HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-04-11, Page 2F•••-_-•9•:•;;,36;.•••••
1 On dso dal leaden tam "posh* sae -
mars have planes& rows of plain 11E TRUTH i were lanai girls in France, began to
*lathiest beyond the feet that there.
wiiite pea* pallind whits, a few 4" listen and repeat, until it was pablice
I yards apart leading hem tas rear ta TEE acui ers- ly announced that a committee of six
, the edge of No Man's Lewd. 'They aro a _ women were journeying to France in.
l to guido the emaldnir wounded. Eyes order to -invietigate the stbsurd state -
blurred with blood *ad suffernig that 4 t11,.
., 1114,50 ai. issai.rort 11;:•%......"`"11,--ANtl- :magatatoo„ 43....,_luar.,tozoaor. einenetY1111,11klila LOYEndIVITISIllirAit_i Mtn' lover _of truthnd
imayeirr TO THE ARMY. trail ef those printed ;Teats; hodiaa too CORRESPONDENT. everyone who admixes the worktrof
week front shill shock or gas to stand men, in this war, should condemn end
alone can find there a montentary e deny the malicious pro -German elle-
Vim Oar Kea Coo "Over the Teir mIPP°.rt•
Trail et related Posts.
mid Rotary by the Trail ot the '?
The men who have lost en arm, the
Walideg Wounded. men who have Rat an eye, the men
• • .,1011Nalls........fsib,„„,,w
As I finished ,diriner a few weeke
gado= that have gained eurreney.
Ostia* diThetber Women!" Army Rae "
ago the hone bell nag I answered
There is not the slightest foundatior, it and found that it was neighbor
Nilo }anew*.
Made Good Answered by One for them. I allow on absolute aue Jones. After greebegs were overlie
thorny (censorship forbids figures) ,:. told me his business.
that the manlier of Weacs sent home *The cold snap caught MO TlaPPing'•
who carry in their shouldersor "
One ef the proudest moments of my for insuberdination, inefficiency, or for he said, and the water in my auto-
inarehing in darknees silently up to bits of bis shems; the mewing, ntsg., recent sojourn in France wee when tiny other cause, is infinitesimal. Atter mobile cooling system is frozen. 1
144121r lineg of' grim liaued men aze Diens or lege the enemy'a bullets or
the front line treneires. It is early r geeing men, jawing the trail of tha i: the khaki girls of the W6men's Array all, it Toould be pheraenenal if, among- opened the elraienceek to let the *a-
ssenting. Word has been passed that 1 ee the, marched into their camps at the Brite thousands of girls a few 41a. not yeah ter out last night but it wouldn't run,
painted Posts, stop -at the sign li the high standard g'itt. ' so 1 left it. Tire radiator is full, so
Ma showy' would "come on* at ds",1 Red Triangle first. The V'. M. C. A. is ase:
t Idagout Hes nearest the guns, nearer The unuttered query of those who No Other fighthIgAeOantry in the 1 can't our m any hot water to melt
they, world, ean boast of a force of khaki it loose, and the engine is so cold it
that the infantry would, "go over" a c
daybreak. All preparatory work bas then doctor or hospital. After their watched their entry ivaep "Win
been eemPletat The barrage vial ordeal their first experience is that Make good?" , "women in the war zone releasing soh' won't/ stara. „ Nothing's broken yet,
"laid down" at sunset. Its thunder isuraeb .y,
on does maw. At the dugout ° There were cooks. eleticat workers, fliers for the greater job, efficiently but 4t is turning colder and PM afraid
. Ilings and consistently doing work as near to leave it another night.". '
o food and drink ia given with cheerY motor drivers --a tradea a actual aghting line as the authori- i "I'm going by your place in a little
has driven reason from the neighbor -i
Imo& ita destruction =aide sodden the words, and bandages, applied under ii amongst their ranks, recruited from ' the
ground with the blood of men. Paina fire, are re -adjusted. Thousandsof all grades of society; but, unlike the ties will allow them. Few people at while," I said, "and Pil see if I can
earpets the sector and agony rides on 1sare*re 'Welted from death at these great army of Inen every girl Wearing home realize -the, grit and courage of help you. In the meantime you heat
the misty wind. stations, and bits of heroism and self- 1 the hiraici cloth in !those rinks was ica:ttreyseagirretnandeartihnge.valuable assistance A kettle of water." 4
sacrifice enacted that make men cry. certified efficient worker in her • ' It is only a little way to Jonea's
And sometimes the dugouts are shell- uler line, and a carefully selected eau- It will soon be a Year since thaethiouse and I was there in a few mi-
ed;fimt stepped on French soil, and their inetee.ane he had the net water ready*
two Red Triangle men went out didate for the great experiment.
