HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-07, Page 6.Z23r Jas. NORiVLAN HALL,. .. re. CHAPTER VL--(Contel)in the walls. 1 tett very much t e - Ile enpt Tinted* and drew his kneeel elle( waged when 1 tow the careful _ . .agt tile Itis chest so that his feet were Priv' non* for sanitation endfireinskest. . wen eat of reatelt. At his suggestton 011 * fin* June 1116rumg 1 "en1 brought up to home the passionate de - 1 tried to u$e the active service alarm' probable tbat living in ditches was, not to be so unpleasant aa I had imagiued votlon to Frauce that ie so common elock on him, but there wai not room enough in wheel to wield it, My feet it. Shorty listened te my comments ammg Motions, crossed the Ocean avers tingling from the effect of his with. a smile. • . and enlitited in the Frencha army. A blows, and I felt that the reputationi "Don't pat yerself on the back yet few months ago he was back in New for resourc f I f x• h a a wale, mate," he said. ' "They looks York on a furlough, 'wearing the rib - eteetteethe *trench!, and laitorty admitted that bee practiced ouch saladeception with Yew haliterent success; for after all "belly" was "bully" in whatever form you ate it. (To be continued.) LOW THE CROSS WAS WON.. Yong Alsatian's BrItve Deed Was Fittingly Rewarded. Very soon after the wer began a, yonag New Yorker, whose parents were born in Alaace, anti who had been W.AR AND FOOD aseltIES, No. VL—BACON. ArtiolesWanted for Cash ; Old Ow:Mery Mate: Curios: . J atimaturas: Montreat Ititentavtorkg Zees: cuLtaa: Out Maga: Os Watellea: italsmle Taws Were. ,. write or mad by' hinges* to X, SE T. narsImi. rathatan • ANTIC/17W iiitr41.4BRINS' 20..21otn ea Clonika Strie, Toronto, Mit, Food Control Corner • r _ "Keep -a -Pig" is the liklun of tia - ewe must not buy ,.it except in very The Food Controller is appealing to hours. Mr. Hanna has been consist- ' limited quentities. In circler to main- the proprtetors of resteurants, grocery ently urging upon, Canadian the need tein the necessary., ouppliee to the- Al- stereo, butcher shops, ete., to diseelle for increased hogatxoduction. Bacon "lies twe votaressarc. open: - (1) to re- onto the ,prectiee of ,etsina perishable is a prime neceseary in, Europe *which duce the consuraptIon of perlt pro- foot/elutes for window cr eounter di's-, Cued* and the United States can ducts; (2) to inereese production. An alone 'supply. increase in the -production of perk fats A pig meats bacon for the men at ean be accomplished t* /ouch more in e acrise of f or Kee teas at, stake. in a thweetie of right enough now, but wite till you've •bon of the Legion of Honor and the the front Dawn intriration I seized my rifle, ga,‘"e him seen 'ern atter a 'eavy rain." Croix. de Game with palms—the lat- food vette in the hihae concentrated rapidly' than thbee ghest degree and dairy -products, , As Mr. Weyer has ie beteer adapted for shipping than Said: "it o.ppeare to me that we tot a d.g. Li the thins with the butt, and' I.had this opportunity many times ter one of the most highly valued of ro- ' eitotacle "Stand to, Shottar He came' tiring e smote]. and a mn. sarytee4dIstmchone. , He its veey moat et L. rubbing his leg ruefully, amore wretched existence, than that of ' lhet about his experiences, and he in - "You got the idea, mate," he -sail . soldiering in wet weather could hardly ewe. The wails of the teetahea sists teat tie Croix de Guerre was giv- e.' luthe just wot they does w'en you he Er" tries to double-eross em by petal'''. eaved.in in great raasses. The drains ea him for a deed that exposed him to yer feet in. I ain't sure were e ietes i filled to overflowing, and the trench no serious peril whatever. Here is the it best, on the shins or on the feet." 1 walks were covered' . deep in med. story; let Ate see whether d r ourtrea ere This explenation of the reasorefor After a feW, hours of ram, dry ad agree withiaem: building three -sided dugoute„ wheal comfortable trenehee becamoa, cjug- if f He one Q a squad _holding a not, of course, the true one, was wee ! mire, and we were kept busy for days first-line trench. "somewhere_ .in the lees interesting. And certainly,' afterward eepairing the damage.. A German machine . gun, • the task of enema* steeping mert for , As a machine' gunner I was parte. France." sentry duty was greatly