HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-03-14, Page 1• ' • • rs. • , e ' $z.$o per year, in advance; $2.00• OtherWiSg .."••••••••••••••••••••.".•••••••••••••••••• CANADA 'GOES•DU • TUB FIRST OF APRIL/ The DominionClonernment hail nestled a•prohibitien ineaante completing • the ivork Qftbe,ProVinCen, ',se that after . April thelst, there, Cahlee no more abip. ping of intexicating liquor from** "wet" ' to a "dry" peoyince.: Also the raw - facture of liquor above ii7vo per cent. in Proof spirits will be prohibited after that date. There are two exceptionsto that feature. Beer may- be made in Quebec: and native _wineal inity he made la Ontario mint Dec, 31, 1918. The Provincial laws permit this new, Also the hale of litetOrs will be permittaal in • Montreal and a few other portions of • Quebec. nail May 14th 1919. Thie PeetiliAr dircumatances in Quebec comes About .it this way. A 'great pont :el Quebec province is dry under local •option, but. Montreal and a few other municipalities have not adopted the local option law. A. prvincial probb- ition law, however, comes into operation in. Quebec on the 15th of May, 1919. and this law affects all the provinces alike -including Montreal. The eiderforbidding manufacture of • l'quors,, is 'altogether by the, Dominion. GovernMent, and the making of brierm • Quebec and native wines. in Ontario un - • til thened<of,the year mapears to be out of deference to the provincial laws which • permits their sale As fir as possible the federal order is. intended to ••make the carrying out of the, provincial laws: possible, and to prevent., their defeat by the shipPihrof liquor from one province Lo another.. • . • • • , This government order makes Canada the moat edvaeced Country in the World. in thtmatter of laws intended' to 'sup 'Melte liquor traffic. .• • ' • . The eisenne•of , . , tamedin thefollowing clauses. 2-Noper8on ..after the: -fat. .(110• -•of "Ato;r1l,' 1918, 'eball send, Wm, trampled into, --er deliver in any piohibited. area any intoxicating liquor or., cause any in toxicating liquor to be. sent, transported or cielivered. • • • ' • 4 -No •Person after the lat alai. of April, 1918; dual either directlt or in- .., directly •sell ornonteact-or agree to nell. any intexieating: liquor which is in, or • whichis to be delivered within -any pro- hibited area. • • ." Sun Life Asiuiance Company - of Canada The statement of the Company for • 1917 ,'has appeared and shows remark- able growth. The assets are now over _ ninety million .dollars and the Company has already paid out some seventy mill.: ions to its policy. holders Among, the. notablefigures in this natateineet Are a casi inceine approaching twenty Million dollars, an issue of new assurances dur- ing the 'year of alinost fifty millions, making the assurance in force over three hundred and eleven Millions., In 1917 the prefits paid ok alloted to the policy • holders ain'ount to over one million five hundred and sixty thousand dollars,an increase of fine hundred thousand doll- . ars over the year 1916 The Sun Life .is'one of the collessal institutions Of the empire and .ft,:coroPiter every Canadian ehould be proud of. If you intend • ut- tang melte insurance-abe eo, , 'with FINAL ELECTION RESULTS Truax 11119 172 /hilarity .0 -.,1011 Bruc- Vlerk IONI Is. North Entice Fall retatrineef the 'civilian and sol - die' votes in the South Bruce eIeetioz pbow the following figures: ' • McNab ' Truax Civilian 2824 3805 North Americo, t .. 