HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-31, Page 5H
Z.,m_ Est blish*d" i a 7?.
Capital Authorized; $6,000,000
Capital; Pgld.up, 03,00000 .
eurphie,. . a • • • $3,500,000
THE owner of a bank account flaunty
enjoys his
n1 ys own respet;k, but that of his
fellow men. Because tsf His saving habits he
is enabled to grasp the opportunities that are
lost to the man without .means. 0
: '•l
e Savings s Department nt of the
of Hamilton Offers.every encourage-
tient to the small depositor.. ,,a
J. A.' Glenne, • Manager
sih= '07 �"•
;Id -44
4 •J
.Y.rK.r .yr • ,.°+.•.nr• +�+•yr+-. .•vee...4... -• y.ea w.,...�.,.
Md' h gild» taalt we rare lea of thilit ; ►
oAd So ekelgia ;el s6eiLat' a•da ttifh
That k%
the Agriculture Society hays re,skueetcd .r►
donation of $10 00 to bo paid to the
Secy. of the society to be used for the
purpose of sending` the rate•payers of
the township the bulletin and reports of
the tperimental farul; the laid sum to
be paid to the said society Carried.
T oM.rs -J[ ow i ran-••Tb:at`Fennetb
McKenzie and Thus. Mcg) nod be ap-
pointed auditors tc audit the treasurer's
books and . all .other accounts and to
e next,
. t a ce d r.h
have hes . since
..H'opi to to t . e
sitting `of ;council, they to receavo the
same salary as:usual.-.-Carried; .. •
TC,nIFFER—b CP I RSON ... That :Chas.
Button be appointed. Clerk for the•year
'1911 at the, salary of $175.00.—Carried:_
klcPliE$sot �ICnr�aR.—That Walter'
Howe be appointed Assessor for the
year 1918 at a salary of *70 00.
A.. Natural vra/ Fortiflca thin Tflr) thoN ARMSTRONG -- That
- Clark be appointed' Treasurer for the
ld :-e nil -
:� : :. too a a >Ef u.: _ .:.catarrh,—
_ ..,..
o�Lc . troubled alt eata�
. Y � y� 1� h
if subject to headaches, nervousness or listlessness,
,by all" means start today to build your strength with
',which is a concentrated medicinal -.food and building -
tonic' to put a power in• the blood, strengthen
the life forces and: tone up the. 'appetite.
No harmful drugs in. SCOTT'S.
Scott•& roan, Toronto, Ont. 17-13
The recently elected council of Cul-
: 'toss Township metfdr the firat. time on
Jan. 218t. Members are: Reeve; Wm..
Case: Councillors Phillip Keffrer; Thomas
'McPherson, ',James Thompson, John S.
.. :.: . .
-Armstrong; -
John S. Armstrong was appointed
Chairmen . of • Finance;.
• The• Council as.a Whole we'sappointed
'roads, and bridge Commissioners for this
nnd Dan. Murray one dollar being error
in :tax bill '
ARMSTRONG T o1411'31a+`1 _-. That .as.
there has been deputation to thie•Ccjiun-
oil asking to have the school sections
equalized we , considered it would be
ott change satisfactory n o. the sect -
lone mut:too put. the Statuory to.$600
stead of $300 and if there ire tiny com-
plaints 'with regard to to this move to
be handed in at next meeting.
-MdPIinRsoi — KEIFIER - That the
Council as a w o e lnspec • 1 e r rt s ge
on con.'8 and 9 at lot' 28 and have the
same repairedif.possible or build a new
steel, wood or cement truss bridge with
cement abutments.—Carried. -
ARMSTRONG — TH')MPSON .— Tbat as..
there have been twomore of our boys
enlisted voluntarily in the Expedition-
ary Force (Stewart McTavish and. Alex
year. •
TnosiPsoer:•ARMePRoivG—Thates Al-
fred Ross has' asked liberty to cut some
trees on -the : road allowance so that he'
can erect a •wire fence: 'That he be 'given
the liberty to cut the amid providing he
clean ;up all the timber and . brush.-
,year -;1914 at^themeualrealary- .Carried.
