HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-10, Page 8ig Bargains
For Friday and Saturday
Alrerarnip,..140 •
• These two days will be.:or final e
� P
before stockaitakln� and the h + e _f
clearing * lies are marked at very low
o ..
prices for these two
This means exceptional vale in
• p � n s 1~uh boats,
.Ladies Cloth Coats, Ladies' Furs' setts,,stolen
and scarfs, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, `Dress Floods
Shoes:' and Rubbers and various ' other,, lines. Our
Special' Bargain Tables will afford some Big . Bar . ».
ains in Odds and- Ends and Remnants of 'various
kinds. This will be the last opttortunjty for many
Months to secure • goods at sneh low prices.. We
have not space to give details as• to- goods and price
but invite you . to cantle and see the values' offered
for Friday andSaturday.'
aur Winter evenings:
>ome ujoyab6 by Ow ning- a -
HEI. is nothing that will bring into. your
home en Oy exit in such varied ed form as - a
Grafonota. Practically: every kindof entertain
tient that the stage offers in music, oratory, recita�-
tion;. etc., is reproduced and at.your command, at a
. moment'snotiee without stirring outside your door,
You are nevex- at a loss to make your friends'
visith thoroughly* pleasant, . There need be no drill
motnients where,there is a Grafonola. 3
� xr'�i►ige
Ito .this small sum. you can secure >a perfe etly; dependable
mstrimient that has most ark the slieci*1 featttres that distin:4,
guiah the. Columbia Grafonola. ` Oth'er priced are $38,'$50,
SU, $102, $13fi, up to $850,` and .11, may be bought front.tui
on a ttemeeyoasy'.te rini
Imount Oily
f eek - be Paid ` Down
You can have any type of Grafonnla 'sent to your home:
at once Onpay nentof'a.smail fraction bf thepurchaseprice.
rI� �ti � u
• Faid.a to"x at, ,ale eorsiXi►r,aer,c .,
11owr is thsi time to decide, because you can get the fug Thl5 Handsome.'
advantage :of enjoyment that, a Gtafonols will briny g—tor
sindoor evenings are keit: Grafonola •
arm an
Child's Head
Outsell °net D4staxsaaaa end limed
to Nook and lsrs--lure Wu
Speedily affected What Right
Treatment Ws. Re m-
1 fade&
There is no diaeaae at the skin more
obstinate than ringworm, and the
mother who writes this lettear does as
fully realising what it will mean to
other anxious m'other's to know ebout
Dr. Ohaate's Ointment.
This remarkable cure wart brought
about two years ago, and S s there has
been no return of the distressing dis-
ease there can be no doubt that the
cure is permanent.
Mrs. D. Stebbins', Grand Bend, , Ont.,
writes : "I alar going to tell you of rnY
experience with. Dr. rhaae's Dint-
inept. My little girl had tore* come
out on her head whteh looked like
rtngworme. They Were spreading
tut and I tried hoarse treatment, but
nothing helped her. - I; took her to the
doctor, gale .betiontr • amiss:"lit' the
pores, which, were #as' bias ala, the yoke
of an ''egg. The salve he gave me to.
put on was very severe, grid the lac r
child would cry for an hour or Ino
after an application. For six week
It continued to spread ,all over her
head, and came, down to her .raeek'and
carp. She suffered terribly. .At last
'some kind ladies told .me -about. Dr.
Chasae'M' Oii}tment, so I got 'a box, and
Abe first time I put ft on she was re.
lieved ,or pain, and the second time
,the a welling was all gone. Before we
bad finished the first box the sore*
were nearly a'iPgone.' I have told all
the people, around; hereabout Your
Oidtment, and T cannot praise it toe
much. It le now two ,years since My
little girl Was troubled in this way,
and it, never came back, so You can
see she Is completely cured, . You are
at liberty to nae this statement for the
benefit of others who maybe !suffer-
ing ing in t similar manner."
J`o'seph' Brenner, d. ., endorsed tine
statement as °-follows : "This is to cer-
tify that -I ant personally .acgnainted
with Mra. D. Stebbins -of' Grand Bend,
Ontand believe her 'statement with.
Bert: �lhaatei'a ointment to
Dr. (Theme's .Ointment; -en cents a
box, all dealers: or lltdmatiaon, Bates &
Co.. Limited, Toronto. Be suspicious
e• ruist. who to talk you,
intoofthaccdeptinggg .m. rubsatitutetries;..• -.
Monday, Jaw 1.
Adam . McAdam ie' engined with- Medi
° e win er..
Rost, Ferrish, of Seine ria, Sask,,..1
visiting his broth. r,p Wilfred'. ,
Wm.'.Scott, of Daayton, Alta.,
ing his brother, ,Frank Scott.
