HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-03-07, Page 5•
or WEEKtlotla� di l tt troops In England i# MIA
- The Spanish Cabinet resigned a4s a
Vepu..it of the Outcome of the recent
important Events ' Which Have ; eiectioa' . •
Occurred Pining the. Week..
The Say World's Happenings Care-
fully Oompilerl and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shapefor
the. Readers of Our Paper -... A
Bond How's Enjoyment..
46 H0. IS' THIS DR. CHASE?" we
are sometimes asked by persons.
who know his medicines, but are
not familiar with his interesting life
story. '
The boyhood days of Dr. A. W. Chase
were spent in the.vicinity of Buffalo • N Y
and as he had early decided to be a medi-
cal ' doctor, he took the:first opportunity.
of attendance at the University of Michi-
gan, , ,located at . Ann. Arbor. - ,-.:_
After graduation he began the practice
of : medicine in Ann Arbor, Mich., and, at
the'. time represented in the illustration,
his reputation: as _a physician. of excep-
tional skill. had spread far beyond the c'on-
fines. of his State,' and people came to him
for 'treatment from many miles around.
As he was accustomed to travel across
western Ontario to his.native city
of Buffalo• he frequently -stopped • pry
a Canadian d an towns and'cities,.
for spedial consultation, and in this •
ade-nia;n- fiend-inrada SE
The • character and personality
of Dr. Chase,_ waste such that to "�;':.
know" him was to love him. He inspired
confidence and respect, and made lasting
, friends wherever he went. •
And thus it happened that when Dr. -Chase
,placed his most successful prescriptions on the.
market, so that the people might obtain there
more readily, they met with a reception in Canada
as, well as in the United States.
This letter from Mr. Parish will give'you some.
idea of how Dr, Chase's Medicines became known
.throughout Canada, . •
Went to .Dr. Case in 1667
In• the year 1867 I was very bad .,with my'
lttdneys, I could. not work on' account of my back
being lame, sore and painful all the time.„„Though
1 carefully' followed the -directions of our family
,doctor he was unable to do me much .good. , At
this time Dr. A. W. Chase was becoming known
as an .especially eucceisful physician, and on the
advice of my uncle, Charles Williams, I went to
'Dr, A. W. Chase at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and' he
gave me a box of ,his pills -tor kidney dieeaee.
• bu caii e' ar
cel .
c imagine i
e much good Y.
,did me. They helped' me so much that I
went' back to .the' doctor and, bought a
dozen' boxes. ; In my mind there is
medicine half so not :
•lways keep•"'them in the• house is 'a
xa•mily •niedicine, and I would not
think of -using Any other"—Mr. "t3.°`wti-
Parish, • Sturgeon Bay, ,Ont. _ . _.__. _
Dr.,A. W. Chase's medicines
are for sale by al dealers
or sent on.receipt of price
by . Ednianson, Bates' &
Co., Ltd., Toronto.: '
Note 'that . the portrait. and.
'signature' of 'A. W. Chase,
tht famous;'Receipt
Book author, are On every
box of Ills medicines. °'
°nighain, M Humphrey, . W 'Miller,
• Municipal' council of West Wawanos
>r F
.E>v'oEvi>awEss—A Rivers, S �John-
met on Feb. 16th. Members, all' prey sten, H King, J Durnin, W•Armetron
ent, Reeve Mallon h gg'
. s g presidia , W' E McPherson, G A Greer..
The final -dal statement was read •by Accounts to the amo• unt of 0190.69,
the treasurer which shows *balance on were passed and paid. Council adj. to
hand of $20769 • This statement was:meet at call of reeve,
'filed .ou' motion. `by Messrs. Aitchison ,:W. A. WILSON,;,CIerk
and Pardon...
Treasuier reported the return of 'col-
lectors colt fol• 19I I. Dfotion by Messrs. 4 Brlace Count News
y .Y.