facilitated. cularly interested in the construction cleverly concealed, was sweeping its with rows ot protruding boots soles of the machine -gen emplacements. fire back and forth and enfilading a put it. arskin,' to be at," as Shorty] . . solidly built. The „roofs were sup - All battle Realm were very "'timely All of the dugouts for privates and .ported -with immense logs or steel N.C.04 were of equal size and beat Wrclara , cevered over witIlemany lay - any ether kind of meat. . tencesitrate ea the increase inethe The "Wiltshire side," which is. the duction ot bogs if we are to an trade name for half a split bog dress- the world's craving for fats." ed, 'with- backbone removed ane ready The despised pig was never in the to stela has only 7 per cent. bone as whole course of his existencoas much Verellered with, 20per cent. bene in to the fore as at•Preserit, The Peed dreesed beefs 20 per Cent. in mutton for him/ has raise() him in' the social and 25 per cent. in veal. Thu e it is scale of. animals. His usefulness has readily apparent that, with ocean tan- been recognized as never befare. Any - nage at w premium, bacon is especially one who keeps a pig 'at this time, desirable for shipment overseas. ,, whether in the city or the ceuntry, is More vital heat and energy are con. rendering' useful service to the Em- pire. The British solder is allowed four ounces of bacon atday. Canada's export of bacon in 1913-1914—before the war ---to Great Britain was 22,620,- 861 pounds of bacon while in the last fiscal year ending, March 81, 1917, it was 207,284,078 pounds. • But the !lumber ofhogs has not in- ceeeeedan Canada. Bette): that we go short than the soldiers who are de - tended all the work of trench cona cone of tts fire. • . Its own front is pro - fending us with their very lives, stpretion. The material was brought. tected by the guns on eta right and up at night ready to be fatal into ex,. left. At each emplacement there was Beef is second', -to bacon in food mations. Furthermore, with theestea range chartegivmg the ranges to all • ands of men tca house witbin a very parts of the enemy's trenches, and to cordage dime and econterry of'hancht Value, Pereentage of shrinkage, per- neetea meets seeee „tees meet entievery pro inent object both in. front portant consideretion. There was no' of and be Ind them, with ite field . crouching to the nearest shell hole: has enjoyed universal, populanty, ap- ing Thie is theunansw able u lay pearing n the table f the • • " . era e erg - room for indulging. individual tastes of fire.• ben not in use the gun was. Into a he plunged, and there he o e. e o e rich and ment then for the Insistent demand But ' ' *mot now a clues- for the conservation of beef and bacon. were c cattail wale from three to four! tbe battle 'position. . the machine gun, :swept e. 9- Poor. in dugout arehitecture. The reefs kePt ted•and readil. fel` "den ill' safe' while back over his head. Ile had not asked Pon of whether Or not •we can afford Canada must send 25 per eent. more feet cf em tit; wiech, etude them proof "But remembee this," said Shatz apermiesion to leatte the trench, tcabuYit It amounts to this—that beef and baeon to the Allies, • hgaiwt shrepnel, alma eplinters. (emu never ares from your battle posieihe naively confessed., he "knew it er centrated an a pound of bacon than in part of his teench at everY sweep: The • French officers were noteure •where a Polled of beef, veal or mutton. -The fat constithent of bacon is valuable to the hiddengu.n was, but •our young Al- satian qUite sure it was behind 'a, melt working and fighting in the out- thet the wttlls arid floors, on the sate mocha, the reason being, e San aga" made of wood, and the roofs, welch eelat• which were, carefully concealed loopholes locactrig to a flank, but none for frontal er • clump of bushes some .hundred yards doors and fate ttre by no means plenta away. He observed also that between fun s EltrOPe, l'alp•rgittnagdaenrerei settler seetione at the headquarters I best were (4 corrugated iron, were put to -1. fire* enjoys catching trope in enfilade , as this dangerous little weapon the trench and,the built& there was That is why the Food Controller is fairly-coutinuous line of deep anscerelausetbien bboonigepreoendusottmio; of the Royal Engineers who avert/x-1 °Whig to the Tepidity and