HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-10, Page 7> • ,-,--A1111010.001* .S--41siallail091104g4,11/2.••' LATEST IN FARMING. Raboing Turtle* on * Six-Arre Lot in Maryland, IT.Salt Industry waxes apace. The first „trial farm woe laughel at. The IliPpioneer skunk farm Wa$ considered a moat odoriferous Jest and the black' fox farm a delectable fable. Already *they have become institutions oc- easioning no further wonderment. or comment. The turtle farm, is th• e latest "freak” industry te engage at- tention. • In Criefield, Md., exists the only terrapin farm on earth. Terrapin, as an epicure willetell you, is the chief ingredient ef one of, the most .delec- table soups eVer concocted... In former 1/0ars the reptile -yes, it is a reptile! -wee so common that terrapin -wag. not properlY appreciated. „ Slave ivere made t et terrapba te save :more expensive foodii, and any: tend- ericy to rebel against the'"lowly" die vitt ae discournged with a raWhide, • New the rich may hrr have teapin-- • and 4, T. La Vallette, a seientific farmer, raises them oxr a. six -acre • farm. 'The farm is divided inteesinall seeseseeseetieeaseofeevitiersegesesseentahandsetande • The terrapia are assorted according to size and segregated to prevent the 'elver .ones Oen): injuring the small muse. dProm 30,00 to 40,000 of them lare always on hand, under guard of an armed negro who has an elevated • etand like A prison geard, At feeding tune anether,:esaioreiLat- tendant claps bialan.ds-AWc1 the terra- •• pins come slithering through mud and • grass to partake of their rations, . TI 1- Tonly emotion ever exhibited by ee diamend-back turtle is martifese at • .teediegatime„ .The he battles toyallY for 'his,,share.--and the %other fellows', JIrlgi Vallette provides warm, •dark pens for this winter burrowing; In the spring the. creatures eMerge and -the female selects a spot of warm, • damp sandito'excevateetor_her nest. Once they have hatched into crew- tufes "email and _round- as silver . quarters they burro' into- the snrie light to tburro' w' th tae e' cold, cruel world 'alone. ,The mother turtle never .gives there ariother thought, • But the farm attendants dn. They see that they do net fall key to rete, snakes, Ash and :When the '`animals„atain a length of 'six inchhs over ° the r are ealeed. '.`ceillits'eLeintareaeady.loretbeeniarket ' . It ttfl.ieS a; turtle almost three tunes as losng is a man to aria,tue, most of them not attaining fell size until they , 'lame 50 Or yeare of ege. The indus-• cermet .Wait that 1 • n • '0‘so oun dispesed of, - 414 . 0 10 • The turtle is , a rich naan'sAiteury Ow, where. a century: age it. wee,a reee'ee -eeineselse4ry vender 7 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ASSETS NEARLY DOT.IBLE TOTAL OF THREE YEARS AGO. Purchase of Quebec' Rank Adds 20 Millions -Total Increase Derinti • 1•917 le 82. .# The Royal n1of Canada's statee Inept shows- a continuance of the inee pia growth that ha ti marked the re- cent history -of the institetioa, a growth accelerated: in the past year bY the absorption of ,the.eluebec33ank On Jameary 1.st leet. • •The piirchaee et the quebee al a alc added something ,- like 20 milliens•• to the assets of the Royale That, hew - ever, aeceunts for a relatively small Dat of theeekpansion, for the increase ftvtotal assets as compared with Nov- • =pitons. In Ova past triree-year.s tie bank has practically. doubled the .re- sonices at its command; theerare AP - proximately seven tizzies the total of only ten year ago. • „Succeecling statements of the in- slitutioli continue eo give every 'MO- catiOn that the progreseive•policy,sof the inaeagernent