HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-07, Page 7,&� , _7 . I- I - V . ! 1*44 lwiF � , � I 7 I *,.Tlrw� � I ­ I T111111FIF 777- - r17 , . ­ � . 'All I I qW., Rwluwr�jr --V 11 I ,, ­rvkv7w�K.. 771. � � . M � �­ � Tr' '' '4, , FF111101A, It! - 0'11� � I ... , . - 7. I , .� I - .. . - I � .� � I I I I . . �w 0 . . . . I � — - — — - — -0 . , - P * � . ; I - . 0 1 3 1 1 � .., � . - . . . . : - . �1 I ,- I � . . I I . . . - , . .1 � .� � . I - r I I ,I, ", I . � . I I . I . I I . . . . P - . I � . � 1 4OKM �W-�Qwpr�- - , 7 . , --­i�, I � I ,` � 7 t mom 1"---1- - - , ..... - 7- � .- 7�- -17— -.7 ,� I I --­- I . - 4�z 'f� ­­ --- . ­ M � - - - I -- ­­­ M , , � - - I : �-;— . � � M - - M , ­ I -­­­ -------------- M I I . - � - --I'- I � � I ...... , . I I � - "I � * I or" --- I I I 11 � I k 'I : I ., . - Z , I 1� A— � " —..;; -- 1, 11111p, X I S's", AIR ! i Mat I M ". 9! , 1 72 -- 7 .'�,� i il��' 4-% rop,.. . : . I I "' NEED FOR TR I , M "I ,-, f Z--%mrm Iq ' E SCHOOLGROUND 1) U15 � 9. I I I T -;.i.�1 � - �� I 0 I ��:­ItT*­ I I -- lq , .1 � , ­.� 10 .j - . . I I �� *" "I M- I I � a - � C111; ,- I om - M 1 4 m � �1 - , M ,� ­ 0 IYXI K , - * , � � M � - Aj�- , , �,-�r -A A!N -- - - . I � �'l V M W � ­ -0 7 P,�791 � -- �� 1, -M 11 . I � , I , M- �� ", ?g�! I ­ 1 .4 �� �"i -, : , � , :: 1, ml-.,!,� m , ",/ . 1� !, � r lei; V 1 -`, I , ) go,,p , � , , �- � !a 4 i, - j, � 4! , , -.1 ..; I'" * � ��� 0m, 1. M, ; M M, � , fF .. , — ­. W V m� . I 'i ��,� " �, �1, " -- ... I — . . - , . I , ,:, 3 I .. .. , ­� - � �,�,- -`, � *..,." M I - Giant B11411dings. and' Barren ISurroun4ing4s the. Rale—Ho,y I , �yt .:!4,N " , �p I % �el -4 'ar - 1, �;ft " M , " a " - ��,`-,�,!�� - 13ritIA Col0mbia is 110 -ping the Chillren. " � 11, uf� 0 M - � ,�� n .4, 1� , ! � . . . - ,st t carrIQd ant, 1z,wIud1n3- t1w VIRX:.- 4..." -� ..;�;,* - -,� "! ! A.", I, -!� M , ;T-�-�i- -== �-- = ­:-:-!, - * I- " . ��, .0-,*, 4!�il I . I � F. � ,f!, - ri�- - .� 1� I -�., - In common NvIth tbQ lacli of in, rL , 7P ,�, � /� .L � . I , "414 1�, . ­'­ ,� M ­� M M -- -. I ­­ ­i:t clat';Od 1Za:,V.'y on , , : �� . ­ 4k '4, . ", / ` z ,­ - - I -,bmw-, with ..., il ; .. " - ,4 Y'd V I If 11 I X 7� -- MM -,-;-­�--V , I - ­ 9 . M ... 4; 5 in shade trees on tlji� part of"10no-st gative trees as well fis many ;,-,�mu5-' �1 � 1. ­ , I 4 - I . municipal councils, one oncountera!ful horVicultur4l vnrWivs wiin- - 4;i;"�- I �-hlx .Mpo �aa-.;,�XIIAII I, N adl.'.1" U'pa a -4p,�r ,C4 144 g,'Qi��;-�,, not, , ", . Q M. m . pl'ol � C4;�ducted"b,v"Prores,spr,,'j[lent.r (;!, 11*11 , �,;"��:;;;�!:��:��.,:i:;;�:��,�: I t ' h. " M 'WIC -1; 4V��!l rau�t-iv�a! of all $Go-. Ate cvi�jauf mylted 1q, �, r1to to 96 0 1 M .. , throughout ,, the Dominion an 'Cqual "from ths schools' departmcnt V"t tll:,� ;A nlatg�s, vn�-t�14cd up in Lei haad,, t�jruj$t � M I . - , , .. ��:�!��.�-,;-0�xi " � . � . .'rr9,7ftM11rCnt- if%-t,4s11,cn1y Will,.4* publi*had woth �-,a n 'ht tba &0;! of th,- living '. ­-:-"­ C q&4C0V9n.a";; ito ail�wq, Ith , lack of interest on the part of school f Provincial Government nurzeries, , ,�r hond 1p M , 4��",.:,�"­:M. , ObJeAt of this dopo *:,.,,��;�:I�!M�.?.:.!�� st . M I I The .krtm 06'. . .. " �' - - I M - L: 011 n4frq an -" (, room and Called "n ? - , � . I . 4 Addrg�V Mustta UlVen in Va* � . .. ­ - .M ;m. do 'tmenW Of eduen- -"As it takes from. fly' to'ten y.mr3 - V .1arin. I , ant 10, :;;.. ,", mA.. : " I too PtAkea at the A '� - ,�,�I`i: a -aar,e of 40ani,ricawm b t I M . *Irfco Qf cq ,liorrn 0eaders the oovt - ,�j;.:::�:;:�,�A,, M, 071,,.-�]� , botird M �! :. ..; ... ;­!: . ­::: , Is a fttlot ,VV.2­,1: cft.cne 5-14 cr pap..p oilly - �41i&.�,0114 'Wl' ., - ­,:.�:',�-';7:1.��, Ana ,P41 q - 00 of ,an acknowliodlied .- ­ , .. I ., I all to ina;lgd diro;; $11 i "10'�12! Zlhw D-M7,b,.ira�,, iA'-'b� gar- e4uthOrlty an 0 subjects pirtaining to voll� ond'vropa. ::�Mmm . M. I.. M. tiQ,U in tile eacourago4lint of 11treelto raise most varlq#es of tjoes to . a su,in ped a I , I .�. I ::; , , � nd a,IwOSA0 ,., C#tuolop;. is er.;lCueo � . . - �- , I . � , , .I.. - - : ' �'(%a Zat-, a2A 4-�,,h a0h,2'-' t-1 co ., in! I . M M . � 1. � I . ,; M ,r,,., . . : i., i 1 planting about scbQol groundo, says4vize rit. get perm4nont, plantla�, A � Adateso a*') t& v!,Vn114nr,.-v, fo:-.t1l;q ,dep;2rtment to ILIr,s. jjo4e . I .M I ;... " " !, ... - .. .-:j . . . a t� A�y 23, ; . -1 � . iII, :,:,; . I . � I � . I Address all qucsl.lolys " "' ., :,��. : 1:��'­ - t4 - Canadian ri oro4ry - Journal., Thisel movement iv,2 ma n spring,of." Y�;4(,Iwr. , . i. shes 6-,I,y -vto, L)7, to rin.�:h , to Professor Henry .0. gelf, lit. I::. � � �...: i.: .;. "i��!: . I .s . de I tile a Avo.. Iatanlz, � . I .pT. , . . 164cwof The WlJ*o4 ­ I I :: I .1 . I . I # I - , .- I talk , , Publishing ,Corbpa�y, 161MItodt. Torloollaft , ,� :�:-: :.! Of 9ftlitse, is, rjn inykatio 'to 'pror.j I - - -z. ox " I V I I , , : ;:�:: �. ,-.-, i � ". I � G . . Ith Aft ..21 -1 . . . ,i .1 M 1016 to provide,for, larger futur 4e-'. . . . J . 'ii-. . . I � - f4"If. 7 .,#h��.-'Z c ., t., .. .. I . I ,lid' answers w.ill Appear -in this cattApytri :,., .:: 19 I U1, y:--y6u. don't, h%yQ',to, grvo u whetber England will so -o -i -be ,on v.,ar I a .11 ­t­andin, a `f -1y - , In Alm ,or .;., "...:'.. :i,,.,:.-,�, .1 '. . der 10 , - :.., . .. ", � Pagall4filt Work 'Y011ch WoUld well re-, mands by starting many -9f the��,bo it I r ,-d got$ Aunt llai,n � o- � . ,whlgf) 1114Y oft recalvel. 'As space is limited It is advlw,� "'I. I ..I;,; I I .p I I 11, . � , . � ,:? I.. ­.. I Le.. I .� I . I InimedlateI -is 0ecossary'tha.t a stprn�*$I' , .;:',:1111111 . -1� , All' idea of making , inar . � !�Ijall be, too. If y(,U r�l --, . .010 I.V;ho. V; * , I " Pay tlie-fiffort. ,W,ithiij. the. knowledge! varieties of Canadian trees from -seed, inalade �-but rat'ons i.3 ansuvred hi, a rceent st,,;t - . .-h t3 DA4t 11 �,, - ! � ;;;; . . I . . � ..... . �1111 I 1916 by purchw5ing at -'a have -Yolt heir.d, Anything. 4' , - . � . � . . . .. . � . � -Xild, 'AodrslistO ei'VOIOPP �tib onclo*sd wit , � .. . I of most of our readers are bo,6autlfu 'arid,glso in' I , ou I I I I J.-,.ryyl 11�m ofr,or . .. " .,h the Questions W . 1. 1) t`thei: m2nt mado'by. Baron Rlr5ndda. T W-1 - - I . . I .V#q4n 0VCWJ1;VV4r W $ M$q9d 01ra^ I I r - 'e-erecteif -with ,every several thau .r � . . .. Ill b . 0 Helhiry %`� men. '' selid6l buildings, very1ow tost sand three: sugarless breakfast marrialades? As fQl'o';V1 - hi�.­ -'s, '*Ili-,-, GO i , "Hc IMV4.", <rla-,J Zli:drcd. 11�,Ip: ).