HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-03-21, Page 8ti NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS NOW IS THE TIME TO BLIP'' Carpets, Rugs, Linoleuns, + on; oleuns, Floortex, Oilcloths, Curtains, Draperies, Vacuum Cleaners The old adage "The early bird catches the worm" is a truism; also the fact that the early purchasers of house furnishings always get the best choice of selection RUGS. Itneeding a new rug we invite you to see our .range, as we are showing a fine selection of patterns, qualities and sizes at prices in a number of lines much below to -day's prices. SPECIAL -Kolor Fast Rugs, 6x9 at $7.00 and 9x12 at, '$11.00 in neat designs. LINOLEUMS AND OILCLOTHS—Printed Linoleurs in nice block and floral designs in 2 and 4 .yds widths. Floortex in 2 yd. widths, splendid quality and new patterns.. Floor °Oilcllith in 1 to 2 yds, wide, and Congoleumn Rugs in very .pretty designs at reason- able prices. CURTAINS AND. • DRAPERIES • Madras, Scirims, Nets and Marquisette, in plain and 'colored :de-, signs at 15c to 50c per, yard,.•and Art Sateens and „ Cretonnes at 20c to 65e per y d. a' MURDOCH & CAMERON • e "The PI onograp k with a Soul"_, remarkable : new musical,: invention brings int sur home, the literal Re- realm e- r the world's greatest musical artists, Let 'us give you an hour of '.music. Let us Re-Createfor you the voices of the Metro- politan Grand Aper stars. Let us Re -Create the. .,niasterly bowing of Spalding Let us Re -Create the 'Cello,. flute, piano, orchestra .;•: T : eeee a ; ala erri- Jae y .,,.M •�' m..%aX-�'__��pp..L�. v.. •-i .. Y. ^� gY:.'Y�:^`JiS:� "•.ri.7C��:.SS7St acS::f". ".,..c..:.2a^•; . s -o '. ae Sae 5 " . The musical ` critics of' more than five hundred newspapers:declare that the Edison Re --Creation of, music cannot be distinguished from the original music. We .Want 3roug_ opinion. ,Come. 106 • Lanes --.Monday, Mar. l.d Geo. Dr a �r. nnen's e 6 d l vas .very successful. ' • Drannen and flavin S'pioule, of Goderich, were reent: visitors at Geo.. rotator's. ' . Mr. Ino. Johnston, who has been ;ill for some time, is net: roakibgentiali pro- gress toward recovery. : • Quite a nu nf"�ber about here lave gone lake the manic sugar-inakiti , bttsiriess. Yon ate invite Lto the Pireinea's 1 Lonee in. the Carnegie Ha'fi Ltielenow' ndey night, April 1st. Made by the Lucknow (lreliedtra. Med: lunch. (Toni along. Mr. Cha*. W. Alton,, who WAS on she "sick het" a. few Asp is much irk. visited. 'their daughter, Mrs C. W. Al- ton, during the week. •A meeting of the Pscoters Club was field in the school house last Friday -evening,. .and was addressed 'by? a ' Mr. Power, of near Toronto. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs Vannes Scott, who passed away on March 13th, at. the ago of 76, a,t the home of Mr,. Dan, Ferguson, The fun. erel,.to Lochalsh Cemetery, was held on "Friday,'the 15. ' •— Verdun • ' -•-Mend ty, Mitch IA Mi88 ,l`entiie Walden was a Sunday guest of Miss.lessie McTavish. Mr. and Mrs. heist entertained n iiiimber of their friends last. Thursday •evening. �• We are sorry to repotrt that Mr. J'n% �:.,. • Frevel, • J Matci hereon is not progressing air rapid.. :slot, and dirk. Ca tlip'te11, of Xlclttltxrr1, Itati itis many friends Weuld Tike to see n •Miss Nellie McMullen,who has spent the pasttwoinonths in Windsor, arrived home Tuesday last. Has all this cold weather contrived to keep. "Qtir Earl''. in •the .backgronnd'l •We would be pleased to hear of this whereabouts again. • . • . - The YoungPeople'seLiternry: Society' held;one; of :their many intereetingsociul evenings an the .Woodman's, Hall last Tuesday .evening.. A debate was given the subject? being, resolved`' `'That a Hundred Acres of Land is More Bene- ficial to a Young Mein than a University Education. The affirmative was taken by Mr. T- Blair,. Stewart Shells•and: C:• ',Renry;: while those on the negative were Mlases, Isobel Steele'. and 'Ehzahetli Bell. both' sides were' well: po`ated " on 'their subject, . but the judges who were Mies Maclntosh, Miss' Welsh and . Mr. eJ Funstori. decided in : favor .of the. 