has also been charace terized by sound judgment. As •the bank has gone forward, partly 'under She stimulus of successive absorptions of smaller inetitutione, and partly as a naturalresult of growth within its existing business, its position has be6rt . rapidly consolidated and, strengthened before the next forward movement. • 'Vvideriee of nubile confidence is ,ap- parent in its deposit; acconnts:' These e show a growth -of -53 - Millions in the 4, Attractive. JJe3igitiS pest year and, of 110 millions:ie the past three • years. •Savinge.. deposits, taken separately, are about ninetimes the tote en years ago,. • tatement,pf, profits eontinues to show seicceestul direction of the baidessaffairs. A substantial gain in the past Year carriecl'the iladres ' to an -highest lever Yet-riached, with a" ShoWing of slightly betterethao 18 per cent: earned on paid-up eapitaragainst 17.8pm., cent. the preceding ‘year, AS thee uebec ank'e retard as an earner had been- inferior to that of the institution in which it is now-abserhe theeehewing in that respect_ is highly •eateafactery.- . . ." Profit• and loss • figUre,s for three ___,.....1A14.F011.TaIlq-t,-:---,:- •arse -awe' compared in th'e-'felfiKyliii- , --e table': • .: • •• . •-• • . 'Vast 4eantillees• et Feed Ite'quireu .i, or 4 ' : ., 1917r• lila: . „1915. . . , .• Army: ItatiOnS- • ,. • : $ ._ . $ $ . ,.•,- , :... --° , lts ; -12,327,279 2,11.1,307 1,905;576 • -SeariY 00%000 Toundi•Of jilt' 'fir Prev.- bal.% , s52,346.: 076,172 614,,-062 :k papier-macne--,contain'5rs--1S-tenr."-te tiital: -',-. .1'. : -. 3,120;325-2;7271,779- -2X191628' France every week. •Twelve .varieties 141:n"..0S .. eiseaseiie ea1eeeee1.387.2.00.1 • 7'aie, issued, :among- Which ,strawberry,, -Pension71; .T-7.100,000 100,000 100.000' . 1it is stntecl; laigely'prePontitirates. ' MtlitT; ••••• • Hogc utailgusa,: eas.: The soft' fruit crop -0;191A was al- ratriet,'„, , - 60,000 : 5600 ., .• „.,. • • ready on the. Market whenthe war be eserve.•"''' 5. _28.3(1'' • ." --- '' • ;`.'' Total ' . '.. ::- 2,616.061. 1.,02•6,0 3 '1,343,14 Balance :., • 664,264.. 842,346 676,472 :. '. It • will b e not ed fr inth ef oreg oi • Two materials. are attractively com- bined in this model. • , 1VIcCa1l Pattern No. 3088; GirPa Dress. In .6 sizes! 4 to 14 yeats, Price, 15 cents. , • • ‘. , griii and the jam Manufacturers had. .to rely entirely on 'apple and -.Stone . fruiteerops. to meet the .government Contracts: Hence the •"plum " ' and apple', 'ot. war notoriety. • . Lest year.. Anstralia, •New :Zealand and South Africa senplied 'is -41,000;000 : pounds of jank and freili. fruit j in ea: on when it could not be obtained_ at home ' ' The ,daily' ratien at the front includeS three. ounces ef cheese. To enable thit issue to be made the arinir cOntraets . department had, up to the beginning of this year, • p.urChased- ' 167,000,000* pounds of cheese and. be- tween 1,00,006 and 2400,00o. pounds ., is beirig. sent every. week to 'the -army . Franee alarm. . • ' • • • :Mere than 500,060 pounds of 'tea is , • sent weekly to the army , in FranCe. 'Refer?. the British evaranffice became its 'oWii teti merchant single orders for 1,00000 Pannds .were uncemmen thitg. The daily ration iz jun' aver .•,,,•••^144•1:!akti•-•••-•,• • • • - • F.PFECT' f) ALTrrund ,,tain Lakes. 'Neinierotis • drownl.ngs occurring re- eareirtlyeletetta-keteaf It eIdeiatian. have 10 .7.,Ointeel.out a seri oUS„inenaM ed to 1111- . • men, aS Wall as the. necessity for the utmost' are on the part of fishermen _or ,others'. from the lowlands whd, so-; - • Joan). :.abOut such waters f says the. Popular Menhanicf Magazine. It is a•Well.knoWn tact that persona physi- cally souad, dwelling In locations near sea firid. -themselves 'short, of • br alb- Ander the • sligliest exertion .ve in high altitittles. Thus, When. 