HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-03-21, Page 6-77141171
%lie et the Peculiar Habits mid
Traits et Wile A.nisaals in
I began as a parrot -boy, and after
wending a little time in the• prosec.
ear's office -the Zoo mortuary, it
*tight be called -I came among the
Ilona, tigers, bears, leopards, and
wolves twenty-five years ago, saye.
Herbert Pither, keeper of the Ilona at
the Zoological Gardens, London.
"Old Sutton," who was head ief the
lion -keepers, and- spent forty years at
hew Zoo, was ray chief in those days.
Nobody could tell Suttoit anything he
didn t, know *bout the habits of car-
ulverous beasts, and especially the
king of beasts. Like him, I suppose,
I than end triy days at a lion -keeper.
I don't suppose I'd care to take on any
other work now. One gets to like;
these big, wild fellows, and it rather
flatters your vanity to be ten a, siert of
ea *pea Ira jlis lines et Letemes
den in the open air. Ow patted ate
ea the ken& in were friendliness I tat
certain, bat lie elfeet Q1 tea pit veLs
that I ems stunned, mad the °doctor
Ihad to pen & watch togetker with
ida-thea *Wee& I never sidtered any
herm et -the le-erite of et eese esee
emperiseee to show that the
tiger takes petty well to captivity,
though here and there one meets with
a villa& or vixen.
The jolliest little fellow that ever
eame to the Zoo in ray time is Rana,
top, sad was walking about .0te
ground& Mara you lave the defa-
mes between bears and other animals.
A lion or a tiger would have reMain-
ed In the box for any length of time
without war thinking of olevising a
means of escape. The brains of the
bcwore the.1,14.11,.... Ttruirt
is a clever animal, end" you never
know what he Duty be up to when his
keeper's back is turned.
the Indian lionaptho arrived as a flufe Method by Which the Kaiser Obtained
fy brown cub fre the estate of 11.1.1.. •..
the Coveted "Vineyard."
Maharajah Raneffsineji, Jartasaheb of .
Nawanagar, long known on the•A. large part of Potsdam belongs to
cricket field as "Ranjitsingle." The the German ereperor. Some of the
lion was , presented by Lieutenant
Pole -Carew a little while ago.
Bann ia as frieteily air a chew dog.,
and not very unlike one. .But don't gh
-LEVER WORsze ENGINIlseeteet
Respect Fir Self-Startere.
What the Mash Have Accomplished • The eelf-starter on the modern au-
toinobile 'a wonderful but highly
in Mae Making and Barrage efficieet apparatus. The greatest
Effects. , percentage a them are electricelly
,•operated, taking 'their -current from a
It can be said concisely of this War Storage battery; and because they are and. eonextutator ere designed to stand
now on in'Europeethat it is no place of this eharaeter it is probably one ,of periodic starting discherges of a ". One dark night,. relates leieja,Gen.
royal estate has been in the Possession for a nervous woman or 4 homesick the chief reams why they Sit' George Younghusbaxel in A Sel-
o.na phyoically, that everybody eon- abused by the ordinary °Wrier. The
are pot aeast a minute's duration, but Sr
...an- dier'e Memories, two officer's �f the
of the Holtenzotterns for a long One, man. It demands the best, mentally properly understood or are badly inetruction book or tee Makers( teem -
but the greater part of it was secured 46th. Sikhs, Opt IL N. Vieltete
father, his father, and by the eeei struggle entirely new lines of data aelves, as agilely eleetrician, will
. • • Ili liest" himself have been evolved and much ' of the over at the time of stetting and do. to .meeswith both. expepse and giant
is fore turning. the engine . 04 the, pares of the starer deserves Call". 1.141"8' were
brit and wiry; CNA, Holum was 4 '
by purebo.se By the keisere grand, tains. AS a result. of three years' function' of a setf-starter as the terra say; that such unnecessart 114)044°1 from mesa Capt.' McRae was lightlY-
, near him when he is feeding. e is 0
. ttgan°grae g
t f e t tren th te
and uscle. "
familiar with meet thnigs, or else put
• In a bat and carefully ground down.