60 3 I.Tnited Kingdom; • , ;419, ' a Continental „ ,153- : 12 ••••••••••• ••••,—••••• 3456 3928 Majoilty for - - The figures tor North Bruce area ' Clark Macaulay tLviIian. „.. 3466 2537 North America. • . • , 77 • 6 United Kingdom.... Il.81 20 Contmentel , „ 143 , 16 ••••-•—•••• • 4209 2579 Majority for Clark 1690. The standing of the Government and Opposition by provinoes is now as follows: • , • Govt. Prince EdwardIsland. 2 . • 2 Nova Scotia.. , , 12 4 New Brunswick... . 7 . • . 4 Quebec , , , . • 3 62 Ontario., 74• 8 ' Manitoba 14 • Saskatchewan , • '16 • o •11 • British Columbia 18 , 0: • ' • 152 . 82 'Government majority '70. McCRACKEN PLEADS DOILTY,. • 'OP MANSLAUGHTER - . OETS ,PIPTEEN• TEARS IN PENITENTIARY „ocieriche'M - _ I tracken....the young Motels Townenip farmer whu hot hi i Wife at their home bn-Sendaye 3sily 22, 1917, pleaded *inky to manslaughter here -this afternoon at the opening Of the spring assinee: and was senteneed by*. Justice Masten to fifteineyeare ni ,Xtinos!,on Penitentiary. aicuracken teoh :joie- sentence -calmly and at once left the courtroom In charge of Constable Qiindry. • The McCracken case was Called at 4 15 this afternoon.. The ,cpurtioom was pecked te capacity as .the keenest ;in - tired has been: -taken n the Case throughout. T.C. Robinette, ICC, of Toronto, who was, defending McCracken, explained that .at the first teen 'there had been a plea Of. not guilty to e charge of minder. Ike stated that if the , • LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 14th., 19180 PRESBYTERY OF RAITLAND The Presbytery of Maltlen,d met in St: Andrew'a Prestiyariais church. Imre •on. Feb. '28th.• • .Hepoitashowed that all congregations .giving a salary belove the uewly appoint- ed minimum f $1,200, had cctine up to that figure, except two, and a grant .of 000 will 40 asked for tese coagregat- lens from the augmentation fund .1%. C. McCulloch a•nd .W. Cameron wereajpointedtq serve on the syned's coramittee en bins and overtures, Mr. McCulloch VMS also nominated to serve on the assembly's committee on bine and, overtures ; Dr. •A. S. Grant was nOminated for • moderator of the genera asserrinly, and J. S. Hardie was nominated for moon% ator of the Synod of Hamilton and Lon- • don, at its coining meeting in London, in April , • An- overture will be sent ,to the as- sembly, 'asking that the ealaries of pr• : dained ementoneries be made equal to the salaries of ministers in ,augmented charges and also an overture, asking that the election of moderators of as-• sembly alternate between attend town ot rural charges. The following members wore appoint- ed to represent' the presbytery at the coming meeting of the general assembly, •A. J. .Mau, W. A. Bradley, j. L. Mc- Culloch and. R.- A; -Lundy,-and repres- entatives of the session of Arnow, Moles- worth, Dungannon And 13elnraye.• ••The report. on Sabbath school . and young: peenne's work,: showed a slight decline in bothdepartmebts of the work. The • budget reperb •showed an advance in the givinge to' the scheme of the chum crinivn was willing to•accept h'e would make a plea of guilty to manslaughter. T, a Ferguson, the pmeauting at! toiney, stated that, knowing' the evi. deuce of the former:trials as he. did, he" was willing to accept the plea. • • Mr. Robinette -then addressed...the •court on behalf of the prisoner, declar- ing.. tluit-he- did mot, Want to nee any y wag man years o Age ta en to the I t .! t. 1 • ..Keox 'clench, Kincardine, wen given PerMission to eell the presi3nt manse and - to erect a new. one. • • A special meeting of the. presbytery • • ' will be held at Ripley, on March 12; to - deal with a' • from St. Andrews • chureh Brampton, to Rev. Maicolm•Mc.: Arthur., ef Kincardine.' .. • • LIJCKNOW.111011 SCHOOL, AEPORt . FORK 111 . • . Gee 77, P.'0Ongram 73," Aitchi- son 71„: VV.ebster 68, M. McClure 66, McQuillin-65, H. -Burns 641 E. Mac Denial' 64, X MoQuillin n4; L, Finlay- son -62, j; Cranston 60, J. MarDonald • . 