HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-03-14, Page 7mewnese mws..m.m me.mm_ • Mr. W.71411111/11=7.7=1.11.... T 7.7". . • . ' THE CULTIVATION OF 'VACANT LOTS GROWTH OF MOVEMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN. 266,060 Allotment -Holders and Three Thee as Many Waiting Por Available Laud, - A wave of land-hunge?is sweeping 9reat Britain' as vesult of the _as- ' tOnishing. growth of ,the •garden - planting movement begun there when Joseph Fels. a Areerica organieed the Vacant Lot Cultivation Society. To -day this Society is theethelens of an organized moveinent of ,250,00Q al- 1ot*nent-hoIders,-.rnen and women. who. are "doing their bit" by growing feed on small plots of ground be and near cities and towns. And three times as Many,more are only waiting .forethe landt� be made available for Mein. • /n the Southern District, centering in Londou, the allotment -holders have organized a federation. -with a mem- bership of 81,000. The garden -plant; • trig inevement has become more than • a. fad or an emergency war measure, It has become a nation-wide demahd that epportunity be opened to all who • are willing and able to Miltivate the soil, and public men are beginning to • see in the army of allotinent-holders a rising' force of the firsteimportance. Says the editor of the London Herald: "A new and living force has come • into the life of the' nation'. We refer to the allotment movement. It is one • that will compel •the practical atten- tion and respoese ,of municipal eu- • thorities and the GoVernment, 'Allot - STRENGTH FOR THE DAY'S WORK qmxwmq 1 I Two Practical Designs - Depends Upon Good Red Blood to Nevirktk the. voay-Wealit People Need a Tonle. tordo treatment • through tho BOO of Dr. Wilhelm?' Pink Pills for. n in down COndition of ,the health is based on sound machete prinCiples and • on compel" seise. More' and :More neen and women, are realizing that pure, red • blood means health, and• that efeciency in the everkelaore , the • the laome or in any OF tfie varied walks of life depeede entirely upon the quelity, of• the blood. There are, however, thousands of people Who do aot realize the truth of these eitate- mente. They are WithoUt ambition or strength to do their day's Work; are always tired otit; have but little ap- petite.and a. poor digestion; cannot get a refreshing night's sleep and ate Subject to headachee, laacka-chea•aild nervousness because their blood is weak, watery and impure. De. Williams' Pink Pills give ,quick reliefeited permanently cure such men and women, because of their direct action on the blood, which they purify and build' up to its normal strength, As through the use of :Dr. William"? Pink Pills the blood becomes rich and •„red it strengthens the muscles, tones Hp the nerves, makesthe stomach. capable ,of digesting the food and re- pairs the. waste caused •by groVetlt or work. -'The need in every family of a safe and effective tonic eueh as D. • Williams' Pink Pills Isshown by the follerwing "Statement. • Of • Mrs..' Julius Tuck; Mull, Ont.,' who says d --"Before I began the. use of pr. Williams' Pink • Pills- 1. was in a Most wretched and ment enthusiasts have beconie an run down conditien. tnin• and watery and iMy blood weeny nerves were army, which during the war has; with in such a tondltion that the least • nade and hoe, drilled and trained; • )utvek got the land hunger,andas a re. eult are here to stay. . • • A Force to be Reckoned With. • "Having fallen in love with Mother Seeth in time of war, they will net, If we 'rightly estitriate •their "%quality, • peeve false toeher when peace' • shall dawn,, They are" put to 'eapture the • entrenchments of the land Monopolist noise would make me :start and• train• - ble, and what a burden rny housework seethed. . Oe 'of my neighbor's Ltd. ,vised me .to Dr. Williams! Pink Pills and, I have 