I met a man upon•the street, ins face
was wreathed in smiles, his countenance
was bright enough to reach for pules
and miles. He was not the giddy type,
nor taken up with frills,but rather tine
whose cwcass had been chuck full of ,
ills. And I had met him oft before,
hie face was one of awe, 'you couldn't
coax a; sickly smile to., scamper on •his.
jaw—he always looked as though his
Purse was leakin' as the' ends, or else he
had'done, somethin' for to part with all°
his friends. Bi on this day his smile
'was grand, it kindled warmth and cheer,
it stretched across his phisog and ran
.from ear to ear. I thought some rel-'
ative of his had shuffled,' from these
zones, and left to him .meide his will a
hundred thousand' bones;. or else he had
discovered.that its hens, in winter time„
had started in to lay him eggs, each one'
worth 'most a dime, And so•I •asked
him what it was that stuck inside his
e lin'
,wr f f
cheat � nil- oas d' a a fee
a n e . mt,,tr-o
for to gurgle'neatn his vest, He looked
right square into my, eye,he pulled ane
to one side, and bade me bend to ..hurl
my.aat' and open it•up wide. And then
t ' e soul; "1 got delivered to my house,
a half a ton of coall°
The Government i8 having fresh'froz
en haddook and cod shipped into Ont-
ario from Nova Scotia. The price to
the consumer is fixed at 9c per pound.
Consideringthe price of meat` and 'fish
these will bwelcome. '
rh�iportafii. Events, Which:HOS.
OcctarrOd Dining 'tha :We$'4,
*be, Busy'' Wild'', leappenings .Care-
iplly •COmpiled and , Put Into
Hatidy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of our Paper A
t3 kid. Mons s F.r,lovtnent.
Preinler• Clemeneeau of France
,paid a, visit to the egidiera' to the
.front-line 'trenches. •••
Pte. Colli _n gw oil • Schgeiber, df'
Vancouver, tae reaseliod London. after
encaking' from a geFanais prison
camp. . ' .
Fuel, has been moved• Fast in, the
United States in quantities sufficient
to meet the needs of the 'trans-Atian-
tic steamers: •
liuke of Devonshire and. Sir Fred--
erick Smith spoke in the interests of
the 'Patriotic Fund at the opening of
the campaign,
The London -Daily Mall ' is now
busilyattiheking the War Govern. -
went and making charges that a
clique.:Coxtrols-the ai'nity: -__:. _--__-- ..
The Zionists intend to go to Pales-
tine,to establish the Jewish nation.
Great ilritain 'will permit Hebrew
commission to purchase landoto settle
colonists. - •
• There are 159 cases of smallpox
reported 'in New Brunswick, . 40 in
:,Kent"County, 60 in R.estigouche, 41
in Northumberland, 8.•in ,York, and
10 in Victoria. '
Charles D. White, K.0 a promin-
ent .Unionist lawyer, became mayor.
of Sherbrooke, Que. • His. election
was described by his friends • as an
indicationeof the fine . spirit •.that
existed in a city with a population of
ever two-thirds French-Canadians, In'
spite of Mayor White's, politics,, he
was elected on hie merits. ' •
A thousand j'rench refugees from
the districts around. Lille and Rou-
,bail have arrived in Paris. , 'These
,people were 'sent ;put by the Ger-
mans during the,last week of. Decem-
ber and :traveled through Switzer-
land, The despatch says they. are
full of confidence of the 'ultimate suc-
cess of the Allies and that. their_
'p'atriotistn is undimmed • by hard-
shi ns '
P. N'
Miss Mary Haig, cousin of Sir
Douglas Haig, is dead.
The Canadian Fisheries Mission
Milled upon President :Wi.lson.
An Barmy of 20,000 threshers may
be 'organized' for the .Provl'nce of
New vocational' courses. in -a 'score
of, callings have been inaugurated at
Queen's ilniversi,ty. .
General Boroevic,, • has succeeded
the Archduke Eugene as chief of the
enemy forces on the Italian front. •
British -Labor women -.,meeting at
Nottingham :sent a. message of greet-
ing '
reet-ing' to,:the women of the United.
