HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-28, Page 8••• • NEW GOODS Ammigumme=== 'few Spring Goods are daily arriving. They were ht many months ago for shipment.in February and March. These purchases were bought with great care to gat the best assortment possible in eaoh, department, and were purchased when ',prices in most lines were lower than they are to -day. We invite you to see our range of Dress Goods, Silks and Satins, Etamines, Marquisettes, Art Drapery, Art Sateens, Scrim Curtain Net, Gingham* Prints, Shirting, Cottotiadesr Denims,. Flannel- ettes, Finpuelette Blankets, Boots and Shims: Ready.to.Wear Suits; Gloves and Hosiery, Ladies' Collars and Ties, Tapestry Rugs,ongo1eum Puri, Floortex and Lia.oleums. Our business last year 'wad .the largest during 'the past seven years which, woluld indicate that our careful selection of goods and rea- sonable selling prices are appreciated by the purchasing public.. We are aiming to make 1918 the best Yet, and invite your contin- ued patronage assuring you of Our best serviceand the best values we can secure for the various departments of our store. , MURDOCH & CAMERON CO. • Culross 'Corners Several young larnbe have. arrived in . • • ' -Pavane:amt. Spring 'must -be . close at: * igclodeYs Feb 26- hand. : Mr, Neteort Donald, of Yorittoln *site ' eleeesiseemma te, visiting his,. Parente here. .• •, Huron 'County News • Mr. and. M. Geo. 1411iReet ,01,11143r ee- • -at Mr.-Motrizon'a Con. 0 14% and MrsK ,Alten Turner s visited 1Violthant Mend* on Sat°140-*°t1',.°°4'. het' Y!Ps:-..*Ae bearl'is4.,11.1°,Y.9scl,g?.3d day. ' :.health for sa-na"--time, the accident is Mrs. 3. Wraitlespent hist Week with aserionssseen to her. , • " her Sister, Oise Te•Steho. A. J., Helm, who has .Carried �n a gief W..111, B011-.81'614 !3°OdaY' vi" igeotwat itaze business in Crateht°°k • 'bee brother., whole. vire' 1100t. • for a number( of years, has sledded to *". kV- • - • •",- • se. ilieeMitinue and Willismove to Wood On Friday oreireee 'atillis Week Itati- stook in emit Cours,e4 a,f0 'v'e, months,' „ R. PUrrint, of TeeswatOrs' will give lei and 'Mrs. Hdin were activ.e, work - ted 'este& 0,11. ..§1tAtes ees in the local Methodist *neon an • and Snowshoes" in Bethany, church. A • they will 1,14-0 gieatlynilesa41041. Oran: good'pro4romene„ Lunch will be served • •• • ; brook. . • ' at the time. Everybody come. t. _ rsee— ocz,if . tangside , purity trohneeebairister of,Winglunne • ,•• _ arrivedhome on the evening of Feb , • • Tuesday, Feb. 26 18th. -Lieut.' 'Holmes. went 'overseas Mr. Russel Reid, teieherof with the 161st. Bettie 'and while, in. has resigned his. pfieitioala order to 'England.. joined7 'the Royal Flying devote all his thtte tolailtattgi Corps.. He engaged in .insanY,°' fights. • ' The young Peonies Society ineetieg in France, apd wasea number of timed on Thursday evening. vnerled by. Rae. wounded, A brother' Sergt J. E. . Graham who gave a splendid adu" 'Holniesi still with. the Huron Batt. ...dress on "What My Church Stands Fele ' Apress despatch tram Battle dated . The next meeting will be taken by Mr. re.• antilon, °Mieton, recent, sliPPed,an-i0e and failing fractured Beb 20 Ports the Suicide Of Harold Reid. . • . - • • 'Moore whosesparente. nye at Baytield. Don't forget the lecture to be. given Moore abet himself through 'the head, in the Presbyterian church Fridiy Rim - ea . s ffeesd from LI healter.for a ...evening witl4rch 1st, when . am • . • Buchanan, , Toronto, „ give his long me: see -•• . deetare en "The Keil "Centel," Mr. Ruch- (4eierge Baird; familiarly, allaatreqt' ; .