HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-07, Page 1' O.& & ..114111•••••• a • k* - y r: ' nra.. . • or $1-50 per year, in advance; $2,00 Otterwise LUcKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, :FEBRUARY 7thit 19180 Single Copie$ 3 cents tUCKNOW WINS TEES.: . —WATER TOURNAMENT .9.•••"•••••••." Th LUOIXPOW litPOkeY, l'eara went rieht after the prizes in the .Teetnvitter tournament last week Oa they got thena..-rseven gold signet rings. , *Tema •taking pig were: Luelinstiwh Whiginn, Teenwater and Mildmay !t fell t the lot of the LucltnoW boy e to TAY Mildrnay and TeesWater and they won from both, The lemknoW vinlafild- liffrgains,witifplayederr.:Friday-efen, • i0g and resalted, in a. scont_Of 4-2. The • Lucknow re. Teewatee game which elosed the,series, came off 4711 Saturday night, the former winning by a 0e0re of p 6 2 chowder had Previously defeated , Winghaw by a score of 8 4. It was all good Olean sport through., • Out, there bacclittle, or no penalizing by the umpire The story that a gild, inay player had an' eye knocked out .by Lucknow hockey stich, Was like • the story of Mark Twain's death—it was • greatly' exaggerated The fellow suffer- ed only.* seratch. ' • • Nattivelly eur feliowe are juhihint over-. the taiirnanient and with the• treatmerit they received to, the peigb bounng village Op SattOday After the game, -thalitscor'Bros. invited them to their' home where they eojeyed ince loni3h. . Members of the Lucknewiipe Band were overr, and added:to the entertain- ment of the crowd . by their etirring airs. ' .• The litre ini-in-titeinafwasas f011owsi. • Lucknow • ' .TeeSWater .ROCI 3, Goal Thornton 11.-4ftehesini • Pornt F Meow . MAii%ston Cover 4.d. Solo* 14 -446 -t -do. r -LeftTtiointon- * A. Orr ,. " Right, Hewitt. Married In Scotlitnd Raci'4V5 of The,S faentinel' who remem- ber the. family of Rev. and Mre.,Angus Magarv,will be interested to learn that their youngest Oen, Re Vo- Jaz' Calvin MacKay; M,4.,.,01 Nairn; Seotland, was inerried on Pee, 27031 1917,, ill. the Free isrorth Church, invernese, to Marr.Rae ober MacKenzie Nue°, XA,, qnly diruen. ler 01 the late Wm. David Munro, -Al. inverehm, Sutherlandshire, The marriage iervace was conducted by the father of the bridegroom, assisted by Ittrr:Geofga:afacKaY, /learnt and Rev. John McLeod, MA, Inverness. Bruce Battallow Soon To France The Bruce Herald ani Times of Weil, kerton had the following last , week: That the • leOth (Bruce) Battalion. ie shortly to be on the battle fields of Flanders evidenbed by the fact that Adjutant Roy, Whitehead, Quartermast- errAllen Todd and. Capt. „Foster have already croessd over. to France and are arranging for the pioneer party to im- mediately follow and stake mit' the encampment.% As lettere horde also !date that the Battalion has been given orders .to prepare it any time now far. crossing the Channel,. it would seem -that the 100th. which 'has become famous in England for its. Reoviess iu the athletic field is likely to be given an .opportun- ity shortly to prole its metal on the battle ground As the, Battalion is the last word in efficiency and training, -Bruce-will-aeon-ha • .na reason . to -be pnaud et itagreat fighting machine. 4. Spring is opening u in Fiance, and the, greeted comb/4-o ne Western front since the war begen' now being 'plan- ned by both 'belligerente, and hence the Bruce -boys -are -likely -to- feature rem in -the fiercest battle..of tho great 4-iiild . A Critapbet, Centre .. Greiniche war' ' T. Aitohreion iteveit . Arscott . Cedar. For Bee Mies . Sawlogs being hauled through town has boome such an unfamiliar eight that the cedar bike being taken to the "railway station the pait two weeks by the Meta*. Andrew exi,,itedi good deal of questioding ,Where are they going? and what are they to be Aped forT This cedar s for . shipment Co Guelph, . where it will be cut into himl3er for the* - making 6f . bee' hives. Cedar has ier•-_ 