'sue a pereon plunges tato a moue- ' tain J81,se ho finds that the •exertion of oidekly exhausts his otier. gle . Normal'. •reSpiratioll is "IttipOS- sible ala the heart actioti becemee ditagerousIy rapid. It is the shortage OXYgOn due ,to the elevation that accounts for some of 'the recent tie.. &dies tof mg Bear aml Dear Lakee in the Sin Beraardine riomn • tains, ifliese lakea, more. than a mile above sea .leVel,, are .freetiented by ' flaliermei1 •amd pleasure seekrs from the lowlands. •'• • • (labbege and turnips give eionp a • delicious, flavor. Any 'attempt to turn the knob or insert" a key ringo a.burglar alarm in a lock that a New York matt Ira fit-, •vented. • ' • ' - ii , People at times have felt that bacon '' assistance Which the ban t has been b flip A ••• 1 L o n. appeal, o landown- I I kre giving their ilVess; eheir• Conine.' .1"It'sthe moon, aergtent,' Net heare -was a luxury becanSe theIrice seemed , gnglish, Irish, Scotch, relsh and to the anistance glyen lese.di,reetly, 'shortly.' be_inereased:te- z50,000 -trees: .c, i i • . every serving of hacon coolcecrOne gets *t ot and dim e • ...•• ... pitaturfr_rtinna-eare-whatitis, Piet4 retina it There he-nOT-eitaite -and-from o on als o -- through,4the financing of the business This prospeetive suiplY, although we• ee n I •• - • 0 teed, white and ;Eine. e 1 r Ugh, and fight .for the • •excellent drippings which can he used , of corpotations engaged In manufac- largeeis far bolo the demand f r ; India is new raising --":14°n 1)11 in place of either. lard or butter in Every-orieneeds.anapreneand thi is a„. very good design. McCall -Pat- tern-No.-0920; •,.-Ladies' and Misses? One -Piece Apron. In 8 sizes, smell, medium and large, ' ' Price,.10 Cents. These patterns may be obtained from your 'ewe' McCall dealer, or frOrn the .McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toren* iDept. ng • , that. a substantial addition has, been made to reserve account. There: Was else, added toreserve the prennuin: on steak issued to the. Qtlebee sharehold:. 'ereit“-.ai*--t°t'aPlesee-r°8e-ireni othal.S0, : THAIOIPCMOTHERS,. The Children of the Road. 0---0-,--0 01--,..0 •--,-0 ------ A CHINESE 14.42,TYR. PAIN ? NOT A BIT! , The conductor may have his trans. LiFT YOUR CORNS Man Brave Enough to Dar e Wrath contineatal train and the sleeping ear eenduetor his travelling hotel, but th$ • •OR CALLUSES OFF • Of An Empress. Sectinri foreman with his six reifies of In Mr. W. E. Gell's book, Eighteen roadbed and steel track and s•witit•ies Na surname g Apply few droPa , c aintgiN of china, there -is au interest. has eoMething that these others rous•t 'then just lift them away Okla the track -he hae a hOPIW to envy as they rush past his house be. i 9„...0......0_0_0_ 0 _0_ ,..0 „0...„_,' ! uinagzoonwn, tanodf beforetheChleixasveisneg. p:or leo t4t, with angers. __,,,,___ i Yuan. The antbor had stopped at' which he can eoree back every evening,5 Thle new drug iss eta •ether. come :pilgrimage la the grave of the fu'. to the wife end kiddies. A trim twr Pound discovered bY a, Oinclabati ; alighted statesinan. storey .houss it is, with a garden on ehemist. It is called i Fro pe the city, he says, I took a freezene, and can now 1, chair to the grave of the patriot. He •be obtained in they -bet- I was in pew when the empress issued ties as here '511OWn at , an edict ordering nil•foreigners to be ' very little cost from anY ;Rifle& • His farsighted eyes saw pow - drug store. Just