HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-28, Page 7tr • WT.'S ,••• , 17 "Nr6161111, '4,2•49rpra,,,,In-jr- .• • 4"..seirr a CLOCKWORK IN „ THE BAMRY TURNING THE 1108E OF DEATII ON TIM rz.1•41331Y. THEAFTER EFFEas taamight not be im lucky- smother She Oftenijad to Memoriint. , go I got ready the guns mad „.. . (LicuteCoL• dediti Me(rae, author e when we came to an open bit oi "In Flanders' Fields.") LI 0 For a aY I " eelf slide eif behind by her tail. 1 fent , Anot ier ereasi m the ewe row OF,LAGRIPPE... gr eea I dropPed them arg let D Marks thine viva piece with * hump, and got up in time te In, esearideeet Itieide-Where peppiee: : see Meginnala vanish, in the Jungle hes Often Worse' Than the Disease yond, t vaned aest allied,- ead See Joy : Mrs. 14Iantle Tens Why She Used - grtiw. 1 Xiself.aalrfett-esoe ten weak .--,,A*-0, I heorti en eneweeieg eall laears: . ly did far me, The niehout found triej . Duars, A:maw pills, • 1 Tho Be'..teen Torch lig. Ista tIS the Weil to. Victoey. When Our Artillery MOUS: It Vn. pleabant for the Germsai Side Of No Man' Land, , "Fire Number One!" :mid the °Meer; taming- away for a minute front the . jagged observation -slit in the turribl down Ishii to address telephonie sitting on'the floor in the corner. "Fire Nunaber. One!" •repented. ti Nervous and Ilitorn Out. dist, arid when. we found E— and' GriPpe-the name by which in duenze Is mosneenerally known -is a disease prevalent tbrougheut Caned during the winter and epring 4..1972,4. • . Eagerly we graea the forest guard was slieking Results, She States, Were So Good well heeah sie iota; That She Receminends Them to An Sleep on, and be eontentt • Sufferers From Ktduey Disease • 'Isr° need to fe41-• . 6. ; all overruled could not speak, and the men were nearly as bad, How we got home I do not know, but we did, and I 4.. waS Fat to bed. Mr. C I. N'''''''..".-", a at. &Alai MTS., Foley 1.8th (special.) Rw't wit4 "14' 4:tcal AnYcne WI" 114° f°/t *5' fiangs Is 11" friend; alai thirty, coolies with another -Um. hlantle, at: estiraable lady liv- Thy WOrit 113S been well dorm. likely to forget the trouble, La grippe The poppies bloom upon thy face, elephant, Rans1411, then started off to ing ;it 117 Xing St, Bast, this city, J5 e- with a complication of troubles, .It atarta with tik alight cald'atal Oda n t It \ a elweys ready to.tell'of the benefit she And 1°111A- as TIP;nulrY 13st° We shall not lose tile place At eight o'clock ithat veiling, the ' baa received from using Dead's Kid - ti lays a strong mot nn 1,10, hnou. it That Marks' y bier tgrtares him with -fe-va--r-a- an -tit -aims-, eame.hozne with both elevehants, RamYs neY Pille. * ' .. tit . parrot-likevoice into tile mouth Of , the instrument, ' There was a moMent'e Pause as the • order was transmitted' to the waiting • guns, a couple of thoutiand yards in - the rear. The acond floor room of the • dilapidated house, all shored up . with great timbers, was in deekgloom, save Where e patch • of guelight came - through the narrow chink command- ing the enemy's ,lines. Outside a bird whistled, an aeroplane droned overhead; now and again came the muffled crack of a field gun. Then suddenly: ' "Number Onetred,ssir," said the telephonist, as the thin, metallic voice • of the battery operator reached,- his ear. • "Right!" said the officer, glancing at the second hand of the watch .that ticked away on a little ledge beside hie compass .and niaP, He waited, perhaps, fifteen seconds -premature staring at the target'only strains the "eyes -and then •leisurely • picking up t his eight -power ' binoculars, dared a Steadily through them at a little pile of bricks and morteas•some three miles° away in Hunland, that marked the site ln of a onceprosPerilms French farm. On w this tiny target the guns were to be' t registered So that the error of the daY g. -due to wind; temperature, and hero- t Meter -could be "calculated and allow- b ed for accordingly In any shooting the It • battery might be dulled upon to dt10, • l !Ins or Minus? . ' As the second' hand or the .' watch touched twenty great cloPd of dusit and smoke rose in it pillar Old ,hirra a prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, consumption and other dea417., %ism In fact.its after effeete are more serious than the trouble -itself. You can avoid la grippe and Winter colds by keeping Your blood rich and red by the occasional use ttf Dr. Williams's' Pink PM& 4.