'tab] advaiitt!ges over any •other• tinthbr • forting purpose. The cedar is light, durable and'being spongey is a poiker conductor of heat . or cold than any Other available tiWber. ConsiquentlY theeatof the bees &Mod in A cedar • box is not 80 readily dissipated by rad- iation as if soine harder material were • 1 .Bee -keeping has developed into quith a large and tmportant indlistry mi Ont- ario, and we notice that the Resources Conunittee is making quite a strongap- . peal for the greater prodoction.ef honey as a subetititte for sugar ..MAIclisla CORN INTO MOO - ft, tnke 1 h,AAR of N'o...n 01111k .—L-m'ake, 100 lbs of irvergge live hog..nnder, .,-liaveritg4-cantf-eCOntilitiTiterif'S'ilii. tire •finding of tile 'Commission appointed by the United Statati Food Controller to in-, Vestigate'the cestof hog production. and • to suggest plans .for stimulatingit. The •; figures. given above are hued on a she-. -vey Of t.en years' peoduction, eudtegling, • The Commission repotted that, to 4riag, •• productionhack to -non -1W, it would'be • necessary to pay at least the ,..eqUIYalent • value of 13.3 bliehels Of corn for 100 lbs. of average 'hog, and recommended that e., tnigintumemergency" price 0416 per evit, at the Chicaao nityrket be establish- ed immedeIy. . - • • - MARKETS" _ (Correendi tip to Wednesday noon) Wheat... 10 t Wall&40140•0140.0011y •••••75 80 • .. :1 ari 1 40 Peas . ..a 00 a 00 Sackwheat..... . ..... , Butter. h 4.• • 4 • 6 6 • • • a • • • 6 38 • SO Eggs, new loid..... . .. • 00 . Hoes. • • Oa • • • • a • • • a • 17.05 TORONTO MARKETS s Choice heavy stew**, 41.2 00 to 112 SO Choice butchers....... 10 25 to 11 25 • Choke butchers' iws. • # 00 to 9 SO • Good feeders -8.50 to 925 Good witch cows...... IS 00 to 120 00 106ge, fed and Watered. 48 SO to Pall Wheata",,,, ... . 2 14 to ° Goose Wheat . • ,,.... . 2.10 ife enas '" /7 to /8 Tiniothy Hay iS 00 to 16 00 Eggs, new laidSS tO ' !hitter, t...earrie Villa 't 47 to ' IOW, Petry VI« 4« They Bring Results • — • .out•of-town man in sending us a eni1'advertisement 'tins week &Uncurlecl the, folrowing 'note;. "Your - last- advt brought as* secretary in nfew dogs when we didn't know where ' tolook fOr 'one. It pays to advert*.i. At saves monev. and snitch value.* time, to let the public knfiw ,"your wants." • - St. Helios —Tuesday, Feb. 8. • Miss Ethel Anderson returned home after !mending* month visiting ft lends. around,Gg1t.„ • St. Helens was ••-vell represented at i the carnival n Lucknow , on ' Thursday night. , • t. Mr. and Mrs: little, of Guelph, visit- ed at the manse over Sunday. Mies Jean Webb Went to London. on Saturday. " Mitts Lizzie Salkeld returned to God, erich :on 'Saturday after spending a couple ofweeks.with her aunt, Mrs. It, K. Millen Miss Pearl Webster, of,Zatland,' was .1torae °Or Sunday., ' • nt--.4,....1.-71, on Saturdity.withe,lead of-rOattl Mrs. D. Errington And Miss • Dela eitzpatrick, of the 9th con., spot a few .days of iwit week with friends in Kincardine. You are invited to the last- dance of the season; to be -given by the Lucknow Fire Co in the Carnegie Halt, Monday the 11th inst. Good music. Lunch pro- vided. A: big crowd, looked:I*. Come AIM% Culross Centre --..-Mondayr. Feb, 4. im A biber friiin here attended a party at T. Hill's, Kinloaa, Friday.of last weeks • The ladies of the •Ited. OrO93 Sewing Society held a successful meeting at the. &tele of Mo. A, McKague Twit. Thurs- day.• " Mani, Sympathizing friendil attended tholuneral of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Becking on Prolay last Alex. MeLtaighlan iti at present under the IlloctOr's care.. We hope to see ,him able to be attend again soon. The hockey tournament in Terswater rink was well patronized by many 01 our young people, MTS. Albert Stanley 'and her giUter% Mrs, Robert Siddon, of Alberti, -spent a few days last week at OM home of Geo. Rtchitolson. The ladies of the Red CMS Society will serve lights refreshments at Mr, SAC MCIA11011414 I .0161 TU00.1 reb. tL Koop tun in Wad, „FUEL COTROLLER ORDERS Elluziaoym oanaaarsaa•Taa• Indattiefl an,d' ,bmibiesa, with a few eZeRritiOns," throiighout 04‘ aria and Quebec wilI be shut down Sat- itrday,c.Sanday and Monday. „This is :a inef-savirig measure, follov,ing the ite• tion taken :in the 'United tate last week, The closing was ordered by the GloYerninent on theAdvice of Fuel Con- trey/3r McGrath, This order- ogee* eitirs?