HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-31, Page 147. 77:140.44. • '0 • 57' A GOOD WORD FOLTIIE Capt. (Rev.) lohneten, chaplain of the 160th Battelle*); at the first of the Month Issued greeting card to parente who have sons in the battalion. It is some- thing to make us all preen' = of the boys . . who leave gone ovenware anti aloug with • the etaltment of Rev. Dr. Nene Moder- torof the Prosbytenau oluitch, goes flAr to disereclit the wild rumorsabout drunk• - enueIls and immorality which thought- • lees folk Were so ready to believe and nee ne oirculateeeeCapteslohnston's -need -reads as follows: • Jantiaryn, 1918, Dear Friend: As Chaplain of the 100th 1 Wib to convey toyou Good Wishes and Now Year's Oreetinge from the men of the tflach °aunty Battelnio, • *We are lobkiek forWard cheerfully aid • hopefully to the strenuous' deities and tasks 191.8holdein store for us. 'least 'week our. .battalion aecinved a bright and helpful .message from 'the • people (A Cenada, through •the Rev. Dr.: Neil, Moderator of the Presbyterian Churole and I -assured him that; you . could rely upon our Men ,tentaining true to thehigher principles instilled into . them at home, that I believed the great -majority. eveild ireetirn to their homes .0'. • and loved Ofteeleetter and stronger men • becainie of theinesecrificee during this great War. . • . • . We are pond of Our battalion's recent reeord. in Many 'respeate• it stands at. the. lead of the Di-viniene As you no doubt already know it leads by a. big Markin 'Mt battaIions both in England s 'and iptitilee hi its subscriptions to the .-Vietory Ver. Loane Nct only was. this aan, very li57,a1 and patriotic thing to doe -thateiteteesignificent of the elobiletY and 'and carefulness on the Partof the men. It in le pleasure to me to kin)* that more pea attend the Khaki College from oUr battalion than any other unit in camp. ,Inmay also ititeretit you to know ' that, litettSuodaY night at out Good night Seasice one hundred and sixty five men were preaent. , • thiemen are vets, eager and hematieot aloe the fray,And to Watch them in their ' 'drill. bomb throwing, 9,nti-gas.protection TIIE PATOOTIC WORK The evenien of the Patriotic Society. forwarded last week to the Red Cross Society. an additional bale or eupplies containing sixty shirts and far drezein. towels, ale° about seventy-five pairs of sex *ere shilitee,d to the boys in France. Reiner not lie4genertly known 'that the. 0ounty ,Councif has by a n'evv.ruling which bee -twee effective an December 1st, agreed to •give to -every society engaged .solelrin Patriotic work, A grant of money equal in amount to the sum -raised and expended, in the purchase • ot material for the making of garments, for the sold- iers by the.society. The Lucknow Pat-, riotic workeriereaped the ;kat fruits of this new tuling last week when Reeve Johneton was able to turn over to the treasurer of the Women's Committee the sum • 03143,50 this beimethe tim to which the*Committee Was entitled; the amount raised and spent ,on material since Dec. lst. This arrangeMent seems to be Something along the plan adopted by sorne•firnes with their •erriployees, en • coufagipg the Worker's to do the very. 'beet work possible her giving them a shaee in the profits. °• x x x - „ It has often been ,said that no girl is qualified . to get reamed until she ean makes ehitt. The Women'e Coenninee are now 'dying every girl in the village '(and out of Lt) an onpertunity to qualify.' A. shirt coetest is no iseingarmbged to even Februaty. 