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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-24, Page 2t"
••••• ,
11,11,k •11k71 'Mk? „ ,
' Iltf 4.. I '41 4•44
. • lit*, ., _
r filleii. Arr. 7 %II
44v..... Ti 7f 4 • 4rme ,
ilk ir.;,*111..1140., -
Jas. NoRMAN HALlb. ..,
.. ..
CHAPTER V.--(Cont'd.) I heard 'int s'y 'a** wanting a bit to show m •''' , - •
ape of the Battlegroend Showin
As we came viithin the range of to 0410 of the artilrry blokes. 'Vs
rifle fire, we again changed our forme.- ' got a bet on with shit thee it's three- Beery Detail Are- Prepared
tion, and marched in single file along plY wire. Now, don't forget, Bobbyl .,
.ts dg. uf the e, Th h e , Touch tilll a coupl
fer e p
oi ackets o'' , By the Veigineere. - •
tho Nvolici. Silo, is A vzhoat exporthei or flour to mare em part a Europe'
earack! crack! of small arms now ,. fagsr .. e - During My intimacy with the Engin- ,, y .
mounded with vicious and *venous dish I wee tremendouslyonterested. A.t .
carelvie.en now and riext harveet it -;
tiectriess. We heard the melancholy that time it seemed incredible to me eers I- heard some very Interesting
will be eanheSsere to deliver oe 1 1,4,i11;;:cleieniis' that consumption:Must
sonic of the ricochets, and spent bullets that mereerawiled over to the Gerrean storiee„ writes an Austredian ahem
other eide of the, A.tlantie from 4titoirl: 130 deCrOWied; '.thut lees whit,e breatl
1141 they whirled in * wide are, legit lines in this manner and clipped During the battle of Ypres .soree. ot
vou,000 to 500,000,000 buellehe ...e. must be eaten; that substitueea must
over our heads and occasionally the pieces ot German wire' for souveturs.! our cipgineers Cr_svexcayetiug a intritt- e •-•
''''' be d pted. Irethe eirnplest analysie
teats,001;.,trevae...7‘4;obrieeatofrzeudiritahave. bead „ e ce
less pleasing klittl Pent! of those "Did yoe hear aeything?" I ;asked, en youth WbOu theh were siiddeuly sur- , „he e eve,
ahd .e.,,_ it 1110411i that thrhe slices" a white
I speedeng stringht frem the muzzle of him • .. ' • ' !prised by' a patrol i0 1I to break
'" bread should take the olaee of four in
a German rifle. - We breathed more "'Bards flute some Fritziewas e-
. ', th h l' Th B 1 e thaied
t roug ow: ineh e oc lee ineo:the trenches.. Fields ha- b
ve een
eaten; trench in the center of a little 'eard l'el11 a -Singh -11 Doleful as 'ell!' I.- g
-ralr*4.' them and the few evhe NVere. hit armee
ed in the shell holes. They stared me
freely when we entered the communie hiahhe of. Ate you. ought to 'laid Wilde b,. the enemy. Ships bear, *
g pbrecioem freight* of food -stuffs ' ' Wheat is uialeubtedly the best 1;rea71
thicket, a mile or more baek of the Several men were killed and wound- P
first -lir e trenehes. .1 e ' th he One of them' there a night until Ow could get . •
g . . nave Len sure,: by submarines. Crops eereal but 'other flour etin readily be
We wound in 4114,011t of what eve war; a sentry- with whom r luta been' baek. Others picked up thew m es in other countrie$ have fallen shortraired with wheet flour to make bread.
peered in the dareness to be a hope- tatkieg only it -few moments' beforehsimdea and piees• Ape- embed at. th;Europe- is thavetenede gravelyethreate
less labyrinth of earthveorks. Cross- He was stnaeing on the firipg-bench1enemy, using their tools- a$ their tebeld e e „ V'wtaLl.11.e4' e''.i.a.olil-t441-4-),07 W4cliaaelilnrelilliztae.t.
direction. All along the way we had, fell back • into the trench Without a' ' nlniert. ' The resPoleeibility, etherefore, rests
el, One enehmer said; "I hadn't a steel.
use a sledge ha eneh. oh zaminee
street* and alleys led off in every looking out Into the darkness, when he; Europe..a. The' people. of France' aee
upon the N 1th A ' almost absolutely dependent upon
riles, the doorways carefully concealed would not have belreyed thet a. bullet bat hand;, so X picked up a pated tent ' - --"-- --nlerleah
to make good the deficiency of Europe. wheat beeed. „Bread constitutert 52.
not aabbuosvheel of r per cent, of their total /mid supply.
glimpses of dugouts lighted by can- che. It was. a terrible wound: i
with blankets or pieces of old sacking. sould so horribly disfigure, one. He'eelle
.-1 put that On. 'my head and thought
tare"ostrhe!a aa h In no Better way can Catiadian women
Groups of Tommies, in comfortable was given first aid O the light of a it might be better tban nothing. Then
nooks and corners, were boiling tea candle; but it was useless - Silently, I eatv the Germans and said to rayself A
nerinal. consumption. Canada has help their heroic "sisters in Europe
or frying bacon over little stoves made. his comrades removed his. identifice-I 'This is 4 e k' d f f f 11
_wily. front 100,000,000 to 110,000,000 than by being sparing le their use of
of old iron buckets or biscuit tins. , tion disk and wrapped him in a low lie licluebr ' la a a 'Ix at a le -
[ w ad eert an engineer at Ox- white flour.
