HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-10, Page 17777 7111; 407frE1717.4t5w-,' , A • , a k• $r.so per year, In advance; $2.00aotherwise ,= THE BRUCE BATTALION IN ENGLAND. WM. VALENS DIED AT gi CRURCH N:WS ,›Misii Lorna eampl3e1I has returned to Toronto to continue be studie,s. , LUcKNOilir. ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY ,1,0th., 1918. Pte.J McKendrick Toth/low They Delight Victory 1$6ade end the Lexiehl the belle are Whittles . • • Witley, Omen Enitlend Dee. 10, „1017 „ • T• o Ths EditOr of The Sentinel• : Nat S-;* °"4 • It le with fend inemorlea of heineand the dear friends and neighbore in the ° tAtviit of Lucknow and Omni% that I take the opportunity to write to the • . people of the town to let them knOwe,at tart lielicliiireS00;16-trthelear bos who responded to the call'of King and country and *lid ire Members, of the 'Brace Battalion are We are all enjoy- ing the beit of health and are looking forwardto another big. feast of turkey • and plum pudding for Christatiedinnern. 1. had a call from Clarence McDonald, be nes °a his way back to 414 M France ,whea be called, last Wednesday, ' t eee and haNies, band shake and chat with the boys of his Own tOWn. 1. -ie was :up in Seotland at Aberdeen and Ethn- burb, spending Part of 14 daya leave ' after beipion duty every clay front 6 sm. • until 9 p. m. for twelve months. Be fe . lighter in weight .than when' he wasi ent-4 • ploYed in town but he is feeling fineand likes hie work although, if he had hie prefeftie 1w:would perhaps rather be rioniewbere eIse Our Platoon was 'ell" s• gaged�ps course in Scouting and, were away When her armed in camp' but he waited tintil we returned last Friday evening. Ile had to lesoe us to ,catch• • - •. ' the 6 O train • Vhday (+Veiling eo had Only two holm- with the bOye, He was glia a tcserneet no' and- returned -Verat highly' Pleased. ' I received it letter from him: , last night. -ffe arrived home safely. , '• ; at present.- .1.41-1Ooks fine; There...is a - b• ig improvement in hie appearancesince •• he was viSiting us a.ci.einnanied by Hunt; ; ley Gorden, lest year.. He is and read the Picture Of health. , , • ' I suppose you will be aware of he . ' Tact before you receive Any leiter that the ' proposition- of subscribing to the Oan- •••• e• .dian Victory- -WarLoan was lordly- fere. the seen of the 0 E. Y. if they felt It; :their dity, nd did not havo to Soh -scribe • to it if they felt they 'could not. It is, with Major Moffatt's; perniiesienthat -I ' am writing to tell the -folke.at heme how' generously the -boys of the Bruce Batt- alion enbscribed. -Witley Camp's total 1, .aniotint which was-tue largest "eifin-real- - ized of any camp in France or the Britf- • -iSh Isles, amounted to .0l5.6;000. The ' Pr0:10 Battalkites total amoiant was one fifth of the awn realized inWitloy Camp - or 132,1,00, -The:largest suit) •realited, by bat#tlion in the a 1. F. If you seer saw a man or officer prouder than Maier Moffatt I would like to Bee bim Our closest; Opponent was Divisional • • • Headquarters(consiating of „General and ' Staff Officers ) Their total was 19,500. Notice the lstrge ',margin, the battalion hid, • Major Moffatt in e little talk oy„, • ispeetiti which he.,,,gaxe Ali told uti how • Rend he was and stated that; anyone of thi Who eared to take Air timstandtrouble tO send the correct of the Nat, nowt which ccaprcabie D,.