1st.. and dose Mareh 31st.. Captains haVe.been •appointed to take charge, four captains to each side, the *viilige being divided, into t,Vo dint - dos (Noith• end South) by the. inaie et. The districtsitre unlimited ex• '. cept that the nerthern 'district has a southern boundary the main street,l'etifd the southern dietrict his a oorthern bounditiy the same, maine Street.If you live 'say where , north of .Canapbell St. you are eligible to enter the 'contest •en „that side and,vice verse: Se,don't *Alt for the eaptema to call on you but. drop in at, Mra. Tete Treleaven- store get a shirt. (or -as manyee you like), all teady cuasget into the &infest. and boost tests, musketry and other forme of tram-, for your .thsteict. The shirts are simple. mg • ebe is itapreseed With theiedeter- . minatiOn to win," their .trul to victory/ dur Brigadier tells me that very few battalions in eanap. can compete. with. them in a march past. I heartily agree With ontside Our numbers whti are anestanty assuring me that we have an exceptional group . of men. Under the very efficient and gen- . ialleaderehip of MOO Moffat; our acn- ing comeittniling officer, our pen lack : nothing, He does everythingpossible for the welfare .Of all men under has Gemmed,- and they fully' appreciate the constant thteightiiiinees of their kindly • camtinander. • I ant fuliy persuaded that Brace A.local man oho, is in he einciree lousiness in e'stpoll way brought' •ue to. none last week. regarding the aritele on "The BackYard Flock," and said that sonre might be had to believe that thee co.utd keep a flock of olnekens On Ate scrapeefeme the teble. H seem he heat to euppletneot these with fairly ltberel radium De the -feed s „ • Weir: eofnething depends' item the size of the flock and the size orthe and on the -eatefulness of -the wo men who manages the table. • Perhaps thie man lute a Wife wherieVeryeensible• and careful, as the fpod controller says all women sh9uld be , • The article was from the Resources Committee, and so no doubt the idea the writer wished to impress was that with a smelt fleet of birds in the back yard alt waste at the table ..could„ and likely would be eliminated. . By the way, in spite of the fact that he has to liuy at the feed store this local poultry man thinks the back yard flock a geed idea: LOCAL AND GENERAL TO BRITISH SOLDIERS . On behalf Of the British ipeople, Min LoaisN isrker, the eminent dramatist, has addressed the following :New Tear's message to • the British troops at the fiont We know how much must still ise done Ere you'll have finished with the Hun, We watch you, wender at yen, where, Heroes, on land, an sea, in air, •Leugbingat death and rieornitio Pain, Youfight, anti liht, and fight. again. . Aed we fight watti you. Nes! although Outer is a paitry litetii show. • -County haeevery reasonto be proud of the 160th Battshon. They greet you andewish you a Happy and Prespefoirs New Neat r, ._ .Very sinterly Yours, • and easy to melee and are badly needed. The challenge is 'issued to the younger womenandgirls but anyone will be gladly • wokoncied as worker. We have 'net foegotteti the loyal service rendered. in the cap contest and it is hoped that the spirit of enthusiasm shown then in such a handsome, return. `will also characterize the. shirt contest • . We're elderly; civilians, and Women and children, but' iGe stand, - As firm' o,crocks to help you Win;• We welcome Guthas with a.gria.. Isio teal . All right. No 'atigarl 'Good. No mead A kippertehealliier food. ' No .coaill No bacoel butter? heed " No Christmas cheat 'All right, all right! The lese We eat ' Th.e sooner you'll march- dowMuur street! ID God's name what are eggs and tea Com' paredevith final victory'? Carolval toeughte