60, 13:Johnston '59, G. Webster'594 •cartthwell 58, G. Webb -58., H. Mackenzie nn, Se.Tiurna. 56. I.. kaon.aii 52, . ThoMpson JeStothere 02, A. Alton 51, Ke MacDonald 00, ' Andrew 47, 0. MaeMillan 17, E. Mitchell 45,8, Alton '44, L. MacDonald 43, • K. Mordie 33, .0 ,,MoNity 31.. E. A. Dein% Prineipal. . - •,.Foltat II . . 'V, Mao. 68; Pickering 66, I. :Hamilton 66, B:.•Clarksen 63, ,1 Mac7 Diiguaid 60, jolinaton 59, c..Douilas 56; H: Treleaven 43,. Intirnin 51, S. MacDonald .49, j. Thickinghem 48; ,McCoevie 41i M.:Johnst•o•n 394• ykodii- .LOCAL AND GENERAL 3/1,r, Ylillson le at, hOrne for a few drays this Week. • Conitable J. Cameroa left on Tait', dayfor Meosejew, Sask,• , See "ProL Pepp" id..the Town Hall, leicknow, tn-tnorrovv evening. ,• •• hes. Aylmer Aitchesen *and 'Phillip Stewart were home over Sunday. 13nos. have just unloaded a -car of feed corn and low grade -for sale. • Miss Eleanor Doupe• of Kirkton, is visiting her brother, Me. It. A. Doupe, • this week. Mr. Peter 'McNity has sold 100 acres . . of his land on the 12th of' Aahfield tO Struthers Bros 50. acres to A. • Ketchinaw. A number of car loads of bans Were •shipped frOm here during the week, and there has been a general movement of eastern visitors baek to the prairie pro- vinces. • . Mr, D. (1. MacKenzie, of Paramount, has sold his farm to Alex. McDiarmid, and will have a clearing auction sale on March 21st. ,• We understands it la Mr, -WacKenzie'linntention to move to Liick- now. The ladies,ti ihe Anglican church are preParing for al sale of work which they propose holding. Easter week. There will be many Practical articles for child. ren and nidult,.4 as well as many dainty things.. , • , • - • Mr. Will Melee, who:heti' been ea the Molions Bank 'staff here the 'past five earshas been transferred to the branch at Delhi,. where he takes the position of •acceuntert. The _drafting nel Men bate the arnitis-,7inalcing- Many change in the banks.• . .• The fishermen Di Lalte Huron. And • Georgian Bay ihaye .erganized. with 'a view to resisting government regulations. ,The price of lake fish has been fixed at Sc to the fisherman, and they say that last lSeason it cost loc..0 pound to pro duce the fish, and that it will •cost 20 per cent• more this. year. • So 'successful. was the .pliiy,• "Prof, • Pepp,'' at • St. Helens e week ago, that •the **en's Testitute oi I,uckaow At. once arranged tp have it • Prieented in Lucknow the interests of their pat- ,riotic work?. •Oninie old. and see St. Helens youeg people at 'their 'beet • to- morrew • evening, the inth..• Seats on sale at Armstrong's Drug Store. 'Don't. leave it off to the " . • Cimeion Geddes arrived ileum from ngland on Thursday of last • meek. • Cameron had rather a hard elnietience his o eerseas„ trip. ,• He tot* pneumcinia On the WaY, over .and inert; of the time since been : undergoing treatment whieh fortunately has resulted in alniost • completerecovery. Re, however, is not regarded :lis fit•for military serviCe. The. Paddle- . COM inittee- gave hiii a suitable reeeption • • • 37, A MacDonald,20. • • -Ine414,000•'44t&e.ront - •.the SIM Lite ' ...