• You will seeehat any one of these
circumstances occasions time and tea
pause in getting the apparatus back
into shape if damaged The ensehes
How They Saved the Life of a British
Trumpeter of the Ros'al
• Artillery. ,
vnlder than all tee other hens put to -
At a politieal gatliering 'in Beilin, engin' eeeing work in Militare adenee, nig away with the task of cranking e•
gether then, and none ef them is very
amiable at feeding -time, Ile cannot
says' Miss Edith Keen in Seven. Yearse m er As they .were walking tip the. road
at the Prussian Court, heard the been egated to everything
by hand. That it isesometinies fear- after trialsitle te starter,
severe w e they heard mysterious calla for hell)
is altruist
bear being nieddled with, or even talk. P fully abused when us.ed foe Pulling there ie eomethiing else needipt at: '4
ise etory of how the kaiser, a short time Major and could not at first epagine where
tween his Paws; Once he 'has finish- Take difficul nfronted the many and oteer ways,
the care -at very, short distane tentio e Near y all earbutetois
4, they came from. , •
General Clement of the Ameri-
t can Forces.
tie$ that co ea 0
ed, and Ranji has well wiped hia :ilexes that is eow one of the most • / course --is fact borne out by 'Wet- respond as soon as the grade ee gas -1
an go on y s e
t 1 .lin used w 11 ' allow ens Then one of_them exclaimed, 9 be,
; after Ms. accessiore obtained about six'
meets. business. than to his kinglY honor. first necessity that met,. the engio Going to the well, .which was close
The bear is never to be trustea. Hal Begipning with the first instant tri I has been found that the ignition. Sys-
{ In the greatest percenta• ge of cases it
were no lenteer in. doubt Whence the
•fo,the reataide, and leaning over,. they,
lit redounded more to his asituteness In eemraen unit of measurement. •The brushes and weeliegss
needled. The Allied.. forces had nolbatteiy, but it also injures the starter
such a practice extreetel h th ' many time sate grade oe• gasoline es lieve ;there is some one slehet that
w 111' •
mouth. with hie long tongue, he ; valuable parte of the Potsdame• pro. engineers and the way they have been hard e•
comes as nice as ever in 4 few Due! Perty. His manner of, accomplishing the caute for imposiug on. the starter. e
or she is always bad-tempered. jennie,i. The kaiser was advised by his estate
nodding acquaintanee with thera, the big grizzly, has 'been cltere ab_ut.
let inuce 'higher figure than the ems
-Preach tbeir dens I believe were as crossns a "she bear.• "' rerhaps the
to appear in5 the centre of a 4aee reason is that bears eave more beams
Holiday crowd at theelionotiouse, lc •
Ise k .than other animals and just know
th tw r with h
of maps -to get over startinelesdal is depresse& the flow 1 tem is the least at fault in the mo -
failure to shirt. In some eases,
neer officers of the e`reneli tine. Eng-
lish armies was to. devise e systerkeeof ,eUrrent freet the battery to the 1 ter'41'
that necessity starting mechanism is very hems too, it is due' toignorance on the pare
This heavy dischar 6 ,should pot con., of the delve* in not hastening, the
tinuelonger the $ cessary or the activity of the carburetor.
Motor to e ' operatio on its owe ' ..,Atiother detriment to a self -start- into the water.
Power, w ic ay be all the way from er e activities and life is ,the improper Tige two officers decided that Cant
two- or th e seconds to not more.then nee 'of on. All electrical • gentle
eeie Minute at & •Peried. With the eenees must be oiled carefully. if" ZT:brloet awoawsn itnbtee. thileihwtweleligillot;
startele doing its part, the steeting of oil gets oe the brushes from an. over -
the motor eel:lends uporethe 'presence oiled bearing nearens there Ism sure,. mense ot tbeecee, lowered band over
nand be. the stalwart Capt Heinle's,
of gas • itt the cylinders and a coni- sly .be trouble, for the heat will -burn for they felt sure that the windlass.
petent spark" at elia' Plug. If tee ' the oil to the brushes and commutator was too light to Stand the strain.
etartieg pedal be held down too long, and form a lion -conducting crust that
. Capt McRae reached the Water level
safely, There he founeh trumpeter of
the Royal Artillery cline* for dear
life to- a protruding briar. The trum-
peter, it seemed, east elroteeed into ttee '
well While making a short cut across
the compound.' '
Oapt, McRae shouted up to his
friend: ' '• - ,
-"Do you think you can draw up both
up? The mares elleeet, insensible"
"Yes, I think so," was the • cheery
reply, 'el the rope will stand it Any-,
way, let's try." • ', s•
So Capt; McRae bound teal elasped
the trutripeter to his bosom and ,shout- •
ed, "Righteol Heave all!"
