HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-31, Page 6•
Whiter Care of Tines.
Watch your tires, particularly dur-
ing the winter mouths t advises au ex-
pert. Winter driving is hard, on the,
pneurnaties-so Much mere eo than
=Miner were: that the difference in
'wear is decidedly Marked. - well inflated tare beim e
The danger is Winter ' h t endin and besting of
driving, ial tione wit on la g I •
eon4elerablY greater-that,is danger tile walls.' The fabric lusts mucn
which Might be attributed te•tireSe-- longer. The ordinary pressure Should
than in any other season of. the year be around 20 pc°41ids t'Q"`tile Inell' of
To avoid the danger, due to weathe; tire' .. A three inch 'tire would take 69
conditions and to obtain. the milage .1 P"luls; three and a half inch, '70, four
which is, due, owners roust give care -1 inch, 8Q, and so on up to six inches,
ful attention to their tires. Every! when 120' pounds would be correct,
Cord tiro are not -unite eo, dangerous
' man"doirtm-wintar tdriving-should havet . -5 . ..' -
OrSAiSt optible4oentury-when not fully
chains. A.nti-slcid Anithee are help' ----
but they sheuld not be te-
tt', hut do not answer all requirements Anflated,
seventy-five per cent, of repair§ come
from the same cause.
When a tire is not eufficiently haat-
ed the thin walls of the easing bend,
and knead. - Rarticularly la this true
when ruts or obstrUctiona,are hit. The
es nets hang hundreds ef feat down into .
Show Bagernees to Co:Opefate With
111.11.C. in Re -.Educating Veterans. THE 414DEATH FR-- the see; the depth depending upon the •
habilitation of the Canadian soldiers SEINING AND SHOOTING An the sueface within the narrow area in- Tr CO. LiThIBIA.
marine te get deep enough to elip Taut .
are doing Much in the work of the re; . der the net and. tarn in time to rise to • LAND'S SHORES. • , .
0 •
ehennel. It is impeseible for a sub- From The Middle West
I ON THE TRAlleOP 0,4 asta, ship next in line. 'Mese
trot whose oppoelte end faetened to From Erin's Green We
1110ST EFFECTIVE. ' !lathed by the merchant vessels. Out- ITTAR
Canadian toileges and univereitiee ' •
side the suepended fence Ply destroy- L' Ifenneniegs lot the Emerald Isle Of .Iteme trona Provinces Where ManY
'who have returned fromehe frontle
alaitl•for -.4.Yurther military --service and
recf•iring further education to enattle
by guy means. I would not drivel' glected hecaUse of this. .
Without the antis, but • t keep' My, t
I Be mighty careful in driying Do
chains ready and never hesitate to use, not go around corners fast. De not
there. • I start or stop qnickly; be gentle and
the winter,. I am careful in my iv-, if
. .x watch ray tires like a'hano, during take your time, and more especially s:
' I slip e
the streets, happen to be wet an
I Skidding is the bane of the winter ..--Coureee have been -arranged, to pro-
. ance ts quickly not e an ep
in also -snore so than at any other • P rY• ,
machinist work, tool making, pattern ' lye implemetts Of those' \vile fish fin a . . other prizerwinners, -. un er e
vide instruction m motor raeceanics, , of Germany, . , ,
Seiries and dynamite are the e ee
• withi aOM i,, . .•
- death b b
ot taking, electrical work and tele -
living. steel nets and depth bombs are
dr`a`IgngdeideabtyM: dneesttsr'01.y ei'trrseo
'vsetreethe- pa. th s 1 In
I seines
to the U.V.F. Hospital loft 'Limbless
merit 'schem gave their prize money
e e„
• I Outarlo DoLyisviV., Giorls Are
. - ere looking constantly for signs of a ,Interest to,lrish-
alai to carry on. • • . . .
mums A,re
quivering of the net,, which indicates t
tions have demenstrated their, willing., „ ,
• 7 though the, nets are completely below i The death had Itnekel:11
, an attempt of a sub to sauash through.
From, coed to coast in every pro- Nets end Underwater Expl
nese to do all in their power to lielP [ • . the 1•TuDoetn/
in the: work, ef re-edtication, Female Despite 'all the effort and money the surface be quiver and writhe if a •
' Yarn matinee, they can be seen frent fend Of Sir William Davis Goff/ Bert/
theme High Sher). 0 'f 4
The British parliament propose to .
