HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-28, Page 1•
„,,,,41,46.00., •
sq."-Ivert 11'.71C10".
7:rmr.ie' St' - 737711117,71''V'T;-.7
$r.so per year,. in advance; $2.00 OtilerWiSe
WV. •IPYMIN,V1.7.-7W, .e,10 7/0-71664046,./...'.100KM.0/0111WWW1.11,666.6117009r0..-- 47.• a r''
terTr7 "'" •'7**- """ -• -
67,1 , 1 "•*2
wicitriafor, oNz, irtiunsrovir, PEISIRTJAI:111" 28417, 1918. Single Copies 3 cents
Clearing 4U6Et4/A
vil▪ ld411 erid: Mrs, , Thomae Cooling of Lopm. AND GENERAL WIVES SPECIAL
Some tune ago the statement Wee
a ,r; •
Auctron Sale
The lug° addition to the power plant waikertaa, who at eite time uved n pahhe c140.1 inspector Bald win made that, ao far go could be learned, . Soldiers"' Wives and other 'relati
pit Bugoniii,p41 rapi.di), neiwing 401.11,,Busai and whose daughter" married and Lucknow thie week. , ' Canadian soldiere who bad veted at the ought to be very careful about Bend
pletion• rind the building will. be ready remained there :recently had 'a letter • i4eCtiO11 le December had gone alnoet money overseas whenthey receive a
Pure Erred Clydesdale Horses, the new dynamos within few week.. from thie daughter ; The letteria of gteat Mee ,T: Murray left • thin morning .eoldidly for the T,Tpiott Goveroment, the ' quest that, money be fleet, efipe
Shorthorn cattle a Implements The: adc4tion larger than .024. original int/most becepe gives,dest hand infer. for phathapk and will be away -for Solite percentage being 95 to 98 for -event. _ a. _ , , _ .
watiou of *tripes they are in 'Ruesia, remithe• " tu numuer
,bnilding and is of very anbatautial. con-
ment candidate% is n"410:.erilLupeTnIons rogues who (moonily
,• •
the premisee-ot the' proprietor, s
*mud/on. When cOmpleted, and the r4her " °Iv were'in CPct4ber 'kat. regret.to report that 4 rigurea Of thq vote east by noldiera °teethe friends et Causal= soldi
yea •
nig We have -asupply of Fish
re, '
ars and will give special prices
of while they last. 1.°
ere, Alsofi cakes'.'ot Castile
Soaplor 25q.
•Mr, Abe._ Stringer/ Lot5, .000? 5. new, machieerrieetaned dapaelk of' Whenletter u • nte ierittee. °The writer Deco aarieuely. m with 0, .t9paa of .in•Nortli.Anterica arta on the continent, arid apparently have beep niter% some
Kinearthrke Two« (Near Kirigari theidant Van have been at le d ubsed of tire letter liyes not far frem Moecow h • of Europe (not including 'Britain and thing of a. harvest through their ellotts
At o'clock p,m,, shwa/. 2800 hereepewer find with the additi0O• ettve ei what" tbek are threughout the Miss Ilessie Barnby, of Ashfield was and f 1 i W
HORSRS.,--SpetlbaY enrees. KW he • . • . ;Oetober 22 1917 St this week.
est ,„ or ennuittsm.
Tuesday, March 5th, 1918, At present the Plant tieVelOping *1?Ct',If and conditiope there likelearerePresent- • Ireland) were published on Monday, The frand is Worked in th,is wityr The
. - - - at water wheels and flyiritriee will eelantr3c. 'Th. 0 -letter fellows; •• .
arno no Einia nterest., wegive rogue mekes the aequallitance of We et
gn st of Miss 1).-.11indersorr. Station -the liguree 'for the' Bruce -and guron canediaa•acidier „and becoming frfandly
uood Valiles in gill lilies
2 pkgs. Raisins for 25c.
and' iteeele Banker Elutec•rted) JO And. mereaeed to aPProxlInateik 6040 •
c, ititnenelee, but fn rea it them one secures the %Orem of the soldierff faint and special in many.
