HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-28, Page 34V WIMP 1 rm cj fir. • • .4 ;;J t J. eakeeeeake eaee . • COneilieted by PrOfeSsOr Henri G. Ben Tha object of this departir. ent to place at the"Ser. Vice of our faern FfeRderp the advice of an ecknowleellied Authority on all subjecte pertaining to 'Os and crops. • Aeldrees ell questions) to Profeseor Henry G. Bell, in 'care of The." Wilson Publiehing Companye I -hinted, To. ratite, and -answers will appear in thlit column in the order •_ in watch they are eeceived.As space le limited It is advieelele where immecliete 'reply is et:emery that a *tamped:Oat askiresoeet envelope be enelpsed with ,the thgeetien, when the answer will be Mailed. direct, • Henry G. Pelf , • . .Fertilizers and Early Iiitiening. Sity of an 'ample -supply et available • The lesson of the past year clear. phosphoric acid for .growing corn is Of the 450,000 agree of corwin On. best shown by the exhaustive studies tario, but a .,coMparatively all per made by Houston and Jones of In- vent. was fully ripened 1ien early diana and published in Purdue Agri - f the, ere!), cintufal Experiment Station Bulletin No. 175. An area of corn was plant- ed on May 28t1:;. the varietyused Riley's Favorite, • The soil was Yell' can be located .to care for the 1918 carefully prepared. It had in the planting, is is surely high, time, it is Past ten years, received one libeKal BOOTY geed business for Ontario dressing of stable manure, and three farmers to doallall they can to mature applications of acid phosphate • and the 1918 crop; • • Moreover, farmers who are fortun- ate 'enpugh tdi have silos' knew' that the feeding value of the•eilageeis mae terially improved if the corn is fairly ripe hefpre it is cut. • . - Hew is the situation to be helped? froSt tut. short the life e5.9etteern ' eetseeg fly att a, Pre': , Oranted that sufficient ° seed corn muriate ef potash. That the land was in a fair :state ot -fertility was shOWi. by the average Yield of 76,3 bushels of corn per acre, • Frequently the yield of corn is ,cut short by drouth, so to avoid this contingency the deperi- *enters arranged to. irrigete the corn How cari tPanadian farmers avoid it once a week. Samples of the creli repetition of this disastrous condition were taken . periodically from June in 1918? , The answer it by abundant 16th to November 12th. ' These were fertilization of tfie crops, with fertile subjected to chemical analysis which iters for grain crops, high in phos e `clearly sheared the amount of nitro- phoric acid. This 'advice is amply oni3- genet phosphoric acid and potash taken ported by experimental evidence. out by the growing crop at various . Director Hall ,of ,Rothamsted wrote stages. • These -researches showed in 1910: "It (phosphoric acid) is in that the .pounds of phosphoric acid some *ay eloselybound up with grain taken out by ten thousand plants rose • ,forniation, being -always found ein' from nothing to 4.3 'pounds by July ' greatee proportions.. in the reprodue- 24th; almost 1.4 pounds early in Aug, tate parts of, the plant than'elsewhere. ust; reaching a maximum .of 41.8 by • This ripening aetiol is very clearly , October 8th; and receding to 40.2 by seen in the lathanisted experiments November 12th. 'The big practical on barley; the plots without phos- point, however, is brought out -by Aerie. Acid being, as a rule, about a the figures shown by the analisis of • 'week ,beland• those which received the plant atehusking time. This - thieefertilizer . • As might be.eic- Showed that 85 per cent. ot the phos- pected, this ripening effect of pima.. Aerie acidremoved by the plant was pliorig acid win be particularly seen iri , found in the corn ears. ternberg - .4 wet year when the crop is late to perinients showi that when wheat is harvest." • , tripe 76 per cent. of the phoeph,orie " A diagram in connection with these acid removed' by the plants is found • staternents_tilized in the. -wheat -kernels. . crop matures earlier' and more - uni- • But the Indiana •experiments show • formly'then does the iinfertilieed. more than, the final 'analysis oa the . Ohio Bulletin 182, published in 1907 crop. As indicated,/ these experi- ntispieeeealioveing -a-birdes-lenents reveal