HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-07, Page 2,f ete: thaw effeative on a large scale on the 'Western front. They were at Arras in tther spring, at the battle of theMelie !eines Ridge in June, and et the operae tions emend Tyree in August each !time over a wide* different equntrY !and under different conditions. Nor leave their servicee been solely offeae !sive. When there have been, no mae 'chine gun. emplacements elpe for end 1111 all creeke auditoleievitli puttly. „turned 'their attention to work for cracking they, have good liataredly Paiuting the Car. • "Jan, wain' boa to get the ear Allow tile putty to`become thoreag y painted. It's juet liwftal" And. john dry, then rule emootle with ssindpitnher. which their great strength and their looking., the ehr weed had to hehhi peat is the enetrar Of good Pain tri ability to manoeuvre. acrose rough , BO• after each rub -down, remove t 14 ground has particularly fitted theme that it did look bad. , Itlehh They partake of the nature of the oz The body, once so lustrons and 2,118etAats TrAudyglileYola2eQaussibblee. put Vat a well as a th l- saneoth, had a dull grayiell appearanee and permitted to dry as before- Ttus . The impressiern which this new ,arm . and also haa a number of dents and ' hi tura should be rubbed deem via has rnade on the Germaine and the ' seratehea. Careless hands had. rube A Teri fine sandpaper or steele*wool wholesome dread with,whieit they r dare. The eight rear fender sagged. ' ef the and the 4114 removed: -Then a eeitt bed the paint , from the , gard it is revealed by the comae r t Of color varateh may be APPlitd'aml.raeasures which ther have .adopted d rtliough with little stiecets. They ali-; in a sickly manna', The top .Wr' p ae robbed down afteerfectlY. dt7 staMed s.nd rather pale: , Mud was . • . frescoed all over the running goal Job is geeiraa ti peat of what is kiwi:1 the approach of .the tants and have and °thee grain of the Weed shewas ea Now, if an extra Bah. all °emit einem) eobservere to watch or rubbing vernish should be put on. established uew•t‘tank guns" in. the • in a IlUlAher of places on the wheels. This, when bard, should be rubbed trenches, Riflemen are e served out.] Freckles of rust appeared uPon varle down With a piece of felt and some with armor piercing bullets I r use at ous parts of .theehody. Wind and pumice and water. Then the coad%rlf close quarters, and Canningly carnal - rain and dust hair certainly made, a finishing varnish is dee, „after wrinee Raged "tank ,traps"21)eve. been: peeper - change iri the ateleaVettee of atte• goodthe cal' should be allotted to stand for ed to entelf the mutters. But in old "ship" and something Wald haveat least a Vveebefore being put into spite of all, the success of the tank has to be done. k er revealed that fact that the cer scratched a coat of color yarn An interview with a near -by liable- If the car •is not badly servia. scalrsrhearuohe7 atecteawmabsritnir avuenrt!latybsearreafeetetr it first been uniferm •and continuous. could be painted for NO. But Jelin bed down and followed by a eclat of appearance, that the full measure of Ind one seen - a ear painted,. and 6- finishingvarnish will make a satize the tank's usefulness was revealed', eided he could do theeob bimself. So fietorY jig!. The running gear can be It was the first attempt to use tanits h he event to a .friehd who understood painted with ordinary carriage Paint, on a really large scale, aria, as the such Work and talked the matterrere with „little or no rialehing. T'lle e.11`week' knows, they justified the con - The labor of course was the main gine can be enaraeled, with a *eclat donee that hadbeen placed in *eine item, the paint and tither material be- heat -proof preparation which %ram be By paralyzing the defence ahd clear- ing a. comparatively 'small expense, obtaiiied from ' any aecessorY house. 