Johnston and.: Watson than collectors• .
salary refunds `and postage $73 14 be : No STATUTE Laluou—Tho. Greenoch.
paid. Counoii has decided to commute Stat-
.° ' Auditors -Taylor and Pentland• sub; ue Labor in that township, .owipg,to
mitted their reportwhich was read and new conditions bought about by the
approved on motion by Meseta, -Watson County Good Roads; System As a
end Pardon. This shows a bal-, result of the adoption of.the •'.gond
ance on hand Dec.' 31, 1917 of $2978.68. roads `system by the''county a large
Yy ,il
C mmurieatio
- ..... .: _... _ _ n read. from Collector .•ntunber of the road divisions Ya thlj
Rutledge in' which he declined to act as townehi had' v'
. pvery. little ' and- in some
,rnlleetnn.kr 1.918 = 1p ,a ' .. fin .
nk�,3•,ti :^•I.�r*+.,�x'�gr'%c: �S3�3bi'iyCur
crease in salary was • allowed.ocion theirtuber.
statate O1i_ .the .11400 or
. � .••e=::: �",�,x��..:.s�:1'°,..,rs.r.,��' .�,.::�c<'.:w11<s�'+Sicbittscxa'Yv."''wuu ,.�s :,. - :«. _.^s�..,Kr,..
1B0G days :Iabar•in tare township over
IRobt. McAllister be appoiated and bv- .600 days was assessed on: lands' that--
, Maar. No. 1, 1918 be aremended : in that _border on `
behalf. Creed. the county roads. In view
of this ,fat that one third of the work
. rreasurer,Thoinpsop:asked that one'° ,
of his former Bondsmen be relieved and ,would either have to be performed on
subruitted`Lhe-nate . es attached to his roads other than th�ote on the'county
present Bond which were satisfactory system or' commuted,. it was thought
to,anditors and council. " advisable to treat alt parties alike,
sis•a•r l ,
The folioeau t thor
win were appointed a will '
path -be
g .no road
-• masters, pculndkeepers acid fenceviewers; work in June this yea.I,, but $1 will
PATiIMAS '1ins—(leo Rutledge, L Tay- ''be collected next fall for each ria ;,'s
..-.�...Ior,...I.,i11�T.iyins,..�..�1'%cl�hee,-S X-Dung,--•:labor-.�-T-he�etrmeil�lso•�Eeicied-o
different method of• arriving at .the
'amount of labor to be.assessed against
each lot, which will result in leas dayi
for small assessments . and Slightly
greater amounts for large landholders
klusten; R' Cousins, R Medd, M. Lock.
hart, ,A Kirk, W Bailie, N McLarty, H
• .Hu` thins, J Gibson;: lipoid, T Finleon,.
• .A.Feagan, W J• Andrew, Geo Anderson,
'Geo Caldwell, W Smith, , D Henderson,
0 Fowler, B Jones, W J Thompson, 11.
r s s0tz.—Mr Andrew . Andr .
Kin T Ledd _ ,
e om
�',y, W � Wlt,'1dtfAifikly �3 I'ar •
row, A Stewart, `V. Bray, Geo Henry, J son, son of . Mr. 'Wm. • Thomson, of
' Cranston, W M McAllister, C,4 Graves, J . Tara, agraduate of Toronto and lliar
Redmond, J' Ciraig, J Plowman. 1! Thom: yard' Universities, and specialist in
son, A Alton, J Lasenby,13 Harper D ._. h. sics arid mathematics,.has been.
Harper, p
Rrrington, W 1 Miller, 1l B Murray, W sent by the 'Selene. Department of
• J Aran, M Deverans, W Gibbons, T Washington to I oyweet to co operate
Forel], Haines, J Bowles; L Grant, N with 'Thos, A. Edison in working out
Catdpbell, W J Humphrey, 10 Todd, D the problem of tlefenae tit overcome
Todd, A Aitchison, D Perrier, E Taylor, •
the submarine menace. .11dr. Andrew
3 Webster, J D�'artin, 3 3 Taylor, J'Oar- Thompson its only 23, years of age and
roll, M Greer, D Gaunt, A Anderson, "J his sole 'tion for this important work.
$arbour, 11' Webb, 13 S Naylor, T Inglis, Speaks elo 'uent1 o• f 'Ins ability.
