HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-28, Page 2• ' •
Agent to not commoito, Artioles Wanted for Cash I'nAd
*WI Zarerelamerz Mot Pavers easeesa Colltrol Comer
alasesszereas stoternmi Neervtaaiti Lamm
before usiammoolel44
ng. '''
iv tateresting despatches of incidente then they are seat to Frani. We do brown sugar, % cupful shortening, 2 wateheverea =ego erselotaweele
Graham Dates Gmate-% cupful out outset us wawa Araniattatat
4 - - • • 1% pounda chepped dates, nutmeg to es eat ao omen attoot, termite. oat.
toil 0„Tihouesicyamhpaamigipeirefodrinine:e:syingpkiceotetst
the lives a flying wen in England all kinds of faney performanambork egg*, I cupful our milk, % tesspoont 2.-litY.11.14;iiirrirl",, t° bunIPti°11 °f fish ill'ilaWt6 6 being
4°,,f'es•sy. •11A 14‘ 4 . 114 are given in letters to friends written the loop, roll, asks spinning nose ful soda, lei eupfues 'graham flour, a oar et re.; 4 ia.aalhat i a: i
4,••‘-•-•_-• ...,
by Acting Flight Commander Graham dives, side slips, and vertical turns."
la 1.k74 mailaca..4 _t ,..... et Wag . ,a., a,
of vainly. Select plume det-"":"---es. Wash Pri3
the indifference' or laeig of enter- .,
Waters Curtis formerly Industrial 1 He describes how "little excite* flavor. ,, Stuffed Deteee-Serve these instead 14
oroug e. Open on one sole to re- assist In p re
on the part of dealere The ,"'
se Agent of the banadian Prieifie Rail- Anent*" happen when one aeronaut Yiddish Date Padding.-11pound
,,,, metructor in England. The sehool in ler* made by a preceding navigator, cream, 1 cupfut boiled rice, Food Centroller Pays that, under the
wity in. Montreal, who is now it flying gets into the "wash, or slip-atreara of dates juice of one orange,ei ' t
tbreter Cover i'l terra., be the_471ohe. *t„ !rage, ' v.hich he teaches is it 'vast exeanee of „The letters Indicate that Acting Flight spoonful vanilla, % box gelatine, 2-3 or walnut meat or chopped mite and arrangements made by hie °glee to
141lks •41 "la 'aupni °'" `"44 .‘4r" t I 0 to •Ill beautiful eeeside , Coromender Curtis is a lucky master
seen Rae with caution. Telescopic coun ry e os cupful water, 1 cupful sugar. Soften rizieina close. Ron in whet f gig lantie 1"-tr:r2iiilitItlir":3°Ig'elifi ziAntfi *
1 tee** move Pit. Fill cavity With an almond
. "We come serest the Channel
For to walk" Germany; . ing an exact science. They magnitY
the object aimed at many diameters, et. •
e. 4.
' • •••,,,at.- •• orange juice. _ Ada Bugae, rice, van.. they are newed. e 0 e aCbefietrteal 21:iaardeal-athae apliaibrilite ssdhportlyd beat •
reaeonahle prieds, if the retail deal.
L UNSFeleN FORM sights have Ina& the business of snip- geletine in cold water, dissolve over and tbmain krUsbed nut meats. Time ,
hot water. - Chop datee, cover with axe better if znade,etrie day before
illa. Add diesolved gelatine. Fold! 4 . ' 4:4,...-....Aw..., QVB were donee their part. Ire added '
t tbey 'sive let aot no soldtarar- .4 -
.: ' : \ in whipped ereamt "'• Pour into cold , A taaalliee awn aalit lay aan. Anil fj 'th3t1144 )31aatri
It ' Wet multi Set in told piece to harden. 500 eggs dureeg lifetiene,• n b t
. ' difficulty _in obtaining moderately- e
_would have no
Date Cheeee'Ealad.--6 dates, 3 figs, lay-ln-g-e-ael-a.rel-ty-ii-4.-uri7ig-leve.; asr";:oens.';', fihreeler:4ster;uttvrb3ilinlec'f441ihderiefr:atiliures113r1),1°t3.13,14:$17aal: '.
le cupful blanched choPped almende, ear ii'
if it remains in view loeg enough
et that ariy ono caa see. to Permit the pulling of it trigger, the
They plug ua with their rifles chances of a hit are almost one hun-
Ant they let their shrapnel fly, dred lie cent.