P of expoetable Wheat.. h •
I marveled at the skill of our trench blanket, "Poor old WOW' they said,' ford,' so 1 Grouched down bellied some
guide who went cenfldently 04 in the An hour later he was buried in a shell'
1 excavations and lipped the Germans'
length, after it winding, zigzag joule' One thing we learned during our [
i wouldn't see met They didn't; other,
darkness, with scarcely a pause, At hole at the back of .the trench. '
• A* Excellent Herd Soap. ' as bread, ceelte, meats, etc.; aceounts,
no, we arrived at our trench Nviure 111'$t• nig' in ' ' h ee the! wise I wouldn't be here. Soma of •the
Pour +twelve quarts of eofe booing and •enterfaiemerit, with suggestione
we met the Gloucesters, , very first , A•nd that was) coesteuction teams lead their the)
There len't one of us who has .ret 'respect 'for oimportancear enemies, We came i blown uji.nbend of them by the. tar- Water on two and olreehelf. Pounds of for parties of all kinds; pasteheor
a warm apot in his heart for the from England full of absurd news- f weed patrols of the Gerraeals. . These Orlslaked lime, , Dissolve five Pounds celihed on the cards. For the receipts
Glaucesters: they welcomed us O0 , paper tales about the German soldier's, boys told Me they thought it time to of sal soda in twelve quarts of Soft 1 I • have a vertical letter Ale with an.
let it set for .lhabtiitioitniclleexp.iopIersi;oploye...,asleipeeticig
heartily and initiated us into all the inferiority as a fighting .naie. We; quit. But afterware, taking courage, *water. T4.1fe
neulnrisx.,.'anaour off all the inesterme of trench etiquette and had • read that' he was a, wretehett'. they formed put of a pigeon and vol- twenty-four i h p , receipts ''
trench tradition. We *ere at best marksman: he wouldnot stand Up to unteered to drive back the Huns. They clear fluid and be careful not to Anew '' ' ' * - •
cornea in and occasionally go through
but amateur Tommiee, In them e the bayonet: Nvheifever,oppottunity o
I:tree fan; on'e-It'alf. Pounds. of cleeh '
the Ale to take out the old -papers.
ti saw some r her. el A. a a re- any° the sediment to, run off. •Boil recognized the thielil. descendants of fared he ctept ovee and gave himself . lt h ' ..,..'ve Y ' g g. ' I like the syseefit especially because.
the Athiris; nem -whose grandfathers., up:. he was 000rly 'fed and clothed and,
aa0-he of AU engineers Aoki tne t at grease and four ounces of rosin in the I crux. destroy e eard esaily when it Is
had fought in the Crimea, and Whose tees so weary of the Wal` that "his of -I
•this surprise WO'S the most da,ngerons above lye. Boit until an the grease no loageiWanted, withentepoiting the
f h I d' t` - s ' The 'Rears had to drive him to fight, at the! • .
disappears. Pour into ;Yields, tied let other recerde„ and the cabinet -is at-
experienee he ever had. . e. ,
bats. ;Making eoap peovides .a, wath.ware neat and. in its. place......
stand one hay to. harden, ."Then•eut -in-
I wish there was a
Canada is pre-eminently a land of The people of the United States and
Wheat. Her fleids oi waving eheia" Can da • are ashed to liberate., one
have become eyrabolic in all parts of fifth of their nermal eupply of wheet
were the fighting sons of fighting muzzles of their revolvers. We
sites, and they taught ite more of life thoughthim ahmost-herieeth donternpt.
in the trenchee, in twenty-four. hours,' We were convinced in a night that we
thanwe had learned daring Ate: had greatly underestimated his Ogle
months of training in England. An ties as a marksman. As for his all -
infantryman of my company has a ', round inferiority as -a fighteng glaleg
very kindly feeling toward one. of , one of the Gloucesters put it rather
them ;r
probtibly saved his Ble,-$0. evellte--.
fore d been in the trenches five ".'Erel If the Geernane is so Womb.'
minute. , Our first question was, Of 'rotten, 'ow is it we,airet a-fightint sem
--- course) 'Wow far is it to the Gettnatt
, lines?" and in his eagerness, to see, my
fellow Tommy- jumped up on the fir -
mg -bench /or a look,ewith a -lighted
,cigarette in his mouth. He was pulled
* down into the trench just as a rifle
trackedand, a bullet went, zing -g-4
from the parapet precisely where he
had been standing. Then the =Glou-
cester\ gave him a friendly little lec-
ture which none of us afterwards for-
"Now, look 'ere, son! Never get
` up for a squint at Fritz with a fag one
'E's got every handbag along this
• parapet numbered, earne 44 we've got
'is. Ts snipers isn-lyintlereus seine
g at ours is thlayire, fete 'int" 'Then,
t turning to the rest of us, "New, we
ain'thirskier to have no,butial parties.