• Yon have net done this and the disease lays you low, you can banish- 4114s -evil after effects by this same great blood-builcling, nerve restoring medicine. This has been proved in thousandi of eases through- out Canada by la grippe vietims who have been made 'well and strong through -the use of Dr. Williams''Pink Pills. -Antongskhe cured is Mies Irene Bootee, Portsmouth, Ont., who writes: -"I take much pleasure in recom- mending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, be- aus() I have proved. their" worth in MY Ova case. Last winter ad a severe attack of lasgrippe and. it left me weak, and ail .run down. I had 8 evere pain the chest and under he arms, palpitation of the heart and ttacks of neuralgia which left, me vith the feeling that life was scarcely w kallt had caught up with Meginnala, "Yas, Dodd' s KidneY Pille have done "4-•'144°n,-: headaehee and bacinichos. It leaves orth living. I was taking doctor's edicine, but it did not help me and as much discouraged. I was advised o try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and be- an their ugh only on ihe principle hat / Would try anything that•might etter .My•condition. I had only been sing the pilis a• couple of :weeks when he pales hegan•to leave me. Gradual - y my strength returned, my appetite 'drifted slowly ..a`FeST,41 the ,Wind, to the left of, and a, couple • pi- yards a*kr from, the target,. The observer watched steadily to •see whether the .:sznoke obscured the view of the farni- Se or whethPr lt passed -behind It • -ifften the only way to tell 'Whether •a ahot ha e fallen Pplus" or "minus" • " to the other.' Everything except Mantle . told an interviewer. "For „ an the Ma 914t had Pulped from one wonclerf91 lot of good, Mrs. saws.. zininunt curer pisteinwr.,„ Fr..„4„,:o coat and ene topee was on the three yeare1 was in. a worn-out condi-1 c'What's your name, 'little girl?" Pad? looge. And my topeeahd tionaefteri having *4 lay off for a'day! "PeggY." "But what's your .last coat were found; 44s° the coin)). out of or two. . my ham My idea is that Meghrnala scented the wild elephant, and that when she made off with me she was going in search of IL Earl ehe met the other elephant I should have been killed. instantly, •' • The Hero. : name . L dont know "vrhat it will "I suffered from drowsiness itnd ; be; I'm not married yet" sharp pains acrose my ;back. I had-' _ lyeadeches, and was subject to neural- 1 , • Jute 21.4 la. ',Dodd% Kidney Pills helped zee gia an'cl rheumatism. Minard.'s Liniment Co,, 'Limited. SO much that I can highly • recommend dthiseentasroanyone suffering from- kidney Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely It is not the deed but the danger kidney remedy. Making the itidnet's That tests the hero's soul; healthy enables them to strain all the And the songs of strength are not So imPursties out. of the blood. That Tara means pure blood and good he Itli podd's Kidney Pills are recommend by thousands' of womep who were On run down and worn out. • ENEMY HAS 2,500 PLANES. Yarmouth, N. S. -•"4 I Gen -denten -It affords nte great i pleasure and must be gratifying. to you to know that after using 36 bottles of your Liniment on a case of paralysis whith my father was afflict- ed with, I restore him th, InorrolCcondition. Hoping, other etif- • • feeera may be benefited by the .use of syotir Liniment, . . ce .Sincerely yours, ' • GEO, IL'HOLMES. As the sign of self-control,.: ' A 'torch, a cheer and"a niche of finte .Por the Man Wii-0 met the foe, • But here's to the men who fail or win In a etress we do not know. Some are cheered by la natiOn's honor But Airships, Have Proved a Fiasco - And .-e-- soine by a steadfast friend; And some by the light of a woman's Thirty-tWo Destroyed. . • love . , ' • ' Writing from the French front, G. am the strain and Strife have end. H. Perris; the London Chronicle's spe- nd aftee the stery is writ and. read . c.ial correspondent, Says: , ,The heart •of the world is stirred, .• By' the efforts of the peat year, But here's to the man who toiled elone which I recently reported, General von. And iliac tale was never, heard. Hoeppner has note brought the • ' ' strength of the German avtittion se There is joy in a fateful struggle -'lees an to rather more, . than 20 If the w4chers' understand.