'neg- ative, Besides Ale 'debate two excellent quartettes were rendered by Mr. and Mrs J. Courtney, M•r. Archie Courtney. and Wee 'Clara Wilkie and '.Miss Helen _Blair favored the audience witha reci: ;t.ttion. COl1.,''Kitelcss Menday,. Mar. 18Th The making of maple syrup seemsto be 'very general. in this•. neighborhood thin spring • Mr: Dan Mcivor, who was here' a goad part of the .winter, started for'his home in the West on Monday. , j Quite a number of farms •abort tits township have • changed hands. in . the past few weeks,, and at pretty fair prices o. . Mr. Dunk: !41eGillivaTy, on the Sixth: c sx., has' been. quite unwell for •some time. I Miss .Mclntosh., .on the:. 4tli.:.con.,_is cOute ilI at •oresontr t Miss MacKinnon,: a every capable, nurse, ie .. in char ge tst�rw:etwcnf;'�o�wjltriWet e ,tM"s,. s : ever this part of inla (.Early_this °ruing, going in a ,itiorth-eastierly d rection—a sure harbenger of spring, w ich seems now:to haul set in in: earn-� et. Mafeking' —Monday,Mar. .18.•• Mrd.;t/anall •and_ •Mice:.. Mabel,. _of • Eticknow,°.spent,,part.uf last tech at Mee. Robt. !ruin's ' Miss Pearl Irvin, who his been threat- ened with appendicitis is. much better and we hope will, soon be quite well. Mrs Wrn. !.lake is visitingher broth. er,_ Mr..1. Miillouirh at present. : „_ •_ 'Mrs, W.. .0 , :Gardner, who event. -a week visitingMrs. Stothers and' bthe friends here. returned Meuse Saturday. • We extend 'hearty cougretulaitions to, Mr. Stephen Stothers 13.S.A..' who last week was appointed !iron County Representative, end who hi at preemit, being, installed• in- office at Clinton. Though we shall miss' •Stephen very touch from .this cbniinunicy 'we are pleased that he should receive 't1Yie ap- pointinent, rt position,wye feel sure he is capable of filling, Mrs: T. ileid .arid Benson and Miss' Barbara..Culbert left for their home in Sask., Friday. We wish them :a safe journey. YOU aro 'invited to the Firemen's Dance in the (J;trnegie hall, Lucknow, Monday night, April the 1st, Music by the Lu' ltnow Orchestra. +door! !tenon. Cants along. ASIiPIELD COUNCIL T. regular meeting of Cutiiaotl was held on liar 11. (Ju motif* by Jobnate* end Richard eon the coetract of the usual printing for 1918 was let to the (ioderich Stir at 1\70!!1! far tk. r..r_ Moved by ifttckett and R'chasdarre that Dr. Siawpsou lie paid $50 for his nervi: e$ as Medical Health Officer t►nd Seuitary Inspector for 1917, and $131 for atteedance ou 'indigent patient. Re letter from R V.aestone threaten, ing action unless settlement war wade fort= Henderson bridgeacroee the ditch to :bis gateway, moved by Ricbardson and Hackett that the clerk reply to the letter saying that this council 'refuses to take any action in the matter. By-law No 3 to authorize the issue of $450(} of Debentures for.the pi rpnee of building a new echool. in 1.18 S No. 4, was duly read and finally paced. , There was considerable discuisicn' as to abolishing Statute Labor, part of the council strongly favoring doing.'go, but no t►c'iou wen taaeu. (Clerk's note;- - Now that so zany of .the roads are designated•. County Roads, and as a. lot of work ie practically wafted, on really good stretebea, and so much ver, poor. work is done on `some roads, and, as the. work on parts of it ie • never done oil acme roads,and ati all tbe.farmer's time is now requered iii production,-woul4 it net be a wire thing to do away with Statute Labor and have,;tlie cowed at- tend to only, absolutely necessary repairs till after we have won the war, if we can win it at tali) .The following accounts were., prdered paid: „ Treae H;uron,tp,bat boundary • account 1917.,,. ......; 1x17 31 Trees ' W. Wavretp, bale bdy. • • tete and Div, Court ace..