---eneetesrennee....•-•ene•aznonee. •e 4ineenree.s. • - Laurier • •••:_ • -Tuesday, Mar. 12 Mr:Wm. McCall; from Rainy Elver, . is renewing old acqUaintance around here, . • Jne Jardiesdn spent the week- ' epd with her Mother; .11.rs.. Finlay, in ao tin .11itl 104fifrItlem14.9tatat,C=ItriAt'thl: in any sense belong to the criminal disk MIA Hinderer. '1604elcon, he said, was a frumereand the shooting `Was " merely. an unfortimate accideat.There was n� evidence at all to shove that MCCrticken, and his wife had not been gettiog aim* well, : He urged the Court to deallen- iently with the young man. • He also made a strong pica •for the Potioner on behaltuf his little year old respected threughotit the community. He urged that the senteeee be made light in order that McCracken might be ableto come back end :help rein, hie little ,8011. , After T. 0. Ferguson moved for the sentence of the court, his lordship said he would like to take. 9 little time to consider the cue, and .court, 'adjourned • ocloek. When the tie8SlOn returned, -Mr, Jed-. nice Masten addressing the prisoner in a kindly inanner, pointed out that, While ehanging his plea freed him of murder, it rendered hini liable to 14 imprisonment, Heliad gone Miran* into the ease and had conferred With with, Mr. justice Sutherland, who had presided at the first trial. The sentence of the court WaS that MeOraeken be merit to Kingston Penitenttiary for fifteen 40 70101, „ • . • The Ladies Institute had a very suc- .• eeasfuloneeting at the home of Mrs. D. • MacLennan last Thitreday afternoon. . ' MARKETS , (corrected tipa iOditeadlin neon) • 10 ' 0rov0 90 01 Barley, 40 1 55 Peas ....3 00 3 50 Buckwheat , ; 50 • • . r. ; 35 36 JEggs, nOw laid 40 •• . 19 00 TORONTO MARKETS Cholce heavy steere....$12 25 to fl2 SO Choice butchere • 11 50 to 12 00 l'hoice butchers' cows.. 10 00 to 10 SO Good feeders 9 SO to 10 00 Good *Welt cows... 100 00 to 135 00 • Hogs, fed and watered19 73 to Pall Wbeat 2 14 10 Goose Wheat ..... 2 10 to Oats -• 4$ 1 04 to 1 OS Thtiothy Ilay0 00 to 23 00 Rum, new laid''41 to nutter, t„*.iim "goo• 48 to jigtOto Poky MO. :0 • 3$ to boy, and the parents of McCracken who, he pointei but, Were most highly • , I'dna sIlt;Lit,V, k.T•t-t`24", Towle. 57, W. :Elliott 34 J. Smith 54; R Reid 54, • E Bowles 02, L. Garbutt 48, A:Towle 47; k McLeod:46. 'A. Mc, Say 43, J.•Ketchabawr 42, or .Agar. 41, Rithwell. 37, E. Johnston 34, a. • Johnston 33, Harold Agnew •Guire 28,• B.. Nixon 27, W. Alton 25, 'A, Andrew 24,' froward Agnew. 22, A. • MacConnelL 22,4 towlea 16: .F E, McLEAN, Teecher, :ladies tat -nee pleasure itra6knowIedging Kitiough • Ilhajf*pirtohcleeds of booth at rink 7-75 • --Tuesday, Mar. 12. Part of proceeds resulting from Woe:, 4 hint as to the financial condition of, the W•opien'i Cominitnee of the League, Ofreted a Short, ..ttine :age, ,hretight...iml mediate resporise in last •week'a hand- . some -donation§ which. Were.. .ackpotied• ged through these colusan-s. *hese aindinita have ' been. followed by still further centributions which e Me. Holmes, of • Huron Township,: Vieited at Henry Finders on, TklipsdaY.::, • AS Mtg. E.Hodgiritison Went Out of the house last &Manley nightihe Was catight by the strong windend thrown: off . the platterm11y the .fall she suffered a badly sprainedfoot which will trouble heeler some time. • ' We Understand that WO Of Oiir youlig ladies Were greatly ilisaiitiointed. by` the dorm en Sunday. They intended to take a. long walk' up the Twelfth to VirestfOtd and octets to be