'place at 'Water.
has been. awarded. the . • •
vince the higher educational. institte- _' Beet Methods to iniestroY • it end get at the prizes within. Al- I
IN nutmeg is to have Six foo pro-
,• .
duction conferences during February.
Majo? G. H. Adoens.' of. Whinipeg,
diers have required *ork have been'
unique aPParatus that would rid the meshes. ' , • „ ' .1g50,e00. for the purpose' Of interrped,
apply a suppleniental. sum. of about I
lodges; the third one being opened .
Moose Jaw now has three blosoniz •
spent etternpting to ()beaver. ammo submarine becomes entangled in their
this in alI departments in which Sol- ent in
eager to do their bit lay* co-operating world f t t f • "
o thr su marine, the most
"Barrage" .Nees. - , liote' education for- Ireland, ' ' lin December. , "
! catches his -fish. The, simple nets-, B' lfast UniversitY. • • maintenance of the ittociety.'
innipeg's Children's Aid SecietY • .
ment of the Military hospitals Come the professional •fishernalon • ..1 A. depth bomb Speedily finishee them:1 D. E. S. Sonlbte Dublin, has Offered 4
! w.hieli the peasants of Europe that de- A•veeestl, ffahstinatnhde icfasneo:wd.heepnthabonible. el,..: , two Prizes in ,zoolo),•,Ty and geology, for-la1:7
tangled in a stationary net planted
, sub as e - t ten years tp e
vised were no more unpretentious
than the The Military Crete has been award- i lc F.. S. carte of • ourbery,
planning to eaise !§14,0015 for the,
'With the -vocational -training depart- fti
e5a va.ant!dotea for t3o! evil are these
mission inoulapting •coursee for their, with wil,ic?
he Unitierratt ":1(:-71-tuite--•ler--technieet: France and 'United States teltave is gone and all life within it becomes' on of , the High Sheriff . of
Louth. • . oseisleMan, - -
has been prometed on the battlefield -
from corporal to lientenant •
existing facilities is readily ' evident • - which d outside the subrnsaine bases., the ed to Lieutenant John Ross McCiirdie, I
"Tete advantage and ee•oneeny in bothe
tekearty fashion OK &emerging a At 'R • ' the tit foot
training . are ideal, although the used 'fl , eu)., in,_F- . ',:- '/.34',t'st%lu. rge'eXtrfitt 7- ''-'• - --:' :- -----t----------- el.e..-epre-1/Cesaeln :physician ;o the Royal 1
money and time to be gained by using . e - ndets Englandtan a 4ideath fish" lies helpless until its air
periods of time, fasat University of appted president of the Irish Meal: jjeans4:anitjyacrnkeSissal
, e
.th: -1131r-m. 41.8t
nfi4 et_ Intl:), a pool deo ,that Ilfe shock -al' are placed across all larboe. entrances
These stationary' s or "barrage" nets licintia ifolPital/-Irelfaltrligg--1 trwhentheettiogropheitgeit,4ectiernn., 0_,
sity of 'Saskatthewan and University .
radeus is exactly ,the prmeiple- upon , .
lies dead and rusting in its coils far The Food , Controller has issued an, A
° • ' The Winnipeg Council is to have •
courses have to be adapted to shorter -
McGill Queen's, the Culver- stun' thefish within. the immediate
r°14 ttlhnel between buoys, and many a sub I
chem. eal Board.
of British Columbia have all taken an • which the "depth' bombs" of the allied ' order forbidding the sale, or use of ; city
debate shortly as to whether the .
9., submer,g.e nau4e . would and back and total through the
1 attendant destroyers, ti,nd any disturb- toes order. •
in Ireland except upon e 'doe- they cost"the city,
contrellers are worth the 816,000
. ,,.
1 a • d t ' .. Sergeant Frazer,.R.C.,ortr•Ush, and I caused the destruction of a winter fair
The fire lit Regina Barracks, which
active interest in the work. t • down. They are closely watched by 'maul
. i ships kill the mechanical "death fish" .
. out from the kitchen.
allot -building, was found. to have. broken •
Alberta Seed Fair will -be held this
. evolved few rules I °always; folawa motOrist. plays .itavoe yoni
aeason„ From my experience I have
e heee•tbeinoo you for consideration: t nerves and sometimei,kills the other
iellew, A. few ways of curing if n
Firsts -Also non-skid tires. . preventing eltidding are:-
Second-Uee chains 'when roads are • Don't apply your brakes suddenly
a 'slippery read.