• --eiesteeedeledetedstseereeealmeeded iseeetelY !mown Stsiuley. im,c%10.,tetjf,,i! tlt ,1.1)!5 al numbers -will -also he given, Admist 'hell taught for 'fifty years in the men 25 cense, Proceeds for tool branch die school. No. ICI, on the : And C012. of of Red Cross Society. ' : • - Stanley township, end, was highly - It is our ekil duty this welt to 'record esteemed throughout ' the- neighbor the death of Miss jetisie Mel/Innen, who hood. • away at her 'home -Con 8, au •J. je.Mirrier, M.P. has .diiposed of Sunday, Feb- g4the „The'deceaaca had his 'property in Hay -township and been for some tiirkind her death pitreluseed 'the farm of denies Stewart • Avaii net unexpected. Xlee McLennan aoloinjoi ,ggino,ntoide,.„e ;iiiilo and was a young woman of *Ong character a half South of Seaforth. He team; I and her early death* is deeply regteited. posseseion April the 1. by ta, host of friends whose eymPatlay . • j goes out t� the aged mother, broth rs • and sisters ••.•••••••••• , Eighth Con., Kinloss. ,--2,11ounay, Feb. 26. A minden, of 'the yoUng fol,k of the ° line attended the carnival at Ripley 'last Friday eight. Proceeds which were • for the Red Cross, amounted se • ` Miss Etta MacLean; of Ripley, viit ed with her friend, Miss Ethel Balaton this, week. ze, -Johnston. •erter_. •-Mr. ndell ' • edal 1111Plhet of the ,)oung folk an even - ingest Week . • SPRING HEAT, :::SEED- foit ONTARIO . , . The. world derived fer:Wheat, in ISIS Justifiee the greatest poseible'. effete.... to - :wards increased productloo, •The arriail :Acreage of Pall Wheat put in last fell es-, , se .., , Ontario - ,sze weenenetearsee acreage. 1n:7 : *liable for Spring Wheat -T-he- •Oe atio;Clovetnineot - is' co-operating 'witn , . : . . the fareeers lo order- to provide seed. It hap pereliasecls90,000 bushels of 'No' ' k „Marquis Spring, Wheat Seed through the Seed.Brancla of tile Federal Depart.; ment a Agriculture. „Morawill.be pur- chased if iseceseery to fill niieds. . DISTRIBUTION._ -=-Seed ill sold only 1 . in 2 -bushel liege. Carloads will be Wee,' . .0 at certain'. points in .th6.-province . Where less than carload orders can be , filled, the purafiriser. Payieg local freight: , hem! such distriblitiog.netnt to his own 'Station, . Wherel Demers' Clubs or other `organizatious bring in carload lots, the price at their local stations. will be the seine as at distributing points. . WHERE TO 111TV.s.--PurChases, may 'be made eitherin 'the warehouse at the distributing •: points, . OR orders MaY- be pleeed 'with the, neare4t.DistriCt 'Berne- . eentative.ot the Preepeciet,epepartinekt_ .., :F.Siiigaillarisi:Vit sent direct by mail to. the Alerkets .Branek Paramount . • „ -Ttiesdey, Fels AO. The marriage 'took place at thn • value, Lucknotv, ofi Peb. 26, of Gladys, only daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Rugh ° McIntosh, of i'aratnoint, to Murdock. McKenzie, of (tainsborough, Sask. Rev. • Air. McCallum officiated. The happY couple left flu the afternoon train for A short honeymoon 'Toronto and •cether points, after whieh the will be leaving shortly for their home in the West. Met Keil Murdock is under. the Doctor's ear e at present. Delei forgetthe box social to b3 hda lo rutmouno school on rridiy night..„ • es ' s en re akes'it look li-kelispornidngay,tor-ebae.:5;he , • croWs about again. Mis8 Annie McKenzie is vieiting at the home hereister, Mt* WalterDay., ltobt. McDonald, of Brantford; „ 'visiting at the h(inie of his brother, Thomas McDonald. ' • MISS Merle ,Whytock entertained a, number of young hien,* last Ned., • evening. • Mrs. X. MeXenzie spent a few days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Switizer. , The ladies of ,the Red Cr�ss. served lunch at James. McLaughlan's sale which proved to be, a great succese. The anlennt realized wet over $16. 