• • squadrillits, *epresenting it total o There is joy in the lift of another's about 2;500 Machines. They are d ,. lead • • " - vicied as foliowa: By a loyal Mart or hind. Bombarding squadrillas, 28; chasers improved, and in a little more then a But some things fall to the lot f ?•- 40; protection squadrillas, 30; patrol month I felt ill my old time vigor had life,-equadrillas, 80; artillery scpsadrilles, returned. I an1 sincerelY glad I was . And ever it must be 139,-4 , • - p0; total,873 persuaded to try Dr Williams' pink Seine no others gen undeksitmd, _. • . 'To these froups .must be added the Pills; mat shall always have a good ' And some noonePan Ittnnii• aeroplanes and hydroplanes of the word to say for them." navy, a dozen or more garrison squad- . . - .. . pr. Williains Pink Pins not In the long, long run we reckon - . rifles, and tibmit a dozen training cure the. disastrbue after effects ofla.' Each man at hid.docial worth; • gr: - With a partial • glance athis circum, oupS. grippe, but are also a specific for all stance. . I have before me a detailed account these troubles due to poor •blood, such And the stars above his birth - , . • cif the fate of rather more than 50 as anaemia,. rheumatism, ihdigestibn; But under the breast that 'Stands the . Zeppelins, which explains in thenneet Omen naulments, : and the generally test - - • • - satisfactory maneer'why-theselvddi::' orn 9 t. feeling' that affeets so; many- Thejieart tides ebb and flefw. , -elms vesSea no longer frighten : the ople. You ' can • get these pills Taseesteeeisese ahe one whose -duty's- -'w"-Idt and 'se fav -as land operations hP01101 -any dealer in medielne, or by done , ' • are • concerned .can no, longer be seri- ail at 50 eents a box or six boxes for In a stress we do not kneW.. .59 froni. The Dr:' Williams' Medicine- . ously counted in the air ' services. o., Brockville, Ont, •. ' J- .L._____,:......._ . , A LIVELY ADVENTURE. Catuka's Wheat Crop; It is estimated that Canada wheat crop lest year, including the .yield in the West and Ontario wheat, was about 215,000,000 bushels. •A ease- ful survey has shown that, on Dec. 1st, in addition to seed requirements, ,the • amount ,of Canadian wheet on this side of 3lie -.Atlantic was about 112,5.00,000 bushels, of which 8,500,- e. 000 bushels were in the United States 0 en route to the Allies. This estimate included a considerable amount of is wheat still in the farmers' hands, the. objeetrve.-,, -Having-made liis inind he,seht_ the necessary' eerreeticm pe tothegun: '"Orie degree more right,' drop m eighty, • , $2 'One" degree ore • • right„ drop "mc eighty,", repeated the •toneless voice of the telegraphist. "Then aCorrectl" as the batfery checked back the ors A Another -short. pause,' during which -•the , officer puffed lazily -a his cigar- ette. Then: • .. ' "Number two fired, sir." st • •Again the twenty seconds' wait, as a _ the, shell travelled to the target; this tu ,time only a tiny puff of dust hanging th in the hot air .showed Where the shot tu -se "dud" -had fallen. But the train- Pi ed eye of the observer had picked it In up, and twain a brief order ran. down the wire • So the. work Went on, and, , mean, Wr while, hack inlhe battery, all was go.- th ing-smeathly. In the battery cow. my • mender's post•-•;--alwayil known as the int B.C. post -sat the major, who was an "taking" the -Shoot.• By his side the tre •' • telephonist, repeeting the corrections wh . I. from the O.P. At the door of the dug- 00 out stands the B.C.A.-or hitt* com- tol ' -mender's. assistant -megaphone Af • 'hand, shouting out the major's orders' be 'ito the sealer' commanders, subaltern an officers, who are in direct charge of he • the gens. They in turn pass on , the .ma orders to the "Numbers One"' of the wa • respective guns -always a sergeant or do :a corporal. _ T e ham Team. ter • the gesee.p#N,s., otipedeseundsttsieseno 'fiefiegiOn'tionstas;- that. iiiierirtWo the t,Railroed Sped On, An Elephant's , • Back. Meghmala was a big elephant. She ood nearly eleven feet high and had tail that touched the ground, with a ft,of blackbair at the end.