Hoye you paid for Your Seutinel for 191e1 ° • The Village Council witli meet on Tuesday minding peen. ' • • Miss:Jew*. Lyons has wine, eta . De- . froit foea few Weeks visit. • Mrs. C. F. Richa.rdeon was Over from Teeswater for the Week -end. Theweetherrean-iedoingebile• waren to eggrevate the feel prebiem, , ' Mr. Cliff Rivera, of Semins, Seek, is spending the week at R. McCharles'. The merchants have just about coin- pleted their rather dreary annual task of stocktaking. Mr. A. Re Finlayson wlio a week ego was seriousiy ill With pneumonia is showing steady improirement. , • Misses A,bbie and ,Rena MacKenzie who were home attending' their brother's funeral, hgve returned to Detroit. Miss Ruth 'McGowan, of near Blyth, visited her‘consin Mies Maude Murdoch • and other relatinee near .Lucknovv, last week. . . ' s • -Mr 'McBee, teller in tbe Bank' of 'Hamilton, Port Elgin, spent Sunday bet with his Mande Mr. Retake of the bank stiff here, . THE FUEL SITUATION • 'There is now a very real Peareity of fuel - in sieuclepow. But Lucknow is only one of liondrede of villages and towns that feels the pinch of the feel shortage. Lucknow citizens . were get- ting along fairly well until about a week • ago when the pinch began teelly to *be -felt. Some were completely out of both coat and. weed it the end. of 'tile , week, arid Were able to keep their 'skives going only borrowing from their more for- • tunate neighbours. That is only what happened in eteighbouring towns weeks AP, nee._ _ • Of eituree wer- Were 'Warned ' - the AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL 1)IEETINO_ The annual meeting of the Lricknow Agricultural Aciety, postponed from Jan, thel8th, was held on the 214. There was a good attendance. the. four neighbonring munnipaleties being. 'well represented ale well as .Luesknew. The treasurer's statement tibowed a gain of some $40 las1 year and in :spite "of the hard laek"o1,1910 the society - Dollar For Dollar " The. annul "Burns Ball" held by.the kfre CR). last Prida3r. splendid seccese in spite of: inclement weather and bad roads. • : ••• Farmers if you hive any 254.or 40 gall_ on oil tanks to. dispose of, get in touch with us, we want to buy'Some Luckrowlaandware. • • An aid tuner was heard' to remark the 'other day; "Well 1bave•seen hundreds, of .fa,nuarys, but this is the first I ever saw. withouteroJanuery, thaw.": : • a good financial condition„ • The election orofficers for the, year 'resulted,' as coming scarcity months ago, bue what Nicholson, lat Vice President, William could be don, the dialars could not get coal and there was , little wood cut in the eurretinding country. Iligh pried ipduced a number of far- mers who have timber to undertake tiin cutting of wookbut then carne the big• MOW storm which made bush work diffi- cultand roads almost impassable for a team wich a good load. It is said that there is a good deal ofwood cut now but hauling it on the present merle is a problem.' We understaod that $3.50 to $4 00 per cord *as' being paid while it was coining in. . ,/ n . It appears that the Fuel Controller is allowing Coal to towns in proportion, to populatiene-so: many! car ,loads per month. Tniri,is Perhaps as well as can -do, but in estimating the noreber n tons that have gone ti a town, account is not:taken of „what he dealers hese solo to farmers ie : the surrounding country. This leaves some of the towes mach worse off. , mutt!: , °theirs, med. tlee towns Much worse off than the cities. • . ! Every town ought to have a local feel' controller in order iliat'such supplies of coal lia' come in may be properly !lie teibuted. It is not the besiness. of