a yrS, Old; Artus"2nd, bay mare , 11. yrs. hdrsepower, a total that would provide APrerelt7; Our dray- men have *bin bust tbe Murk entember that, th do not include ilyatIome. When the soldier 'returns B .f
, ••• •
edd, .suppased to be in foal 0 Baron the power used at the present time Dear Dad, Ma and Jennie— ;- past week delivering coal, "end the ruel • '
the vote of the Bruce Battalion nOr 1.0) dut-y in France the crook ca.bles or uy, rom us, save money
ii , Royal; Prince Artus (Stallion) .risleg
, yrs. okl; Model Banker (*fallen) 4 mom In the Cotinty of Grey, inclhding mit a re ef Yell now wenre,all -problem is relieved for thUpresent. / writes to the soldier's people in Canada
great riorhorrof the liver' BattalioJJ n
ToltlY Beek/ baY Mares riaing S.Yras' to -provide electric light for every prate- weelr-end 04 Ralph has had to go 'down Vrel; Mackenzie bas beeniaid un
old; Oeld Fatiker (Stallion) rising yr:. ways, factories and tire powerAeceeeary well, •Grapcbic end I are alone this, , • as ell nf the 160th and the greater
•-rf ,the 161 were in England when the., or parents in Canada have been very
ready to forward .this mone-y as they
know the soldier gets orily a small .per -
tion of his pay, The crook has himself
identified as Ireing the soldier for whom
the money iii intended' and, eashee the
otder. It novr known. that this game'
e h
OATTI#R, -0,11aud - Baron, red eqWt. '
• Aggie., light roau cow; Myrtle, red cow; ent user. 'The- iherearied development
. and do usa. favor
part a.sking fer a sum of money. The' wife , • •
Niay, red cow, attar; Miss Clu*y. rosin will undoubtedly resultje 'eery eon -
lie De 1,/V ODS
toMoscovr on busineskhe was alsodowif
last week. We aregoing through very
'anxious Lbw! juat'iatiiY. The strike has
not yet Come elf ha every hour it
PeOted. and,you would.he Astonished at
the hitter„ feeling between- the -working
elm° ,513.4 ereP1,0Yere, And itt fact the low-
er Chteeea IMO* to have, a specialnpleen
. • .
against anyone in a 'better position *and
the 'past week with an 'attack of ; pnen.
nionia, which fortunatelY haft not, be-
• •
come serious. -;
Saturday being a fine day (abont the
enly one, of the wintei) there wits a
good crowd in town, and a smart daY's
business W4f1 done, '
vote was. taken.
. :Bruce ,South.---MeNatt. (government -
!tient candidate) Civilian vote, 2,824;
Soldiers' vote vote. North. American, 60; Con-
tinent -of Europe, 153,, total, 3,037. •
Tenex—(onposition candidate) Civil-
ian vote 3,005; ,Ptddierfe, vote North
'America, 3; continent Of 'Europe; 12,
total, 3,620. , . ' ' • • •
Bruce North.-701ark (govermirent)
:Civilian: vete,': 3469; 'Soldierae. North;
American, . 77; Continent of . Europe,
, 142; total 6,688. - • . , , . . ; • - that rte, Herb Milleeri none was reoen
• Meettailay(oppoSition) Civilian vote, ly used in an effort to defraud his pa
.;,637.; Sold' ,:' . vote, North • AMerica..6 eats,. and the trick. was discovered only
anti tn, lots of places
hail) beaten
. The tool iluet e6t1.061.1er,litui__ bee , 'Ill utOtta,vigotr;t4t3 uo„swordaielarscgv0oVteer,13..x7fierntth). fentriteinadvaioliabthiye uinseitsi.als wh.ich Pte.. Mil
' COnthie of Au' e 16; 16; total 2,559, . taecatise the 'crook sent the full name
. . .
.killed. them, A Mc Harrison 'from. the about the hugest Mall .in toWn, tho Peet • Mirka, 48; 'Continent, of Europe 183
otherinill in town here was beaten very . week. ' The Plan is, working; out 'much . total 4,460.; ' • . ' • ' ; ' .!'•
severely arid left tniceitireions • On the -"better' than : thoLformer haphazard Hyslop, (opposithin) Civilian I .vote,
Water Makes Trouble
ground, -by workinantbat he hadif' ' '
. , is. . method e:)f difi,ffib. atingfe:001 , .. . . . '
, .. 7112; Soldiers' vote, North America; 3 ; - ' 'High water in the river Caused bit the .'
charged. . ...otc Mr, . geab, _had ta, fly„ , . iiieo 'air .10.te.i.. c.. .s. _t For womeii....„.. p, .o.untuirnoenncsoofutompe, 9; total 2,7,64.. - rains and thaws of the . past. :week has
•but both these men were vertarrogagt. •
. . . . • erner ' -(governinent) • given great trouble in the business sec- .
and domineering, and work people -
Civilian. vote,. 3,399; , Soldiers' vote, ,,tien of Lucknow. Cellars contained
On Wednesdeynext ' March 6th • we • • . -
.ed'areand-con them.first.. The soldiers " .