I3ut if any of you blokes Wants toehe
' A Ihupdred Tunnels,
. Before the IVIesphies drive could.- be
succesefully, undertaken it:was found
neceihary to reinoire tb.e ridge of the
same. maim, aseit was honeyeombeti
'Tools for Mother. ' -. durable, easy to clean, and knede 0 a
with concrete and lieavilY intrenched
positions which the Brieisli bad been ' "Mothere where. did yon pia that noth-horoue . material. These sinks
'trying for tWo yeaie to reduee. Toe hammer?* The boys so you had it may be mede of:enameled iron, soap-
sommere aloug the Rhme:, or in Aus- maiah livee were being ebeerificeh, lad when. you were piping, up those eteate, ee copper, .
' ' ' Cleaning . epowdera' ' that' eentain•I he eomPlY with the Food .Conerellet e
rough seetiring agents are POor
try -Hungry? No, theY ain't a-firire however in atteumting 0 destroy the hoolcs." ,. , duetor, was conuneetled at the Guil
,artt._ regulationt. _104e firm , selling :cereahlemthheti
I • 4 . C.: Orporatilen of the. City-nflotil're*- .. -'
Of dourse h lied put the' hanneer
shed', wherehteb_eletage.,_ehastearecreathegasehres,_____keeaseeeomeproducts in, thro-pound paekages -has I
shOnid be applied with. a .cloth. anct agreed: -to Increase •the net Weight-ef
contents from and•one-half i •
Mental. After-Core..AsSociatiori, 1•Vesf7•7
id, and it was .found later en •;..the other' substances , that tut greases
. don heeesent a donetion ot $60 to thee
grounil where MY hband had left it
for nein excees teats. which must --be
carefully, eoesehered these days.
e• Durable Eitcleen Sinks.,
Besides at a convenient work-
ing height; the kitchen sink should be
in every
little towii
wish there was *WALKER HOUSE'
Then I could tkavel seer".
In every little town;
And alwaya sit me down
At night in peace and comfort,
Happier than king with crown,
If there was just one Walter House
In every town. . •
I wish there was WALKER HOME
t each place where I go,
Vile comforts he my dear old Wine ,
• While on road I'd know.
The meals -the cheerful Service, too,.
Wed leave 110 0411E3frto frown,
If there was just one Walker House
In every little town.
The- W •
ake- Ho
Occurrenves in the Lout That*R°016 •
"Sepreme in the Commer-
°dal World, .
•• S113111010 creS/4;t110 Italian Food, Con.
troller, le now on a visit to England.
Deal anglers are poing ilVe•
lhots eeore for lug-worme for fish-
, purroses.,,
Captain 0. W. Bruce; R.F.C., was
. killed when his machine nose-dieed at
11];rilldf:frod: S'a,' ilor'e. ' . • . '
a The Shipping Federation a England'
have •given :$.1.0,0,00 to Ihing .George's -
art at the funeral of M. Rohin, which
was hold in Paris. ,
Property in Trinidad, which:former- ,
Sir Cecil Smith represented 'Britieh
---e----, -..
„41yoildillot_TnggentooGeerrn intereastosi4qoaL
mellow of Tor.nnt,. Geo. wrigut Fly e thouhine five hundred pounds-- .
teas teelized for a 'hatch of fish landed •
Net" *-- ..1 • E'lvt*Carren ' from e, trawler at it northeastern port, .
e . M. Cambon, French Arnhassador,
. ;has received a ' cheque for . •e1.76,000,
e from the Lord Mayor of London, ree
F(lod Control Caller . presentibg the money hollected on
• , "FralICO Day" in Lendon.
Samoans have -sent 1150 ,to the -
Benefits amounting in ,the aggree.,
Overseas Club ineakl of theeteral Fly -
gate to maritg thousands of dollars
have been secured for the public her Ina*. dor" beenitele'
i The Pension Rend. for ,Sailers has
the Feed Controller's regulations govh
i been inceelieed by *moo, a gift 'froth
erning the sale of cereal products ill bis Itiajesty, the King. .
packagese the ptoliibition of'
t13.1Oli "renuld" day for Dover. Hospital' • •
saleet1 such pro -ducts in original pach-: the receipts included 5,713 pounds of .
ages of less than twenty pounds, ex- groaeries and et30 in gash, ,
t°.1.1 Driver George Brooke,' a native .5f
cept under iicense, and the refosal
issue licenses if the price charged to
Godhurst, Eerie, who took the first '
the' -consumer
were "eu't of 'clue 'pro"' gUli into action •iit the battle a th.3
Portion to the cost of the raw material,' 3,
fame, has been killed lit action,.
has kept the plieb -of,. such pacicageee Colonel Sire.Neil. Campbell, come
from, advancing; despite the increase , in'andent at the Reeal, Pavilion Hos--
in the.: cost of most of the cereals in paid, Brighton, has resigned Owing -
"Milk There can be no doebt that hbad‘, f
The death has been apnounced of
to the ill health of Lady Campbell.
it not the attitude taken' ,,y 1
the Food Controller the price Of many. p.
rince- Christian, uncle : of King
of the 'Package cereals :on the market .
George,in his 87th year. • • . • .