the. oaier4,6_10bic after the ' distributing of coal nor ean he Clo,it fairly. If the vin Hunter, 2nd Vice Pres, Henry Mothers., Directors: for Kinloas, MacKay, McDiarmid; for WitWanosh, Wet Wil- son, Wm. McQuillin; for Ashfield, ,Jas Alton; Jas. Hackett; for Huron, Thomas Smith, Robert Striithers; for Lucknow, Geo. II. Smith. . • Messrs „Wm, Hunter eyed E. Rob- ertefon were appointed delegates to the A.ssociatien of Fairs and . Enbilottions wince meets at Toronto. . Cause' of D. MacKenzie's Death • Mie Alex MacKenzie nOith of the village receined the following letter in • aplanation. of. the death "of her • den Donald whOse remains were Interred ere a. short time.sinee; • Spring Valley Farm, • Darmody, Sask. Mrs. Alex MacKenzie. s . • , Dear Madam, -It has been with the deepest regret that I hen& had to inform you: of ,Dans suaden death:. -He wag only taken sick On the Friday morning, and did not himself think it was ,any - tieing serious; but we thought it better tu adoctor, and he at °nee realized •theberiousness of the eerie, which he termed as brain- , On his return . froin Coduty 7:Council. lost week Reeve Johnston had a couple of checks f tone the „county treestireee one for, $140.22 payabte to the Lucknsw retrietio 'League, the other $1:11.0.9 pey:. • able to • the Lucknow bra,neh. of.. the • Women'eauetitote. These checks rep: ieneetted the couety.contribetion. to locs .enl.entriPtic Work, and were •giVen in ric- '4.lance with the-nlen, .aelOnted by the county, 'ef giving bacon patriotin crgane izetions a dohar for every dollar 'which theyspej:id in patriotic work. The seheine is intended to encourage workers in their efforts, and it will also help to equelize the-givaags by &impelling c�itiiinities which do not take frie the whit to con• - tribute a share, ' • • • a at has been decided' by the °Manatee. that instead of shipping the spa an, the manper•which has prevailed in the past, it willAry for -a time. at leeat, .the plan of keeping; enough on hand with. which to provide one pair of sox per month; for every boy. now unifoene who has gone directly from the village.. This applies to the men now in training ou thin side as well as those in England and France. Tilton onli be at Mrs., N. la deitupbelne St. Helens Le-Weeineiiclaydane30. ; miss pora. T.,ees; Mr. WM. Lees: and dr W. F. Caulfield were Un from • De- trois. attending.the funeral Of the nate Jessie Lees. Toey'returned on Setur- 4r* Soap, BroOms, Teas and Ba.k.. ing Powder have gone up in price and, are expected to b.! Much higher. But we have bought ahead. and can give' yott. special .prices while our stoek•lasts, • 6 cakes 'Castile Soap for '25c. • Raisins loc. per lb. .• 3Qc- per. .11?„, Some. No. Baking Powder, whileit lasts; roe tins for 51. Buy from us and take advan- - tage of our many years of ex- perience in buying and selling at right prices. • • J-1' D. Woods • Phone. 82 ever. 'lltge council of -Inicknove can possibly Everything possible was done to ease: 'EVERYBODY'S COLUMN MON EY TO LO -Mn mortgages and note* - • at reasonable rates., Fire insurance. but ' Stock and Mutual Companies. Convey • aiming done with neatness and nespateh, • Wilt/. SLODALL. Broker.. lawkito • WANTED. -All kinds of raw furs. Righeet • city ptiees paid c.,t Lucknow. Don't gir 1 • your 'Airs without seeing Jake Libel, as his has the Lite market. Best prices , for Jens, • rags. rubber -7o eash, ilc trade; horsehair - .28u e,asb,3,3e trade;'and all kinds of hides. •'Phone mid L eall'and see you. Phone 86, .Lneknow, , • 15-94t. •. • .1.altu Lueknow. WAN TED. -At the Paramount Cheese Fee- ' tory,. before April 1st, .30 cords Wiled, 3. it. long. 