it is safe to assume, that the
Gothas will not come, for they cannot. .
inake. progress against a west Find, •
which bolds them back from the Britt
iah shore. li, however, the clouds are
flying from the 'west the • Londoner
• prepares fop a lively etening.
The New Arrival.
•Major --Are you a poet or an artist
or, anything like that?
• Reeruik-No,
Major -Then go 'and have our hair
out immediately.