' - Winning thelledal. . .
agent to acquire the ground but the
owner declined to -part with it except
They all know my footsteps as I sp. thirty years, and -well, she is about •
enough to resent confinements •
peror wished to pay. This owner was
a traeesman in, Berlin, who had re-
ceived the greend in settlement of a
without any hope of teaching the „otle
dinary soldier or '. officer how to re.
duce yards to inetere and kiloraeters
to miles -to make a map teat, once,
my, . t debt amounting, I' believe, to two boo_ whited, would be • perfectly serviceable
manes, would spot me In a minute, and; The .teyo Polar bears, Sant and Bar- in every army. And they have worked
dred and fifty pounds,' *Mee waarat
bara, escaped one morning, 'by liftiug out a perfect seherne that ignores tiny
make signs of rfecognition bylumping:
. the time more than the ground would
the latch of their den and walking out. .
in ,. the have etc ed m theenien market, for ideit'of rds feet m ter e 'I
A IP . _ • ,
I Was =Used early to ,join
chase. They were got beck into their land about Potsdam. was at that thee earnadet.ei0eiaardaiinoaar everrking 411 frac-
place it the funniest way. A laborer eenleal'atieele 6eall, The tradesman, -
ever, e levee that in acquiring the wile Latest War Map.
likes and dislikes, and once they' take , was coming along one of the paths
ground he bad made a good specula- The maps are made od scales that
a dislike to you nothing ean ever with a plank ori his shoulder. 1nstea4
change their minds. 'Kindness cer- of dropping it and running for his tie° investment, especiallye,a$ it had are universally- 1-2500, 1-10,000 and
about their cages. • .
• Not Looking • For Trouble
Lions, like hurnan beings, have theft.
taunly wouldn't do You cannot' lifee he simply drove themfr
in ont' of been a choice between losingthe
ectene it" on lions by that plan. It is him, and, to our astonishment, mane amount Of his debt altogether and tak-
much the eatne with otherevild beasts.
There waa enow leopard that
couldn't bear the sight of me, se that
I had always to keep out of its reach.
Yet that leopard would allow any of
tete other keepers to stroke 'it and
Make a fuss about it. 1 never did the
beast any harm. It just didn't take
to me from the begifirdng, and never
troubled to give me a:chance 5 prov-
t e land In settlement of it. He
mewed the bears through the doors tug
of their densresolved to hold his land, arid slid so
et Polar Bear Caught old.
or five yeers, until the kaisers
C, ,
140,000, When. e Man sees teat Male
whether he can read it ip meters or
yards it matters Rot, he reeds all that
IS cei' it to his understanding, which
is ail that is necessery. The old dune
were attractee t 't ' bersome ways of -designating rouees
eernember When Sam was br, ought • The keeserls agent ascertained
the have also been overcome by the ere
Imre at six "metes old from ehe Arco figure ett which the ..tradesman had gineer. one old army rule thatre-
ticregions the first thing he did was Wight it, and offered him thesame quired a general -to put in his order;
to catch a cold. He shivered like a illem plus Ave per cent, interest on it spelling out in Roman capitals,' the
human being with infleenza. For a leer five years. When all towns ane. roads, and
. the agent reistehdeheisffebridig. 114:enteel:sselfy prolonging the order; is
month I shut him up and fed him with ' refused,
Lug that I was all tight.
e liver011. eme,nothing four hundred peunds, but sevenbun:'
,. . • a .