together in one -recently. But it 15advent has released thousai I took the kettle of water out to his
nda of men
Part of the game and. they ask no
sympathy—not even pay. They ask
only to be allowed to **tend just behind
the free* line with cheer and chocolate
for the men, "going over," and at the
dugouts just behind, to meet the menting place. ' He knows little of those
coming bitch. ' terrors of the unknown that face the girl than those who left England. Out. engine was running; even though a
He did this and in a few seconds the
minded, finer, more reliable type of 1
The organisation you know here the average girl when, he premeditates of the Women's ArmY is being moubl-
e. little Irregularly. We let the • en-
, 1 •
f ed the national tYPO Of women that gine run fore* few minutes. and then
I opened the drain -cock to let the wa-
ter out as it melted, but it refused to
come out. By inserting a:small wire
in the drain -cock I found that sedi-
ment had collected and this prevented
the flow of water.
No drum" keep these men ni step.
They pass out of cam% thee, Paas
base hospitals aml canteen, airdrome
end supply depots. They bend low as
they march through the section of big
Ian Pita. They glance up expectantlY
as the shells roar overhead, and penile
as one goes wild. tearing *bole twenty
feet deep near them, By three they
file into their third line of defense and
sig-zag their way, through conuanni-
cation trenched, Piat the *Mond line,
up to the border of No Man"; Land. /-11,0.A., goes' with, your by from,* Iongaleparture from e ,
• road to Hell the farm • home Without the •unconseieus sYmpathy this countrY 'wants now and for the
' ' future, These are the girls who,
Bete they rest, the last stop on the the time he leaves
• right throughthe Whole gamut of war. support, and protection of the home
through the coming years, will 1* able
The wire „had been cut; a laat in, fare. In those dark, lonely. minutes people. -. . o say in very truth, "I too did my
spection his been made. Nothing. re.1-beaere he ogoee-ever the top" his last • That was one reason
. Inlay one felt . , ,
bit," and records- will prove it .
No one bat.* woman knows how
much. greater sacrifice 0, girl makes
when eheleaves her home than does
her brother in similar- circumstanees.
Home is the spot where a man, re-
turns; it is a woman's instinctive abide
behind the line for more imPortant garage, raised the hood and Slowly
work, e
Poured the water over the carburetor
crossed the Channel with some of and intake manifold.
these girls on their first leave, and "Now you get in the car and Oper-
the experience had produced a, broader late the self-starter," I said, ,
, mains' to be done. Dawn M aWaltedt Contact with the world is given by the
every man' facing death or wane with Red Triangle inen, tbey give him tha
What fortitude be can aummon. There last goodebye and the cheer that you
la no light by 'which to resat Pocket would give your all to give.
such pride in the grit of these girls
who not only left their home, but
cheerfully left their country for the
land of war donning the garb of sac -
teen written. All comforts sent bY • Comfort For Those at Home. . rifice in order that' they, toop,Thight do
testament. Alm' last good-byes have
. ..., , .._, .._, their bit.
loved ones at home, will& loon, given And as the men) 'room mice well!
Camp life at the best necesoitatea a
a home touch to life in billet, have wounds that would lall 'Most of us ou .
certain amount of harcishipecamp (lie.,
been left behind, Even the little tank- right the 'Red Triangle men are with
cipline naturally testrictis individual
et, locket, ring or watch, haa lost its areln- The Y are guArding boyyour freedom These girls -went to a new
fond sentiments. There is nothingbut even better than you could,guard
Vserr—no evidence that anybody 4heY are with lahn in. camp here and
in foreign city, protecting and guiding
• cabin.