askl erful fleet e coining from the sunrise, Fish Already Fried. for treezone. APPIr a ; vast le,gions of armed, men springing drop . or' two directly i up to avenge. So he changed the werd There is a volcanic peak in the South upon a tender corn Or 141411" to "protect" and'publiehed The American Andes Which „throws out callus auti haitantly the ; edict hroadsaet. Ia this form it did dainty morsels hi the form of fish al- , • soreneee disappeared its work, and fenc:fOreign lives Were ready fried. - This peak le eallech, the , Shortly you •`-will Ant( lost in the province, • • Tunguragna. Thecierneath the Mouth • A the corn or eau* so . Sid a coins° the, elnartpdres ys ucaonuhl:;rt .of dtblevii, veonictahneo eisinaptejuottezioanctelavue lake, loose that yeti =OM it brook such treaSan:` . 111 1 (4,,. off, root aionogterrd an, with sawed asunder heal the 'helves, of ' his, enation draws up thousands ef galltais ' body were thrown into a rough boX. of water, Carrying along the fish, f, Ili at, not eireil. the sli- test ing Teem:4 the box was encased- in a : That is the seientiao explanation Of soreness or lerita op.; his foresight was juetified; public feel- Pass through, • IL Not a twinge of pain, Later, when the Chinese reelleed that which are cooked by the beferno they " esmartingeaeither, . heed heavy ,and costly coffin:end the em., the Phenomenon. Bet the natives be- keiine fig leseesOnita Or ' Oro?' Ordered' a- itatislimeratteeleiffiefe Wife Werft-'4eV''etttiPtion --'fftkeit - , 'held. The procession, which traversed Place,' ruining their crops, the mystic` much of the Great Street, was honor- afterwiteds. 'upThis drug doesn't eat ed by many sairifices, and, the name Of , fried, fish so that they will not want, spirit of the Tunguragua, provides the well preserved and drained'. lie'must but shrivels them the corn or callus, so .,Yuan was.inscribefl 111 the . • • Bali . of 1 • MONEY ORDERS arid look after farm crossings, test the keep the Welt of Way clear of weeds, theY loosen, and einne right out. It Is Fame. ° • I brolce a sprig of evergreea and A Dominion Express Money Order crossing alarm bells where such exist, no humbug! ' It , works like a • charnA4 4.1.• for ave dollars tists three cents. Par a feW cents you can get rid a laid it in respect ,on the grave of ' g...e- ' • • man 4.tv o was rave enough to. ... tweee the toes, as welt as every hard corn, sag cora ar corn be. wise pa.inful dare the wrath of an empress and act An irrigation project nearing cora- h et for the good of helpless foreigners pietion in the Hawaiian Islands will calluses (eri bottom of your feet. and of an ignorant nation. Pierce five eneuntain ranges and dee er 50,000,000 gallons of water deify never' disappoints and never burns, to plantations. the right of way alongside on which he . can lobe his vegetables and keep a cow and chickens and pigs. Tha wife, as a Ade, loelte on the garden, as her eouree of vegetables and small fruits,. but twice a montIrshe may travel pass to the riehrest city to make am, purchases she requires. • The house, which may have cost $2,000 to build, is, supplied by the rail. Way at a nominal rent, in placee where': heaties are difficult .to •obtaiin and • many other reivileges are also al-• , • lowed, See' • foremen, for -instance, • are permitted to use old ties as fire- wood, so that their feel costs them nothing. Many of them become so at- tached to their six mile stretch that they not leave it on • any ac- Qccunt,-hat the. mort:ambitionsiaay be- come road -Maters. • section.foreman has a busy life keeping the track in geed repair, pre-. eierly spiked and jointed, with cljtches 