'great reason: to 'be glad that I ,followed her advice, for • before I, had used ehalf dozen.boxes all symptoms .of ivy trouble had- dis- aPPettred; 'and :I was as well , as Over • -14ad been in My life. I have also • and food profiteer, and woe betide any given the pills to nay daughters with ,barrier whieh priVilege Shall attenipt the Most. heneficial results, and I -shall. „ . . . , to. place in the 'way of the ermy's ad- ever have a ,good word to say . for varice. , . , . , taddere - • I :If you are feeling the least run . ... "An e'viclence ' of the spirit of :WS ' mckeinent was previded, by the. Con- down, Weak or depressed do not delay -take these Oita at once rull note `dlereece of .Atiotment Holders, held in ' .Elssex Hall, London; There were pke. ho'i seeedily yeur, .old-time health. nightgovin; 2McCall Pattern No. 7659, . . . - fienteniore thand860-delegates,_ from. -T01.1* retlirm__TOU:e-dlen. _get_thee.pilla„ .Girldse-YekeeNiglitgowie In 7 sizes, soma 160. secieties, oseitla an .aigregate froni au,y.• de41er'ia medieltii. Or ; by 1 to 12 years . Price, 10 cents. • i- ' membership of --oVer ,81,000. In his mail at 60 cents 'a, box or six hthies . These 'patterns may be obtained opening address; the chains -inn refer-. ts'r $240 frmU The 1":*; Wil4aul'e iivitai- from your loonl ' koOnil 'dealer, -Or eine Co,Brockville, Opt. ' from the' McCall Co• ID Bond St ..,Tor- redlo 'the work of the founder of the , . 1 . , / . movement for the cultivation of va- . - .-- ••-------ece-!' • . •••• onto,. Dept:W. .1 • cant and idle land -the late joseph ' A. -ROMANCE OF 11.1g *ILLS.. •,.... ..••• •, ..---,--. . • • 'Eels'; and when, at his suggestion, the • , - , . ,............ • . • AN,EXCELLENT MEDICINE' Conference rose in is body IP pay tri - War Has •Stintuinting Effecton Out bete .to his MOtrierk,.._ata.ritico .on re- . • put of Chernicallndestries.-.._ . cord the determination of . those pre- .. One mOrning,--jti.St.'after'the United - sent to,realize the ideal,' it was clear States declared 'War . against 'Ger- that here was a force that will have to many, an alert,aggressiYe, wealthy be reckoned WWI, in the future" . ' Southerner entered the; office of the In the allotment reoyeree.nt, land re, Secretary of the Interior and announ- -momwraP • This is quite a sensible little romp- er, as well as being becoming to the youngster. , McCall Pattern No. 7880, C'hild's Romper. In44 .Sizes, to 6 years. Price, 1.0 -cents. .FOR LITTLE ONES '.13abY's ' Own Tablets. are:an excel- lent. medicine for little •enes. . They sweeten .tlie atomach; regulate' the form- has secured iheebacking Of men ced that„heavented aechence to ; de his .bOwele, break ' up coldS ., and sihiple and. tionien interested net as theorists, bit'f':* hfs country; ' ... " ... fevers, cute ecbastipatipn .,anet.'InItflte but as actual tillers...6f the soil. John ,, "1-Werit a man's' job; not :a: Prime l'fi •Eleth'i'llg • _'. ' ' 2 t. ' easy. CrenCeriling Ahem; Igrs: .pailtWorthy, the English eiritete said: the •spotlight,"d he explained.' 'Jest E. Quinn:, Parente; ,teee..; Writes: 'Baby • "ThiS question 'Of.,the, land Is the something sornebatly else Would. shy. was trgill4ed.."1•Y" . c911-etiPatiee 141(1 ".question of the futere no matter Whet at ,, • ' '• - • • ' ., ... ma:wee helped him till I -began using happens. he the war. TO, put men on Searetary t ano cormidered,tha,pro- . Elaby's Own Tablets, • -'lliey arl3 in ex-. . the lend we mist have the -land :ready position 1 or a' Moment. .."Why not find. in terms of, earth, not of paper; and pyrite ore ?",he suggested. And then _celleet thediciee for little ones." -The T bjetp are sold by medicine dealers'. hive it inthe iight.places; within .Casy lie explaiiied that the War had alinest; or b' .14.25 cents 'a, bog fromThe Dr. Williams' Medicine:Co., Brodkville reachr Of town or village.. .We .know, shut America oft from .. the' 'Spanish r ' • • • • • • - . ). for instance, Wit. in the . last five mines from which •• thedcountry had Ont• ' . • • • '' • . :iiioriths half .a.:milliop ..a.liotmektt,gar-- obtained the ore for stilpheide aid. He ' • • • • • . • .. . •-•-•-,--- 7 dena:have been created in urban areas, added that •pyrite wealth be 'found In -LAZINE.SS•AND lisiy7E,N.TI.ortf. and fee •moris progress made' ;With the •Steithern hills near' his, visitor's 1 - .d. ., • •---7--,. ' • ' • - .small holtlipge.than in previous Yeari. ,ltorrie., , : - . :• ' ..-' ' '' ''' • a• ' • .. ' • ' • ' . - ' • . , : •• I Many. Ingenious • Devices 'Planned by We have, the chance of ear dife to 1 . 'I never".lieurd7Of the stuff,;" .ceefe .••'• . ., . , eklie'peoPie; • e • .• sretell the fOder danger,' and to'eestorermented the Southerner,e .igntr, if it's Someone 'once :..aeld• • that ' lazineSs a, healthier Inilanee between town and there as- You say andwe need -it • for'• seas the .mainspring•of. **rasa,. •and c0nOtrY steieks, - - '......' . the wale:Ill get it!? ;He did.. The'fife'l though that seems to ' begoing. ' ted, - ... Of Pirit- Importance. • mines. e, discovered, guarding to See,. far: in Praise of the -lazy man, yet: it - .2 "GAY .111.'e zeneeetions.have his:night. 'retarY Lane's minted eeport, are .9.9 -vii cannot be :denied, (hat a.. -good . -me. Y , 24...toet* ,e' , • ... . • , nee.•_Iiiig 400 tons -a die, and '1,00:1)-ecins. ,discoveries and iiiventiorie hive': •been ., e,. . . . . I . i'ion we are in. The rate sieteilere,'('IailY Is': • ,PrPnliSed:. : Sulphuric acid i ,Made by the 'man 'With: little or nail: mon will increase ,:mbrImset, ritni4,13, .wj.th each knOWil. to .f_oloil..tietil as the ebeellealedeg _eeerte. if the '-'ditl -.dory de t TO, • ,-, s 'coma:1g generation.. ' We, 0937,s,. • a er ---ir brailaill-7.1.46' itatretitapr dititire47111.1. ,ild not the discovery of- the "tudVerSal - •-• -4 -14"1---- ed --""----d-- h - *V -N 1.42;0011,17tIrni "1-!3.`,'.f.'. 13111 I? " del . de '.' - • - - -- There is.a].esse hi This Lady's Story She Tells What Dodd's Kidney Pills Do - UL " r riTurileit •••,4444 She Was Troubled With Weekneee and Her Oaughtei. Had. ,Nervous Treillage. Dodds .Kitiney Pills • Proved the, Remedy They •Eioth. Needed; ' Hamilton,. Ont., Mayeli. 4th (SPeciallt -The story told -by Mee. lid Dieliene, of 7Q Tom Streetthis. city, carries, a Message. of hope tb every suffering woman in Canada.' •; • • "After My" baby was born," Urs. Dickens states; IC ueed to estiffer 'with my 'bac% and had no heart to 'do -my work around 'the honte, But "I 'read about Dorld'S Kidney Pills 'and what they have done for others, so I thought I "elrpuld get a,. box and see What_theY would defter rine. -"I am pleased to .say that after tak- ing two boxes I found such great re- lief I would not ha vittb.out them in the bowie. ' "My daughter; too,' had been :very sick an and off for a long time. Her n*ves got so bad -we were afraid we .Would :see her in the hospital, • But I am pleased to say sbe is better through taking Dodd' s Kidney Pills. "I never thought Todd's Kidney Pills' could have done such good work and I am telling' ail my friends about them." ' Women's 'troubles, Or nearly all of :them; come from sickkidneys, The cure for thein is the old established remedy for sick kideeys, Dield'S Kid- ney . • : RAILWAYS CO-OPERATE 4•M••••••••• It may.be'of gen)eral. interest to the - Canadian ' public. td know :•ticane ex- amples , of the. wity. •in which their railways', through the scanedia.n• Peet, •flo AsSecietion.. Naar:alai , Defence; are exchanging .traftle in the Interests • ef eflieletcy. • ., • • e • - Case. the '0,P:Et; dlyerted. by ' ,•the .Soo Lie°. One thousand dais of freight , se as to relieve the! main line Of the cthiipany Along the nbrth shod° of Lake Superior. 