Base /ape and then house. We don't how what the otject of the intended trip was, tn. less they Were tei call on Frank Brown or Tom Fallon; r)r ' perhaps it Was only to -nee how the skating WM in the lakes. Et' s too bad the way he weather loter- ftrall nen spent hei by fiss Belle •• :Howe's ,Eichoel (Perair.ouet) Defiated by J; W. Ilendersoe; - • half proceeds emitting from "Old Time Skate" One -hail amount received as a remit of thiiir-pley, -irons- the - - High School Dramatic. pub , 50.85 The Conlinittee eirpreises•its most • hearty appreciation of these efforts.. • . 75.00 2000.. • Every Little Helps . Every available maple tree sbould be tapped thii spring' and every sap bucket, pati and pan pressed into earvice, whether' it in the Moot upoto-date equip- ment or the Old-time segar making' out- fit that has riot been used fat ream, lbery little hell*, •Every pound of maple sow i waoted, Single CoOes 3 • CglitS CHURCH NEWS Anglicau Lenten 'Services. Subjects, Morning 11, "Redemption," IPater 1: 18, EVening, ''Oni Relation tithe Future." , Services in the' Presbyterian church next Lord's Day et 11 SA. anal • pin. •Morning subject-"A.Ttent Out, of DrY grOund,"4 EVening subjet-"The Be Union of Hearsay.!' • Services in the Methodist church on Sunday 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. • Morning subject, 'Tour; Matter Words.",..-Evena • ing suldect; "The Fieh Paying Tribute." •Everybodi welcome. • THE . LEAGUE -A very• interesting Meet4 was held Monday evening, when the A •Y.P.A. joined: the League. Rev. W. Ecclestone ga.ve an excellent address, his Subject being, ."There Are Two • Determining • Factorsin Life's • Work, God and Meeelf." The prows • which was much appreciated by all • consisted of a reading, Miss 1,. TaYler. a quartettet Mildred Treleaven, Laverne Greer, Mary Rethwell end Perle and a piano duet Airs, R. Johnston and Miss Etta Johnston. • Next , Monday will be a Ste Patrick's Social. Every, body Welcchne. • Rey. Thonias Wilson, for the past been yeare pastor of Knox church Walkerton,. has :resigned that charge, having ,askeck the Brae_ Pfesbytery to •deal with. the • resignation at the May meeting. It is said that he hes no plans for the immediate ,futurchut will take a rest before ,asstiming another charge As well as being an active worker in• Walkerton. Mr. Wilson has . done a good deal of lecturing. Before •going to the Bruce County Town he nein charges at -Dutton and London. A .daughter,. Mies jessiet has been a_ limning sister in Prance the pal three years; atill-a-son; Melvin;Wilson has 'rep in the • trenches -for' more than tWo years. • • THE Ginero,, TheAdult •Bible Class had charge •of the program at Guild Monday evening. There was an unus- • nally large, attendance and an excellent Pro$F.arn W.AW. ,Mr„,, _Henry Woo& oCcupyG-the 6hair. The topic: was "Lessons From Favorite., Psalms;", and Mrs. y. yvateop, read a paper on the 84th Psalm, Mrs. J. Sheriff on the 23rd, Mr. W. L MacKenzie gave a talk on the. .96th Psalm.; and Rev. Mr. McCallum spoke on the Psalnis in general. Guild- ites were greedy pleased to have Seto .Capieron • Geddes neck with them for .the eveising, and he cOntrinuteci solo.. A.nother enjoyable. number Was a trio 4.by Mr. and the Misses McCallum. , The Literary Committee have charge Tor nextMonday evening and have ar- rangedfor a debate on the resohition, Reselved, "That Writers Exert a Great er Influence Upon Humanity Than Pen- ile Speakers De."' The affirmative will be • teken by Dr. Paterson and p, G. Mac- Kenzie, and