14411P.Iror -softeite 1 Far maiiilang Ing W.t to,DE IN CANADA Far reatevleot "Is• r*F114.1rernstrorsirs, sinks, alossts, • dralassetlfor090 *Ow purposoi. Moms suoarnerak, and generally police the teadlte watch- ing against possible danger freer' freshets or fires, replacing worn &its and ties, • $40.00 are given each Year ' to - bltes •gr. inflames', •• elf your druggist Prizes •ranging Rona $10.00 • ti foremen who show the greatest tee Hemel any freezone yet, tell him la. taking extraordinary interest in their work Many of them began work are eagerly competed for, , the 'men' ' liPon The wholesale house. . • get a little bottle for you from his menials, not presfr agents' interviews; provemer' on their sectionse and theselrn- teatoheainchginogt al:err:mug . the road as casual laberers4m. : cultu;e en. the if from well people. '' . • With their Comfortable houses . and ural pnblic schools of OntariO asTap- oth all over America th-ertestliy their $80.00 to $90.00, .karLonth (and tional with the teachers. In 1915, to „the' merits of MINARD'S. Men of the teachers in Dundas CANCER, TUMOR.% LUMPS, , ETC., cities), with a pension when , they celerity, Ontario, where' the Cominis- die& . . ' • .. ! '' 1)1: alf41Pete::Zte. mff, Blt=t meat MEN 'the Vest of Reuseliold genie- • t intterna anahoe)tewal. cured irtb, - ten- dollars' a menth Ogre in the very few and garden, and with a family'. iiass is. conaucting .. lyIINARD'S • 1,1N11.,IENT cp., TaT4. ca., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.' , reach the age of sixty, with free fuel sion of Conservatiett . once a year direr an part of the line, they consider .themselires the. "Chil- dren' of the Road," and its chief sup- port and mainstay. Just now .' they have/particularly good 'reason -to. feel ci;.figfir;ri AS 410 gral.P or J&J been re-acljuitedin tlieria.vor by an arbi- tration beard to an extent'vehich is costing; the .Q.P.B., , for inetapee, over a Million dollars a year. : - - • • TAKE NOTICE We;publish 'simple, straight' testi- ndinard% Liniment Cluree Lipitherin, Japanese government experts are raising tobacco in Korea from Anteri- can seed. 7 - Igiso4LLAIMOTYla Illustration farm -work, were giving instruction in agriculture. In 1.0110, it was being taught in '76 out of the .. • , . • _ 18 schools of the county e -Twenty-, WONDERFUL SURGERY . eight Dundas County tetichere took the . . -, . -• - .. . - teacher's short curse .iii,k1FicultUre Am, •Artifitiar:tye capable -of Neiliii; it V4tielPh this suzioner. Thirteen • 1 , • • • • ......: teleaeMent... ' '.' .- Was -the highestanumber from :oily • -- a -- Other country, ' • .... ,_. , . „....., -• _.:_To..rnake...the 'artificial eve praetieati iy indistinguishable is the „ alio ot ,. a, Britieh a:rmy surgeon Who Is eeeieris nientieg with o ball, made 'of eartilage' . , . r • glass.' HOW to maise a' creamy beauty' fotion one. A Sphere of such donstructiOn, , , for a few cente. , when pia:.in 'place eitiblifsiies coartee- el We are all pritish,lwbat, We hjdte we dons with'. blood ••'''.ireStiielS and the snr- I x.. t ' will"hold-frata the 'Hini • 1 ' 'I' ''' s .The Jule of two. fresee topsoil's , rounding lies -twee. When...tints lineeleeni ' The honors : we have fought for ilia strained into .p. bottle etniteining three 1 the.ca.Vity it •is'Snatised to...bceanable.1 t .......J. -aictories--avon.---.--;---.