'These :cafe pissed seueli frOm Winnipegeto Minneapalli.•Sod by "Way of:Sault Ste. lefarle 146' Ontario,% They consisted 41104 of grain for domestie consump- tion in. Canada. '• , • . • , ne-huneled•-•carle-ef freig ar4„:heing 'diverted,from the CIP.B. • at • geebee' arid travelling cf_,the .NatiOnat."TeinisCiantlientel 'tro, 'Halifax. 'While there ie. ne-eriying in mileage,. thise in, the , intereet,. of the • coontry„. relieves the C.P.R. mein line.' to 'St. ..Tehn for dee* of export .freight,niore ;urgently -required there. . • • In Toronto an arrangement Was Sue- cesitully- 'parried' out: whereby - ene. „hundred and twenty paps of :.freight- ..esaatb thin d for ,::Montteaie were tate &I 'beer' elied0.P.IC: to °the CN R every day, • • • The Grand Trunk during the sellar season has been :diverting one. hundred d flft • • the „eoa Per•daY to the & B. in, order to lessen the coneeption on the Grand Trunk ifoni the Niagara frehtlet ter' Toronto ind other point's- . The Supreme iliac:dace. • When a Man tae o the armee ef • life and death either in protecting his • home, his otate, his\ •country or the freedom and democracies a the whole • world, he offers his life on the highest altar of human sacrifice. Jehovah of the Jews; Chriet of the " Christians; •e-1eete4 TILQ laighee alter, and gentile and pagan have found none higher. Humble may be the altar whereon fa- ther and eon offer themselves in =mei- lice for defence of the •f4mily, the home or the city, but higher must be the, altar when the ;eons offer theme selves for sacrifice on the altar 'of a world freedom -a freedom for other homes, other cities,' Other nations and peoples. LEMONS MAKE'SKIN •• • ' WHITE, EQPT, .014AR Nagginiassuissi .4•14.444/ .^7 Make 'this beauty lotion e'ford' a .few ..cerlts end see fol. yourself,. • . What girl or woman. hasn't heard ot lemon Juice to remove complexion • blemishes; to whiten the skin and to bring outthetoses, the freshness said the hidd.en, beauty? • But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore Irritating, and should be mixed with orchard white this way. Strain throu.gh a 'fine 'el.:4h the juice of twe fresh lemons into a bottle &retaining abeuerthree ounces of orchard white, then aliake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin ald complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays'. for a email jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to strati" the lemon, juice sto no pulp gets Into the bottle, 'thee this lotion will remain.. pure , and •treshe: for months. When applied daily'. to the face, 'neck, arms and 'halide ,it should . help # to • bleaeh, clear, smoothen. and beautify 'the 'skin. . " ' . APT •druggist ' will supply three: Dunces of orchard white at yery little &1st. and the grocer has the lemons, , Maple Sugar .Profitable. • ,Sugar ,rehple trees are a specially valuable aeset to:a farm this year'. Regular comniercial sugar is searce and high. There is money in Maple sap, and beyond the week practi- --cally -Profit. You .don't. have to plough,. or harrow; Cm fertilize 'the groend for the maple harvest. You • don't have to do any spring seeding, and you don't have to wait 'patiently from spring to fall. The maple sen. son. comes- at a time When other farm ,work is slack. The trees require no. spraying, 'pruning,. fertilizing or Watering. They stand as a rule on un - ti a e or roc y an'. e map e tree was a godsend tO'Canada in the pioneee --dit -is- no less-eoenow -in the Wet scarcity Of eugate, eatriarses seinbiteav-ive sate ever7wbore. • Peed Shortage tietting , The jetest cable received from the British lqinistry of. Food regarding conditions' in Europe makes it • clear, that' la•drastic reduction:1h_ the pee, Prised retions rifi' Britain iflaY--ba,1-e- pasted. early. 