HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-03-14, Page 2„
• •1+
reaehed by powder or brush. I 'oar- 'C• on44 .
Food trol Corner A rticlesWanted forOash
!vices, tri the beds that could not bell
014 mrontuatiro Mates salver; Outwit
thased from the druggist a small bet- 1
lows and spray. The spray wius an
tra.travitracrunalum: ON LONDON TOWN
e a result of representation* Made wttehost muss Tams wank,
ordinary throat spray. I first spray- Waite or sena by etepeess to
by the Canada Food Bond, the British
ed the entire bed with gasoline. After
; of Food has errariged for nono.
• - weitirig a few notautee for the gasce "4"
allocation O f Sinn/411g for 500Q tope of , ant ne tleUtan titeelit, Toronto, Oats DESCRIBED IN A LETTER F110.14
ANTIQUE: ennentatnne
Old cricketers were eePeciaIly good, Maw te dry,: tlio powder was blown into
salt front S ain for use in the At -
tit. w. 001111CINS, Limits.%
for the bomb must be thrown weer -I -the erevicee Ity meano, of thehandbelo
hand, with tuinarre movement. Imo. To be sure that there wotild be
eantle sisneries or Canada. This sup- one or more beys eheuld t'f
to e
•011"Jas. NORMAN HALL,.11
MI* Instruction in bayonetstightinie wa$ elo bugs left in the walla I fumigated • Provineial -Departmente of their rte.
ply willehe delivered in Matech.
It was surpns; how quickly the
men became accustomed to the nevet
trying duties in the firline. • Fert-
made as realistie as possible Upon le room, Ilene. re mut= eaueue for The Breh Ministry of Food is quirements at an early date. In
num; but oh, the joy *when our march a given eignal, we leashed 'forward, also. endeavoring to arrange for sup- Ofitarite Th.. W. A. Riddell, 15.
of trenches, where dummy figures --
1n end out ef succeosive lines thi• ItirP‘me.
fisheries. . farmers° applications and arrange for
ended at a military bathliousel The Cloeing all doors and
GevernMent had provided these when- 411141414 pike Of salmon twine for the Canadian Queen's Ptah, Toronto, will receive
Wiedowe tightly, I placed the candle
ever possible, and for seveial weeks Pan, lighted it and left the room.
clad in the unifernes of German foa in a
-----4.• le placing recruita.
we were within marching dietance a liaters,, to pve zest to the game—..z-G.R.
unately for Tommy, the longer he is
received a „fresh took our blaclea both front and rear
the army, the greeter becomes his "Rt'e, There we
The orgamsation of the "Soldiers , ,
indifference to danger. His philosophy' change of Underclothing, and our uni- with conciliatory indifference. Everyday Hoin,a t of the Soir • movement, inaugurated
re fumigated: while • we • In the afternoon Temmy's time was Helps Thread the lieedle.-If you by the Canada Food/ Board, se new An EasY Way to icalse Poulirv
fattiliatie. "What is to be will! °11°4 we • .1
be la Lis only comment when one of P 5 t his own. He ceuld eIeep, or wander practically eemplete,and work will be "What,•" said the lady who does
ovill lay a piece of white paper or cloth his comrades io killed. A ballet or a
111101 worko with u, I li lit "
ci Everybody out!" was obeyed witti prescribed area -or wilier wais
of lean warmw
', aterThr
. -e oder
..+, along the country roads witlain a
more Under the, sewing-machineneedle," you
will be surprised to find how reachlY ' oy velunteers tie eseolet ne food. lie7r:sswnm
edo.i4lea.nits: ;in tdi.n.goa "ithepraipceo
ie eef,
cornnaenced at an ea' date to enlist
that danger is pissed were one ee,,, great reluctance, and ueually not On- often the case, indulge in toe games i production on farene tido .year, i I .
..alizes that it is at hand. Therefore,' til the bath attendants of the ArraY of chance which were as the breath ef you earl tit ead it.