On the other bit and there was
. else, and got well n it lame and 1 dred poends-was the lowest figure that
tigress which simply couldn't - abide tigers are also rather liable te catch the tradesenan would accept The mat,
the headkeepee in those days, though colds. Itlany lion.cubs an,d,bear cubs :ter, then dropped, but a month later
have died at the `Zoo of pneumonia. the. was served with a no -
nobody ever treated.wild beast; beteltave-naverebeen-ableete:rnare-te tice-steting tied his n was re mr-
tere-Straiilta- to' had not , been 1
1 full maturity cubs of these animals ed for Military purpbses and shortly divided into four principal parts, so mind and the chief of engineers hi the lion-houee e month 'before T
.... On s.• He had taken in all that
I liked with her,,',except, of course,'
tee* years they have developee rickets., from the German government of goes roun g , ,
- born at the Zoo. If any Lain -lived a afterwards be received an OffiCial offer
could pat the tigress 11114 do anything that ,when, a man receives an order i out and produces on the.grouud to , . e . _
and was able
a theeengineer had -done,
go into the cage, with her. ' Limier ancl.hate to be destroyed: The" Young hundred and, fifty peends•for the six
one to do a' certain thing he is referred i perfect scale a. map ‘ of - the whole to carry it out, .. - • . ,
of wolves end dingoes thrive a rig t. aeres. , •
inpreethuarat ewdas37. far as to look . for teeabie under the care of dogs as, "foster... Iii Germany when rand is required
The Honest Tiger. e • mothers. • for military purposes the „owner
, • . „Lione and- tigers live .on one meal `
Sometimes a lion tit a teem. •esin in twenty-four hours. On the aver -
spot a person among 'the 'public afid age it consists of ten wends of lime -
begin snarling.. Per instance, the flesh. Since horse, have been ration.
e Very sight of a Chinamen, gentle alien
Into 4 rage. I never could tell wey.
It is just one of those strange things
About the beasts that. noesidy' can ex-
.i., There are eleven lions and lionesses
at the Zoo to-tlay, and Dick antisHarry tle or nothifig next de.Y. Lions are not
abolished by this system of Maps. All
of France has been'inappea a sec- is e eellatise in.Germaril before that , eorwerd every man c9uld. • find „ bis.
tion of sheets nimiliered from the. day comes. , I.Path as surely as if he were on • his
Each sheet is divided into a npmeer
a squares, and they are all teeractly When it is planned to attack a cero , home street under a • reey• ef ,electrie
tate' point, the demander dictates to lights; was indeed wonderful. eEach
calls. came. It was the lusty voiced
a British soldier shouting for succor.
On every LAM well there le a light
windlass by means of which. a rope of
doubtful strength" lets down buckets
the result surely be damaged
.brushes ante commutator. • Damaged'
lavishes must 'either be replaced with
new ones or else erued eleeen to per-
fect seating on commutator. If the
commutator be damaged by the -heat
that accumulates .during the heavy
discharge of battery current, it may
will „cape pittepg exel act as an ineul-
ater. So, even in -this -phase of the
self-starter's career, the breams and
commutator Must be kepteery,, clean
of -dirt, and free of oil and water,
Care Will • mean long. service
front reliable starters which, of•
course, means muclefor 'the eat: owe.
also need replacement by repairmen' er's , peace of nund.. •
• •
became effective, so teat they are miles •in lehgth and six miles. in depth
thadging their eptestadefeat. into, pees- to a scale time could be put ore a field
ent vietneet, and so they are gathering of about /000 to e500 feet, and on
strength which Must" inevitable carry , so accurately that when the order
them across ehe Rhine, unless there came through in the morning to metre
• Capt Relines wits a very powerful
man indeed. a hero amon st the Sikh'
on account of his.magni cent physique
one herculean strength. But he, lead -es
a roeiou "reed Meant only to raise
buckets of and nO lailley
-to sheet 1, No. 27, ahd one of the time.; countreethat has .to be traversed her smooth surface tor it to run •
subclivisioAs which are designated by that eneagement, . • -e over --only tee rough brick edge
the lest four letters of the alphabet. •. m •• e'
So far as strength went he was
men speakingelifferent languages can- In thefight on the Messines Ridge, engineer's office e' 11' b' h t '
generally advised to accept any offer
that the goverment may make. He
can, if he pleases, put hie 'own value-
. .
on on, it and have the selling price
edduring tee seer their flesh is not.eo Axed in a court of law, but ixt nine
neeteshing, and the beasts 'hardly . cases out of ten that is a proceeding
seem to do so well on whiell brings loss to the owner, , for
If 1.wefe to give Dick or Harry, the etsually it results in his having to tie -
brother lions, a double ration, they cept,the government's offer, or even
Might eat it, but weeld Want lit- a lower one; 'rarely does tot an in-
crease on the eleginal offer.