an inereasing-need-for • eye view dr the ripening wheat plots available pheephorie acid from early ' at that stitiOn. • The foot -note reads: in August until the -Corn is ready to • "Wheat, .on section C of the 6 -year „ This is the all-important rotation as seen from the tower of the • 'mint for the fernier, especially in • Main bending about a week before late, cold seasons. If the soil, is short • harvest in 1905. This picture shoeva- of • this constituent which is most • e the eearly maturity the plot largely responsible for theaeipening . belying acid. phosphate. as Part of the , of the crop, the - result is immature • fertilisers. The average anfertil-1, eera and, large quantities of inferior tized yield of this' wheet was only 5 seed for :the following year. Perth- • bushels per acre, but plots 11, 14, 14 leer agents and prOgreissiie farmers and 15 yielded 24 '25; , 22 and 21 can render,a great national service at • bushels respective." , • • .Ithis time by so impressing the fore - In the Middle West of the United going facts so that cern growers in ' States it is the corn crop which is general will actually' pay attention to most effected' by frost and ;slow this ;Means of hastening the maturity • growing season. Probably the nem- of their crops. ' fOdfrYfJFi 1*Parr The *food value of alsike clover; for • ". The production, of eggs in winter cows does" not differ materially from trona pullets, and to some extent from that of red clever. As a Matter of fact there is not enough difference in the food value •of the two plants to Make any difference :in -eorap,ouriding a ration; one would take the place of the ether. AIsike makes justas good hale when -it is cured under:just as favorable, conditions, Cattle like it just as well. • But in their growing habits., red clover and alsike vary con- siderably and a -farther' -would take this into consideration, whethet he greW•alsike or red clover.' heot in- entattvlafferwarzia- Imo that is hens; can -be greatly stimulated by. good methods of feeding, heusang and • •hancleing, Very few eggs are Secured • on the average general farm 'during the fall, and winter . when eggs being e.the • highest prices,. Poultrymen, hoei, • ever, by better -management-)Secure a • ,1"a6 prodirtion during:these seasons. • In ••arder toget the greatest .egg -produietift'in fall and winter It Is es. scandal to have well matured pullets • • which were hatched in March or April.- •' Peed theadealliefirea-eirear Neterenne eitteereeeratealekezeIatisletneaelaellealene:Serorareteetseeateeee .=-„euee,,eeee-aenae-neeeze, assastaareatee. ^6. 'for all or their grain. The masa may . to treeee be Alsike clover grown be fed either wet or dry:, and should alone is inech more inclined to lodge be se reguIated that the fowls will get than red clover because it has a Weak about equal parts of mash and of the or 'reclining ,stem., It is a. pretty aStareh' grains. It is necessary to give good practice to mix sornealsike clo- the fowls plenty to eat to get good -yea le .1.it), some. fed.eioei in seeding ' results, but the birds should always bereewee for on much.4,eer poll a por- eager •for Oath feedin pold ?weather tion of the field will be more adapted Feed about one-third of' the match to the growth of alsike clover than. of grains in the month* and two-thirds red clover, censequently, the is tea- - : at night, in which way tbew hens are sonably Sure of getting .a larger yield ' forced to exercise more thateef gieep of aerie lie neeee tent than he would -,---all -the:grain they desired at the morn- to gro'w -tither one separately. They ' ing feed, e Scratch grains, thish 'or do not mature just at the same time, gieeend- grabs, animal protein, green yet the difference isn't enough to pro - feed, grit and shell should bo supplied vent eating both plants at the same . in the wintertime Witheut very nmet lessening in .,..0 . Clqati the dropping botirds at least the value af either as a, food. We "". one° a weeleahd okay the evosts one moat always mia x little alsike CIOVer a month during the winter with koro- seed. in with" the"red doter seed ler -setae or same commercial preparation ' to, for.killing mitts. leave a gaod simply 91:6' reason stilted a.bove of nand or dry dire ott hand ee use on •Growing Beans With Small Cost. 6 the droppingboards during the evintet. .... • rlowed the ground daily' and wOrked If any of • the birds, deeelop colds . it several tiMes 4oth ways so as to make it level.. I -planted with two -yew corn drill, twenty-eight inches' apart, • and dropped a bean every tee inches in the row. • I Worked them with 4 two-rowl. cultivator and hoed them ;once. Harvested them, eighteen acres, in one day, with two bean pullers and a side-delivery,rake. lied two men system, arid, after a time, the gi is . .....