(`)emptt.tg d , talioni_part tile,. item, inig•ht_ do Ho.; " •••••'3';'' l'heUetiersil and iitaif Officers of he • , • , are proudof the hoys of the. . . : 160th. -4 was talking tit one of the bands. . men this evening and he told me that • •- • -• themificere did-not:help very mitt% ia• , SASKATOON, SASK. Faresely Uvcd rritlaiess-Wart 'Activa in ?skits IN* a Gest ;like!! Kniloss frienda.received word last week of the death at Saekatoon, Seek. of Mr, William ValesAybo,• previous to :the spring of 19�, hved ne the. ith of kinloivi. Hie death occurred on Dec,23-idl and the funeral was beldiM Qhristmas Day. He was 08 yews Of • a*ge, Mr Videna- had not enjOyed good Ant1-10.4 great deal since retiring from the faun in tint fall of 1916eoOn after the •death of his son Alex, ,•2•o The late. Mr. Valens was born in Beverley Township, Wentworth Oo In 1049. He came to,Kinloss in 1871 end locatecTon lob 10; con. 5. • The rfol, lowing year he married, Catherine Wel- ker, oleo of Wentworth: During his long residenCei Kinloes Ms Valens became widely known as a good type of citizen, ready at all times totakean active park in promoting the best interests of the community in which he lived. The large measure of success which attended the organization and Maintenance of the " Mechanlcs . Institute and library, at ,Holyrood. which did -wain& feethe mental in p,rnVenlettt and ,prjgress of the young peonle of that locality, was largely due, to his untiring efforts. For a nuMber of pare' he was an active member of the Kinloss council,, and. in .1994 he con, tested the riding of South Bruce for a seat In the Provincial Legielattire, in the interests_ of the Petrone of Industry, the ferment organization which flobrish- ed at that tune. Hefailed of election jy only a few votes-. He wass..constant. ly active in Sunday...School and Mission-. work- and was for many -years an elder of Lticknow.` Preabyteriall.ernigregatien;- -Oi gOlnif to the:West in f002 !he ,wie at , once:. recognized aea man of ability °and 'sterling character: • He- did' Ennoh 004 missionary work for the church, as a lay preacher, and at one time was elected to a «Orin the 14egielature of • Mintinilia; bit of thistle was ...delnited • :Alt 4 legal Mr .• Valenti is • survived • by it Widow, three sons aia three daughterS.; They are: John; a' medical doctor in Saska- toonr Robert, ,farming- near lensing, Sask.; dffitr, in 0aliforn4; Ashley, at Toronto University; Mrs. Dr. Archer, of Lamont; Alta.; Annie, hospital *netron in Califotilia;Agnes, at home • . • • „ Responding to the War Loan was not thellatest iecord. -• The letest lecord was 'Made no later than *0 day in referenCe to the guards that D. Cabipany supihed • • - • yesterday but Who 'came off duty this morning. The 160th tett. is supplying alt duties in the Division this week. • The Brigadier sent an order of congratulau ten to the men who wire on guard last night telling --them they -mounted th-e- hest guard that ever w4 _mounted in the camp.. Some record for the boys 'from Tiverton, Kincardine, Ripley and Luck - duty again Saturday morning, The•Lueknow boils proved to be the most ' efficient platoon in D. Company. A competition lasting one week was pull- ed 'Off a month or so ago. The cornpet- the loan but, the privates did aplendidly•_ ._ition.:.-was. for :-„efticiency-inall•-:-. branches On thilait.day,:thabattalionvaised 8000 of ihe infantry training. The following „r , , -. ...7, log hOW splendidly ' the boys nape , . • . --' • . dollars. This is too good a record to let are the places the platoon took . in the go by without the people ethome know, competition„against45 'competitors ,! ' th their eubetiptions.,„ I ant stir: the '.. .!" Hut resPe!Oiel-tifee elelPiiin.nei and. , .. I ....- People of the county Will feel an extra uni ormi y,) third. - - thrill of pride 'when they heat of the 2.. Phitpon Inapectien, third. . • ' latest record the boys of the 160 Batt. 3 Bowl. g fi t. . . : ' : - 6 • have made for themselyes. - -- - 4. RtflOtOrenadeinai third. Bayonet Fighting, Deportment, fourth, sT MARKETS 7. Machine• • ritinning;Sixtb. (COrreeted nit to *iiineaday noon) heat. 60.), tivittal.*14++•treil 10 • 8. Mtu.ksmainthip Musketry,-foitrth, is 606660006ft tete IS • 75 Si Physical Training, -seventh. ( Barley;. 6 6 • 6 ‘lit1*-0)••••••114 1 30 la Ifaitnii of Aries and Lieutenant's ram 411 -****44•0111400,;.a. 06 3 C.,0- it'xaMitiatiori, fourth, ° Buckwheat, „, 116464164. .41161 95 ' We ended in 4th place in thecompet- •Butter,... ie..