� + . . � . I . � I I regai f6ur-yearaeedljn�s4b w a r6t, I I I , jig Lar. *�ov f (I , � " , ,", , �. I ­ , I . . . �, .4 f�r,i�tej�jal ­ ' i I . .1 I .. . , . . . 1, I �, � I .1 . I I I - complotQness, , . .� . , 0,1�, Wu, 6 .., ,X"'I .rL� I � L � yet And I kh 6T Ws?U- ,'.the, Beasou 'XorJaakhrg�t V951tion in th, I - ze! z %Inr1acu ' . .r . I . ! "---V.- � ; � - I . . � I his, i is cQurtiy�, ai4 I Oindpr- ., Lcus:p1ieAtZted'� t -ti w,3y" .(J,-;!.--�� 'Vo - - , , , 11" . I . -I- --­�000 YOU givP Me 011Y In- farm,�r, can "you, give Ine some displaying In the 40wol, ground4. .thq, in the nurse�y and will'b available for pr6sorve, why. -not give: them a. trial? f,tpj14 in Virgl,ce also, eon wlth,;ut �Qx- � � , ­ I In-; . � 13 . . . tt GV,IJV�Jft ,.";a barren Iugline . ' ' ' . I J - . ,7 - form --tion about,the planting And cul- forni4tio . ss of a S�nd 46e, Near- 'bu -whilst LO the'fruita sup Ay -the sagar, ",To � aggeraCon be dazc.-Ib�d, -cal ard I --to. . , l 0, .. a r4iirding the best rotation . . distri tion from y#;ir t6 y- ar I as Celt' 1 s;7­ Qf ", L .P r 4 .1 . 'I deakand Xhrz-1 * , '. . . tivation, of , tweng And Dutch iiets? _q . I ly' all schools are surrounde4 by 4 'It -11V I � I " . � lC9PST . 11 . . . $e Lyounger pepdfin�s .are coming on, One cup of ,ground seided i4iAns add an4icusl . I r�zn now unaw,,2 to Avoid' *01 wo OJg1 a., I � I . � Whe4 could rproftep tile Peedl fQ,r.jbQL � . .11 ' � . I �Lt * ir-IriaCently I , , . Answer:--Goo4 varieties- of fiota- Plenty, of ground, capable of grovolog "It is the-Iniention of the Depart- 10116,CUR VJh6pFbd' ,%)pies and one cup ompulsery regulat'Q1i. I feet ,. '*Sh&r, no, frie . � . if L . it WAII. - -4 Lf oursi . I. - I � 1. 0 1 Ond thl worst of bOjez, '*�, I , O., I or 0 --'ihime'to, come with1on.4, ": -:it to . -XiOrmer? ' ' � toes1br home u-seare: Pat beititiful trees at tr ing cost, yet ment to give. more. attarltion in future', wat ', * took until thick4lied ,; A queues, Of Poo. heoug , Piro SbOe, I , ­,- � . -,-The growing' lqe* there, would seeni. A, remakkable, lack to the p � itybzrther in! 1:nG17 -el"Ough not to cr-mi ki, v. ith � " . - . Anr,wqr U.,gixj�eng Rose!$ X�w tuvincible,! Rural . . � .ropagation-of the 1)&V trees litt' ,a lerrion MCC aq gratea rind gtvez ple Wa24ting in t43 severe . . . . � . - irL leAVIO ­_15�6h, _ ,,, d ­ ,4 - .1 ­ . - for.L.0nIY.a:,k at ho_ _,4ut *. -4 '11wt. � - - ".. . I .. I is, to some extent) an art, The first Yorker No. 2,'White. eph t, Tee- Of initi tivi, groun 5 Andr $11 b - ' ' 'ch are� 4i tiver'to 134tizh'*d dgrOftblb�'flav6rlbg.� ' Crool-c- d L . qe, . _�Jjo ;vdt�. . L. I FA An 0 a 9 ru S, lylil 1% � I n , AoU­ pra.;Cticilly overy �tbWn h0�ng,jafftt.L I - , . . . requisite is fairly .rich )n L EW . . I 1 to "Yve .0 I . . ­ � . . edium Joatri Mountain, Davies' War i ,;I; for ten and twenty yearw Wit,hout llign Columbia, not only in the provincial, fruit, such -as apricots, pears, peaches the daily, necessarids o fa Thavo � za-but, never � rior. . � . . - ,f Ii - .. been -cauzh�, belm' . * I . . - ' I I. "Oil,. wbich has' been prepared, with, varieties" aie, Tri . Early of a tree. . . At Essondalei. 4ut also Or, prunes may be-fised in combinaticii. is no mistakin . I -11 Turry, Lou!" , . �� . '-�, I,- . � . . .. Ah Cobbler, ' , 1, schools' nursery , I I g that messgge, i,3 thive, ag4h I I . k , . ' , I - : . ,,.L S. A.? 'When you'ask if the '. ln'y', � I great care. The'seeds ;it& sown in Ohi BeIkuty. - . British Columbia has 'been' conduct- in. othe parts ,ok the provinceo TO, -with t1wr ground,raish i , ny propor- Mrs. 1, 0 deari" s4ld Louise, uncei,fill I I . , I , . a , . I I L. . . , *,speoful.-soed-bed and are transpla The; large.p4atit growers of - Now ing., tree plantin 9 ten start tion' desired and th is "' . y ill ap, I '01 want to 'run bu�,�' .. . . � . 11 � I ut- . g work on school this on. a campaign'bas be ed � I Tee fruits ma be same wi ply to' LCAbada you are I ,,, � I , ad 14 tllo� autiniin, - As a matter of Brunswick and Maine, usually plow up grOunAP I such ' a Va� ,hs t6 c)om- in the school , Wbfned�-'such aff 'Apricots, apples . I - in the L A s of the province with a cO . putting a pretty big question. Cer- "GO, girls, if You v,i�h tot go at . . I . .. I _ O,W it d 1,2 -up . -utged. a r.e - ' 4ct -the origiiial �ea**. ir. sown men and raisi� s. !a!" . , I I . I. 1 I . itself to other pr I The viqw to, interesting, the -teachers and Lde added to the Itainly this country will'havo to. is.peed ,011( I volc3, and, turn. . . L . 4 clever or gross sod: and, foll , ovinces, L - marr I Cat:> , if i 17 --r`ct It . - . I � " I AutPron, and is 'ready., ior transplanto VAth potatoes,. . .For this. puip9se the following article by'J. W. I -� LAa a s in -her produett).-a of substitute' ing, , the . . I I. , � Q b , pupils in the flora of their ,own .ie akes. a simple fruit re- up .xl . I I L I 3 .7 saw thr-t, Adut Hati. I � .1 I . I . . A- ing the following jautumn. The,plants shortest N.A., Director- .of Eleme spective districts. Teachers conduci� '44419 serve vAth cold meat, Prume- this is to be'. avoieed and a 11-avy r,�- .1 mother ogler All.' . . I I I . L . . rotation that bould be. -usvd , , I � � � L I . ' - , , I 1. - Itural EducAt . i, . ic6t butter is a simple preserve and sponsibility to do,- our utinost, wlipt'her ';I am 'here au,d 'I will,rocAve I I , � take: �about tWo Years Min -the -see4 Would be a ibrae,ye4r rotation, grain; ou, ,ion -at V I Ing school gardens are asked to, include aP1 . . . . .., * I L' ictori.a, B.Q.1; . - L . ;. .,stage,. till' -they Are ready to set in the will' be found instructive: 'in a ch garden a forestry plot or bed. very . h I .-� Eudora. Bingh ' J, e I peritano L ,, A in the seaded to Clover, followe' ,7 w Ql600me. Wash one pound -on the farm or in city talti ation, am 11 ontij;140 Aunt � . _nt d by potatoes, ,� if A . I 'd I F 4 L I 1� . bed, The soil of this bed,T11W.�artilizer is.always " � I . . lor the propaghtion-o' � . � -1 -1 us. � L.. Harriet. I I L ,plied. to the In- 1014 the Department, of Edil-'..f k native species prunos an& one -'half pound,apricots; rests upo. . il of , - "' - "' "An should prefer to L $110414 contain A lot of Ilumus and.an ,potato cropo wh� , A ui�e, cation fq � u % g the *.Oak over n'fghl.; stovv u __j recci�e her �Ione � � .. 