HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-04-11, Page 8ew S
We have lust opened up seine nice Spring Coatings that we
consider ezta a, value. Our rage contains medium weight
ivaterial, double fold, fine qualities, good colorings.. Prices-
-1.5o, 1.75, 2.00 aid $3.00. .
Black Underskirts
Thisis another line where special values prevail in nicely
,trade and neatly trimmed Underskirts of Black Sateen ,at
x.2$ and $2,00, and a fine quality of Silk Taffetta at $3.00
= 'La -Meg' Collars
Just %opened up a new assortment of latest styles of Ladies'
Collars in white and white with colors at $oe to .$I,4o.
Silk and Charroisetto Gloves
The " Kayser " brand of. Gloves has: been long and favorably
known for their excellent wearing qualities.., Their Silk doves
are finished with patent double finger tips which add to their ,
durability,;' and with each pair of Chamoisette Gloves directions
are given for washing so as to preserve - their lustre and neat
appearance., Prices --Silk gsc, Chamoisette $i;oa.
Si allware ' Department
• d -spar tment we carry a gassortment of useful articles in everyday.
• In this ..Ylarge•
use. Some of the newest articles added are:
'leads, in veryret designs', at 020, 2: and 35c per string '
Fancy ds, Ti ty designs' 5
Beads for Trimming, in glass tubes, in a large variety of colors, at as a tube:
Fancy Hat Pins, nicedesigns, boxed separately, at 25c each.
Fancy Colored Edgings, Lingerie and Feather Stitch $raid' atz c. per package.,'
Bone Barrettes, :in various styles, at •io, 15 and. 25 ., t. •
See our Show Cases for small waxes' display; •
This letter pub1i bed below watt, rec-
eiyed by 3irr. J. Whitehead, of Walk -
erten, from her son, Capt. R, ll.'White-
lu>ad, of Ow' Bruce Battalion, He gives
snow interesting fasts"about\ the break-
ing up of the ;tit 1liivisioii, and" of the
ikittallen to which hebelonged:
Witley Camp,
February 7, 1918
you doubtless already know the
glorious Orb. Division ii} au organizatma
of the past. A group of highly trained
Canadian .Battalions that existed away
back in the. year 1016.1917, • but was
broken up and cast, to the four winds;of
heaven on February 21nd. 1911, to sup-
ply reinforcements to Battalions
France 'already depleted in numbers.
The, -.100th, was one of the units to be
broken first. On Saturday .last podia
cally half of the Battalion (that bas
stuck together as.:annit for the past two
),ears)w•1vas..sent unto, Abe 4th, lteaerve,
Brarnahott, to be abseirbed by that unit
as reinfofcement. The remainder of Jhc
Battalionirk sending drifts .to . France
very shortly.. Luckily all our men are
,going .to Western Ontario Battalions.
now in France -and one. Western Cait-
alien Battalion as. pioneers,
There are seven. cificers . going to
\France, these being the captains (includ-
ing myself). We getthe privilege of
going over holding • our. rank,- instead of
reverting to rank oi; lieutenants. T my-
self am going to the 81.h .Battalion iom.
Winnipeg. \ We do not know definitely
just when we will go but expectit will
be. very , soon, Texas Cameron' went.
across on Monday last to the and Pion.
ears. Mack MacKay • revertedto lieu
tehant• and; went -across et the same time
toF'the•lat .Battalion. '' If ever there is a
conscientious• ifficer Mack is the one,i
and if there is. ever.a call • for a nasty
job, Mack will be onof the first to vol-
unteer..'- He , is just. the kind, to sit up
l t.
o y
ET : the. Ford car introduce youto the beauties of
Nature and the outside world. ' Let it take you into
the country, or along the . lakes where the air .• is
fresh and: sweet. `
• A Ford car will open up new fields of pleasant possibili-
ossibil-ties forou,and your. family and at the same time
you faithfully in business,
caro ` wife
—your No. doubt �rou have felt the need of;a y.
ar w nfti * ria 1V11 .fit= n•-t�3 ..
_ now? other car thatgives such•good
one There is : lila
v�'9.•..,w�,s.�_.�-,.:Y.-. s.__ .. :x.,�=_-Y _ �,..0 c,-�—:'9: _ 9.a� .`.er..'M n+m:ei T�:"•,.: _ -. .._-.
. car is so o alar eve : :here,.—•
Ford p p - i'YW � ..:
The Ford is powerful, easy to drive, economical, endur
ing. • It is the car you need.