Men work doggedly, carelessly, andiri Service Corps enforeed it with. the life to him, Pay-day was •the event of ' To Crueh Lunapy sueen_neenef ' Anutalt enrollment will begin on .ma'ario," replied the =tricot woman. ,
the background of consciousness there' eoldWater hope. TommYt who has h
;a always. that comforting belief, cone. Song for every important eeremonial,
MOU, ,t0 all soldiers, that "othets inay never sang, "Ride Britannia" with the
be killed,, butsomehow, X shall 0, enthusiasm which marked his rendj-
cape." . tion of the following chorus:—
. The most important in -trench dutYtj_
as, wan as the meet wearisome 013.e ,"Whi—ter than the Whitewash on the
for thenen, is their period on "sentno_ well!
try-ge." El ht hours in twenty-four Whi-oter than the whitewash on the
the week in billets because it gave lum confectioneree otigar • gets. lumpy, elip 'Ural, 17th, and the following week
tialglieswohierheiswi:phoarltitnegsabtilosofdY:theourprompt- it clasp,itintoetaaucleraonuhho-rollingenvvietlopteWithapatpeinnt, *111 be "Sltkliers of the Seil..Enrell-
iment Week" throughout Canada. In
ef from five te tea i
Pour from the envelope as needed.' t°W118
francs was not a prineely
nightly allowance
high school teachers and bank mem-
of under 10,000 Population,
sum; but jut This does away with the after -clean -
pennies and halfpennies, it was quite, „„, . gers will act pa enrollment officers,
ing pin anboard,,. saves w... . .
d d
enough to provide many hours of ab- 1 ing (4 -roll. .nue in larger centres High school
sorbing amusements Toznmy gamble; sugar-. .
ed because he could not help it. When! ,Cleaningeelhoide Woodwork. -When ' teachers, YelldSC,A, secretaries, toieth.
—four two- our slufts—itmwagered
each man he had no money he his al- inside woodwork is washed 'with soon er withother boy organizzitions, will enroll
o leers ethe Boy Scouts and
' tends at his post on the firing -bench, If -Yer wleaald
irn us to slaughter lowance of cigarettes or his share of and water it is uSually streaked. In -
'Lae in hand, keeping a sharp lookout Let us 'aye eur soap me water=rfirst3, the daily jam ration. • I believe that •stead, try . cleaning it with whiting' the recruits,
over the "front yard." At night he Then we'll be whiter than. the white- the appeal which war made to hira arid ie will look shiny anthclean, Make Mr. Taylor Stattene a well-known
kader in boys'. work, has been at.-
- observes as well as he can over the wash on the wall!"
. means of his perisicope. Most of our When out the firing -line we ing stakes for hinnsoul with the bet -
Op of the parapet; in the daythne by Was largely one to his sporting _in-
stincts. Life and Death were play- •
btu ,. , to the 4.
a Paste of the whiting by adding a
e water and /then apply r spointedof theiegriit,e,.nder isofprlohpe S -
woodwdrk vvith a dry cloth, When dry
large .periScopes were shattered by washed and mended, our clothing ‘and ting odds abouteven, * enlist only boys between tlie ages of
keen -sighted German snipers. We scraped a week's accumulation of nunt • The most interesting feature ok-ot4 wipe off.