'Mg a passage through the wire en - three er four dollars usually covering Outfits containing -alt the needed nihe tanglements for the infantry they ,ob- all the outlay necessary. • k . terials for refinishing a car cell pe "elated the necessity for the prelhnine The- first step evas. to get the car purchased from • e. good accese.07 are -bombardment which \would have thoraglely eleau. This meant raore house or reliable:paint store." betrayed the impending attack. Redressing the Tea rule beanies dull and stained- by the shows that the tanks have not lest rain, can be aeapisheed With a lining their power to inspire tenet since the • • • `Smashed Hindenburg Line The Inside Of the tope which:as a A. German account of 'the battle dye, %Inch is applied with a brush and Somme: "As they adieeneed in masses, e ilea a etiCia evenecolor as when new ith very small intervals between The radiator and hoodhand all the -The outside of the top maY be renew-, them, they reminded one of Hannibal's' , creeks and crevices that accumulate ed with a good .top dressing t Tha, elephants or the'sielde chariots of the- _ dirt were curefeilly attended to. If this radiatore. if Of the enameled type, Pharaohs" 1 dirt had been allowed to remain in the should -Of aurse have a naw,coat of "The western front has betome so • , e , car it would, have 'turned to dust enamel -app h • 'theta swInch would have settled oadhetfreslit ing fine, as this would interfere with attack," said .Hindenburg in Ar•ril; I • . ly varnished surfaces and made aethe efficiehey of the radiator, _ 1917., He was thinking of the maze of roughelteeking job. ' '' Any meelmnicalttieubles that the concrete and sand hags which is call - If the 'surface of. the. .car is -very ear has may conveniently be attended ed the ,alifidenburg 'line, • And It was much scratched, up altd, reitgli it Is to ,dirrieg the painting .process. In the Hindenburg line that the , tanks helped te.emashan a single znorzupg.• than the -anal removal. Mull and dirt. The grease and oil on the • parts to be painted had to come oft else. This twee done with a brush; a avian of gasoline, and a clothe 4 Get Rid of the Dirt • ZERO DAY: 0 !with a, crash tleit Ptartle% and throngh r 7.,,iii:-itglifty,ri it all we march, &i,„ out and b9r01111 r A ... a a lit% 4: ,v•tkii(1_,7i,' ,,. . . IIIE DAY OF DAYS I leaving it e/I beithal, for thoge thine*, 7.2,,t„. , e., et- - eh ee e ee te l in tha Allen cannot ariov0 putil after ',. " ' "1r ' Ell u{,r,rili,,Or‘ re,g 'tfP Pr— • ,dtark. One tinier; we don't lcneet Iraq elt, b 1 he et. t i eelelt, 1 i hind aro the lame. liestead, AS wo ,go 1 I ;. , on, they get thicker, their flaell eel 1. THE PREPARATION volt A BIG hang geow iaore continuous. nave le • A:1 a.a il,,EALI.I. Tv.t:\ e:.iy.'11) 11 & , '.;t1i.r,Ta:iilli ditr.?:" hal Till': eti. ATTACK e inoevnild, yet the air Is fell of stranat . - last village we will passttlironeh-attte' I and weird sounds., We come to the ! ' ' T.'..31%)',N.;:i. • I ...‘5111,1lit'AN INDIAahi. ; i rile gate I.eey liat ag I Lee) aid 1 tele . 1:1rrt nous Feats ea the "71.41" T Prom Rest Billets to Front Treech; least it vela once e viihtee Now you ° A could not tell the Mayor's horse‘froni t With. Bayonets Fixed Ready :the poorest villegeth, exeept maybe ' Ilow Enieetti Min Treieed trldelt Irate NW ier iieant StILLO I SORCERY Tal3 • LA 4 „ S ra • . . , For Advance; from the size of the pile of brielcs, Reacbing the Trenches; Eary hour of it that passes ' has an Marcbinae in half 'platoons we ltaire added value, says Lieut. J. S. Smith0 the village end comeaut inked -4 open Pleasures and sensations of ' that day' fields. About half a, rnile