Don't_use ymir brakes- in making
Sharp turn; slow down. •
, Don't follow another car too Closel
' be sure of 'sleety of space
• S idlers
Le some instances the vocational of- submariee has been.geotched. of the subs, They are pn an average
• Lieatentin o rte
t C lo 1 Charles jv,hnes year at Edmonton in the muIdle of I,
graphy. the forces with which the Prussmn
nlippery or in snow, • • fleets have artanged for men to corn- i
Allied Fishermen. . • Leo permit the destroyer to proceed at Butler-Reaarney, . Threecastles, as ,The -late Lieut. -Col. R. M. Thorne- .
; 400 meters long and ale light enongh
. perly inflated.. s • •• , , e_ who had started to be seientifie farm- John, Btill and France a • s ,
, heavy enough to attract the sub s no-: i.,
' been appointed a deputy lieutenant of.;
the county of Kilkenny. vaned at over $165,000: •
ton,, of Winnipeg, left an, estate
Third-KeeP yout tires always pro- e, plete arts courses, and in others men! ' e•
rid 'Uncle its normal speed ; They are . not • . .
-driving; never speed, ' „ Agricultural colleges to complete** ,plain, practical ; Wprkinen, while the flee should she thrat s bet nose The National I Graves Committee . , ,
.1t1. .McLSod of Calgaik has been
Fourth -Use extra Prenaution Pt ere have bele given courses in thel Sam have becOme, flsheemen again
1 striving for comPlicated 'devices. 1 boat will go blissfully. ahead with tITIO-e. hGellacitilgrels_11
e C meterv to lay floral tri- 1
age.. ,-fro,m Dublin .toJsa,
a provincial faetory inspectier.
pie:aided to a new position as chief
' - Vift-h-C- eep yotir brakes in perftet-whiehete- stop if anyehing happens•to training •upon • their return . from. the inventors and the scientists go on -throngh•the meshes. • Thus the
, . e front. b t on the graves. of men who died , Lieut. A, E. H. Coo, formerly sport -
adjustment at all times.. • . the man in front. ' u es
t Keep Your bra:kes p lie land spent 216,000,00(1 a year mi. food* ' •
Economy that before the. war
eine Hat ' has resigned to• take a
' *th these exploSives and of safety•with a depth boirab
your garage. . r erfect adjust- make arrangements for courses • *it ora. •
= Seventhe-Wipe your tires dryskidding. -Go with the•sltid and don't been offered the men. In no ease has ply, but wtre guys running far out.- position to the. grinning desteeyers,
her.1 for Ireland, •
11' e • el t Rathmities. on AVar Tirne i a • e
Miss Deese stated in an address de-
• ling editor of the Winnipeg TeleOram,•
h e be n awarded the Military Cross.
t f M d''
Six411-•--See thatirOur wheels •are all rim:A-fail. to turn your front wheels • In some of the universities courses t %tees have been laid throughout,all net fast upon bet prow and its bobbing
eveyeperfettly 'aligped., • . • in the same direction tl te reers tire in mng, milling and aesaning have nwaters, where submarines .are known ,cork.s. on the surface •betraying
d • • iv te a • Chief of Volute o ins, on, o e
fimoitian on the detective forge of the
to '• ' an institution Veen found unwilling to side the hull, of the U -bot preteetts i who -shortly terminate the sub's team • • • e •
has O. - .i. -- , I),., 4, . fsteelsloping't, iin
dropped from' shin oard is Much more Others have giant saws areanged on' a ,
I • . • : ••• I ' Iton A Turgeon Sitskatehewtin
Alberta peoyincial notice...
I • P . •
the •M.H.C. te-whone the• re-education 'of , "death -fiah" from thie source are not. vicem"' calculated to raise a net and ! oe,
a counoe, t • -
Attorney -General, has • declined. the .
position of Chief JuStice of the Court •
ow- 1 the returned etettlie:i 'has been enernet- ' what 'England *mid' like, ' Dynamite ,perrnit the 'stibmatine: to. pais beneath,
I The7Eettatee and nnanee Conimiteee.