4bundali . . ich, receives as r , r British ,Cglumbia aAopted from seeds and, cuttings. D An .ntil.very soft . Tbo.Housewifet 'What -can I do to .. I I IV; 1"Should nimb pie- � - I . .1 .ce of 7,Available. plantfood. from.Soo It n in saine''water. Rub throUgh COIL , for it." �. . L I . . .1 .. . ,0 1600z pou. do of bigh-grade A Policy whereby school boards wish-' past year some schools bavb done ex- . . Andek,, help ? 11 �you. ask. Listen,to what Xr. 1. L . . : None, but. 31ants ' having , strong,. f I L . . 1. jilvt'o undertake, a schcme�of school cellent work along this lip return to so ; uce ' . . 4�1?Ta . - � A -.. � I . � I I ertilizer,per ,acre,, i , s . pan . and'cook slowly Hanna has laid': "If you are. a hopse- uro you tthmk volr3 horridill ' ' , . I 'healthy ro,ots should be transferred'L 'L. S. *,I. would. like to plant some &o1inds ixiiRrovement ,would to .h � until thick, 40ng careful that it A i -wife, you, can study the situation in. so, lamented L ui,se. Then the ]lit I I I � . . . 1. I �eive. way it-Is,boped,t qt the schools - . oes 0 - 1. L - Ch c,ieked ,gi) I I � . . #ow financial ,assistance ar. well as fr6e Province will soon take of the I not . yo, not add iugar., Try, far As it aff ,ts yotir own ho) I no..' Y u . . . �Gro,,,tcia ohouldbetaken�tw'4vvidin- soy beans with my silage corn. ' L on not only I burn., . ­ er I 9 zii4 Xii0ed ca':Ight liar band.aild,fiur'� , 1. I Uri , to . . . . I .. , � L ; . . �: I : the plants Ili transplantin QL I Scotch orango.mar rie-4 hor.a%ay';- . I K. is the bgst, way to:'plant thein and,advice.avd. � supply bf%orna rnnCh imprOW4 a�,oeftanice 'but, Als ... lexe insilade can economize in J L � . I . , I . I . . 1. ,,,;, - I , , a '. u6.. , It's - - ,the wso ,of. wheat . , L 1 I � I I I * , .- .. The Vuds toward the -to too whia kind o`won1d,,- you pliint? I P Are trees and shrubs. ­ in N 11 . .1 ellont, ' To - two pints ,ground be4r, bacoz . it sugar -and futg,� and,use, . COSY, ed fid' . .1� I . ­ . . I I of of the . Per several, a truly national character,' both as, I I That eveping, " .in �Ijo . n .. L , I . I ­ yeaft . I .1 . � . , ,.. , 01 I , tvnlight OfL' I I L� ': .. '. should be well' overed. : I I .,cow - ing and geneial*'e-f-rilal - .- Orange$ .(p ui a � L You ential the. piazza corn2r; ,. � . - '' . gpeaa . a success -in Ontario? - the'Pro'vincial Government had been to.teach I so� ulpo rind and. j ic ) add 3ubgftIhAes for ,.�h�at and meat . . . . . I . . . .�, I . ' . . . , two�,Ounds of honey and -cook to A - can take a greater' interestAn your , - .� . .., I . I ,I. Subaequont'citre� bo�51sts of keep- - .'Answer:-Cowpeas are, tupplyin Ornamentals for ihe'boautl� tinr. - . I I P ec.firmd to the subic . . ,, Ing the beds Clean of we�& And - -not - A sud- 9 It, 1 . . V. I , let. 9 I ,� , i I , . jo�ht -not comfort4A bler - - I � . , ' . *" !" . I .1 ,harY-! Cass in Ontario.' Th6y. are mi I - its own' public Wourids in i'We also.advocate tllmt 'cities itlid tblcic,7-n�rina�ade.. I I � rharketifig. '-You a= encourage � the . . . . nt-Ifarriet, , ;L�e hUlf, . . � .. 1. I . , ; . , -63ting the'seedL from th . lige;oqs; fY'hg of ' . 'ties having -several �.sch6ojs Mr�­, Th - ,' L in . my mind - L , ' Pm.�fraid L . 11 LL I . .. , .1.. � ". 'th . 1. . . a plant4 after tb the "Si6tithern, states. Soy 'beano, .vatious'�Parts of-thepl6vince, and fot rounicipalt r1fty:--:-*-hatev�r Wou.. d6, men fol� to cultivate and to do, their your . , L . L . I . a crop!; ' - ks' . i .. 11 '� . . , . ripen: Wh n the plarifs I - this -pti os'e hidfatanished a large to,,,p;ovi a or should establis , . . I . _ any compai . . � . e , however, 'do wall'under' noiinal'bn . d f ' h small Al -- Thrifty,'don't 'let' yQur Aildren utmost gii -for increased ieeIings.-:-4nd 1wouldn't for'tho world, f ­ ' 'have reached ,an, ., �ago' rp I . , - . . . I lip . ­� , , , I 1, : - - . I of* about six tario cohditio, Beit yields c" be nuidery in cohnectibb With, the grounds nurseries for,iAhe supplying of suit- waste* Impress food'� production." And to the farmor or Miss Binilialn's,.e.ither. ., I c=t � . I + '- � ­ . L ,.hs. I I I , one scrap of bread,, . .., . L 'L ,� 11 , .-� -L . . , q�L �, ' , ' , 'L ypars, the roots'are ready for"harkrest-.: obtained by L Pl ial flow -,upon them tho,�they Mus unsay, 1,,),t.hiiik -sb3's unint#ego.ting,'bg- ' � .. I - . ­ �Ing�, anting* them.-in.drill 0 the *ental�,Disgoaes Hooital -at able trees; shrubs and perenn t not throw .L'in particuTAT hw. said: "Yqii,edn'put I . . - - I L . .1 , , Z.,. . . � �L , After. carefully washing and rows,and, givine them appro,xi ' 'Esond � Such a s600l AWAY crusts �Ivhen ha�ing lunch'Lat'all your effqrt into the vital � work of cause T-46;� Wadiffe -h' I �. I. I . , I . . . � - mi I . I 1 I L .. School. L I I rent for y,�u, N1 if, . '.�, L. ­ . .: : * Iftirg$-the Proguct is,rqady for,mA ire is ordinary field beans. farm� � - Tell �hem I aiid I ately ,,41e, adjoining the"Govarnment ers in quantity. " , . , -� ..:' school days, � . I �'. I . . I I.L kcting" . . � L - . - T- the- game',c�s - . . As in -other. places. so it was nursery itfa city,or ruria muniaipality . what it means.in production. The'domands on'you are, . biemories to Wk I,, 1. . . � . . . . I I - I . . . I I . . � I . abol Maybe we shouldn!t- ' , I . " " . r a . . 1 ,gr fficulties, . ! , . " ' H6Weve , they can be seeded �am found here t1ft,this hoxtj -. might b -diiectly conrteoted with ,one, ,-such a simple 7ay that -they will ,all I oat and you hawyour di at"Of course. .: L Ong . . cultural work . . . , L i. � -L .. �. . , . Dutch sew^njay be, grown.. 11% . i . I 'the new ' I th,SL. realiie that they Must holo. I h :wo,dlid, but -if ' , � I , �. . tile, corn -crop 'by s6a,terinj a budhol and healthful int6re "to 'of:tIlle 'larger schools. - " , k It em kno * noes men And 'J' 'd& , � � , - .. . T*li.soil. I It And, . a . In Way ; I I . A slice ma a .h wd to busi .it wItb'dot L YOU ,,, � . �* - . I .. . I � 4he, soil should be plowe and a. hall -to _LWo . s�bciatirl I .of, -bt�fkd . me sores a�ppiqximately . at they Cox, bur-,ing leelings . tne . , 1 I — ­ -A-- . 1. . VA-M-fs of seed ter with it - the .othqrs in. your locality 8 ,; -Womkod iv��6­a lir I ---. A- . 9 —­hAd-,,A--,TxjQrt bene -­py1ff1s..qf. _such' 'cdntkal school . , . . I , ­- - . - oarl.v, in-sptint-, rid he--, of seed uer J_ . O tl I I, . i ., I., I . ., n , I ine,ea,, w( ---t - -1 . . . I �� I . � acre. bettve6fi the -corn, w I I st a- a 41� &4t ljost part of th I th* ' ' )-axid-�aI ancT : Will ael esponsibility 8, wk: ZZI(dunt, t6l ws � fairt, 145-c jvo - . - � I � 4, . 