*-Ipeas-lielstr''hilya-ijue'sbm"uthi-ri-°°7181-dr."enilitas.(31:1-1-Co.lne Valley, has been 'wounded ' ii.t -
package, . . .
licenses:entire been refused Or 'delayed, I V r
pending changes be
A number of .ipplicetions for .. eataa . . , .. .
• • .., - „ .
the nuieufeethher,s 'Minis. Emily
• • . the front, and is now -in a French 'hos- .
For seizing a pickpocket en her -ten- . e
Kirk, :an. -omnibus. con
. .
,_ I Private Meter Oiaesone ex-AP:for •
wild, I give, you . my wadi • Not ridge' as it then stood: It was found
around this part o' France they, ain't!.
Wot chietrou -gsf; reffert"-,. , htdhisehleAle-the ehrl
• Jerry made ammet ilenninatihg con.; elevation -an eagineering. feat trete':
tribution to the discussion, of ,Fritz stupendous. „ • , kre
as a fighting mane- , ' engineers started vror ar yon,
"I'll tell you not' hf ever I get 1915 and bored a hundred tunnels,
• I •
after. he. :lied 7finiphed. repairing -thQ f,0110yrOGL by, ;0. • eleaning„with. soap, mid Lholindre leaving the seiPilg price the,Mirester. • • t__. • ' ' -
wa.ter. . This. 'method avill he found
particularly effective. • .
_ Enameled iron sinks. are durable,
and will: last :for. years „with Proper
care: They shotild nab° cleaned 'with
abrasive cleaning .PeTvders, as the
'enamel Sill wear; off ane cause a
ture of teench life as I saw it for the a listener on duty heard. a counter bert roughened condition of, the •surfttee
firet thimalorwmakeit livelor-others. ing from the enemy line& The officer A. sharp -bitter -tell hi. the enamel anti
when I remember that the many dee-. ht charge, on receiving . the • report, cause. rust to ettack the exposed leak
l'!g - t k t e Hun tunnel" I-1 ta k • h cl. rea • • ' • • • - blie. were being charged a price . • • • •
puecialties it has been feund that the .
crietive accoents' h had -read ,of it . in ' gavi the •order for a Small hole to be driver, a gimlet,. and a -variety of "left feendation, - These snksecenee M,,a ,eh C.A. hut to the W.4,A.C. in Feance.
lanl. did not in the visualize d . h a .
rilleci_toward .t . screwsand c s..._, I have_. a 4 g t variety of styles mrihnig. it possible
to -go 'time a:gain, with tne, eyesight, underneath the ridge. I have heard his re:Morse took concrete forme -A sarne, as a result of ehe.F
gate hinge. Similar . incidents had , lit'''. [ The Ward of Walbrook, city of ton -
through this 'ere war; if 1 'as the luck some' places a -mile in length, running happpened many times, but this time
FII Yiever feel eerie w'en 1 .sees a many ma an interestin tory from the few 'days later he brought ell an ob-
engineers who Participated , in this long wooden box and presented - it to
great venture. As our boys were •rihe, it was full of tools, small en -
Mining and boring their way through ougle for me to handle easily, -but eel
eof them. strong and useful, . Among
ttheehavere_h__ tack: hanerteereeeemlaw,
hammer,. a small sew; an awl, a. seta
Frit*, unless a-loolein at nri
through ma periscope. from , behne a
bit ce cover," .
How ant rto Five a. really vivid, pie-
ltebre's'ooetinlaionnigetrlivatatoh.oeur oicieprchoaprzedprtoo.,1 den, haepreeented an ambulance for
use at the, front to the British hod..
pOrtion to the cost of the product •in ; Gross Society. • , - •
bulk and aatideatiosfraeeftuorsyal r Dr; 4, H; isroriis; who has been ap-
I pointed inspector of reformafery and
made. The
wille7vileedudeTiotnineeth434 illofahittelr-
age and other eelling eepenses. Riisinese of the dity of London
I industrial schools,. was awarded the
[Military Cross in 1916. '
In -the case of a number of Peekage.have -raised ,£600 to present a hhe"-Vh. •
CO -11-6 sicFlET' . '. .
......_,..-,,,,......................., • ,
Y" -
gas." . . . , • . • ' '„ • • rising from. the German Imee, watched . _ . , . ,
then chargel • the hole virith. e greet deal, of coiefeee telt era -tiff. iici, eieVa .to ' - '- - . -- ' - whech inthe opinion of the Food
. . .. get them in almost any ,dime.nsioes l' f - . . •
and 'With . or 'Isla:Mut-drain hoards... •
stiff, gene .up. 'w'ere this guy.; he the it for me?- I Watched, he. roc. e, a.
There Were el. ifilf tokehe'und : a. them burst 'into pomts of •lighe, :over nolOorl 0 . P • . - neve], soice -been , aceused of' lohing
t f high ex loshre and' bletvl • . •
to.lineband's, or the boys! ioOls. ..- • ..- .*•.'
Soapstone .sinks are, lase expensive. '
troller., was tee high... It is the Food I, , ., .. eh! ehOle PcoNSERVATION..
the f‘fooci .0ontroller"larf• Yoor .