1 of the Dublin Cotpovation lave depict.
the. siibiriereibIe9i 1 Om to it thezeinee - - -~ - .1 '
e ed to hand over, the rnetalehridge to
the ort oe s a t e a in . • ..
of 'iting's l'ench.,.and Will remain :in
mer ' Some of the ceurses are only-afe-tio7effeetive in the-ivorkeof • stunning t t slanting piece o n
ex- '7 ---This IS 'retie s'
' Menthe'. •tharation- bnt. Where it is ne- deibreayineie. yVh.enever a destroyer is back 'ftom the bow. .
foes 'extead over twenty-four mo . 1 ., A • laege amount of - -money . was
. tie4.-Col: Harold • F'..: • MeDenald; •-:
our ceisary the courses mayin nave eases_ fairly, certain . of
' This • The allied Lot .however : *eight -
' ep men -receive', pay and allowances .. as bomb is -fixed to • explode' at the desired4 the nets down so that it is difficult fer t -
leaised at the annual sale ofe 'work .
, asp, cx.G.,- has been made a
tithe. : The position it di ops a depth.eharge. . I
well .as *Rion dining this time, . !depth; the place -where the 'explosion ! e sub to lift the seine, and themeshes-- -• 7 - brigadier -general. -He iS 0.'son of the
t on behalf of the National Institution
,r .. . -., • .e,-...----,--.. pceues, being deterreined by the pies - , are now made of Sueb. hard steel that 1 • . late .e.rehibe 4 McDonald Of •Fort Qu'
and. Molyneux .A.sylum,..-Dublin. . .• , k .
with the fuse: , . •• - • ••-• . . t A very. successful conceit mm -as give ,
. Appe e • • ,
,.. .. thesureeof.. wsiter upon:a trigger eon- ' the seive do pot Affect them seriOusly
sely. • - . - • : . • - t••:. • * R h ' 'T II 11 last tereek ' •
en in at mines own a ' f''' The •C.P„R, • OffscialS et Calgoey, .
• •
Airplanes with aquatic equipreen a
' THE ORIGIN OF "SOCHE." • . !In:aid of' the funds :of the . Spldiees. a ,
semaring the air above the water all- ' cia.- , • , • .. :• . ' .- -7----&-r-----
Alta; announce that the men will be .
om- • 'THE 'osinuairs:}:igarKg.:
: .. • • •
. . •:,: , : -do' frequently Ilocate submarines 'far ,pee wit° antronttn-hr-i-the. efutur
. . . • ' Johel3prks, 'while engaged in felling
1 thepay days being on the 8thatid
•., e
• / Doe's Net Aide Its -Head id the -Sand
and The • familiar staternent ...that :a beneath the. surfaCe. Estimating -the 1! Conlraptiori. of Ceboche, Which itimber at IVIarifield) was strut!, on the
' • •• d 1 23r1 of each month •
. -...., .
. - .. . 'When Frightened: '
and frightened' estiich will hide its head in depth or the ."deatli 'fish" the aviatot e ' Literally Means a Hobniii. ' ',
I i n hatur:
neck by a falling .tree; an -died with- • et • ,. .. ' • .
7 . ' • : . . I hat the •strietest economy may be
the' "Soche";ls Om abbreviation of, "ea- chairman careied out in citric affairs, -:Winnipeg
less. United 'States. Consul at Port- Eliza dicularry,above, it and drops his depth beche;" ft. rtobtail, with a heed, rough of
, in
Murphy, ll&d.C.; Council have asked 'heads of • de- .
betb, South Africa. 'In.Copinierce Re- bomb, Waiting with the focused cella- the' Middleton Rural ; Council, has 1 City
i partments to. report to the whole
the sand was recently rafeted by -the bring -S. his machine to a line . perpen-
7- ports he says: . ;: • - • .. . , , . ago, because of ciarrepeonding men- been appointed a justice Of the Peace bo . • .
1aid instead of to. one councillor ae
; and square head. • It, was long in -
' veral.WayS. One of: the widely eir- A•depth bomb -need not hit the eub, tal qealltiee, to the Germans as well.' re
for Cork • county. , ' . ,.. 1i. iee
a rhe userS Of. netrol are 'delighted ; P-ev•---s-tr'
,410 "The estrieh'ie a .peculiar•bird, . in 1 - •
era in order • to snap a. picture ' Of 'the "
culated :Stories creilits: it with - huffing to destroy it. If .it exp o. es . ee ' : the orn •eis, th bi German e
at to all resernbling them. Similarly,'I - • - -• i Entailing .a loss estimated at $260;-. 4 .
over the 'announcement that the price , . . . .
, 000ethe large terminal elevator Of the.
its head in the send when frightened. I 100 feet of the subinersible its • .250 "Berthas:" - iti hooch- of ' the 'tided' ' -- - - - •
euus-I ef all gradeg of Motor Spirit has been
Northern :Elevator dernpany in ' St, .