Snipers have a roving- commission.
They alive from one part of the line
to another, immetiroes tieing from
carefully concealed loop-holew in the
parapet, sometimes from snipers'
nests intrees or hedges. Often they
creep out ieto the tall grass of No.
Man's -Land. There, with * plentifule
supply of feed and ammunition,
they remain for 4 day or two at a
time, lying in wait for vm. It
But they eever take,* a pot at ue
Exceptize on the sly.
'Fritaie Vert you cicada' out?
This swot 'you calla fight?
You won't never get to Calais
Always keepin* out 0' sight.
it gain' back to Blightey
"Wot'a the use towttin"ere
Like it lot o' blooraire mud -larks
1 scant cupful eream cheese, 1 tea-
epoonful lemon juice, pinch salt. Mix
the ingredients to a paste and make
into balls. Serve foute to each peia
rem on a, nest of lettuce leaves witleet
iciayonnaise • dreseing to Nvhiel? an
equal 'quantity of whipPed ereara has
been added.
Date Cookies. ---2 cupfuls flour, 2
A.bove the parapet. cupfuls oatmeal, locupful• brown au-
' Wee been in Frame fer seven months out ea, soma of the men.
was a cold-blooded business, and hete•et• gar, 1 cupful shortening, cepful
ArCave n't 114411 Pim yet!' With others •
milk 2 'teaspoonfuls baking powder.
the passion for it, 'crew. They kept.:
telly oe their tctims by cutting: Mix as oatmeal cookies, spread half
Se sant Tommy, the incerrirue notehes,on the lea ts of their rifl of the sheet with date,Caste, fold oth- •
teen up. For thrill" =oaths end me" honse about half a tittle from our sec -
we were face to fete with an resort He 'writes: "The View from of the high seheorin which he soars*
**MY.. tor •of trench n was a day of bri ht - •
• Mr. Thomson advises consumera to •
demand from their dealere cat had-
itoele, herring, skate, hake, pollock
arid *thee moderately-prited and *
to lindet upon the thereharits oraera. ".
lug aupplies,' With the co-operetion
of 'the publie and the tide, he said, •
the per capita consuMption of fell in
Canada would easily be doubled thin!
Iecreesieg censidetobly the supply of
_Capadian raeat availahle for shipment
to the ioldiers,
-parodist, eting the long :manner aye I well rememb the lea no,
Commander G.
onus and mit machine „fast atter a . er hale ?ver, pre -es vies together • -
patiently vtaitino for something to
and nights of 1915, v,hee he was int- eta ameeheret, Acting t s • inld CUt into squares or Bake
WAS goiag for water., to an old farnttl• - • •"erashe et,* train ng camp In Ent; len • a quiek oven,
shelle 'whistled- over our
experience. Rifles cracked, balw.......left . bed been t in elle 'banes az earth
sip -zipped along the top f th
wbo** we tuft ****4-, It **** * word- sunshine. Poppies and buttercups
heads or tore °- --e -}"Nee hoped up on either side of the eeateiBritiali warships and wave to the sail-. ebvuetrtavheree„fewNendeeaetfhsm' y, cp*unpsincle"hmage
over the sea, and dive down near the He says: "We have 0, Tot of :smashes,
aw FurS "al mar •
the sox ni superb, and we often fl3r out
immense holes in the =Motion trench, They were nodding ore. When diving we mile travel at been killed yet." . . . • . B s ....t,,,.....
trenches, trench-mcirtar Proieetilee .their heads as gayly` /11 the breeze as the rote of about l'15 miles an hour! 'Acting Flight Commander Curtis
N. SIL and hand -grenades were hurled at tili4 of eld did Wordeworth's daffodils in I am kept very' busy instructing and has lately been recommended by laiS 1 .,
and yet there was not it living so the quiet pountryside at Reeled Mount.' ant turning out a lot of expert pilots. commanding officer for a first lieu- , 22* St4 l'Aul 2t. W. **atrial. 11.Q.