&"tl& Municipal World, assessor ant other supplies . . .:,,. td 11 N. P. Wbyard,. rep Tp. Seal , 1 00 Thos.. G.G4llen,.a $alary,9i53. 75, '. express. and postage ,cost.. 55 8l Spar office, bal.` 1917 :printing 4 accoiint ...:. , , , , . .,,.9... 14 35 Each ??:ember of canna, •part salary'$15 .,,,,.'; '75 00 Jno Bradley„ cutting. ice at Jamieson Bridge, , , . , • 5 00 C. W. • Alton, light -at Baldwin 260 bridge. .., Ili . ; • , , .:•... Wes. Ritchie, 10' hrs. winter. work B.'B county road:. 2 00 Stewart d Congraw, discing snow con. 4 E.. , ;.; ; . s 00 D. Mo liwam, rep. bridge;s.r. G and 7' E ,.,.. 21.50 Wei.. Fulford, 6 strangers ; ... l5,0( nr : Simpson,.:_as_per .•special- ----.; motion .'.,.,.,• Archie .-•Johnston,=• •deviation ' road t Ealdwin s 10 00 Total „ .. . , . ..3.. 411.87 Qn motion by.Ilackett and .itichard- 1o2;.3n 0coupnmci.l" adjourned to. April 8th at 1 • Tn S, -G. At timer, 'Clerk. leatarliak —Mt -eider, Mar. 18 Wood bees are tbsi order of the slay. The scarcity of kelp calla for ruck. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shaw are return- ing to Tomato this week after a week's !fait with relatives hers. Mims Lsrias Deimert, of Toronto, *post s few clays last week with iii r parents ?tore. it locks as though our .sebool will have no teacher alter k seter, no t►?fl,li- Cation having been received. Yon are invited to the. Firemen's Dance in the Caruegie Rah, Lucknow, Monday night, April :tbe first. Music; by tkieLuekgow-Orchestra. (aoodlunch. Come along. • Mian, Jennie Reid gave a practical paper on the topic last weak at the Y P S. Mrs Jae. McIntosh will. have: ,charge of- the meeting this, week The topic being "The Art of Living With Others.". The regular meeting of the local W. M.S. was held at the home cif Mi. Geo. Moffat the .first week of the inontji, and there wpm large attendance. After the meeting, the ladies were entertained to tea by the'Mieses Moffat. Jno 1ldicDonald, who *mat his,forin- er home here the past couple of months, has returned to his distant place of a- bode in the Peace River ,country. Jno. appears to be well pleased with tbe. far ;North West,- where be bas .seen great development in the past seveu seals. He lives near Grand Prairie, which so: far is the chief town of .the new, and far; North West. . • St. Helens • Tuesdiy, Mar. 19. Pte. 'E J. Haine* wishes to thank the patriotic ladies -of St. Helens for the wellfilled • box, which he .received . at Xmas. e Mrs; Cameron spent B. few days last week visiting Mende in Winghaip Mist -May Cameron,. of MitchellPspedt the week end at, ficins.. • Mr Evans .Haines, wife and Children, of Dilk, S'ask., are visiting his mother,. Mrs. Hobert Haines.. . You are invited to the Ftremen'a Dance in the Carnegie. Hall; Irineknow, ,Monday night April theist. ' Music_ by the Lucknow Orchestra Good ,lu►gch. .Come along. e.; •• Laura, • Mr;. and :hiss. E 'Taylor,: of Westfield, y. visited St. Helens friends on Sunda. Elliot` and. Jas. Miller are buey these days•n.aking their annual round with their wood -sawing machine, ' The St. Helens W'orsen's Institute will' hold :their.. March a fneetiee at: the }scute. of Miss Annie h1,cKenzie on.'l'hurs- day, the 48th at 2 30 a'cloek: •A full meeting is requestedas;business of . un portance will be discussed.. ginished ,garnnents and seeks mar be left at: thea. store or brought totiieeting. , Every:. body welcome:.; , y The Institute has' sent 78 pairs of conks to the Reil "Ocoee, society~, bei es what has been seat. to the boys overseas Mies Chris. Miller spent Sunday with her friend; .Miss: Lau urrie, of Whig - ham. . Mrs A;MuoDouslcii. of tbe, 9th con,,. .has sold his farm to Ern est Shackleton, who is nowt/'busy •inovi 'Polk: rood Mrs W. PWellings a nd Mi es:Sarafi. Baines spent Monday► with friends at Crlamie.•- • Mr, and Miers. M.: Irwin spent Sunday with friends in Teeswater. • . • Messrs. Noble ands Willes'` Pierce left Monday afternoon: for the West Gas Killed Pigs An lnfortunatead'air. that- night have been attended witien re-eerious results happened' oa the:farm of kr. ;lino. Ilam ilton• or near Cromarty, Mr; Hi,milcrn started ti e gasoline ' eegiine running, al- lowing the exliauet to escape in the barn After softie stns he:WA overtaken with a sick and dizzy spell and started' for the house: He also noticed that some of the cattle were doyen. Neighbors were. itnniediatbly' telephoned forand when they arrived at the faun Mr. gain.. ilton was. in ea upcenscioiis condition as were 0,180801110ofthee tie' The ate imalswere 'hauled front' tie barn into ,the •'fresh air where -°they -afterwalds re-. • vived but<font .Leine that were in the buiidin. at that titan st ., iu�crtt>iibed stn tl,. o •. .,:rm...:«.s. . .. -; .•ter•. :.'-�.. .,�.,.,-.:�.caMc ,fir,: �7....:..rr� fumes. - BIG STANDPIPE FALLS .AT UANOVrR. Tl>e town, standpipe, having aV capae- ity bi' 1001000 gallons, and towering 185 feet above the ground, collapsed Iat 9:30 last Saturday eight with a ..crash . that could. be heard allover ilia ton. eDur- itig'the*recent fete weather the 'watia the big tank froze fond, mild huge icicles forme& all about it. Follbwing'the mild wether yesterday) large 'pieces of ice, sone of them weighipg many htindrede of poumis, crashed do .-ward. Steel Orders supporting thetandpipe were smashed -off like. tnatchwood.• About 0:60 in the evening there wasterrific crash, and when citizens investigated. they found the renaiiiii Of the standpipe Scattered over an area larger than an acre. 'nage bloekso ice some'of:. ttietn five feet in thicken shot in all directienr, and the houses of ,Irs. Wright Mr. Beaman hada c10 a call from being' smashed.;. The loss, to the town 'Will be fuilyt t10,0Qoo, and ia•the meantime the local water supply and fire protection aystern suffers severely. The . standpipe was do 'badly wreeked that an entire naw one Will have to be built, the rateriai in the *la i fit being useless ler ng to iiis new, Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We sella or Cask -T -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit ?Mortis 1 The Lighter Day Range The Queen of Ran es --high Oven,- No, Stoopin 'Required Polished Top. no blaokleadingr-•the oven is large. full' 20 in,— roomy warming closet, convenient bigb shelf, enamelled back, large usbrvoite These are some of the points :that make it the best range on the O.ch= adieu marker. We have :two left twofer er at'tbe old price. When we go to the market again the price will 130 Much higher. a We have in stock Wire Clothrsitfible to clean either Timothy or Clover Seed. We have our Williamsppring shipment oi.:, ,t�herwin-. ° WPaint.' We 'have our Tinshop`.running- andare in a position to do all' kinds of repaying, ,r... 