'The Bejtish engineers have perfect-
ed barrage week: I veal 1 -could show
yea a diageam that is issued te
artillery cominander from the chief
Per the eery simple reason that Six onths to repare. the well.
• • . • '
e mg im now 9
pet and do ,not pronoince the first wheeg I had an opportunity to study put down his barrage, its a • certain equal to the task, end by a colossal ef-
fort pulled site two Englishmen some
fourgetters of the alphabet alike, they such a map, they were, ifenely , six fight, and then he ealculates it out
way up.: The well, by the way, was
have substituted arbitrary sembole to months preparing tide map -e called according., to all this modern figuring
eighty-eight feet deep, and it had
represent them; so that C, whicli can it this plan -eon The groinede of the with vegane to artillery range . a
twelveleet of Water in it "Unfortun-
be hissed over eeery etougue, id, the regioneto be traversed The airplanes way that produces results. They were ately, a weak part -of the rope came at'
only one of the four letters tehich re- 'took tette Photographs every day, both successful in their last two raids be- lase against the sharp edge Of the
mains as it was. "At' esefalee'e'B'' is the panoramie-photograeheolit of, the, cause they had invented a new species well; the rope snapped and a resoehd.
beer," and "D" is "dome The sec- side of the machine and eftat pheto- of 'barrage fire which the* I "'am
ing smack on the water' announced the
tions are divided -that way, arid graPhs from the hottem. •They were not •permitted to. say anything about, . •
they want to locate. a carmine they read by the micrescope, Fleeted by the excePt to eay that it iss the highest
• fat. while Capt. Holmes did si sorner-
are a Pair Of shaggy brothers ili the g g . . The tradesman- wisely recognized
lion -house: . They canes from North- not always hungry, but show wonde . Nothifig dipcouraged, Cafe. Holmee •
West Rhodesia als cubs. Dick is feir- r..- that it would be useless for him to Ext- may mark one of these subdivided, photographer and' sent to kin o ,
•engemer or ve
t -li °' eiked- up not only • . • ---ess--e--- •
ken, end and a' t
. Iy good-natured, but Harry bra testy . -
game hunters tell me that a lion in its land than the value the military th alie battery -commander and he Can en eheeerac isca, , m le _, g .
9. -don -19, sheet 6," and they send that
• inen, but on this outline by • which. . . ,
e 1' 'a that oeS to the Borders should ,have 'the covers re-
moved that were applied last autumn MeReles
let down the bre , . C p .,
fishing hp les. breeen end, tied
ful regularity. with their food. Big tempt to eaten a higher eirice for his
fellow, 'He has some fine eung power, au.. locatethat within fiffy feet. / -
they weee.tcelearn to read their maps.. Do not citg until the oeil is dry ehoug
h the two together. Capt. Holmes made :
wild statamay go a week without had put on it, and he parte& e • Vriuniph of Militare Art.. • • ' • ' attack so it will fall apart -in turning it anotherbraveeffort; butagain, the
and the echoes of his biggest, roars .after a trentenelees feede with it at the government figure, Six s ee' b t b wire-
can'be heard h Mile away on still , I have never known a dentist to -be- In the ,preparatioe for that ,
over. Add old manure or sheep ma- rope broke, and else ' two men were.
months I t . th kaiser acqu red th Such messages can e sen y which took nearly six Months of time, • . • . • . s ' •
eights, . . calledo o
• • '' t pull a tooth from a li'n's 1 h' ' souse again into the water.. i forget
and for tins& from the government let is 'a high 'triumph of military/art. was e less or wigwagged from an airplane. .every, woods, evety house, evert tree . nure, before digging. , ,_
new many' times effort was renew -
Tigers are, on the whole, more moutlx, but the vetainary surgeon for exactly the ‘ amount that .the ' e , wi one men a a i e, u even
ked and if they discovered is Fish Chops. -Pick one. can of sal-
frlendly and trustworthy than a good often comes to cut claws that have beftut* f the new system eee mar ' k mon orother cold fish fine with a sil- d ih. ' t t'm ' b t .