1 e. • • r ' Maielttee . • Steamer Florizel Wracked Dur- iit Stephan STotberaliwals7ses rraeab.:1420•48. * .............6..... Int Terrible Blizzard. Fraley front Leedom, his headquarter* for the post six weeks .while he lectured nail Just Left Newfoundland ess, in the intereet of the Outario Agneul- - Itosatesto Neve Toile wad Struck on turii-Socitity,T - sir:11""N°"°14.11 at °778Rater""-":""No Mictrhiceicia. vie,iting her brother, 5, X Kil- and a tirew of IS; . Miss Agnes Kilpetriek, or Libellant**, ST. $011N13, Ntid.$ Feb- 26- The crack Red Croat liner Viorieel, from ontMort.hAitiaa°°ave*F.inisy is vting 14 Ior- St. John's for New York by way af nal:fax, with 140 persons aboard, in- Albers and him Mery Alton e,pent• eluding 78 passerigere, piled up on the ledges near Cape Race during iit; Monday afternoon et A. FinItteo- blizzard Yesterday and it Is believed RWart Jamieson and EnimersOn Agar that all on board were lost, Neval gunners . smut en a special viiited relatives here look week. : train froze this city ehot a fine *erase Mr. and Mrs., Thos Blake visited the the bow of the partly eulnuerged 'ship uttterlo mailer, Mrs. Jii,,e. Weeder, near, fest night, hut waited in Vele tor it to he hauled aboard. • Just before LueliteoweSaturclase ..'' • s darkness 'blotted the wreek from• view, tive mens -driven from the fore- 814 Zilch rhillips, •who has been , castle by the Cant eeas, were seen quite sick, le new wen 40e the waI to to climb the forward rigging, signal- - recoyery. Ung feebly for help. But when they • elimoimmmeamarainomm;matimonr latletl. to make feet the line it was . Holt/road feared that „theY had ntteen.Mbed to , the cold and eXPosure, TiAoile five were the only ones rirleible in 'board ,-,5doralay,•Feh. 20. several „hours "after the elliP-streek. Sfr;. and Mrs. Almer Ackert *peat Somewhere beyond the white meet. tile week -end with friende ip Enron , strolls of breakers two Staunch ress ewe stetimere, the Terra Nove, and the Miss Ida Bothwell, . of Khdough, and Home, tanned bY Newfoundland sell- • ...• Mr. and`Mrs. I, Irwin epeot Seedy at ore, lay in. ,waiting for ' a favorable , smuertm,ebnutttosrsclil ta33.41;o:ttortuilarosupgplioartehrt Melvin ftwIn'e- • • ' to he stinsiallig, it wits feared that. it ' bir. and Mre. Eerneat. Ackert spent would be daybreak before the sea SaadaY., at the h9tee of W., le Welliage moderated Anougli to make it poesi- ble to approach the, wreck. • The Wornea's Iinititute .will betel- their The deeting tope that a feW Of ne*tiltleetiOg at Ow time °t4Irs''Aimer those aboard nftlit still be alive vir, Ackert on Thureatty. March 4th, at 220 ' i twiny was nom; abandoned. Naval . *lock sharp. .11.103. Joe. Hodgins will gunners who went to the rescue on • , a relief ,train .0ent from St., Joao*, give a.paper on "a/tonely; Time and El. Put rockets and a line on board short, ly before ;line o'clock, but there was noinrAsupdoenramong* t.ue ..posenger4 were Melee women and folir ehil- dren. Aniong.the 'first cabin passe*. ,gers were.. John Shannen Munn, a, managing directer of the firm of Bow- ring Bros., Ltd., owners or the Thiel!. -Forrabsa, and Charlie Rekenswiller has and his thip9-year-ohL daughter, . , ., _, . • , . , s Betts?. They Were ping to New York , been !agage4 10,.Ina Pla„ga, _ ' , •••••••*.