States. :
Manitoba's Moving .'Picture Censor
Board has banned- comedy • films as
tending to'.ke h 1 m a the pub is too tri-
Mr. S; A. Armstrong, Director of
Military elespitals, said there are
plenty of vacant .beds for soldierspa -
tients outside Torgnto '
.Quebec may ;have prohibition nexi.
year, the. Provincial' Government hav-
ing, the decision now in its hand, the
date mentioned. by Premier Gouin he;'
ing May 1, 191.4 .
•Commissioner R. A. Pringle has
recommended to the Finande Minis-
ter fixing : the rice of newsprint
paper in rolls at $2.86. per 100` lbs.
from Feb. 1 to May 1„next. '
Vancouver may enter into world
competition in steel shipbuilding on
the basis of Belfast or Glasgow, the
Government being in ' negotiation
with eastern 'capitalists and mnetal-
Wilfrid Cabana, a Montreal police-
man won' w
weight-lifting contest'at'
Sohmer Park by lifting an' automo-
pile weighing 3,000 pounds; his
. cem
Fetitor Hector Decarie, broke a bone
In. his
shoulder trying to lift a plat-
form carrying 1,961 pounds of iron.
Our -Stand. at Brest Litovsk shows
the wWl to *in is not weakened;
that not a single, muscle. 'is Soften-
ed,” declared Grand Admiral von
• Tirpitz, speaking at a meeting of the
Fatherland party. "The betties are
great, but the goals are beautiful;"
'he concluded.
According' to news received from
1`}J'ttx ICY'Y--Ctitf`,`C'YPL"tY`�!.""'�CC/tii'Yk" �f17E -Xia:lilY9i'��
including the Czar and' Czarina, are
to be tried for treason soon in Petro-
grad, by order of Trotsky... The
Romanoffs:will be allowed to•.employ
civil lawyers. The proceedings._wi1L
be,public. It is' reported the Czar'
has been informed of,the decree, and
'already is preparing his° defence at
A .bread ration system for the dis-
trict of Paris is . to be .established
British airmen continued to born-
bard the Turkish worship Goeben. .
The Methodist General Conference
will meet in Hamilton October 2
next. '
Mrs. F. Priestman and her . three-
year-old son were burned, to death at
their home in Ford, Ont.
Over •700 liveswere lost on two
British steamers sunk in the Medi-
terranean Sea by the enemy..
Tire._-uol-'diers'- ballots; tvtailing_.
some 55,000 or 60,000, have been al=
located, except those in dispute.
Cabinet meetings now will be held
regularly Tuesdays, Thursday,: and
Saturdays, and at other times as tie-
Dependents of soldiers are now to
get a maximum of $40 a month, to-,
stead of $85, and other amendments
have been made:.
The possibility is (focussed of the
Government taking over the paper
mills in case of failure to agree on
newsprint prices.
So far, since'January 3, about 10,-
800 then leave been enrolled under
the Military Seryice Act, but volun-
tary enl'etnients in the least three
ttnonths, furter response 'of Men
called up under the draft, and de-
eisions • refualits txtornpUloia $.000 411
:,. ....7_
' HAS been estimated that five acres .of landarerequired to maintain
one ' hors,' for a year, and that the same five acres would produce
nearly enough food for two .people. If 50,000 Canadian farmers each
replaced one horse with a Ford,50, 000 acres would be added to the
Nation's source of food apply and enough extra food made available to
feed 100'000 people. ' ,
Just `thhlnk what a great service this means to the -country at the present
. time and , the.:benefit to the farmers from the • sale of food produced on
this acreage. • .
• A Ford coir also saves the.farmer a week or more of valuable time each
year, which can be used 'for further productive work. The Ford travels
three times as last as a horse and rig --costs less to run and keep, and is
far easier to take Bare of. With labor so scarce'and high priced, time
means money, so do not delay in getting your Ford.