%mahout m • $575
:Touring m $595
Coupe . $770
1edan ' $970
Chassis - $535
TI!E-UNIVF:RS`AL CAR :One-tonTrucic $750
F. O. B. ,ORD; ONT.
4onday, April Atli
We are sorry to hear of the illness of
Mr. !flip Thildenby and hope that it will
not be serious,
Mt M. Oassidv. of Cobalt, is spending
a few days in our burg. • '
Miss *try Hetherington returned to
Stratford l orriral: on Monday.
Mr. Arthur Ualdenby returned to Tor -
unto on Monday after spending.the week •
end under the parental roof.
One would have thought that people
had evacuated their °hoc ea and had'
taken to the bush had they been in
Mr. M, S. Ualdenby's sugar bush last
Saturday. Welcome girls 'tis' an, old
custom relived:,. •
One of our young gentler en has in-
troduced a "Home De-livsry systeiri" to:
operate in .connection with the Women's
Auxiliary. Good system that butadnn't
to so long on the .last trip after this.. ....
What about that"Spring Drive" that
we have heard so much of .during the,
winter, . Library tBoardl Have you Lost
heart after the Germanreverstt Sound
the call and you will find that our read-
ers will yet , hold the lane as they have
done for nearly a quarter. of .a century
rather than forfeit a, library of twenty
five hundred volumes. • ' „
Sales are in vogue these days•and our
boys have specialized on drivers and.
furniture. Well .boys we can interpret
the driver problem, but what about the:
furniture1. . ,• • "
Now fades the last long streaks of snow
s arehappier down thea way,
tippler every less they say
ng tiiue do the violets glow.
all night ,too, ,to sire that his --men are
'well cared for. .I was nighty sorry .'lo!
see hire gel but it, tarred outthat he
was the 'first of tout'` officers :to go' to
France. ` It surely has been a long time
sinceI have had to contend with a lump
in my throat, -but when _the crowd ►nov-
ed- off our.•parade giountis on *Satuiids:y •
With' fifteen officers to go to the, 4th:
Reserve. at Bramshott:.:I vraa ;bidding._
good bye--toithe„ Sergeant Major, who'
has always been my right, band -man and
When tears welled up in his eyes and he.
couldn't speak' but simply turned'%and
walked away, it"'certainly did affect me.
However these are all: the'' fortunes of
war• to he borne soon..r or later'
This suyrelhas'1_een a wopdcrful Bat-
talion:. Recruited all in Brucer. County,
made up,principally of farmer boys with'
very little idea 'of military discipline,
they hq:ve surely acquitted thenisclyes
like, real;•soldiers: - Their splendid record
of discipl nie has been truly marvellous.
,During the past year there was ,not one
District Court, Martial Case in the Bat-
talion while in everyone of the ttthey
Battalions in the Division there have
been not lessthan five cases and in some
,cased; as high • as 23 erases in the year
1917.' That: truly is, an . enviable:record:
Every man in our Battalion was placed
on .his-honour;and :punishments meted.
'out were never very `heavy. There reall+
Phone Nos 110 is at Your Service
We Oen Ur Cash -94'40N Cheaper Than The Credit Store*
ianday, April 8. • •
extend con ratulatio'to Mr. and
Vfl`e ns g •
Mrs. Mackenzie. .. . '.
Sunday School was resumed in 'the,
Vine River Fres. charch last *Sunday
morning, with a large attendance: Rev.
Mr. McRae conducted the services in
the. occupied
theul p it in the Pces, church, Kincar-
dine: p - ..
,lr. and. Mrg. John Reid spent- Sun -
dal' last at Mt L. Payroll's, s, Kincardine,
ale r Too' l "ttluter, of li,o44on, spout
this weekend under the parental roof.
s Nellie McMen and lits fil
garetMie$anter :visitedullat , Mr. hoA.. Armar,
strong's one day last week;'
The Seed Branch, of the Department.
• of AgrieultuFe .at Ottawa is -urging.
farmersto'grow swede turnip seed this
year..,• The price this season in Canada
is about 81.50 per pound anti in the
United States $2.30. Italso advisee
.the careful testing of bean seed as much
Which is on the nttitket is 'unreliable ag'
Lurgan .. ' .
- > ,--Monday, . April 8.
The bo
Per in ser
Nor rin :.
