HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-10, Page 5•
..:his is the time to buy -all. wool Underwear
as prices next year Will be much higher. v The
sale applies to wool Dress Goods, Our ,stock
is still well- assorted in, these linea ' of prices.
far below the market,
;lOien's Orrefcoats-at prices.. to :clear. A Good
Beaver Cloth; t
!! ver ith1 tor collars for $ 17.rlQP
A Lady's f' urlined Coat at :$25. This -..
ins• a berg
W. 'CONNEI,L. . #.
Winter Tern from January 2, 1918.' A Short Course is the
Will take you dnt of the job -hunting class and place yoti' in the'class for
whom ;lobe (and gcod ones) are bunting.;
We train our students to give the most efficient,add therefore, the best °
paid service.
Affiliated with Central Business College, Stratford, � and • i
Cbllege, Toronto. Ask for on; free . 1 the Elle nsines •
��,�: ..cataloguer, xelephone -1684..
0. P. MCGachlin„ Preaidaat: - A. Haviland t
• aL Hencpar. •
When the old. year 'dies he leaves the #' - ts. •. 1
year•:iin�he countenanceo�n -Qtr-s�tot�er
of ns air;' Don't put the matter. off
ARTISTl6. PORTRAITS'ef you selt'made.l ere before *pirate a week
la extending the .compliments wt-ipe,seasott to you olh 1
each Succeeding ea of we want you to know p•to with
Y -, r experhacb w alrlYe •te do better.: • t • '
atytes 'tn rportraiture. work sad keep up•todatb
Studio o en M'
p • oirctay, Tuesday and. Wedn.ada
s CC
� t0 C
g apke>r, Lncklla .
KBS. iWNS OVER P0UVIGO ducted *successful business fora number
ct ed lu t4"serest iit municipal affairs and had bee
big an active part in the' late political
Couaellor and Reeve of Kinloss an
contest,, Rev. S. McLean, pastor of was also Warden of Bruce County i
KM= K Presbyterian chureli, St. Marys, 1000. Ile was connected with the White.,
tendered his resig ration In doing so church Creamery Co and for years bad
be made the following statement "1 been retool the auditors. In „politics hi
hereby make resignation of Knot
church. During the wee I a prominent
citizen ot St. Marys, and,a member of
my' 'church„, 'called oume. to inform me
Mutt ha bad just opine from an indig-
nation meeting of prominent members
and adherents
of in
church ur who had
met to protest against my conduct- io
taking an active part in trying to win
he war. during a political contest- and
for lining up„ with 'a win the war and
non' party government: In other
words 'because I dared to exercise my
rights is aa a free citizen, be�;ause 1 dared
to break away from the old plsrty aibl
rations : for -the duration: orate war, hie;
1 an his farm property in Kinloss and co
n• "'Ayr Tat BRUCX Tints. Pettepleen
is said to have signed •up for mtlit*ry
• serve a short time ago at iTarriston
but coming later before the: Walker-
• ton Tribunal, secured Iiia exemption.
I, with scores of others.. 'Returning
home, ha :apparently thought he was
Beeville he had been crib 's of ysars lee had taken an active in
was a Liberal, Fifty-one years ago lie
married Elizabeth bfirehouse, who passed
away in ;A007 and in February 1012 he
married. Henerittaarene Jenuain, who
surviires"him., Mr. Gauntwas a. man of
(excellent lent
qualities os
and'h wa
moat st
1yearsemdby. $ar3 circle
of friends;.
He was, truly ono of the pioneers; having.
peat nearly seyenty years in: them-
, .
•�% was one ()fa family of tine
sons and he was the last surviving .num-
of the family. His 'brothers,°Thom-
as, John, 'Edwin and George, having
passed away some years ago, Mr, :fluent
is survived byMessrs Edwin and Tltomaa-
`Giaunt, •residing'on the he►mestead prop -
cause Y dared to follow mY own- On- erty in Kinloss, and one daughter, Mrs.
science, because I dared to follow out Geo. McIntosh, also residing in Millen.my ordinary. obligations and support The funeral •on Fhltrsday afternoon to
the resolution.of the General Assembly the Wing -ham cemetery was - largely at:
of my, church in favour of conscription; tended,
because 1 dared to link up with thenonnuomm
ministers of sister -churches in etidora ng ��• News
Bruce County Ne
a resolution in favour bf winning the
war, the above parties register a protest. The .village of" T
As 'a -minister's only effective way of. • aseawater and the
resenting such • interferenceosith. his lib- township of Culross both escaped man,
erty is�t resign'Ina charge, after full :ioipal elections by "returning their
deiberation I adopt this method to counoil'for 1918 by acclamation. In
Avoid Iuiklii uiipleasantnes
s' Culross the council consists of Reeve.