- :447:5
ft•1 In gely trillV MO iiti bill, to
bei)"i ll ,M960 hill t'g iI
>l 1aI
d• I'd olgu. brvli. naalttOr
d AO ' A0iO blob) of Alj1 ries, hat
41#ted to Confer Ito Special tier m'da
Ripon Major Watt. Bishop of Canada •
of the British Royal Flying Corp
Captain Baracca, the /Italian arm
aviator, and Lieut. Thierry .of Rai -
glum, in recognition ' of their valor
and bravery in bringing down 43, 21,
and 10 machines, resPeetively. '
•The Teutons. tretired on a wide
front in the ° 'meuatrain -region • of
ittaly. ..
The American steamer Owascc
was sunk by 4 submarine and two
lives were lost.
The House ofCommons.Passed
.third reading of the Man -polder Bill
The vote was unanimous.
Rev. C. 1.,. J. Rates, speaking it
Toronto, said Japart' is one „ of the
three great, world powers.
One•ran• was .found :dead and an
other ,inserisibie groin gas-poisoninb
at a Toronto street. lodging 'house.
The toll 'of death'3n the Stellartor
colliery disaster is now placed. at 98
Seventeen bodies have been recov-
ered, . '
Lieut. -Colonel Robert Innes, a re-
turned o ncer,_ has been appointee'
^Dei eetor' of Soldier 'Colonization "Tor -
Niagara Falls Board. of Trade le
asking the Government to forbid al'
retail sale of bacon in 'Canada, and
to conscript labor for the farms.
Hon. W. T. Hanna.resignel.:f,;om
the- office of food controller as he
found that the Work of his office,in-
terfered with.' his manse private inter-
Japanese residents of Canada have
by an order -in -Council' been exempt -
lad from military service, because not
entitled tp vote under existing fran-
chise laws. r . .
The -Ontario- Government will es-
'tablish ,a combination shee and eat- .
tle demonstration ranch w th a .-Jew.
to millions of acres of aste land
being developed. ` '
'' Captain J. E. 'Freeman of King-
ston has, placed his 10.0 -le a Yarm at
Hartington at the service of con- •
valescing'returned soldiers for .the
period•of the war.
Alex., McFarlane of OttervIl"le,
clerk for thirty-two years and ex-
Reeve Of' South. Norwich, and Secre-
tary for twenty-five years- of..South
Norwich wich Agricultural c is
rS ieiy,
dead. . p
Discovery of "impurities' iii candy
supplied to" canteens of navy ships of
the United, States caused' the issue •of
all order subpendi-ng. the ' sale of
candy 'to the men and als the pup -
phase of -additional suppliep pending
investigation. ° ' ` I '
The military authorities ' report,
that satisfactory work is being' done.
"in rounding up absentees who • "took
o t' awoo s r wen , t e, ilitary
Service Actn.wes put in force. In one
case 58 men out of 60 in e. Quebec
lumber camp were gathers in: '
F'rance's war outlay. up'to the end
of 1917 was` 87,200,OpO,000' francs.
• • The town of Mackay, in Queens-
land, Australia, was destr. yed by a
Ottawnea 'was-grantedthe privilege
of cutting wood',for fuel
in Algon-
quin Park. ,,
A School of Navigation ' With a.
three months' course bas -been open. -
ed at, .Queen's University'
Maxwell D. Fraser, It C. aprom-
inent ;barrister in London died of
heart failure at his bomo
Canada's 'field crops in. 1917`
'totalled in value,moro tha 'a .billion
dollars, the highest .on rec rd.
' The Toronto -Patriotic nd • Red'
Cross Fund camp ign el secie with.
subscriptions, ' amouhting t $3,333,-
' The Industrial Worker ..of .the
World were barred fFoni membership'
iii' the United Mine Work rs' organ-
Robbers • ransacked S . John's
Church, the- old 'military hurch of
Toronto,: and itis believe that they
sought the Bis oP scr z<
Mr. :Edward Boyle, • ' •Se rotary • of
the Winnipeg Board of 'T ,ade,''n an
in viedthat! said. e
ter , the . West was
strong fornationalizatio of rail-
The last log schoo hots i Hast
1 e n
ings county, has given place to a
modern brick., structure," at Bell's'Rapid$,=the extreme nort of -- the:',
county. ,
W. F. Tye.. of Montreal, formerly
chief engineer of the C P R., has
Sandford Fleming
The death of Actg. Sgt. J: M. Titn-
begs .of Hawkesbury was attributed
by Lieut. -Colonel' W: T. Connell, as
the result- of „a post-mortem exareina
tion, -to the more, or less persistent
use of wood alcohol: •
MONDAY:. ' :
• French and Italian ship losses last
week were light.