hi front we come and. ger with added inteneitir, for can seethe diarapee to ouu. eommuni zero day, is the elle preceding attach, cation trench, Winding emabe sidet a and who knows .what the morroerwill a .graeltially sloping hill, hintil 'IA bring.. . e , . e reaches the top of the crest where our itsysItinigsithatto.dtaotyhdeofarnricbt;unschyalepish.,rineatteQntv:soerna'afrardl fsrhosnut glisnedotsevsntsth, alai hill to meet the enemy. ef:notilt uleiecireniellfg that • Th ' Ite requirement, the cleaning of billete • e air eme strongly of powder, binefzotr: mwserrieih,awrc:fioeffkkactaitt, wgelattlehmweirtts- _.fpournitshl:nOenertgriesale tiesosat rtquif:s;iutgar,thotr much rest as possible, for when ,we °though, i2rd get. into the C. T. with-nO start to mow from our billets, thee Is. damage done. We enter Ate •trench rest over for an indefinite pertod. As t single file, as ititngsefitsehedeu,skfysranitd has each conipany is ready it goes down 'htunible along elite road to lie and wait for the rest of been a ling day and we have not yet the hattalien. The colonel is there at started on our job. We are anxious to the appointeel meeting • Place aiwe glycol; -eha'r oruerstassseomw.bleysstrcraenmehble,es tehorstuhgaht comeeelong. We halt, . and he walks. us to attentien,esalutes, and the col- iblesd"4 Our noel -Many commander calls towards thi, ode eef thedold contempt- what seems leagues of trenches, until fitinsnalliyneNveobliraanips loff„tdo. our Lsfirnsawhopoiseiy- a ,until dawn should break, so that we oael returns it and then, instead of liyasruanagall es,tboau:bnotviieisteiavere.s, 'Plewasilel .auld Move into. enemy territory end mioneegt fill up our prisoners' cage. You may. wonder what a enctins be there on time." That's all- but he a meant a 'great' deal 'more. He kapar, thoughts are lying out in the mud a and welcnew, we all wouldn'thetthere short distance from the enemy with, —but why prattle' about it? nothing but the sky. as protection: Well, there are. no thoughts. Alinest e The Colonel's Message. . every. man snatched what sleeii" he Wentin the same quiet, confident man - Te bach.coniliallY a it came tip he could. To those who ceirld not .steep their thoughts were far too jeereil for ner, giving his message to them. That dP:wriblic.ar4timOns., vrTitoh thosewhowahire dsildi sfneta, lsistntlfie4menesseeattesnal ids ml sone; tofingeheeof i,them,ot strengehreshingeewhiney art ef roar,: hair," as ilia company grouch always bursting crash, carr semi; wall losf efitr,ina called the long sieeecires that are some -t Zero clay, the day of daye, Ora: • .front of their very eyes. Thom who rsit_everyLLit4ti. s the"boys.. Wart saw la we O. manly t cuis ' mows he isle l':7—.T'iel,---Le'vb-vv° eleceseary to remove the?" old ,,paint fact, ,the body may be removed and This can be done with a, good paint re: the engine and, other pants overhaul- neover applied with a 13taele After the edwhile the body is being painted if -pabat has been softened- •it can be room permits.' Any dents or cracked seratied off: . All Unripe and patches places in the fenders or body should. of heart lutist be reinovecland the sure be repaired.. Fremeently.a weak fent faee rubbed down wear sandlialterhill 'der can he ,strengthened by applying all is clean and smooth. Than the car a Plate to the under side and, riveting shotelchbe washed -with gasoline and al- loWed te dry. , 're?rt a wet. 'eef prinaer is appdied, preferalety Walt a :canieradiiiir`brifsh. „After this 'has been allowedato et - for a • dasear,so, go o'er the surface first and soonaweekens them, • ' WHEN THERE WAS NO SVGAR. 2,000 Years Ago "limey Was the Only Kind Of Sweet. . • Think of it, girls!. 