„. ••• ...4 • ..--... , Aro anaiOus .to get ri 0 a cough, or 41., nen-to • . , , follow the rilltd '10 pick up •any' scat- • a bright elite to Ignite gases, of ex thet -raorrow. I e• el e . 1. , ., 15 • 1 ii betther stil to outgrow the habit -put as much potaesium permanganate as Will remain on the surface of a dime • into a gelloa of water and keep this material in their drinking water for • several days er ,until the symptoms • of the cold have &appeared, Re, • move any sick birds from the hock as soon as noted and treat them ineeoops by themnolves, or kill and bury them . If they Are not worth treating, , • Stuxe-GaFeihlizer i, rwIr rilvw.777',767.6?-kr .Fertilziors Fay totter Thafl Ever tigger env; oartuot he e'iiieeld by iltereaf3iug rage Shortage of 14bor xnake$ that impossible. Vtrow bigWr taws without =reared LAND, LABOR or SEED by twirl' HARA9mFDAIPES FE R.TIL R Doa't elepend upon barieyard manure alone. Manure M ittmahle, • but inaufficiente It laelps 'maasitila fertnity-araturne pert of the plant - foods Yoer crepe extract Adeltagnal expellee' Of Pleat fact' (Fertilizer) ' must he.added te aour sell to arow more ea 'yew Plq-ESENT" aereage. • Expealments bayo. 'Shawn 'abet the Nitrogeli Only 100 lbe. fertilizer Produeed. much as : the Nitrogen in a TON -Of' manure. e.re •bilehel,Of Or wheat will buy .more fertilizer thew ill= before. . the avar. halts aeleaneed ieeprieelesseetaan othercmzn '•difies. 'They pay better than .eyer, *lie for nearest.agent's addrealeT, • or ask for agency Yoursiitlf. • • • • • ONTARIO FERTIJAZERSS WEST 'TORONTO • CANADA'• e COOKJNGFOR RURAL SCHOOLS $1... found," .. P. • .t. have said a school prin. • claseeee She need only serve one hot cipal, "that in country schools which dish each day. This may be soup, reliable infoemation .on poultry cul- -Ontario 'to the value a al25,000; Other You have our best wishes for provinces did equally well. 'cocoa, • baked 'potatoes or apples, or, tueureee'ese. win you something• of the, sort; whatever is not report pro- Miss. It.AeA.,:—If you want really decided' upon should be worked into greet occasionally, and in the autumn good substitutes for wheat why don't the -other lessons, For instance, send us an 'recount of your experi- you use rolled oats and oatmeal in were she to serve creamed corn, thee ences. . Probably there are a number mixed breads'. The first advantage it could be made the subject of the of our readers who will follow Just is that they are easily obtained. Sixteen's good examile. ' ' "Ypres" is Secondly,. they will absorb far more daily nature talk-. • pronounced in one Syllable, like eepr ; *Water than wheat flour and retain it '. Corn, wheat, rice, eggs, sagorancl. so 9301shevilcia' Bot-shev-eakee, with ace longer* Weepy, they are, as cheap as ' i forth, thay be used in the same way cent on the third syllable: "Invalid; any dher, ingredient which, is •avail - as supplementary work in geography-, ed," in-va-licl-ed with aceent on the .. able* and lastly, the oatmeal loaf is Physiology and hygiene. Sanitation first syllable. . ' . • . lelaid'to have a greater nutritive value follows al; a natural sequel= care prierinnia:—Yes, the new standard than even a straight wlaelit Saar and ;of cooking utensils, enethods of dish- roaf will soon be on the market and far greater than a corn -meal or har- washing, cleanliness of hands in teak- then there will be no Morepicking or ley -flour mixture , . • ing and eating,. and why these are choesihg and no wrappings or expen-1 A Soldier's Sister:—As a matter'of necessary. . ,. • , sive et Caeteras. . ' i fact, it is very •unwise to send any ' 7 reaea:seakedrerthei./refeeee..teaa'T. Mothers