• Assmranee That Someone Cares. him he may be a better man. They
are with him on transport, andhattle0
Anthe suspense of these last roln-4 ship alike. Wherever he ' *nay be,
utes—the Most trying man can endure there. they are also. .
' comes. Distracted smile, ening for tail. offensive. Theyore facings hard-
mfort dear ones inthe active naval or ra
, m..
—reaches the Point Where `body tsand Here is comfort for you who have
taind can stand, no more, co
-- -lack-of it; areesootheded'ahett-ligh niplenn-pernebutetheereneeds are -be-
gins to.gray the sky, these raen,'Whose ing cared for by men who would retie -
love of 'right is greeter than love . of ee 40it than anything else, backed by
, life, who have -leftbehind. them all an organization the sola.purpose of
that was dear on "earth and who are Weia..a.
n . is to meet the needs of men, -
now facing their Maker, are given evi- - ' •
dence that not only somebody doe* _
care, but that all care and appreciate. •PurerAl‘ThT---11-7
They are niade ready to oberthe fate-
fui uraer, that aria seed them 'ewer:* Heavy Steel Plates :Easily Handled by
They are made once **On into ealm, Steel Punch Roller.
determined men. . Panelling mote than four thousand
Men in dull green unaToirese as tired -
life In a strange country, and time
has proved the sifecees•of the venture,.
their efficiency and value to the Area:
The Girl Beneath the Makin. •
• Buildings 'that had been taffed by
men gradually gave place', to the
Watice; at windows where, one had
been used Unseeing a closely eropped
head bending over hooks, the bright
So 'wlieri the next wind blows a
Waac winsper your -way, just nail it
. ,
want to know is what good nearing
that little bit et water on the pipe
"It warmed the gasoline Se it
would vaporize easily," I ieplied, "and
such treatment will usually assure
easy starting. You l'aP a gr9at Tisk
in letting that water stand in Your
ear, however, awl you ought to lot it
out the next" time you come in from
a drive and while the engine is still.
hot. This will assure every drop of
water drying out. If you don't want
to do this, 1•18e an anti -freeze solution."
. • •
'If you • had used this ' wire last
good and hard! • • . night," I saki to Zones, "you wouldn't
, Rumor rations would • be the next have had this trouble,"
. .
best thing: "I see." istild Jones; "but what 1
It Is New Found Necessary to Utilize
, Coal Dust. •
Seettered through the Lehigh and
Susquebanne valleys of the United
State* are niany mmmtains �f enema -
'cite 'Miele -hundreds on them, in fact,
and -composed of the pure stuff', One,
at Seranton, though by no means the
biggest, was estimated not long 'ego'
to centciin 1.5,4)00,000 tons. •
Greater Gasoline Mileage,
A woman driver coraplains that she
gets only about two thirds aa much
mileage from a gallon of "gas" as her
friends who slrave tbe same kind of
car, and wishes to know how to in.
crease it:
A book might be written. on this
subject, but here are a few practical
helps: First teit the compression
by turning the motor over by hand. A
car that iseems to be a gasoline eater,
frequently has poor compreeslon,
which indicatee that the valves need
grinding', or that poor eil is being
used, or, in the ease of an old car,
that new piston rings are needed.
When. compreseion is poor, the explo-
sions in the cylinder are wealc, and
the throttle must lie opened . consia,
e.rably more to SeCUre the desired
power. This wastes gasoline.
'The use of an unnecessarily rich
rabcture (gasoline, and ainj is another
cause for excessive gasoline consinnp-
tion. -Carbon in the motet is atill
another -alma.
scious, revi. ving under the edministra-
woven in the Digging of Potatoett
and the Sowing of
In speaking oti‘romaneel in counder
tion with allotments, you might
most be expecting MC to tell you of
"The Xystery of the Ton -Red Plea.
ters," "Allotment Alice; or the Girl
Who *Took the Wolfe Turnip'," and
other sensational -sounding yarns, says
the superintendent of the British Not...
cant Land and ''Ailiitment SocietY.• '
The romances of the allotinent, how.
ever,. are �f an essontiallY Innrion"
type. Indeed, the story of Old Jones,
the only man I know who actually
lives on bis allotmentt has a typically
Thomas Hardy 'flavor about it.
A Flaeh of Sympathy.