The di
the woodland load and long:
tepeetakes a lovlier bun
a the apple orchard's toe
The robin'sis'a familiar soap --._-
Our ge
man retti
home in
.. ' 'victor
was never any necessity for severity ex
cept in isolated .instances. • ' The 'Bat-
talion duringthe past year has, made a
name; for itself in many different brin-
ches. The. Brigade Offi:er told me per-
sonally that they had less . trouble with
our Orden .Boom'than any
.other in h
e Bs
>a M
1igavo .tan 1
' ' Monday, April 8;,h
ial teacher, Miss Lillian Long=
nod to -resume her duties after
the Easter vacation at her
hitechurch i r ; •
a Champion .returned home
aftervie, ting with her sister, Mrs Sandy
" "lar: `and Mrs-:Stsw'ar• d= McBurney
spent Sugdey:``at W._.8: •King'scTees.
- Mr..and- Mrs, Albeit McQuillin, of:
near Lwwknow, apeilt Sunday with their:
sister, Mrs. Edward Haines.,
:__Mrs .. Evans'. Baines-:_:and.._fatuily are
visiting With her mother, Mrs J. -C 6am:'
ney, Of -Westfield. -
Mise -Amelia. Leaver; spent her Easter.
holidays with her cousin,: Annie Leaver,
Miss Pearl Webster -returned. to Z
land to to resume her duty after spending'
Easter at 3`, Webster's: . "
= We are glad:, to report that -Atex Rin
toul is able to'bearound again.
Mrs.. Jas. Barbour held a successful
quilting bee last week.
Margaret Rintoul returned; to Wing:
ham _ afterspending : couple of days at
Lary Championship; we put.on
, :the best
i,.r , •ae<a dataatetariX111•
t 1:`t all ' 'iian G liiu%ihe was"ori•
�i�e s
other Battalion in the'ath Division that
.was yur equal in many different, lines:
Officers from other $attalions in the
Division' have told.nie on different• oc-
casions ,that our Battalion was by 'all.
odds the best Battalion in the
Division, ' Forgive me, Mother, for toot
lag this horn so loudly btit the. 160th.
Battalion,.although unoiv•a thing ofbthe
past,-.--niust--never- be- forgotten. • 'There
must be :a permanent •place in the Can.
,adian'Archives.• for the history 'of the
men of Bruce, who cane to- England'in
October a.t1l6, • to fight in -the great war,
ibis, time,'
next month there will "be'
• many. tnen Of the 160th: who will bedo-.
ir.g their bit in the front line, and I
know that wherever the boys go they
will acquit. themselves just as creditably
as the seasoned veterans.
We extend oon,gratulatione and ' best
wishes to the Editor, of Tilt Sint
Bugler Tom Palmer is home from
London for a few days.
Miss Annie MacPherson spent. tile
Easter holidays in°Toronto.
Mrs, Mr. and aM4 s, aiatthew -Welsh spent
Sunday in Goderieh. .' ,
'Wood bees were ilio order of the day.
in our burg last week.
Conrad .Brown is sporting arotuid
With a new driver these da,vs. •
A: series of !articles • descriptive •, of
travel in a typical sail -boat on the Nile
begins in the April; CA:r-rvik:r y AGA-
ztsu ` The writer, I3elen M. • L:Igar,
'wife of •1 rofesaor Pelham Edgar, Made
the trip, accompanied by her husband
and Dr. Uarrelly, the woll-knoan llgypt.
ologist, curator of the Ontario Provincial
M.useinii at Toronto The first article
is delightfully entertatnine, while at the
same time one gets 'a sii'olid idea of
what one sets on arriving at . Cairo : •and
gettingunder way for a leisurely cruise
On the moat enebMntipg of all tilers,
Kinloisgh •
-Tuesday, April lith'
• Mr Wm,: Ronson- is; spendinga tew
days with fritnds m this burg: '
We are sorry to report that Mrs. Wat-.
son Scott is stilt under the Doctor's earey�
Miss Ida Rath'well„has returned ,to
- Mr.-Arthtir'llaldenbyhas returned to
his.home here. .
We are glad to see Mrs. 11... F. Hogdi
kinson about again•elter her•n,isfortunee.
Malcolm I3ros..have.rented 'the ,Rou-
com••: ta'rmlor.grass this sumnrcr.,
•Mr. and=Mr's. Jack Eckinswiller and
don; Edgar, visited at Clifford on Sun:
Mr• Cecil •Robinson and sister, Rebec-
ca, of Kincardine; visited. at Mr. James.