the ,ne gative Meesrs.. D. Gilbertson and A. D. MacKenzie. .Where,is the Fuel_ • inte • neat situation a combination 9f both is better than either •alone The growiug seaecity : of fuel during the past cul -. • minated in a lista '''eatastrogne tnItiritinf .the Present Winter. It has surely been clemmistra.tecl• beyood, peraciVeliture that itis. very dangerous to trt.'"to,- inuddle • through' any longer. the experience of • the past, has not hien lost if that lesson` has been thOrbliglify learned, In-diett•;-- it:aware bratiy•Mieans, that the ehortage.of Coal next winterwiflbe more acute thin CVer. Th,3 oetpute• of the,Nova Scotia coal mines has declined from 7.263,485 tons tn 1913 to 5;607,00() terai-in-1917; or -22 73- psi- -dent s:0•;vinic eo thesteailily growing, scarcity Of Mine' labour and to recent aerions, mine ac dents it is evident that there. must be a further m'arked-- .redeetioo 9 tS At: • the same time, there:hos beenA large • inereaso in the coneemptinn of Coal. In the • Maritime provinces • during those years. , .In feet, , it appears an if the Nova Scotia inines will .not be able to do better than. to supply their own re. • qiureineiiti and those- of the Maritime provinces. If this is done, • little or no coal will be available for 3,1OotreaI and • it is tvadumed that no 110V.it Sotto, ceal will he available for Ontario. „Foresight iriditates. that is, the woodpile lies one of the Insane of preventing panic and distotor nett wititer, • LECTIONS AFTERMATH 'son RASH anatARKS WITIIDRAWN Many Sentinel readers will be iriforqst- • 'ed to know whathas beceina ()fate threat. 'engd actiotr.bY.. 001. lingh Clark, M.P. egaipst Menge Gee Mooiley, of The Ripley Express and Mr. S. /Eldred, over whciee name there appeared in The Express,. last :December, statements highly damaging to Mr. Clark M.P. Eeidently the two charged with libel had to choose between defending an action in eourt or retracting'what they had said -and apologizing to Mr. Clark. The Incident 'closed last week when Miellildred published in the Kin. Carcline Review the following letter: Col. Clark, 14.49.11‘uary 1918. Dear Sir -In reference to. the letter which appeared in the Ripley Express over my name, I wish to express deep regret and apologize for my share in the •matter. The letter was not printed the rsame as I neut, it in. the Passage which referred to graft it was only meant. as a joke as the week before the Ripley Express asked the question as to how • much graft did Col. Claffi get, and' 1: bed been twitting the editor about hint- ing at such a thin, and if was only in a bit of humor that I said You ehmild appointominissien to find out if you were a Wafter or not andi expected the editor Would cut out that part but he Made it- Worse. T did not say any thing in the letter that you' should resign oi about you epoutieg for Union Govern - pent, and' when the letter appeared in print I wanted the editor to take it back in the next issue of his paper, but he Only put Me dff and said it Was nothing[ When the writ was served T again. went to the Editor and told him he liadto take' it back in his Paper and that I viould go to you and -apologize. -tilted- and- eveiYthing to him and he *mid take full reepon- • sibility -for the letter and4 thought -he would keep his 'word and let it go at that and there the matter until after 'the election Wits over. Proof .pf the above, I hold in writing. After thel election was.Over It did notitakw_verY- long to find out thaei had been made a party. depe-Of, as