014 'Tones is now round about eighty
Years of age; but for the begihning of
his tale we must go half cen-
aury. It happened nt a "pub." ile
was standing by a woman with a aaby,
and the *Woman was expressing a wish
that the baby bad never been born..
Something touched the heart of Old
Jones—who was Young Jones then. He
turned to the woman, and said; "ra
give you at quartern of gin for the
kid." 'And the woman closed with the
bargain. • •
, Old Jones looked after that '•bahy,
brought it upeand provided.for it. But '
evil days followed, and when Old Jones *
vas too old to work any more, then
adopted son, much to his grief, could
not support him, and had to let hire go
into the workhouse. Two years' ago •
"youneJones applied to us for an ale '
' • • tion of the rescuers, heard; and. as the
Affectionate Treatment Shown Them bearers. hesitated—for the Devil's
hy British. and French Cavalrymen. master wee. in a, state Where a min -
for .their love of animals, especially inniortanceale rose- to ins elbow:
The English havet always inert noted
affectionate, treatment le °facially re- 4 .flasli, and the Black Devs•
dogs and horses.- •Not mere good, but there 4as
tok the
iihveee in
the Ws craning head fell baclawitle a thud.
are not, like their allies, deenitely in -
English army. • Prenel cavalrymen .SieRileh:
luitisted by the effort. . .. e - .
.bad tired sank back, too, exe
easy, my captain," he celled
straeted tie 'make much". of their faintly. ".4 is d" your
• Devil is
tr .d e lc • evh e• 1Phaere
One, • • o no now , er , ,
ute's delay might be' of life -and -death
- e' mountains were built -b hu- es -lint more than a few -little in-
ces where orie was accustoined to Ile man hands. They are mainly of coa - cialente of --the great -war s ow c ear y
girl presided. Women cook's began to ofelumP coal. In earlier days, When ear. Herbert Ward relates that once, . • .:
appear in the campanand' the camps e su ply• entbraeite was-demned-a comPanYmr n'arnbulan o -sent : in ..-. . , ,_.—_ _ .„.,..
questioned by insoldier, an intelligent dust, though containing a good. duel thee tliey do so nevertheless. .
f there is a heaven for
good 'horses, I think in spite of is
•nanie -he ie.therer
lotment, and he'worked it with great .
ducceis till he was called up. What
was to happen V) his allotment? • The
happy thought struck him that if the
old man came out of . the • workhouse
and. worked it, . might, produce
enough for bis suppert.,
' But where was Old Jones to awe?
There was no money foi rent. A solu-
tion, however, has been found. • Old
Jones lives 'ointhe allotMent in elittle
hut of mud and sticks, grows his OWn
feed, 00ekS it an. his own kitchener,
and lives on- it. •° • ,
began to sitem and take notice df the ineahanstible, such material was took; haste to bring in a wounded officer, he 1,111Y THE ClaNKERS IN COAL?.
• • . •
Yes, I call this a romance—a rib, a
ntence because OW Jones is probably
tb.e.only man vehedects. beer played the -
part of Robinson Crusoe in the very .
'palatable meals that trained bands ed upon as refuse and east :fade.. Even found the injured man to be an officer „ • • • a ' • heart .of London. - ' •'
, .
6 The Waees made steady but persist- *hen it peid, better to mine fresh stuff
- Question :That Has Troubled Many Men get lend of their allotments —' -
-,; ' Householders Thi Winter. . Y
• ' • . ' .. fond in a way "outsiders" 'never sus;
prepared. - - ' • ' • the lumps were not worth sorting out nding
ent inroads into all branches of -work, in big pieces. •• , . ,• Peet. With some alloements are al-.