'For particulars apply to yi:',At.,Kngss. Milvertop, OM. • •• 14-41 BAG'S, WANTED-Feriners save your 00;1 bags, will purchase any. quantit y, .ertee Tea . • cents and upwards according -tO sizo ana • quality., • Jourt Jovxr, Phone 10 3L1 Bctisatirn Snot' To lims-r-With tools; dwel- • ling attached, in tile town or Barwick, • Duitrict et Rainy 1.1ver. ' Apply to Mai; 'ISIA-Usi-Doif-40:44tir-w-lekrOnterio. 14-2 *secuteka Man fpr tae job • an. anpoint-- ment aught te be Made at. the meeting on February 5th. . This • controller too could see to the purchase Of wood for pennies which are net ablate look. after •suoli mattereenhernselves. . That would make the best possibleuse of the aVail- able_ supplies- _ When these • 'meatless • days' and "wheatlese days" come just remember that that youlare faritik better than': the Men' *Ito eat "bully beef') and. hard. tick, and sleenin "aetrietich. ' " • •: . Mr. Dryden who, was nne of the -. pion- eer settlers in Nianitoba from this- part going West. as early 40,1879 was in eown. a few days of last Week geld visited, his • sister, Mrs. Rein Cameron. - Tet.-JOITISSTON, GAM; -and.the -relatives of Teu9kn.9 kr. Niiinan-Gairib, ou,r osehOol:Prin-. Itr.'"pf • h" 'A. concert and box social will be given in Einten Hall by the peeple of Laurier 'on Friday evening, February nth. Ad- missiois ;Sea . Ledies with 'lemma ,free, All proceeds for Red Croes. , -- • Ai oabsely ca.red to take, the- Ripley I his suffering, but he lapsed into uncone, sciemsness Friday evening end never re - gamed his senses, paseleig away quite peacefully Sunday at tWelve o'clock. I can realize what a terrible shock it is to you. as it has been to use as he was practically one of znyfamily and respect- ed by ,all the. many friends he made White ling Vali us. Leee With the deepest of sympathy. in your sad bereavenieet, I remain, • . His enel Your friend, • L. B. Wilkins. - llockey1 Notes The local hockey team enjoyed some hing of.a bver" the,game With Wingham players last' Thursday even - ng. • ehe, score ,was 25-7 an• favor: Of i T Lecknow... The -14s are expecting inuch etiffer contes4 *hen theY meet a GOderieh tearn on the ice in Lorde Rink next Tuesday evening, the 5t1i. They go.to Teesivatei to take part in e tour. oameenwhtcn will be played Thursday, Friday and SaturdaY nights: Come and See* . 4.. Thursday, Feb.i7tb. is the• date on which the High School stedertts will pte;: Weather sigds A °Miele of Men osier. Mildinay, .saw pints two weeks ago, and the da. Otte in teporting the incident. 'remarks that many ,take phis unseasonable yen pearance of. the redbreast as the Of a long Spell of rough and celel. weather. Just why the robin. shotild stay around and show ieselt before the lonicold spell is spreethnig of 'a Mystery. And the RAW FURS ,WA..NTED.-ilighest..-plice 'Will • • be Paid. for all kinds. (AI .raw Ltirs: " skunks; raccoons; *Easels. • Special pride • for foxes. k'rices will be its high as 13est.price will be Paid, ter' horsehair ruubers. Before yeti sell your -furs cell at, ' , B. 131itzstein's D.ry bloods Store. e • 1 LOOS WIN TV:Lt.