* 35 30 *sot nowlitid „ „ 00 .ittOn• Wei PrbVed` tO 'I/0 the best in the .. .1725 company and tliat mit what we were • TORsille MARKETS fter, Well Sir, believe 1 have written Choice heavy ;ittere.; 411 SO to 112 25 • Choke butcheri........ 10 25 to '11 25 Most of the norm up to the nteaent, • (lpiee butchers' eoweb,„ 9 00 ' 9 SO yeapIng- au the folk, thete •apent a merry dood, feedefe 8' 50 ta 9 2$ Good udieh coo. •44 .,„ es' 00 to 120 00 varistinas and that the New Year brings Hogs fed did Watered. Iff 2$ to peace and happiness to the nations at leall Wheat.. .. 2. 14 to Whoa •beiti ) .2•10 to warandreturntothelandofthe Maple ata 1111100141••• etill 11 to 18 fpt the boys in the 0, B. , Timothy niy.... .....IS00 to -15 00 °!t **W la .."0..o.:r 65 to tO are tet 44 YOttre Sincerely 4.4)- rft, I4Olt VOIX114104 • • The annual congregational meeting of the Lucknow Presbyterian (lbureb will be held this (Thursday) evening; at 7 et:lock. Services in the Presbyterian church next *Sabbath at 11 am. and 7 °p Morning subject, "The Four -fold Need • tacovEr tt::: ivu re nto lod auT.T:ejecotf, tih4hlielood3visohf THE 0 VIIM.-,-Th0 t0140 at th0 Guild meeting Monday evening was 4'.A. Happy New Year, and -HaW to Make -it So." it-waaiohargeoegr.Com.F. mittee. Appropriate reedinks were given by Mies Di Hendereolls Xelmetb Alurdie, Aylmer Aitchison, Roma Thompson and Relit MacKenzie. Altisical selections were: a aolo by Mrs. pope; and trie by the Mine; and Rev. 1 .LOCAL AND. CENRAL I Mt, bleCallam, 4 O.T,R. Train Changes' Changes introduced :in the 0. T. n passenger train service on tile 8th, do not affect .Lucknow, but the London and Wingham service is reduced by one train per day each way. ° The tom which arrived at Wingham from Ldnclon at 12.05 noon cancelled; the train leav- ing at 3.15-p. m. for London is cancelled. The train arriving at Winghaiu at 11 45 a. M. from Toronto and Palmerston will arrive at 12 20 p. m.; the train from To- ronto and Palmerston will arrive at 9.40 p. m, in place of .9 30. p.m. Tamily_Re*Union., After twelve years of separation .family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid enjoyed a quiet family gathering on New Yeare Day; Mary, coining' from Anyox, B. C.; John 'and wife from Pal. aerofoil; and Pte. Clyde from Hamilton, b,eing on bis jaiit leave* before going overseers,: • • -CODS OF THANKS, • TO the electorWho gate me their support at the reetnit election 1 wish to .03toos my sineere thanks Though .r failed af election, the favor was ftp preciated.none the less. -flavin Hes Sentinel subscriptions which expired with IniVare due. Don't forget when town. ' fiss• , hilargaret Henderson has return. ed.' to Toronto after 'spending the holi-• day at her 1100311 here. • Mr. and Mrs, Pierce, of WinniPeg, are paying their annual vont to Luck. now and Holyrood friends, Pte. "St. Clair 'Irwin wishes "tcf- thank the Soldiers' Aid Society of Ashfiekl for the splendid box received by him in pod order, • . The annual meeting of the Ineknow • Agricultural Society will be held on the afternoon of Jan. 18, commending at one o'cleck. • . • , Vine weather Saturday brought a large erowd Co town, and everybody was busy, eapecially the candidateelor municipal honours • , • Miss Agnes A. Buckley, of Reston, Mai., is visiting her friend, Miss Sadie -Henderson, with whom she will spend the winter months Among. the tillage which are scarce this' whiteit are calendars The high price of paper and printing have put • them off the market. • , Thegreat picture ply "The Birth of a Nation" will be shown in the To4n Hall, Llicknow, on the evening of Jan other men were much hettei known OUR TOWN FATIIERS A (isted LIve [At erilea ea cosseted sad Scheel Beard • Another election O'er, and ,Ineknow semis assured of 0, wide•awake and pablie•spirited lot of men in Charge of. Ito affairs for 1918. ., Reeve. ---Robert johnston. Colindi- Ors.