the, editor went back on everythinghe said, 'end ,on my ask! iog him why he did not let ine.aponigize at first and :-why fooled me he said it until the. election was.: °Ver. NOW I Was to keep me from doing „anything' hope you will accept this public Apology and will pay tlie voids so far: I have not and never did have any • evidence thityou were a grafter or profiteer, and do not believe that you have or had any finaneial interestin War contract s of any kind and i had no riglit or mitherity to make any such statereent. I am glad the letter had no adverse: effect on the eleot- • • Major Moffat To 1.1. S. A. Owing to th9 Inerik;rg up of the • /3ruce Battalion Major Moffat; the pop- ular officer who was second in .cornmand -during the organization, and of laOt in fell coMmand, Das transferred to tlae United States army in Franco. It will be remembered that Major Moffat was " . with the United States army in Ten- nese° when steps were taken to raiew.it battalion in Bruck and rthat ke came 'bre 01 the request or his friend, Col. Weir. • °EVERYBODY'S COLUMN . WANTKD-Girl to do bouse-work in small fatally. ..41.1)PlY at Tim HenDatt, OFFICE. . 14-3.p °MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and note, • at reasonable rates. Fire Insurante. bot - Stook and Mutual Companies. Convey anoing done with neatness and despatch, GSQ. A. SIDDALL. Broker. Lucknoa kinds of raw furs. HighePt city prices paid at Lucknow. Don't EMIL, your furs without seeing Jake Libel, as he • has the city market, Best prices for junk, rags, rubber -Th cash, 30 trade. horsehair - 28o cash, 35o trade; and all kinds of hicies. Phone and I will call and see you. Pllelle 86, Lucknow. JAKE Lucknow. • • FOR RENT -100 acre Farm, Lot 26 Con, 2, Kin- loss Tp. ned by D. 1). McKinnon Raw ternis to he arranged. -Apply to Riznvos R„It. No. 6 Lucknow. 14 3.p. • LOST -On March 6, at the G.T.E4 Station, Lucknow, a lady's muff -Liberal reward ' Finder kindly report to the Bnornovicit HOTEL, WiRETEUTI. 14-0-9; HAW FuKa WANTE13.-Mighest price will be Pakl for all kinds of raw furs: Mina, • skunks, raccoons. weasels. Special price for foxes., Prices Will be as high as 418,00.. Best.price will be paid for horsehair and rubbers. Before you sell your furs caU at 131itzsteln'S Dry Goods Store. • DR2PARKKH, OSTEOPATH, at Cain Rouse Lucknow. every Wednesday afternoon. All chronic diseases successfully treated. Os- teopathy remoVes the physical causes of disease., Adjustment of the spine is later& quickly. secured and with fewer treatnient4 by Osteopathy than by 'any other metkod FORSALE FOR.SALE....-Houseand lot on Havelock St. , • (leading to station) Lucknow. Stable on premises, Cheap tor quick sale. J.L. COI. lams. -Box 62, Ripley.• • , . • ranteed-Clean • • • Apply, to DAN MCKINNON, R. R.-6 Lot Con. . ••21-3-p. • Fog, SA1,11.-Cletur Seed Oatk, Danish- White.-- variety. Jon C. AND , K. IL Jilelfaciate„ It, go, 5, ... 4., 2, Klidoss. 14-3-p FOR 8.111,11„--42itantIty of seed eats. 0 Ham, R. R. 3 Lucknow, phone 4 on 6'J, . Goderich rural. . FOR SALK-Geed fraine residence with stone • foundation, On Havelock st. .Lucknow'(be- ing'the residence °Coupled -by Mr. J). Gn. • . , SERVICE). For particulars apply. to Nitts, DR, M&OORIMMON RIpley 23-6-tfo. • NOTICE ' • For au meitere. regardina Greenhill °emote' Y refer top. 0. Taylor Secretary. Ion. ••• • - • : •Yours truly; • ' °- ", • (Signed) Samuel,. HILPItED. The week before, the .following para graph appeared in the Express: Several aiticles which appeared in this