-•"Slia Was e, central .figitlre in a. lively advene re that a lady Who .writes in the eld had during a shooting expedition We were once allowed to take Meghs ala out for a whole day, 'Slays thet iter. Our little party consisted of eolephant and her driver, E—, Self and a forest guard:We went o the densest Part of the • juogIe; d had. to go very steadily, ad tthe es were so thick. On the way, ile crossing a sandy place, we • Saw inc lar re tracks that the mahout d us were made by a wild elephant. ter an hour. of trekking are saw a autiful hambar, and E-- took aim d got him with his first shot; down came, and as we dashed up, Megh- la trumpeted loudly. . The beast e's not quite dead, and E— jumped wn,, also the forest guard and the bout, 4-tepedteeteetehn •-"eaties;- hallel the • beast, -a religious etre- .31..n-Ab4t.i.T.!Itztle4,1,vamdit14141z,- animaI dies,else the native e are allowed to eat the ameat. • And now occprred anlawful thing. ghmala turned round and Started With me on her bads! The mahout ed, commanded and did all in his er to stop her, but it Was of no , tied I realized that she intended on away., You can imagine my lings! had everything on the with gun, rifle, sses, camera, and our coats; --and I w r must try -to keep them safe. y full length on the pad and grasp - the side ropes arid kept my head luvrirel-c-billi-1 was an a u . I would not have believed that elephant could go at such a pace ough thick jungle; but we flew, and t trees came in Meghinala's way merely pushed down with to ' efs whatever. I was `sick with terror, nmailaged-te keep hold of the gini the rifle. . t last I saw a low bough coming, I felt that ell ante up. My tepee been swept Off tome time befl?re, my hair was combed straight by nches. The hough caught ray head an awful blow, but I passed uns eath, and on we swept. now ized that I.raust somehow get off, or three minutes spit. forth a great not , metal weighing, perhaps,12001bs., are grouped the gun-munbers. There is, Me most -important of all, the layer -Otos bit gunner responsible for the handling' call of the dial sight, by which.the great pow •howitzer, weighing many tons, Is di- use rected on to. the target. There are to - the loading and ramming numbers fee who hustle up, carrying between them pad a shell on atray, and ram it bome in gla ithesbneech by niians of a long, wood- kne en rammer, tipped with brass. There I in ' In the N.C.O. in chatgeewho sees to ed the elevation -of -8 by a few turns of w ich-such is the ride • lelleate balance of the piece -he can, an lingle-lianded, elevate or depress the thr muzzle to the required range. Final- wha ly, there is the lanyard number, who she Actually liras howitzer. fort s' The, card lanyard, -a -great 'steel hook -but- at the end, is fitted into the tube at and the breech, and the lanyard number, A standing to the right' and only a couple and of feet away from the gun, gives a had Jerking pull. There is a sharp crack, and followed by An ear-splitting roar, a bra puff of flame, and In the gun pit there with We' moment of frenzied hurry. One dern inert pulls open the breech, letting out real lick of lire and a belch of smoke, into othete. rush up' with a fresh shell, the layer, peers through his sight, the No. 1 shouts orders, and in less than minute the monster stands there„ /Rout upraised, ready again to, spit forth its load of 'destruction. Shur -GL Feriilizer --Charles Poole Cleaves. Apart fiern two destrdyed before the - • war, the /id may be summed up ab follewF3: GUARD- TIM BABY- - . Destroyed in Germany, 10; destroy - .ed in -:neutral toantries or near -sthe front, 5; deetroyed-in 'England, •by the .AGAINST. CO S 13 ritieli Navy, or on their way •home . . . . from England, 15; others destroyed at - • - • sea, 2; out of use, 5;• in use as train - To guard the baby . against eolds ing schools, 4; in use chiefly, . the _nothing can equal Baby's Own .„Tab- 1 -North' Sea, 9; -total, al. 1 lets. The. Tablets are a mild laxative Considering the millions of pounds that will keep the little oneni stem- 'spent and the unlimited hopes built • ach and bowels . working regularlY, upon these Monsters, we my regard - It is a recognized fact that where the the Mult as one of the most con - stomach and bowels are in good order sPieuous fiascos in- the history of in - that colds will not exist; that the dustrial and military Science. health ofthelittle one Will begood. and that he will thriVelind be happy and 'good-natured. The Tablets are sold by medicine -dealers' or lne-mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.. ,Wil= Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . • Ile Guessed He Hadirt. . 