. .. , . , . will hold :eirr Senn- Annual Demonstrat-
-hera,t",..7.0711_ &La, en4ie
and: mace then,„ the :popple. themselves er t_beirei.- e"19 -r -e-444 et. Me IlfereltItiee'- .-c, °mint. ee*Beti4. . SPecial . measeres ,. Of ' 344; Soldiers' vote 'North Ainerica
killed-- two. ioadik . men in town . Ow • tori.e, a liarli:Cf? apd Coate 'foe the .,adomivaoopposition) givilien vete; ' lowed the Chair fr4a-the. water in men
• orders • Will be taken on arry.raOdeleek. ' • Oontinent. of EaroPe. 25; total 3,377" • • -. . - -
:L._ ., , ,, _ _ , :r.:11, .".A, rn.:.ertat....ica, "137.; COhtineut of. Eur „lavn:tIrl:_amiere from a foot ' tha=vitWohifeeire_Croo:_
— - ,
„ .. , . 8; , cellars .so -that, there is ice instead o
. .• .
.. . •
night after a. meeting, beat • them •to leeted and abseil -Ito Bath/faction garan- . ,tituRcH NEws., ... .. Anniteolet ef ltirnaCes. as fh
tea... 'This demonetration ' Will • lie • on ' . • • • water came uP during night eonsid
em wise telling you all this, but it trust
not hiiiiet .3Th. .,ae we must take Oei.
: change and heir for the beet .:,...• ;:.'..
death,. ReallY I don't know' Whether i
. . .all intereSted areinyited: ... • : .
Wednesdak afternoon and. evening and
...: % . .. ,.. :, munD0,1 4 oitiER.6 zr, • next Sunday 11, '"Man," Matt..
` •
16_26; evening 7, "The Christian's Con;
. 'AX04,tcati- Cuitoon; — Subject for
, . . . erable daniage,W___IiS done': goods store
• ut the basemente.
. -. Kinktigh ......, , . . ,
.. .
- •-• - - -Ttle PATIOOTt '' WoRK •••-.., -
. The peasants are grabbing all the
.-Tuesday, Bib. 2S
filet witlitha.-Devit.'!7 .,.., .: .. .. • 1... :'. '••••
land end .sharing out all the estates and • ""' • • The congregations' of ..Belniere , and . • .
. cattle audit the owners ibtrent it, they ' A few weeks ago we were able to re- - •:McIntoSh Presbyterian chniches ;.; are ' ' Mt Wesley Boyle delivered a team of
.kill therm- And pe .woilot 'of it is. that ' ..ixof 6. the. gratifying result of the Cap'•con".. .
preparingto build a manse at Belinere
,._ .
. horses. to a Walkerton buyer on Monday
there is no pitaisinnent. for anit.Otie;, no test. :Then ' the. Ceinmittite Aninnineed at a cost of about $4,900. '..,. . . . The ,price; we understand, :Was only a
a shirt Contest to begia, February' 1st Services in the, Presbyterian „church few 'dollars short of 500., ..: . . .
. And end :March the Mac. The result. to next Lord's day at IA A in. ,*hd',, 7 p. ell, . Thomas Well. Of ..- :Binged; bought; a -
'date has been a. revelation Of what 'ma Morningenhject,.. "The rdeal Church.''
; favorable: ennditinan .From the "drop..ligiOn.." .
Evening Suliject,' "the Second Mile Ite- .couple of fine COVrdfrOni F. Hodgkineon me
. be. wort/044d in a •Shert• Hate 'Under . ,,, .i. ,. , .. , ,,.., Saturday; at a big erica we believe:
'of the hat" the: 'Contest has been in. furl ... • Welara sorry, to report that Mrs. II.'
• •
Prone a paragraph in. the Mail 'and. •Pinnel Is noe,eheiving inueh sign of ini,•
.reVing and so rapidly have the ,cut shirts.. .-
disappeared that Mrs. .Treleaven,. who Empire we learn thatRev. .0. M; •Mat• '.proyenrent. .‘, . • : , . . , , .
hers who has been in Waterloo the past .
has i had 'charge of giving. these out, hai
four years ia about to exchange With. Sunday morning last saw the passing ,
been kept bust sending .S.0 S: signals lev. S. L.. Wallace . Horton, Wesley airay'of one ef.the very old residents el
to the . cutters, who ..in tare, . seeeral. Kinlouih in the person of - Mrs. John
strong, have been working. frantically .
Methodist church, Stskatoon. . - ., Graham, who before;lier inalitiage 'We§
'to 'leet/ the kettle honing," - - "Fuel Economy". services in the S. S. Elizabeth Grundy.. She was in her 80th
. .