-The undersigned will Witt at their saWinilL at Lueltnow all •kiuds • logssnitable for lumber, maple, beech, elut. .basswood,, birch and ash, and will pay the . • .iiignest market prices in cash for sante. . Cell at our oftice at the Furniture _Factory' ,•-for further nerticuters. • • . Tifg Jan. 31. J. iiutton, Manager.. DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH. a.t (Jain Rouse Lucknow, every Wednesday afternoon.,All chronic dise.o,ses suocesefulty treated_ teopathy removes the Physical -CAUSE% Ot disease. Adjustment IA the spine is more quickly secured-auctwith fewer treatment4 , by Osteopathy than by 'any • other method, mystery is not lessened when 'we read ari a , Nalkerton Paper that "the County, sleatitegnink this winter, three enterptien sent the comic dreena "Bluedernig Townisowas visited by this er some is. fill). of Other, unseasonable robin, and that there ing citizens have underfaken nl'anag,e'. in theetown hall. The play nocert by subscription, .e.n.dnikatieg,WIll en'the high sehoef ,Ae Home end g spripge-like weather: TheMildberty nien . . ef, the 6.ma,offsaiailixit aieereotti .e.he this ' tune So ,fal. as the robin is- con- CanaRy. Tropes, Fraece, vvhiche he regarded as the harbinger of tine it for the pubPe nenefite It will be fin- fuu and well 'worth seeing It in was given • •it wa •fele appeatotave, mede the better.. (pleas be.fren, • *.1* at Hislyreoel.. This nine the yoeng 4:71r,arata,44•12.-. • •et,,,,n,,Ahot„,044 ..rtelexoitux._.; tit pie, n..pt..tiv.,tito - .AP.PLICATIONS WANTED ; . POW VILLAIlll WINCES, Applicatiode will be received by the • undersigned up to 12 o'clock, "noon, on Tuesday Feb. 5th, for the following. offices Of the Village of loicknowe Clerkeand Treasuree, Salary $20e. • • ,Asser sosalary ,175 aseesemente to biLtnade uh the property). Collector, salary $25 (taxes payable at bank.) • Constable, .4,salary120 per month. J, lanAollawi Town Clerk. MARKETS . (Corrected up to Wennesday noon). ' . • Mr, J. Little jr. ishoine af,ter spends the -name and -correct address of the soldier for whom ehe sox are intended. The special committee in 'charge ot this work ,h ors different oecatsionaiii 'the • past asked relatives to send in correct addresses but only in 'one oi twO Instep:. .ces has there been- any response, conse- quentlYmistakesand piereights ocaurrede Hereafter if any soldier is neglected in the matter of sox it Will the_fault of the relegate. The new plan will serve a • double purpose. It win keep records straight in regard 'to the disposal of yarn and will also prointle a correct mail. • ing list for the committee.. , • Lettere have been reaeived kerb Ptes. Tom. McDonald, toglabd, and Ed.,Ra- tine, trance, acknowledging receipt of the Christinas parcels and extending thew best Wishes to die society. . • . Ichelit4.01 111 0 4 17 4 0 2 10 • - 4:4100t$47. 7,0 04 400 o oo •114.1. 0 4 i 811 ' Barley • , • . 4 • - 0 0. • ..211 • ..Peati 4 7 1; • 4 11. 0 • '47 •• 4 000 oo e 4 3 00 40` '3 50 'Witter. teiaalti, 41* ••• V; 35:-. • 36 Eggs, new • • , o 4 o 4 o 7.4440•00044.0 11 10. • teliONTO MARKET$ elmice heavy steers., • .$1.2 00 to II12 SO Choice butchers...a.. 10 25 to 11 ZS Choice beechen' cOvira.. 9 00• bi • 9 50 Geod. feeders ....a...". 8 SO to 0 25 • Good nilIcle 85 00 to 120 00 Hoge, fed aild *watered. 18 50 to „Pall Wheat... 2 14 to - Goose Wheat oo ... 2 10 to en • Oritte14041,044. 44,764 014.4 7110 • IVO T1010tbr * e*. 15 00' he 16 00 isgits, new kid ...# $s to - 'Sabot IN'estbe 47 CO. •liklittAirt Att.t4 31 . 40 cliugo Nevvs big a few "days in liamilton, • The "Stork" called it Mi. Ed. Thoni's • on Thersday of last week and leftaa baby girl. a. . • . Cutting wood is the order of the day 'aheut Si. Helene. Unfortunately the• :reads are (56 heavy that teaming is very ditlioult< • , • Letters have been received froni Pies. Will Durrett and Cecil Orchard in which they express grateful : appreeiatiott fci sox and -Christmas boxes received from the St 4ieleris patriotic 'workers. Services in the. Presbyterean chord. next Sabbath, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Morning subject, "The Vision -Splendid." Eveningesubject, 