• era:" Roll call to he: answered by "limit° conserve health:" Everybady welcome. • . • Edward Fischer, who has been work. ing for 3. Purvis for •the past few months, has returned to hie home at to meet Mrs, Munn •and Sir Edgar - Bowleg, one of the owners of the. , . • line, for a stay of two 4i:eoliths In. St:- Helene Florida. Six cadetii of theiji.Oyal • Ing Corps, an their way .from MOT-, The: Boma •Lif #grAmiltnre ofWe foundland to Join the. chmiciand .in Jp.. won will, told a twe-aay, course .at Toronto, were 'aboard e The body Of one member Of the detachment, ,Fred $t., miene. tho fith and Elth et, Marc ,Snovr, wee included among the ,six 'knit first da y will be devoted to ti washed ashore: to -night Anotner.,of horses and the second Tto Newfoundland officer who,. it is'fear- judging'• ea ea. was 'lost,. was Major lificliaer4u1- • On the aftereoon. of _the fidi a lad liven, oominandipg° the Newfoundland Will address the WoMents'Institertei. an 6 6 s .on the eirening of that date , a oner battalion, which 18 now cattig timber In 'Seetland. •, 7 , , dieetibg to Whicii are invited. will b 'Catitain JottePli. Kean,, one- of the held in tl*Pi4bIle becit.kiiowreemmand icguitijie Bea- „. . • liiiindleed seating -fleets. else satle'd onl.theFlorizeT for Ijailfax Where he slays in Toronto. • - ,• isles •_liset Miter was to take over his ship, ,the Sable,. Rale Mr. Little -wits in Bi 111 in readiness , for the seal fisheries net month. ' .al•ouunx homan 'head of the 40-, The young people of St Helens at itfurdo -Drug Co., One of the leading pharinebal • poircerne in 'the soealitag Pleaswtit e`Yatitoge' in PriPario a play entitled ',Profeaser Pepe ,"whiali t:iey intend to present here in the near fature. • • - .• The box accial and play 'pion hrie Friday evening o[ last eek turned on .tispulietatcdicid.tlte..thisTebtvee.I.ithckkeoevwgtmstrnadnelitttoetoArc The steamer .0 -tended, Cape- Race In a'beavy."sea .and struck early Sue;•• day, morning, while fighting. her war' through a blinding blizzard.' In a 'few hours she had. pounded, to pieces on the rocks. and at dusk her 'hull ,bad. settled under the hattering,Waves until she Was alinost. submerged. .The Florizel .sailed from here at . . • eight 'o'clock Saturday night, with .1t largo • number of passengers and a cargo .which included 10,50 barrels of dry codfish 'and herring for New York and 1,200. barrels for Halifax; her only Pert of , 'between St. John's and leeW' York. • The cargo was etalued at • $ 8 0 0,00 0 and . the ship. al $1,040,000. A blizzard Was •brewing when elle left and .it grew worse to - et'. he haen't drooped any of dile sheile any., h GunneeS. S. MaCKetieks, a son.of D. 1. ,, r ia a town b t hall* ie MacKenzie MacKenzie; „ Of 'the .Pacsleir Advocate; 'os“ren14108 'rea'nwuai; p,..eveii;:ft'n',3 61.7,4' ,070.111;:- ,z. , . , wilting home On J:iii. 2lat,': gives an in.: .,.. . ' Y terestieg picture �f life at. the front. saivagini Party cenldseii the'shelltland‘2..' , ' 4 ' Ilia* letter 'made ae follows: 'I- n iniefour7er-fteirkeetred-----e—re . -yare 13 awey, , -- • , : .• .. al:. atOti4:::roilror:Qiu:scolatie,:tygival;a.ts,tele.:.Bliefi:t.totwerou:t9elf:::tlibe -1be 9::: -.:oehoice_11.96tio,awasme:s.v.itiuwiestittrae.c.ghawywheiloortetx:altnuoVeel.wed;:_(sr:it,titto.b.h....rgitiazifienurry:-wbit:77.-77:,::1, w .1400: the s;_er_g_e_ia,rist ;told roe that he vs;th eS that I would eat be go.ieg 4 to the gild 0 -in 7'de-de lie decided to 'switch hi's fire. , •E . r.,, 6. 1..$1.- ne" :: f490Pr-9,:thilioc: k•igilniwne.en.7.16.5:eetOt tfite:ite...vgii,a1.71:r4n..Piiniitiesar;40.hdadYt:. ewillafelit°.fesatibivite:raet:e,tfiirsi.7.thiltrall_neeber,:sti'4hoeqr;:Pe,rw.elSgi:;3i:it.'