. It has been 'decided however,. to out ro•ona of the Metlibdist eliaroh. on. Sun./ year; and death was due to the ' nathral.
the contest Short bi'a ebuple of weeks day. at 1,1.. m• . and 7 p.m:. . Morning infirniitieir of old age. , *She is survived
subje„ct, 'Vas Sea of .Glass.Mingled with ' bv. her husband andene son, Herbert.of
. cow; Lady Lance/14r, xoan covi; lelleie, •01 •bi • h
tea coW1 . al era lowering t e,coat te the con..
The *neve covre are an -anywise -0 1411MOi And Wig tend" ilicreaSe :the, Phone 82 .
' to be hi calf. amount of electricity in general Use as a
Alain red Wier riding yr• :Maid ;at ot-tive poWer At pretreat the cost of
- one, red heifer, rising 1 yr4, jUlie Reeef7 •
an/ported- Steak Tsui rising 3 yrs.; with the. old steam plant, but when the
, Reg Reollitalrealf) rising 1 yr. •
has rearmed the present heavy over,
vial. See catalogue for perligreeie power might to be sold here.as cheapl
• ' Mist/1001i heifer, rising 1 yr; "war 4-aajight ender the Hydro ova.
. dark yoari heifer riatuf.:1 . Donald p teill does hot show a eaving as compared*
- Real' 0°nald, Mull Calf) rlidlig Ifiefentied Prefiliefien ° and dietribution
. The above stocknre registered, and .
pedigree will be produced with each ani- Charges to proportionately .small amount
• ifttPLEMONTSRTdeering Bind.
-- as it is in 'Toronto and melt cheaper
.or nearly new, 2 Deering' Mowers, Deer. _ . t ..
ing Hay Rake,. Ray toaader nearly new, than it is in Guelph. It as expec et!
• Land, Roller, Dis, Harrow;' Set Irbil gar' that the new addition .will be; in opera/
• 3ows, Plow. 1 two -furrow plough, --„pan,
I tion before the. end of 1918 And will
• n t lig lVlill, Turnip Pnlper„ Gm ney Scams • • _-
1 2000 lbs., admits' wagon nearly new, possibly be ready to take over the extra
' Low wagon, Seed Drill, Hay Rack/ heavy. work of the ;fall ..„and Winter
4->ttick Rack., ..Oritse Seed' SOWer, Gravel , h - s a 0 , .
Io.• Iluggy Pole '.11ity.Pork. 44aval • Mont Onta
• ,• Team 'Harness, Set FlOW Mulles% Dalai/ ' 10,2
Ch11131 A quantity 0,214 and 3.inch' Lagnnow in manipeg • :
, tile, whiffletrees, -1sTeckyokes, Forks; .
Speclea -Shovels, Tile ScOoP, and other Judging by a picture. which appeared
• Cream:Separator, Ropes and Slings', Set
articles too numerous to mention. •
Th G1 bo f F la 21 t fe Iauck-
TERMS.-4troM 1 to 10 Men heeredit • •
now deVotees of the 4roarm gaMe nave
.fereIs11"4 etiP"P'l )-(411r N(458 at -
•• :PO! frirther.pertleidarainW catalogue,
'n-Virent. Binieetb the ilietiire WasTtlie
14* 'car e. Ont:, an e men • J.
••, Torn into the inetropolis of the -Caned,
-Vite Ann STKINCER,, R.
'The Ali ereon Rink of l'aucknow,
".. •
- Jon"*. Pr:aryls,' Auctioneer, , th , lined up woro,
-., •
• „
- • NOTICE .
MacDonald (lead), 11,-R MeQuillin
• • - . (second), W. McIntyre. (third), --J0
reran matters regarding Elreetildil 0Oglater3
refer te D. a Taylor secretary
Andettop (skip), A -descriptive note
explains that the rink was taking part
• .4
Notice To Creditors in the big annual' bonspiel and that the
ticknOW-men had 'done 'Veris ;Veit.
• - 'L
Though akerehtly d, that wes real.
„ the matter of the estate of Donald T. .fife-
. •• Renate late Of theTowuship,of Ashti*d in the • .
. • _county el' Duren, ye0Man,,aeseartor . a
7. NO7-.101t- .hotaby given that airversons
; ••.1... having any claims Or deinands againat the 0
late Donald T. Itlogenste.mho died on br about .