3.0 yeare or reliable trading '
It was a joy to 'see them there, re- The school I am connected. with is one tenancy, and, expects to be sent to ,
to be aeon across the narrow strip of minding one that God was still in his • which flyersfinishk . atfirrOnC141.4.41111031. 1114 ot caneaa
Ing. Daily we kept 'careful and eon- a joy Which one could share
It was a joy toutealialz eerse, to
, teaming. lot o chaps rein Y
• fI Borden France at
Corpsneen Stnoevdemthere
No -Man's -Land, whence all this murd- heaveze whatever nught be wrong with • •
ennui rain of steed ant lead VMS com- the world.
. tje. to get final ieseeme,,ane leek leek - e • winimmumumniniumminnimme,
tenuous watch, searching the long, ly With friem and enemy alike.
curving line of German trenches and I
messed. stupidity ef .war Wes 'never " -eons-se-
The , , g Come to Toront0 i
the. ground behind them with our 'moo aPparent to me than upou that ,.., .
- I a' • - • , ,
at smoke rising, morning, and even- lumen ae aenaehem pre
sult. We savronly the thin wreaths vented the murderous little weapon
anyeman, it was the one *he had in- , •
.# - .1 • .
TO DO - •
• •
enpen and neld,glasses, and near- day,
y always with the Sante berme re- I hated enY Job, and if -I-hated
ing, front trench fires; the shattered I longed to get out on top of the „Agit ,..3 ,:. Yotir Builtig g
• :, ...,
trees, the forlorn and silent mink the ground. I wanted to lie at full length ./..•.?e f`e ill: -
rr •,11/"/ .
l: I . -. 1
..,., .
' long geese 'waving in the wind. ,
.hundred yards of thousands of Ger- the call of June, even from the bot- .
Although we were often within two time has a wet of making one feel , "-. Iiiilliiilai .,......•
. in the erase; for it was June, and Na- , • Fl ,.- :. 'kg a
man ;soldiers, rarely- farther than four tom of a communication trench seven . a
hundred yards away, X did not see one feet deep. Flowers and Vass peep -WAR AND FOOD SERIES, ARTICLE No. 9 -MAPLE SUGAR „r 1,
eif them until we had been in the dawn at one, and white clouds sail Th - • e -:-.?
e . had evidently been watching, too.
f / the top of the trench, when suddenly down 'my' water, cans, One on top of , Sugar fs' one of the aOlemoditiei tains Seger IV a, large degree and a = climge, a shopping trip to Toronto s
.ately withdrawn. One ofnur snipers. was soonteverethettop -of-theetrencnetetnioe•-areeterulag-teeetathie continent ' * seciainesea'entifio-tereestee
e • 4 head appeared, only to lte
. •
of the parapet. . The German waved waved graves witlittheir 'wooden e.eeseee wee, India . sugar le' practically unavail-
rifle cracked and I saw a elour of dust ward a Amp of 'willows about fifty a • - .
arise where the bullet clipped the top -yards away. I passed - two lonely
or two: lea eleven:et t, •e building • the sett!, - . - • and there .should be e .splendid field can well take advantage 9f this in ..q lii1 - ' '
. up a piece ee damaged parapet - I, I felt that'e. innst see an of tee. sk'y for indeatry-duting ,the -next few these days of high, prices: .