Eighth -Use yotfr clutch -with care. mem, Don't awn them ou.suctdenly,i, the vocational training branch Of tha.the eremite e of 'catastrophes to the 1 Many subs have "net -lifting ,
P g - • - '-which could have been grown in the
•JCi- r au brakes. Throw yoin: clutch' out sl
free there of Mud' whenever you en r fight against it. ' „,
----never throw it violently. . • h
I .-Alt slow down and gradually apply
Ninth---Preven s
possible. ''
Tenth -Keep your garage floor
..• clean and dry, with the garage 'tem-
perature around forty to fifty-five de -
„trees. , 4 . ' . ' . ‘ , wheels are in peeper alignment;
• When it comes to inflation •alAveys. there is nothing. which will grind
remember ,that ehttre is no tonic for your casings like wheels out of al
tires equal -to ale. '• It protects them anent ' • ''
• .•
and prtirette the motorast---as--evelle Itiding`e0t-
. . tracks is the most e
, •
Never drive 'without your tires being • Mon fault of drivers, and it is co
,,properly inflated. Get yourself a re- Rails wear down the siding O
f t
! '• liable pressure gauge and. use it often. chew off the rubber and grind in
Don't. be satisfied to:kick- your tires' and water. Water plays havoc.
occasionally to estimate the pressure . tires when the rubber is rubbed Off
Tea may he taking chances with your it gets to the.fibrie, Oil,' dirt
life When takingchanceson your pres- small stonts• are. ground into
sure. 'So be Sure. Many actedents fabric by ear mils All make for
are due to deflated tires and fully life pf the.casinge* e
MINERALS USED !USED IN ' WAR leum, which are prime eosentia
. • . •-•. ., the warfare or to -day.
•Materlais For Warfare Nearly All Duo
- From the; Earth's 'Depths. • FOUL AIR AND DISEASE
v to war he did hie flghtingswithos club W inter Aliments, Are- firevalen
'' When the Ireman,anfinal 'first weet •
iolentlY it
1Y1 or Yo
'the -effect - of a heavy_ sledgehem
blow on your tires, putting en„ an
traordinary strain. Be sure y
ls in
t • In
and any pebble% that haPPerted. to. lie . Canada: •
.11oeudY• . - " ..e. '. ' .'. • ° ''. "Wee as the.,,air we breathe" la not
• • Nearly all of the war materials of, apolicable to ' fold • air. Like mast
,ioday are dug from the depths of • the other cienlmoditiee the latter exacls a
earth. Iron .for an sobvious 'instance. toll from everyone Who uses it. .Low-
. But the. warfare of to -day would' be ered vitality; with „a consequent Pre-.
Impossible" . Nithout " certain rarer clisposition to such diseaees. as nolds,
metals .vidiieli,. added to steel, giVe to pnenmonia: and tuberculosis, t'he
the latter the requisite quallies for price -that is paid for breathing
' guao, prOjectileS, ain4,anes, autonao- pure .air. Ititi probably true hat_La
biles and ship, armor. # f ... large pordentage of• the homes iti eoun- with serions TestitS tO themselves. ... i depthoWhenthirty and ferty_ des toy- ,. • .
tYou've heard Al my daddy of course9
Ationg the most impoitaut a these • tries pos•seOsidg a elimate similar to "Durieg ehe enating eeegon ostrichee , ers work the Neater' ova in this • as being. °huffed," or. ' a.s laving , and in less' quantitst than the consuroP-
• '1 ** ' * ' " " ' decidedly d ' 1-.' k'' •; ' " ' ' . ' * • 1 ' ' * " . •• •" 1 - • '1* • ' ' '
rarer metals .are mangariese,• tungs- canac;a's are, to a greater .or less .ex- are angerons at-ae mg a fashuni et is .desperate ork for the. "el -eked -it, ' or • gone west.
nate (ter airPlane and autoMobile 'Marked 'peevalenee 'of • stteh' disease.% tion, and several deaths from thise running efoto of each other. and •ax...I thereafter: alitided to ai. pushing. ales! Gelderlend and Overyssel. In elle clis..1 . things!