'In Borne 2,d00 • flame and ineehemeallv reached for ter man than the-Beche and,he doesn't • e their bayenets to ,fix them on. their, eed• o told A d , rifiete * The time: had come, we had Pease(' fact. re knows it and so does. the from zero day to zero hour. - Bootie, They are two interested 7 ' pieties, gro. ivha say any more? ' • ., • • . ,........... The adjatant reports "battalion pre- „MAKING TRENCH CANDLES: sent and correct" to the colonel, and • • - ',--7,--4 . ° i by his- cenunand We move off. -lit the CanialescenttSoldiers.. Eager to de . distance, preparing the way for us as • -, ‘elilora for, the Wirt• • i we march with our faces toward the - -ProPPed up with pillows in his hiaslii rumble, we hearthesteady 1)94116'11g p* itaIecoteanane it wounded Canadian of the guns.. Any one looking for any through in a neat way. „If the fenders years ago there was not -a single caliche signs of emotion.or nervonshess Would lad, retained from the ° front as unfit ' are badly damaged iteevouth he more store. " Noteayen the' meet :attentive be, feolede. ;fee 'MAU feels enything, his bit for the boya at•the 'front by t for further military. service, is doing t satisfactory to to replace thin. The young man could offer to his lady love and -every ;one alinost irteariably,doee, wider alai of the fenders should be a box of lollipeps, for such things weee he doesn't show it. . . ., rolling paper candles which Will light i painted, as' the rust attacks that part unheard of. ' • t Clad •• )•f ave swint-a1011g 'behind-orlatew theh: tea. ' . e thedugouts of thecomrades he left. e Europe only in the form of honor, "Black J3ealtrom the pipe bead. All ralhitary IlospitalseCommission candle ; a lieve in worldwide advertising df the ' ehehee, peen. • feenni y t aneet,21.1ilitn.efse,,lieuTer.11?(phatiLoi;ik,tert;e4.11..,..7.'1;.titel idttlh.:,, Ititrtiedtte)1;iejtr;:tda. s rne.a Artn!rea,,aini t • .; ) • fpeel;teathatile 1°(..1:Ition:stsai,oi,•Iint, .‘nzolrir.crt ituatnitilist 1.(ci.,.:.111.;°:71,11,;7°..titthlatrt• kia, ia e a ameet „am A ..aei • A TOreeto lady to bite • , :taxa ors of magic by -the elevereet • of iottr ceeettstotat, ilindu trieltetere. • t 11 i t t' For instance Many •por fail of un- . • • • ent s aeciunintenee e s an a eta, mg out,ati Lichee thie teeeneetionadtBeverel• ends ti edit ulneee eiave nuett affidavit to having sten an Lathan years hefore the war," stated slia, "I Wal seceding a few month.; -he Ger. deeeded out to ,an eutirely_ bahl •:"'s• • • tette One 't ty et :the eniall town -141"--it"la thetrralrla and To 'aee'W nilhe si ilea I happened te be F:ta„)-ing, " a :al." ca.10:e gates to • eking up ell Gerthau lade" ahem had Meaetoppel evcr . ,1110 WI the street and asked ine td corn > A like miracle it performed be sea - can members of the aborigival priest - to tea. She bad a huge dog accom- I•iitnyingttro as' stoilped to hood in the Southern plaine•region thiz beast trotted, ep, eedehat, ho gather together in A ca•ele, with' 'stoapea, and apringhtg hfrom heatht "ed together, go ,ae ta•shut !patted, rested it3 forepaws , shoulders. I. drew bath hi :harm the, the Few:Ate, and lo! a century plant it retrelited. on my Mit the view from. without, Presently : le seetiato be growing veleea•e rrevious- ly there was nething. . "'Oh, non't raind Frit,,' excla;med Work of tbe Evil Ode. • • athpesi°0Geez,ahns lire frail with a 'mil; half wolf, and has no ; '• The century plant: is two or three • town mermen. He • won% hurt you!! feet high. • Brought' erom elsewhete, • • .But I dal imnd. Fritz, and yeeented ha . and stuck into. the. ground ? Well, bave 'familittrity very inuth,. ;Ind then • arii :le 'so. But how shall one ticehune for .. :there ' determined-. not. to 1.1ct..•ept tat; a similai. tricic in es hich three niye- Gemmel lanes invitation to tea. 