13eginning To Sink," The Sacrament of the Lord% Stipner will be observed at the morning service. Preparatory services will be beld on Priday evening at 8 o'clock and on Sat. nrelay afternoon at 3, The Rev; I, Lit; tie, of St. Helens, will conduct the see. Vibe on War*, . •Blandering Billy; a highly ,humorous ihree:act dream by the leteknow • High School, to 'be presented in the Town Lucknow, evening of Feb. -7th • Beats on sale at Artestrende Drug Store •Come out and see it. • Proceeds for the • Red Cross. • es • ' •• -4-47'. • eepreszes his thanks and gratitude •to, the Luglinove Petriotin League -foe the. Christmas eafeel, arid to the.laree Oam- number Which remain. in this • waer ap- pane for &box of apples, s . • " • • nears to be increehinn though one won. - - - hlreta-Olifil Reilenarosee finects Tee, a e •• , ee „enetasee. eneee weii mien .naiitseio is 135c and t5 Seats (me sale at Armstrong's drugstore.' birds; repiein in Ontario every whiter, having become separated: in some way, trout the lock as it moved south. The. . W.1.14echitrah; 1:-Tliesday Jan '20th ' Mies tnaggie Gilliee; of Wirighare Bus,. . . . iness anent Stolidity at her bete. • " The.Whitechurch Creainery wilt _run as Usual need Simmer. • - • Mee and J no: Craig and 'Aare, Sao. Craig visited with Mr. Arthur Craig in Torinito'for a few days•: . . Corp.eDuncan Kennedy; of .Guelph Convalescent apent the week- • end at his home., ale -expects to get his dieehergein. the near. fottire. • Miss Majorie Gordon lies resigned her position 9.$ arganiet, in tare Presbyterian Church, haviUg acceptcd,thn leadership • of the Presbyterian :choir at 13lyth. 74; • ' e The Food Controllers order that there 'dem how they can survive inieli a 'whiter should. Y'e' no more ' white flour ;Made •ae. this. after 'Jan. 28th; had .th.e effect of caus; loge rush to the flour dealers, and we feller there was little left . in °stock by i ht et'e ihe new 8atuiday g . s In loolting over the St. Taolnaslour• nal the oilier day we notion the follow ing reference to Mrs. Apelerson, who until a few years ego lived here, but is 'now at Midaletuareln near Sts Thome% „naive. Andeason who is 05 'yeare of age has knit 85 pairs of perfeet-fitting SOOlis • for the soldiers, and is still knitting.' We ere very, glad to know that Mre. •Indersou is keeping so well in her old • age, and that her head is with the boys • oveteea.6, hop flour will be better ..thau most folk ex- ., . pect. ,,, • . • Card of Thanks: . . . Mr. and Mrs. Mek. MacKenzie 'wish , CO thank their' many- friends, 'fOr• their kindness and sympathy during their re emit bereavement. • Property Changes 'Mr: W. J. Little hag sold park lotiy4 and 5, on Stauffer Si to Mr. Tom Burns who intends teking a hand in the in. ctedsed production movement next smo- mer. In looking up the records in eon- • nection witIktliese lots Mr. lAttle came Wogs the original agreement •between Attlee Sommerville and ' Christopher •Crabb, the former having sold the prop. ()ay to the latter in Sep. Of 1804, Mr. Little bought the lots, front Mr, Crabb 4ust 30 years ago. • • • Blundering. Billy„ a highlY humorOus threc'. adt dra na byothe Lucknow High • SChool toebe presented in the Town Hall, Lucknawe evening of Feb. • 7th. Seats on IWO at Arnistronga Drug $tore, tome out and 6ce it, Proceeds for the Red Croft. • ' The Gelid meeting .Sundete evening W1113 taken by the Missmfiary Committee Mr.:David Kennedy beine the convener. selection by the choir was ably red• . deiced. The 'Subject for 'pext Sunday evening is 'Christian Duty ahdPrivilege, and the leader, Miss 1411v Paterson. Paramount ...L-Mondaye Jan. 28th: - .'