'rump IS A DIFFERENCE—_l 'Can anyone who has not seen them imagine what it is Inmate be a prison- er in thia. present ..war? Someone, who saw the .- first French, English, Russian and Canadian prisoners either returned or escaped, writes of them': "They lave an'''. expression of There ts an amusing- sten" .0il'irt their own, a coneentrated,*tinuttered round the British - Grand Fleets jugt g 1 stifferin n their eyes,: an unending the kind Of joke which Jack Tar likes patience in their voices. There is 11 to give and take with his friend's. , If is quite seriou:sly :affirmed that when the difference in 'the world • betwe n an American squadron Consisting of them and the soldiers returned from the tliS,S. Delwares New .5?. caic; and. the• Front. The latter, even when se. Wyoming, with destroyers end ether verelY wounded, have .a Proud, almost" 'erarrafirrilrffrtiiiii; itill"lh 'ZtPfititle*1.4ffabic;;'ssoteittirag of the flagship Signaled to them: .yoo are iiiik,i,,,-,s_iliviisiiiiir„, -,ond,orpltsities-.i.,d, IllcawrrthrfalzmaFg- ments still clung to them. They ere But the ,Amerieans passed under the bridge and sailed' • on. , Shortly the warriors hurt in the great game, brought gladly and triumphantly British admiral made another signal: , • homes where they know. well •what We signaled just aim that You were to anchor west of the Fortlid3ridge; welcome awaits then!. "How. different is the lot of the why • don't ' you . stop?" Arid the i' : alind prisoners? The 'sight of thern, American •flag -Ship , immediately of- any nation; ie:an.tinfortsettable re: - signaled the reply.; "Well; I guess we curling nightmare., A voice,- weak, have only passed one bridge. as yet!" but insistent, rings in your ears: 1 LEMON JUICE IS • "They know what it is -tido v alia fp-, •1 •'""s----'---st•--t- ' 'Won't you help us?' ' • 21: , ' .:4' --rimetax REMOVER ly, without ptaisse, to suffer silee y 1 . --- . i without sympathy, to ache with home - Gide! Make this cheap beauty lotion • Sickness surrounded by .. the enemy. , ' to clear and whiten. your -skin. ' 'They-m4:thetmisein heroes and w cannot guess' at half their Pain." Squeeze the juice of two lemons...int& • There are at present more than a • a bottle containing three ounces of minion and a half Allied prisoners of , kt orchard white,, shake well, and you war in German bandit. The Prisoners have a quarter pint Of the best freckle of War Society, of which Principal and tan lotion, and complexion beautl- Hutton of University College, Toronto, Sere at very,verysnsalLtost. is peesidenteis appealing through the .Your grocer has the lemons and any churches of Ontario for Money to help drug store or toilet countee will supply provide the bate necessaries Of life to three ounces of orchard white for a these unfortunate heroei. congregas few tents. Massage dis meetly fra- tions who have not yet contributed grant lotion into tht.face,' neck, arms, May send their donations to the treas.- And hands each day and see how urer of the society, Hugh Pletcher, freckles and bleinishes• disappear and Esq., 582 Huron St., Toronto, ' bete clear, fat and white the skin be.. ' dollies. 'teal_ It is harmless. ,........_ --------Tito easiest way to clean mirrors Get the Manure on the land before SBOW gOeSi. ' Eutopeats prefer white pearls, hut in Chine bright yellow pearls are the most valued. robbing , s by dipping a cloth in alcohol and Pickles are never good unless they are put up with the best .cider vine- gar. • • 1. atinatilis iDinita0ni Osten 001ds, c. 41IFT YOUR 00011 OR eml,uana OPP No humbug I Apply few drops theltileit lift them away - with fingers. ,This new drug is • an ether punnel \discoveeed by a Cincinnati, chemist it is called. • freezono:, and can now be obtained 112 tiny bot, , as-terti at very little costirom any drug store. • Just twit for freezons. Apply a drop or two directly upon a tender corn or callus and instantly the -sorenesi disappertrs. Shortly you win find the tiorn or callus so loose that you