'mould. brsow�iljg 6njona" To' I -effietoik the. men engaging in -it.. N*ould be abl. to air ip tid. joint- " -,y got . . � i . � . � L I �,! . - i sets, 60 its thickness L 161� I, . .. fol f6re the last ftultivatioil. T rough, On 'the other -hand, it made possible, work and WWOuld. have- no small,a& . I `llitlf-an'-i ch. ".1t. " '1y - .' ,.��ge a. bore... , L I ..".. " . In Is you can -viork. for kx,eatQr produc-. I . '' . I , - - ­.. - .. * L . . . --to 80�pdiinds of�see( . I I . I I- +..,..:* � 1. � C i6a va e nd a ay by �oO00,000 People. tion.- 0 E, tou�ih wfth yotr Prov- ."Perhap.V' assented -Ati� lrarilot, ' . . I . .. . t ' . , . . �: . '. � , *b(49nted a on as the in -C sometimes when. OU afoid . ;� . . . . �"J . . . � 'Should cultivati6n, net too de,�,p, ova+ those the production L of. larion qtiantit . I ntage from an ducatio' I stand.� I I in I - .r�o the acre . wAsted once, 0, * i �'! �­ "L ' as so ., ftost is out seeds so! thoit thO sprout aiD . ,ake valuable tr�es And ornaifienial shrubs point .as .a "rejUlt OfLthis. ,Alfeady. anada.' 1, all jt�o- slicer was a , Inda'I'all- - Y ,' " ; I t - � .. �, . A. .., or . I . . ., t d Wpbftments.- of, "although L' � I ... 11��,� of thb.grbund' However, on k. at I � . ' 'Mike tbr� best use of hurting- feelings y .1 I .. . I F ` this - Purpose, in considerable growth, a I -a very 10* cost... ". ., a --move has )ieen made along - this in one week wei6'colleeted they would Agriculture. . ou doWt.ivoia miss- , � . . , . . . ­ . . . L " -,,� I . n w . -o ation And eXpqrience pf,oth- ult�r t --91 a p1ga- , � ` - 41 . . I , � ­ - .. Preparing the �011 it -should � be tbor- count of th om. the "tall Of 1914 it�was fall it1k one , f the amount. to lx)� tons -ing a'blea§44-ob.pa , .'' � ,,,, , ' a shaile * . I li, Of - the'inform' . xtu �. q' *Iv ' ' ' ' * ' . . ; � I I . corti , "In Ue' . lid. line ih cbrinee,tio ,,, _ . , good bread L . . I -, I I - i . � . I �. oughlk �ertftlzW, using as, high ..Las plants, the begns.'do'not1ori�.,neatly that the'-suPply of nuriery"stock on. schools in Vitneetiverflty, and also waisted or. seve�teeh shil*%As' wast- eia..' , Plan sure , ' Th 'bright: young , . . . 11 L .... I I %­ � . I . I ' " L *ell ahead." ! - pre. Are no I I I L , - . Bing , I ,h I 11 .. , , q ... .. I -tioao )�,�uiids' f , 'onta -do -those, that- are band was more than sufficiez1-t fo,fxi ' in ime of -the -schools in the,-munici per . L � - � � I B , , it) ra Am$. Yif**her.' 'L 1. . . L . 0 a fortilizerc iiiinglar,.M' annuin by. -t a people, of -panada.-I atty Bf6liwit�-If. you -live on -1.0 I I � . . ny-pods-'-as . _ I h ' �­ - in � � � , � . ' . L ' - .. ad .%� folks tli6' --- - ' - . " , I I � - � I i�.�., ", - L. 3 -to 6 por'dent. Available amindhi'a, 8 grO-wnL in rows,under normal, fiela a 'needs of groujids,, I in co . ty:of .South Vjkndo'uver. ..I- . . �]-It I$ a .. ., da,Ys-miustb6 jprett.V'dull�F` . L I. . . - .. . . 14.'... . L **' 'to 12 *jer c6nt. phosphoric a I I I :eon- 111 ' ,L linection pall � .- .., L ..peripus'rep'Ponsibility, whon.you -hirn�,ajld,want W do something real- .1 I - I - " - , . . . V, - -. I-. L C"ada LIGO L : � I . . .. . cid'and All ditiods. . The'beStL ' with provincial �ubli6 build n k -at Lit in th'�s light i -, 'Ve ,"O dear! * Bilto" Aunt; 41�iilet, I'd . ., . . . . . �. - I I L. I variefles'. as a ro- ngs andit ,-"Most- of the provinces f I .. . . *one IY useful this year why n6t'go in for - I .. f " � . . ­- .. --, . t1`16.P'taph You can-buy'at 'the t . � . should - be - eatifigy in �` di i - o' 6 said , .. 1. .. � 11 . ".. , ' 0 , I . ore Ju icious hiire $tAyed it y9whad' ' 'PL.word to : * � . : , ­ � L , , � I ,presento sgult of six years' tests -at Ontario ifts decided to make donat' to' bavo Olicy-�f, Sqpply*g L go .1 Imep, zne,'! .s4id Lovise. � I. .1 , t, L ions a adopted.the p � . I . . ly poultry raising, gardenin" 41 , �.. , . I . ... linke. . Use the- §preader ,on the' -drill -�� �.�ral'College, are -O.A,C, No.� ,school boards -etitering itrtoL . L , - . . . fiap L . . 11 I I."- -1., �iq , .1---Z 't -L - ..j----- ­­­­ -i I , - , an . ;, 13�601)1 -cou'14 -g,et -aiang'Nmi, k ing a Vie. $ . -.so I - ' L ' free t Ct- ;I -110w; -mest. ­ � . r as o,p an ill - O. to I wq 'with I 'f3 L. . ' !. I . I .P9 ted.rowsAw " ' i k by the pu�ils It is our 11. IV! li ss th. n they are accustom- 1 4 a, for . . 0. .. �J . - .-L. ' ­ ��'W� , a- 6'sehools 'many Of -the- tea .eep; , ?or -the latter - ,, L . I '71 ' - : . . 81, Buckshot No, 17, 251�'. er ihent wit -the I)Opaitriient _ books used . . I 'idea doesn't app�aal to -ydu' much b -d ' Possibly I - should 'h IV '' , I . . L" q� . . , ... -. . thr'66; inches- wide. This -system in- I I ,Other . . . of A= I I ' '. .- ' .Elidora's 'sake,ol, acknowledJeA Atint "'' . , .L'', , . , . �­ , . .. I good varidtiei are -,Eiirly Nellow, Ito. tion. ' This, agreement 'provided for i intention in BritisIx qolumbiu: also to ad to have'. . ch yourAjildrdn to you 6ertninly cannot do axi%ything morie . I . I � . I ... . uantities ' . . 'L �L I I --' 'Efi -L ' - 'tind-LIgirge..4 , � . -heir bia 'a,, " mb - -how you fel I . I ­­ :. - ". - suk6 small' sefs �Lnn�r that -whi to chew' well, t I . . P � I— -. Sani alid Browil.- -� ' When 'planting th6 .the. conlPletdPlanhing, gradingi drtiin- 1'4upply in a simil4j. in ch'cl6an,t . Q 'Useful., 'NU' ers' - ,Of worijen. hdv HAr-riet, "but, knowing 4 - - � . . , . . .�.J� t"'. 1)f t eM, L � Pack the'sOir-diwn on the Ong: . 0 corn, i- y ing, : I lir - I" ' ­` I " - - give up s,ug4rL'cfi hdl� L . . 'Lg ild C . ' I L L I L I 1:.L., I . I. seed* and e6ver it Just , so'y beans aux ' th' i it' would ing surfaci - anct" planting. of the will MAP. school a more 'p easp,nt , If . dyLa o waste rk4- found pbultry-raisin pleasurable a 0 - 6uldritt; insiinceiv�ly, I 'identified my - . . . * , I 1. . , �. -6e 16riough to be � I 'h il grounds, and was -included as i and iiss * hionotonous---good 'play- al tho do with hors. I ". . , '.., . . . p . * thing. . the pri , I couldhot have hot " . . well -to scatter some f4itilizer up Se 00 . . I W a -t they, .are profitable.-- And of course the man or, 1. , ,�': --� , i is. �, L� - � 0 , . ' . or 0:,,, �'goqi�p '­� .?,�.,qf )Lq,,, I equ, 61 -di �bqy NYRILAA'�`e,. V t- � - - :� Y :-,i; , , , . I ingure'Laqukk-germinition. T ' -� -the�c n qks,.say,.ji� � , .-of-thetDi .' ' i ' ly plarybod-d'-wou- -1p �belping 1he. i an unw61c'ineI...-,gu�sJ,, 'e, in ,if t Ab * .'. I 11 - A6ting-6 --tbQ­sb6 I I his ,C9bi 911no VRr - ­ urecter .of gto9nds,,,careftil . . .