' need a very good substitute, one Of from our uniforms. Before break- life in billets Was the contact which Smooth, Creamy Cereat-When • years. •
• 1 r a nrda 1 11g9e ments
the simpletit kind, a piece of broken fast we were inflicted with the Old it gave us with the civilian popula- making cornmeal !mash, put the desir-have been Snide by
pocket mirror' placed on the end of a punishment, Swedish drill. "Gott 1 tion who nemained in :the war zone, ed amount of boiling watdr in the the Departments of Eduyation in the
split stick, and set at an angle. on top strafe Sweden!" Tommy would say, either because they had no Place else mush kettle, add the salt, and remove. several Provinces, so ' that boys who
of the parades. Miring the two as he Puffed and perspired Under. a -bot' to go, or because of that indomitable, enlistsfor this work will not lose their -
from fire while adding the cornmeal,
to do other than to keen watch. and that he had no choice but to submit. aeteristic of the Erench. Meentee
gives three Months. of satisfacto
hours at sentry duty we had nothing August sun, but he was really glad unconquerable spirit whMleels char. school ' standing. '• Every bey who
but stir all the time. , By experience
I have found that lunipe are less like- • _ _ . . 17
keep awake. The latter WAS by far . In the trenches there was little op- few British soldier e along the western ,service on the fa mall be given a
the more difficult business at night. I portunity for vigorous exercise, and. front who do not have memories of 13' to form if done this weir.
bronee National Honor Badge. In
"Ere., sergeant!" Tommy would gay, our, arms and legs became stiff with the heroic mothers who clung to their Banishing Mold. -When we first
. as the platoon sergeant felt his war the long inactivity. Throughout -the I ruined homes as long as there was a moved into• the very old how addition he will he paid - regular we live
along the trench in the darkness, mornings we were .busy with a multi-twall standing. It was one of these in, I had great trouble keeting food wages,
based upon -the amount of
"Wen is the next relief comin' on? tude of duties, Arms and equipment 1 who summed up for me, in five.words, 'from molding in wit small cellar and
• work which; he is capable of doing.
*Yer watch needs a good blacksmith.. were cleaned and inspected, machine' all the heart -breaking tragedy of war. rather damp pantry. Since I have . The Departments of Agriculture in
• I been on sentry three hours if I gum thoroughly overhauled, gas beltShe kept- a• little shop, in Armen- arranged for 'better ventilation and the various' provincea, will -provide
been a minute' . mets sprayed; and there weelrequent' tieres, on One -of the streets leading
,• machinery for placing the beys on the
'learned to paint and disinfect both
"Never you mind About nw watch, instruction • in bomb -throwing. end to the, firing -line. We often stop -
flutes to do,"
Son! You got another forty-five mil bayonet fighting in preparation for ped there, when going upe to the
the day to which every soldier looks trenches, to buy loaves of delicious had no trouble.
pantry a- nd cellar frequently, I have farms, so that 'farmers who can "use
'Will. you listen to that, you blokes! forward with some imisgitting, but French bread. She had candles for .. •
S'eri I could taYke a . better timepiece with increasing- confidence -the day sale- -as well, and - chocolate, and 11°w t°. °lake lee at home:Have*
•' out of an old bully tin!' I'm tellin'' when the enemy shall be driven out of packets of ,stationery.- Her stock some pans made of galvanized sheet
you Straight, VILbe asleep Wen you France. was exhausted daily, and in some way hen 1,4x20 inches and eight inches
• tome 'Mild again!" .. •
pta- Classes in grenade -fighting were replenished daily., 1 think she made deelV aelittle, larger at 'top than bot -
But he lent. Although the teni
• /
tion may be great, Tommy isn't long- under the supervision Of officers of the long journeys to the other sideeof the tom. When filled with water in zero •
. big for 0. court-martial. „imen the Royal Engineers. In the early days •tnwn, bringing' bac fresh supp ies in weather they will generally freeze in
p or e COMPally C0111 a pushcart which steed outside her a day' and a teed. •B turningth
• of the war there Was but one. grenade y em
=ander snakes: his. houtly rounds, in use, and that a crude affair made by door. Her cettagO, which was Jess
flashihis electrie pocket lamp the soldiers themselves.' -An empty than a mile from our first-line
lore him, he it 'ready with a cheery be -Jam tin Ayes Ailed with explosive and trenches, was partly in ruinse • I
"Post all correct, Sir!" He whistles or - • -
scrap iron, and tightly bound with couldn't understand her. being there
'airigeot , • : . : ,.. , I - '. e. ettached and the in such dan• r. • Evidentl - it was
•' bomb was ready for use. But Eng- with the consent of the military auth-
the platoon sergeant waking the next 'wee early nee. -
relief by whacking. the soles of thetr, "- - lc t .. - e t- 1 in,l' - •
mated the importance orities There were . other women use of hot Neter. The cakes may be
which grenade -fighting was o piny _wing on the same street; but some- peaked lie an ice -house as fast as
hoots with his rifle 'butt: - -
- "Wake up 'ere! -Come along •• ray trench warfare. Her experts in ex- how, she was.differentfrom e 9 - _ina . -., -
"the th cle
lads! .Yeur sentry -go!"