and .deuolitere of all ages are cordielly Invited to write to tine ePeetteent, initiala only will be publiehed with each question and ltis anewel' dealt at presents but Bile believed ao a means pi ldostifleutiprii but full name end addvess meat be olven in eaeli lihaed and addreeeed. envelope Is enclosed, letter. Write •On ene aide of paper only. Xnewer!:will be Mailed direct it ria$,Iyowinevtarturd:et.oli4iatywvolwrktingyomu ocatton Addresa all ,correspondente fop this inepertment to Msg. Helen Lawst g,,35. possibly put off till to -morrow. Next Wocdtiirie Atm,. Toronto, , • e • Week le eve" better." In ebort be , . . Waie much like thea"Aelcaneaw Trave vier, He didn't alungle the toef viten Bill Jones dealt in future. No. He eiaeal. a broker. He was a farmer living in a •fairly proaperous section of Ontario. Most of his neighbors. • Just.Sixt,eere—Yoleand year ques- placed en aebasis of equality and pro- tons, ere mot welcome, MisseSixteen, teeted .Pgamet the ain Aline because it didn't ne,J1 • Bill had somethingehe •called a gate gorapetition w 11 s bei fr ed from mahy unde- it, and he 'did" , shingle it- whoa it ability to write a most Outlining let- the trade • • " You are tQ be. congratulated On your- ° a ng . sirable methade which have' crept into rained' because be ecnildn't, 'ter: . Regarding the spring, frock, the . Mother of .Fivee--Yeli are partial- en the bareyaed teace. fon down orie-Plece style. is „decidedly advisable,, lerlY fortimath to have five growing mid day. Bill righted it Up, drove a . as it will be vexty popular this season , boys Who are all keen to do somethilig nail or two, and "reckoned that'd do and it is especially' -suitable at your this year. There isn't a boy or girl till to -mow":- That night. it fell adorable age. 'Your decision to do'. in Canada now who- can't do a•little to down again. The. cattle got out, „your bit by raising chickens is eom-ihelp in food production. Seeing that found the field of coin Bill had man. mendable, and. the work should ' You live on a farm why nothave their. aged to put in between sho*ers, ruble thateaPdthenmeirtdergd down the road to a neighbor's. 'This neighbor had had previous troubles with Bill, and Bill ilfhhuatd up 0 stehtetlevidsaitnaggeas nimbettioirse, he got his cattleback, Bill was offered a, good price for his Potatoes, Be promised to Start haul— ing next day, But next day the har- ness had to be Mended, and the day after the much-ebilsed Wagon pract- ically fell to pieces with the first lead„ By the time Bill got the wagon mend- ed and get to town the buyer bad got • stocked up, and Bill had ° to reddle,his potatoes around the streets for two-. thirds of his first offer: The barn fleet was nil 'bad shape; Bill reallyjntendedto niend it, but be • knew' „where all the pitfalls ivere and . se kept on dodging them. He hired a citY chap to help out in potato dig- • ging, and the first day ,the newsman broke through at rotten -board and broke his leg. He promptly sued for damages and billswas mit the'Cost Of quite within your capabilities. You -are' making a wise by studying the subject at the otitset If you will write to the Experimental Farm, of vegetables. Seventy-one tbousand Ottawa, or tb the Ontario Agricultural boys and girls cif wheel age last year By Lola D. Waugner College, Guelph, you will be sent, free, increased the agricultural output of .rear a pig, a calf or a batch of chick- ens. Again they can have a garden plot and, grow potatoes and all, kinds have the het -lunch system the Pupils* do 75 per vent, . better 'work in the afternoon than when they have only a cold lunch," ' To the inexperienced Young teacher, in her isolated one -room school, the task of introducing this hot -lunch eve I A tem seerns almost too great to under- take. To her I can say 'that while elle may find it difficult she will also .find Wier, from being impossible. The first step is to try •to interest the parents, and the, best way to do this is ,to .call a community meeting at the school house. . This, of itself, is a big atin toward helping her school, for theaverage. farmee is glad . . totakean aeeive inter* in school treeing To of the. main factors- in main- . It is provided that rolls may ,be food. to your brother. Itisreally a - affairs if We is asked to. ' In Order to sanitary conditions; are pure, 'manufactured and ..told only in units , source of waste, to send foOdestuffs to prepare for such a meeting the teach, fresh ,air and sunlight. ' Most turd of specified weight. The rules pro-, soldiers overseas.. The rations is- a new floor, plus a hired man for the er must study up this work , and be schools are constructed with no re- hibit the wrapping of breed or the piste.' sued by the Militia' DePartenent, are eau rude.