- %­* ' L 1, ­i4­I­­1­ -th,6 --vimman- ,who - grows Potatom and J , . 1".. ­ � L"' - . . 3# Xzbed'li--oqually tifi-� !,� Mrs.m. tieir' � wou litknow.. -`YetT quite 'Under- . I .. . I, I� ,IF ­ r I . . I I . . . ' Td I . � � . . .Z�.-.,- 11. . vortaneg:r' seed 44, ' ,a I "' iid,: of fertilizer'carrying Z - plor '91e�ieiitary AgrjEultiiral - Education, I ped and liberally - fur�ished, ,with our _rl . 3 , sacrifices,* .. oiher vegetables is doing invaluable' L . I ' r All R..S. to.L %,i6rk ' � at - . ­ L ' . I ' 'pii a , A. ur questionas . i I �:. " .. I 6iri - OnSL'. i an � a. - . ,-ent.'.aminonia,artd,dppioxiniaiely lb ln-'t�ro yei.r,s in the neighborhood. of i best. Canadian, trees' and flowering .1yo n'. thi sity. and that she would boro jou; L'ouise;,l - ' ' f, .1. � R&putiible $eedshjoll - usuilly cart - . . . . I . ' ' ' I . I . . . . . . ,, s. time of ne�ces ' , . ' ' L., ,g, , sixty -grounds have been -,plan. I -shrubs.. Our pr - iiielal sch ---- - ----r � that is' 'no fault of.yoiivsi. Sho'is a -* , 1 4 '.. %­ ' L . . iniehg so�d. � I . Per:qblit..� available:'Phosphoitic' school . &V ools'nur- , , . =-1— - -f ----- ­.. — .. . ­­­' ;1 -�.` I . I . I - I ' .. . I � . � I ' ' . . I I*— . 4 - -� - � . . . . �­ . . . . . . w. I . acid.. This' ,available..plantfobd will, lied ,a4d m6s.t 'of the impyovemejjts�,sdry helps to make this possibl, .to - Diatting Fa�m L Experience.. - every hamlet,. villag% arid to*h, and . bore, no' doubt,'txcept: to her old " * ' � 4 . , � . I I, ti -an L , L ' " , . . � . , Otato for fanjily Use?' L a . . . . . . —­­­�_=­ . I . . - as as w( jdso�npwhdaya. - She�basnit' be _ ­­--­­­ . . I I I . L I I . .. . . I I � �b L - piimarl - voii,� turned - 'Planncd, , I.. L .P, -%yhon . war lAs ova li,46 r� ited faftnipr re,- t - L . . ,� at - .1 - . �L 'C; X. .-What ,)is the best variety. of 'giv 'the beans a. rapid., vigorous t ' to ' - ". . � . o .. - . I . - , r citi" 311, h V 0 � I., . � . fri . , .1 - -==;:, These days . � . � � ­ 1. I . . I am A young iind Ay,111 �as' - the eor . .1, � LL I . , . . . , , . AN ep up, With: the times;,her oc- I �� � I . . '. I I . , . P,�tty an. L yL . I � *It Ob , - . . slat . n. , .. 1! . ',-SO manyl w0l- and - sidents , whose ex�eptional slicill .in �uPatfohs havebeeti - . I I I. ., � - I �- . I . - I .. .. . . . I . . d6ve*eo - ly to conii.=6 L. . . . d I i . � . 1 —�--7--­ , I ' Ule'S" . qn to retire . . . . I . r h ,e-%.., . 1. . ,. ,, ,,a -the ey.er-p essingi MWtIY, e�abled the . L I., " I . .. , I centrated &ds,.� . '­ l-'' ' st6d s�hed I instances ' . I 1 I '.. . . ' L -,:-. . �� I , . . ; sorbing,of il6cessity,:lind hef worries .; ' . .1 1. L ,,, .. . !,(%, � /�'�' . they. a" b� taken out , . . 1, . .. � I% -the.hogs, nobd is ikp skill to Teo a , -after middle, life and give'PI ' 1. . . r L tS.'' "' .f .�.� .. ,.� "'. �, . . - . . . . L . . . . jar, . . L. " I �� �. I . - , , ble' so that . - . , . The man h ' .nize soon, L 11110 *cOlItift olls. Her into as have ", sv o stoys with ,eribnee� Skill to Teo I., , a0t I . ­ ` �? . I ­ during the -.day if it is no � I . .., and utilize al t, L ' f . L to youriger or., less successful larine'rs. iow,edu . and ki,er mind' has"' lost- � I � L .�, .. . , " ' " � t storming, � - ,� L . .111 I pr due ;ve orceg now ' * ' _ . � I . I . ibates L . I year iii and'yea; dut w .Prosper in . - *11* 1 6 reat .. 1. re-. �' L I . � N . . ' L - ' .. I 11 Experi��cieind that the �birds . Succes9- in rearing young pigs, do- L I i, I I . I � . '. I , , I '' ... i . . a, 0. - L I . � I the. �og business. .'This' 'will give -him, x emai ing. ,- indu try Some whdretired thus have rapidl' .'.L � .1 i .� . , : , . I 1�",. I . I . I . I I , . � " , , . . , ' In . I a .1 �y silieney-'Ehe can- -only babble -ttivioi- . Z . . . ��- . . - - cold L ,ties of,* , ILI, * , " ­� ' ' . �. . , .." - if hey peTi L the 'at . , t #ystim; on . Which - ., L . - ntally,� . * . Will not, suffer from the' Lds largely on )mfort -of the Will W�4114esWd-skijl rusted 'out pl�ysically'­.and me- . f , I January,, Yebruiiry- and � March Aria �ra, �1 a most iTit6lli . . %�?Ji,te scarce harm ess gossip d ailments . . I I I ., . n! J -i 'I "' .!r'L'. ` nionths that demand efficient �oul­ � '� I I I : pr&viddd for them. . Expos�- . I -1 . I ' ' bl . ' biA there are thousands of. retired . . 31 . '. �. ... I '�t in i0it, if -tijey 6r� tkept quarters I to btiild .A Ii tock, industry...,., The . .. indispensa 01, so . j , .w.; - '' the' . a drau I and . Canadian . I an4 the weather -'A I know. - Rut 1. .. 1 I . I. ure in cqldL %ve#theK .-w-111 take dollars . I � .o ? f . � *-St., .. L' ..., is 79rkm and -if they.are,mot overf d hog ivill -be 'a atket'forl,his farm L produetioLa I I , k-.� ... - ... .. try house ventilati6n if - the stock � 9 I . . . " "' off'their�value,fii spite7 of the besf­'of ' I I . � I birms next.' se'aio , 4 -if -, the * farmers who could'. furnish, the moit, .sonittibles think that 'what bar hip- � - : � . -,, - I - . :. � L.. . I 0 r farm� ig.,t'o be n irecting' un- . . . " 'I'l . I '' .. : iuce. .., Y' - I . . . . Linapped lit effective kind of belp i di penel to her nd is - - - r L. , 11 -to bb healthy and if Fgj production is-, ,Plenty of air may best 'be had - by feedifig. - '. - ' ' ' ' ' ..I pi-od . / � . I . . . � iW' , , L what, .we To , I I I I � .TT . L . uY.., h . I I . . ­ . I .. .1 . . , V . , , L re ready for ma I 4 ,� I r 4 r before will there tra �"' L ' ��-- I t . - .. . '. - Wher. hogs a -44 ined farm laborers with benefit- to . � tobe kept a .a maximum. .'., .L tilting lyindow,sAn-at the top, as-tbij � Forl,lv ,. . ­ cogpize more readily' -on � I -hapPe'na - � .� I He - Can. �- ' centrates required *Tea z4 . I . . ": L ' I . . " , wh f. �- . ! ­ ..- . 1. . �il Ile . will, not let in ' r! e- � and make pecesgail , supplements..- He . nixperienced farm theins rto tbe?bbd.v. - ' - . . . . .. . . 11 .. Proof of insufficient-ven the vain or put droughts they yield. more mea$ proportioi4litt have bee� so, iiiiiny elves, in the betterment of he I ! � I L . . usu.; - , . . . I I . a , L and - ­ . q1th I .1. 1. . . . I .. . ; . . To - hands eniployed whose unskilled I bar 'the, satisfacti 'n - ,that ,,,would Te- ' . .. ,; �� �1� ...?" I. , 411Y is fourld fir damp or *6 e 1 al. - . i ctly,on the floor.,� There should be ly. than any other animal. Tfiey re- call use ,*Ija� skibi. milk* And but ' ter C . P "r, athe"r"used to tiall,of'a man he - '-'. � . � p � . . � ditmPlittet; close'Q . r, impo air* an' It wide boakc! at elach edge of the ,win- turn more �rofit than other anita'als milk 1�0,fiason the farm and purchase Lan count Tor.'bqi� little inless. effici-,'841t. . -There sbQuld be* a. sysfomati6 . I . L. - , ' . � . 