journal duringthe -receneaelection • campaign, critieising_DPLIT.ugh-Clark .12v-e-170d--ffie41top.eface liinted that he had grafted on inuni- tion contracts. We desire to • retract and ap logiza publicly to Colonel Hugh ..9rele for publishing add articles: We • had lvidonee upon which' to base any suoh accu one,Moreover all the'Mantl- facturere ,whoin. he assisted in getting War contracts hayetestified that he had no financial interest whatever id any of them. We ,regret exceedingly having 'published' the letter in, which these • re.. flections en Clark's probity appear- ed and we 'trust he accept this apology and retraction, •• •-. .•• " . • . Geo'. H. MooS,Ev. It is said that Mr: Clark hed entered slot for 810,900:and that -court expenses had run up to $200.00 before Meesre. Hildred and Mooney (leaded to settle. The Hen To The Rescue . There was quite '11 sensational drop in • the price of eggs -within,. the past two weeks, And local dealers are this week •quoting only 40e. They have been up • to . ooc. With :the advent of milder weather the helm got to work and the •tumble in prite resulted. ,Perhaps too . the etorage men have beconie uneasy over the threatening attitude of the Food Board. However with meat, fish, cheese and chicken feed present prices eggs ate net likely to toucla very low prices this season. . • AUCTION SALE . AUCTION SALE., -D. G.: MacKenzie will have • an auction sale of farm stock, implements rstow%effects 1:1,(11 gon if.leturaY' •arit: min n goo In. 1 e is no reserve as Mr.__MacKenzie has sold.• • his farm. H. Mounent.es, Auctioneer. . 14. • AUCTION SALZ-20 Pure Bred Yorkshire Swine including 11Sows due to farrow ill April and May; and younger ones both .sexes from prize winning stook. Also LA ' head of Cattle. at Lot 3, Oon, 11. Western Division of Ashfield, on Wednesday, March. 20th, 1918. . ' TERNS -4 months redit on approved joint notes, or discount of 3 per,cont. straight for cash. Jxo. PARRISR, J. PURVIS 144p Prop. Auct. 4 A.t.TOTION SALE. The Undersigned. •auctioneer has rectified instructiOns. tq sell by public auction et lot 6, con. 9 Kinloss Tp.„ On Thursday March 28th, 1918, at 1 thefollowing firin stock ' and implements. iterisn,s-nn General 'impose Mare; yrs; .1 Draft Marc, 6 yrs; -1 Draft Horse, rising 4 yrs; 1 Brood Mare in foidelOnyrse-onle-l-Driving-einesere-- -Draft-Colt,• liana 2 e,r;. • • CAti Lit Supposed to be rising 2 yrs; 3 Steers, rising 2 yrs; 3 Heil*, rising 1 yr; 3 Seers, rising 1 yr. IMPLY/MOM-1 Deering Binder( new) seven foot cut with, sheaf carrier and true*, 1 Peter HaMilton Cultivator, Massey Halals -Disc 'Drill, 1 3,rost and, Wood Mower, 1 Deering Monier, 1 Team Steel Hay Rake, 1 Land Roller, 1. Disc Harrow, 1 Single Walking Plow, 1' Two - furrowed Walking Plow, 1 Twin Plow, I Set Harrows, 1 Sleigh; 1 Waggon; 1 Waggon -Box, 1 Gravel- Box, 1 Set Deflate Harness, 1 Set, Plow* Harness, 2 Sets Single Hatted. -4180 ii:qutintity of fir'. -Class Timothy.Hay. Ticads ofs$3:110 and under cash over that amount from one to ten months credit on approved Joint notes at - dyer cent. per annilin. • II/tame Henunecne, :Tiro. Poitnia, 21-3-200 Prop: •Amt. AUCTION SALE •' • Milch Coivs and Young- CMtli- n • 'Good 'Grade: Durhains :D. A. iiiieDoriaid, Wingll un, will sell bt public auction a carload ,of and Yming Cattle at the . • Cain House, Lucknow, On• . Saturday, March 23rd, 1918 10 Cows with Calved at foot , Springers, doe before Alai. 30, and 4 . • number of Young Cattle,' Sale at 4 wok& Terms. -Six inouth& ezvi4dlst.mow _