.:_::, g reached here, ti. distance of sOiiiee-Miles a ratline 'of a couple or milea; one of ' S- . -helm noon, and having heen digging, - carpenterieg and stealing materiel for same ever since. It is just_ like a holi- day to gee ttwair from the 'bevies, 'Mules t ' a:eta:earl) 1 ehsalf °hi:ea:I:nee, , :1Peni,;istir..likieS lthe e ' camotir which la au that is iote,, : „tom, , :.:SweDr icrifthied ;IC:, (though, hi 409, ,u g, ni4 ..so.s tf oefottil;:iiet,irotnie: by. • troops as du.s.:Outs' .2•(;rstri,e :eititra7,a : , . • ,,. .. .., impossible .to get away ''frOM: . the 'ss life ite6ettlie ;place at all. .6.k. snort. ' ' • ,-- . : to same, but . Otherwise. there ae/ no sigit i : ' 'rand,. but i, so Seasoned to that 11.0!*), disiatiee4viai there . is an old ,epet ipikip . e .1 Thi . - . e „:. • • u . , g ri`iret htationeseursmdbi s 8. between t, ratheri 171gveemayh$ ,. cia5t i have f i: tne itra ,trip:iata, in ,t34f , 'a: be eviti writing (Ia.:: el ii Igari ,onotthiseto,ei't : . : . t ,,,, year ,:ibc4hees. . :dee: ,ta: biiy.11, oacrt buildingsl, 1 o1otib, dnentdh:lat, uy9i that i, dai intiwteo: .inbiarwrioioditil xi iiial siontaett4. . ct 30w, dt a hhiateboie4a7 .eireeti 3,0rPtircia:lt.tahr igdiire!piitnyznd:eetahas,i*E1801 ; .. , . ,. , ' . , . , . . . : - . • : . - :: : , . , : . erlY a Getqau: dag'''''iltt 'auCI lie imrii of ti brick walls or Machinery falling. -4°heray.°Y4i. knew how t.,:,' bend then). It is perfect- , Thp 0,„,„,,i „„ti i., , ,, pace .,. „ • ly dry, the ,vialls and ceiling' , being of; . Taiihn-hed:11,770te.ived:::;;;;:14v'eoiaesurla::rel.r.ilfanineenv,raall full la, 01 i,golraiet sfWttli i 1,101,init:itricif: :: ...... i • ' .. stairway end walls of same are • **Oa. The ttireo rooma' which five of. phi:ninkes,:hilehere.it Woe form. , with board tbers. The - • ' as eeeoPY. are a 'W°6 : more „tht4n 'high machines. were- etigaged,lint in no 'caSe . • . . . , ,-enough a(Pwo:04:attin;fonintgo. sittannocti:pr. Odle i000,4-1'4 use as alaaPiag 4.'1'44E314, Heinle's' oeichines gorierellY- fly so heelt. . :w50,,, .-v:::,•tihterizie.;a4get:seit,,n1:flooti:telit.4t:t.-ei)li:::::.;,• ,it.,•..z.,:.i_..,_5, , ‘VtlijillcirTelrelt73n3:"'h:':-e7a2-::iir 11:11.4. bench- or lo'!4Gtir!..iitts.i.utilitlitr esilvadCd4einillyfia4b11.;trt 'etr°y"ohC, es, table; eti. ,E tat Of these roonis .i,e 6 uteaereraft guns (which ten tte.le 1,040_, . or 1,feet by 9 iSet.„ and about el feet ent yon,dide's know was in the Vicinity ' • . we • have rigged up a nrst,erass stove, . fheivrgh•fie‘ etAltratmh6thfr etnt'LEizethe'of 8 et la at rl 7:°3 To Ma :lot edt: II si several bv°6e1)rreastiaioageti:oiredb.tit:ft.tebebe4;0041i'ria:eoanitg'h"-ho s , . Made from a'' 1. rgei heavy Oat.4. about 20' . tv fn the air .. Tneis yonknoti for ,sure . . : in. high and afoot hi diameter.. This.7.1d lot wisi.08:ermlna. nabniipateqiiitirii.. bg;thni: istotutinectie,01:e, ordinaryptiunosnIloisfi tioktvehdersp°.::g. andilIteservesrIheata66.t hwtehaarnd Omnluabet and det :' ' s;•711 .0 07 itezheas estisietye,08: ,c6-nuat .1,1 al, dull, inn:4i 44 :et; , dry (though it is never very .enol in a oeverieeeee enough for thot yew) • Phone No. 10 is a 'Your Servke Ws Sall for Cask We sill Chea r Than The Credit Stores -Seas:maple - Goods • A first-class assortmentof Winter Mitts and the price reasonable. The unprecedented coal shortagewhich' is bound to contnue imtil the close of the war, had made g demand, tor wood, Now is the chance for you to turn your bush into money. To make it pay you must have a 'Good Saw and Axe. In a Saw we 'mire the Premier and Gold ,Coin,. absolutely guaranteed. The Samson Axe is coriect in shape 1 and exactly tempered.' It id. guarah- teed.. We replace every one found de- fective. Price $1.25; ' Whave ehe best.