- e could, go an sea minim: prepared to talk about it.. She mnst gard for ventilation. 'Sate, again, 'big on it of h paper or other band for liberal and Varied. The aggregate erate indefinitely, but what's the use? - ' the teacher can :help - tied teach. her the peeled of the war, BY providing' quantity of food sent privatelytothe You can all out the vest Yourself, and write to her provincial agriculturall ' pupils, to help. ' The boys •ean make for a standard loaf, unwrapped and and soldiers is very- large and ,much .of it .I want to give ides. Jones her chence. college, asking not only for helpful , bulletins on the subject of hot luriches skeleten frames to • fit ' 'the ,windoWs. of the .simplest• Chafacter ,censistent is spoiled in transit.',-, The situation She dealt- in futures, toe, but not - Over m,:i , Over these sashes may be tacked muse with wholeeonienese, the Food Con- ; overseas is .so . critical. that every just Bill's, sort. . Her Most import- but.for any And all school helps suggestions -that will aid her.. a-lin bags.' or double Pie,ces of cheese- trolle hag' ensured for the people ' Avenue of food waste must be closed. ant future was, a dress. : Mrs. Jon** eeplain. to the people- in her district side, land the cloth screens irt. in 'regulations, while the bakees wilL.beaMi.esiam,..tiTha3zee'e4raesho ..:- e front with a. heireet in - cloth. Witha Window at one side of of Canada bread it is low a price ail Mrs. F. B. e -ad have given .your• had a dress:. In fact she had tWo. ' tide -sting Co-operation of 'Parente the room lowered at the Op and one et can possibly be thade and distribute i. name end address to eome peospective, • e They were of blue and .White striped • . . lie' must be thoroughly prepared to raised from the bottom on the ,otheie ed. The consurxier will -benefit by the customers for your goose feathers. print, made • 'tight in the back and e et ere wi •e e supp y of fresh '. air the. benefits this aye* Will. bripg, -without-. a - draft . . . .. . '. . e the side seams. One was three inches and to"-. tell- of het plans for- corking it out. First, supplies muet be secured. 'Bet to -go back to the%school-Imich • > ee oh front; and the other -"hitched UP"- at snorter in the 'back' than it was in the ' The teacher should try to ihterest the problem. ' . • , •.. , • • . the sides: • -She alway's managed 'to , armers and find out just -bow they .."-uff— ow s-h-arr I •actually go about . e. . • eereiwo, mitt ;evasfred and -ironed4me . • basket of potatoes, another, One of the teacher. The .best ansWer I farnier:to make shee raisin one of It is now time for the live stock . 0-&i.:—C,9. • "every Saturday afternoon to have it * Will 'co-operate. One may donate a cooking a hot -dish, for• noon?" asks fresh in the hopd she might manage 2 carrots, several May agree to' take glee to this is the. following. aceoant his . regular lines- �f •prelluetion.• • • - - . . Rain -drop Song. th get Bill to ahook-up""and Cleiee her turns supplying milk, still others may of •how -one teacher in a small nine One of first .consideeations in • • to church .next 'clay. But 'she never- , . , . .. . Sing a s gpf rain drops; ..." did. Ile always promieect to go -"next• . give canned' iregetables, onions, fruit, echo?' carries out this system: -along. • ' . . . . • for the preparation of the following Bean fodder is an excel' nt ropgh- Cloudy days arid rain Without draughts. , . .. ' .," , Sing A song of winter, In nearly every case, the second day'shot the shelter for sheep ais eentilation ', Sliding. cliewn the pane, -', : .•and to Lathe to- help the: good cause Fomeigiels Are •appointed each clay year finds the pupils eager te "grow by the teacher. • Pour other girls are -age-- e feed to he used in cembination ', .. - • .