' Many lions. A lion is either a gentle- grown back into ,their pads, casing - • --.___se-e_a_se
treclesmanhad paid eor it. ,
for the .old, Weethert the reader be an
By t•he. se x ion o s _ . • , that they.ead intidep. mista.e•and then the rope broke. Capt. Holmes, .
,.... , fork,add tablespoonf 1
a a of email
better photograph showed. error It .11,ET.
the animal to limp painfully, Inthe. . , -- march; Englisemane a Fienchtrian,aineltilein -ofpepper an alt to -
• tilan Or a cad; a lieness id either a-- therefore, first shouting words of 'e
lady or a shrew. There is no 'middle' old days we used to lasso the nen or an American, the map Means jape seas corrected and everybody beouiet mice, a dash d ,,s , couragement down the well, dashed fir
IVI h M. h ler 1 ' d .
arc , Mareh, arc nem s • „_ 'to find another rope.
taste. Melt two tablespoons of but -
back to study. that part over Here
course with them.
Tigers, on the other heed, are Armi , .
round the neck, and it took about
twenty men to drag.the beast up ' to • the same ea him. It used to be that
handed "'tee a regimental
Was a new development of military , ter iti. a sauce pane stir in one-feuree His leek, like that of .raest. brave
Cutting Vinds,and.doldi - a inap was engineering ey ...e a. ,o photography e o , , -., ,
e ee hl f•ar cup, -sifted flout anti add one c of •
straightforward. They never tea the bars of the cage, with its. .claWs 0 Over mead and pasture lands, . commander and .by bine passed to a,31P . men; was good: he found a rope: Some'
Overplainplaie and weld • ei. i scalded emilk. .. Stir" and boil until say it was the tug-of-war rope lying .
and the. airplane The French en
on" they like you. Either they do or held in position for the "vet." to oper-
Rude, rude rudievinds, '
battalion commander and upon that ,
steers co-ordinated and put upon the smooth then stir in the Ash. ' When • .
.' • . on a nem onne parade ground, and
they don't. They always make it ate when the lion had been. thlere. map he formulated his orders. It, id not ground an exact Picture of the area ...e
+1- mix tire ds , cold form into flat - - -
quite cleae to eou what theyathink of Wined, e Blustry .4indearid bold; •
. so to -day. The map goes into the hands occupieli by the German •anny„ and' calces to resemble. chops, aip 1 co n
,. .ri • r some say it was a twisted, combinatioo
you. A waiter once tried to give- a Brainy Bruin. Over doselpguarded kine. e" of tent Topes from the near -by eariton.
Over sheep infold, of the squad leader, because the see.
reeved irresistibly over the lanes. laid. meal, an&fry. Serve wash yourfay-
orite fish .sauce. - ment. Anywase he got it in time and ,
eneo is SQ. Chanied thee the Aghting
e. when fete time came to move they '
sault bacloeard.
exactly iatons or ho s They are the" d fengineeringart , .
- -
lion some bread lineage the,bars of This is all chinged now. The 'beast
▪ an outer den at the 'beck of the lion-, is' coaxed by bits of appetising meat Fierce, fierce, fierce 'winds, . • . is not done by the commanding -gen- &Aril to cosnplete victory, because'
Oatmeal. Muffins -1e cup •ceeked. leael right below there)" he shout-
.lfll•Thieus,p2;nriz.,,,,telf:ernet!,?1,1v1:9LIIs into filech, uueuellaarcuih'e. palu'r! aniereenthe
_ Jim "":" 'his primary obsectinies seedneary 01, -/-egg, z keel tablespoOUS Sugar, .1 1 • • -
His ork ser tvo -see te,at:nen evere lean er*alred had. in lila Tnfnd natrneal" 1--;k eeee-flellee.Y.n,opp_m_j.ite.evele. h •e Th„ .
es, o oy, e quic . e unner
Dig the waiter's ecreanies, We took -cen see ween the chloroform has fak- • Round the cot and MiIL nait -1 . equipped and held to the highest type lect and the ultimate object of attack tablespoons indeed butter subetitete seeeseid b eee.a. nseeesakeestseee, , , elute!
en totthe hospital to_ live lue. . artn, .aa.etteet- Jetta eleepeerseeeheiteneleettlasseateoe• 1-49)F24,14'7::2,1%-aliw‘s-g-644,,,, ..tere.--- ae...----osseetee--. a- - - -• ,rre2 Atin, -ok, , . i -. , . , sung out uaps.vicuae. . . . , .