-It R. Henderson, Robert Thoelli- son, Wm, Marche, G. Smith. School Board. -G. NewfOn, D R McInteab, R. 0, *Cameron. M. Mitchell, W. E. Treleaven, I. A• Olennie. , The two • first nanied of the council -wereilnembere1atik,--yew:lhe-7-titWr two. are new ° men. The &at three named of the schbol board served in •1917, the other three were elected by acclamation. Them wee something of a turporer in the council. FQF a 1041 affair the election on Afondav Wita a litely one: There were seven candidates for four places and all candidates appear to have received a good deal of enc,onrage. ment. There was an. active canvass and the vote was prat's* well gotten out. Not one of the seven lita reason to complain of a !email vote. • Fortune invariably favours the mew man if he is at all popular rind is not known to • stand for • a bad cettae• ,Mardie, Smith and Mullin were the new men this tinie. The former two . were the lucky • onesand headed the poll,. • •" Huston and Boyle both of whom.gave good service to he town last year were defeated -7 -not because the electors had anything against them, but because the • . W. 1 WRAITH PUBLISHES BOOK OF POEMS - From Tu E Daux SUR Of last Sat- urday we take the following; pioder the pen name of,Walter Alexander, ,Mr, W, J, 1Vrttith, a member of The ;Stir rePortOrial etafT, hes jot Inibliehed a little 4 Volurne.. of verse called "The Wandering Jew" and other wenn. , The poem from which the booklet, takes its title deals • with the legend of Ahasuerus, mho; 'because he smote Christ when. being "led to crucifixion, was cOideanled to wander around , the -earth until-tbaJudgnmnt- -It-irs-et • lengthy piece of worlr, and contains much genuine Poetic fervor and etrength of expression, -.A_ fine collection of lyr- ical poems, and aonnets make tits the rest of the volume, some of them. being •poetic gems of' great beauty, A' brief quotation from the poem "David Cop, perfield to Agnes With His Boor will serve to show the merit Of the arming author, who should take • his,„ place at, no distant -date among the ranks of rapidly-growing army of brilliant veree writ,ers. . • There is a lotto they- cannot know • Who deentoin spoken words it lies; In deepest earth its roots must.grow, • Its branches spread to farthest skies. 'Twas thus the early seed was sown That blossoms in the verse I bring; 'Tia time its later strength has grown And shadotis all I speak and ging. <The book was gotten out by The Sentinel Presses, Lucknow.) -" Slugle Copies 3 cents THE ASIIFIELD ELECTION Great intetest th;ongliont the item.: ship was taken in the election of cone- eilora last Monday. In 'the list givae below the And three wlth Beevet Dalt* and Deputy B.eeve „ha. Rackett iij1I, 'eonstitute the council ior Dalton and lilackett were elected by acelanit-• don, Polling sub -div, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TVI , . ...II ••-r..• ' Wt. J. Jeiniesion ..19 30 25 41 54 35 79 2,11,11 , ?___-_10,,..49-atelt-s-tails1-0 iOA-1(1-38--1.1 217 -...- T: Richardsen .39 38-'11'67 53 170 26$ I J; Farrieh....17 30 24 19 22 49 22 183 J. A, Joinuston07 Al 4421 3 3 2 171 R. McDonald .29 910 ,29 62 14 24 168 • • EVERYBODY'S COLOUR moNexyo LOA14.--Ou mottoese and noted • at reasonable rat. Niro l000roote. 0081` etoolt and Mutual Ctesepanies. •Costner. arming clone with neatness- and deeps**. .044 salaam.. **ker. linakeew • WANTED.--seeretarr for the Paramount • Cheese and Butter Co: ApPlieatione to . be dent to RUhMo1ntoeb li. It. No./to Lucknowe 90-12 tf. • . WANTED. -411 kinds of raw lure. Blithott • city prices -Peg at latoknew. -Don't self yeur ftuo without seeing,lake Libel, as he has e. ty market. Best prices for jank, ' See advt. on page 5 Of this :paper, . about town. Democracy is proverbially LUCKNOW • SCHOOL REPORT unkind to its, servants, so that those . . Mr- and -Mrs. tralter Murdoch, of who seek office must -be prepared fora , Murdoch, Of Winhifieg, were thri7eciv7eit; 4414 " nire-Ot-it few days. Ortlie past Week Huston 7 42: South rrtanilauraock-inclo;her Hendereon-',-t- -- 50 Mr. 