the narrow noieseeecti ten or fifteen yards from bauenntebeits npeittignhobfere.amOpnaigthne.se holes he 1°Antoto in aiteoins, a q u es t i o n 04 individual swarmed out "over the top" and ran, .stitutes. for swung e soonaw away ys the o from machinetet r egirb fire41ebe aocursiefikceeep eandrb.atchoen.Thereinigtae seititrtmyuaenov.: asttut it In case eta a heavy lietaleardetent with i"tion eacePt in -case' of attach- WPed would he refused." ' `,4, , • , ' , . . WHAT I CAVT 'UNDERSTAND. • heat ceeloeives, thtenen took -shelter', you goes out at night to, ave a hetle • A few moments -later, while the ma - hi deel) E•11111 nt rroys "stip trenchetea go at . Feitzie, you always tykes' Them %tare Waal alieo-ways %klieg! gun . solamera eise• - * , _ ,...* y if yoetdele,tr: beairieigun fire was directed ataY from axe . ulnae an • llsr • - • , ,i, a an, is p ace o A concealmente oy ot from the traveling trench, while ec'e .. , -- room for from ten -to- fifteen --men int all the reeP n" the Krupp children' edni- each. At thie pett of the line there in over to -see were you tweet-,--- wtre none of the very deep ehell-prooft • 7T his was .•W wise preeautioie-ae .we . shtitert. from fifteen tictwentY feet were soon -to learn from experience. eXli'erien.ce'' play such a way nate render thcan ,dmertfletriofgoeno.itsumptien or to •CaUSO • It is stated at tbs. Office of the Food Controller that. a very considerable. waste of food is causeden that way and that inavieer ef the growing shertage of fbod and the necessitee of saving every possible ounce for export that such display -should be stappedeas long as the present entergeney continues. • The public are asked to patronize these dealere and eating -plates where this request is observed and to Use their infleence to reduce such avast° to a minimum. • . • AN ARMY WITH shimEs. Tribute Paid to the Unconquerable '•cheerfulness Of British Troops. ' Sir Betkeley Moynilmet repre- sentative of Great %ahem ha the sur- geon general's office in Washington, said recently that the Enilieh . army is an orate with a suele,.that it never wears off and that where it is • mes•f persistant is in thewarleispitals. his ceaseless visits to the. bedsides of the wounded men at WO* he collie. net but be batched by the awful Ithielitseis and solitude and the aching misery a wan etable•lrye wrbsimoti,lehreodfarye,g1. .Betiftofnesepert; render.. " • 2 Never would he forget one boy who had a. bad compelled fracture of the knee joint which everteeffort had been • sary to. spend se much time drying nieg liver and a was a backebreaking atwees, fee, made to save.• In spite of the 'efforts gangrene had come on ana amputation Pirst, cart norsee wilY it is neces- • The "lee -water pan we's "dishes. - So I haye made a drilining job to •empty, it. Se IN; fastened a: was- necessary' • climbed out of his shell'hole'and dodge board from' a piece of grooved. alaiikt piece of .rubberhose to the drdiripiPe, ed intoabe aext one, Thelehelae-for. -tevoefeet-longeonteineh- thick and -the bared- -atholesinethe-floor -ande lee the t'aeleleocl. transfusion; ethe use , of several mieutest and then, eta iavere •length cif •the sink. I attached it to bose run•tbrough the floor to the c el 3:4e1°."4:elliCrsiuleit' t7IIAlv"Ine'r--411i:ntosuriVigsei:11: a the bay had been.pat Ant° sonie,think- able opportunity, he was malted. Into the' walt'at the,' side of the sinit• with . . . the tourfare ftherodedof Wail; Machine gene are objects of special the third hole. By this method he tateeeeeteewith one euteeeeehtegateer - ,• -o. a ; -' • ehieli 1., hie read. Mist of:the men- interestee the ertillery, and the local: worked his way gradually Up to the 1 and -sloping a tattle -toward the sink. seemed to be glad Of this. They pre- ity fromwhich they are fired becomes last atoll hole,. -only, twenty-five„ yards ; Atter washing, the dishes aro scald - armed talciag their •thenees,in an. peen very unhealthy for Some little time from the. cheep. ' of . bustles, behirid1 ed and •stacked on this to dryea trench dream' heat'y shell fire. • „ htliereafter" - which he could new see ,tjla ' nui‘ting I . The next tki4 i'eatiee is th- ' . -: Itcancts and' gantmticiett Iiired side:- Wenttopped "for a mometit -at "The A. tl - ' ' - ' e 4-12n1' by side in the travellina trench. -1- - Mud -.