----if-•-:- ---7--"7"1"" DULDC,00---ig715ferffirdThThrte . makes . a of moirement corresPonding"to that pfr • English; irigh„ Scotch, and 'Colonials; whole cpiarter. pint ,r, .of. the emost re-, •a., normal eye; tind",furtlierrilore ' fills ' " 't0o, •. ' ', • • ., . • ' ' .... markable lemon' skin beautifier at i the space so that there is no deiiiet- We are all British, .and. light' fer the 'about the cost' • .one Must pay for •a . elan; .as is 'invariably the case ' when a .Red, White and Blue., . '. • - ' , '. small jar of the ordinary cold creama. shell' fa.. used; .AlthoUghtime.innet yee te ee - --.- a • - . • . Care ehonea be taken' to Strain the prove the practieibillee ofthe §:Chi*, 1. Carladtetr-enibleril;-the Mapre.i...Val;;-"is Tenalan" juice- throirgh -a: fine' Taotli.16, thereThi,reason to ,expedt that. the war dyed red, _1. _.‘: __ ,, nee„lehion lemon-getkireetherathiselotio hoc brorrght:. &rut; anallrer7.tritiiiipli.'lid frile:bltiod of. her ".heroes for Britain Well keep fresh for nicInths. . Every. lastic Surgery. "..' • . ' '' • " ' ' Englifili, Irish; Scotch, -Weill- and used to bleach ani remove -such hlern-' 1 • . wee' shed : ' .. - , d Woman knowe . :that _lemon juice is ' ' . ...a....-,-...... Colonials, •too, • ' - .. ishet as .freckles, sallOwness and 'tan . ,.. . ..• .--,-1--- ,;,1 • ....'"'quird% LiniMent 'Curses platrinipo. To are all British, and tight for the, and is the Ideal siten softener ; whiten- ,Represent i .caeada's. leteres . ' Red, White and Blue. • .. !1. er and beautliler„ ' • ' ve; ' . elite J., ,n.,brzice,* agent of the ,Royal ::: ,, ' . .. . "" .... • ,' just try it' i Get three ounees of ' The won of Old nngland have proVed orchard white at any drug store and, .13alik '4'f Canada in New York, has • ' they are erne, • ' two lemons from the grocer °and make .been. appeinted by the*Pdod Controller to represent 'Canada' s intere' sts before the International Sugar .Conmeission Which is . now sitting at AA]. Wall St, Wew....yOrk.1....c..ity,........;.............77.:. .'-,..........,...-. GIRLS! LEMON JUICE - •• pkIN WHiTENER •ALL BRITISH , :.' TheSouling i .ofa Piano 18 the.is91' A--.1 !I-61 1-1 "TO 1g7i1.,:11 Plekkb ACTION : When a pose: • cardwillbrmg ' free samples By land' anti by sea:. they are 'grit up a qtaitet pliit.ot this sweetly frathroimgh g- . ,and threugh, •• • ' - rant lemon loth= arid masSa.ge it daily Mrs. We .Theriault, Pacquetville, English, Irish., Scotch, W1sh andr, into the face, neck, arms and liandS. .$12,060,000 a year, ego_to$14,0.00,000 tut 1We are. all British,'.and• fight for the' that I-trietb-Baby's &Wit; Tablets .ts 0 f I f ' against a. present Paid-up capital ` of for me; baby. Through' their .use.babY Red W1 •-• ' Ilam lacui ne cal) 4 carn-. meal, • one cupful of flour; one tea - 41.2,911,74G. thrived wonderfully and I feel as if • ' ' •• spoonful of Salt, Avejeaspaonfuls of Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by , The cash and the ,"liquid” positioe cannot. recommend., theta too 'highly."' 1116 SOnS of ehl Ireiand su,re they an baklh poWder, two tablespoonfuls Of relieved by Muririe. Try it in Sort, Oast and Wind quickly • /JAMS Granulated Eyelids; •of the bank: gre virtnallY on a parity °Baby'S Own. Tablets break up cords , like a fight. • • and simpee fevers; cure coest lfoutEyesandiaBaby't Eyes., !pedant, 'rhey"atedoing their pirf f shortening, one-half cupful of finely •with .a• Year ago. The proportion of or God a4 - d 1 6 f • Y ect6 assets:\ ineleoifig .w.i.th cash 0 collo. and .indigestiosind make teeth- . n ing easya In fact they cure all the , EnglishrTfigh, . 'X NOSmarting,11St Eye Comfort • the right Reserve for ,excess note issue, 'equals hand the cover in the . Central Gold minor ills of little ones , They arel ' are all British, and 014 for the Colonials, too ils...,1„,,„*„,10,„‘....,...1„, At Your Druggist's or bp per balm mum. the public,•against 16.2 ' . e : :vell-geeesed, ap.'a floured baking pen. 1 424.1"..4r ene.261LemP cra-3,°°°0f::":c8._v!.:41c--,a,usr;04.. ,seoto; weisfi alid abnientdh.e...o:rDdreorpgmh. ehesaptionognitar.61:i to 7"'-'1',,, solo or niedicin,e 'dpaleit or by maiI at V4 ' Balte.in a hot ov.en for fifteen minutes. ..