watched the earth being thrown over and see it at once. -Therefore I set years. .. ' The fleshy . Part of the date con- eat In "addition to the meting end =
then only f(1•.' e interval of a second "The strip of blue. we prisonerS. cail ia maple sugar, if it does to anything,
inunedi- the ,ether, 'stepped- up on theM, and,ithat we are tow to nee, . The. little iirotein. .7 Its fond value„ ' eite „5=-. niayadvantagessayoueebuying1nuC lair et* large ThThe
A , eXawlieg* through the tall grass tee for a ' considerable portion of our 'hundred Mid seventy -Ave calories' to
1101'Mdomestic sugar supply. East the Mind. -Beef is One of the great- at • commodities, sPeciaLliargains, all !La
in price •
, at Wider choice, newer goods,fresher=
ee*,. of width. Mean a saving in, money,, =
• ..
„,..:. ,
..a , ..
- e term made ea Canada"applies , . ahsalteliotherot f oaodz.acnedd 4: i .' .....
trenches for more Man mx weeks, and placidly ecrossmdaute.eisi.
his spade defiantly' in - the air and con- , den •ini depths of "'shimmering,. :waving' able, tire:lair --crop hilyilige-heen . os ea -tat -ate -eleven re rn,
est pound.
muscle-producidngfoodsand.ancity, is : 7:14zdat'Pliocolato.„01clageasaretirablver:::::'. : ,
thmed digging; but he remained -dire green, aed found an old rifle its stock owing to the fat that .enorniens .car- fleet calories • to the pound. This E And all this is doubly enbanced by • =
ereetlY under cover thereafter,. f weather -warped and the bairel. eaten. ,goes of raw sugar. were . sunk'. by .shows whit 'dates mean to the diet e 'the facethat yob can stay at the .=
-• ,This marked an epoch in my experi-. With -rest. The ground was covered enemy • submarines, ' when served a few times a week, in -or4
all sorts; but it r. 11°01 be Canadamost horne-like and at moderate s
and combinable =
, Tommactually y insisted that it was' only the° etas -hidden fr•oni view. 'Melt had. been .
is. lessening the amount thatethelittle ful is well as. palatable frequently to, i direct to our check room. There is, =
' one forth or another: i.f'•is heath- ,
time in ri-tar Of unseen fords, I had -with tie catis, fragments. of ahell-cas- The u th e et k I C
beheld a Germap, although nig, and rubbish f r..* cOst, and have your parcela sent sa ,,
old „ caretaker, "the ' bIoloi - wet keeps laying waste the earth during the long "Iliad can amPlY• to the Allies. There- substitute .dates Pr. Other sweets. -.--2 no extmcharge. * ._ .; . ‘11
, - 7...
. e en ,et y. as my we per- t e , ,t, g
fh er ch tid v Th' ' th. 1 ; winter, and now, June healin -the fere; if behooves us t(1 *Port as lit- The housewife who heYe a Package of :11
g The Walker' House it
' BOnage a creature Of T•ainmees own" wounds with flowers and eme green tle sugar as possible and to Make a • recognized ehigh e grade brand -
mai •
The very great diffieultlea , in , the '
-way of emneulsory, rationing* in
Canada. puts an edditienal reepong- „
lenity for voluntare food service.upon
every Canadien, no matter what his •
•„ rank or circumstances may be., 1With
it tremendoutretch of collar,
'sparsely settled,' exeteit in a compare» e •
" -tively few districts, the eneorcenlent • . -
.0, compulsory food ebonomyon any •
general scale pretients serioes obstat •
cies. .It ie hoped that the Greater • ' •
• Production campaign, Which is now ".••
.being started, will ,make unneceesary , •
any resort to compulsory rationing in e •
OU can .80 this country At At the same time our ,
co reel i People. unlit realize that efforts Must t„
more duringnot be relaxed' to 'couserve food, for
the day if you
bevelled a really
enjoyable shave
' -au AutoStrop
•: Every time you
nse your Auto -
Strop yonrea.lize
what it means to
*town a razor that
is always. M per-
fect-conditien for
• its bladaie sharp
and keen. -•
fancy, assumed sr very real importance grasses. • , use of the abundant supply of na-
during the sunener when the attraeel • I was gory" that I went to the vvil- turalsugar which is available. ;Itt
tions at the Western Threatre Of War lows, for it was there that I found England 'the allowance of sugar per
head of population has been reduced
to 2 pounds per month. - In Italy
it is only 1 pound per month.