„Laikst'-llaitdeessinie Parlor," a figures' of the .gun. crew.. . ppaeen )1:13er of .steps taken from the werliatahle, little arAen Home in the Wet" Waa might judge ' ha' "--Y 1,67 ' important' institution it One they:. bed *net caeght eight of ham as! to gdrewer on the opposite.. side of the • the mode t legeed over one 4M -talent. its. patronage. : , -It he ran; beet aow, from hole to hole. :Town • for - ,Ooking-spoOS, , pai'ing Tiv. ept;49; p4.0r11,04".,Ars illi.ct:(.c10.0.:.%''rn.- the travelling. treeehe and Was open• to at last, the lad took One , ee was housectin a recess in the wall'of 1 hitithiti striking distance of the. gun, 'hrogi ,,ee bpat,e). -And th.q many Attie cl. the Icemdla's' 1 Iiiticiei used in cooking.. • ' . . e'tTige,'"':.:tex•-5t l'',..deot7ratlilw1;)11;ie.‘‘Te*-17 the sky. There I saw -the ,latest he had. brought With aim. .it war al , - , • . .. Sleet& Club" wee the suburban re- a e "T ef hion in tteversetealutir • cuts, .: The' dea-half-second bomb, and he I I haee set !halite to work and nail- * k V:tinl• eat all a tatiOirr hex ,whiletelie -fi• i ea 0, strip of ^wood thiee-fOurths of in sidenee of,torric thembere of the•tieeese eareer mewed ,eeeat swathe Ihkough; tavold; led it might be so .SIOW' fit - ik7- plo in; tiliat the Germans &luta' ' ing equate I•.:reinarked• that the bomb-, gat inchthickover the work -table• (which as seeretel toltaett rather a.pessimistte , teuritgblied thatch with a 'pair of out of its way: . So he set off' the fuse ; stands next' to .the ,drairisbasaid)• and vieiv eft the* .peofession, wheeeopen - g clippers, But initead of ttea.e_semall . -sasli:ourtain ' hooks' . :ShOrtr.tOld me that it there weere any . Ina :mg a co . ., ef •, le millet job Of it a' thick Ond then-teolly held the borietawa' II/ beset - • • - - • ..• about •-tio:Fe inches apart, the -entire ..nteu seeteelooto.ordee, ()flee wood; Millie of 'heir whieheteeembled-eaolie countedlours • ., . . on Cross, the bombers twete those ma misplaeed scalping tuft was left for , Then he latineeed at, and so aicely' length Of it. nHere the kitchentimplet fortunate ones. DI en atsaula they .decorative purposes, jest above the was the explosion timed that -the. Ments are hung clege at hand. v,,ere :first - at thri 'enemy's :position. forehead. The effect was so •grotesque •irivent. ati OXetlee bamb went off just. as; it landed in the . . The Meat grinder is used in the pre,. . They. had dangeroto' work. to do three etell_eeteiei ahnd. t° of gun crew, About six. eee-tparation of Almost tevery meal but for midst on the quietest ef days. • 'tut tholes "'ea re It teasel. %me one; I fear, es a post Of lionor, ancl no one of for Shortylooked at me areingIe'ends after the explosion the young Al- eeeined to be in the way if left, attrial- them but was prod a his membershiP Ay ' - ' '' wt. satiah'teeth • his • automaticpistoll ed • to the, table. I ,solved the prob- a . • • en the Steel& Clue. • . ••• a•sel •-••• -d. • . When we had gone on a . , • , • titele way he drawn, el -lived in the midst of the Ger- I ietri by ineking- a. etaheig shelf alio& a , A V The officer in elate i ' - ' The officeis' - quarter's ,Were en- Us • e "Ain't it a proper beauty eerie*? man Zn"..."4-'.,.g- foot square, fastened securely . to the • But you. got to be careful about larfine of the gun and another marowete dead kvall at a'convenient lieiaht.„ much more geaeraut and' elaborate , Beale than these of the men. • This I . . Sonia o' the .blokes thinks that 'edge- and, three Others were lying wounded) • ••• ... ". gathered frein Shorty's description oft, tow is a reviler ornalnerie.".. : , aad.dazed. on, the ground. The' young a' r • • • I had supposed that Ye daily .shave Soldier took them prisoners and when 1 • ' WAR BRE -AIN . ual and the inn: ihe supplied, This - them, for I :saw.only the .extefiers as, , ' we pe•e•eed along the trench. - Thoso. was out .of the question on the firings they were. able to get pp he marched . - —7. ,„ ' little girl averked steadily and inlaid - for platten and eompeny conttaridere ' Hite; but the British Tontine . is -no- therieht front Of him . back' to. the! Valeable Cage Service Rendered by ed,at her task until her father, a year later, returned, Minus; a leg, to 'give , ' Rere i$' another "dis eel, e . Ifyou condition. Though •still a •Use gas•or oil for-, cool:7:g