'A. M.cDoneati of Calgari, Edgerton, Alta., nd'. Mr, and Mrs; E I • • folloivik, • • , Teste--Ilistery, Grammar, Spelling North • Teta Arithinetisjlesigranhy_ IV. 75%,-A: 607-B. :1.8312 11,.' 5O -s: 122 • - 180- ‘.1,i (1)4.11rDdioe4Wia:8,Trpel,oalfteanth, e0r,14.91, ja.cKsepnindarliceirr, 90 -76 - -145 . Burns, . , , Mcqiillin •„T Caill reas.rcibber-7o cash, 9c trade; horsehair"- -1-11 28e math, 85c trade; and ell kinds at hides. Phone and I will call and see you. Phene • 68.. lawitnow. . wart .raan peek leicarieve. ' RAWFURS INANTED.--Iiiihest priemill ' be paid for all kinds of raw furs; K. •skunkseraoccons. weasels. bponial Pried • • for foxes. Prices will be an high as 41440. Best price will be paid far horsehair attd • rubbers. Before you sell your furs Cali at - B, Blitzstein's DU 0000 store. .busbeis freed oats 72 variety; o 00hushelsjseog jharoylerszi ttAA-1,•• 21. 1842-tfo. •• ' •• ROOlr IV. • e4t 0. their sawinill at -LuckaaW tdi kinds ot logs minable for lumber, maple, Week-biol. • -•basewood, hirejmnd pay tun (Jail at ocr ollicora`,Fitto7m 'tuns tractors - ' . • 7816A • .71134,141 176/.°BitliattIVa211.1111:114a1PirtNI: 6 Thompson - • 69 - vusiting • friends abOut •Licknow....He _Boyle. -• 44 _ • was on lila War home from 'New York City, Where he had been oh business. He is still doing a. large business in • To amp Erete.rolis tuoniccw.-7-• To ,these--who---voted for reeron -Mon, day last, I wish toiexpress my apPree- lotion of the favor Miring 1918 shall as emineillok do My best to serve the beat interests of the town -w E. Hinbens tr • To TER 4811FIELD ELECTORS -4 Wit& most sincerely to thank those electas also favored ma with their yokes On Monday; The favor is highly apprec- si;toeditl??. Yon. rs faithfully, FR117 JOHN - •To "rue Emmons ov, Luoatrow-- :Ladies and Gentlemen 1 thank you for the bon* conferred upon me by p'ac- ing me at the head Of the polls1 as - sine you I shall do everything in my power to Advance all the interests of the vipage. Sincerely --W., Munroe • , TO mn Lames at4.6 .GENTLEMEN 03' Iitiolticow---Accept my 'hearty tlianke for your Vote and influence in -electing me as one of your councillors for she present year in which capacity T will endea-vour to fuout yam? oxpeetiaolm and-,furthor_ thoil*ofsToi-ha.;0;s:p•isr the t�i1i1011. t,ered into, to' the best of my at•ility, Wishing Vet all it, happy and„proeper- otta year: -cFgithfully- our servant - hoer. ,Trioersox.• ' • • • • „ ' Ttr TRE --ItkrurAteits wit -1771/4-• LAOS OF I.HOKNOW-I beg fo thank, you for -the splendid tote given me on Monday'. -intend to render you the moit. tisefill :Service I possibly. Can - .831 a -happy and prOsperauti Naw Ye3r.-,41so. H. StIerH. • Parantount :Charged With Theft_ , - 'Tont Kelly, an Ashfield man, was placed under arrest on Monday charged with stealing parcels from farmers' rigs at the Cain House stable. Oa Tuee• as to which is best tha province., The Mullin - 39 • LOGS WANTED.-T.he understand& will tsk ,mae-da"iium. • 73 '112 • Jr. IV. 60%-T. Blitzetein, Mur - die, K. Hill, R. Andrews W• Ruetcal; 34 High School Essays' . , "•• Webster, H. Blitzstein 50/ I. Rath. well,- H. Thompson. 40-A. TJohti • High School students throughout On- 'ta writing -of -am essay-ot-about-one-thens- r o- are engaged in neompetitionin the and.