I have seen ma -int -frightened ostriches, Pounds of triniteetoluoi wilt smash in daughter Of Herr Xrupp, ' the great : •
reduced • •• • - •
jee. ' • • . eentaihitig- 80,,000- bushels Of
but never -one with its head the the. iron shell. the."fieh!' -with. 'the German. munitions. maker. ••.. / • grain,was completely 'destroyed • by •
seeeen, e„, • , foyee of the ConeueSionO • ' . The stuff iffeans the various'
SHOUTAGr fire' reeentlte
tag season, it immsediately prOeeeds pestrojerrasO make,. use • of ° the high exeloilve :Ones. are "cramps" e 7-- •
li°1A4N13 S s•tieT, .
.."drag.'bonib"• when they know that a :the big ones that give, title a ler of I 1"-'av DevelopMent the' • • • .
and - • He flies • • ., 1
A. Flying Daddy..
"When disturbed; except in the me - '
• The "brag" BoMb:-. ••••• , kind's' of 'large German.' shells. The , A
tam itself and the disturber.
Qs7 sub is in the vicinity. Swinging down -black sinolte, "lack dahneone" or "coal 1 Holland has alwayS had such D-nt It Salt Beds
; You've heard of my daddy; of course! •
put as i"#lich ground as possible be -
triches run with great OW* easily from either tidw the :beat two - of boxes." The Pones .generally call the Ilibaindance Of eat for all purpose.
That they really are. frightened is ropes, are dragged.
these hembs, attached • Ott long wire "big- stuff"' "rnerinites dr "eteatiots."• it was, so cheap - that nobody. ever'
' Annetnistortunee that the "big stuff" ht of economy. But e change is I skies/. • • • •
- lie looks like ntiny 'Wee bird in the in
kee ing in of the:'fastest hence. Right up. in the blue of the far-off
prayed by the fact that in atteMPting Mien the destroL' begins plowing may bring ate spoken, of lightlY In now •obserValile: Supplies • of gait
'brave ship sailiiig the distance
to escape they: fr•minentlY collide. with up drid down. eYetentaticallY, he' trail- the inOnches, Being .killed, and so re: fornierly wenotto Holland chiefly frem.1 In his
barbed *ire fences or other obstacles, jug bombs maintaining the ' desired • quiring..the seraticee' Of `:Holy Joe,", gngland, derfriany and Portugal. Now, a there! • " • ' . •
• b ha, ain is referred. to delicately they are teceived from Germany onlyit• •
us at home! -And in some of his
tee, chromium,. nickels, cobalt, molyb..1 tent, breeding plates for such diSeases. man without hesitation, One kiek front,. sneetceget away without ritiming. awl after it is all -Over anti, If you are.-' -Inc threatened dearth has led: toe For
• and uranium. ' especially during the winter Months. the bird's footeis osuelly sufficient to -s of ode .homh. . There is claciger, too, izoky, ' you. are bitried---"eewed• in'a `renewed depsideration •Of tindeveloPed • hts • ' . ,, •
•dentira, vanadium 1
a he daisies.".
a 1 Ile' doeS such ' plucky and marveliMe - • •
: Ofgreat letPortenee aleo are ening- "This is the ,rnitstanding reason for the . put an "ordinark individual out of ac- a several of theses ereggenle booths blanket". gs it ie Calledeeand. are salt beds in: the DUCT? Provinces-
. •• " • •
trice the. soil and topography...ere such ;
Tp's .the splendidest daddy' that ever. •
the Pertet, anti/hotly: (to liarden• lead bul- 1ln Canada, diseases for ivhielt fresh causelfave been- repoeted. . • pleding,,thes, stunning the "sub,," al-, t
- I
td d fernale sit updn the eggs , ------------------------ iof the eeplesiore elr
r Where ,We Get Our Rubber. •
• s . fulanadte. it.yteer itsitrfea7e1.1edTallosrheo,ritndisetaffenecte, . h. sd ‘141-NyingsN,..
sts subterrapn salt lake. t ' . •
; And. every night before going to sleep
leteP and. inagneeittin (in smoke sheet , air is, thentost pitteet remedy. , eburing the nesting period the male 'though it be riot' immediately in
necessarY- for, subsequ'eut I soon .beconie filled with polennoue tete chicks' are usual from a. eitting.Of shoene- ' • • Crude. rubber is a vegetable product . To eellect the salt; this bmne ceuk • watch the stars as they twinine and
firing; • ' • ; igaSes -exhaled • ehainmateee -'1'nee',-sixteete-or :eighteen eggs.:- Incubators . nigo %op -the ehasers,..feether_ • gathered . 'fp:Me • eettain s. species , of I be. pumped Out .and. subiee.te.d te the i • !peep, •
1 I 4Tes, shrubs,- mese:and, r.oets. ,•:Its ne.eesseett peecese. H. cee, It is beheved,! And I whisper., to one who owits the -
• • stay fer thjaproduotion; of,bigh exPlo- tion. • It can only. be a . stion of :Upon alfalfa and meeliee, but they very petch ehoie Usea in the seoof Characteristic peen/141'41e* were earlYteesulth MaY he ehtanied , ..