"•,„ - theitti day of Ifeceniber-A.D.49174t theTown., t
• ' ship of Aenitield' in ',the County • of Huron are
required to send by oust prepaid or or deliver • W
- to the undersigned exeenter undettho Of •
the said Donald T,Mcgenzte their names and W
addresses and fun partimilam. in writing of
• their accounts and the nature of the secsurities,,,
. •
y high praiee; for the, bonspiel at Win-
ipeg is the biggest affair of its kind- ie
he world, and was under way' for -Cwo
eeks. The Andsrson Rink,. however,
as not in at the close, as in the West
urling is carried to a high degree of
rfection. .• •
• '•
`.ih •
• guavritt...held by them land .ssr.y., yerTed tsy afil- Ise
AND TARE NOtiditt that 7.0.fte the Twen.
thith day Qi A.D. Ilittethe. said excoUtore
• wnl proceed. to distribute the essats of the Saki
deceased auiong, the persons entitled thereto.
• havinftretd. Only to the claims, of which they •
-or Sar Part riner094 .t0. any persons If Wiese
• ?rillisattolgodir git4letrutitel =re: :ifirsetatTrit B
• . that behalf., •
Dated at 1Moknow this day of February
•.hookitioa 'Atogonzte,
Din•tai.n FiNt.AVitotr._
R....eceoliturg 0.1 the estateof Donald T. hicKeruntfi'
Leoltnow, cnt,
• Notice To Creditors •
—Tuesday, Feb. 26,
Last Friday .afternoon ReY'. Mr.
radleY went to Toronto to spend the
week.end,Withhis daughter, Miss Alice.
Urzi�n ,.aervices were he'd in Knox
chureli'Sunday Morning and In the
Methodist at- night, conducted
y Rev. Mr,” Durant:, Next Sunday a
ke favour be conferred . by' Mr
radley. • ;
idros..w..: Kennedy, is spending- the
eek in Toronto.
the 'matter Of estate of Eliza Cook, #.
• ' . loarUfettliejrAs Vgafeietcitiosie in ttin County ,
istoriug. is hereby given, that fill persons w
• baying any elating or demands against the late
Eliza•Coeir, lehO dicd On or ebout the first day
Brin14, are-required-topivt
• .now 10 110 COUnty 01 7... 6•4 4:0". • . • . -nr. ea Aill.,0.: eo. YA.ege_..- '
• send by post piepaider to deliver the un-
' '''''• '•"`•7.2131611srlii'atatall•"':12.1.eg'euairfige.'..- a44
nd .'W
fr,,,''. full tortoni/its in WAR fig or their claims and
/.1"..,:, .0tetentents of their accounts and the nature
..„., * Of tho securities, if any, held by them dilly
Verified by affidavit. •
. ., 'AND TAKE NOTICE that after the Tweet.,
jeth day of iffilereh A.D. 1918 the said exc.:Vlore
will proceed to diatribe the assets et thi.
IgOTICIte--The City, of Tinndon, out
if they can get the upper hand they in- • bonds which 64-8 per cent per an -
tend to sweep all but theinselves out _own, for gale. For particulars apply to
vliO. A°. SIDDal.i.4
We seem, to have got used to 't a bit
nowae it has been ping on since E teter. •
Ralph; US upt been threatened at all,,
but several' have had to fly from his
In fact everywhere they have clear-
ed them out that used to bully them at
The hockey ganr of last Friday night
lauelinow vs. Teeswater, proved to be a
lively contest, . the hoine team coming.
•off victor by a score of 10-4.
being workedsom w ab extens vely.
• • Recently a soldier's wife in Walkerton
sent $60 to her husband on a requeet
of this kind only to find later that he
had not asked for money and, of course,
had not received any, We underetand
EvEnysoorn Nowlin
sioNET TO LOAIL-Oxi mortgages and note
*treasonable rates. Fire Insurance. bot
Stock and Mutual Companies. . °envoy
, anteing done .with neatness and despetok
erg,o. A. SIDDALL..Brocher, buteltnew .
WANTED. ---All kinds of raw Ana Rtatie$t '
city ,pricefure 4itaid at Luc:know. Don't, soli
Tr '16:0.86.2t7.:hr:leknehbel, batt4rr.-13111:rtiTadIee;rah.rulfficallurdlilf--alltIld.21413/840:kitirrlicou:blhitehiudnoo:11:044:3: .. :
r, Phonue and I will °all d
RAW FIIRS. WANTED.--Righest prioe win . ..
- aob'ellids.trt'aceobr au oiriandswealels.rawSipoolurWeiMinrige* '
/ li. it ' 7 6 ' ' a ' '
raferbsfbersoxtzse.s.teBiPne:isoceprernywouilloodeeubeeaSrrourhirgefhintagpau$1.57t. .,...... , -
, Best pack will be paid for horsehair anti -
- .
PutoiRgovvICRe'vTrYTWE°OdnPAerSdliart.afift eteratatlaelln..mis6A11-. "
. .