' sandbagin the same spot. "' o. , , "N. Mmes. -Lunch' and drift • slowly the Hun tunnel freen.•our own Befooe. ' t . ' ', ". ph -He, e ' • • Se - '' and'arehdeeirable where •much dirt 1 Conteeller's• policy to .encourage *the! 1. • .::;;ari.ctu:_i_c•tie..,i4 .19.16t.e . _'.• ..-' •
moment later another bullet struck a
• the 'devastated drip of country called . away pert .of theroch which separated
' • . "See?' tE .spotted you, • 'Egli keep down ' And I Watcheh, the• charitable the smoke of ethe explosion lied died . .. t 8ystem. HIthe. Ifouse. ',, ' work 'la done.. ' •The..soapitone,.hoeve consumetion . of cereal products the °btY
, . .
"atilh n away at that place foranshadows rush back .like the Very Wind away our:engineers, picking up what- Ne.tukally T Earr4ery.iinsystematid.. eoer,. absorbs grease and ',wears a'way Ole for. *direct.eoheuniption.:1_ •hellew °your fdiod, well," soya 0011(i ,
sinit#est fotnnin„whieh they are avatlet ,. .„ .,.. . • .
H4. will-I-661re that the cod ot.Peek-y Health. The biggest •wriate Of food
:. • ' •
AU ' ' ' '
"- honrehophr te- eateh ;fon Iookire•oyer elf daikneee • The desolatelanhsCape . •.
h. -.. ' ..: L ' . if ' find ' n -i
», Give us 'that biseuit. tin, ?Enery.'.E.. . ' !Li again,- like a series' of pictures thrown, ' '
en:tot-gel: from the gloom. and. receded eve
Ori dashed into the tunne,„overpower.
ed, the Hues mid autonaatically length -1
r toele thee- could put their bend:
. I marriea:' 'rather, young, • and have; by 00440.; scouring. ,' . .'' 7 '' •.:•• .
nevet had any experience in the bilai-. ' Copper sinks .are attrietivee. eadlo. nheshould.only represent eesmell part 'in this *cokintry gro•ws ,•out of hasty '
▪ :Then •ivtetleernett-thiattliiettliV-titie tateen-he'screen-----Alletf-thit-wesesoe----e, ness world. ""Censegieently, during the : cleaned, and %sanitary% Because .of Q5: the selling.•Priee..,,!.. 418h aavertis7 eatinh, . stealthehevred food Is '..hate ere
: t .... • ..
finder trick for locating snipers. ' ' It's new, so terrible, I doubted its reality.
. , .t. . .
elle .-th-61.7 i.-tillitTelTtlit.sis' 5"ilir a rit'Ll.. .. , &est years of me. housekeeping i nide cod. e • •.. _ - ' te-he 1.14-e-x-P.e-Usee)-tia ' . 1...1 . : ' '. • .. . .,ded.• ... *
erect. as a, •.jiiitifin146 Catiae for an ex.; .EverybodY lies es "food .tehtreliereth '.
• . , t
' ' no idea of the value,' of..keening ,re• kitehens ..d the :avexage home) • het
only. approximate of eourse, but it IndeeeleI doubted my own identity, As, •labor. . .. • .
. . • . . ^
,. glees A piettr golici hint et the'.direce one does at time when brought face • I am told if took two years to bore
eeorcis. ' I Aoorelearriedehowever, that axe 'satisfactory in. butler's' pautrieh. ceshive *Lee, ' - - '. - •''' . . . • hock. of . pb torigue-hen 'active' ferce • f .
Very imPorteet .. adVantages: are of .tood .dictators --about bit' of them,* •
' ' h ht h ts ' - n to face_ with- dome experiences which. these hundtecrtunnelah When the pey-
. . • . • , . ' asolutely necessary to take .. :for dishwashing purposest ,. ' ... . '
promised. to the 'eengenner hey reason the...Dapillm. eirciinivellnte flint YoUr '
'doesn't tfotk in tke da time for 4 cannot e compared hath past .experh chological moment had arrived in. .
t b '
• itwasb
. clue of receiets, . and it 'Would seep a The average.' sink shonid• be, from 30
'I tninet is to clever to fire at it': : 'atilt ences or. -even . measured hytthem., I • • .--
Merch of 1913 hundreds .of pounds of vast 'deal of time nod matiy. Mistakes. to 36 eriehea in -length; 20 inches wide, of the requirement that thc. weight of tongize'fiir tut end Yon* ean 'see these.;
• 'd *4 leieeett tine set on the parapet. et : groned..dar rt , „ , ammonal and other. explosives were.
to have ,some !nettled of recording 'd- anteS inches deepk. • The drain boards 'the ' lief' centents.. - Must be legibly. * peeillh
hl .fOr some :new- truth - . . . •
. „ night! in a badlee. sniped position, is.' Which' wee fliceerinh Just beyond the
usedhand the vvhole ridge Was bloWit . • . • .. • . 4.