'But tery mene almost naked, irt the open,, • . ehe wauld net be denied. ,If I, WaS -el,- ; are suddenly seen to hold their up- e gag•ed. on Tu -day pull* I could' goi liftee right haedirespeetivelF,an ear. -, op Wednealay, am if not 611 VI' etine'i 4 of eipeheirn 'soverel rine. eatel : of .• day„ then Friday:Would suit her .egniilli evilest and a.tableit, at a 'ca on when ' le yt-611.• So, in the end; I v..its practice i there is no eorn er wheat ripe he the . allyforeed teachept. -- a.. t • ; fields anyWheven-- . ; Kept ai a Hohese Pete • ite simidi . dreeded • rein t to • • l• • No t onder that Father tairemettee ..• her.,whose eame is .11isterte,-t-,hould have house" said the. Toro, . : beee 'convinced that. ne. he ex w horrible deg had :given me the crabs. deelaretb . the iraraeiee he saw pehform- Hovvever, there was nothipg foruit but • ed ratiSt be the woek of the Evil One. e aeelDielhe not even see, with his oivn eye:4, - -to, go, end at the time eppoinled in --------- rived a hep rest( en( e. va .,. us er ; ed into the ddhwing-roona andegimple; out of hisanouth in Pebrnaff? felt a thunder at, the prospect of thet 1 It wee a Chipaewa mystery' ,intin fierce -reeking' creatiire of bets spring,.. V4.16 did that, . And • another ing• out •at ine. again. Sure enough, in i w.0rher took several little weoden elite a corner of. the Weil -fume -heti draw, . giee of human beinga and lieviiig' ing-rootn; I spied a basket, 'aro° es burl them Jai to their middees . ie • • r dth 1 I h au Indian meda" takes ripe cherries• a wiekerworle chitties basket, such as 1 eart , egused them by drunriniv, ate use .fn 'Toronto back yards 1,,Glien t Singing and incantations ,to dance in .. anging out the *washing. elt was lint j most lively fashion cd ed, with a nice softecoaring, if you i . linexplainable ' a r e ese . ' 11 a 1 '. " ' please, and was ostensibly the bed al 'Meier Powell tells of the w;diken, his' hulking big beast to which I had li or dspirit matreattead by a "meilied It .. *fleet such an intense dislike. Imag- , was a rudely made doll of dirty rags, ne such a nasty - brute. in a drawin -'d . . ' . , n Ian child end. about oom! r sat there in apprehensioralhelf theeeize Df life.: - e • xpeceipoetyeey ,memeat _that the -dog a -The • hmeda"astood-itrethe Middle eof : vould romP in and, 'repeat hie unpleas- the room where the ceremony took. ; making haipbecorae a poprilar oe ir a 'The i h • _ -777-7-7777-17"7:1:1-4,=-. . • • alyzing to the 'Germans The ungainly aPpearence and queer 'Waddling in- 11 WAR TANKS NEW spired them to 'laughter but there wits .ne, doubt about the effieleheyt, Mn Sugar in those days was known lid out of the villain to the tune of "Thel In the convalescent hoilititals , the old Fan people come to wave ue - go.odby. One old Freneh woman in-ithinar work for the inen whir are too .ing totheempty basket, ,exclainiecl a which wee considered a .gieeat luxbry, obtainable only by the well -to do. Th nt attentions f o our first encounter, plea, and after chanting foraseveral high peiceit broaghkoffered much en- quires. Of Tommy, "Poosh?" and:116. re -1 11 emir:igen:rent te bee keeping which 1- •- 1 • it worsted by battle to do 'anything more : a tearful voice. `Ah ' cp- nm ostess apeearech mid pointe chine gun emplacements, such twined was then a •much more: important -mice datne, Allerieand Rhine - toot sweet e , en I • al, a- strenuous at this' time. It cheers the'avill not 'bother you to -day. • , • . e . . . , • -.a- . WAR . ENGINE APP ON AlLIGUST,t9, 1916e • --. ..,_ extnsive iadustry., eepec y eh pleases her gre y. m n to think that they can still do a : ' Taken by tae e. • taken heavy toll in previous attache, Miis to a Mate loaded ale tell th rest that at last iall in• Asia She hobe • • - • .httIe something to Will the wale an d ' • • "'The tary authorities hare talc - ED fell an . easy prey. Boinbs. exploded — r -d s off to e hundreds of the new trench candles eh him away for his months' train- - Naturally the element of -surprise was bees •flying .asbore to gather •• nectar the Rhine immediately, if not sooner, , The are. f strips frOm"flo h .1w s a police clogd " ' partly si 1 harmlessly againste so . . 