• Now that sugar is seared honey, an about 16,4 'pa:. 'cent. of liabilities' to 25 cents a box froth The Dr. Williams. . l'ad, White and Bine. • • ,. E pee nt. a :medicine Co„ lirockvitlep Ont. • . • Serve with cream Sauce. , important food article,• is More in assets about 58.0 per. .Cent against .t•ter ago, and the .Praportion of • teat we foes , • , • • . • • Ian leds../kinartVii . sweetened isintent CiirefecIarg.et,In •OtrFst rriade -leY. commercial. "bakers ;are', mend than ever. The best cake NEE/J*200,-000 .ASH TfMES. • l'We are Proud,of With honey, as honeY.rnaltes 1'1 533, pe.' the kilt and ea A story is told' of an old Highland the best *peke, which'keeps fresh A notable feature of the balance Scottish. nien: • • sergeant one of the Seoetieli reeiee,eee7teeaneeeeneaseeeateresa. tanetilah leaveraniet4 Asks seeaslseae.aeleh,--eeeeatek, Welsir -,a7e--4 wa,1 4o,itig is 101111(1s 0 _e he_iikea; - • . " " incicose of__tipwartis, Of . • • - . • • he son.rof Auld Scot d- t ' fi -- • ''111 ' -"..7.-**L1.4.--i"'•-•.e5;'7-***•••••474.-t.'"11•17.--L'IL.21i-ii-g•Z.4zi.:•1:4i,Ti'u:ifi-..-•-•n-it1,6t-aii "if -••••it-1 '11-.••••trio7- o . A.4 C are all 13rItisli, and h • g'" i atte 'Provineial Governinent securities and • During the past few Weeks hetween1 , la t for the in. the barrack rooms. Coming to a of sugar, Which will sieve the sug II an aggregate increase of ,about 26 3,000 and 4,000 ash trees have been of -1 Red, W • bite arid, Blue. .i.00rn where he taw a light shining for table 'Use. * *8.1. fered to the l3ritish Government for •• • `..roared ou • u au that light ' . • • e • I -figures are a measure of the direct as the restiit f brave, • ' millione in all security_ holdings. The the purpose -e --aeroplane construction The_ mekof I1It Welsh :hills, hardy and Aim 1°' .One Of the men sheuted back - - ers y eague.• l• to ing very •well, the sergeantecriedelteh but now indispensa teeth -est hav " t r f =elm • Itrti It - that -tie` ff . , tun' war sulailies, 'rho cireulation. etated .that *vernnient: •require -1 "", 263,00Q aeres of, land, an inerease of epastey-inakilige -tale& dressinge- ends - But Weirust'in any men whO are loyal • for frylligi • It else giv0 a filic fln.v••••' ng eta -current -loan items hoth reneet[menta in the next 12 months tree ex. • . t about 7 Per cent float -last year • e large. demands of business in the - eeted to exceed 2011,000. Whee chicken • eet have been eares t h • • • the . ,s• , e • •• y home and 'The plan id to ask English land- w • , ba711,.s t inior bog). git . • • • • or o •t e (tot ee Bacon is given gs • _ fully cleaned, scalded and scraped, • e w show the fiend Ilan Whateetrie • one of the first foods to cenvaleseeuts ' elneuld be with the rest of because of the high food value. abroad: owners to offer their- trees standing' er two follovve the GoVernment undert ke • t cl 4gal ' _.,.1.-..,,.'"'.'"r.'7±:tttfr':- felling, earting, arid general handling e • le ''' • * *. . • 19i7 . 1016 ' tarn -cam de. , Leading -features' ef--t}i-0 Winne at a Prise Of 4e. .6d. a cubic foot, and Fuglish Tri " 1 the fowl, even if they are not' served sheet%,Pars nreateleadittes . they , • •Colonials, tdo,,, • • . an with it, "tor they atield•gelatine and -- • I Make the gravy more nourishing.fftii INIDOSIta Elem. 70,498,667 $ 59.345.06 Of the timber. At the same time, th' achin r ,the Red, 'White and Blue. Do, notice.. 