-iireesed.: We' bad'Pant a panituLemee through a spacam the -bottom of the / . Loud your voice and •shrill, The fightitig is done by
Tliflpilatr4,—", ...---. -. ossee-i.a.s.. :ass: - eee e 1 - eessoseeeeeeeeseseasseeeeeeeeseleferieeTseeeeeireeeilaithinelitefoei • --e'er • e - -
. .
thesstleae had been unknown.. . : . • . . teaspoon salt. Mix' and sift flour,
for his lesson. . t • box. ' e es . . leaders. and company commanders. ' , ; , . sugar, salt ane baking powder. Add • -
By- this thne servants e from 'the '
' • • t lee ss ,Field of Messmes Ridge. , neighboring house and stray ° aassees-
s Cruel to he ltind. • Some trate ago- °teed the Canadian half the milk end the
The men who do the lighting mus e , , egg well beaten. ,
- Maecots, a little bled; bear, which we . , y . had co ec e 1 so ere .wa enough
intelligently taught Oat they have Now the study of that field of 'fire : Mix the remainder *of the milk with pewee available. ' •
e h II t d th se h '
• Only onemiehap ever came mY waY• look after at the Zoe for the ' regi- te do. The bayonet positively thinks •over the 'Messina Ridge was a revela- ° the cooked -oatmeal, arid edd to the "T'fellow' '
' it was through 4 lioness called Leozie. in tele war. it was not until the le the On first sailor knot
Mon to me of 'the 'discipline, of engi- I dry ingredients, - teat therouhtily ..• •s ° , -
We were moving a leopard, and I was , 0 and no granny', arta we'll have him up •
neering. -The patiencealett •was ..disse then add .tnetted ',Utter. Balm . es .-. •
.. tut your gledsome promises
Spriitifinie shall fulfill. 0
' . • Xs Thornton.
merit, was pledein this box. Half Beth for the sake of safety end. ate•
hoin afterwirds We found, that the pearances, get rid of. waperaste p
bear had gnawed his way out at the promptly. • British and Preach .soldiere learned
gement on top ef the box, my head
, that the bayonet must the* that they,
played 'all that tirne,,in redileieg Afteee 1,greesed gern pans.. ..
-Tomo 1-TAINK 1114AT C00- 440KS••!
ot4 kiou — IT MAKas Yoa
-140M -
• WELL; tiLiViik, 114 .N9T
Ricits, DOT ry e ALWAY G
NEN PR5ITV 50ccEssfUL—
I zom6 Hot,
IS 1 catl $A1 I'MA
ARa• DOA6T114,0 oR.
oPaciaiztN6 Totil
in a siffy, and then you, tool" called
,out Capt. Holnies.' •
But Capt McRae, in tha clop dark
OL that 011, findieg the ,trumneter in.
7 sensible, 'could not manage it The -
• only Wee was 'again to support, the
teumpetertand go up togethers
So at last they were drawn to the
surtade-an insensible trUinpeter and
a very gallant offleer and gentleman.
The Duke of Connaught vecommen&.
ed both officerg" for the Humane So-
ciety's niedal, and it due cout se. they
received tee award.
not uncover shrubs that have
been protected. until danger of leen-
• frig has 'passed. . Alternate freezing ,
and thawing is Very injurious, Prune ,
• as seen as they are uncovered, if this
Is required. .• ,
Earley enable -One ova of whole
Wheat flour, one eup of barley meal,
one.fourte teespoot of salt, two tea -
spools of baking powder, one atid'one-
fourth ceps tour milk ore -half tea-
spoon of eoda, twe tablespoon e of lard
or beef drippinge.. Sift florae barley
meal, milt and baking powder': • Dis.
solve soda ina little coldewater and
add to sour milk. Obrobioe the two. ,
'Mixtures, add oig g bind melted fate
•Balte in moderato oven. 4-