Premier Wekerl&has" reorganized
the Hungarian• _Cab1n t.... ' .
The Supreme War Council will
meet in Paris' this week.
`Queen's University .will' admit no
more negro medical students.
Aid. W::S. WlieldoniihS
pointed. Collector, of Customs at
Montreal. • '
ColoeAl G. A. Sweny died at his
home, ' 1tohallion," Toronto, In-- Pis --
8''ist year.
By a large vote tht. '(Tkra'ne Rada
pYoclai'�ied Che eamplete--....indepeu°-
denteof the Ukraine Republic. •
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Artbur of
McIntyre toWnship, near Port Ar-,
thug, were liurn,ed to death in. a' fire '
which destroyed their farm home.
Rev. Dr. John. F. Ockley, superan•
noted Methodist minister, who had
been pastor of Toronto churches for
a total of 30 years, died at his hone
in that city:.
Fullest possible co-operation teas
been arranged for ,between the
United States and Cap:i'dian Gov
;+rnments for pooling supplies of
steel for shipbu:h1 ne...
A. earioad of Ir} sir fro.rel Haddock •`'
ind cod from, Nova Scotia in 100-
itound boxes Will reach Petrolea early
this wealr to be 'sold in unbroken
boxes. at nine cents per pound at any
pint in f.alnbton caUiiit'
The ,Thisy liardirait 11011S0
flelivery Phone Sixty -Six f or Prom ...t
e Best- HighOven
Range on the Market
We" expect.anot-'
r her shipment of
this famous cook
stove _ to • arrive,
,this week. .
-good • .qualities
fences over the
We will be glad.
to show you its
and , 'many conven-
ordinary cook stove.
Do not fail to see our line
ofStoves before buying.
It• :will • ° a ou
he -Store Where,Your Money Goes Farthest
+:ice&°f% �"'�\
When:the old year dies he, leaves the f ootprintss of another
ar.e • the countenance a
' e n .e .e f us all ' Doiet put the matter.oft
y • ARTISTIC PORTRAITS;of on self made, here' beforeyou are'la week' old:_ . •
la extending 'the compliments of the season to you we.want you to know, that.with
each succeeding year of experience we strive..to do better work aid 'keep .up-to-date
styles. iu. portraiture. ' Studio --ay, Tuesday
G. S, ; FREE, Photographer,' ' Lu cknaw.
Dr: Anna . M. Shaw hays: :," The women who have not' been trained
in stenography and 'typewriting, should immediately undergo in..
strue ion, in exactlythe
same spirit, that moved them to.
classes in first.aid nursing."
Theneed for'stenographers is urgent
1 he we .rk is pleasant and the pay ample•.
Why should you not undertake this work?'
We admit students at any time. -
Central Business -College . .
Affiliated with , Central Business College, Stratford, and the Elliott :Business
College, Toronto. Ask for our free catalogue. Telephone' 166,
D. A. McLachlin, President. A...Haviland,. Principal.
• Get ,the.. .Genuine.
-iso.�"•� .
Avoid 'disappointment: Refuse imitations. Only
genuine Columbia Grafonolas and Records bear
this trade mark. Look for it 'before_ you buy. '
Wm. Allin,Agent, Ltcknow
41 111.
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' HAS been estimated that five acres .of landarerequired to maintain
one ' hors,' for a year, and that the same five acres would produce
nearly enough food for two .people. If 50,000 Canadian farmers each
replaced one horse with a Ford,50, 000 acres would be added to the
Nation's source of food apply and enough extra food made available to
feed 100'000 people. ' ,
Just `thhlnk what a great service this means to the -country at the present
. time and , the.:benefit to the farmers from the • sale of food produced on
this acreage. • .