•tAtiis and 4illages - Following s the gist of the order; On tie following days, .namely, February 9, 10 and• 11, 1918, ,no manufacturer or manufacturing plant nballs elFeePt to such °fin extent. es is essential to prevent injury to property, from freezing, burp coal or ttee *ler derned from coal for Any proposes, with the following exception: (a) PlePte which necessarily must benoutmuouly Operated seven days each week 'to avoid serious iejury.to the product inprccess �f manufacture; (b) plants monufaetUr- ing perishable foods or foods necessary for immediate. consumption; (a) plants devoted, to the Printing and, publication: of daily 'newspapers. •• Municipal authoritil, that is the local 'councils, are expected to see that the order is obeyed, and there is '3%11°n - - sense about it, for penalties for disobecl- ence7AteTprovided as follows: ny person atjr, roember ef a film or partnership-lindlini manager ordirector of Any corporation violating any of these regulations shall, on summary convic: don, be. liable to a penalty not exceed - log five thousand dollars and to impria cinwent for term not exceeding aiii niiith8or to both line and iniprison- That mean e that the larder will be obeyed's° far as, people know how to :obeiit„.„ LocallytiiMeinti•that fat -tortes, Millie, shope. and nearly all other places of business snt1I be chisel ori,, Saturday and Monday next. Hotele. May remain 'open,hut works and ...other pieces dealing* food.stuffs merman:Oan nec-. enaiy heat only until noon on Satur- day and, Monday. Lbw Temperatures The weather inan has been 'attracting all the attention inedible of late, and it seems to be 'his ambition to estallliah new records, every month. After mak - mg low average records tor 'Neyeinber, December and January, February start- ed in with 29 degrees below zero. •.-Sat- urday a4r1 Sunday were a little better,, but Tuesday gave us a temperature of 34 below, being the coldest on record in these parte. .. .. . • The day throughout was very -.cold, but a change took place during the night and it Was much inilder,yesterdaY. The long continued extreine cold it tiiiiiX a item ttetirOf Sickness in ther way of colds, Is grippe and pneumonia, .,1(1701.111711/itot,,frontmimp0,ttt-int§fet,:tt, lam long thought to be frostproof, ' ..". FAMILY HAD. CLOSE CAL Wit r.Plpes Prone Atul Then Explade, Wrecking Raise And Kitchen Wm. Snaeltzer and family' of town,.. had reason to think last Friday item- ing that a German bomb, or ;tome other kind of a bomb, had hit their house and exploded right in the kitehen. But. it wasn't that, though their was s, terriffic explosion and things in • the kitchen werapretty • badly wrecked. It yew another case of the Waterpipes in the kitchen range explodititg owing, to steam I:wean-re—no an unommon oc- currehce during extremely cold weather, Water in thq pipes between the kitChen, 'ranee and the boiler in the bathroomtaie froiepluringthe night leaving no way -of 'escape forthe ateam which gen- •erated When fire was started in the range., The moult wite explesiOn Whirl blew parts df the range to all parts of the kitchen with great force. Mr. and Mrs. Smeltzer chanced to be Out of the kitchen at the'ttnie, but their Wile daughter was neat the range when the pipes burst. Her &tape from death or serious injury Watt nuraculoue indeed, for it is difficult to imagine how, among the ilYing inn, Coal, steam and tire Abe Afferexi only few scratches. l'he fam- ily hsa tho consolation