Canadians, however, are still con-
suming between 7 and 8 pounds per
capita each thonth.„. ,
If the maple sugar 'resources were
fully organized Eastern Canada alone
could produce enough maple sugar to
supply' the total sugar requirements,
of the Dominion. • •
This is too much to expect at this
Stage• and yet much can be dorm to
increase, production this speing.
, . were only mildly interesting. "Carl, the =pee. He had a wonderfully con -
the caretaker" -Nate -seppoeed, to be it waled position,,which was made but,
methodical old man whom , the Em- let -proof With steel plates , amt. Mind-
, peror had left -in eharge'of Ilia trenches begs,. all' coveted SO tater:illy' with
on the western front during the ab- growing genes .aectailloWletsheri that
steno: of the German armies in Russia. it .would have beet' impossibleto•de-
-Maey were the stories told about him • tett it at a distance often yards. In
lit different parts of the line. Some- fact, I. would not. have discovered it
times he was endowed with 4 fimily, had it not been for the lea :creek of it
•-• eatissus" and his "three little ' nip- rifle sounding t so close -at • hand; I
pera" were with hint, and.. together crept �ntoinvestigate and found the
- were hloeldng the way to Berlin of the ;Sniper booking quite • disappointed.
, entire British Arniy. .Somethnes he - - - (To - be Continued.) * '.,
was "Haus the Grenadier:* owing' to • ' .--o-..
his fondness for nightly' bombing par- 4•14.0,ERE is •-A DiFFtRENc,E.....„...,.1-•
• b it, a a Minnie beingthat eeeenee_ - Can anyone who has not semi then:: There are great nurnhers of • trees
- able lade 'known in polite Military imagine what it is like to be a pnion_ available and .8a tile sal') mins before:
circles as it "Minnenwerfer."„ As ai-enr in . this present` ever? Someone,- the farmer's :busy' season commences
. reads' explained, ale. was sausage- who saw the feet . French, English, he should be able to go in ,for tapping
e eikeein shape, and frightfullY'demon-'itiissian• and : Canadian • • Prisoners on an extensive scale. It twill be
• ,
. . stretave.. When she trent vieiting at either fretutted -ne escaped, writes' of ::good business.' In. the pest the do.:
the behest .of her 'hest ate, "1*
ei. ..."1"47; them: "They have an • expression of 1.mand has:, fret exceeded the supple'
, usually contrived to he 'neve. emu°, - their. mina ii concentrated,
wher-eupon Minnie 'Wreaked the house - • - •
unuttered and this year it will be even greater
, itad disappeared %ea Claud of dense euff.erme..nt their .eyes, .
an unending; to the scarcity of ...beet ' arid • .