get a Prec'eue gravet. surgical risk the by heti bad the top , 6f -the range, ' Gegeehurner " Sir Berkeley had seervilttlm sev.cial liglited, will 'send enaugifeetat through timeseaieads'ilielleg, wthheenevhenelhnagdasna4idaraoWirleallt, it to keep . several things. -eopki g at tbrotigh the house' and fuel is t us ?Nil tale tinie. . Less' heat is-,distri ted how are :you?" The 'boy turned his white, weary -lace to bith and. said at* loudly as he -could; "I an tip top, sir," saved. . - lit ' . ' Why is it that iteteeetS gees are ar, -and• at mielteget -was dead: • .. • of sheet iron nage enough to. eon*•.to Valise his ehance. saran too low? iBecause a'hmere man" 107 . Plato and puts them. in, 01 course! He • . Grow 'Wheat. in Quebee, does not -have to break his back wash- Professor R. Summerby, of Mac- • ing dishes over them. If he did, weld& lie more mindful' of the height. he aerial(' Agricultural' College, discuss- ing the question of vtheat-growthg ie I could '`riot change ..the., sink. but tnallad blocks to the legs, making it 1 Quebeteesaiers: "Paimeter of thie ems dtoevlovrellti.receotno. eauld and did change the work -table. , ei,vivneceaccraenwoteltlhaeffiroridaiitdo . high enough sooty wife need not stoop • . trary :to the opinion held be many, wheat ot. excellent quality can be lite- duced.in all parts 'of Quebec." c as She.froxkg omer it. Also provid- ed for her a kitchen chali having a back and of the, right height for the table. In this chair she sits to pre - pate vegetables, mix cakes and so Sweets invade from honey should -be forte. She also efts to do most of her as far as possible encouraged. ironing. , . • ' ' ' were built,alon&the travelling ....thing if not resourceful.. Although The colonel, inajor, and adjutant lived water. is scarce and.fuel even more so, French trenches.' That evening he and ' • These Resourceful Children. the seivx,egpothio soldier easily sur_ a comrade went , out and brought ' in - , • e her assistance of a sort. The business - :mitt a Iu:cutioui Palace ab t fifty Yards , e gun.: . • Tvio years ago. the story was told • dowft -a communication trench • NVar 111.°0nts difficulties, and the Gloucest- „.„ _ - . , about the hollers accorded by Presi- of the little aakery nearly doubled it was the (Afters' mess, a, cafe de ere were all nice in -matters pertaining • Iota can, easily see. trot:there was i dent Poineare to two motherless luxe- with glass panels in the door, a ' to the toilet. Instead of draining their no, peep. at .all in this, says the )i01:111g44 '' cookina stove, a long wooden wee.' ecteteens of tea, they settee a 'feta sten : , s ,FreaCh children of ftriiiteeti and ten, Madeleine Daniell and:her little bra - chairs,. -everything in fact but ha,' drops for shaving purposes. • t, e. tt and . . • • : ther, for their admirable -civic :service *cold running. water. • •I i• irIt'a a‘bit sticky," said Shorty, .0but , . . ., getclit know." sal& Shorty, "the 'of.' it's 'ot, an' not 'arf bad tv'en yeu gets CANADA S in ontinnin unaided to su 1 the g,sofl'tellia' Yen th in % don't want to ferget is this, Wen yer TIMBER •XARICBT. • c g . , ficers think they 'as to rough it, * . but t used to it. Now, another thing you - . village of tea:lune with good bread they oe it 'Wooden leatikseto sleep in, batmen to moVire up fer yer week in the first brirk 'emeit water ter' stwin" in the line, _always bring a bundle•ri' areeareir . o e oy , e lest en a essang h t ' Richest Prices It • And Ginaeaff , 8W Furs Wanted ' Pala N. SILVER. 220 St, ran: 5 W Moatoeal, • 20 , yeA.rs of fellable, trading Reference,—Union Bk. of Canada during that time, Automobiles con- taining officers, huge caznions contain -1 - guimutiiinffiummutiuttutumuttin lig soldiers, with no time t� stop for tr. • a ineaL halted a moment and bought . the *stock on hand. . She toiled' unceas- ingly, and no applicant for bread was Question of Dorrenton's Future Shane from its bakery after the departureturned from the door or. of oue..eaaery. in British Ethiere's TracIdt.' their father, the baker, for the frera. Different andiret.,akin is a interestin ues- , , „ story' t a conies from Scetland, where that way. r-1 nzarmn'. eta •the. fee: .ehey tivantatee witleyou. They ain't ect. much •as a One osf, g . linn. as My young -foetid, wrote Menet / weeder wo.t they ,ealis heal' thatch -stick Ieft in the trenches- Then tiois .dwaiting the dote of the war., • ig letter, of :thanks and appreCiation, pre- • a the fortunet'pf war, threkit upon two The Only other.time I wee se happy, Goodness knows,. ' ts to be ------ Don't Caliacja's future shape en. the, thaber phesyinethat wirild vretv am to he .., fiSf..te •tieth.;.t.allatewate.feteetteeett:.