'in March. The stipply, Of fats and: bacon is low and -increased irpports are urgently need... - ed. • The Italian teens the greatest pf all. The people of Italy -have. been..., on 'hieed and sugar rations for some. time andt severe' reStrictions have. been 'placed -en their eorisuniptien ' Of . meat . • • The •Grend Trunk has 'also :diverted° . , . My ears per day to the C.N.R. at: Te- • le. Western Canada: the -Oanadian Northern has on .seVerat. obeasions .teaesferred stuplus traffic to the Meter railways in the West. ..... 2 ' • '. ' . . . ronto. • ° .• . • • • • . Minarrl'S Liniment Vo.,"•Limited•, •••• danghter, 13 yrs.• . 'We's.. thrown from, a Sleigh- and in itirecraiel.. elbow' so badlY. it renaiined , Stiff:and very painful for three yeare. Four battles Of ...MIXARD'S • LINI- MENT completely cured her• and she has. not been ,troubled for. two 'years. , . • Yonrs,trnly; ° •. ••••• E. B. ,LIVES.9UL, St Joseph, P.'0.; 1.8t1k An& 19.00? . • • • -. lee T'S HAS NO EQUAL • Lt. rest ee.glee geifteirel welter but cloubtee the ohnine. Ing power ot, seem. and makes • everything imilfterY 4nd waaleetlime• Ruing • eusornuffne. 1001.110.11F 1114.. ‘hk• OP 4 431r 1 ii___11111111V4 •• . A Wide -Awake Dream. Soule day the "world -e -that is, yoe ayid I -Will always have 4 sznile and a warin handshake for the Other • We .aliap have time- to it. On the fence and ;talk tillage 'over together, and cliot• a werol cif cheer as' we look at one another's crops.- • we shalt not brag so much, but we shall do a lot More patting on the back, eriowoMmoow - MONEY ORDERS . When ordering goods ,by mail, send a Pominion Express .1VIeney Order, The New Maple Law. • The Nev".• Pure Maple Sugar . law gives the public protection against adulterated maple prodeets. The scarcity of cane and beet sugars this year will else make it less profitable to mix them with maple flavoring ex- tracts. The 'markets of Canada and the United States are eager for pure maple syrup and maple sumo, and the new law has restored public.' .con- fidence. lffinartnaLinintent Cures Dandruff., Giving a Calf an 'extra, good start the first six months of its life and doing so eheaply;., is the secret of suc- cessful and economical stock raising. LIFT ;YOUR CORNS ' 0. - • qpr wiTri FimagSs • °, Hew to. loosen 'a. tender corn .6. °•-.• or callus se It ilfts:eut- • . without pain. •• . • . _ . . . I40t. • folks stepe on . your •feet here- after': ..weer,shces,i size, smaller if you like,.for cores: Will never again :nevi electIQ sp rks. oi pain through you,' a.cording t this ciacinnati authority. 'He says t t feW drops pt, a litng C.: .7.. " • • I a -tender, etch ng cern,. instantly- re- !cii lieiesd;setenes ',- and "-so** the entrre corn, root a.iid 1, lifts right Out. This' dreg dries at once and simply shr4- " p . rn -er -callus -without even irritating t ie Surrounding deals% A small bottle- of, freezone obtained at any' driee: ster ' will cost' Very. little but wiel positivelY,yetnove every heed ' or soft corn or callua' from one's foot. . . ; • , -. If your arbtgro hasn't Sleeked 'WS' ..• -- - "• - 4 "--.... ., ` • -- - . •• new drug yet,"te.11, nira -to get a small , bottle. of freezone for :you :from his' wholesale drug house, - ..- : EAGLE. • •No Duty on Maple Sagat. Maple stigar Makers :tie* had such e,• demand to fill as tide year., Thle 4710 of cane and beet sugar' isea maple products of great use ite substitutes. Every sugar Maple tres available should be tapped thie spring. • ltinarins'idniiiient Relieves Neuralirler., .10011 !JAL"! - NEWSPAPER NvEsw- V- V -ern Ontario. 1)oing a good buisi••• ness. Death -of otvner pieces it on the market. A great canoe for a man with. cash. Apply Box. 82, 'Wilson Publishing Co.. Limited, Toronto. IIINjELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER Ir and job printing plant in Eastern Ontario. _ Insurance carried $145•00. Will go for 51,200 on .quiels sale. Box SO. Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd., Toronto. Xasonassarrnotre. riANCEB. .e‘thatoRs, LUMPS, 'ETC., internal and external. cared. with- out pain by our home treatment Write us before too late. Dr. Benman. Medical Co., Limited, Coningwood,' Ont. When:1)113+W Your Plano. huifst on having au OTTO HI GE PIANO AOTION 10110M111•11111•119•141•11111111110111•1111 A Kidney Randy. Kidney troubles are'frequently' e.aused by badly digested food' • which overtakes these organs to eliminate A° Irritant acids • formed. Help your stomach to • properly digest the food by • taking 15ito 30 drops of Extract of Recite, sold a4 Mother Seigers CnraleiSyrap,,, and yeur kidney dire) er will proniptly dis- appear. Getthe genuine. 7 siimenienaminesainensnews • lot -the •Eyes, - , Physicians and eye specialists pre. • scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedr • in the treatment of' aye troubles and te • strengliten eyesight. Sold under money rotund guaranty by all druggists., UTICURA HEAL 1 PL On -Face. Badly Disfigured, STYLE .The following :15. film a letter of Lieut. Winfield,a British Flying Officer! who. escaped In NOvernber, 1917 "The a.bad: One, the roonia. 'over-proWded, there was insufficient room •for exerelie, the sanitation Was Very indifferent, !Jae food' althost im possible to . eat; ' WO, Were hcmi3ed*in. woOden: barzacks ditrided' into recline by .,t in. 'wooden- partiti s. Were 'eaten •in. room, se that ete was, eitrethely dialthilt to Obtain -the .neeeS- 1-4'rese "sleet for Tlib•At.s. ut-EJ readlirg'.roOme, •foed was ex-, • ....., _,_ • ..•._:_...,..,,,,z, -,4r:•:- ; - .,,,,t',5- - -.,. N.' - 'e • - • ••• t 1 .Ti„ , x ,t :rt ; t ,_,,, ,.-•• 72,1, , •.• ____ , . .3•4•,.. - ; •• ...4-,_. .....1“......._-_•17-eeeel. ,LeeereetteeeedZeedr...-e„,e.theeeeee„eeeeeee-seeese.esitteeee-aeeei„-ease-----es---- . , :. • - : '-I . ulation into poor paddocks, to breed modern Vier hiiiFelnid au ...equally stim..•when be -Was 'Io' ifing• "leder. an apple ' i . '••• • to 'chop bittehis mouth? • - . peace. •• tree; Waiting, AS it Were,.for- theffruit. . : The invention • of the stockiiig-looin marked an epoch: in Idri•tiSh industeYi hliteld bread, .You qui imagine• , then, of silk eteckings• for Good Queen Bess, I- on *areele.,. and ' ire 'extremely film- • lifer: horrified. Mitieter that the, Queen oeptivitY before ehese begin, to, arrive, w-e.ito to...dote:Cow our big r RE t CATA-1,040iGUE showing our fiat lines of BitycleS for Men and'Wometi, Boys and Glrls.. [ROTOR- CYCLES MOTOR ATTAORPAENTS .Tires, Coaster Bralr.es, Wheels, p.mer Tubes, • Lamps, Bells, CSrelcitneters, Saddles, ment nod Parts of Bicycles. •You enn biy • your' sapplies frosts us at wholesale prices,, . T. W.-BOYD :it SON, • 27. Notre' Dame- Street Went. bientrieL • ' Flood Aphorisms. -The bacon you save -may save yOui _ •1.7,bout; I °'• P • slated a most ent ly of sta.% d gel-wurzels,. 'with trecasional •potatoes e e man- . promisctiously ,among themselves,-' • "The great impedimenta is the forge of things as lisey are, the. huge vested ' enterprises frightened of losing no- fits lf we pass this moment, • when 1 Men Of ..eveey class and occupation, even those .who thrive most on fear town -r 'cider) ." state, are a little fright - tried ; we. let slip •this chance for a •geal t-.1tange-ctin Ile that any"- - , • • " _ Ahlugr .votsiderable e done, , Abe dice loaded as they are, the scales weighted so hoPelessly in fever Of at, .