the'two greaf basic materials neces- remedY Is of course, better veetlia- • •aee also •Inuch used. °serial -tee Ot led More, have."lante boinbi," implenieetiO,
and illuminating shells), to mark the a Tightly . closed loom .
point at Which. them- burSt.'... This is for the %ole. purpose of retaining heet, nately„ Breeds of.from eight to • fif- •• cate mechanism' cannot .endure heavy
teivee a.0 01k4A+; :1,,C.•',1":••:1••••;-:-:::-..fl:r.mi 7. :7 • .-.'..._----••••!••••• Ay1:1,1_111.: .nickAp..,R,,gclgttlivdporLiuit of then -food-- Cl throwing- the haminereeo fourteen-. recegnized 'by the natives of the- L another district,f-where serious tech -
"Please bring deir daddy' l'eacl• elle to
" ee--- oet tee one earteen..,fligat. feet sefeetitte veatilating:S7S10111S orie ingot.4-- • 7-
nice _ • onetrif.riPc ev-hiela .fotind. rtital. difficulties are eneotintered: _ , • - •
Lit 03mtit.V.:CL Lt. •
in it is t 4 • - 44, .0 Reords a the 'earliest, tOaveilere ; , Intl:tee ocitte .e '
• trated • sulphuric acid, derived, chit:41Y r, bc. insteired inell net'. tintittiiiiX;''':4•*.:;-•,`-•-••-•.%••tv,t.„1.;14,:•4-44--.;,,:•i;!,-.•:-.:„.5;,,,,,_•,7-i„,„,•1•,,,!:p.,!.z.71,1.z,,,,*1„. ,rr„,.. , „, . , ,
7tvntgatien AS Wattled 'fl.xmla *In* : pi! (lie firigees the easiest. way•to get it eepionese lereecking.• It lag hnposeiltle for tintee who beee ' • ••
' 'Canade les nickel and ..eolialt in ii da.ws, the an ntay be 'flushed' by oPeu;• i °ff Is:lo lage the . boat. - goin- COTitO.Clen-, ties; clubs, etc:, niade• from ,:their coaseructioe would, mean a long-,
dempen the eulphne on the end' arid a.; • • •• • . t ' . .. rubber, bet it .Was . not until ' aboutl•delaY before'. salt could be „extracted.
work. the• Cerrname have demi ' hi
. :not . s.cete. it. •sto ' u ad e r st end Nvinie. de v- '
posseeepa a sueply of -pyrite. ' ', . ' . ' I env.. ). a couple ,pf raa.tcheS ande-
". three are iniPortarit for' War prpeses. lenements. Thie meine
i right. Off, ',- - .- ...'„. .1..: e'...... .., .„. -1-; „ ..., ..., Of the seines the *figgets•aiii :the 1.736 that rubber etas firstintroduced i However, heneath theee. salt beds,. it is iFisrhano. in,
en territory that they .
.• Cif quicksilver (indiepensable: for de- I beet, but if the -Windows i grar toteleft mosf 'effective in:Protectint tonvoY.ed . into Europe. In civilization rubber li avrred, are impoetant layers of ceel, t
ealiandianee, . and. else asbestos. All 7 ing the ilfidows.at intervals for a few • etitting down the:fruit and
a icsa, ot sorae r.uh'slightly. ., The ink wili..then rinse!
.tonating high expIOSI•ves); the United ;epeWleo long? the saving in dactor's ',4. Perso,ne who are 6ing heavy phyei-14:'ile3564".. ‘TileY'.- 'A"'
, length, sections 'being dile'd 'at :' Sub': 'in
of aq.: desirea 'was first need for -.penal! era'sers. and; It seeinaWorthieabile to. mine -salt. in "ttheher: tee6
'waterproof •Cloth. 'Mid finally in ,ceel•thet .distiiet ef for no • ether • v"as'n 'have ,occueied awl retreated frcin„ ..
PbOfeki•iii)WiNuisrAshg•uhagi'-of fr-ilit---.