'he Lueknow�ardware & Coat Co. THE STORE IIIAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS =----•—r- f . • W AN TE D ---Tons of'.eroo,d Butter ar Loads of Fresh E_ s and Tabour have good vatuee in Tea Geta supply' while our present ;p ;todck' e'bn nests:quan-Wtities: -.et are expecting inucli higher prices. Special , •;We bs•ve Meple.Syrup. Also .,Porn syrup in pulls and bulk. 'Peanut Maple Butter. Sweet Pickles in bulk. . Also we Have 't9ithesean d'sorne Boots. and. Rut,bel8 • . Some stook food at old prices to clear. WHILE`TlT'EY TA T-2 pkgs..Raisins for ,25e f-$ars Castile .Sap 25e. 10c Tins !taking Powder Lr 5e,. Will you leas iv buying n ._. please g, a from us.your��knd'�:ogaideratioii. we will appreciate your business very tnu RY K Phone . 82, Returns r. CANADA. c Forms e now avai1n:bie ; n .L.0 _...,.:,: k.,.....'�L..:..�:,. � r.y �.:c.:,..a y '^w.r...:u�r;..� s5.•�':c1.A _- �..� :."�Y.r.:;a:n.,.a....saes Xrr.."f .:: r�:..,.�.�r^2.::�..r.=�G. .�:::31r ^�: .vim HE,Domiilion 'Income War Tax Act` requires you.to fill in one or /note of '. the five •special Forens provided. befdrd alst March, 1918. to order to assist the public to understand just what 'is.t'equiredof them; inforrimailon on each Form is given below. Read carefully, then get three copies of the. . • forin. that fits your case arid fill, thein in, Answer` all gilestioAnh fully and acc.'ttrately . For *laking false statements, a: penalty of $10,000 or six -rn t�ths', °,Tmprlsonmeiit, or both# Is ;provided Indivlduafs:-:Ali-persons uninarried,'and all widows or widowers without dependent Chi! , whose income is $1500 a year sr more; °must fill in Form 111. All other persons !whose income i $3000 or shore,, .use Lite sante term. Where any income ie •derived from dividends,, list amounts - received tr9m Canadian and Fore gn securities ssParreljri. Ei11:ir,pages. i 2. nl --Dona m 3�o y, Mark en page:4: Part4ierahips, as such *iced not file returns, but the individuals- forming the -porta nersiups must. • Cerpot*thms and joint. Stook Companles, no .matter how created or •organized shallnormal tax on income exceeding 33000. 't,Xse; Form TP2—giving arttculars of ' incoitiepay . _ so Also attach a financial statement. under Deducthene, show .la detail iundunts prod to Pdti3otic Fuid'and Canediani:ed Crospr other approved Was • • Tetiistees, Executors? Administrators of Estates and Assignees Use Forte ' of'kSiaz .tlhatution of income from all :estates handled -must be •shown as vWell.as• details' of irniounts drstxibuted, A separate Form must be filled in for each. estate. •EmnpIoyera must use Perm T4 to give entices d me of salaries, _.. and nmounts• es, bonuses, commissions and tither remuneration :paid to all employees during 191y where, such remuneration aggregate to 31.000 orover;, - amounted in tlitf `n rdttc t t.11 tc : Gt a�e:aostfiers.- 5zr P'o rm corP<tratlorts Milt give a statement of all bonuses, and ,dividends .paid to Shareholders residing in Canada during 1917 statin to' wh anti Elie amounts. stating dm paid, 1+igures its every.. case arc to cOVer 1917 lnc' E'orrns must be filed by neglect, offo $100'r•ea'cis (twat deffa'ulrt.may be Imposed. Int arch. Fof ;t fine t e therpcaass o Forof m tan ans 141 dyour,ke prone copy of the filled iii Porus and file the other two with District. In the case of t'3, T4 and TS, keep one copy and file 'Commissioner other two, with the 'Comissioner of 'Taxation, Dept. of Finance, Otttwa. porins may be ohfahted from the Distract: inspectors.. • toasters' at ail Ieadng centres. of 'taxation acid froiri thew Mebsb+ • pasta a titrust be Pact On 471 Zeneca and doctotnehts, forwarded. ded. by omit to %nspector of Tacn. naparfment of Fin/41 ance, Ottawa, Canada •