T e Late James (,aunt . ' Wm• Case; Councillors, u.', rtnstrottg,:
The-Wricon.a.m _: Titer 3_ of- last - week ,son; Tees nci1 is• Reese A
Phil. 'Hoffer, J. Thompson, McPher.
gives: the following sketch, of the' life. of Ferguson, Cout,cillors: Darmar, Con
the Iate James Gaunt Who died at Wang stantine, Thom eon'Li
P ttle,.
ham, 'on:,;Chrirtmas morning: The late' - lames Gaunt, 'had been'in poor' health MAinilAG>e.-.1 Milton Donald, a
for some time and on the morning prior son of Mr.. and . Mrs.. John Donald of
to his 'death, fell and fractured ` one of the Kinloss boyndary, who bus been
hips. .The -deceased Was born in War• fanning out- West -the past:few:years
,wit:kshnre, England on the 23rd of May, was. married at the parsonage, Tees
-1840 aid 'came to Canada with his par- water on .;.:Dee. a6, to. .Miss Rarriet.
ents-in:-1850, setting earl frons Liverpool= Turner, of Culross The bride was
,on the 23rd of May, his tenth birthday: attended by. het sister,. : Miss. Pearl._
-His father, the late -Joseph `Gaunt, 'set A reception was .tendered the young.
tied, id West Wawanosh on'' arriving in
anada, The-deceesed-re —in
Wawa03,11 unti1.he was 10 years of age
,h moved to the ',Township ot Kin-
:loss where he took upland. .1n .t8'737ie
engagea in the savi milling burin
x ,, , g esewitb
`the late Charles McConnell and w "
afterwar'di in business: with the late Mr.
Mireliouse. In 1881 be built a saw mill
clear, but the. Military authorities
min to think .otherwise' fnd instruct -
ea Chief ,Ferguson to effect bis arrest.
On being ;apprehended Petteplace was
broughthtto W
d arr
before ®e blagietrate Rob„. Richardson.
on Wednesday night, when he , was
remanded to jail to wait the arrival
of a'imilitary escort who will take'bim .
U) London for tirial. r " •
• -`=�-�iltetiZteitfo�las�'W�celr},°.: _;
Miss Flossie • McGregor, nurse, of To-
routo; is spendIj g,the,holidays 'with, her
parents here.
A number of our young people had au
enjoyable time at the komp. of Mrs.
Waugh con.. 8, Culross, on. Christmas
-'At the annual school meeting on Wed
nesday. Chas. Thompsonwas. elected
trustee for 1918. Win. Young declining
ervie .
• (Intended for last week)
Iiev. and Mrs Williams • spent the
holidaysin Loud n nd Lambert-. .
MARRIAGE —On Monday last the
P a at
g Bervie was the scene of
pretty .wedding when Miss Annie Roach
and Mrs- Culbert, of Ashfield, were.
united in marriage; The Ceremony was
performed by . Rev. D.' W. Williams.
After :spending Christmas at the bride's
home the couple .left for their future
home inlAshfield;'taking with. them -£he•
best wishes' of all:.
The ;Christmas season, has.,eome and
gone nubs: again and we note amang
li e. -
on; rie oras visitors: . Ra • firadle
of Toronto,. , at. Dr: Bradlhy's; Mr. and
Mike. Sam Moor • of the
,e, West, at John
Moore's, Mra.;,Wes. Blac
, kwell and.�teg-
gie ,#3laolrwelii of Turman; .at 'George
lackwell'a; Miss Mande' Alexander; 'of.
Tiverton,,'at herIbme; -Doss-Annie`M
Kinne ' of
Milt'. r
Kinney; a ton, at Jas. ?41c$in•'
trey's;. Pte. O. G. Lawson, of London,
couple at:the hoose of theb d u Ch t
WAS DEsFATS I Vincent Pette
lace a d 21
••p , Re , was arrested by Chief I
Ferguson at his home -hi '•R'i er
v seals
on Wednesday•evening'last on a war- >
rant from the .Milita
r'_ autliori
London,, charging' him with being ,
theml1i l
a without
8th WOND
orchestrau.nder t rn .
e d•irect�•
ion of • ;• the fa r ous C ncert,
11 aster, J u les Bora •
•NT p� THE SEA50]
•Stage: fee
Exactly as pre5�nted in all
iaige cities to Canada
,rtt�• ,t `}•r
The Busy 'Hardware House
Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivpry
For::the. Next Few Days
e are Giving 1Q p. e.
iscount on Silverware
and Cutlery'°Ow,NooW
1th 'every t rchase of
. are
•• inn •
• , g $ ust doth
e _
e ,
quar��trt Vie: a
The Store Where Your Money Goes: Farthest
wish. Dunca6. Guest•
Master er Stewart
McDonald; coal of Tiverton,
,a• Mrs. Alex
ander's • Wil
mer, Geddes,
4# -Stratford
Normal at M B:. • ,
, r M
... _.___. a_..- _.. � . _._. _ _ .. a _�,�Sr :an
.. d
Mrs. Stevenson; .of. Detroit, at Sam Nie- •
•Comb'•s; Diss Bettie Lindsay, of T•oron-
to,. at Mr. Eph, Lindsay's; Misses Rete,
Sturgeon, i uth :Skeane and Re-
Brown, of Stratford Nozma
k t Ade
homes, Miss lInd e, • of `Clinton, "ith.,
tau Wanda'Pair, Mr, Aylmer Scott,,df..
at his home; Miss Violet.
!Galin; of :Wingham, • at' .Mr. `Adam
: • . .
e Gre .test .Art Conquesa
since the Beginninglof
i se ct f pro rn a .N asse
Positively the Last Chance
to See it in its ,ntirety .,
RIMlMRER-The Seating
Capacity 9f the hall is Iim�
iced and it would be adv s-.
able to reserve your seats
in advance. ` .
• 0)
• ,
:ore one week in advance