A Emerson, W Patterson, G Greer, J p ' q y l y
• $herriie, Y Gillies 1i, Thampson iT' ,; worporation was grantee at silt.
'owler, Dr ,Case, ' tawa last week for a joint -stook nom•
pol�rl»a pari :4 TAylor, J reeg nl pang kIOwi>t; its the J. 11. % on
.1,vylea.0 0.1iiCo'itne. 'V�alabi ; 1tt ii.
Thinks' It Wont' Work
—rte. •
Commenting on the s •
estion e
g egg . man=
sting from =the :Bruce County -Council
that the three• counties of Bruce, Grey;
and Huron combine their goals:and use'.
the. Walkerton goal, • the Owen Sound
San says it waltldn't : do at all. . Oaven .�
found gaol, lt+appears, dies more busi-
ness tnan those other two counties com-
bined and it would be like . movingthe
mountain to.Mahomet to come here and
the expense of spading prisoners by it
Y ra
would be prohibitive.' The Run quotes
figures . 'front . the Attorney -de ea. al's:.
reports; showing the total ' number.. of
prisonera, committed 'during the past
five years to be `-as follows: • Owen
Sound,' 90, 128, 72. 98, 64, 'a total for
the' five years of 452: 'Goderich
46, 32, 26, a total ` of 195._:Walkerton,
32, 43,..;30, 37, • 21, a total of 163.
iue bs.:prrtsoners.aentaipan reg,—°432
tv.r :
Intro. Q t , .�: ..r
_ @ A E 4�ne . . � .:.
F1 s•
5000 Facts About Canada,,
-.. Thaeeieiteediail o tli'at` stipular pub.
lication, 5000 Facts about Canada,"• for
1918, has been' issued And again Meets
a long felt want for a concise record of
Canada's progress and development in a•
single year. The compiler is Frank.
Yeigh, the h ail k
R . Howe author
turer and acknowledged authority.
rlanadian. ' This is the tenth
year of. "its publication, and the new
edition is enlarged and improt ed over_
previous editions Fifty chapters deal
'with the' outstanding . features of the
nation, arranged alphabetically ;from
"Agriculture" to "War." presented in a
series of crisp paragraphs that quickly
tell their signifigant story..and that;will
prove , a revelation to even the best in-
formed Canadian. Copies may bohad'5;'
rernniitting 25o to the,Canadian; Facts
Publishing Co, 588 Huron Street Tor-
onto, or oninquiry from leading book-
sellers, This "tabloid cyclopedia of
Canada,". as it has been aptly called, is
a splendid investment.
capital stook $50,000,
Alre Sinclair Uibson,. of Wiarten,
while returning, home from visitin a
,neighbor was 'seen to fall en the read.
boy wad .
A b s sent
to see What the
�' blA
was and found that she was helpless.
She was taken to her home but died sa
few hours later. 'It is pointed out as
a raanitrkable coincident that her lus-
hi►nd,tiso and* eon' died ruddestly' so
F'u'rniture' Cog%1$ fit t KInesidi�a*$ b did
073",Q9O has been s subscribed d toin Ofard
Greater Produetion bonds,. '
C9nditious in the English -French
gchoola of Ontaria are reported ap im-
proved by lion. G..Howard Ferguson.
The customs receipts for the eleven
Menthe ending yesterday showed an
increase of more than 315,000,000.
TUEBD Y; ' Rev. Dr. F. G. Harrington, twenty-
Sve:years a missionary In Japan, and
Nearly 10,Q0O three were lost in the noted ,for, his translations, died at
Alnoy earthquake. , Montreal. •
.. The Drumheller coal miners decid- A giantmeteor shot •across the
ed: to return to work. - ,heavens Tuesday night .in the Yukon,
Only a force of 500 Swede was making the? contry, as luminous as
required :to seize Aaland Islands. • day for twenty' seconds.• '
Toronto' •City Council decided to Stefansson. says be,expects to start
ask legislation calling for tax oli• ex- this winter fromr,Crosse Ieland, Alas-
empted property. ka, hoping to reach 'Wrangel Island.