.1/414r, Wells; foimerly Pte, Wend ef Ore 42nd Highlanders, whoe. spenta week with his mother; MO, Page, has retern. ed'to his:hoine in 0 Wen Sound:: ' FOR SALE FOR SALE. --,Driving mareinfoal, gtintle and a good roadster. Apply.to • .Hr, Lucknow. •• • FOR SALE, -7, Rouse. and id t on Willoughby St.,.Lucknow,-Oonifortable, frame, 9 room dwelling, frame stable.. .For further par- • tioulers apply to J. E. AgtieW., • "FOR SALE. -Good frame residence Viith 'stone foundation, on litivelbek, St., LoCkno* (tie- ing the residence puce:Pled by. Mr. 1).•(flt..- „, BEirrsoN),_ For particulars apply to MRS... Dti. MacCutatyl..ox. ••98 6-tfe. • FOR SAL -E. --Ten acres of mud (10 be demi, e 'away), sbort 'distance. north of *Lucitnew •Station, in good state of cultivation, 9 acres . sewed tO7titutithY and alfalfa; utile *roung- • orchard et apples, pears, preins; .eherries • and grapes. . besidessmall fruitg, garden , ilowets and et ergreens; good well newly • tiled and with. new pump; geed frame and .• cement dwelling, eigta rooms; kerne, hen- ; 'hinise -Mid' baggy uou.se-very property -Will Uu sold at a bargain: Apply.. - to .:Witsoi4 Eaot.nsos; Luckno'W. • Doe Seven Housee-Ta the. segacity, Of their degathentowd boys--Willsatid delvin--owe, the safety of their hotise (torn p.erha.ps their lives. .One night last . week . the first floor (aught fire where -the stove pipe paseed throggii, andquite a large sectien in one ioote brirned away, The dog becoming' ala.rined about the fire i began to bark ancrtaucceeded in a- wakening the men who were soinally bleeping upeteene. They were soon up and succeeded in extinguishing the fire,' • waich owing t� lack of theft had not: broken, out • violently, It Was it 0046 call an..1 we fanny...that the. two rung men will for years to ethue feel that *ate/ owe• the,intelligent dog 'a debt of grati., - AUCTION SALE -Jas. MeLaohlani 7th cum; •• Cuirass, two. and one hall miles West et freeneaier, will 'lave etnetitingau.ction sale - of term stook alut implements 011 Tuesday; . Feb. 19, commencing 411 1 .o'clock p.ur.. • . , There is alio° lot•ol good livestook airct ao. . • Intuit implontentm good 'repair.• • • 7.2, . . !NOTICE.. • For all Matters regarding Greenhill celnete. refer te D. G. Taylor Secretary- • 'Notice.'To.:CteditOrs • 'otiee is ltereby given pursuant to Section^ ('hip. 121. of the ttovi•tetl ..5tatutos of 0,, t-• arlo, that all persons bating. claims against - the Esitate of 'George =in. deCeased wild • died on or about the Fli`th day of Decetlib,er. A. D. 1017.'at therrownsitip 01. KinlosS in tha County Of Bruce, in the, Provinc.o of • Ontario, are requited to'send h pa.t„, prepaid, or to de- . liver to Joseph 'mum R. 11. 1., 'reumater. Ont. .- • axle, ono of the AdnititiStratorq of the said de. ceased, on ot befere. the First dav ,of' March. A. 1). 1918, their names and addresse8. Win% full partividers•of their ellinis Tn wrtting. end .the reline ef . -t +.110/iv,•if :tayi held bV t tient (1 Ili y vet i tied by .) -. 11111ory • tiee1a1.1 1)0!:. . AND Ft11t HEIL TAKE NO rit!Etbat 'after • the said nk,g, day of Mqvvh. 191s, the. assets of ttetLit tis.V, .A111.bctti s!II.t.t.t..e.,1ly.int‘iteArde:ltutrtnta11;(,1giiitt,,:,4„itltiei. to, bayingregard only to the elaiYiVi ni which they shall then • net ice, nun the estuto "will i ot be liable. for' any el:11ms not tiled at this alhtenti6a,t)tflTiOusti.thi:1t141iltilstatitohnnett.e.,6tit .day ot uns. '21 '4•1500e. • SOlieltor '..i the Adtainistrato.8... VANSToVr.. . Wiruthata P. O. . BORN'. . • . . . TI101 In: 'West aVaikatensh . on lin, • fi4, 1OI1II to Mr, end Mrs. IA .°Thom, et- daughter. • -n