Mrs.. Worth and;. Mise llouaom, of
Ingersol, were recentvisitors at, Prank.
S'Cote* '
Mrs, Kenn Ford ph ,has leen under
the -Dr's_. care,- biiti":.is_`_on°_:the. way to
--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran;., of Art -
land, Sank.,
rtland,"S:a,sk., ars spending a few weeks
with' limit. Moran.
is visit-
Harvey . Millet held a very successfur.
`dance on New years, night All vvho.
attended report a very good •titne.
Miss ,Jane Scott is visiting at J. R.
` .facDonald.s, Huron.
O$ImuEL.aY --Again Death ;ha§ visited
this • neighbourhood- and reiuoved. from
Our' 'midst one of the pioneere of 'Ash
•field Township, in the person' Of b'rraneis
Scott,' who: died a• the home of 'hie:
3daughter, Mrs. J.*W. ;MacKenzie, on
Dec, 29,- having' reached the ripeoid
age of 92 years and -6 .mouths Death
was ' due to the :natural mfirmrties' of
old. age The late .Mr. S.tgtt was born
in Dumfriesshire, Scotland in 1825, and`
in .1852 Was married to Frances Petrie.
of -'Carlyle =•ia the north of ••Eareland.
Corning to Canada, 'theyfirst-rattled at
Oummrnsvilter •Qnn, *here "they lived
fel`-tyro years. They l,hea.n o,+ed tis
„ t1YtYI�+[1K” fW'iY'i[t7l�rib'rigtya!'Cet'i tib y
struggles of pioneer -life,• and by indite•
try and pfrseverence made a good .home
for themselves, ' They were goodneigba-
bora, and ihrghlyr respected by all who
knew them, ho being'for•over fifty Years.'
au elder in- Lanes„ Preabytertan •eburoh
the .funeral, to Lochalphcemetery.,
was largely attended. itev. J, Little,
of St. Helene, assisted by ;Rev;" Mr.
Iai4ie, coed.}r eted the 'funeral service.
• Ilia Six grandsons acted as pall betitirere.
He leavesto mourn .a family � oseven
isona, , James" Peter ' and:. Joseph, of
iforth. Dakota; Johns of.Waa'h'n n,'
Hen yi tifAr
Dayton, `.
Alta..and �`raulK :>yf;Lanea. _.rine dtiu h.
terr, Mrs. J. 14.14lacKenzae, of Laurier,
Another daughter, Mrs.. J R Mao
Donald, of Huron, died some yeire• rgo.
ASR ,V!4b. imbed tor. Time ToUq
et Lukash *attributed about $30 00.
The marriage of Hut"' Turner, eldest
daughter of Mrs. Richard Turner, and
Milton Donald, of Yorktou, bask., took
place at the parsonage, Teeewttter, on
Wednesday, Dec. se. Rev. Durrant
officiating., The bride wore a navy blue
suit and bat to match. After the
ceremony the happy couple returned to
Itte bride's hou a whereat dainty wed-
ding supper waw prepared After r. few
weeks visit wrong their friends they
mit return to the `grttgw's home in
Saskatchewan. , °
Messrs Torn, Noble tiud Harry Pierce
from the Worst, are visiting their parents
MiesF,rancea ilarr'teoa,frQm near Kin-.
,sardine, is'vislting a iiAtes, t'ierce's. , _
School reopened thia week. With Mr
,Alex. Nicholson es teacher. .
Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Erltott aipent
Friday evening at Melvin lrwin's.
4 number front -thin line attended.the
•funeral pf ?tire, Thoe. Wall of tho South
Dine, on, Thursday last, '
A4iss •Evelyn Wbiteliaa returned In
�Londoit after spending the.holidayr• at
her home• here, '
Henry: and: Hughes have •finished their
carpenter work;at Glee. White's. house
and Xi.'Hughes has returned to Teea,
Ackert had the ,misfortune
to sprain her wrist on Saturday evening
While vioiting'atA A.ekert's.. We hope
it doe not prove aerioua, •
A very successful concert was held
here. on. the 27th of Dao. Everr'bodg
was delighted with tiie plaji"'Blun(Ter gg:
liillyr''given by'the Lucknow'Higb School.,
Thequartettes; duets and eoios: were also
good. The proceeds !of the evening
were $51.0) which goes to lied' d rose:
The Solyrood branch of tl e..WQinen'a
Institute thankfully acknowledge. 'the
*followi ig donations to their lied Cross
work` • Mre; llarris, toweling, ' $5 50;
Mrs Fierce. socks, • 5 SO "Mrs. Joe Hod-
gins, .5.00; Red -Orbsss.• Tea Dec, -'1 r, 5-60
A donation of $5 00 by,.Mri.. W. Thorny'
:yon is also very amoioh appreciated
, Mr. and Mrs.. •Supp orae, front.. Zorrn;,
r..an.. J4 ra :' x c ean, from.