'ercy's on Sunday. -
Come '•to the patriotic dance in the
Town .•hall Luckhow, on the evening c f
Theil inen around here have.beea4very
busy boiling down maple syrup'. and
cutting wood. i •
Mr. S. Berman andiady fried visit :
ed at. his uncle's, Jacob. Ekirswiller, ori
We are Sorry to report that Mr. Cres
Minister of the Anglican church here, is'•'
•going to lease for a new field of labor.
in Parkhill;
There will be a box scci l belrh•in the
Arglicau church here on Friday evening,
April 12, under.. the auspices of the
Women's Patriotic League. .Everybody
Mr. Edgar Eckinswillerr who has been
hone forthepis week ha
s returned
Toronto where he has enlisted as agunner
in the 70 *tterg.
T1... `Pt< ot.,KAral
11 vykol,llrJ
Is _ a perfect washing
machine, easily operat-
perated and -washes absolutes
eiy clean, • We have
sold dozens ,o f them)
and stave yet to see the
first dissatisfied . custo-
mer, -.l numberin
stock to sell at .the old
Scrub Brushes xoc. Mops Mo to 50e.
O -Cedar Mops x.00 and . r.so, Whitewash •Brushes
from 2sc to 444. Flaxoap, just the thing for
Washing 'painted floors and woodwork,20c,
Car of c eveIa. d Coiled Wire ons.-.
hand► ,Also
Woven: Fencing`.
and .Barb Wire
We Kaye our Tinshop running and are in a
position to doall kinds ; of repairing. •,
le Lucknow Hardware & Coale°.
or Floor Coverings
Linoleums, Congoleuu_' Rugs . and ' Carpet'
Squares,, ar11-;at :less_thai .the :p esent_ma rket .
::values.: Now is the time. to choose- the new
rug for the parlor, in, Axminster, Brtissels
or Tapestry. ':`
We have a' few - :Men's Suit Ends : in ail wool
Tweed and Fine: Worsted. See what We hate;_ if- you_:..
are thinking of getting a new stint.
Our Stockof• Silks' and Poplins is well assorted
in the leading shades Prices from' 1.35 to $2.50 yd
The -ladies will find in. our 1VMillipery _ r e-
partment' allhe newest shapes in•:Hats, :.Trin
' icings and. Flowers are kept, well assorted. Orders
promptly attended to.
See our'Bargains in Ladies' Rain Coats
.:A .,.fin out.
Farmers �ti� �. .
w , •Stocicof Reehable Seeds on hand -sup-
plied by the best seed houses: in Canada .-
ange turnip, . east ' and Corn, is lrac
all Flower and Garden Vegetable Seeds
for field And Garden.
Some ofthese seed; are very scarce and will; be eaally fifty.
per cent. higher'.Wher present stocks are'PION 'and •weHuve, `;•:
to replenish. I beg else to announce that_I have had an order,:__
whish 'I gave early last fall for ensilage seed corn, recently_'
confirmed, and the importers being, a large seed' houso, any -
farmers booking orders with• us can teat assured that their -
order will be filled with the best corn aviailalle.' An extract
• from a letter--receivtd from this -importing: house reads as fol.
lows,: "Corn this season contains :considerably more moist?.
are than in`former years, and we being the only. firm in Can.
arta posse::sing a plant for' the successful handling of .seed '°:
corn,goes to prove that eorn we eupply will b' equally aa•
if :not better than corn obtained •else.%here,” -I expect
this shipment in about the 10th of May, anal there will be the
f fowing varieties Selected lied Cola or EirlySt. Charles, •
a variety something the same as Wiss No. 7; Giant Fro:iflo • ,
Sweet Ensilage arid. Leeming. The government has set• the
retail price of seed corn at $ t..pi0 per . bus. The. a is a possi.
bility that we may . be able to handle it slightly under this
11 Farmers expecting -to to grass cattle would do well to'see us
• rm p y alt.. I have two cars booted and
regarding a supply of S
delivery is promised about May 1St. Salty in bulk supplied
at about 6;6 or 70e' per cwt in farmer's bags at ear. Call and
book your order and wo will advise its arrival,
1i Come and get a barrel r f Apples. ,puked by Kenneth Carry.
.ecnn. Good rclinl?le stock at 4 00 pcie barrel, , Sold also •
in small lots -25, li0c or $1.00 worth.. -
100 bags Gond Feed Flour onhand, 50 •brigs Choke Midd.
lfngs,. 200 bags: Oat Shorts. 100, bags ()hick l'`eed and all .
other.linen handled in a Flour and reed Store.
• i.