• eatetteeete with f•ttNOW•therelS just ono! • • WALKER gousE: In ONE TOWN wheio n stay, And, say,yon oughtto .e..! e • see Me grin ' When my trip heads- al $• • a . • sisters, wins o eon e c arge o u• • ;.a,..7111 . th; ;AI .44 LI Red topped boots copper .. • - 1.4.A seeetirteetraelterefeeteeferitiell Empire, stays the a. brave solcuer, like kis father, To I • , - 4 of a y4rMilger sister. They rose to-tro • .• _ - • quartets 'ere concerned; they . wer"e ,WithPut yer ter.„1.1.-t_h_e test •O'' Canadian trokeetry Journal, -Already- maereeteeeheto,wereed , tarts Orem • et, ....• , _ _ , teetene 'sees et e •t• tee tetteeneefeese. et•eeeejteeettieteeeeseeepeoeese Iltave achieved a modest aucteas. • Bet When ether • tfalte'lers hit that E r.r,...., 10, . .•:.../.1,.. ••••• • '44 lopi 4i-rf. '''` 4•"' '.. e' 1..- ' ''. i''''?1"4 '''"'''''"'3''''' 1.- ' ""- ni'' 1 f • b d hi ' h tie. . remem ere s•''ernp a upon euinstances. However, .t66ey. were not ,, always so fortimate, 'at later eeperi- thia it ia iniped elarger part of the enorzn- . helot afteriVard wheri .I Saw men f . . . Novi!, once' More, and .fOr the' game lest their ineXperieriee shoidd COMptd- 't: town, • . - little serents fighting for niontha and firewoed. 'Without his tea Tommy the trenches were lat their best. • Elea; wee 4. wretched being, : - I doerlot. re- -their 'father's • wares,. one of _, them E.=,_ „porlathoetssnay, At that WALKER = :I "' where the officers", -dugouts Were of.; Inenlber 0; da.Y, tie matter how: serious Cane a. e Executive Goiincil of the decorate a 'brave and feithful Tie ,coneclintiouslY •moun e a a bi.'t e rst dity and • repainted the teen, f : It's just like staying ho" 0 Li *bete it „tile, ONE TOWet Where - ••-•• u --taut ggt#4,1 . , • • - • •enee provea. Here there had been" risl'i'g their lives in miler to procure ous.votume 0peaceful aerviceebecome 'doubly' pre - timber orders given to laessia (60 per cent. of the total ..re- noes in the stress end • disorgenlea- euirements) ;Will be turned towards gm . . of war, he has had occasion. •to , ' • • ten • but little better than those of the 'the fighting, when he did not firid Imperial Institute in -London eas coia • .. baketess: this tiMe• a little girl of ear which bore. his name and a well -de- Z' that • raise the established good fame Of They, toe, don't want to roam then. • - both the time arid the riiens for mak- stituted tAdvisory Cornmittee for hie bereaved of her mother a ni d t d' t' - itt WALKER HOUSE is? Dela The firseetrieerenches were cchbect- --g • • - . Canada. Thiscommittee " consists of ie and with nu k , • - only a few vveeks before „w? • an onlyei , e serve .co men a ory a jee tv.e pre a ed with two 'Estes of •suphort or re- • 'terve trenches ULM preeisely the in the curriculum, including domestic Shorty wag a ih every subject Sir George PerleY,' , High Commissioner for Canada, thairmari; helper to -share the 'hidden easpon,sibils fixed. to 'Bread and Ca ese When. erakno she had finished her job it read thus: ad nyjzt'!..thit,152.03,14old btirg %spelled same fashioN and each heavily wired. seienee. In preparing breakfast he jt y or to lighten the heavy task when R. and A. FergusSon, •93 ‘j -it U-.1.4 " ?•:' Sir;Roliert Kinhersley, RIB,E., ' gov- her father was called. to- the cobra. TerePorary heteesSort to it ladreusson. Thoilouse of Plenty The coremunicatioe trenches whith gave inc a practicaldemonstration •of joined thost were from seven to eight the ant ercesr nudtatn's 13a.k. C°311PanY; J. O. Mr's. Gertrude Atherton, inthe Deline- of conserving a limited re- ... THE BEST -WE -CAN BAKERY. '- feet deep and wide enough to permit source of fuel, bringing our two can- Cohner, C.M.G., former secretary, atm-, te s the story. . on; The bakery had Supplied not only Cor- the village but also the neighboring , the inn, which had been( a favorite lunch - e tome ent f• tee t b boil with i 1.1 Co mis i i L d ge o incoming ns 0 a 0 a• very meager