Billets •
over and Vouring .little hot water
over theepaps the cakes of ice will
readily come out. By coating the
pans with a film of tallow the cakes
•o lee mai be removed withoutttthe
plosives were set to work, and by the ere. There was a spiritual fineness
tune we were ready for. active service, about her which impressed one at
ten or,a dozen varieties of bomb were once.' Her eyes were dry as though
In use, all of them made in the muni- the tears had been drained front them,
tion factories in England. , The to the last drop, long age....
CaVellfIr had its .allevia' tions, and, "hairbrush," the "lemon bomb," the One •-daY, calling for a. `packet of
' chiefoimong these was the pleasure of "cricket ball," and the "policeman's candlesnI found her standing at the
• to-
couldlookfeewaed to this certain, of.the,theee, all of them se -called _he- ward the trendies, and the desolate
' anticipating our, week iViserve; We truncheon" were the Most important! barricaded window which looks 'Jet; Tiering the long stalemate on the 'emote of -their resemblance "thet towns.' land 'villages back of the- Ger-
western articles; for which ..they were naniedel man lines,. my' curiosity got the bet -
western front, British military or
zathin has been perfected until; in The first three were exploded bort at ter of .my _courtesy, and I asked her,
times of quiet, it works with the , time -fuse , set for. from ' three to five! in My,. boor French,. why She was liv-
monbtonous smoothness of a machine. SecOnds: • The fourth was a percus-; ing there. , She 'was silent for a mo -
(Even during periods of prolonged sten tenni), which had long cloth' ment, and then .she 'pointed toward
and heavy fighting there is but little' stegamers fastened to the handle to '.that .part of 'France lehich was on the
.eonfusion. • Only twice,during insuie greater accurarer in throwing. other side of the world to nS, • •
• months- of campaigning, id we fail, to
•receive our daily post of letters and
parcels from England, and thennwe
were told, the delay was dim to mine-
sweeping the Chanriel;) With emery
detail of military routine carefully
• thought out and every possible emerg-
ency provided for in advance, welived
as riethodically in the firing -ling as
we bad during our Months of training
in England. • •
. The Moverneets of troops in and out
of the trenches •were excellently ar.
• ranged and timed. The outgoing bat-.
talion was prepared to Move back as
soon as the "telier bed taken Plate, •
The Men became remarkably accurate „ "Monsieur! Mes enfants! Lu -bas!"
aS, a distance of'thirty to forty yards. ' • (TO be continued)
• .
". 'The trench Water -caps had been filled, ° ' • • •*"' •
. , _en _ act of courtesy between . eat_ , Although rice has been .tecegnized or neeffin batters, makes a. pleasing
talions , -e -the dugoutt , thorOughly as a good food on this continent since combination. Ride pudding, of course,
•deaned, arid the refuse buried. The earhet Colonial times yet it lute not is almost as- familiar -es Porridge And
process of '"taking over"! was a' Very , been given as important A..place tie it is just as Wholesome in its way.
brief -one; - The sentries, of the • in- deserves among • our , staple : articles . This important food should not he
. coming_ battalion!. : Weee. posted ,and �f. diet. . Especially new, When we
listening patrole eent out to relieve left Mit of her calculationt when the
• • thoie of the outgoing. battelioneivhich are galled ' to' • t housewife' considering libest
peen to use su stens es for is g • 0she
eetrannegeo , -49,,,,ar cliiii-VG-1-4-. ...,,.. ---r- „b, n-eec,. deee _ore
---elteir-seeseet see -et -tee sento --- , • -- ' n". - -- 1.-... 4
trenest the men happy in the pros .