Capt. Thomas. Flanagan has been or the Siberian. eoast.
appointed inspector of Dominion Po, 'Toronto's tax rate four 1918 stands
lice for Military Districts Nos. 1. at 30.7 mills, and Finance Commis-
and 3. aioner Bradshaw .anl4tounCed his •op
Sir William ,Hearst- introduced a ` position to the flotation of a loan,
bill.in, the Legislature yesterday pro- . .Maj, -Gen. Mewburn, Minister of
viding for a tax on dogs'inorder to Militia, stated in addressing the Wo -
protect sheep: ^ " men's' Conference. at Ottawa that
Caught in the shafting at the Can- Canada's four divisions in France are
ada Glue plant; Brantford, Alfred now up to full strength;numbering
Bates was wrangled yesterday, death 140,600.
being instantaneous, 'The military authorities intend to.
The British Columbia Government . take up the ease of -Capt. G. T. Bailey,
has, made an arrangement with the who said that 90 per cent. of the
Pacific Great Eastern Railway ;Corp- army was.- drunk at the front on
pany and allied concerns. Christmas Day, after the civil police.
• Premier Brewster, of British Co action is completed.
tumble, who is -suffering from an at- 4 SATURDAY:
tack of pneumonia, is resting easily, Final. results of the elections are
and there !saw change.announced..
-Mr, 'Peter McArthur in an address Z, A. Lash, I.C., gives evidence be-
to the Canadian Club urged co -opera,- Epps C;N.$; arbitration board.
tion between urban and rural OntariotA large quantity of whitefish
tot belpsis. alleviate the world-wide food spawn spas deposited in Lake Erie..
Western General Manager Macleod The .Toronto "Board of Education.
of the C.N,R: told the Board of Arbi< increased 'salaries in. spite of City
trators that double -track along the ' Council,
main line would he necessary In .the G•'T•R. ,freight ,handlers . went on
near .future: strike yesterd'a'y at the lJnien'station,
British casualties reported in the • Toronto m •.
week' ended yesterday were 3,571, Two Belgian Senat rs were sen -
the lowest of any week for several'' tested to death by the Germans for
•months. Killed or died of wounds: espionage. .
Officers 24. amen 736; wounded or The South. Africa Assembly by .78
'missing, 2,811, to 22 granted ;lc?ave oE' absence to
Gen. Smuts. • ' -
WEDNESDAY: . Stefanason, the Canadianexplorer•`
The Halifax car strike is -over. now at Herschel Island, wh 'reported
'Heavy snowstorms and high winds' to .be . seriously ill. ,,
Carie tied u,p tragic in •Northern On- : Niagara District Fruitgrowers' • As-
o. ei i
at n s.
d,_to.• the o s
PP hproposed
Thomas Straechle' aged twelve, 'daylight-saving law. •
was killed by. a street car in Toronto ,fr Metall grocers must obtain licenses
yesterday, rood Board by the 1st of
The Spanish steamer Igotz-Me �
Some 22
,00.0 are' alfeeted •
witha German' prize crew'aboard, The Dominican Coa
Co. �a.nd-•;.its
rues ashore minAre have—,•cached— . -agree Hie
vTheft ' .of stock • certificates ' worth
;500,000:was reported by Mr_E.,R.;.
Dilor; M;P„. of Dunnville.
A dayisiglit=saving 'dill is— 'being
introduced in the Legislature to -.day,
* Major Hartt of East Simcoe...
:Lieut: Cola Critchley, .a Canadian,
was .appointed to command 'the .Fly-
ing Cadet School in England.
Premier Bord'en and other Cana=
dian officials were in conference with
'the' authorities .at Washington;
Sir William Hearst tofd' a depnta
tion •that action would be taken to
provide for the care of the. feeble -
Minded. 'h •_
• The . Toronto- Railway.- Co: directors
cut the dividend to four per cent: on
.account of. higher 'wages being paid
1,1,L ] ua�r Ad-rum/Aro House
Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery
. c,
Ace You Erepaeed
for Sugar Making
this Seasoii????