g m s oner s office in on and outgoing troops, and the transport handful of atlas; and 'while doing so S. H. Plummer,. Dominion Steel of the wounded back to thafield dregs- he delivered an oral thesis on the best fioration, and Sir Keith Price, of 1.g lone, " ronl t 0 ad reserve methods of food peeparation. Forex- Ministry of Munitions. bee they wound on backward through atriPle, there was the item of corned - i One of the most inspotthnt matter's the fields until troops might leave, beef—familiarly- called "bully," 'It On which it ion s e g ten y e at' i b in Oa b th them well out of range oferifle fire.' was the piece de resistance at every Mier Shorty's guidatte I. aaw the meal with the possible eXeeptiOn of committee is. teat of the moite exten- deal dressing stations, the dugouts foribreakfast, when there was usually the reserve ammunition Aleph? and _aril) of bacon. Nowt' one's appetite in the United Kingdom.. The Imperial a tive ization . of Canadian timber • tails ' the tame Of bombe end band tr;Ore/T. fOr "bUile . 1WoiriaeS jaded in the institute AdVig017 COrithlitted on Titn- ades, battalion . and brigade trench course Of a few weeks or months.' To 1 hors has been taking evidence on this lie d t W one part of the hoe to another through trenchee, all ef which were kept. amazingItt neat and clean. The walls Were ttayed with aneenesb. wire to , hew the earth in place.The float "were eovered with boardwalks cares *fully laid ,ver the drairtre which ran -along the t enter of tlet treat& arid em tied We teteet,e_elteeheeheltheetatecattalhaetet a guar ers. evaridered from usethe German expression one doeen't eubject Arrazigemeras hive been made for a series ef praeticat trials of selected British Columbia timbers to be careiedtout by EX Plifide of Werke 9 eat gern. But it is not a quest tion of liking it. Oe meet eat it or 'go hungry. Therefore, said Shorter, save carefully all of your baleen grate, and instead of eating your "bully" cold -out of the tin, mix it with tread trumbe arid grated cheese and fry it in the grease. prepared tame in tele with and I thought it most delectable diet'. Areal -telt *ay of stimulating the palate WaS to boil the beet in a solution of bane grease and water, toad thine while eating it, "kid. yeraelf that it's heat- ittew." Thie taeoad 'malted. et tatting antae the euree, did not appeal to tie very Close •.on 10,000 workshope ireGreat Britain are ogaged in the produe-• • f , h' h , e log place for •autothobiliste. Travel- controlled and 150 are hational fac- frig for pleasure stopped abruptly; but tortes.. . as the inn was on one of the direct .routes to the frpet it still had many hasty calls upon5ts hospitality.. * Bread makite in reattee is a sciencel the worlt of the estpert,„not of the eaSt-. l TheWalker House ,Toronto E Geo. Wright & Co., Proprietors tial housewife b' ateomplisied cook of the inn. knew no More about bakhig bread than of washing clothee, gad there was only abie orie bakery7 hith- erto sufficient, for the baker and hie with a view to the inclusion of tbescj Wife had been strong and induettious. 6110"ra/in alleial ePecifientisaus. to ?inWha.ThenWM; iff despahe A,Preticenute will go with- alad Shorts tc1r arnteta' old meat, but life without bread is hie - AS tesult of the Or• der in Council thinkablaaNo one tlsought Of the plaeing raill feed etuffe under , erns berg° ter' export, extent under lieenee from the Food Corttroller,.. leSS than 0,640 ton a of bran and eliarte intended for elle United States. eave been diver - tea for the use of Canadiati farmers. .1••• hid ' It fopossible that in her double grief oho did not think of hereelfaato teveraytteut homelint on thence day after mobilliation the ltop dow was piled high with loaves es tab- ; .Itsfragrance.is pleasant. but the great value of Baby's Own • .Soap. is' its creamy softenbut lather. which cleanstaaud beautifies theskitt POcfOrt and nurse) recommend:Baby.