that it might Ito* be*'owe LOCAL .AND CENERAO Blundering Billy in the TeVen Hell *this evening. , •A• searcity -of watee is another feat- ure of this abnormal winter. • • 'Railroad teat% ba beet eXtremely uncertain the past to weeks. :„ ?lr Wm Connell has been confined to the housethe past week witha seyere cold: , The Carnival last Thuredak night** drew it good crowd and was fl' round succinct. • Mr, Donald lacCharles hag co*e from Saskatchewan to spend the rgniitinder of the winter with his parents. ' "Blundering Billy*" the ilay to be given this evening by the High School students is well wank seeing. Don't !rise it. , Councilor G. H. Smith did lot of good work the past week 'inlooking after the' needs of. _then who were out of fuel. -' • „ ' On aebeitittef the extremecold the Goderich hockey team did not cone to Lucian* Tuesday evening and the game was called 'dif. ••• ' , .. • the Womep's • Institute will hold g , . pancake tes, at Mrs ,B McClure's on Tuesday afternoon, ,Feb.- 12thfrom 3 to 'lock. -Fee l'Oo. . . Buy your ticket to the entertainment in the Town Hall this evening at Arm- etrong's Drug Store. Proceeds go to help the patriotiework-, • Corp. A;E:, Mortis, in a letter from France aeknowledges with thanks the receipt of a Christmas parcel:from the Locket* Patriotic Society, . .••• Dr. -ValensOf Saakatenn, Sok., SO of.tne late yirhi. Valenswas town for a: few' days of the past 'teek. guest , Mr. Gregor McKinnon, 'of near-Vir;-- den. Man., aod his sista', Mrs, A. Gil - hes, of TeesWater,4 were Week -era Visit, ors with Mr. and .. Mrs. D. • McLeod: In view of. the Goiarninent order, 'closing places of business on Saturday* and Monday intending shoppers from the countiy shouid • do their Saturday shOppilig On Friday.: • , ROOMIV Mr. W. H. Cooknorth of the village; Tpsts.._-; Corni):, Hygihe,. History, has been awarded iiiipretnium aa second Arithmetic, Spelling. , beat isaletiman for k. D. Smith's nursery Sr. IV. 767,„—A. ,Reid stock—pretty good seeing thatthe com- Mnrdier a Macliendrick, a Douglas, pany hive 400 agents. • J. Spiedler.. SO/0—V. the. Burns, J. Cain, -J. ilaeCallnin. 40%— ' The regular Monthly. meeting Of Treleaven.*. Below 40—P. Math - Women's Institute will be held on Fri-. day, Feb Stfi at 2 30 p.m at the home erVI'•'• • . • of Mrs. Darn*. We. expect the Jr: IV. 60%—IC. Hill; T. Blitzstein, 13 A D. Mitchell; X MacCallitin, H. Thenip- t, Unita() to visit us, Hodgins (ties); 11. Blitzstein, good program is assored---:-.Secy. .A.. Johnston 4uston (ties), me_ Tle'LticknOW'Ff4deinpaniMit give Leal 50%—R, Andrew, M. Webster, dance m Carnegie Hall on Monday. A Ilatr,47n, W evenins next, the II th inst. The net Below 4.9.77-E; • t Rithwell.* Lunch *illhe provided by ladies Of the *mlsaexams. . town, and country, ,The Lucknow or . I. Gr. SHERRIFF, Teacher. chestra will supply the mask:, This will be the last -dance of 'the season. Campbell St. LULKNOW SCHOOL REPOR •••••••••••••99rroaao, • . Boor I , Q. Class, Ek,—(Jeasie Stewart, Dom-, nen Macintosh, Roberta Bridgett.0), Winn -Wed Nixon,Sadie Jewitt, Mary Douglas, Florence Melones, ,Margaret Agnea', - Keuneth •Til676.91.3/I $LAlex Andre‘; Norrnan Bertie Chieholm, Arabel•CaMer- on, Albert. Chhdiolm. • A. Class, EX.—(Billy Hendereon, Al: MbereDade, tinricligtilrioen4hiaetk aStewart,i14Winolfred Webster) Robbie Purvis, Margaret Mc- Allister. Charlie Webster,' Bertha Milne, Mary Jewitt, Archie MacMillan, $Inels. MacLeod,Sydney Whitby, Clifford Web- ster, Ivy Whitby,„Kathleen Mortis, Roy' .'Agnew. •, J: W. MacCALLum, Teacher. Sr. I II. Excellent' -- Jean Stewart, Muriel MacKenzie, Eris Armstrong, Margaret Geddes, Albert Taylor, (Har- old Mcititoili, Lenora Webster) ties. Good—Campbell Thompson, Kathleen Chisholm, Clair- Milne, Pearl I3eaton. Fair -,-Andrew Thompson,* Percy Web - iter. Alvin Irwin,* Tracy Webitei.iR . VILLAdE CoUNCIL MANY IMPORTANT MATTERS fiN0A08 TWi ATTENT1011_01, TOWN PATIIERS • The second