, should; be at least 24 caches long, and stamped on each Package. It his been , '.Bvery papilla. is . a' food heepector; a
-- . almost eertitio. to be hit The angle. herder of cOniciousnese. ' But I was _,...,e,,t: .. . , dresses:. : .. - found that in. riming eases ,theie 'Is..S.' Drorfeasicinal. taker a.nd,fOod dictator,
from which the shots tome; it' sholvit by .so blinded her the .glam,our of the.. ad- ehh.,"lh" .h.., .. . Gradually I began to keep en • ed- te there is but one' it should be. on. the
,. the jagged edges of ,tht.'around the venture that it.'didderstoednot dome to inc . ‘ ,, Engineer Makes Maps. . : .
drehesbeek, a file of f catalogues,. and a left . side, • 'The drain Weed The . of. wide . differenee . in.. the : content( ,of '411, 0=04171,, In. feed • eel:moray dnll. win
prickhgee Of the same. size." llitde,r .infalliblY tell: y:otithrhen, you haer.e eah.
' hulIet holes. Then; as the•Glouceeter then- ',Later I un. .It teas . the same material ae the sink, is 1408t
said,' •40Giite !int ehnice little 'Aril My iltst glimmeritig realization 0 .
f the • • •
Many of the advences On the. hvest- .bex eepeeially 'for eeceipts. - This
front eve methodically :rehearsed, Method had . disadvantages, however; 'desitible, but 'a hard ..wood, .tueli as the new. teguletiOns; .• however, ' the en- enough, it given. a fair .clatece to
.. .
;-if yen _den% '.e Won't . *halter Yhu .. no • . e _ " e.----- -ree- • .
, eirectioe.' ;You mah fetch im. • But , e .. • ... • ", by the engineers with the aid of Mode.; for thc. addree.s. book freceiently disahe
;els Of the ghound to be fought. - over •peared Just when it was needed, and Stitiited... ' ... . .,. . • , " ... ,, . • ' . -
• • • • . inanufacturers.,will: be risquired to ,Perforin its..ettnetiOn.
guarantee that the package. contains ••• . If- Yee, fill elie month thOphoe so .fest ...
ehmeee mit eg oar reaehlee goolo t at treniendous eadliesp, the, ewftil -futility' •erh. oak, ash, or „herd maple, be .sille• .
• . 'We 'marled how 'ordets, are. passed :.-
mote:for aft :hoer oe', two." ' ..., .Akt ELIZABET110. MUTE
. it; .-- -and tree practice and, iriaimeuvresain, .I bathe° hearch tinheigh a whole •box
der .conditioui that reprocluee the att-.,to..find the:particular ,receipt I.'neede& ing Under the sink With a. eloeet. This • -
..I.Ittis best not to enefose .the plumb -
ie .epte•to- be dirk 'arta dampheeinghl to h
eee leaat the ainount PrinteduPon it. • that:the.. •fooa . nforsels, have 'to. b0:. •
There. is reason,- also, tobelievethg , le .tilatteo!i-a.,aftoe:dni:tinieittiov..eptililisn,ietia,_t .0
tedoWti thelitiee from -sentter tie selittee 'Eciiitille-Fittiliee Siiiiplicotitili tit Theee nal terrain, - The infantryeetteprepei•-• ..,,:' A little. drawer filledrehthestietincee
,, . . urchase Of 'cereal prohucte. in bulk fooe slips hy tire inspeethe unoliseeeed •
-• . . g eg e. tem eel. eti U14 (4
. .:quietle, one 'll,li hie eve -ed. -AO u haat . • . mod . • ,I f•n4 11'W• hatEc of..hhoteinet P-hteteheee-ehrde--entreel my ..pri/hipm, • .Thigte firm- r4a.n. stud not it in. a good nlac.e. for has beerie-stlitukited by theregiert of
1,...theehoe,;„eoteetetetheethe.ehetteeteetheieweteoteereteleght,-- 3.. • a wonderful.modeteoverizig more than ',filing cabinet is diVided into various utensil.. - It there is one place in my filo 4, -etruttatttec7-of-1 pl.- -as , ,- ,--. .
Modern Perilous Times., , .-
( - are- Posted • .A:' their -duties- . We .1kaii. ' thi"Moiii PreVirilfWetthothhoehheillitaertee-Oftheetilite -- Iiitlftaltettilify----'ibintnAliteint":`:ii.*:--;ifileit,-'-itipiezi* hie:wet-eine thihiteithhhelhehhithilhheitheett!ffltetheherneheginoTtletehPT,--.V.,keege-e°4111Side,th-geee-
. .
I11(1 wilhekew edeb. mom 'c1 food '
the iiiteicate.mazes of 'telephone wires, Enelislipe'ople in the peeilous dos Of . detail of eontour and' ridornynent. .A11 ' betically; recipes, in subdielsions, such Cleanliness it isetiy ;sink.. - • ..• • ehlP
rw . • . h. et d tl ' t a i at to d . ye. here lootteaudettikeeeirehtlitithoTth kilie
as) e , io, • ev i ,_ , a . ,
'. 4 hnd the men 'of the sigealing•eotps at. Elizabattes reign. is. peculietly approe e units , a ing per m e a a e.........._..,_--, .
i :week autinnatleally mid will shut the.
, .
;their poste in the erenchee in core- . " • ' h • - •.e •
P» for use at t e present time .e. ,eveee 'studying the battleteld for morel . --: - • .,:
the 't le - t ' the it ek ' . " ' ' • ' ... . - - • . ' .. ' ' ,-..... prices, which ere • elosere to the :balk 17
• • . . . 1 - •
,pricerethan they evere befoee:tee weee-flieroulide, vele food . dictator. will .•
gate at just :the right time- .