StateS has Plenty,' Mica, utilizable bills will more than offset the extra cal lirlaor and very active children need ti.a4ed s,:t win Orepeao be steitng hi an •mente; Vulcanieing, or' the Coring of i than to get 'nethe iblii•il .ffee4PCh. &Mit;
• u Wben 'one is writing and' gets ink ' ' '
• eurately by specialists. When it these 'ebt.mtmesontreiovetteesee-eeeeo-- eoo.eeee,.__,_eee.eeeseeee„eee .
from pyri.te (1t013. dientphid), imported I ne health and.public. opinion *III, del • • • oe, o
from SPaitt:. The Vrnted States also inland it In older buildiags where ie . • .
••strikes a eubmarine on the 'airfare -it. had used various articles, such es re -1 pessary in order to mine the .salt, end
anlon e Pile
as a transparent material far gee , coss„t ufzuel. •' more energy yielding feeds tharythose impregnable length/ to. seteen, altnost rubber, was' not discovered nntil 18 4., 'iv. g . . •
• 4 ' • in beneath' it trees, great orchards with evero tree •••
masks. iS readiot obtainable anY . ' ' •• engaged inMental work. or physe anf number of ships, -whk g fleet of _end thereafter thedeveleintient of Wei • *" " • ; , etit at the base top'Pled over ;it its •
and retreating
quantity in the :Vetted States. •Plati- , Europe is slaughtering licr livestock,: ical laber. Some of the principal en- ' inerehaet, ships seta- out tc) ty,o titraUgh. rubitev .industry. was' veyy, raiiidoespeel Ever Man should J,q't_ow at...lei0. a, side fQrt 'th'c' re. l,‘„,
num ewhieit ninon be had for .making eeen breeding animals are being sec- ergy yielding -Riede are cereals, bread the (hewer ,Itynes tbey are eent cially in Greet Bnitain. • There.---.:gie "elittle.' ribald cooking. • - • • "`
sulphuric,' neld is mainly derived rifieid This fact .should. .buttee, corn :breads, ;white end 4. leng line; ' single :flle. 'On either side :nlanY kinds and "grades of rubber, and I Exthnelee•• deposits -of• itsbestati of • There. 1( .0 • • , , f .
. • • . s xeuse m m ot ace
(roe& tutitty Itav,e been .diseovered •in
tion of this kind. I f t ed , sho ot-
front Russia.' national ieterest in • Canada in 'more sweet potatoes, cream arid ether: of, there in parallel line all the tor.. to -day these. can be divided Ian .t , 9 .
1. • ing would .be too g•ood punethinentefer
• Finally, there are mat .• and petro- ..and better livestock,wholetome fate and •sweets. Dc(in4,00.,ts, each' polling a flong steei chief classes -Wild and miltivated. I. westetn Pnovince of
..ass1=0,==naitla007tv-r•_ aNacumnsr,vt,.
"Wit CO
soim Datege
el arm
110. .11fl
0131.my ai1111
•••'••co P "3Mi
-11A.4-1A -PA - a
Be 006pOrigig
1bliew 213ixtras.
Ogir()P1,NIEL1.0! •
15t4.1: T017A1.4
VIVO- ARE. \lou
I. bolHO olrf ON A ,
PAM 1-1C4E.-• Tins.
I1rrlt 1( ettes$
• 014
. •
t\IOO STAtili.Vristi--r Pt/ante i
400 ARE, VI-LIAneo-to.e 60tele I
/MU c'Aeki4th
. the' men who' .1lielded; the 4XCli 011(1
the offirees who ordend this 'wanton, •
---1'useless 'destruction.- :s Stole .of the
. '
elf/Atte-told' of (16rman at roAties Iniv .'
, been Searcely believable,hut after
• seeing the photographs a the felled
orchards it can be realizo4 that men ,
who would • commit. .1401 ii"..'O' Wonlirtie- ••
stop at nothing.,. .. .
.vitg.‘ KS' 01
Scientists Ar'bythioinaomlela.ssExplain. •
Nothing in the green war has rive
sled •psycholegists ,so _much as .1 -he
freaks that Warethoeks play. with the
human mind. Cases of tin.; sort/ which
comprise lte, 'Per cent. Of all easuat4 •
tiem'are eel phenemene.
For Instance, prisoners of wtti, never
.de'VetOpjthis peculiar extreme norvoue.
noes. Neither do wounded'inene • the
mahout a bullet strikee,titem they lose
all possibility of suffering from pros.
tration from .shoCk. '