•dish, • . ' decided open B theiie oxen vegetables and, ' in this appointed to serve thee -meal, collect ' ' with ether forage, particularly fear Sing_ a song of etudy time,. . , 'FellOwing. the installation of the large nails .and two smaller onhappy time, in By tekink two sheep. • It may also be suceessfully . Thinga to reed and write,.. fed to cows th small quantities, When ing a sang of •: - way; school gardens may be begun. and wash the .clishese school gardens, comes the next logical each group, all the girlsstep of canning the products of these axe thee given a ,ahaie. Used for sheep in combination with' , Face§ clean and bright. in the ' school other roughage feeds, bean .Straw will gardens for the school lunches of the. ' The 'day I saw her, she served bak: coming year. 'm sure, that , ed potatoes. After the morning exet- Ihave approximately as 'high 'feeding Sing a sang of teacher, And, I a school •gardens Will be merely starters ] cises there followed -a . short then value as good hay, although it -will ' Sealing tie shp stands, & actual work in improving potatoes a this h ' d t le . the ou not be as closely eaten, on account of Sing a swig of stories, for mu subject chosen for the weekly corn, • — e a the foragethe coarse' stem The • The feeding 'valoe .. All of distant lands ... position. ' . , - - .. . , - •ais almost always en- . hanced by. the grain it contains; as Sing.a song OT -recess,' • the school grounds. Boys and girls • are generally eager to week if they are properly directed and interested: What One Teacher Accomplished, - They will soon decide thatshade trees • are heeded in the school yard, that the The .pupils were required to give yard needs -cleaning up, and the out_ 'definitions of some words used in this lenildings need to be .peinted and kept, talk, and these same Words were giv- in repair. " eh but to the advanced classes ' ,for In fact the introduction of the hot - lunch system may lead up to as high a ,point of attaimil.ent as the teacher wishes to .retiele, She will and it. se easy metteh to make hei school the centre of the community by- behiging even where CI geod job of. threshing is. • 'When we 'tun and play; renitim in the straw.. done, . some beans will nearly always'. Sing4ha;saonhgailepf; gd1:yd.neSs",. . . • .• • is for this purpose.. • .- - • How to Save CeaL - ' • To check a fire -close the' ash -pit spelling lesson.- On the board you can. , The dead Burn :wood thsteed of coal Whenever There aretrees, ea • a d 'doer •and open the check draft in the , . . their ' were Written ten short - paiagraphs limbs and old rails that can be burn- sneolte-rene.• . Never eheelc by leaving 'stating •the feed value ' of potatoes, ed no*. to -the betterment of the farm the fieing doer': open: • i why heeded in the diet, and so on: . ' and our country. . , , . • . There Will be - little' good - coal Or Coke in the ash from h carefully man The utensils put away, the girls Weather-strips, double windows; - • • took their seats and the day's regular pipe -covering, heating drums in stove- aged fire, but if 'there is „much, ,e -e - the „home -interest" to the. schooL Her. work was begun, At the appointed pipes, ancl-eXtim.' radiators, pay. It is cover it by 'sifting the aelig e _ _,• pupils will only be able th do bet.: time, without e work from the teach -1 cheaper tri install a larger radiator in Canadeeni, keep their ousee ' too A pan of water, on, the stove •ter work, but there Will be a new in- er, the fire was lighted nail the pots,- the always *hilly room or in the room chi, htaaaeale --------- -- etanze-Pleteileatoekeeleee'—eMenealinever ''tto eaaaalaa•aeoue'reselleareeneteeekeneerees=Stree'readiaf2eree-gkIM-9ff a little /neje" thil'el ten) Illtpill eretelewitheearateno • ' • I. . - Mrs. Joys Wanted areal dress, and she knew just Whae she. wanted..Site saw it one iumnier when e 'Terorito • feneily drove througli their, country in: a big tetiring"car and stopped at the village hotel a day -foe repeira, woman , wore the dress- Mrs. • Jones: wanted. • Mri. Jones didn't knoW " what sort •of stuff it NfaS made of, but - It was something soft that you tweed' fold up 'in e tiny little .bundle. and it • would never wrinklee She heard the hotel keeper's wife tell that the we - man just took, it out of her anit-case, where it waswrappedin -white tissue paper, gave it a little flirt, and put - it on without pressing : And it look- ed if •she stepped right 'out of a bandbox.... It was, a soft; pretty gray, - with sleeves yen could, see through and little old rose to brighten it um. Mrs.