.• lamented ,sueeeasfulW- treated. Us-
duease.fe0PathY muremuojtesmenthteopthuyesigrnecalausxneso:er , . • -.• ,
quickly Secured and with rewertrestment4
by Osteopathythan by any other method.
, • - • .
a-deo/nal/and -Operit ,
— • .•
y AUCTIONSAt.14..-44eriTielea.Ven.Lett. Con. •• „
7. E.D. Ashil6 felt lia-ve an Auction Bale '
f or farm. fat -und Juiplemetits 'on
e .e.entereareing, at
, tle ant impim. g:Ztatrotrtehre704111-:,,,:;.eat.. ,
• • of the -fe-• • .9-ne
d 284
taw, people just do WEI they 'want 'The
soluiers have turned round ih mese and
If any l'ayal officer commands "thein and
insists. on them doing their duty they
pull hini into, pieces. I don't knew
'whether our papers akhome know, all
this or not; but they don't print it, and
;on every . side you hear the. people tom-
Plaining thatif it was not for England
and France there would ,have been peace
long ago, they have-not a bit of patriot-
ism, all they cry for is peace. at any terms.
They ee,y they cannot be any Worse no,
der terinan rules If we -could only
you .we,could talk ,a week I'm sure, hilt
we Are getting used. to all the .horrors.
'We have a watcliman outside •our, house
ell ;night, but one can't rely much oe
not because aiii dt the workers have
's110Yrii signs' of vreaxiness but because so , Fire; Evening subject, "The litd Trees* this place. The funeral was held on
merrily hoe the "kettle boiled" that the ure. '. Coed music. Everybody, welcome. Tuesday afternoon, the remains being _
;thaw, they would be the first to run (or ''lueln on tend Will not he sulficeet. to TRE '01=15.-..e0OhiPleing with. -the taken to Kinhiss-conteterytor interment,
help), ° ... . - keep it going beyond the end.of the first wish of the Board of Managers Of the - .- .
14 1 1....301,24.4. 1.4,i4‘...,,iatt ic our vita :111 aarch. . itt-htlibr-wilitir--3W -thistreii-ll a iii/A on -N ounesuay oven- -7.--"-"blir rigAMT—''''
VAT--eliirverition in Toronto Una 'hotmeialerr--telePhone aad_mol
eek. .; -0- '
----ss.:;.---, --,••,,0..-.--.ef--,---0,e*w---s, •;;,, siddie-i-ieiTrzwiFai-efiffing *dry - ciiiigayi. . the iiicreaseu price; at ;which it s ri 3W q
.. ,,, - - AT., ... - - "..y,s:-' •.,•.-•-_ ......_•• _ . ,..--" ----- , luta stro-demiir ft-ird"Chere wag a good Phe late . rild irehouse, who died ; n
.0.-amoreak of material wed u , witle for 416-4-ret-Jame-:-The-:-chanre-yr
: . , a .
., .
attendance. 'The Program . Commatee. Sask. after five days illness With gnat/ -
treasury. very low, and now for the Omit had chaise of the meeting.. The topic. monis, :wee the eldest ef a. 'tawny of ten
. •
Mr. and Miss Mei left this morning
On,a trip to TOrontn.
Mr. Bertram Iiiseox arrived in town
terday afternoOn to enter -into part,:
ne.ohip With Mr. Will Minn in the
*dry goods business lately owned by Mr.
R.,Mann.. ' --- '
Mr% hi0.• &alter was called to Lon'
:don last Wedneaday arteilit -of the
illness of her little granddaughter.
Mr. lfarry Misctor, received a bad cut
over the inouth whileplaying hockey hi
itekriovr. last Pridaynight
Quito a .ntintber Of ladies met last
iday evening at thelienie of Mrs. Li%
Wier to sew on quilte for the Soldiers' '
nyalescent Home, These ladies have
ded to give u the play ft 0 P ve
midred" for the diitation Of the war.
The Home ilelpeis held 1 d'd
eeting at Mr. "Win.' ilenderson's hist
ids.y evening and enjoyed their hos-
tality very much.
Scarlet • fever lute hroken Wit knit
tside the village.,
eel& deceased among t 6 persfina entitled Yee
therote,.having era only to tho olaims of
which they shall eft hex° had, ..notice, and
• that the said exec:niters will hot no liable tor
the said assets or any part thereof to any
•'OCT4011S of whose. claim. they shall net then
• lave roe/dyed notice. This utstiee is given
pursitaiit te the statute. in that behalf.
Dated et Lucknow Oda 19th day Of Fab.
ruary •A•D. 1018,-
• ' 3.0fitaPII ABNE39; - •
Ereetthira of the °stated Eliza cook,
. :•'•!t4 1114ARKETS
, et• • .