- utmost, . •
, eertentoten,'?1,,:i7Ct4"•..7',Iir.r7 1rcAt'AP, tolettetteettenekeettednsenteng,
•' Second Miry to Sleep in importance foods.Indeed, the Angle -Indian Beerne
i was the efortnightly beth Sometimes i to "live by rice alone."Jeut he elsvqs
• We Aeaneed ourselves, as best we ; sees to it that it is cooked par exeele
eauld, in muddy little duck ponds. I. l'ence: 'Indifferent cooting has done
' populous with froge and green, ewith : educe to Prejudice the people of this
t continent agaiest. the. comition, every-
wish them was- a
in -every
4it(le town
„I Wish there was & WALKER
w in every little town;
Then 1 toold trave1 merrily,
And ewers sit me down '
At night in peace and comfort, •
I -tenter teanhing with
If there wee just One 'Walker Rouse
In every little tosvin
/wish there was a WALKER BOSE
In each place where I go, •
. The comforts of my deer old home
Wbile oa the road I'd: know. '
The meets the Cheerful Service, too
e Woad eeve 110 ewe to freed),
11 there 11,43 itlet one Welker Reese
In evere little town.
The -1 ter H�use
Ontelletnie ot Totoeht. • teen Wright
• Plooty E. AL Corrita•
alay -use of rice. ,
. , . . .
One of -the chief virtues of rice is
.that it is a eoneentrated feed. It is
very nutritieus and is -easili digested.
Analysis shows that it c(inuntres rriost'
. Dad you moat them. yourself ?"
ashed *la kidy.
"Oh, yes, oxia'am. They wee only
a deltaic ten lasteweek," was the rephr•
Leave it to Parker
I1Iptostman and expressman, will
. brigg Parker servree right to your
home. We pay Carriage one way.
Whatever you send -,whetbee it be
householdO draperies or the meet deli-
cate thbrics-will be speedily returned
to their original freshness: When, you;
think of cleaning or 'dyeing think of
A. Most helpful booklet
of suggestions will be
inane& on request.
Parker's r .
Dye Works
• Cleaners and Dyers
791 Yonge St.
Toronto 58
ITILTIG1 11911rAltrnICCIVit ft A irseirnn A
4, AAA:4 4./NIAA A APAA V.411. *4449.4.14
The Appalling and Useless Brutality
of the pennons is ExemPlified
in These Attacks.
Once more we oretin the midst of
"London is getting used to itr wee
the philosophic. comment bet night,
• when the whir -whir of airplane propel-
lers was heard above us; whenthe big •
guns roared their deefening music and
the sharp Scream, -of the • shells, dis-
turbed ooneevening meall' • ' •
"Fritz back again -and lively, 001° e
"He's getting a hot reception!"
. "Whew -w! Hear that bomb justt
now! Some crash!"
For a time the whole city seemed te •
shake under the detonatiena! And Yet •
.1 have never teeieLondeners oo philo-
sophic during a raid," Writes a corre-
sponhent. "In the big fashionable re-
staurant where happened to be din-
ing with a •relative leave from the
front, there was constant gayety and
laughter and the crowd e continued Itci
enjoy' th'eir, 'rationed' meal --a dinner
on the sparest Rhoruide scele-to the •
mingled sounds of ragtime -and terrifies
aerial battle overhead. • • b
Can the folks of Toronto or •Mont-
real o.any Ceeedian city realize that
combination of melody? Though We
may laugh, 'yet when an 'explosionnoc-
curs with remarkable nearness, one't
nerves dance an unpleasing ragtime of
their own!