• temns? "Dare any any that this 'Whole vast • • question of the land with its throbbing :AK importance, yea- seeing that clemobil- • izatioes de not opine every year ---its • desperately hnmediate importance, is not fit ;matter for instant debate and° ' 111 nation; dare any say that we ought to relegatelt to that limbo, after the • War? In grim reality it talees.preee-1 dence of every other question." ' • • Heated will'tate the place .ot erenni In toffee. I A taralespoonbl of meltrd butter is measured., after melting. It's faith in something *add enthusi- asm or sonrething that makes 'life worth looking at -Holmes. • Drooping midis Aro usually caused by ill health, tom MIA anithal food • or badly ventilated pees: Generally • epealting ri reitieva: of either or all of • thee, conditione will wake things • tight: ulat ng e ect on the output of ‘other. chernicarinduStries.. War is a new game to the American, but the recOVds of their Iiiterior Depaitrneet show that he Is "sitting in" as though it N.Ta-s. in the States, as in Germany., a nation - •pastime. • Of vetY ep.of euality...Thp; bread ration • wai: bait a leaf- week of ver Y bitter In addition to producing the pair. that prisoners are ..entirelY dependent and drawing; forth the • remark frOrn- gry during the first twp 'months of of -gngland -had no legs! It wag the -Thre„ltoulnerilan derineere'-get4filitilitfe iegehlous. •clevicee of ,-('',1,4,mityridgri and Ahe, RusSialiti verY , graduate who. had inerried before- .• We will ship, Expms Prepaid, had liarlied, even to earn -rs'his living, The Wealth, of the Sea. . •f- . •s• '''re•AWEi 6.f.1 s.ids.peLe ,lized 2. Boxes Ointment and. a Cakes Soap. had a bad itchy lot ,of pimples on my fate which made it badly disfigured. They were inflamed and came toa head, and I could tear my skin as soon at a 'little. heat came neai• them. ' I could hardly sleep. • . . • "When I saw tuticura. and. Ointment adverdied I sent for a free sample which did -so much -good that I 'bought more, and -I iised two boxes Of. Cuticura Ointment and three cakes of Cuticura Soap, when I 'was -Pealed." . (Signed) MisaBertha StOdc,.. '•holrii, Sask. • - If you have a good complexion keep ir so by using' Cuticura Soap daily and. Cuticura Ointment. accaSionally. ' For Free Sample. Each. by Mail ad. - dress post -card: "Cuticura,' Dept, A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everyWhere. Will reduce Inflamed, Strained '•.' ' •'• ' ' ' • • • .-' -- -Swolleneddendentedeigamenterle., 114-114; td-----•..-de•- •-•...orldsireicteedsep. ethelaseeresserate . Li --_::1 _,M, _,,, ,„, 1.-- : • ' -I aid froma S'plisit,' Side ilcriie oi I ' ""'"• '•I'i''"e'-'ne a,p:St:?..avin...Ne,..,blister..no htli L. U., orie-ami keiiire:-•esn..b&nietellt •,:-.-°' *,••••••••,,, //R/N Granulated Eyelids; Sore Eves; Eyes Inflamed by Sun. Dust and 'Wind.quiekly relieved by MUtine, , Try It In your Breland in Eaby't Eye* OUR E NoSeistiiiig; Jae Eye oddest WierineEyeikeinedytaing.12faltt.'unk: . eye Orly*. in Tulles 2So. For gook 4f Oro nro- Frew. 1-.Alstaii-CliV2,74.^ntrarrly-Titir09hiejtg9.41 LhLe im per twice :tif P.itye-Seed; Pure•seed is an inipel,:tatit factor in *gieatei• prOdllaCtion,. Might almost be said .that Itis the Most important, .for Weedy seed having the been sown, St isi impossible to foretell the dainage that maybe clone to the growing crop,: or the disapPeinfinerit that Amer ensue 'wheti gathering or reaping time ponies :round; . Hence, sat tint season • of. the. year, when 'sewing -hi In prospect, pemphlet leaned' by the Seed Brance of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawas,' entitled, "Cleaning eed", most timely and valuable. • It tells of the imPleMente that ei.e. needed .and the methods that eliotild..be followed,' • espeelelly ih the eleaning of gdeip and grass peed. letter 'ke the Publiee.,' Bona Branelt, -Ottawi, will 'bring the pamphlet promptly and without cot • , lliistardos Tolnimili. Carex Barak, Bic ' .By Merketirig and not telephoning. orders,. the housekeepers •of -Canada een (het/lore to control 1,,iriees by coin.•, .petition than hay, other aglmey • • have., • : within 200 int1013 61 Telemee. and...it.was the sightof hiss. Wife's. bile3" The North .8Ek has never been So , .• • -fingers lir; 'a'hiist he sat ..' 