- II,ickory. Axe Handle . that we 'have, ever sold mu; 25 years' experience. Price 40e. . • Royalite Oil' Premier Gasoline 'heilLfiginow Tflf IIT911E THAT tO,IfER DISAPPOINTS ,where near us, though he continualty mtiJoilisa GERMAN DUGOUTS and `Fred Smythe, manager cif the Newfoundland Woollen were others in the passenger fist. All, but, three, of, the. passengers were natives '0 Newfoundland. Three commerhial 'travellers, a Mr. Stevens., of •New York W...Dauphinee, , of them being the' size Walkerten, hitt at present there isn't even so mitch • , , • siegle .brick wall left stasiding in sorne of them. They are a'?solutely acid• coin- - - pletely wipel oft' the inap. Many oi the and greatly. •Ielig ,d the audience ')the features of the program also aver *ell received, and 'we have" nothing 'ha Compliments for the young vintone, . • Whitechurch : • 2 -Tuesday,. Feb 26. Born. -To kr. and Mtg. B Chown 22, a daughter treen'Elizabeth ) . Mei; Sparlinkvislitedfer a 'few .days in Wingham, last. week. .. • . Mies Ida Carrick, of :Wingliam-, Was home for a day last week. • Ward midnight, but abated in the ear- • . • c'morning hours, when the l'Iorieei urea? eliresi:lizi:strtieGoadaeyrs..aotri and would have to prodeed southward eon, h David eloeg, the out- ..toward Cape Race, 7 p ha ebioeu heilhhe t he olersatzvdistant. eutmh part/nee:: asemesir,-; 30;:cb,9:0-01 tArgr,,,,o,;41,NpAlt.tzt-vttiune eIteheiret-altatiaiiiie- :Fi'rxidas; hat when7the Wind moderated some; tct what toward morning,, her. cowman- night .011 'the. "Kiel Canal" 'Proceeds der, thinking he had pasted south of for lied Grose purposea. 1 ' Cape Race, •ttirned westward, • • , : , The ship struck :in Dread CoVe Mts. Ben McOleneghan and danghter; Depaytment of Agrieultine, Parliament Bnildings, Toronto: " .• • PA.Y.MENT. ' OASH.--Priee -is $2.74 per buslael at Distribution Peintp. IN ALL cA.SEs, Zxosenoiv, CASH MUST apeostiethe meek Send itmittaisee by iinailiedeheek'spostal nate, post sates or express money order made payable to Ontario Department of lig- riculture, Markets Branch, . ORDER, EARL -Y. -In ihe'reeent of the -requirements of the Province beiog undereetimated, there , may net . 10 Minitel. seed to go around. It *trivia able in order to iiseareshasiegthir -o ders filledthat purchasers, ehoul d place orders, as sego as, possible. All orders' are stibject to confirmation and will be filled in the Order received. geed is deliveted in 2 -bushel bage, order should be for even numbers of bushels, and no order for less than P./ btie cen es. cepted. NAMES OF simsTuipurow4 0,t local points will be arinciunced later Distributing pointe at present deeided are: Chatham, London; - Woodstock, Hamilton, Brampton, St, Marys., Oils awe, Toronto, Port Hope, Port Perry,, Peterboro, Lindsay, Rattle, Oril lie, ice*. market, Listeweli Orangeville, Alliston Durham, Slincee, Welland, Palgvave, komptville, Brantfrird. , No MacKAY, 'Dept. of ' - iValkerteet, pat. Ontario Department' of Agrictilture,°, Alarkets Branch, • n rarliament Stlikaxige,..Toronto, about flee a.m. She sent one wire-. Lorna, visited at her home • for a, few teed meeiage Of distress,. which Was feeetved-ot the Cope Itaee radio sta- tion, saying that she was ashore and In imminent danger or destruttion. Her wiroese; apparatus Worked halt- ingly and soon was