. blank Melte; '. - e . 1 patience m their ;voices.. ,There is all,' cane sugar. , . 9 • , -
.. A ..• . . -- difference iri• the Werld heteteen !' Man° ea-ees have 'Rime oat' a)
"*.•7,,... . crt 4..'llti,;"..` '11.,Iii : ,7i.... :4 iiii ratolbitrOUB .. . .. . • _. „ _ 1. . .Y, •,.. 1111, A
about.' An Unseen enemy. Theitbere eau tut' soldiels. te-turPee leole :maple seger-rnaking in. recent ., years
..„....,.,,,,,,..,,,,,,aa...,:ia,;.....,...9,..,,mstzv•.,,,.:, ., oe--ee eteateroe, fil,F,:rtiXt4:4-42-1744:45014.1.11443-4ZI:=%.j.L.r.::....14.44'44.-NlifiVitig-41.4- 4%.114.iaat,.. ,eee-,earteee.aeree. eoorte
- at timee. We wore' ellen too far satisfied leek, as if in making their!, ated
beg no -thieg became aeraost"eirbearable verely wounded, have a proud, almost ' ing ,frorn the cenipetitiOn" of adulter- • ,
apart to have eels eaely 1r:tory:leg inter- supreme effort, something of the glory ' maple •': products. The Pure
. Change tif . eattlesie".4 trAl: *thee the and exaltation. of Mote eearfue mo e reeneeeteterees of the
Maple Sugar law pool. protects: the "- '•
eiteistexa Chet -Vitt of inellete ant:eye ents still clung to them. They are 'ermine article,
' and ettosiltrot„-.1 i ear eete, we' . , „ , , while the sCareity of g'cane and beet
warriors hurt in the gr,eat game,
' camel =my evie-Teeeeee •that extie oppon- : su r make • 't less profitable for "•••'
ga s i , ,
' . hrethers test' ae we -1r-•. • I re:aerie. hente, AlThere theY wilat sugar With Maple extracts. •
- ber toy izelat,cm.., Atr.ri. stgratiezetaornj vvelcome awaits them. . ;
knOW Veil.
\ ' ' With an abundant supply available
at seeing gave ges'et Vitas sear:. "How different is the lot of 'the :rind with a certain demand there is tie
-itto abeve'llIzg Vtp_.,t,;=.0-1il' atz- a; Teeele Letallied prisoners? • The sight of them, reason why men and Welton, toot
=tele te. he parte toe m.e.e, vb. :coley!' ef hey nation, is. an unforgettable re-
. 'flying ti -.1. t. -12-,x-g. ..,,A Oi eenoieg nightmare: A voice, yieak, should' not go into the "bush: 'this
s•peing" and tap the trees for their int-
' &nifty. bat inastent, rings in your ears: - e 1 ' • "leti
aFet, . Tortv /44 gt6a,..sx2t....t-'..4.''llivont't. yaii. help USt' ' tural riches. t is a retie:: stel 1 ,
• ing at it 'the Ceett=eas etgeemItelerteeeeteeeete wee • - 4
tAve-v rt-rs-t a. duty ,ava a ekettle • ns
All • il le •
eee-a-Agettaieerge me 4. meet enoteeetee: . - • . , . an • iic es o e routed ut and
, meatier etteeeeee a ale .7,1,.,-4s it.z,-.4„,i., 4 IA Vithout praige, to suffer silently
en fade eigereete eteertot a gaol:without senepathY, to ache with borne- elerined now. . In - parts o Ontario
tapping begins eerly•in -Match .metbat.
- heed" on, the Opre, , tr:.0 =on tairew;, gel:etas:1, stitroutided by the enerno, there is T1Q time to be leg. . •..
-ate et:err:ewer are tlie unseen heroes and we ,
. :caution to tlao webeeeeei•eteeeei
• firing-hetielive, elfacetnig beer the tap, =mid geese a half their pain." a
Maple sugar and maple aYrup will
of the parepet. Pries nee Heel were' ' Th ' t eio
, yet be affliVerS4U3t found in the Metes
e'er' . of Canada, as the fineg of substitutes
- ' trlo *P6rt-grall willille Ihd fqte.e, million ane h half Allied prisonera of e
.• - reed Aid tot eeoetrete, geeteeter,eeeteem, 1.40 war-iu Crensauliintl.s. The-Prisertere tented. 1 .
zor th siz to. which we ate accuse
see gar
denims' Wes TaKet ovwrit.'''','"' we 4.-e- Of Woe Sedgy of which Prirmipal' Let Europe he .the white
tamed to the more seams e ot . • •
e te - %I C 11 Toronto. sugar; i 6 076 a, o
lel • h Ve ur oxen delieioue
, • War with' the 02 &al; cera6hc-sg. litthn II' raWer• t's• ..° ege, eniade in Canada' niaple stignr.