7 the •terman swine will be showed over aretbeing turned out weekly.' h• a • - their eks. 'with hives. floated along the Nile', the These •thigi,iiyily monsters- Rare a mg success , of the tanks on their first • , re pon b e,efor the every/116in- It is thought however,. that feeble 'old vcnces. We answer. with A dae ' - paper folded androlledtightly into eren sized candles. , They are then ever on t e. banks. and the whole village cheer in, their s eve eir Beth num arid beast must e th y a eo ps. of news- !. Such is the,German military s'Ysteni. gait derived from cane was kiicnin ' • • h • s • " perelyzing. Effectdipon the. appeatana: The unexpected arrheal r . ,roaid *hie lecete them all in such [dipped into paraffin and allo*dtdt 'turn, and th-------.urute would have r , r of their new ally put frail heart Intel n China and India as a tang ago as g d oo cheer tha. they go back an feed d Th ' - .0 • many a-crupl blow and whi -stroke • ., f. • , inally.native to those. countries and i !Prisoners and biting nummies arrayed It avae on August 29, 1916, that the of the Germans- d in the early middle ages Cape eugar the, pigs a lietle more turnip The ' • ey a so g e off niore heat thaa• the '." - *f • Th 1 iv • in um arms different from the Hun first batch of• tanks, 'fifty "in number, But they- , proved In., addition that was brought to •tEurope by traders with ahickens tackle louder, the pigs giant- usual 1 d burn-longea e ; field -grey. Truly the . Lloyd. They made their way up the maehine gun emplacements, of dealing ' landed in Femme, • says Lieut. .T. P. they were capable of destroying the from the Indies. - Eeropearis called it ahoneY made from reeds!' . about the Allemand and the Rhine and .' ,' di pleasure, the old people talk : 735 can e an • • I and doe in Hunland was More thah a Kaiser's ' state - l ment that he Wald enrol; • eyery cat ' line scene by.rail, others by road, with t , • elite precaution for secrecy, and arriv- flattening out a broad way fee the in- ° with enemy personnel, and abotre an of In 1747 a Berlin chemist diecovetea iwe e k- on our.way singing. So every- T st '' - . o op .hiccupS give tke patient a , Mere figure of speech; ' . . • ed in time to tahe part ehi the:second fantry through the deadly Nike enten- that the same -kind of 'sugar could be , . a a d - ha . • • : . *spoonful of granulated sugat and • • • • e , • . • obtained frpm .beetseand since then ' • Th I The Pr eoners' Cage ' • . - vinegar.. If this . temedy does not! 7 • • : ------4---7V----'""-- gage. of, the great alliecroffensive on giements.. . They were inipprvions to afford instant relief repeat the percentage of sugar has been in- l .0n ,our left is a big equate—corn- :ak the Somme- ' . • :, .. rifle and machine gun fire and • even the dosed . T., a Red, Cross Mg. creasecl so, considerably by: 'selective Pound: enclosed ivitih barbed wire to a at their slow gait of• three miles an . . . "Since yen -worked your examples; Brave dog, you ehare the fightieg flak - • - s "c 1 " sa'd the pretty teache "I On field f F our men, just as it lowered themoraleI4000 B• The sugar the chickens a little. extra •,grane and tinguish and so resist draughts. well German Troops. cane was orig- dry ey. are then very hard ito ex- he learned hi 1 P ' ere of -pulling down That the Germans erpeCted. some- • • breeding of -the colorm made them a difficult target y . on o i is erived from rune sentry boxes.. It . is the prisoners'' army order- of Sentembee 14, which g - ' - • - tons of the rode ' ' ' - 'At the ' -tem to W 't . _ , - . .. .