regular meeting Of a Jinn% Weal council is freqtiently the most in teresting of the year. At this meeting the officers flir the year usnally Doi ap- pointed; and a nuraber of 'flatten' of im- 'penance come up for discussion. The meeting of Lucknow Village Council held. on Tuesday evening was no exception. To begin ,with: with a flew to economizingnn fuel,. the meett-- ing was held, in the Clerk's office, This was much more comfortable on the cold eweoeunlidighavtehaben ent 711. unless, aCouncil c goodly• einbe quan- tity of precious coal was burned in heat- ing it up. . / • When -1 came to the appointment of • a constable the council was 'treated to something of a sensation by receiving a note from R. Cameron gating that he wished to be relieved of the duties , of constable and that, he /would not be an applicant for the position•this Year. 'ReeYe Johstonstated that„Cameren had mentioned the matter to him during the 'afternoon, and had explained_thkhtt /3 likely would be leaving town next spring and 'Might 'go west in March, The COlil mittee on petittona and by-laws .was in- structed to interview Cameron with a view to having him cofitinue tit act RS as constable for a short tiTntil ether arrangements " should be made It is thou ht that after A *the dun a of constable in Lucknow will be very light. Dr. Spence was re -appointed Medical Health Officer. • Mr. Stddall was re -ap- pointed to the Board of Health.. Mr. T. S. Reid was !appointed to the Library Board; the council's -appointees now being; Messrs. Gilbertson, Garbutt, and Reid. -John Nivine was re-engaged as engine- er at $50per mouth and a free house J: Agnew is clerk and treasurer for :another year, and Mr. Wm, ponnel and Dr. Paterson. wc re appointed Auditors, The only applicant for'the position of • if:was:or wart-I)eter McKinnon. plied also for ..the position of collector. oi taxes, , and Was given-botli appoint- ments. . Mr. T. F. Cain reported to the a:nth- en that he was about out of coal ' for heating his hotel, and as there was none obtainable ,elsewhere he asked for a load . of the grate coal vvhich wait stored in the basement. of the Town Hall. As Mr. Cain caenot use wood for heating, Jr. II. Excellent -L. Doris Durnin, (Winnified Doirglas, Morgan limier - son) gee', (Robert. MacCallum,• Gladys Smelizer)ttes, Gordon Johneton, Rena 'McDonald. Clood — Dean Matinee,. Maley Armstrong, (Grant MacKenzie, Pearl Nixon) ties; Calvin 13.116 ' Dave'Mile, Sidney Decker, Harvey Webster. Fair—Cecil Webster, Stew- art Mutton, George McInnes; Melvin Webster, Gordon: Fisher,* Jean McDon- ald,'Etta MacDougall. . • * exam: missed. . •• • : • Fnalicris SitivoZ, Teacher, ROOM HI Sr. III, Excellent—E. Reid, M. Mit- chell, J, Durein, (E Johnston, R John, sten)* ties, W. Webater. deod—T. Al- ton, ,W. Idurdoch, 0, ,Thompson,*, B. Jr. Excellent.- (F Reid,' C. Johnsion)*lles,-S. McKentie, E M. Orr, Sproul.--•Goo-d=E. Web- ster,'L. Taylor, L. Murdoch. Howe, N; McInnes, D. McDonald,* E. Burns,*. (C. Murdie, M. Chisholm) ties, W. Eaton, D. Houghton, C. McDonald. 'M: Donglast - • (Those marked withAn asterisk were absent part�t the month.) DA ' AM. WEBSTER, la, • . Teacher. • The t011ovving paragraph from the Seaforqt Expositor indiCetes the netious- Isms of the fuel situation in that town: Four care of 'Coil 'arritred in town on Friday evening last and were immed- iately distributed by the Fuel Controll- er, the situation beings° urgent that 'the tetunsters were busy all day Snnday delivering the coal. Two more cars were received on Wedneeday, but the situat- ion is aiill critical, the majority of res - ideas' not having more than a week's. supply. • • Won Medal and Bar Lna Corp.