- Jones wasn't sure er QAT° wear- One. like it if she ' it, but •the wanted ite And she triecl le save up to get it: e • -- She got $2-.00 together once but Johney,needed ehoes. • ..And the next time .she got a little ahead, Susie had to have flannels. Then there wale a • , , , _ forehealrh ' and corn- I • ' - time canie the pupil, weee•deand a f 'fi*qjr3h found he cou1dn' . • . . ler five nueintee in the efibir'air: bur- rget •tool;arin .-58 'ilegiees ig 'a13 -Out- IULk '4. 4'6." "". j? IA' " .1."Plit' At faril any longer without a new Iiiiggy . Just how can a teacher m a poor, ing this time, the room was aired -and I right. - • • disinterested community establish this. ' . . ture that ie agre.eab. le th.a dry. room. So it went on. Every time systhne? „First of all, a stove, fitted f°111. girls spread paper napkins on; Chernieal f" el severe are expensive. ' ' • Unused pardons of the house' enough .ahead to begin to I wshoendheridwhat Miss Perkins, the village' eath desk, setting the pupils''1 I . • • ''. ie. • u shouldtbe closed off. . e . „ - p ns 8114., t em sparingly. • . • , - • . • • . • P ' ,13. rjhh Open fireples ar.e me. icient . se , Small chargee of coal frequently for cooking and baking, should We boxes on the desks with soo secured. Where the school. stove is, dr' essmaker 'would ever think Of her, not suiteble then an oil or alcohol - See that stove'. or fernace smoke , • getting herself up in such style,' applied are more economical than in- , ,, • • • . • ,' bowls holding the potatoes, • • frequent firing but. the fl t_1 should: - • stave !ilk a pertabie even abeam be . This particular teacher's a chimney art k a school was passages pa y. . kept de n. P someone elsehad to have stockings or . provided: Each child should bripg in nn isolatedanon-interestecr distriet If. soft coal is used, they sheuId be be disturbed as' little as' possible by I I shoes or a pair of mittens or 'school school may build a cueboard to hold from home a bowl -or clip and , tea- spoon and fork. The * boys of the 'Ile ' vite all 'the mothers to her bearding; rain furnace. If and her teak had been a most uphill i cleaned every few elev. ' • Her erst task had been to inr; Study e the direction foe ',funning you do not have • shakirig • and pcikeng.' Convenience a day is usually enough. Stop shak-' usually determines, periodseof At Shakina and cleaning the grate twice jeers, hig. 'dress continued"' to be a „future, and 'books or a buggy whit and se the 'ley/ white- wrappers . • - ' Jones still . clung fo blue • and the tooking•uteasile and the girls inayl-hauee for a discussion.of school enat...; eirections, send to the maker of the - . • . . t h - t---1) b Tit . , ing as soon as 1 egins o e rig She had a new dress one day. But make the dish -cloths and towels, tees. She thetfullY introduced the • fuinaee for them, under the grate, eubjecteof good school lunches and ' Eeep ashes cleaned froni under the . ' " . She didn't buy it herself, and it wasn't The following equipment is sug showed many leaflets and pamphlets', grate. * The fire Inirns more uniform- * It was white,. and the oldn't gested for this work: Double boiler, How to, Prevent Epidemic' of Colds. graY' she had secured. , ( ly and With, less clinker with a clean , even know she had it: And she went e kettle, sauce -pan, strainer or sieve, A wheezing, : 'sneezing, nose -blow - Then -the ,followed her talk with a! ah pit • • ' to echerch but she didn't know that, - egg -beater, quart measure, measur- • ing sOre-thrbated individual should . • ' delitio,us lunch, serving many varieties! . It is best to keep a full fire -pot ' •• • either, The doctor said it Was just _ t be isolated Colds are eatelling a general breakdown, but Mrs. Jones • of- dainty sandwiches, and they, began I level' with the bottom opf_etrheerfirtinta! 