can lift it off, root --and all, with the fingers. Not a twinge of -Pain; soreness or irritation; not even the isIfy;ittest smarting, either when applying' freezene or afterwiirds. ' • This 'drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivel's Ahem ea they !omen and -come right out. It is no humbug! It works like a charm. For a: few cents you can get rid of Clover seed prices are gainF up farmers intending te do fell euitie le y!" "Ilow did you -accept It?" "1 told her that its beauty should be for my eyes alone." to their land in seeding down wit Spring gown' grain ,should make sure •of a supply of alsike and red clover as goon as possibie, • •VT.T.T..• MONEY ORDERS, • Send & Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars mete three cents. A bean pot is a very good substi- tute for the expensive casserole. Cheap cuts of meat browned, teason- ed and cooked in bean pot, in the oven with a little hot water added are tender and delicioti. e "She gave me * tie for inc ;I • Tactful. llii/NE Granulated Eyelids; • 1:zwzgrimmeng VouR yournnesandlanabennyes. relieved by Marina. Tret in NoSioarnagehistnyeCeedert Acksyllioarlissiz,e:iseeruzylieheirese.itemetredigiTerfEcg.tYss:°04040g ilairriisib74, Use the Spare automobile tire - oc- easionally to keep it soft and pliable. „Andsremembee that an additional •ex- tra tube is wise preparedness -for Jong lattnartYp Liniment 1.,:tria plehtheria. trips. • .. , • 1 the.heel ef yourashoe. This will pre- vent heel, Ypouuir a. stockingspeeeof chamois otr situ Bailie theoff , vent friction on the stocking and greatly prolong its wear. 1 There are 277-ETtive , volca-noes in the world: • . 74124411's iint cures .C*Arirot ti Cows • ;The English Channel has an -aver. age. depth of 110 feet. , Ennio WalirTiDe LA:DXES WANTED TO DO prdort And light sewing at horn% whols of, spare gine, good pair, work greet any dralartationuOra.r0011. argNerlatilloainald. fienadnustlemtupoingoe CoMPany. Montreal, • 21074 *Mai; Bzucra• INTEWSPA,PEIL IN WESTo ern OnterTh. ' Doing a good boat - nese. Death of Owner maces it ,011 th. Market. A great chance for„a roan With cash. Apply Box 82, Wileen. Publishing CO.. Limited. Toronto. lintesirsra EQDIPPED NEWSPAREW- . or untariaediniosburPar4netionark iled kitsoo: Easternivi ll go for 44.000 on quick sale.. This 60, Wilson Publishing Co, Ltd, Toronto el.ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC.. 'kJ ,internal and external, cured with- uraeltiaPeraprebtoy oetiarte_hoMner.tr.siAtintmemtnt.x.:_,eWaijeliat. CO, Untited, 001710nIVOnn. Ont. • 6 WIrshibtutinnialCirlig arukul° is OTTO H I GE L " NO AOTION EAGLE Artri;ft .Waieso.Somday tor our big rr4rik0;44 anFdlitylome'17,BoCya aAnd79irAls.L.,C) G, U E 'slaciviing fair full lines of 131cycles for Ifilts MOTOR CYCLES , MOTOR ATTACHMENTS _ Tires, boaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes, 'Amps, Bells, Cyclometers, Saddles,Equip. meat and Parts of Bicycles. You caa buy your supplies. from us at wholesale prices. • - . .? T. W. BOYD & SON, . ..22, Nstra Dana ;tract Weak Montreal. NOWA ' _STYLE TRADE MARK RE4.1.1.S.PAT.oFF, A SOF4E3INE Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore - %nests from Bruises or Strains; . stops. Spavin Lameness, allays pain, • Does not blister, remove the hair or every 'hard corn, soft corn or -corn be. lay ,up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered Book 1 M free. •tween the toes, as well ,as Painful . ABSORBINE; JR., for mankind -an calluses on bottom cif your feet It antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, never disapPoints ' and ' never burns; 'strains, painful* swollen Veins or glands. It bites or inflames: If your druggist heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottlekat drug- haan't any freezone Yet, tell ktm to4 gists orpqstpaid. , Will tell you more if you get little bottle for you from his ' write' W house. libRsltoOrbUIrc,IPa.dDkbF3,0r5blin0e.Lyzmr.a:esraBl5suglieMoiant5cansalaa, Can alt.gArall$ sa, C. lox -The Fiu Cause Dyspepsia, Indig• estioll Recotimends,a Safe Way to. Treat .Stomach Trouble At Home Many -stomach sufferers who are sour. fermenting Mass into the in.:. tahvays Lull ot' gas and lvfigr%zietX every meal think these things are the stema.ch to generate. more gas and Peasignbenal T. of