The' unusually heavy.frosts the past
months and the deep snowfall' predict
an abundant
run of sap. Both .for.
self and countr • utilize this his ,resource
this year.
'We have on hand'a full line of SAP
Buy your supply . 'now W so' you will.
have them:' when -the
time comes.
The Store'' Where Your'Mone Goes, Farthest
cent. a wage increase of `a1 out 17 per , .•
� J
X07: H A :Machine,Ke-
Mora, has joined the ]5epartment of
Justice, to be Director of the Military
'Service branch.
Flight Cadet Lloyd Harvey 'Carter,
of Boston, of the. Royal Flying corps,
was killed in . •a collision over the
airdrome at. Leaside Camp, Toronto,
and two other airmen had legs
broken. '
biia •died 'at a gari_l'hen.
P'rem%er 0.: C.Brewster of
t night
of withwhich he , was
taken down on his way home from
they, Provincial Premiers' conference
with the.' Federal Government.
A border city real estate.board has
• Chatham City Council has ordered.. been organized ,
men's furnishing stores to close at:7 '' ' Germany seat ic'atern warning to
p.m., and hardware stores at; 6.30,. the Radicals of Russia.
with .:certain exceptions. A •Spanish steamer, ' chartered by
• Teams, vehicles, 'implements, etc., the. Swiss,' was sunk by a submarine.
which have been is use abroad: for Argentine asked: Great Britain °.for
farming, are to '.be ' admitted without , a safe conduct, of Count von Limburg.
duty, on• condition; that they be ex Wm. Burt died at Brampton in his
ported at the end of the year. 102nd year. He fought at Inkerman.
The Edmonton-City.:Council. has The' Rotary ,Club in Brantford- dis-
capitulated ' o
t allthe e
demands. of the `tributed more than_a thousand 'ser -
Allied Trade Unions over the cuee -vice flags. =-- 7_,„, .. t .
tion of the :striking firemen,: in . re-. ' • , An important order has been made
gard to the plebiscite to' be taken on by the Food Board with .a view to
Monday stopping loss through spoiled. eggs.. •
The death of Pte. Robert Gillies:,
Toronto, who died under similar cir-
cumstances to Gunner Neales, .isto be
investigated •
Sir Geo E.' Foster announced to
Ithe' .Women's Co , ' •ence: that a day-
light saving, bill fs't.be introduced
-by the Governmen
Sir. William :Hearst refused to 'hold'
out ,any hope to;.a delegation who..
Fro, t 3e E -Elk 'i ' uicS t' Is TT'h: _m._
-naked tie av�`'-
Premier Barden was presented • to
President Wilson by Lord Reading.
Dr. Adelbert E. Hanna,' M.P. for
Lanark, died suddenly at his home
n Perth. •
Many lives' were lost when a D S.
naval tug -foundered off 'the-, 'Dela-
ware Capes. .
Wholesale grocers are: to obtain li-
u u:-- rots. tiro irouat YT•t ar3-by' h
st o2 March.. ,
� igra,'�';�ii�.+r•�.=aritYYL%4�t�cti�iv`:ti
ellor, urged the people to stand be-
ind the army.,,_
The Geological Survey has 'discov-
red water in what has been called
e 'airy belt in southern Alberta.
American officers raided �. the
rooklyn headquarters of Pastor
itussell and seized some , books and
apers. ,•
The Canada Food Board. has • ex-
tend the
nded time for bakers to obtain.
t a
license _from the :.1st' .to the:15th,
f March.. .
•Canad is Urged a d tr> e. n re.
e d vcarr-
g era'
oad possible of wheat or flour, bacon.
r frozen, ineat.to the seaboard for
e a-1 es.