• (COrteeted.lip to Vireduesday noon).
Wheat:. 0 • . . tit 72' 1
Vist/4006,0-0,6,00.11.16006-0 0- ill.* 90 90.
BOW*, • **v.'s • • '''''' 6 * 61 46 1 66 •
Petit •.. ot• 4-4 .44 7-7..I.4 4741(48 -
nekwheat. ' a:v.7141441
gat? ar a' • Alio. 011.07.
flair faid/ ;* • * • tt • 0 60 .
•• llorrea- 7 1850 •
• • in
• Tontitito mAnktte .
Choice Itertvy steer", ..12 25 10 Iti2 SO ni
'Chelee hatchets..., II SO to 12 00: '-
• eh/ice hoteliers* dbWi 10'00 th 40 SO
c. , 9 SO to 30-00 no
-Good milch rows.. 1.100 00 th 133- 00'
llega4litied mid:watered, 19 15 re
4 • 47 r .., 2 14 to
reoote Wheat 210
Oata 7.7 ''' '' 7401 * 77 to 78
Titian, 'Rey. 0 6 0 *0 * 20. 00 to 23 00
new . .. SS to
Better. *411011.enf Fatal 48 to
stool .1)atty,pdot0
s4 4, 33 to 4.
0 Pr
003 50
0 'flee
6 . 36 11
don't go out ai nights, 'Everything -else Purchased, has bteught the fiihda in the
is very expensive that it tikes every cent
to live with strictest . economy. We . time:a halt had had to be called in the ."Edhcation' the Doorway to, Service," children of the late John and Margaret
would go hack to England, as so many work. : No shirts therefore will he given was the subject. of a short talk by. Mr.
have done, only that the rate of ex. out after the end' Of the end of the first, A. D. Mackenzie; Miss Mabel Mcplure Malei:e701:10,c.ti. gh,t; u•er re -m. aini
tha,nge 'is SO high that it wduld ruinus' Week in Mareliand all finiihedgarmenie igitte AO aneropriate reading,-Thrietena -
almost, and its vastly now, nothing now . must be returned not later than _aura McKendrick contributed .a 86.10 . and here for burial. The funeral which was
lest; than. 100 pounds each person for the 15th. ,. '. ..•there was also. as,..girls' quartette. On. to be held from the residence of Mrs. J.
• .
journey home, so, we shall stick it if pos; Tho Cemm_ ittee i's very, gratettd to all March- 6th the Adult Bible Class will F. Dawson, the irains being delayed b
sible this vaster, always , hoping things . -
will inenrove.. Don't let this Work you Who. have worked so faithfulliin thin: give the ;program ';sith. "Lessons ' trmn storm; was hold from the home of her
at all. only / did feel I wanted' .yoir to conterui-a diligence, not due; lie one way Favourite Psalms" as the tepic. . sisters' here and was conducted by 'the
know, that is it you get it. LOVe and nude suggests, "to the insinuation offer -
kisses front Your Loysig Daughter( .
ed to the young ladies as a bait when
NORAII. the contest was fitst0nrinbtinced" hilt to
reel enthusiasts arid. the "pep" which a
little friendly rivalry cah pot into work.
Tile result of tho. contest' will be an-.
hounded- after the Aids are all ih. '
FOR 'SALD-Goid staninn also - •
driving maid 3 years old. .1.4s Neitsrun.,
• ,Ne.-St_-Wftwallash. _s • - •
FOlt,13Ath.--Glood franie maidente witb:.stfine
foundatton, BR.HavelockSt4ilaiekutywibe- '
ritiergigzesidisittnobteieuglesteis esio,
DR. MAIX..5.W.MMORatiplely. -,11/31Y. Sts./41/31,
FOR SAL. -Ten acres Of land .(to be given
'away), short distance north of Luck:low .
• !Ration, in good state of cultivation. 9 acres .
seeded to timothy and alfalfa; .ntele--young .
orchard of apples, pears, plums, cherries -
and grapes, besides Junalr fruitsi_ garden '
flowers and ergreens; g.ocid well newly
Died and with new pump; good. frame and •
cement dwelling, eight nfonis; stable, hen.
houe. and buggy house -very desirable
pro_pprty-will be sold at a bargain. Apply
ta WILSON EAOLESON.inicknow. • ,
31-11 .
. .With f a tu ily of
grown up and boys. Men to
work on. Perm and girls in our Tani
Factory. Good wages and house.