182,4814,716 140,862,199 league, of which Lord Montague o We will hold test to the last.slii•ed of - Do. total ... 262,987,382 200127,69§ Beaulieu p u P1( ..as arranged 't - Margaret G. Campbell, eiteulation .. 28,150,351 18, .0 Pub. -liab. ' 307,703,795 227,484,4139 plant two sapiings in the n1n' nf Total nab. 335,514;ISG . • 25s,est.,427 .every ash tree taketfa. In this. way it .. ASSETS speeie . 10,0,70,830 re.:012,763 is hoped to _create a reeerve of the Farmers/lona-always quite voile() . nom. noli,S" 1.8,284,44.1 1.4,24.9‘,120 finest ash in the world. • the &cat value of cleaning up the or_ gttitta gold yes- 4toli00em Among th.elnanIr Ina#01's under the chard during the winter. Many inseces ' SeettritieS . , 648446 • 30:606:06g CanSiddratiOn of the Ministry, of Re- and fungous dieeeses which would' •Nnittate eat: ,q,1,151,47, construction is replacing the timber make 'trouble the 'following seasoli can "'IN,. • "Itilr'egt"ci 1.51,g14:10 Ill:F72:4"ig that lies h( 00 cutler war Purposes. he destroyed in the cold Months: nrst td:ilitaft1 165.836.7(6 121.197.66 , ifia281 Sir E. Winfrey, in the House of dom. remove all tresh and burei it there- Cur. loans 102,358,027 86,936431 7)o. abroad ..• 43,764;037 349281,027 Do. over . due .. 400.064. • 464,640 Do, tow 166,612,120 125,331,290 assets 336,574,186 258,261,42/ Old stocking;, with•feet cut off and opened up the jeg, malce co.elient dust cloths when clipped into Iterotsano oil and hung outside on A lino 40/t thQ 1- Melt of ob to 'diaappectrA .1* mots, said that .meanwhile the Rowed of Agriculture and Office • of Woods had raised about forty million trees, in the Cron ntalseries, and as soon •ins sopiles of wire -netting tould be se- cured they would be Planted mit, .Official figures show that the sewers' o Ametican &lea are long enough to girdle the earth', by destroying •the inseets that are lying dorneant. Thee remove from the orchard all nantanied fruits. Old •rotten peaehea, apples, pilling and of& er fiazits, whether on -the tree 'or oil the venni), contain Millions of ..spores which- are capable of spreading dita eases to the nextcrop of fruit. , litinardei teleeneet curve Couto,' te. Am • ow mom OUTICURA: - SOAP and Ointment •which give qui& relief and point to •• speedy- keel- 1:lent. Then " whynoinialce • • these sweet, pure, super- • creamy em- Ilients your every day toilet prepare - bus and prevent little skin,titnibles Por free sample' each riddrebb post -card: 4throughoutthe world ... Cuticura, Dept. Boston U . S. AP old , . ' _ • • No.,Need to Rub 'Try Sloan's ".Liainient and see how ofticirly• the swelling is reduced and the pain disappears..., No d.eed, to ruh; it' pene- • trates quickly and brings relief, Hava a bottle handy for ' rheumatic pains; ',neuralgia, beat,' • ache and all nuts, t cle soreness. ' aruggist, •2c, • • -1101 thr 50c., $1.00. , • 1 WHEMLOCK ENGINE. It x42. • - New Autonintio Valve Type, iGernplete with supply and eehatist piping• .; flywheel, ete. Will eccept V1.:009 Cash for Immediate aate ELECTRIC GE'NERATOR, 30 K.W., 110.:120 Volts 11.C4 von accept $425 •ctish rot intrIedfate sale, . • _ 1 .LARGE LEATHER 'RUT. Double, Endless. 24 ipelit x 70 ft •in , VIII accept 006 for immediate sale, althoueb belt, In In excellent cot*. • dition and neW One would coef About 3600. PITLLEYS, Large size,. 26x66-$30 ; 12x0.6-$20 1 14:7..x48-$12 ;, 12x36-43. 2 BLOWERS On PANS, Buffalo make.; • one) o inch, other .14 iriab tils'oharge-pfreastt. REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTO. - • • 410 .Front St W7st Tor Mil —e•e• ..speimeeeereesee- • eels ,,,sseee--- ' .e11 '1