° Owls. 1:ltra., Miami old everkhere. From Erin's Green Ilk NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE-, LAND'S SHORES. iXappenings in the Emerald Isle of' see Interesi' to Irish s , men. Barley WWI sold in Hatt Cork . laet, bwaerzekvi. for thirty-three shillinge Per The Unlit Town COnunissiezt are esking • powethe to eonvert therotown" Dahl into an urban astride , . The Galway •Couhty Council have * appointed • F. "blacDonagb, soh- •caor, ae, coroner of North Galtvay. I In some et the at hilly aeetriete • ef -Tyrone oats \zere still in the • ofi4dies, tyllee•, the heavy eaow storms A • yeti stlecessful Pound Day .was held recently at the National Chit- _deeetellospital, Harcourt Street, Duat Twelve...thousand tons of potatoes have been, purchaied in Irelend. bY the War Office' font the troops in .• Wanders. •su• eild:ajotpleanatz,coounnlyy sooni,motaytoh,o late been decorated by the King. With t-beltepe.S•E°d• anun'd Hogan, a prominent Irish scholar .and' historian, died re- cently at his licence in Dublin, egea • eighty a-six. • ttibution ceradcates of honor •in Londonderry the • Mayot. seated that 500Q Derry men had re, - spondee to the call to the colors. • A svery •successful • concert • was . given the Nano ToWn.Hallain aid of the Royal- Dublin Pusileers' Pri- soriers' of•War Fund. ! . ' The potato merchants of Ulster have asked" the • Feed Controller to . issue eew end special ' order to. meet- the needs of Ireland. ' killed in action, was the youngest son- ' orreileh:et:reeaTi:itp.pgserRie.a,a.rtyHs. c,nTrealyt:or,of of the late- R. Ji, Taylor, Fiume, t butter erThe Indintrial COM i tt; Belfeet, and the 'wholesale xner- chants are objecting' to the mule meth Trice fixed. by tile Food Conciol- Trish National Party have under, con- sideration the establehing re- j. Ceiving- dcriot • and paitcrn LUfl Lil Publin.. • . t '43; The death took place:, a fee!' adaya ' ago' at Pembroke reed, Dublin, of Pre- feesor Albeit Edward Metteme nrin- cipal of the Royal Veterinary Cone!: e, l'IChoirilip;-orla —Lliuge Greene, ROA' Iradi Rifles, sone of Mrs. Greene. Bride., etreete,Dulteire is a patient hi the Dub- lin Chstle Red Cress Ho:ivied. t tn Old tecettishe Coe,eriatithete "OarTe Of the first reileveys laid in • North Britain connected the'. ancient. - city of Perth with: Aherdeere. • ,Ina Chambers's journal there ie a pled - sant picture of a' taneb old conern- miter ,eat Weirinyknowe who was, sube aected to a loss that -call,ed fer. cern, perisation from the railtvey 'eornpiett. •Williain Reid, :there is no reason to a detest, . gave eateful coesiaerition to the -question .of haury, and wheristhe• . railway official waited ppon he, had decided the exact amount 'of ths damage ;that he had suffered: • The official told the fetmer the t the t comaany had ..e.,gteed to allow him. thesum of ene hundtad • portvnee...ie recom:' . "A hundred aptindee extlanned the, old covenanter. whine touch it. 1, have coesidered-the matter and I halm.. Made up my mind as to what a;ehcauld gee %while taie a hundred:" '"I•would• strongly advise you to ac- cept/o• replied the official. "You era -- hot 'likely to get •there. think the (erectors have been generousea . eatto mach .ersi toe track nat the • staitling reply. "I whine •tale' the hunderrT"11--btind- not 4 penny more.'" ' • qelattaltetheetesteaaeatteetaeac.aatelattee laughing respense. 'Well, here is the order for one hundred pounds, wlneh you will eeceiv.e when you call at the . office at Perth." ' , 'William 'Reid. aceep.ted the order,- • and a ,week later presented it. at the colnpany's office,.., A clerk' asked him e te sign a receipt; and this the formet- •-., did for forty pounal, • "You are to retthee one h.:neared • pounds, not, forty," said the„ clerk, &Suiting out the Morey.' • , The old farther was angry. "I told youreimp," he criede"that I would tale' forty and tart a' pewee more; and I ' will not hae it. •I event nee niates, stiller that I've nate eicht te!" • e...tet .And• 'William Iteid, a• fter twese ceuntirig his tarty pounds, pushed the , remeinder' back across the eounter end wanted out ot the offitee ' - • •' A feting late. . Profestoe GratveS was a member of - a college faculte Whet had the not Un- COMmOn scholastic-faili4t: of abtent- mindedness. •One day, iteeppears, his, married sister favored hire for d long time with loud praises of her first. bore. When she paused for breath at the end of het recital the professor telt Ulla it was incembent epee bim •to • • 484Calran°°111"MeWitilailliA'..' aticed, With aft fee • atlitedelfltn?t°Wretty• • hete been valid/1'g now for five months!" • "Is that to ?"•murrnured the proterh. • eor, laming into reflection. "%That , a long 'way he Must 'ewe ta oner •