Sask„ are visiting at. *'yndal 'Robinson.
St Helena ' . .
Tuesday, 'Tan 8.
. Mrs: • McCannel, of" Welpool, bask.,
also Mies Bradshaw, ,of Cons.., spent a
few days•
v;aitit►g the aFormer's brother,
Rev Mr. Little: b
Mr F. Hyde; bt Alberts, ;soil
-Hyde, of Monteith, New Ontario, a •pent
'a:fee/days visiting their' brother,. Mr.
Jae. Hyde.•
• lin `Frank 'T.odd •.purehaeed a. ten-
month,old' calf at a pure-bred stock sale,
near Walkerton: ° Frank taaid .a, gong?'
price „bit he' -always' likes 'to, get:. the
Mr Durbin Phillips returned home
after-speeding'a'few days ;wits` ?".lends
Stratford, and Gederich.
Miss Ethel Anderson. is spending a.
month.:visiting friends in :Galt and,
ether; places:. '
- The ,follo>ivin clipping we.s taken
from the Saetlratoon Star; Dee. 28: Rev::
Wglie O. Clark performed the ceremony
at•'Knox Church -manse last night which
tibited in.marr age Miss Jessie-McTav-
f this is.' and a d Mr. •.Robert F 'Mil
ler, of Elstow: The .attendants _Were
Mies; Mabel,Lang and Mr W•C. Mice`
_Air, Albert Phillips, Yw,ho.has:been>in.
the Week for it: birmbcr`of-yearns of t y; s.atd
t i ter a
1110 .14'411t0 4004• RFr.a r m
Pliillipar. ' ..
m. Al' l n A Ent
. ~ ` lith. Con., moss.
Aurape ". frorm our: ,line a ttended
the Red Cross concert" given in• .the
Town nail,, Ripley,*. on the evening of
.Dec. 31.. • After :the concert, the Now
Year :was welcomed, by a _'very success
int dance.
Mr. Joseph Culbert spent New'Y'earsa.
Days with hie Mater, Mrs. James' Need -
haul, of Gilamic. •
Miss Georgena Swalwell; . of Sask-
atoon, is spending a week'• with- her.
aunt,. Mrs. Jos, Culbert. •
Mist' Beatrice Elliston returned, to
.her ditties in Toronto on -Saturday.
Harvey Stanley and Elliot Johnstone
are busy hauling logs from, ifinloss.
The ladies of the Women's Institute
had a very good meeting at the home
of Mie. CharleaCongtatn on Thursday"
afters o(m. It was the first neetrng of
the new year, and We wish them every
modem t r)tihoot the, . t
*ova* .
Jas. Dow. has urchaged_a new
1 p
gasoline' engine, 1 - h,. p.
Mr. and Mice. W.11f. Champ p ion -vent
Sunday at J. Nixon's, Lucknota.
tih Martin
Chas. Martin . h a� commenced -flay.
presern,g. at Edward Haines'. , -
Mt. Albert 'Phillips has, returned
home from the West looking fine. •
and 1.1vS. S. Taylor and disc M.
Emmerson . spen `: Sunday" with irie'ndri
near Blyth,
Mrs. Robt, tioPherson, of Grand
Valley, returgect home on Sunday after
spending.a'couple of weeks with her
mother. Mrs. Itobt, Haines.
• MARRIED. .e'..
CAiatniu » • `APL TO ...
_ I; , zr On 'Deer sr'
Wingliarn, Mae Zora Stapleton,'' third,
daughter of Jas. 'Stapleton, Tureiberry,
and Miles Gapieron, •. Youngest son: of:
Mex. Camerons 4th con, N it oat?.