4 . � ' . I. L ' ' I . .. .. . -� . ' - .. I. I once know who, during A ,great f 6d .� . .1 � , '. �4 4 , , ,� -� � . .M -1 � I canipaign- to enlist the*� help, of retired * 1. -- . IQ ". L . ,��.,�..:��.tbg-t,�rtE;-M-ce--Of -01d.4Ary e . I' dow to keep --the rain, oilt;'�a L strip'.1of because thdi utilize- the- feed more tahkage,'-m6at jn�ili and linseed eal. 6htly directed. - .-- IL . . I . . �-. . - . � . OC y . . . .. f , I . SUCC666d;'after a ifeisperitv � � , ,_ , It � I . . vskini � m. ilk are Almost a Corn- .. -aced � . � . . . .. . strqggle, , - . *%V,l I � . Fr experie, . . . in getting his wife', and little daughb�rL � . . .. , .. h. t6uSequdilt: IOwI 'winter egg, Pro- wood, sash plug oir'nail on this stAp� ihoroughly.. 1 Ono bushel bf . corn with- - Corri and am what soul- a can. farmers. , - .. . . . , I � . I 0 1�a L I. -WTI . I � . ;I , .1. I. . . ,rL .. oi . , . . . I SU L - . .. . - . . - 'bath, L . " "' ' I i' �'L *' : �b' I eon- will hold the window -at any' dosired atit. slaPPI ant will, �ield - 10 ,. pounds. 1 plete ration. N tto at, ration faj�m skill be expec ad.,? 'There is onef , . il . L. to the, tidge I L of' Aor . . , . - � ,,,; ductiob. - The Ody of the hen . eni, , . I. ' , 11 I ­ ... . .. �Jj6leL .qe one 1-1 ' . . . ... Stantly giVros Off mo'btuie, and this angle. -, Both upper. and lower, sash,. of. Pork VI11'er ordinairy hTni eondi is used - bogs will' do better, if% a lit- . p�ly of., Ape,dxpe 'elide that is'now . t is savings that Canadd .needs. to vilien'their boat'h' I , .. . -t . L I - . I � I I . . ail -been upset. '. Dur- . � , ; - I I . .1 %accumu'lates unless- there is enough ,a . are twot. should be ar. tiVs, and t4ese,'10. popilda of pork I I .tIe sll� milk is, AdA04, - L If milli is. ]iot prac . ly going t - waste. . I. Nearly; probecute'the wat.. I. ing the long. hours. of 7 darkness, cold, , ,. .. ; � L 1. I � ­ . *h ]?a there 1 � wil tical . '.. . I I. I I . 1 I I L , . I .......... :W . - ---.. . .r -�. I .. . ­ . . .- ! .. ----.- .. . % . - �1� - Wpt and .1 , ,''.L 1 , I � I . bt O� a, ! I - L . L. I L . , I �. , I . ' P s'*fosters colds, and When a n a -pen ten feet '.square, amou hylother meat. -the sa 'iiged. - fle they �wait-' - . . . movement. of the iir to carry it away; ranged in this way togdt the beat cir� f6ed more' himia"n beings than me lavaillibli, buitermilk, provided7 it is mot d6adly peril, w1i . . ; .- `.'.. I DAM ties culation. I - 196 s ar6,1 adulteiated' may he . I L . . I. I . I I I.. 9 I .1 1, . . 11 , . I. . � companions, and to whoin he miglit ad for -rescue, njoth& and child b , I , , . . 1. I - . � 1� I LL 0 0 . �L' I . . I. 9th . ,.. . . , ' - �, . ,.:.,::. . ."gold -is cobtractod the body is . too -three or four standard. 8'Ashes,.shbuld ­ ­-­­ ­�­­'-­­-­!!­- .11r.-- ­'­ ­­­­-.­... ­­ , a .. ." . . impar . consciousfiess, iind -would have . ., L , . . .. . . - .'L . .. I . ... . . 6 - . I t the full. signKcance of'his lost �, I . .1 1. I .. . . . - .L ­ - I I - , -- � MIL -forth . , ­ - d but- for ,*-;,-: ­­. - - I_ . . -. I ' ,L I ,. I q Z I , f ­� , _:.. .1. d owne I , I . , . . . ... I .. . The house should. ' Af Ln "be.'beeftnS t4ji'V­'-f�60'n' -am, Otred "O -1" 11 ­Mpy "dis( L L - ­. � .1 . . . 1. 1, .. .. . I. . . L' . - - ". -4 . r, -com --- - " 7 ­ . � . .1 ... 11-A - . I - - JaV � d .; t1i t-tn';L ­:' I)' 1 f ''),Ij �'q" -f - tlmn n-. d - � im � ­ � . ,,� - �­--­ .-----1 V,� - - - ...... ­ ­ t , 1. �,.;. - ... . ... e apVtoth ca ,.%,vei�e I y - - 'Ilff'ii- - - -Jud - -wit - I . I wo'rkh-ofsos orf 8iffiddY­a-iiW1WbSday is - � - ­ . I - ­ - , , I - . ­ . ., 1-11'. I V. . a I be -L -- - vley pq!d - ��',­..' i2jg-;�7� - .7- ­ L I .Li;e 11u1ji, I " , �'-:.--.` � . "', :, wook to resist ' ',-t.ho.�attdbk�:,of--t,-.coiit�t� be' 0.,, tilted;, . . y -, giv their regular S' liday ­; . 11 , � . and ..whom- he ght ien slipped: off �amd. bean. dr . �, . ... � . . . . " . . , ­ 7 . I - . �, I �', �. . .giousAisease'guth as roup. . . rns. are, not recommended, - I I - the' ' ' 1, i t�hl b :r I . � to proclaihi the, good n4�is and to.beal Ill, - He.held and L . ., , ­ ­ I- 1. - 6 d work . . , Cloth curtal � 11 whi y� remaiti 14e: . rk. , 'the. sick. �, ' . . . . is desperate 'grasp. I 11� - I I . � � , I �, ­�� I � dtho ),r*1--4M,QrX. . -- � . .. � - . I . . . , � -1 , . , ; ­ . . . ­­ ­ ­-­ I - --- I ­­ 91� .44P . -..,.L. . -.1 - T tI ,:ties d. 4 &cisi .of h airt and .6 thp -useless, Where I . . . . ". . .1g i a . 1. t a 9 I ar I - I L . ­­­­ ­­­... ... I ­ ­­ . 1et ­corrds never recovered, from the str�#nj­it, -,. . -.1 -...I, . �:'LL-­� -I � " ' , L , , � T-- ­­­ - -- _ - p.oWjpg,. in -all.. p�robabili 2t. -,,,-r-- 1%11 If ��-, - ­­�­ . ix, i�, � - 'tt ,�-kffinP_ ,:L -..- ­ I � .. ... I -- -., ---- �T­ - " � ,'t ,i -E �1 , ­ 1, -� , ­t�­�-�:,��.; .V,�Z ­z�� - - - , ,- ..., , 11 - - 71- I ��­ . I.- ­"+j,­,....­­­.�,A _,,,,-,,,L,,,V,,,,,",_,--",Jt-, . , �� , , , - I - -n"� L - ;. - -, . -- TWI�Wji� . .. � ­L� '0�'r- -,L,Vo�il-�,u-tl-;Iu,6i�-��"-i'st�tif6I , - - . . . I—- 11 .. ­­­ -T . I =�­ --2 lh- I : b ' LJN'_,�-­ ­� - I— r� W. � . ­ . I . ­­ '4 � tn!-,4,�.,� . ., . 'r '. .7� -, , , I -11 - - - - . -- L"', . " L. I men nd,a-1ew;tr1aIs,jyiI1 sho W� . thox 4., , ,�� ­:- .'-," L f �rl� ­ - -, - e, 'j;�,",- .. - . . ., ,�;,�� - - �� I I I . ea". 6 , pen'at lbh, 9b.- C 0 ".... nr-;d ' �11�'Jr, - !it -it mayf . ` _ " ,L I :, I- ..� ,­­mue oo Iprovidk, n . t , �11­34,0 4ir��..,-,,,I,o,�"-Mq,t"�,p�-,I-'i,-,I 14i.,aA � --W .LE 150 . . - ­ , , W:�,Ij,o , p I : I U-0-1- "-go). 0�vworls�haraeft ay - -in-, . - ., I., . I . L , r"It", __t L e, - ­ 'ou - -clean by -d-iy11­t'k6n---'on' any o -er d 1n` TE-Vk fo��Ariig, iaN�Idmd; b . . I I � I L ` "Well, "it is - with, pooi�� , . � ­ ­ih Rlbii Ii itfi�- -`-'Art*i1r16t . . had been his followers, riow the' .like that ,. n - ift i � i week. This is � EEBRUARY. 16. I y were , . 0. �, . : . ight. , Windows should be rdmova-, fredugnt brushin . . good evidence that sonio.w be caused by a cold !'Ip*py br'a'n mush - � I .. . . L I., . -to become -his i0timate assod b 'it. She lias-held'up,' a . . .. . . . . ..:. . I I . I I ,. . 1. I .. . , " L L "I 9. I . . ... . I ! 5 I . � . atesana Eudora's To I I . � . . ,thing ifi'ofte� wrong With the method wAich is 'A' rutel, ble ;m -l- . � — - . ' ' helpers. , Vo.preaeb-T heir first dut nd com- - ' . L " I I . . , y burden of family. troubles a' L , , . .