• A Ford coir also saves the.farmer a week or more of valuable time each
year, which can be used 'for further productive work. The Ford travels
three times as last as a horse and rig --costs less to run and keep, and is
far easier to take Bare of. With labor so scarce'and high priced, time
means money, so do not delay in getting your Ford.
- :447:5
ft•1 In gely trillV MO iiti bill, to
bei)"i ll ,M960 hill t'g iI
>l 1aI
d• I'd olgu. brvli. naalttOr
d AO ' A0iO blob) of Alj1 ries, hat
41#ted to Confer Ito Special tier m'da
Ripon Major Watt. Bishop of Canada •
of the British Royal Flying Corp
Captain Baracca, the /Italian arm
aviator, and Lieut. Thierry .of Rai -
glum, in recognition ' of their valor
and bravery in bringing down 43, 21,
and 10 machines, resPeetively. '
•The Teutons. tretired on a wide
front in the ° 'meuatrain -region • of
ittaly. ..
The American steamer Owascc
was sunk by 4 submarine and two
lives were lost.
The House ofCommons.Passed
.third reading of the Man -polder Bill
The vote was unanimous.
Rev. C. 1.,. J. Rates, speaking it
Toronto, said Japart' is one „ of the
three great, world powers.
One•ran• was .found :dead and an
other ,inserisibie groin gas-poisoninb
at a Toronto street. lodging 'house.
The toll 'of death'3n the Stellartor
colliery disaster is now placed. at 98
Seventeen bodies have been recov-
ered, . '
Lieut. -Colonel Robert Innes, a re-
turned o ncer,_ has been appointee'
^Dei eetor' of Soldier 'Colonization "Tor -
Niagara Falls Board. of Trade le
asking the Government to forbid al'
retail sale of bacon in 'Canada, and
to conscript labor for the farms.
Hon. W. T. Hanna.resignel.:f,;om
the- office of food controller as he
found that the Work of his office,in-
terfered with.' his manse private inter-
Japanese residents of Canada have
by an order -in -Council' been exempt -
lad from military service, because not
entitled tp vote under existing fran-
chise laws. r . .
The -Ontario- Government will es-
'tablish ,a combination shee and eat- .
tle demonstration ranch w th a .-Jew.
to millions of acres of aste land
being developed. ` '
'' Captain J. E. 'Freeman of King-
ston has, placed his 10.0 -le a Yarm at
Hartington at the service of con- •
valescing'returned soldiers for .the
period•of the war.
Alex., McFarlane of OttervIl"le,
clerk for thirty-two years and ex-
Reeve Of' South. Norwich, and Secre-
tary for twenty-five years- of..South
Norwich wich Agricultural c is
rS ieiy,
dead. . p
Discovery of "impurities' iii candy
supplied to" canteens of navy ships of
the United, States caused' the issue •of
all order subpendi-ng. the ' sale of
candy 'to the men and als the pup -
phase of -additional suppliep pending
investigation. ° ' ` I '
The military authorities ' report,
that satisfactory work is being' done.
"in rounding up absentees who • "took
o t' awoo s r wen , t e, ilitary
Service Actn.wes put in force. In one
case 58 men out of 60 in e. Quebec
lumber camp were gathers in: '
F'rance's war outlay. up'to the end
of 1917 was` 87,200,OpO,000' francs.
• • The town of Mackay, in Queens-
land, Australia, was destr. yed by a
Ottawnea 'was-grantedthe privilege
of cutting wood',for fuel
in Algon-
quin Park. ,,
A School of Navigation ' With a.
three months' course bas -been open. -
ed at, .Queen's University'
Maxwell D. Fraser, It C. aprom-
inent ;barrister in London died of
heart failure at his bomo
Canada's 'field crops in. 1917`
'totalled in value,moro tha 'a .billion
dollars, the highest .on rec rd.