-31VA SINGLE- M*14 about March
15th for general farm and nursery
work: Highest .1oCal farm wages
paid.• Apply stating full particulars
to _Z. D. Surru & Sox, Limited,
Nursery/nen, Prifit Growers and jani
'Manufacturers, Winona, Ontario.
. '
. .
m - • - Aker The Miller
The 'Patriotic Money •
During the past yes4 dr. H, M. Lay,
Sec.,.:Tteate of the'Can. Patriotic Fund
of 13rueseeditety handistributed.to ben.
efioiarlise • the sum Of .46,76047. By
InunieiptilitieCthis amount was dietrib-
utedne toilette; Amabel elk Arran.
.144, Chilross .462, Doe ()hitt .4840,
Albemarle .557, °Argil! $410, •Chesley
1.4,563,Elmitood $926, Hepworth $928.,
50, KIn1s .302, Kincardine $5,114,
- " • Rev. Mr Graham Whitechurch,nssisted
Money. lifSiVeet-CloVer Re. Mr. McCallum.
She leaves to mourn two sons and two
Mr Fred S. Greer of the 16tla conces-
sion of Proton, Grey Ch., elaims to have
made the easiest money. in his farming
career the, past season - whenhe tried
_ the growing pf sweet -clover. as au
THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Pertinent. Off six and It half Berea he
had, when threshed and hulled, $975
The Women's Inetitute desires to worth of seed. Retaining a few hund
thank the :High School students ter red dollars worth for Heed purposes, he
their very !fibers,' donation of 4,50.85 sold the balance at $14 per bushel. _Of
width waif part of the proceeds . of the late years a number of Proton and Agre-
play given by. then.' nu Feb, eth, wont farmere have taken to tieing
They else desire to thank rill who liereetelever and in the Durham district
B.OP4W May 474Paisey $998,
Lindsay Lucknow 40,892, Mild. patronized their Prinetike Tea held ' tit they go into it quite exteneively, The
. 4. lRipley .874
Saugoen $1107 Southampton 863828,
BF1D 1n Lucknoiw on Pobritaly 21, fruit $1.173, Tiverton $088, Teeswater
1918., to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reid* '411:703,. trebersaery ito280, wnikettoll
tondono onto kdatithter.--gclith ;1611:01 Wiarton 401030, Sundry Pointo.
Mrs. R McClure's on Feb. 16th. The
, proceeds amounted te *1627 '
The loaal Womeree Inatitatte content.
plate putting on a fatty in the near
,intrtre. Feller, annOrtneeMent, Will be
Oen hiter/
past sedion t3eems to have been highly
favorable for the crop. The Durham
Chronicle tells of 1 farmer realizing
0700 from three loads Marketed while
another farmer received a ohique *for
owl^ .6000 for his sweet clover yield
• .
daughters, .Mr. MacDonald and Alex;
of 'Sask., Sohn of ,Langdon, N. D., Mrs.
J. F. Dawson, Langside, she also leaves
three resters and three brothek.and was
predeased by one sister and two brothers.
Mrs.. islirehouse was a fine christam
,woman held in high esteem by all who
had made her acquaintance.
Sister thou west mild and lovely
Gentle as the summer breeze
Pleasant as thcrair of evening
- When afloat. among the trees4
bearest sister, thou bast left us,
Rere thy loss we deeply feel, •
get 119' GO& that hest bereft us
llepcan all our sorrows hear.
Vet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled
• Then in heaven with joy to greettlite,
Where no farewell tear is shed.
". •
The keenee*terest was taken by
farmers from all over the lAlvinston ;
dietrict recently inn test case, •18 which
John Wheeler, proprietor of the Mains.,
ton Mill'
mg C
ompanv, was charged by
.11. A.' Gilroy, president of the .Lambtoir
County Farmers' Co-operative Assocue•
Lion, with selling.bran and shorts at
higher price than that authorized by the
f d t 11 d
Virhen the case ; was called, Mr. •
Wheeler pleaded ,guilty. He Stated •
that he had asked a higher price bel
cause of tlie high quality of the 'brut
and Shorts he manufactured.
The seriousness of the case wail
pointed out, and Mr. Wheeler :was it.
former that the maximum penalty
provided under the act was a fine of
$1,000 and three months in prison.
Mt Gilroy asked that. a fine of .1,000 •
be imposed and Sentence suemended.
• Magistrate Newcombe decided to. im-
pose a fine of $10 and costs, which in all ' •
will amount to approximately .600
Crown Prosecutor Wilson, of ,Sarnite,
conducted the case. The metier, it fl
stated, in hot yet ended by any meat's,
Bromy of the farmers are sot satisfied,
and. may urge that the ease be dimea
to. other courts, in the hope that
hosier penalty b4 imposed.
• -