, temeinher certain happy evente in ehtechee of Otatario for money. tohelp I --.
Date as a War Foe& ,
eh:adhere/. Ile :reeled then terveat IV th a s ' e p ' •
oeentrenees to keep VIS. eerie aitel hue' tteeee unfortunate beroese Contetega.t One food that we frequently should
Man, There ere 1241t tante' of them, tiens,vvtio have not yet 'colitri6 tea give' our foteiliee is "-he date. There
are inaey cielfglitful Ways of serving
may- 'eend A dontitieris to the treae..
„user ef the eto, Heigh Pleteller, L Le
Eece, 5e2 Huron Se, Tormito. • •
impatient with lire pru ent ene,my and Thie 'blush iS wore. Palatable if
Ieatg softie -Witting filibr abOtit always Made, witli lehlf 'milli instead of, •all.
tim " '
know s that she has o food Pleeduet E TheHouge,ofinenty • ."..4 -
which wilt 'furnish energy.. ,
' TORONTO olet, ' • =1.
- If .dates are hard When purchased, =
thoy, eatened hy pour--
tuts falthere eat imetairele hreeRbt
gladly and triumphantly inantfaeturers to mix- can and beet
r 11 exalt ikeideete with .ley es: I ks'PreeMente aPPealliik through the
het such ee Mere wete, we tnikee of
• for clays aid weeks eftetwercl.
eke for the matter of het otet of
e:ght, there teat a geed elee to be esid
on bah skies. Altber Totamy was •
keeTIng tinder cover, he dui goS oetme-
. •
e •
• The AuteStrop
As the 'only razor
that sharpens its
. own. Wades auto-. ,
Caavaatesel to Satisfy • •
Complete Outfit
$5.00 s•
AT ala grass
-AutoStrop-Safety- -
Razor Co., Limited
in.srladm St.
Tomato, •Om.
' 47-1-18
AZ, 0
It's a money -saver
this book we send you free
, It's no exaggeration to call this Woke,- , "'•'• . -
"What•the Farmer can do with Concreto"-;
a money -saver.. It mikes money by saving money -for every farmer who
reads it and Who acts ()Attie advice and instructions it contains. How does it
save money? Simply by telling how be build fame iraprevement•of Concrete.
The farmer nowadaysaealizes that he is under a preee and Beatify. '
:terrible handicap in his efforts to make nioney, if he:, our.I0Cepage book, there are direction% N.:filch
has to be constantly sinking profits in repairs. Only enable the farther to construct all Sorts of improve-
': by using Concrete can he have buildings that do, not , remits of Concrete, in odd times -with the help of
tall for repairs and painting. Only with Concrete his 'mane Send for this remarkably useful, Money:-
' for his building material can he have his farm fire- saving book. Mark on . the coupon the subjects '
proof, Waterproof, 'Watertight, repair proof, radii .which areof immediate interest to you. - • -
- •
'.•",! G t .w
r 6644 et e*.V, •Our %fanners • tbthe
hauling' of garden -trite.% frulta and. dany otoduas Intro
town,On ,1Colicrete alone can this bAuling be done
coetKPANAFtr- provides thebnlypurface that resishi the
. wear and tear of modern traffic. Coo.:
• crate in fact, as necessary to succe.A-
ful road buildIng as it it for turcessful
tar°. CCIlsttulikcetiComincret. 'Cr buieteldteinA,Irpdass;
ofoirtetaimerkitelves 'tithe saving
ThoCaida Cenieilt Compailiy*
• • , •
al .1..14.4. "mr17.4tat r...3 tral7•1;m1wffcligliPlimilmirznslaii
atout • ai• ..,_:.feri".-a
, fL,06.145*,, „.." .....,, ,.....
:.,40...4 .- sw,,,.- ' --Frr,,',„=:..-,:r.2Z,,,,P70.,Z,
:Okra NOUICS ..`..41
; ,,,7,..or.-ar.,,..-
. nice. POSTS
. .