- John, Kennedy, • of the boundary east of Lucknow, who went orerseas with the 71st. Battu., was some time ago decorated With the military medal and more, recently a bar, which is equivalent to a secoid ntedah for distinguish service. •• Corp. Kennedy has been on active service it the front . for twenty-two months and • so far bas Wiped WithoUt a scratch. Sloe the list. was broken tole Inks been serving With the hind ai bola*: Zion • • —Tuesday, Feb sth Mr. and Mrs. Cohke,Are visiting this week with the lattees sister, Mrs, ilia.. ard Gardner, Miss Gladys Kilpaterick, of Colborne, is spending a te*days with • Verna Stroud • Pte. Beattle dibson, hall returned to London ,after spending the 'week:end • under the parental roof: , • A few of the skaters from this burg attended the carnival, Thursclarevehing and report a good tiro. • Matra. W. T. Gardner and Chas. Mc- • Donagh attended 'the L.O.L. district meeting in Ripley On Tnesday. With some families dotvn with pneu- monia and Others suffering from the la - grippe, there is a good deal, ot.sickness throughout the country, . Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ilacirett visited at the fortner's home here one day last week. ,7 • Yolk are united to the last, dance Of the season, fo 10 given by the Lucknow IOW (.)0. in the Carnegie Hall, Monday the lith inst. God music. • Lunch pro.. vide& A big crowd looked tor. Come 41tins, • "*."'"" the council decided to sell him a load of the cbal and to have the remainder re- moved to the School House: • This introduced the fuel question, and the, appointinent of a. local feel control- • ler. Ne metnber of the council appeared anxious to. take the job of directing the distribution of coal, se the reeve, Coo- cillors Henderson, Smith and Thompson 'were constituted a committee ;to super- intend the ,diefributien of coal as it ar- • rives: All orders for cosi must now be made to G, Smith. chairman "Of rain 'ply. committee, or to Reeve Johnston, and till cases will be'investigated..before tool is delivered By this arrangement .43ear have .nothing to do Oftie,gel-Vikalk,erde.W2P, • • theiTeblitilearteitieelled.' The matter of appointing a local die. tributor Of government fish .come up, but owing to leek of inforniaiwn no action was taken." The clerk was m- structed to write to the Dept. of Fish- eries -for information. • • . CHURCH NEWS Services in the Presbyterian church next LOrdrs Day at II a.m. andl 'Pan. Aforning,subjegt, qte.digging the Old Wells.". Evening sabject, "The Empty House." Service in the Methodist church at 11 a.m. and 7 Ara. Morning subject, "A Valuable Legacy," - In the 'evening Rev. Duncan MacTavish will preach. Good musie. Everybody is welcome, -The Bear and Is Shadow - If the bear was out at the "right time on Saturday last, he saw his shadow al- right and, according to the Indian to.- dition, concluding that there was going to 13e a fetv weeks more of wintei, re. turned io winter ()darters for another snooze. And if any thoughtless bear remained out, he learned on Monday ktm folly of departing front an ancient custom, . BORN Lucknow on Jan. 30. 1904 10Mr. and Mrs. W. O. tic, Milian, a WA (Henry Donaltil., §p0.00 .News Soap, ▪ Brown's, 'reap and Bak- ing Powder have gone up price' and are expected to be much.higher. But we have bought ahead and can give you special prices while our Stock lasts, 6 cgke$ castile Soap for 25c. • Raisins I00. per lb. Tea 300. per lb. Some No. r Baking Powder, while it lasts, Ioc tins for 50.° Buy from us and take advan- tage of oui many years of ex- perience in buying: and selling ' at right prices. • D.'Woods: phone t3t PPOIAC NOTICE at the cotuicil fueeting Tuesday night It was decided that the council :would ; see that the Government neaer closing- • industriet*d places of Ilusinesq Woultt be strictly enforced., All business hong- . 'esinthe village aud surrounding collie-.tryare hereby notified that violations of the ozder Will be yeported. •"'..0.1prIr.. • o • . EVERYBODY'S COLUMN MONEY TO LOAN. -On ;homages and 1101e4 at reasonable rates, Fire Insurance. but Stock and Mutiial Companies. Convoy• • anoing done with neatness and despatch. • • OJAI A. SIDD.A.L.1.4 Broker. Lucknoit WANTOD.