- . aage. .shall geve you a Mee." "Teaeheie Il Yet never fcir your sake. is flown a same , , e _atm -0 i „didn't know there Was to be a. rewaed;" i A shining service .Stat a4.,effeetive." ' 8ut the realizatiim was spoke Of neve engines a war, at eruel 1 , - • - • • - • The average person in fide' country will beefuil of Boches. As for artillery.' . • , . • -. . It wits. Obvious that the we pass it responded the,honest -urchin, "It'seenly:,,thu‘ Jt:nread the bloody..bettle-groand . . . faiths bad consumeatwoethirde of his own weight. we enter the thelheone. We know be- 'fair to ,Tell You that me big brother! '''. _ elan worse than the eidieeraieme, a come to shay. ; And find wliere wounded_ lie,. • e .. . .,.e ea_eete ., . . : , . ,. os. mig..o. in a.eeate . • _ ea.....—ateeeeete. E,1 111,!#.4.11.!,,,, • enr.,.5, lfa, .n.l.r.1... _ eeee •• - • Their Activities wer.e be ee -. e-, ., • '. ,• ' " - e- .3 - 4. ;-• • ' i did "'T-----1 iiii-i.i *''' • ' . . .i tee4less of the shell airia loot_ . 0.---s.iv tre-taili.adv---41ciiig out of beforethe end of the.fear and ,evere in a Paternereeniay help the goer. sitime ••in iv) and before we know it we are flour, *O. and a half teaspoonssalt, Were I your master I should want lost the power a 'one's limbsa ' Tbe The mailefrture• • ancia devel ment " • • • • ' . • • - • • • • • . . 1 , . • at took- the field in. the ups. 01). • The craving for: sweets:in . grown- teems with activity. Troops every- spoons water. Add the dissolved yeast; A star that has a tail, metestera anproaehed us sloWlie hob- ‘ S• tanks 1 c of 917 had .all the improve- as well as in children May be wlieza; trench motar batteries, ma- to the lukewarm potatoes. Then idd; . —New York Stin. . . hour their low height and protective vegetables that now- height of about eight feet, with raised 0 e Y, thing 'unusual is shoWn by A captured r, s ranee afar. tz4r=azi .Ziev,%-spiip.zr tiies di:Zeit-het:I the rIlY aliia.----;. =-1.------- --zs .4:-.th--, 7.-.'4.;;Aulz.-7: , Arrior.of 14/1?-nicrt ;.71 flarav,frePrfn,* f,TP•Pte ga!PFt.., qt -t71- Fj15,1r173 17-°'tt-.--- • , ...,..____;____ ' jilSt on the. edge- a 414.o. eriemy'A„cliz„-. g9.tAtaitelf.1z77,-roely,f_st 110,f 4.s2A-A.,trvituay atwi„ggfettebirsif,..,T-'1•"-x1,-12 _ ____ _ - _ . . ... t.he mist: • ' i action, before Gaze. During the thin by ;tieing wood and ad reeking at the centre of hat seemed such . a one and a half tablespoons sugar, one To give our valor hail, • • . - "Onestared and stared as if one had great stridee were., made both with veoocl available for use by others. - peaceful little village: New et fairly cake compressed yeast and two table- rAnd fly a comet on a•liag— . • . blingt rolling'androc 'Ling, battLy ap-laPring satisfied by dried fruits because- the chine Olin companies, engineerii, field the. sett . the sager and half. i cup ••• ----eh---"a---d• ' creche& ' Nathing impeded them itients that•eeperience and e eriment rid • ugar answers the natural phhai-I dressing stations, pioneers° and, artilt of the flout • Mix the 'sponge ehor- Whetr Ieft ' from making': aottage xP e teee deateatadted 'added?' atifilteddialigit't ate- iiia-sliOa Petite:. the° And haff-cupsi— • • ta .igh. . . -.Setae ens 'M the trenelie.s. aid dile had suggested- Tha-d-L" °logic- demand feiesweets min without ,lerymenaliorses, trucks --big and little iniglily and eet itarise until it is veil, cheese shoeld not be vvuted eq devil is miming: oed , thee word, ttes th.eir r.elation to thednf'antry had.been the injury ; • • • di's= ed d that accompanies • the cont light (ab,out two bourn). To this P- . ey too —automobiles, wagons, water wagons,, * e ime like wildfire . . sumpfion, of orhinary sugar foode. feed w,aaone, every kind of wagon, 'the field no longer' as tree lances, but thlanr of the objections,to/pastry and , piles a aininunition--big and little— ' • PnralYze5 the Ensta-rt • a'q *ae su*121 .18aatialtatrua IFbele• •1 sweet desserts will be remnoved if more' timber in all sizes and shapes, barbed , Mt sight of eliese Monsters was as ' Share Every Offensive • fruits are used in thear preparation to wire gala barbed wire stake- Over it alerreilara ting.t5,1==era as it -wad par -1 They have taken part. in•16.1 jni the exclusion of sugar. • all the big howitzers fire` centinually % • -roti 1)4,4011)1a -it) vse.iiit. EV.E)4114.6 HoW Vo L.- 14t1 NEVI GOWN 11413 . --. Nteal LIKE IT ,C.' BOES THE BACK a LOOK Al.L.Rldhith JO§T A- Mimu'rE well risen sponge add the teinaining floutlind allow it to tteble in volume Turn under, shape it irito-loaves, and after it bas doubled • in bulk bake it for forty-five to fiftyminutes. • . .613.41 31:11.ciarm. attlAT Ana -040SEI PM'? fiRst t414 sAftT4 I MAR. be used it) beverages in place of milk for making bread and in ,desserte, Austzaliar has a movetrient on foot for the preservation of its gigantic* "stringy -bark". trees; which are the tallest hi the world. - •te r A flefaloel 60'4 A Or On 6AT ISFAC11 0 A 0 T 0F '1014 ' minutes stretched out his hands to: - ward the doll.' At once it rose to an erect posture and 'came -forward, standing as if alive: The myetery man talked to it and received ties -Were from' it much in the inane way tie a ventrilo- quist with a punpet. Whore he had finished,- he stretched out his hande again, and the doll dell into a shape- less mass, as•it had been before: • •pperated by stringe ?„ That '.woeld seem to be eh° obviegs explanation: But, says Major Powell in Ins account of the experiMent, -the doll tvas exam- ined carefully before and after" the "seance," and no stiirigs were discov- erable: ' . ° ' A miracle •somewhat femiliarly known though never explained, is that which the mystery man seata himself in a lodge eurranded by a ring of brightly blitzing are An empty lodge fifty yards away It eneireled in • the same manner., Both lodges' are • tightly closed.- Yet, a few minutes later, the dmeda." is disavered. sitting in the lodge that :was previeusly emptyi the other one being vacated. -ethire=beeit obseived, maeinalieited atee 4a: aff it-46636*k aix It is just a trick, of copra; but no- body has ever eucceeded explain... ing it. • Canadian Airplane Output, •• The factories operated in Eastern ' Canada by the Imperial Munitions Board forthe rhantiSacture planes now, has. a .rnorahly output of well over .a buncired machines, accord. • ing to word recently"VeceiVed bere. The . spruce used in making the airplanes is cut in Brifish Columbia, and a mar- ket for-a—considerable quentity, British Columbia Coast amnia, which :.11".1"......RMI'IM..!•1!11.. otherwise might not be used fee coin. mercial purposes, has now beendfound, • •••••• a. • 1444440, , • 4 The First Invention. • "Pa, whe was the first inventor?" t "Adam, my sofa" ' ' ate . .••1 ievent?" , "The poor execuse." . • 'War bread care be made either with or without potatoes. . Rico gruel," potato gruel and, wheal. - meal gruel are the, beet farinaceone food:; for an infant. The diet should never be confined to cereals,. Vora - table purees and fruit juices should be given to children. Children ehould be tatight to drink liequently three to six ounces of wetter daily between. meal% and should he lagght to ineautictitb their food thoroughTy. Thie is very :snportant, at the habit of footl. ohowlug fortuod childhood is hkely. to he tqaintairied -through life. ite. gularity of meals la 4s0 highly im. paltA.14. a •