' The Toronto -Patriotic nd • Red'
Cross Fund camp ign el secie with.
subscriptions, ' amouhting t $3,333,-
' The Industrial Worker ..of .the
World were barred fFoni membership'
iii' the United Mine Work rs' organ-
Robbers • ransacked S . John's
Church, the- old 'military hurch of
Toronto,: and itis believe that they
sought the Bis oP scr z<
Mr. :Edward Boyle, • ' •Se rotary • of
the Winnipeg Board of 'T ,ade,''n an
in viedthat! said. e
ter , the . West was
strong fornationalizatio of rail-
The last log schoo hots i Hast
1 e n
ings county, has given place to a
modern brick., structure," at Bell's'Rapid$,=the extreme nort of -- the:',
county. ,
W. F. Tye.. of Montreal, formerly
chief engineer of the C P R., has
Sandford Fleming
The death of Actg. Sgt. J: M. Titn-
begs .of Hawkesbury was attributed
by Lieut. -Colonel' W: T. Connell, as
the result- of „a post-mortem exareina
tion, -to the more, or less persistent
use of wood alcohol: •
MONDAY:. ' :
• French and Italian ship losses last
week were light.
Premier Wekerl&has" reorganized
the Hungarian• _Cab1n t.... ' .
The Supreme War Council will
meet in Paris' this week.
`Queen's University .will' admit no
more negro medical students.
Aid. W::S. WlieldoniihS
pointed. Collector, of Customs at
Montreal. • '
ColoeAl G. A. Sweny died at his
home, ' 1tohallion," Toronto, In-- Pis --
8''ist year.
By a large vote tht. '(Tkra'ne Rada
pYoclai'�ied Che eamplete--....indepeu°-
denteof the Ukraine Republic. •
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Artbur of
McIntyre toWnship, near Port Ar-,
thug, were liurn,ed to death in. a' fire '
which destroyed their farm home.
Rev. Dr. John. F. Ockley, superan•
noted Methodist minister, who had
been pastor of Toronto churches for
a total of 30 years, died at his hone
in that city:.
Fullest possible co-operation teas
been arranged for ,between the
United States and Cap:i'dian Gov
;+rnments for pooling supplies of
steel for shipbu:h1 ne...
A. earioad of Ir} sir fro.rel Haddock •`'
ind cod from, Nova Scotia in 100-
itound boxes Will reach Petrolea early
this wealr to be 'sold in unbroken
boxes. at nine cents per pound at any
pint in f.alnbton caUiiit'
The ,Thisy liardirait 11011S0
flelivery Phone Sixty -Six f or Prom ...t
e Best- HighOven
Range on the Market
We" expect.anot-'
r her shipment of
this famous cook
stove _ to • arrive,
,this week. .
-good • .qualities
fences over the
We will be glad.
to show you its
and , 'many conven-
ordinary cook stove.
Do not fail to see our line
ofStoves before buying.
It• :will • ° a ou
he -Store Where,Your Money Goes Farthest
+:ice&°f% �"'�\
When:the old year dies he, leaves the f ootprintss of another
ar.e • the countenance a
' e n .e .e f us all ' Doiet put the matter.oft
y • ARTISTIC PORTRAITS;of on self made, here' beforeyou are'la week' old:_ . •
la extending 'the compliments of the season to you we.want you to know, that.with
each succeeding year of experience we strive..to do better work aid 'keep .up-to-date
styles. iu. portraiture. ' Studio --ay, Tuesday
G. S, ; FREE, Photographer,' ' Lu cknaw.
Dr: Anna . M. Shaw hays: :," The women who have not' been trained
in stenography and 'typewriting, should immediately undergo in..
strue ion, in exactlythe
same spirit, that moved them to.
classes in first.aid nursing."
Theneed for'stenographers is urgent
1 he we .rk is pleasant and the pay ample•.
Why should you not undertake this work?'
We admit students at any time. -
Central Business -College . .
Affiliated with , Central Business College, Stratford, and the Elliott :Business
College, Toronto. Ask for our free catalogue. Telephone' 166,
D. A. McLachlin, President. A...Haviland,. Principal.
• Get ,the.. .Genuine.
-iso.�"•� .
Avoid 'disappointment: Refuse imitations. Only
genuine Columbia Grafonolas and Records bear
this trade mark. Look for it 'before_ you buy. '
Wm. Allin,Agent, Ltcknow