or. 'conditions—often a sign,' perhaps, ago, When it paid to go . after these sent winter there -has been niiich gem-mong coal -wets during thin pre- most -a riding passion. There is the
pathetie case Of John II. John H. get :
and never a grumble as to the hours But tile' time came, a few years
lumps, and then the mountable were plaint. of an endue proportieneof .slate his allotment from us at the very :start
on eavalry, whose horse was
near him as he ley on -the grpun
"Before being placed in the am
lance," says Mr. Ward, "he insisted on
patting his horse, to whom he was
much attached When the minor. am-
bulance • started away, the horse pair-
ed and whinnied; then he broke aciese
holes in heavy plates during a. lune, for the day that should sena, them
and worn a3'ibeis. circulate among Innir working .day is nemodern awe*? keine; often a -homesick moment, but. attacked by hydraulic teethed; Pewee -
them. - A hot drink and bit of chocce iplistment It could not , have been many an hour of hearty. laughter. ful These-streanis ebeing direeted
-4 i done so recently as a Year or two ago. They adapted themselves to the new against them, with an arrangement of
• late cause them to forget the cold th ;
, knee-deep mud and ' water ;in. thP*
--- Pates for for building ships mud hav -
trench, the weightofequipment . Red
A _x............--7 manY holeS,so that they Can be rivet-
. other I3hYsield diseonifotss- -0- vuer44r, ei. together into.a finished'vesSet ..Tho
, wavered word of encouragement, an t expansion inasteel shiphaildhig
arm about tloo Shoulder, warm band-
. industries. -br..c made the rapid hand-
clasp and simle, and the ety of the soul ling a plates at piumbing -maclrines a
is answered. . So are they made ready.flreal necessity. The plate 'punch roller
The sign of the Red Triangle- proves
we do tare and are with, them. in frhe
' hour of sacrifice.
Chocolate seed Words Of Cheer. ,
Only. for a moment are.the Red Trie
ionditiOnte as eheeratilln • as their
brothers, husbands and sweethearts.
' iniae seeil .116A girl's • at Week,
seen.' the excellent conditions iirider
sluiees to carry the dust into the
rivers, while the heavier lumps were
caught and saved an • • • - • •
To -day, however, every ton .. of the
coal dust is worth money, means leave
lfl ef theinovenient,'. ten Years ego. Be -.-
ana other.. incondiestible • matter
th f " • • • was another old man. Every spare .
from the attendant and 'Sailed to gale ', "Jones .8i , Robinson have' always: moment he had, he put in on his plet.
He talked, *might, 'lived alletments;
lop after bis master." . given me good stuff," seYn the exas-
Another helper at the front tells e perated householder, dissecting . the -Getting on 'to o tram ' it • Charing' ,
mora tragic. tale. Searching the field contents of his furnace Cross he ilipPed, ,aneLyes eetiously,
inured .As '• soon as he - was • well
enough, off he hobbled to his beloved
Vegetables—before he evae well enough
,fact:.. For 'he • had a 'relapie. ' The , •
&actor ordered that •lie should leave
his bed- on no aecount. -Bee one
hisedaughter missed him. She knew
where to look: for him. Slie' event
straight to the alletinene. And there
she found hine--dead.
-The Right Stuff.: „
for aveuncled. after an action, his party
Which they live in their camps, the came upon, two officers,' both gravely
capable administrators • that superin... „ing been found for • utilizing it profit-, wounded, and one' unconscious,' lying
tend their welfare; seen their smiling 1 . Itis' burned under boilers,mede against their'prostrate horses, one of
has made this rapid handling possible;lfacei ixwthe, front tows of tlie Y.M.C. into briquettes (now used for ell sorts which was dead and the other. dying.'
and it in, in Use in 'natty of the new A. huts on concert nights, heats' their of purposes, from firing the. kitchen The dying' horse was well-known as
plate shops. • ,_ _ voices tairgliag with these of the boys stone ,to a Owning: locomotives, • end: the finest In the regiment; a magmfi- at.the"mineseeeo. 16w, and one result
, The plate is laid an the table and ion' they jellied. together -in elle: chor. thrown into cement kilnswithan sir- cent, jet-black creature, of fiery yet was that the output could not, econo-
the operator, froni Iris seat; moves the 'Uses. I have seen them in the charehes, blast to produce an intense heat. • affectionate temper and remarkable inically speaking, be properly sorted
• in klmaci'—at .tlie side of each eoldice, aid a aii. operating lever at. lile rigliteclaurch tent ,fOg eaily mornin,g coma dwindling, millions. of tone ' of need color 'and spirit, he had been named slateand oveeplus of clinkersdeliver-
men—the brothers of the meltable backward and forward with the their trim young figures entering the Thus the ,mountams. are, . steadily speed and endurance., Because. of his and cleaned. Hence the exasperatmg
family's dispomfort.. But in the .• ag-
etort$ of riem-vrecked beings late f4in the deairea position for pinching. in the, morning for the day's wOrk. ' 'ducted 'for teal That drain' former gxegat,e the loss is enormous. .