-All idnds of raw tam Highest city prices paid at Lucknow. Don't sell yoarlars without seeing Jake Libel,as he . has the city market. Best prices for junk, vain. rubber -70 cash, 90trade; horsehair-- ' 290 cash. 350 trade: and all" kinds of bidet:. Phone and 1 . th.A. sad see you. Phone $0, Lucknow. 15-9-tr. • ,JAirE LIBEL, Lucknovr. W.A./iTED.-At the Paramount Cheese Vac- tory,..before April ist, 30 cords wood, 3 ft. long. For particulars apply to WIS. KilkSs. Milverton, ' It BLAOltarathil SitOP TO ling attaobed, in e wn of Barwick. . District or Rainy ver., A.pply to MAL- . . corai Gii.rsks. Boit 70,,BarWick, Ontario. 144 RAWFURS WANTED. -Highest price Nvill • be paid for all. kinds, of raw furs: :Minx. • skunks, raccoons, wriaSels. Special price ftcft lkiiral rubbers,tff111teli" call atBit131odMi? TENDERS WANTED -Tenders will be re- ceived for the drawing of milk by this. cwp ' or route to the ParalllOWIL Cheese Factory • for the following season also for putting cement or wooden floor in the make-rooni • of factory, tenders closedlst: March. Spec- ifications may be seen with the director or president. Hutu R.R. No. aLucknow. 21-2 DR. PA.RHER, OSTEOPATH, at (Jain House Luoknow. every Wednesday afternoon...AU . chronic diseaSes successfully treated. Os- :• teopathy removes the physical °arises of disease. Adjustment of the spine is more • quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Osteopathy than by any other method. FOR SALE FOR 8.AL10.-House and 10 on WIlioughby St., Luckno w,-comforta bit:, frame. 9 room dwelling, frame stable. For. further par- ticulars apply to J.111. Agnew. FOR SALL-Good frame residence with stone fonuel^tino. on • " ing the rebideiree emumect.' b}. ear. O. dal, BERTSONJ. - For partienlarS apply to 14.1t04,..-,.. • tfooLariittoot,p7,..„,,c,-1 • FOR SALE -Ten acres of land (to be given aVvay), short distance north of Lueirnovr Station, in good state of cultivation. 9 acrea seeded to timothy and alfalfa. nice, youinr orchard of apple. • Pears._ plums, cherries and grapes, besides small fruits, garden floWers and et ergreens; good wellnewlY tiled and,with new pump; good frame and. comout dwelling, eight rooms; stable, hen- hotite and buggy ..house—very desirable , • property -will be sold at a bargain. Apply . to WILSON EAGLESON, LUCkI10 31-tf • • AUCTION. SALE . . 'AUCTION SALE. -Jas. McLachlan, 7th con.. Culross, two and one-half •Miles west or Teeswater, will have aolearingauotion sale of farm stock aud implements On Tuesday.' Feb. 12, commencing at 1 o'clook p.m. There is a tine lot of good live stook and an outfit of _implementS in good repair.7.2 , ,NOTICE -For all matters regarding Greenhill cemeterif refer to D. 0. Taylor Secretors'. Notice To Creditnr$ • • • Notice is hereby civeo purstuint to Section 56, Chap. 121. of the Revised Stattites of Ont- ario, that all persons having ()him against the Estate of George Tiffin, deoeased WhO died on, or about the Fifth day of Deceinber. A. D. 1917, at tho Township of Einloss in the County of Bruce, in the Province Of °Marie, are required to send by Dost., prepaid, nr to de- liver to Joseph Tiffin, R. It. 2, Teeswator, Ont- ario, oho of the Administrators ef the said de- ceased, on Or Ixffore the First day of Mardi,. A.D. 1918, their names and addresses. Witlb full putioalot% of their elahns law-M:41nm twat the nature of the securities (if any) bem by them duly Verified by a gtittutoty declaration. AND FURTHER TAKE NO ricE that after • the said, First day of March, 1918, the assets of 0 the Said estate will be distributed by the Ad. ministrators among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to thefolaints of which they Minh then ha 70 110tiee, atid the dttrato will not be liable ter any elating nOt flied at' the tioaeof the said distribUtion. Dated at AA ibglutitt this ntootvonth day tot :44241.6eoe."11'411‘Yhoutl- -12d4911"torlitribatoril514t110 ?orantoitraterlt :•;•. acal"E'L