, end erray. corpeeheednearters.. . e
e munication with brigade !divisimial
' e ee national strese: '.. '
f - • • • • . than a month :' .., , . -:, ,
- ' * ,..' • •.' - • , . • a mine sweeper Is strnet an the re-
wilNE *Sirehielied. . I Wee' Tait at 01 uboye.!that, depth. 'If.
' • • •
v . 1,...._1,.........• ., . 'when hat haite. eaten 'all yo(i heed. .
. • i . , .d • t cereals in bulk are still cheaper to the
eoneuzner than these sold in packages 1 ePPhtite.
, . e
teemed how to °sleet," flve men. hi it . 1
0 Ete iia God, Lord of_ the. whole • The villages of Whttsehaete peel elhes- , ie - h e ' ' . I ' • . ' ' ' ' ' ' '
ae ere onfronting the. en Who . althea. explosion odours forward in . ,• . .,. '• . • • • , - : . •• •
9 .
r• ^
104V-b17'411C 01.1g011tr and,--*Iten--there,wi.444-414,-est....:..ackAnd.:_lausi-sinest_Withtlacir Many little farnicanctl,,_.7..cieet..titef...seei_of .Ge,;man.,:ivaries tiie,,bOvis,_•. it may ._'keep', aricret and .
are' no dugouts, how to hunch 'lie on. bY Thy mighty .power with the fantastienames bestewed on .. .
• • -1 . eeeetea.hy be . taw.heelette. bargee by - utveryt• hing in the, rutralciit e- • 5:00(1 T1
"he thing Wit (thew ror-ht ernal I f'
flee ,taste in the foe ' '•
• ". • h Cheiv 4114 016
. Quer:nem for a pillove, We leatneth, vouchsafe to bids* and oidet onto '-whallee woods, Gertnan trenches and without a.lighti-the penalty for teuCh-., titlen..tak°8 i314ce.
Of 'her' Odireeitsr .If 'the •detotiaz longs:for knowledge a ine.ciat
smldehtps or,ta the end not for posseSsioh."--B,ettina vett ea the fr,cid „ , 1 anc s°
Peed burriediyeat en Is:only half
the firing-beriehes with oinewetereroof .rect to what effect Thon wilt the courh them J.:1y the inveetive eTommies,".1 elreiginci '•• 'trying' to' -Walk ',me
sheets ever our heads, ahd doze, with' sole and actions of all men: gracioutt were eleitily shov,m; on the model. I through a dense vocki at midnight,
mijoy ita aa,y,801,rat wo cae deteetantl.
treeas War notheent: out hy seas,t4 Withstcmil w ere e -comely e e f eegine reeni dr.-tipper:round 7bre-,
h • th • but d. b hind ctirehhoe.eonie idea 11° "ye 'it *is unlikelY thatthe ' • - " - •
the order of preeedenee for troops in'hehhyoesee teeewerk -0e Jute thee....,efe,, s erre r,
the cominwaication trenches.a. I even -the sturnPs.'01- ePli•ntered. tries a tree being death, T will o Ve ! ship
of the dangers thet the will survive, anilet:he men in tee
Do not use 'sone in washing., win-
doeve,-h-Cleatit edit weter end. a hiece
of eat cloth Wilrlie sufi'reient. 'he lit -
110 TOSt, are they're
res the right o' way They
tel slathered in,Please
tarn .ad the ,eoeneies. this people; ..het t trete bareicades also were marked.. [ men, o
Thee mighty Lord of Host,, as Generals and their staffs and hun- . • . tle alcohol poured on the cloth for the. tang a
hen t eir' eesse s are° s Gam g . •
'glees no 'twee buds In the- t 1
:predated.' lee eitty.or le tarried off "
behnei, the "t mai buds", Italie felt tbe
nd the thrill. of it, There are '•
"Never forget that! Outgoin' ne-sweepuig tram. era eat) :.,bably perish. witlf the vessel. • .
Inud likel Ole deed 'beet f r sleep g guide arid' general to go in and out be- dreds of officets passed houre nias.. throughe. freshly sown mine field. . n alWays 111Cans of adding' final Polish will make the , s. omac 1. •
The t*COPOti ere divided -into 13.°4°
flavor to reedeherer meat hishes. clear. ' The . Tallinn' tolls of a man of "ghith
ed •
II1COMire trOOPS is fresh, aa' theyfore them, with straightest coureetO tering. every detail of this monster •bit mnhiie
sterids to one eide to let tim &there" speed aro pees -per teem, ee the way. In of landscape 'gardening constructed groups, eacd .of which is comp
• . . ' .1h pillar of fire give eh em light to 41- out -of concrete; .efully banked -e by .a navel. °facer. The vessels le
hae 0 ;II cat ti
We saw the listening patrols MO ent 4t ,iect -their steps; .in a pillar' of Cloud _earth and bits of‘bteken Inichethe. re- harbor Ali -oat daylight anti steam out ,higlit, theopeh. the utida,,attenta,
them. Put upon them. the spir- Balt of the ingenuity of thM
e aster of ' to the area that the3. are to sweep 'fror
" passage' which Imola to the farergrotintide .•'t f 1 a 1 rt'tud end under "the1 .0 • mitiese . . ' • , •
counse an o 1 e all trades, elig nem. ..