The C.P.R. is not going to under-
k•e•any construction 'this year, but
ill' spend between sit and seven mil -
on .dollars on maintenance. and im-
ovement. •
At the annual meeting of the Cana-
an National Exhibition Association
Col. Noel_ Marshall was elected a iife
ember and Mr. George Booth a,life
Sir William Mulock told the To-
ronto and 'York County Patriotic As-
,sociation. at its annual session that
the rate per family paid in' January,
had b e' increased..
been, . ts2 lrbm Decem
bar.. -
Gunnor Albert Nerds, the Toronto
Soldier who died after being taken
from his home by the military a>rth-
oriti�es While guttering from peen-
monia,, woo buried with fent Military
honors, with Civic and m�iitary ora
vials paying tribute.
:Only one French vessel was bank
by .the" enemy last week,
Two Xtalkaus were senteneed in
Rome for anti -Italian propaganda.
The • Food hoard' has issued regu»
for retail dealers of various
glia til141 St 0, 103 111#1 *r
-for-a st'rongerbeer
disappeared last Monday ' evening,
was found embedded in the ice under
some bushes by' the creek in Bramp
Mfss Madeline 'Adam, Toronto,
' died Prom, injuries received when a
couplet in, which 'was: a passenger
:collided with" a street car on Bloor
street: ,
The Government's popu• lar major-.
ity -over the official Opposition in the
Federal rl e le ti
e on
was 350,505 ii a
over all opponents of -'Gx�vernment
candidates 18.8,E218. •,;,:
Sir Sam Hughes is urging the Gov-
ernment toadopt the plan of having
'two -Canadian army corps at the root
so they can alternate in holding the•
front lines and resting in reserve.
' The Great War Veterans' Associa-
tion, in a mass meeting resolved to
urge the entploynient of enemy aliens
in work of national importance at sol-
dier's pay*' and the application of the
Military -Servile Act to aliens of 'al.-_..
lied country origin..
Switzerland Isolated.
GENEVA, Switzerland, March .i.
By 'the closing of her frontiers at --
midnight Switzerland again Ando
c mpletely isolated fin -Europe.
Meantimethe food question, espe-
cially as it relates' to bread, to be-
coming more serious.' daily. The re-
serve stocks of wheat, even If the
present small ration le still further
re•iuced, will bo exhausted within the
nett ,six or seven weks,
'triage of Sighs Damaged,
A•0ME, .March 4.—Grave damage
wart 'done to the Dural Palace, the
Bridge of Sigh,,, the Church of St.
John 'and St.. Pant and the 'Church
if St. Simon, ra t, e:1 es other tree -
tures of Venice. J r a Teuton moon-
.i;ht air raid over that c.ty on' PO.wQ. Fifty 'enemy utrplaiiet fooTc'Oil
in the raid, dropping NO bombe,
• r... ,
• •••.
Was it taken in profiler side or full face? ” Were you wearing street, house..
or evening clothes or lust an artistic drapery? Why not have some dew
in a different pose and becoming attire''ust
• g J as yon 1001:1 now.:. Your friends
would be 'so glad to receive such a icture.,
Studio open Monday, -Tuesday and '' ednesday
G. "S... F
e stenographers hers
at from g P
to '
$900per aaifum
$ , and two'book-
keepers at $115 and $.150 per month. You can , fit . yourself - for :'
positions such as this. Our free catalogue will •show you. how.
Affiliated with Central Business.College Stratford ..and the.
- - 'Toronto.
.. Stratford,Flhott'Bualnesa
• College,_. Toronto. Ask for our., free catalogue. Tele hone166.
D..A. McLachlin, President.
A: Havil2aad. Pransiaa.t':
l3steblishGd ' 187
/di \a
Capttan-Authoe+ited; 15,000,000 T�
, :Capitan Pald-up, $3,000,000
Surplus, . - , • . $3,500,000 -
'The Farmer's Convenience
E::Barik_of...H unilton as always
ready and glad to help the farmer
Iris eatti -$usinesa, . Sale -
Notes, Drafts or Deposits:
Consultation invited.
J. A. Meanie, Manager.
. ' 52-C
.. 1
These are high-grade musical instrumentsaa
a,1d �t e
invite your inspection of them before purchasing,
Sewing Machines
The News ,Willialrllas, Sewing Machin
strong, durable and light running machine. Call
and see then before buying,
t.R• 1\D LUCK -NOW.
1 1