- . . . . .. - L.� ---..- ' I . . . . .. . . L � .1 I . - . . t . � I . of feeding on Siifiday. One form of ' ' �011.-Iasli to. which a . . vr�i 'to li�rald the good .news Of the plications t6o fieav for -her stron , , - I 1 . I I . ,. . 6 , - I ,,� . . I I . . I r rill cry, "Deal dOO14 d ' 'tesson 'VL Jesus 'Chooses- tile' ' I I - Y I gth, I I . . ... L. ... . - ee!' illness to, -which ,worktorses..arb .sub- i kal ahl'ount of.s4lt had been L ' kinidom. ' , . . ... . . . and for too. l6lig.:­ She -has schemed '. , . - �I . . L from A tr6e. near by. , . -­.. - L- . I . . *-' -k 3. 7,3& G 115�,--Authority to 6ast-out-demons- A,,. .1 , L . .. I , � ­ I " ' - - - - Ind fi-eficiat.- -- -,-.'- .­.TWelve-Mar - e L d - -ibip6d arid - -,laved �n(fjaerjfiqed * � I "., '. -.,. ; . . I I . ''. 1 , Ject occurs so-oftan-lust f6116 ff,the 'Uto a � W 11 . . 1. � � Text, Mark - 3. 14. ,- ' - - This is ' Mark's significant miracle. - til tb6 in'. . . ! . 1. .. - , � , I I It War.p, little chickadee'. and, it was t it is Q'pdIajrIYIMO*fi �.. tfetn'itthe01h'io6'rrs`e'f1 . ,.. . :� I .. ..,. .. ' . . I . A .... LL go, noisy t 'Sunday. rest tha. . P orkirig liard, h1i . , . � . .., . L . . . I . . . � . un. ind .tQ liar served the . . I " that- -the C'r*O1w became move Matthew Adds "to heal." , , - - - . � . �. , � , I . � .. , � . as the Monday -morning sfekii;ss Thi's Sunday feed, should be "of tbo' sa Verso 7,.8., Withdrew-NoaI d6ubt .16. Simon lid surnamed . Peter needs of othato so f�lthfully. wiII'no, * . ... . ­ I ­ L' .- . I , ; . : cross than ,before. ­ . . , , ., t L - ", I � . 1! . . . , - 1. L� . . . I I .. . "What d rouble .i� noted mo.4t � frequently in 11bid and* quality 'which -he reebives 0 to some more secluded part of th4 lake, Theid: are given'' four hits of - .the 'longer fully and freely serve her Qwn. ' ­ � -- I I .. . I � . -1 . . 0 yO31 L nk� .i . . I . � - . � I . . I , . . ,An by bothering those' cases where holffsesare. 'on of A great multit - withered-' a Cruel . $ , _ . . 'lPhe'Unhappy, Birds. 1. . me, Whien Pni tryin 'to slqeP, -so that .hard, requi . To heavy feedi I ng, and -AT � e. the ration . portl . )� It has shrunk'And '-'I has not � , . I � I , , working I Other days, but the gkain ude�From a' wide area, iapostles in tho&w Testament (M .. ., 1. . . L' I I 9 . -should be"reduce'd one �half. north south especiAll , frorn Galilee 101;'Mark 3� uke_ -6- 'und Acts 1),I.Price to payt But 1jer sou: ,'�,! ------ -- I Mip . I . I nidy forget my hupger�? . - ­ --­ . . ­ I I - - 1z . i "' ' . L - ." ­ EakI , One winter. niurning, after a L ' .".-asked the � � I I . ... ., Qldone such. mightymbrka;,, Each- list bbiitis with -'Pater and- -ends, withered or sliTtink; ithasgtown. She . ;t�� � , ;It . ..F ­ . ., -- as " ­ -­ - -- -- ­. , . � . . - = n --- ---I-- , I wjier4 . � , � # . . 7 - and erblWi'A-hai-Aliton , � 11 i � . , . , . I . of playtim Lor'bec'u -he'doe. ,� $r'6ju- Judea And Joilisalem,-, ,�;whose 'oter-Mebrew, C�ilja L is unselfish and sweet and -brave, eltat . , . ". 11 I . . . stormy night, a crow woke up . . A Co-6perative , Heine.' . 0 4 go 4 *no with Judas.. P g)j , . 1"; ., . . -'[ priestly leaders sav� in -him a danjera ine,uns 'Irobk." It,is' the neW name through. 11 , ', . I . . .. .. , - I . shook from his feathers tho. fine ohdw "I did not mean to bother you," sai'd 11 I . ivailt to take tho trouble to teach thp-m . I . � . � � - ,.... I' . � ' I When ichool i's in session it is i ous inno,�ator;. from fail southern for - Sir"n. He� was. anything but rock.,� .. � , 11 I . . *that, 'had sifted through . the pine the chieltade6, "but.1 am Very un�appy I how,A( ' J do thitits,-she overworlii6 6r- Idumea, the old Edom; iind from the 'like in his early career. . I "And to othink we've only thought . I � I . 'good plan -to. divide a ceitaili, portion . . I . . . � ; , . . . btancho9v that sheltered his Lroosi in the � becallse I- have eaten so - jmqch that 1 i6r. the � lious -amon'g. the -chil,di-e;�-self-whilp-,t�e,-childreii. drift , ' . I of her'.,as'a.b6re I", s 'I . e�vork � int0--babits Phoenician, territory- -of - -Tyre and I - 1-7� , BDanarges-Literally, "Song'.of I , - .- L - ­­� aid.,I�qbise pet% . ., it -..,, L I � I %, big forest. * It was the firat heavy can eat no rhoke. - I haver entail fat in duch 4. way that the morning's work - of ffi&161166. . � � . .1 . . . I "NoWt time she calls 1. I sha . 11 _ .., ,. � . � . � . ­­, ? I . N . white g . Tilly$ J . Sidon. . -� . ­ � L. 1 uproar," indicating Ahei� fibry, veh . I ,� . stj�n - of the winter, and it put the 6ra tht stump of an old A child Old enough to go to 8Chool , '9. `- a- elltly' . s . , - 'i ,will be finished. bofor6 'schoultime, A little, boat should wait dn him! ment tenjper�mer,JL .It was .these Lwant i ae hek, anA'so will the girls, . ,. � � er6* into an ill humor, because lieknow Pinet And I cannot hold another onelly . is ;lot tOii young t'L assume a small - . L when I tell thom-if V . I I . . leaving the mother's.day. free for othL7 0 ,Be,in constant ottendance'so thatLht! gaine fiery men, James and John, -whp I , ou'll let us, . �. . .. - % . that the anow Would make it haider "You ought to be: happk,"thezi3O) so L I'd. or duties. -By early rising and -care- I portion-bf the hous6work, Boys irlio juight' -step iiito - it - ary moment' ttr!.wanted to call down, fire upon the, please, Aunt Harriet'..", I . � . ,�. .. �� - . for hfift to find food. -!For- a long time the erovir;,"111 am the uhhappy on -A, bo- Sul planning this e4n be, done in bellied 1 do, housework, usually. grow uj� with avoid - the .crush. of the crowd. LiestiSailiarita'n .village because of its dis- OnIty wanted you to wait till yo' . � .. , U � I M there in thepine tro , scolding cause .1 01bliot i6t,on, 9 t. e ti l'orderly habits , Certain things must they should thr6ng him Literally, I courtesy to the'UsAter (Luke 0, .14). to to .. . . . . I � how ,a 01A h .6 a. .� �1 where theie are several children, and 1 . eL w ah& Pljilfp��toth Gr�ek di�]N.,,ajj t . said Aunt Harriet eon. . . 11 I i�' . ..* 196ftly to'hinigolf. '-Then 6 strotehed wish that I were ' fall UpOn. Mini. E xpresqu)l'th Wrbul-,.' 18. Andre I Y. As 'sniall- as yoll Are, 1646 too often they lriitr" Arough'be done ,ovary day, And it Is a distinct to I I tolAetfl Mild I knew you � Only . . I I : :. .. ­ , . lis wiligs-and with, a loud 11 aw I A*W,110 so that I coult! be s�tlillod with Y .ibenefit to the mind --to: have � this, To_ ent eageinesa,and exql pushing ,,pf. uame8. . These canie from Bethsaida I ii . I a I . .