3'produetiOe as ' now ; (says a Daily' the track of the stocking -loom. °P Chronicle expert.) .The inference is , •, , Samuel •CroMptee, the inventai. of that tharestrittiOn of flsbing has Per- mitted an• unchecked multiplication. of the spinning "mule, found his incentive. Age No matter how wefish the seas in laziness, His mother insisted on a daily task of welheptin wool. Thediad the . harvest comes bounteous to the detested the slow, monotonous work, and invented the- spinninunaule so that he •might have nabre time tor , ;It was.a laey-pointsman Who hit on the principle used .for long-distance. '640101 manipulation on '•Oer railways, Having to -attend to twe signals some distance apart, he sought to save him - sell a- walk by fixing up an ingenious toutrivanee of Vita and , weights whereby both •signals could be worked from hie own fireside. 'FROZEN SEA SALMON ' (Headless and breseed) . ±5 Pound 'pokes,. $5.00 SALTED FRESH WATER BILLFISH . (Headless and Dressed)• . 20 -Pound $3.00 SALM LAX HERRING • ind• Dfiieed • 00 Fish' to a Pali, $2.75 Quellty mid Satisfacileet dUaranteect. fts.4.44.441.,44.441.4 Remit In advatIcO; by iloatal et Money Order, " TORONTO FIS11 CO.. 68 JARVIS ST. • TORONTO • • a • It now requires 00,00 worth of coal to inakea tons of paper in VritilCet as totapared with $5.00 worth four years age., , , - • 4 nets. There are great rythmical waves of produetivity in the ocean, Early spring and _early summer'heat in t1,10 waters increase numbers incredibly. such .• conditions the :sea holds •such an overflowingwealth' of ' life that two or three'times a century, we find herring Marina on the'west part Of the country.. And the. Skagerack knows its "winter herring." N11,1011 ap. pears once. In every Ili 3lettrs'in teeinc, ing millions, and has been doing Se for the last 12 tenturiea. Shur,Onik •er.4.zett • • . • , ottle at druggists or delivered. De. 1 scribe your case' for special instruc- -!--. , (ions and interesting horse Book 2 M Free. e ea • ._... • -• . ; • BS RBINE JR the ht septic linimentfoi miss Kelly Tells How Lydia ' • mankind; reduces 'Strained. Torn Lisle:. JR., ents Swollen Glands, 'Yoko- oi Muscle.; ' E. Pitikham's Vegetable t ea7,2 'cuts..Scorea. Ulcers. Aibly4i pain, Pate t40 a bottle at dealers or deiivered., ,Itooic Evidence" fret, Compound Restored • Her Health. .. • . • . F. YOIING, P. D. F., 5111 Lymarn Bldg , Bonk* ein. • iiiusorbine.and Ascots, Jr.. ate •Made Is Cam% ' : ere N6wark, N. I. -"Por about Ihree-, , t . - years, I ,stiffered fraorvInneravneauszobraksoa eel. _..... _. _, . • weak rcoulel hardy- . otand, lithrhadhea # - /aches every day. •I tried everythitig I e. could think of and -was Under a phy-- . si cisal'a care for two years. A girl friend had used -Lydia. FL i 1 tar ibnlek Choammpo'sun‘degne. di she told me about' it. Preen the 'first" odayfIeetipobleoitttIehreiranil now I am Well and able to do most any, 'kind of, work. I have been reeote- en in Training Fighting isn't the only duty of a soldier.: en& =pantito htilloto not act serious es exposure to all • kinds of weather and dampness,. • Rheumatic itches; sore and ettif muscles; tendril and sprains . chile blelne led neuralgia, all are enemies 61 the soldier; and the relief for all thee pains end aqies is Slorm's Lialthent Cleats and corivenlent to eerty Or tete; does norsitalne and pVetruotesstiatet rubb ag, oreeteits tiisra It draggle* nee eft. 81.9% .> V• ',' . mending the Com- pound ever sinee and give you my pere lesion to publish this letter."-Misi 1.0 KELLY, 476 So. 14th St.,. Newark, . The reason this famous :root and bah lineman. Lydia E. PinIthateds Vegetable Compound, Was 00 seetessful in Mite estee :was because it went to the • root of her trouble, fettered:her to 0 normal healthy condition oia motetwit,, . her neferdisnesi dleapp,ecuted.' +0.441•6441.4obai 46a ISSItnei No. 10 r"