indigestion when in produce tnore trouble .at . the next reality they are the CA.USE. . It is just as foolish. to give actin- If you ire Using; dikestive aids af- digestents such as pepsin. etc., ter meals drop them for a while and two. stotnaeh full of gag and acid as. instead' get a few 6 -grain tablets of It would be for a man Who had step. pure bistirated magnesia from any ped on a tack to rub liniment on his gg st an take two ivith each foot Without removing the tack. meal. I3isurated Magnesia. does not Some stomachs generate the much, digest feed but will neutralize the ex - and acid. GaCslisteinds thA-ccto,m- cessive—acid 4n---yOur—st(mracin—k at will:M.-causing a fu. 1, bloated op- the food sweet and will drive the -gas • nressive feeling while the acid irri.• and bloat right out of your body. As tates and inflames the lining of the 141agnesid ig Prepared in various stomach. Naturally the rood ferments forms be sure to get Bisurated Mag - and sours, digestion' Is often delayed nesia. for this purpose as it is nota and stomaoh misery sis the result laxatiVe and in this refined form will Artificial digestenta will Push Xhis not -Injure the stoniach in any way. ACurefortimpies “youdonine.d.rcury.p.- task or any Other strong Mineral to ' > cure pimples unwed by POor .. dbniloodggii. tTeadaketsExtrait ameottholEscoolitt:--ra ) 4 Curative Syrup -end, your skin 1 4 , will clear %as fresh a* a baby's. 4 Itwillsweetenyourstomachand i I regulate your bowels.° Pet the 1.. genuine., 50e.and$1.00Bottles. At drug stores., • $ ......,..,—...- - ... 1004,t004 Ike( . on pto kr the Eyes PhYsiChins and.. -eye specialists _pre- ecribe Bon-Opto a safe home remedy in the -treatment 1:W0'e-troubles and to strengthen eyeeight. Sold under ;none/ refund guaranty by all drUggists.• OMURA 11E11..S . TERRIBLEITCHING. On Hands_ From Salt Rheum_ At Very Small Cost -for • Soap and Ointments . "I was a 'great sufferer from salt rheum on my hands. It came in small. blisters between my thumb and finger and it itched terribly and kept spread. •• - ing. I could not use My handi. at all' ' and the skin would crack and bleed so • that I *could not bend my fingers. I can- • not describe what I have suffered and the sleepless :ilea* I had, ' •"Then I got the Cuticura Soap and , Ointment. I only used one cake of Cuti- • cure Soap and one box of *Ointment. when my bands were healed." (Signed) Mrs. M. L. Aiken, Highsvatert Que. Keep your skin clear by daily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of Oint- ment now and then. . For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post -card: 'Cuticura,. Dept.- A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere: ss,,--sa—„.=ssetsesetesesea•-tftssil- •.* Should- Read Mrs. Mouyhan's 'Letter Published by Her Perraissiou, Mitchell, Ind.-" Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound helped me so much during the time I .was lookingforward • to tbe coming of my jittle the that II= recommending it to other expectant • inothers. Be f ore taking It, some day! ed *ken neu.. ralgia se badly that .. thought I could not live, but after taking three bottleis of Lydia E. P ks• hatn's Vegetable Compound I was en- tirely relieved of neuralgia, I had • gained .in strength and was able to go around and do all ' ray housework. lay baby when seven months old weighed 3.9 pounds and I feel better than I have fore,: long time. I never had any 'medicine do Me 'so mutlizood.”-,-Mra. PEARL 'Main/4W Mitchell, Ind, Geed mealth during maternity is it most Important factor to bothallother sihd child,arid Malay lettere have been received by thil Lydia E. rinkbain Medicine Co., Lynn, MASA, telling of health restored dewing this trying period by the IlSo of Lydia Et Finkhatetilregot table Compound. ac inery iorbaIe 1 vvnEELodx ENGINE, 18x42. New Automatic Valve Type, Complete with supply and exhaust plp1no, flywheel, etc, Wiii accept $1,200 cash- for lormiedlate sale. • I ELECTRIC GENRRATOR, 80 It.W.; 110-120 Volts D.C. Will accept $425 cacti for Immediate sale: . allLLEYS, Large size. • 26x64r--$30; Mxt7 ; 12112k),c,43--41i2 ; 12x36--43. I BLOWEtt OR PAN, Buffalo Make. 14 inch dlocharge-430. REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD., 00 Front St West • Toronto ' 'sang No. a 18. r 6 ta. • tr, s. • leemiilkseess.