are they passing off on me such poor
coal this year, wonder 'Pa , '•
But it is. not the coal„dealer's fault
at all. • • The ',U.S. Government, by a
most unfortimate. mistake of Jude -
meat set the price 'of .Coal produttion
for tteor are few in number. Butit'is ban& At tie left hand i$ • in.other inunion or them -11111Y tramping borne fliel 'being deriaad from them annu-
t. theimeh lierntho kW -hearted. :the tiliote sideways, thereby -Placing it day, and iluSt ea blithe Y :settang out eXteesive fishing operations are con -
Diable .Noir—Blick Devil. • -
; As the conscious officer was eender-
1Y• lifted to it *etcher, Sleek
feeling the comforting .contaet of his
master's form removed, • shudderea,
ea t� the houseliolciee's ashpit.
Here is a question merely of • oles
enoegle-eenougli to-mahe ofatorY cer- lever Which .can be °Pe:rated to MoWe othrougi the mild at the end of thenn, ally. And meanwhile, in the ., rivers,
In 1917 the United States Produced
mi mvineale $,,,ta..a2 4, men resolves! Irmo punch in controlled. hy a punch ' Mine Was not one Of -those in-ene- Years was carried off by floods or
, that right dine% prevail. lever. ' • • • • • • thot' sees everything in 'poetic lost. overboard 'from the barges. Froin. iitruggled* and, with a great effort' 50 000 000 Mori. tons of coal thin in
• .
• tions At dawn theao.,,,go-over"nrid are Vice Plates troin .One-citirter. ,;iticte.. form, andleartai little of the reallifa the SUseinellanni "gage- 100,00 'tons reared his head from the ground and is twelvemonth: immediatele previ-
" toriOns. • Ala on their acele,' 'before eighth Mr are inch -thick, and up to: oe. Ole kids: • their damps were eee • have been:recovered by this erieaue in turned piteous 'and terrified eyes • to- oils: But the percentage Of Jimmie
ellarter 17‘23114ge. cuts. a commonica-- aOhy 8 feet "sike are hand ed. Time tither side of the orie in whicb I eves .1** tFeleremontln • •• ••• • ward him. Tears rile' lied to the wound- buetible`ndittee in the feel was:, More
get; ga the Red 'Triaegle u.teltkis twos -are bulk wroth- bearmgee stationed, and 'over, several nionths I * •IP
ectmen's eyes, and he begged his bear- than tviice as large as 1916.
eta knovr and -ether-- life •--
elocatate and encouraging words helpe
, •
IMMO that about ano-thirde
ers not to' catry buil away atonce. • Thi .
"Wailer Dierilt 'aify poor Devilleino the ancrease Weenash,--in other -word,
. • .
• Keep - - • '
g-le:ea- 1.1 • — 1- — °-1 t°'' 2 484 in twelve b k ly rJght we have kin to- . ,
4;e-- e-aanne,- tee-• eeene aan este dee- s • aeaaka tile•aaeaeat.' era ?Ian i° would in-erea-1- 848 1.4", "PI 'Y11- -- 9 t; salThe tr,timanstplrberta.44t..41ionh000ft_thaoiskIiw..asm a3F
• waste re.
12001./ICC -Ma weans Intl yAny 1_ • sr ciri.4••
Pea "'14' ,..1% they Were distlISSing thaw. iohe „these worker-x.11i the ,Ivar_aoneo ant3A Ite„r1., ,‘ ,
0. I. ITCTZStliPn, 1.1.114-4` erenaneer toner= , -very conserve- net guoct. • you --hut now,
• • ,00.3.d•••44&••• •=.5v1t4E•
h tire -whzch were the b wittiar
lf tha
re than ..kept the WO from.