()emcee , ;
. Roos creams , •
' !MOS., .
"Me 11 rineer , cm do ...Alb c.celerete"
•___. ..
orn •
03 Eu0 tidge, Montreal
the:need is very great. • . *
. The following figures indicate how' -
great is. the demand from overseas •
to ineee thele shortage: • • . ,
addition to Canada's total ex-
portable4urplus and the '76,000,000 ,
more bushels vile* Is . absolutely the e
-Minimum. that the Miele must have • • .
from the United Stated; 15,000,000 .•,-. ;..- .
bushels must be found for Belgian re- :.• .
lief and 10,000,000 . bushels for 'Cahn ' • '
and other ether neutrals. epee- Wheel gee
Allies are dependent for other foods.
inresetoaerne .
Bthe War the American ex- • •
porta of beef averaged 1,000,000' . • • •
pounds, a. month; ter the =next- three , • "
months -British `.shins are beinelent •• ;. .
Air -Aenmecarroefal Canatliereepeets for •
over 70,000,000 poundS„ a month. , •In.•
pork products, the Allies took 50,000,- •
000. a ,moueh before the ware They -
noweask-for-1-50;000;80e-Priturtist The
sharp reduction of ratioes, among',
every one Of the Allies -for Great - •
Britain has had to cut down her coni- 1,r •
pulsorY ration already, from against .
the voluntary ration which Sir .Arthur
Veep proposed as late . as leievembere. • -
last -is proof of the need. , •
The responeibility for saving food,
so that the 'petional, total of, eating
shell be . less lies largely 'with thee
housewife. ' An fact, the; immediate
work of helping the Allies by food
service falls to her. The groWing
of a larger .supply for the Allies next
year is more especially .the Canadian "."
man's Work and preparatieffs for it •
should. natbe delayed until Spring. "• --•
Sheer hard work 'in the home, and . , •
then in the "field, is the Only solation
of the , of those who are , •
fighting uncomplainingly for us. '
"Feed will win the war," Mie Hoover • '
has. said: Whose feed shall Win=
German or Canadian? •
Mani "False Prophets" 114114,
in the British Isles. '
Fortune ‘tellers, crystal gazers, -
soothsayers and Many others.who lay
claim to the power to look into the fu-
ture are making large sumo hi -
land despite the vigilance of the pcilice.
. Persons with relatives at the' trent '
are the victims. **Prep- lige" , • •
of the of the war to the -
est...details of theereconstruetion, per -e .
. •
hal, bath in Great Britain and onieselie
Contirielit. Some dire predictionat-
tracted theeattentiok of the secret
seeeiee tied it -was found that G,eetriatt
gold had been pronipting the sayings. •
Old Moore, who can point to a long, ' •
list of "predictions that came true," -
says in his Almanac of 1918 that :the •
peace. treaty ,will be el -geed in Deelin, ;
••thie yeaand adds: "As regards the
future Of Germany, 1 anticipatete re- , •
volution, au. enti're break up of the `
the end of the Hohenzollern •
dynasty and the ignominious flight of
the' kaiser to fine death in eine:n.144'
Never; if you ran help it, hang pie-
te#Ps so that the wires will shove, and
do let the pictures hang agahlet ti -
wall as if they Were ioally and truly
Date 'Mart:it:lade ROMOVe atoned :••
rfrom dates, steam av-er hot water tiro • -
, • :
:til team: and then peen through 4 .
*colander., This is a good spread on . • • •
bread or makes, te delicious filling for
1 d. -,!-W61411 dates thorough.
ly, thenwith a eharpireife make an
ineision• and -remote the stone; put
in its place a hit af cream cheers° and
close the opening. 'leisporei three or '
Lout,daattetaidoonatletrateerowlegervZ. Garnishrcvtor
Pees a doh of •ineyeleartisa dressing
With the geed. „
aellasiero * e