of the . barbed-wire entaeglernents.- 1 °
From there they -creep far out betweenthe boner of Thy politer arid protee- f . While meet' eif the work of the en- 3,1• .4., pair . _ . . 1
. The work ins abreast of each
the oppoemie ltrele Of trencheer to keep tier; let them meet their..feee. Encour- •gineers is done by the time the word ether- Between' the ressele .setings J
watch upon the . movernente • of tbe: age and enaeoldeo them in the day of comes to go over the top, they closely the "sweep wire," seek, to the neees- [
eitemh, and to reportthe presorted of conflict to :heed undaunted and with- follow up tethetteelthig ereOpee One 'eery depth en .the wilier by ineana- of i
hie evorkhig parties or patole. Thie out fear. Make Way and oplioetunitet of their tasks hi an advance. iz to towed " kiteshewooden arrangement's I
ie dangeroust nerve -try -mg work, for fee them, nee for The eamege fie:kb bridge the ttencheseeo Its, to permit a acting :on: the sable principle as whin- 1
the 111011 sent out upon .it aro mingled ray air Ititee. These wires can be ,re-
grant,'It glorious. God, halve' simeese, maximuth of speed on part of the
not only to the shote. of the euerny,.but, . b tit t . th ' b to ' f t " - - a guleted to travel .at ally depth beneath '
to the wild,' shots of their OOTT1 tom- .'11 4 e, 0 eir a e n, 30 u vle-, sit porting waveeeh Tlio carry "duck ,_ . _. • e„ I
(C4 4. I saw ono patrol atone' t°17hana to their. vie ., .. t , t e suiftme When ranee are .eaugue;
tory tt 'safe 'and hw Ike" or * emelt platforeas which u
, in just before &evil. eithe ofthe raven triumpharit return So . will eve, the th y droll feom side to sihe over a„ ..
they ere dragged to one side and des- '
broaght with him a pie% of :barbed yeolde of Thine inheritauce, together , tt eech. c 11 1i, le eared he,. earl, go troXed he' rifle fire- If the builett. hit
' wire elippetl froza the Germen ere, evith theth ascribe both our cause and 11CrOoS the5,-c walks.
, . . the•detenator the vine generally eX-
Diodes at once; but if. on the other
Ilan% water, Miter4m. teebuoyancy t
eliamber end floods it, the mine 'goes
to the bottom like" a storie • and V6-
0011165' 101100.110M • • '
. As the' trawlers theiitaolVOW may I
drew lie much as ,twelve fent of water, ;
they in:. voiee. hoe hentriet with 4 I
tangleMents ere° hundred and fifty the .glory of their suctese not to our
, yards, away.. • • " • own strength, but net° Thy power
e'rafty, 'eve . a look at thia 'ere. who 'alone givest victory in the day of
ThrceVIF eta woh Yoh eaa 'artlit' get battle. Hear tie, 0 Father, *vett for
yer uippera throulkh. 'Ad to Saw on thrists seize. ..Areen. • :. ' •
tate, air westi I Au hut hid, itt lummy! • ,
leedin' near he Me In eke tadi"
f they did WV scud up a , rocket wt • - - ----*--
('it pickles into tiny bieseita ad to
eTehe it t4 4 ' C. .0 )(1 i Irt Cttzti.k. I ‘ salad' to give. rehires.
Before. . washing ebony brushes
emear a little veeeline .otger the beers.
Tilts will prevent the eoda ifr the wa-
ter front. injureng the ebony. . Care-
fully rub the eateline ofh atom:trice',
and polish With a ilre- eloth.
del Dcl Coronado
Corohado, beao, Califorpla
. Nair San •Olego
1 8-liote 13.o1P Oocirs
' Hotel. is.equipped throughout with. Auteniatle
Spiinitler '
AmniticA.x .p.i4N
JOHle h, liERNAN, Maneger
toneue dtepesitionwho wished .that he
bad a mock like a'., crane a Intl° :long,
, and that ho Imuld..tnete his fond all
the way. down. . • ". • , •
• One ,d-oeSti't, need a linger throat,
Inor Morn mete. buda if we chew: our
food unth. an lite 1.aste. Is eitrected.
I we'.ve .got the All the'datisfaetion pee-,
silheent of it, 'iind it -takes Milyabout
a half es lunch hunr to proditecr the
t. meth of satiety that' soya "iiimough."
.11;cellti yVars .' Horace
!who pioneered a rentilasance.of cheW•
Ong, has proved that 4 mon cite livo 671
brill', an 'retteb hied If lie chews •well
kited will enjosr .hls' foodimmensely,.
More . when. gulps it down
I 1.10do
' n't have any..fear Of a5:004-
wmitut 11(115: thidilig „
ram I no,' Just chow, . tufa got every..
,lictly else Jo 0104 and there will be
Of .foode
• . Red drippithel eittehe teach ngingOr
6/ •
nig! • •
' •