Shienty• Airmen right. t
There„ were seventy airmen ever
London, engaged in battle, . Fritz cep..
tainly wee trying to do his little worst.. :
The casualties werporty-seven killed
(mostly Nvomen. enchchildren) :and 169
injAursedth. "maitre whoter remarked,
looking around the crowded, Cheery
restaurant: ' .
"What would the. Germans say to
.t•hiAs? t"errific exPlOsIon nearby ''seeined
to answer his question.. The Germans
had just it-littIe toe much_ to Bair, It
seenied me! ` Yet theh lertd. drum-
ming of the Britisiebareage alleround
London reassured me -we knew it wae
good for us, and nerve:shattering foe,
lively air raids in L Mon.
wse6arr or conned
313PCIAL Apkiittiat
te :Yon...
"Clean the beds in the datk: of the -
moon Mareh," wad the slogan of
our , "grandmothers We, of the
younger 'generation,- may• ecolf at the
idea of the dark or light of the moon
having any effect on bed -bugs, but the
idea, in the:main, is- riot,' athach One.
Should' there:be eggs on the beds they
will not haVe a Chance' to hatch if the
-beds are cleaned before the first warm''
, .
...fneetribly :with hotatoet. • Itreprinete - ` 117 -
::Seeeraltyeats ago, Weittpiirehaiedet
pal food- constituent it 'fitainh. It e
that had teen oceupled, by indift
nro coritainstertsintill -percentage or
ferent teeante for. quite n while.
protein and a little fat,', ' •
trousecleaning of any kind was defer -
In 'buying flee; care should betaken red until late spring on, account of a
to get an uncoated or natuial .finieh number of repairs that were being
predoct. .0•oatedrice is ai. interior made In the house., When we finally
ended that 11t5been gut throUgh /darted iciedeaneleollhe, wt i'tnta the
opecinI eolution 10 whiten it. : When house literally -lined with bed-huga.
tletr and without any grains They eeented to thrive on window -
in it,• rice :is pure,
' frames and ..splash -boards, ,iis well as
At a staple utitle of. diet rite nitiy• the bede. • ,Affer; emelt' painting,.
bee hled
oiin &lite& water and. d useis papering, dieinfecting and the usieg
ta tegetable, Wholly or -.partially of . bed bug powder, the 'hugs* weve
' cooked riteecen be wind with cbete, finri'llY stibdited, ., 'All that season,
minCedmeatOPOultiy; fish, beans, ete. howevele tlie. begs would occasionally
It rimy rase Le used as the 'major .or Inalce their aPpeerance on two wooden
minor ingredient in stews- thnl soups. - beds, There beds were %Of Walnut,
. Inste.ad bf,'-E 01 ving rite plain • 12'l a and SI,Pre not Only very valuable, but,
vegetaide it may he stewed with tome- tv'ere heirlooms'. . We did not wish'
tome rooked in a .double„ boiler with ,toodispose Of them, but it Seemed like
tomato jUieo, .S6111) titr,eh '..Jr milk. If see eould not get theta entitely free
may.' be seasoted uith eutry • powder Of bugt, • • .
, . .
or onions, - .. ' • • • , ' ' Forewarned • is forearmed," and;
Again, i.46 a cererilefur 1,reakrett, lett year I started in early and well.:
fills a ?maul plave .in the .monuarmed iv work on those bede. I finally
1 old stoned esite, mixed with' pancake ease • thee there were etnehe and ere -
• •
HIS. is the WAR FLOUR of the OGIL.
VIE MILLS—a loyal product to con-
serve Canada's resources and, at the
same time, give the public the best possible
flour that can be milled. according to the
Government standard
This War Flour is excellent in quality and
flavor—but it is slightly_ darker in color than
"ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" to which you-hqve
been accustomed.
It is "just as hard .for US to give up- milling "ROYAL
HOUSEHOLD" as it Will be . for you to forego your favorite
brand; but our '"STANDARD" Flour will neverthelessmake
delicious bread, tollS, biscuits, Cake, pies and pastry., If you have .
any difficulty—just drop us a, line; we have a staif. of expert_
4irauzi, e.s.geLleitce-is at your SerViie, -
"ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" again# we will tell you of this happy
, In the meantime, the • new regulations --being in the best .