-- -'d- L- ­ tedid to under-staild,11 '. -' I .... I � .. I .1 . I �­ � . . ".. ..­­­ .. ,, . .. ..... ...... ... , , " ' ­­ - " ­­.. I.- L... . .11 * 4 breakfast, - JtjAt In time -t6,4yet of to. the great- mass -of poopiie", . . , an Are mon-1,f"ed by .- Jolin -(111. '00) ' ._ I I . ­ _ . ,. kst. -few little grub�, ow eawl" , ' - ablish4m­okder- , I . 1. - .­�­­ -..-.'....",!OOV�.6W4yL'Q.Ut,.Of thQ.forc. , gul,ar occh I I 1. It . . . . ' - . i ' "'' ­ � �.h- ­ , . _. , ,phtionrit ent - ­ I We hear no inore of Philip in 6 r I . I .: L, 9 _ , - :' ' '' Lodlo�lfleaVlng the mother all the wArk, . 1�( � ;� � .. . ri-frat he went to 4 field-whero a I 'And X wU thitt I Wete as 4arge to d - .1. , . I ly thinking and gives executive hbility, . J1. Unclean spirits­wTliat. ,is', men Route ,thd. kiteht,A� . I . I. . I .. I 04 . I ' possessed by theM.d. Thou art !-three Gospels. , Battholomow-118otv - , , L , .. - . I . . . . -farmer had Iaft,SGme1C6rbUbCut: Hd as You -Are, so tbat� I could- hold. more It is good training for a child' -to, A,boy might gio-atly disli thelof Tolmal." ,He is �onsidored to be -1- Tl1e ivionian who 11rotites" her 'kit. ' , - I , � � � ke to'wAsh Son of God -Hord indienthig his I L had feasted there on An ear of corn grubs., Deet deal deel" 1 lj�4 96MO light iaskb to be Performed-' disNesl; Jr6the could U t4ught'.:to do it messialiship bibre definitely than ,,,The! the "'Nathanael" �tivlce, mentioiled b� �Aen work has n't-IbI6 near the.'door- .1, I . . 'tho day before, but nbiv thd stow was - And there they, $at on the 6re at a .regular fime. .-It gives Jilin a I so cheerfully that a victor� would- be 11oly One.,of God" ift Alark 1. :24, I ! John (Chapter 1).' His full name " of elltrl'fi(ve th th e k,telien, � where- all , -, d oodedp that lie tould'hot f 4a 1; 4 , . , - . I . 'L . � I , I(C. Thoil I Ind single bj4nChO. in.the storm and. 9colded "till f6elii%9 of re9ponsibility a .weti which would help him in Many 12. *01jarged them much�-It, w *�wOuld be 94thanael Bartholomew. kiMien sup , I . .�Jliol. . le floW to oth rid Increases 1 4 � . � ould plies -ire depqAted. A - . . � eir places day )O11g`--j'CAWl dAw-l" and, "Dedf his ,solf.rospoct. Make. out a Mit,i)f hard situations later itylife. I. . 'hardly )jelp his cause , to - have such I X�Ctlianael the adii of Tom'ai. Vhoz�as dra'%'tr Ili this table holds string,and . . . 'W1jOi%' 110 'hVA sonl6thboa foun& food; deel Olt Was A0 the duties,of each child, rind try to Tha doirable trait of un,miflohness heralds, .arid than, , it-1woull be inop­,-O�Pecially ptolliffient in soll,ii (11', - . . . .. . L . deolll-ana argued whi , 1I . I tllf,�,, 14. 5 - 20, 24 - *arid 91. MI. Janle.q' linsoiled ple�!es of wrapping papC,r; un� but not %.rAotgel could he And, until more unhappy and rhiph had the give each bne. the share that he likes I is 1110re ea6li aequirod by the child ,POrtune. . - '. � . . I I ) eu , der the table . 1-3 LiIreeeptaclo fot wasto I I L- at'hiat he �natchea it Crust front: 13 , a harder .lot in life. . ' - 1. andean do, well. Theft, the task once Who shnrOs the, housework. H6 sees, Is. Into the mountaill-Not fa� from � son of Alplia s�-To -distinguish t 01I he �ee box, Idtelizt eabincit , . . 14�., I garbage that*4 housemifo hail left So y*4 see that the cro�V and the asgigftedt�tt should be that child's bug. that he mak6a Mothor'g worjc oosiej, thelako, Luke tells us'lie won -hifft fi.om 3ames tht*. Soil of Z(q�oilee, � paper. Y. '0 0 J;()tJj ell t1jig , L . . - .ttheroto'Sobletimes "Called Xwileq the 'Less.!rtlid pailtr r .41do Of L - . ... hekbackdoor. -4twaslittle hotigh 611elcAdedf Are 111110h like some persons. iness, ovien if At thnes.1t, 'Seems uh- adds to rather's comfol't, Alld, makeq pray and refiiained all ilightin .*Oy,,ri;Tliadd�,teus-thosahiongT,,,�I)b,tc.,iaaiid i . .. . .. . � I : I big) they want to be ,sni . I bome pleasanter for all in I alleth u . im. whom- he , - fifiself, tile rooln, so -fill her supplies 4re put . . . for a liungry crow, but it was a beat C, . pto,h 9. I. O'L and At last he fleW r1l) All'; pleas4tit and inconvenient. Thoto is I! �', , , ,wouId-.,0%fi eVLont of sUpr Judas. The Carianaean-1he zoalot inilneii,,gely, in tk*ir logl�al �nla�oa . . . . that 1w, could d Ed"he7ti'lley' bra Mmallo they want to be , no doubt that the f4ithful doing of a . I 1.� 1. ­ . . I I ----- - eme im])LOrt- 1, (Luke 4, 15), moinber Of- ft 'itillat ie -11 without anyIdmibliiig Of -§teps'. , I . . 'badk to Clio forest. Thoro lio- pordlied big And whether th6:V lillvd t�6 tnijoh mnot6lj,rua tabit I . , auce In. the ministryL. of Jesus.is It fS, patrieti4e party distingitished foi jt3 'S1111k,work-t4blewul' r4u&o riz,o on � I - _ I on tholitilb of a ddad troo $,rid fluired or ' I 8 valuable disciplin& , . , recorded *byp all'throo of the ev4l1lto'- . liatrtd to- foroigh dominatioit. . 4. I 1her �dde­4ho working kraai�t�m , I . . ; � . too little, ,they nianage to be un. NO i8ohRible WomAll Wilits her children � I � listri, though,it. �ia' not prLigented. 11 ; Via * . .. . - -lot! . .. Out hill feathers AM tucked his hond h i�0 10. Iseariof-The r4alk of Xel I . I ,� � APPY ever- lt-� and Oath. feels guro to'gro�rL up in, idifteal Alftil'-ighoraudo �;X' dile in the Liable ,td; eection.j 0, Village in Judea. 'Ilie nnine of .6# tlio room, . � 10. CRr I I ' *� r I ;g,61&c� I --,* "' y- 0"', -2". I -1 I ' �— i�1�11 D�",, --1 17- :)�,, ti ,� F7,-� ­ � , # � I I I I I I - �L .1 ,"under'his wing. that OVMW1101�lge 1148 A llappi�rlot Ili of ffie practical nNairs'oflife. - Y�t,' I a . .. � Crowds wao about hilut but he veaed i J� is Almost always is neeomnanied -.--1-4�% ­­ I . . . . . . � . - muie Ad wants"thein to 11ave P16nty - . I I a at%leet e6h)Pally of - ayhlp0hetie fol. 1, W, - Norlivay is lealled -the" 7--"nd ,4 'flad , . But b4i)r6. tll'� OZ(hP f6ll'aAl0cAP 114,1 life, , beL atho tt,rriblo el, . I . I I � . . , r lltwero, to, be aon8ftmitly with him, tis I aub-0--2,%Vll0 a134 be. I � . � A4 . � . , , I � uOyed 14101 q Mllnig,ht Sun," I . . .1 I . � . 6 . , , . . .1 .1 I I I I . �. . . I .-, L 11 . 1, . . I . . �, . I . . . P .. L 1. , I . I , . . I 1� I I I . � ­ � . . I L .1 . . . . I I . I I -, . 0 10 F \ . . I . - � 1.1\ i .. � % 11 , ilk �,k I I . I � f 4 - -Iem.�� .1�1 �, - �, ­ -- 1k L, L, - - !.- . -,— - 4' - -� - IL - � ' - ­ -- - ( - - - - i I - I