Silent. Nothing further was heard from her alid as • the cove is in a remote and aParselY settled &street, it was not until late in- the forenoon that a rescue party reached the scene. They discovered irite.1.13dng...akell-liashererand subJected to a merciless pounding by the heavy seas. LON:0°Iineli dish:lb:111125th. Hun official statement on operations in Nast Af- days last week. * Miss 'Fiera Rosa `retutileci. home last Thursday after spending a couple of weeks Lucknow. , Tia GI* meeting Siinday tight was taken by Angus McKay. The Sub" t for next Sunday is "Christian Duty and Privilege. The leader is Miss Oral' Fox. MAPLE SUGAR. PROPITABLE --„....... Sugar Maple treee are a specially val. . liable asNet to a farm this year Re g. tiler °commercial sugaz is scarce and high. . • There ia monoy in maple. -. sap, and be. e ea trent the pljenda Valley, .porto.. LuThe maid; lee'rman force, 'Milan- yond the work it is practically all profi,, guese Nyassaland, reoVed South to. 'toll don't have to plotigh, or harrow; Or 'ward the tipper Lurie river, thence, fertilize the ,ground fore the maple bar- ' • eastward qlong and north ef the Lou , est. roil don't have to do any spring 4/•rifitib°Sweedoabeytalthearl3ealtish,co. ittlnuee sveeding, .ttna you don't have to wait the StateMeAt., "our celitran. le ap- p-etiently from oring to fall. The farc9haiestheitintag 5flie.oYean, twbherceln' eisMir fklorbie diet's- welge sess°o eolllea at a' thno Whet. .eated southweet of Port Amelia." .. other farm work is Auk. The tree % re. acl:n:'742:4,nreit.''lar)! ,.....D's, oeinTiscioi ate liwIlattreeri*A4.6PrTahYellytittatjrialTaiit frentitellottligunO-r• tillable ot reeky. land. The maple- tree was a aodsend to 'Canada in. the pion- eer days. it is no less so 'now in the aa4 roturn Vac alkplane to Germany. war "omits, of sugar. - • • •• •t, onneement .t.PLe'stade. yesterday that Votnian ttylc.tor *who Tended near fret t es a dnqr3rtor. • The Govern - mot deeded' to• Intern tho aviatot - sesesseasS,&—...—...1see. L deep dug out like this, :even in cold , -*urger, , or eating water for Tile Scott call, carol chocolate, Este, Far atoverilieS sts we have long Si inch water p•ipte. At Phaitson aephersen Wee a SOOteh- • present we have suck 0 line coal fire in man. Alto he was a cool inerehant. it that the stove is partly red liote The first night we were here we were so anx- ious to experiment with Vie Stove that vAz started a weed fire in it without an piped connected, trusting that.the smoke would ail go up the 8tatrw4 and out by the entrance.. At first it worked tine, hut 'later the wind chebged, and as a relttlt both ourselves and several fellows of ,13 sub, who are itt the adjoin* dug. • out to Ours, Were nearly Rooked out. So next day we got busy and rustled the pipes which serve the putpombief4Y. $o you See,. Our quarters are pretty near. ly• what you might "call lig"-4n other • wordti fine. As Fritz apperm* is nn. then knock of two hunired ht .Also he was in love. Hie lassie WAS . sensible lase, and ahe knew Innt bo the richest men in town, 13n6 she wan- ted to be. sure that he.ha4 come by alt hie money honestty befoie she decided to marry him, "Idoo is it that ye quote the lowest Prides in the toon; and make reductions on them for your freens, and yet ye lneke such enorinoiis profitar she naked. "Weel it's, this way, explained ,Phairs on trt an undertone. “Aa' nohe tellin' anyorit) alThob it. Will ye l Ye nee X knock ol twn.shillings a ton be. %ails° a customer irt frien' 6'mineSind %Ware ci our presence in, this locality ton bea,uso Du a Men' o'