Interests, of the . British Empire--deptand the whole -hearted
support of the Millers and the PbIic
Certain stores -and dealers have stocks of "ROYAL HOUSE!,
ALOLD"..still on Itand In,order.,,to-avold,prty.eonfusion or Bug-
AnideratandhAM a1l "STANDARD".—ELC0*----Will -be Plainbr
' branded as suelt. • - • , -
When all "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" is One, make sure
' of getting the next best grade by ordering
• !' 'Grocers everywhere have 11, --don't forget to stipulate
"OGILVIE'S." It will be_yonr sureit gitatalttee oL1heifthent_
grade obtainable.
Montreal FOrt — Wintilpeg Medicine 114
Capacity, 19,000 Barrels
The Largest Afillerie lfl the littlish Empire
. .
"You get this sort Of row -eVerys
bleseed night at thefreett" said rayt
young relative, with sang froidn"Deart -
me, we're all as safe as if We were in -
-China! Fritz won't send any Of, us •
'West' this time, believe me!" ' •
An hour later we droyee per faxit•-e
taxis are very difficult to •get •thee
days -through the deserted London
streets. The Cockney driver,. when in.
vited to drive us, said in aniaternenti
tt-Why,4liey'-ve been dropping -bombs. --7 —
all along this line -you're mad!"
Then he added cheerily: .
"Well, if noull chance it; 1 will But
Whet 'about the cab, gentler, if they
They didn't. I have never been •driv-:
en at.,:.tuch a whirl ehroegle the London
streets, all moonlit and ghostly and
empty. • The bombs.. and shrapnel,
splinters spared the:eab,.and we exiiv-,
ed at the tube station in record time;
Hastily that taxi dtiver rushed his
cab into a protectingearchwate Be had"
certainly earned his double hirer,
• ' Useless Brutality of trues. . .
. .
' One of the most touching stories 4 ;
the' raid centres around the death of .4
dear old Londoe rector,seventy years;
of age, who was killed.: '
It was his invariable eastern, ..-vehen
air-raid warnings were given,. to start
on a round of, visits to the terioue
places in his parish where the people,
shelter, and'by his • cheery. 'presence
and reasstring words to brighten the '
timid and . the nereetts.
wasilieltering with my- Rim chil-
dren in the -police station," a weeping ,
liEfl:M4141142,,:q)..4!. + • • +
ni�ngwjtli Ifs cheety smile and his ,
!don't 'ye be afeatd. Its only ,a little
game Fritz is-a-playin'-'tie eaten' to
what the hoya in the trenches under-
goes every da- of • thenr. lives -and
hula over!' 'E. cheered me up proper,
did •parson • The kiddies :were larfin'
hearty, too, over his fun. • '
"Then 'e goes off, ta another shelter. •
The Gement ,borrib got him good and '
proper there—et Here followed a
string eof eituperatien against Gerent.
Maiehrutelity whittI --cannot repeat,. - -
followed by a gustoof very genuine
tears. "And -parson's- killed -and
there will be no oreeto.chece us nY
mere!" . • , •
- As walked quietly home the appal.
ling and Useless bxutality of German
war inethode struck me afresh. FOr
of material damage there hail been tit,-
tle achieved in London—none of any
military valueonly, the slaughter
the women andathe innocent, and tl
sowing of terrible sorrow In many
simple heert. • •
. Independent of. Stoves.,
Many eakthenWare crocks Used
reeeptades in lireleos •eaoketohoId
heat many times' longer.,than. 1116
0310S. Did youever rice or. cre
• your mashed potatoes on the dot, ony
to see them cool before, the titre'
• diners arrived? Set them in a fill:.
• lets cooker arid they will serve as
.17 Vhill out of the pot. •
' niebing better for broiling • .
'lit: •heotle ye! biotite, .