Rheumatism ni
a ds
C�nlulnac ti sufferers x1 � , i
know the agony of its dart.
ing pains, aching joints
twisting cords. But some
few have• not known ' that.
has been correcting this trouble
when othertreatments hav'.
utterlyFailed. °
So's is essentiallybloodfood
in such -rich, concenated form'
that its nil gets into. the .blood to;'
alleviate- this stubborn
malady. Get a bottle. of
Scott's Emulsja iond
advise an aailing.
ai oott t 00114e, Turo ate, Gati
Dl°aiClCi .. •
— Menday►, Jan 7
On the date of the recent Dominion
election serine patriotic and sympathetic
person thought of opening s: subscript-
ion list to get funds for the sufferers of
tbo Halifax dieter.. The idea Wiiecar.
ted odt hereandat I£iniough . At poli
ins subdivision No.a (Rolyrood)' the,
tOrintint realized wag $77.Oo,a scums: *hieb
spooks very well for the people who came
Us to *et*. foundering that they. but
"r psysions, knowlaldg . that a oontclbuti
..* - •*- wr -v I,
The Y. P, B 0. ; elected, offfe+era as
'follows ' Hon: President, •Rev. J. -Little;
(''resident,. Wallace A,`D°iiller-'`s: Vfia PreeT
ident,, Mies' Mary ,Murray; :Secretary,'
Miss Ftf lel :Mck?lierson; Treasurer, .Miss
Christine Miller:: Executive Conitnittee,
Myrtle.. Little, W 1 Miller; Winnifred:.
W ooda, Harvey Webb, Cairns :Aitcheaop,
Magaret Webb; Ela Htimpbrey I,lzaie
Mary Rutherford, Ethel
Anderson, David'Todd, Elmer Woods."
4,Mra: Reid and son, of Manitoba, are
visiting at Mrs. Jas. B.tker's.
Mie -
. ag: ff and
children, Ir
slat of.
London, ,apent;aMeda few daysof last week'
'With her sister, . Mrs. Robinson Woods,-
Mrs Jos. Stalker, of Tngerdol, and
Mrs. E. Taylor, of Auburn, were visitors
at Mr. Wan. -Taylor's Last week • __
NOTICI Oil. DISgQt,Tli`I011 -ODF
_ »AR
Nome is hereby given that ),the part-
nership heretofore subsisting betwceiii
us. the undersigned, las automobile
agents, in the Village of.lncknow,. in
the County of Brute, het this day been
dissolved by tunnel Ceti/ent. .ill delfts:
owing to the said partnership are
ucktoiirsW be
paid to WiIliaui Satteltter, atI,
aforesaid, and all Claims agai'tist the said
williatit Stneltzer, by whorl' the sante
will be settla'da • �
Dated rat >auckaow thi8 4th da an -
wiry', A.1)'.,1918. y of l
itne s
w x .a. M. cr�awrx�nit,�,
0,1140ixkn AON** War. Sugr, rze*
Phone No. 10 15 at Your Service
Wer +0ell for Cash -.4V0 Hon Chs*psr Than Ths Credit lit°114
ew Year Greetings
That the .New Year. has an
;abundance: of,. B'appvness and
.Prosperity in store • for the"
ppie .ot fucknow and Sur-'
rounding Country is our earn -
es. wish. • our ,hearts pray
that Peace on Earth' . may
come long ere, the snows of
:.. �•;another winter cover our fiir
The Lucknow hardware & Coalu
;rtPtdlr,ied 187
Capital Authorized. *8,000,000
Capital' Patd.up, *3,000,000
L Succes.
UCCE$d is seldom attained without at least`
capital."Ile thrifty .man who saves ready -
..: the one who reaches the go • of
Start a savings account ,to -day at
the Bank of Hamilton.
J. A :Glenne, Manager..
. ani -o -
These- are, high -grace •musical instruments and' ' -
& ,C , WG
inviter your inspection: of them_before putehasiri .., .
The New 'Williams - `Sewing- chinise a -
strofrg, durable and..light..tinning niachine. Call
and"see them before buying, __.
i. i'
e ' -Never he£orejhave, l clrtilizers paid
to the• farmer the divi ends they
are.paying to -day.' All farm pro.
�_ ducts' are . bringing the highest,',..
.; prices known for years and - y. v�y
ro f
II a' i and -every
1 .�. arni r
interested .in rasing the
1. est. ossibte
..g � crops.,
e first thing a farmer thinks of When considering larger crops.'.ie
;,more acreage,; To -day. the shortage of labor 'prevents. • am. from sowing
more acreage, �.
lou can
' 4 raise front •. • . .
.. rii 50 to 7.5 per cent: greater crops; without etdditi
land, labor or seed' by ,usipg a high grada coininetcial fertilizet.
.• ;At reason.liarab-laviea fertilizers is
babe. given such excellent dNtrs-
• faction is because they are compoutilded from the'hihes .
and therefore prxlrtce fertilizer containing8 t grade nitatls
available to the crop; plant food that is iinwaedietelyr
. Sha meet expected
at Luc now-,
about .February
• Iiarab*Da : -
• vies �ert�l•l�aer•, .
For sale iInt i ucknovv by Wellington
� i -f .e
Phone 1 2
Advertise in The Sentinel