1 hW6anit:110•hroavn toliffercesporIrsdchotoliirrrongth oar would have said. the could have kept • ing cup, cat -opener, tablespoon .tea - 4 . r emu, paving knife, vegetable brush, butcher knife, tvvo dish -pans, potato masher, Six fruit jars, „ six Pally glasses, water bucket, dipper, bakieg to be interested.. After that, it Urals door. • If the' draft is • 6 on going if she'd ever got that gray dress. The neighbors said she locate,. •ed lovely in flu* white) One, sort of ° rest..4 arid peaceful. They -said they • an easy matter to tell then i of food coal fine, thinner or lower fires must! • any place where peopie congregate. values and maw ethey must vara the be kepi. in mild weather fire eari popu eontents of the lunehhoe be tarried thinner by allowing few Offering cures for colds' is a lar philanthrophy. We are all ready pan, tea kettle, dish -cloths, paper nap - free, the cost of this' equipment ' . te merely - has long meta eeneee to i"c es o as ies on t e grate. In t •as on our ' cr" t' / d h cotuantt-muenaber -when Mrs. -Jetta • .. kin% Where the • box_ is....ebtainect 'that s.chool , ine void -weather keen the grate free ot ° P 8 - - ,1)..le. a wooden- 1 Ultdirig` where '. .ip me aa preac , ta I It$ MOWS.. But the vefit best thie - 4/ . hadn't looked fagged. Only wheit she lay in her coffin that tired look seem: ed to have pissed away. • • Bill felt sorry ' she never got that dress. He really meant she should have it; A disotdant squealing in the garden- attrzieted him. •The pigs , were out again. • He'd reall* have to ' . eluding the oil stove, should not ex. children are unwilling v driven to ,1,1,- . the centte of itsecominunity, the lead- Attend the furilace at regulai• per- " - ' • te cure a cold ie. before you get it. Hygiene is more efilcacious than study thci,"three Ws." It has become Coed twenty-five or thirty dollars The teacher could get up a community en- lode,. Anticipate the demand for. interest in her gamine • egefitlor good. All this came about et of its seaal side itiul en, active heat. • Rapid pushing • or retarding ,drugs. Careful eating, sleeping—windows open rain or shine healthful tirtainment to pay for this end aroese The teaching of domeetic science because one W0111611 saw the great pos. Elf _the fire le uneconomical, I If oft coal is used, .break • the! 1 and a hot water bottle at the feet, if , 1 neWedeetel'ff:elt. tw:Litehe's to colds. If yeti eould.be coinbined with the hot-Iunch 8ibilitit'8,-11 ller school mirk. lumps to fist .6ize and do nore"i;ver the! • whole surface with fresh fuel. Leave e .et e tered bean. We leftbein dry a few mightinvite thew merits or he trestees to a dinner they had prepared -.another way of arousing and. hold- ing ietereat tine Work. • a • rate mg cold, .weer warm shoes, anal • • Rollers foe Chair,. , . r I When one eannot afford a wheel chair grate or ashee, When, the fresh coati , ael° a---' ''• eliad with tomatoes. • I take the rollers frond a pair of ekates and fasten to the rockeia e.t.a chair which i's comfortable and of size to he pushed through,b11 doors. You will Lind thig an extellent substitute. ' • aslypit damper and add a eoal,P keep or an invalid or afflicted ehild not ied fine, v,ithotit distutbing the . the feet dry. : • A good. stew is made with soup, days and then threshed tbere front , • . the held. nod 820 lnishels of beans meat mixed with macaroni and flev. that picked two pounds., is well ignited, kilml.c the grater aid The Nutpaign iiiitiated by the Food 4The use of ereani has beeii 'discott. of shapo to raise beens. lily land One tmust have his land fir the best add more. - I Contreller to increase consumption of tinned for the Period of the war at Was tiled, another essential thing to A freeli lite or a large 'tiro regnlY ea, froxeu lash as a sidistitute fot Meat , Rideau Hall, the resiclence'of Their , t . „ eave the bean crop, TA.Ile air over 'he fuel bed zW Weh 'htt. rOguirea oversew is meeting with Exeellencies the Duke arid Duchess of art °ugh h. 'nu. damper in the doori much success, - • Devonshire. •,llovi? the System ,Works. Ilow ten the teheher dtithiS Wel& without robbing her other, classes of valuable time? By making this cook- ing supplementary work to the ether e