or ' which' they
Setae time ago, before awe 'dreamt
'that women .tioek the allotment move -
Ment seriously, an eldeley• lady, who
had seee better days, applied, to us
for an exceedingly' rough 'piece Of land
She was very frail; and in. viewofthis. ,
and the fact that. the land in. question ,
was very difficult to Fork, we refused
Then she told us how' desperately 'she
needed Shewas one of feur.eldee-
ly ladies 'living:together, and ahe was
the Sole support. -
In -tbe end: :we relented, And Lade
frail,. spirited old lady has made • an
itairroaral' - - per mo
" t911nw d° git'sdnvn!" nskezi: the' th t the only inerhauetible stocif of . .
f6t6„33.th.l.teUtrefaeparirring, dtvosi.gitg barr2g4;itt itileSitn- till for the. fo time.: roeui i24,ytnisga Bughts,... .*-;u ruruur. toe rate, some -young famille$ telel-4 friends. put me ;down and Ana a gull other employments. I ay
bering as higli OS thirteen. ' is ea
put Me down! my revolver was -were sorel3r needed. • . . d„,clor. •
fram• sundown, to sunup, has r,et Al utellim.ob,`46'671 "WINII(**"' 44Y t • Pro -German Why -vete. ... Aso- sue.wing for the &potation of •
in surplus Ingle bunnies as seen as email mew: Ishowned *hem I was int; Yen must put But this is not all. :The inciusion
slide down" ' "Wrong"' i • ••••*moi..,......a:-........
' le..e''. CC'Erlf 'enc'22Y ri6a21/1712Ha ' °III' 11 rmr.5 --..., -e3 an.,61 ea .. ' • - "ref ' Arid that . dangerous element, tied search a• little. -It „vim 'of *nor° ash with -coal 'diminishes . ite
.• .
Gt"g° GVer" fill l'i '.*°' tae '''"L -4e' atd get •d°1611L tfiittiii i
"Waste' tkthroun
d for a fresh tate hae are big enough to eat
r.t Ita.blants can. be 'but a ininnte—put ine down, e tell 'fuel value to. 'the extent of lee .'' per
u-6-ijEleThe res,41 'fteht leen_the "NVen, you ae e, trunk „ g
• trag de tke -ctuMitg. ;I lite: deWn." •• !Wee notaquitea _You 't lighted on, the preemeeht success -, on hay arid. get along very cheap.
•teitirta,.,11.4.ti, travel as klas'!don't get dewn off .4 elepliene; you the Wawa, anditiaing toaether feta; Thee' *beide 'fife pounds otelneat
• Trans ss on o urgen 01, rs
Le iteel get it eff goose."
inhermottione notes.: Tolkawho.knew hen full grown. •
. _
.1 cannot leave my poor Devil in cent. for evee7 1 per cent Of ash. ' •
' .•—• There -ts ni • reduction 'of- efficiency. :in of • °
The °Seer who bed been addition to the direct losTrencharf areS. .
94.5Ai-REIEK-Tokal JiisT c'Ame,
iett w5ter sIrRA.16fir
vios 1001,4—
DEADD1t46 A PACK/34E fie: m.0
11 1
•1404 tie gAS •
60k45114I146 sruFFED
itti 3140%4 PO:Le
t,32.49) 3r:oN.2.13r1s..
Comg.14.111t, .
't.'04" fr4g; Vele
47000/ /grim
- troopila the first line and theesend-
big of interesting inforniation ,to the.
rear by projectile is, Ofe ihe liew
• developments of trench • walleye • ac-
cOrding to the monthly rovicia, La .
Science et La Vie, tit Vette • • .• .
Gee of the •Metruments eniployad
for • this purpose by? the Germats -
was taptured in a recent: suceessfui
• attaek Made by the French at Me-
ronvilliere. It consisted 01 a tit eyl-
inder 'shout, 16 inches long and an ittch
and a quarter in diameterat the ;
mouth of which is plated' a box COO-.
taining the message.
. The cylinder and message box ate
' 'plead in the grenade -thrower, ,which
launches it nroch the same way as
aerial torpedoes and" grenades' aro
fired from a trench mortar.
• The extreme range of these .neev,
engines is AMA 1,800 'yards, which
.is generally sufficient to orws the zone
of Frencineurtnin fire.
• The utility' of sueh a system lieeaffie
apparent with the developinont of
barrage fire, that made the carryhig
• of meneaaet by despatch bearers al-
tvays hazardous and frequently inn