• vsmedd- on the Canadian 'Victry from each school are submitted to a:cen- tral judging committee Which will judge Loan. The three essays judged the st day he was before Reeve Johnston• act-, eesayssubmitted by Lucknow students ing as magistrate and having admitted were pawed upon last . week, and the the crime, was remanded until Wednes three selected were by the folic:ming: -day-while-Constable Cemeron went in- let. Harold Burns;2nd $tun Alton} 3rd. search of the mustang articles Articles •Gladys Webb, The Maya are aaid to which Kelly admitted having taken . . hitie Shown a great deal of study and recently Were: a parcel containing three serious effort on, the. part of the writers pair Of trousers, belonging to Frank. Apart from the prize -Winning feature, Johnston; a horse blauket from Robert the exerciee itself could not fail to be Andtew; 2 Pair Mitts from Jas • Limns h ighly ueefiil to the students ' We May • here add that the essay which won -first 'place in the Wingliamschool,' we/ Writ- ten by Mise Mary-Gonnell. .1 Kelly is a man in good circumstances, owning a valuable farm in Ashfield, and has no excuse .for his pilfering. The case has not yet been fully dealt :with, we shall have more fell information neat week. It is hoped that this im- portant conviction will put a atop to a long series of thefts such as Kelly has admitted. ' • Hears From Their •Son • • , . - RAW PlatElWarted. Ilighest`Prices Paid nse . Perzatinat. - 29•Xt-tt. DB:PARKER, OSTROPA.T4 at Cant Rouse IttleknoW, every Wednesday afternoon. Ail chronie diikaties ouccessfulW treated. Os- '`• tomathY x *Oyes the _Pinnacle -I 6:a ' '''•6 1 disease, adjustment or the spina is mog quickly Secured and with fewertrestment4 ,. by OsteOpatbythan ban y other method. -sten, F. Ciiirc`GtafnitAns, Maetean, ' • • - W. Thompson, D. Mitche/1. Below 40re SALE --M. MacOalluin, P Andrew, A- Irwin, R akTivins. - r G. Snenstre-,1eacher... • Dungannon • . -Monday, *Jan. 7. Miss Stella P. Kirke has returned to her achool In_Vihitechureh... where_ Anin. • engaged for the third year ata Balmy of $750. This is. a . good salary, but the young laily hasa heavy•schock number - big .60 or more • pupils. We wish.her aucpess. • ••• • „ A Mrs) Rev. McKelvey who vt9,8 amidiiiher Xmas holidays in Stratford, re- eeived werd that her father,- Who lived in Montreal, tvais 'Suffering from a para- lytic stroke. She immediately hastened to his bedside, -and in a card from Mr. - MoKeliey,- who also -went to. -Montreal soon after, he stated that -hie tather-in- law had passed peacefully away. Much unes art -Jetta -tit' iti3V."'int.''' Witt:CP/et lad Sunday the people of the Methodist church had a congregational prayer meeting in the nioreing. Rev. Mi. Craig preached very accept ably lathe Methodist church last Sun- day evening. . . '• , • The death of Chas. McRoberts occur- red at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mc- Intyre, &the Vile, ItuMaylat after a lengthy' Innis's. The deceased Wier forty-six years of age and: resided on his farm near Dungagnon for several years- The funeral took place On New The suspense in which Mr. and Mrs. • D. A MacDonald, of Kinloss, have been held for some months through their not -lette...g hoar their -zoo, - who has •-4941.4.1i.4., **kir...4644.o • pleasantly broken on Friday ofiast week by the receipt of a letter from him. This • is the flirt letter from him since June last; and as previous to that date he had been writing regular)y, his folk had about given' him up for lost. His letter ,•,staaeathat,hehas_been well all the while, and he is still di duty. f; It appears that - he had been writing .regularly, bfit through some curious fault of the mail service his letters had not been comb* thiniigh. Friends of the young sailor 17111 be glad to learn that he is still aafe and sound. He is engaged -in mine streeping and selmuarine huntig. • • -TutOday, Jan8th Annie_Clarason, who•has--been- home for the holiday% has gone to Ira- derwood fOlint119 her teaching. , Mrs, .las. Pickering who has been via- • !dug het mothee, has keno hem* to Brantford. • Mew. Murchison isadvertising her farm • tor este. It situated in a very con. venient place. • , Ibis reported that Mrs. McDeth, of Lochalsh, will move to Paramount, ihort. • Mr, P. R. MehTay la having an auetial We on Jan, 15th, Qilita a lot of good stuff to hosold. Mr, P. It Mali* lost a nice driver. •It took elek in Lfteknow, and in. spite °of OS that noUld be done for 114 it died to ft Verdun I 6 ' The Dramatic Co: of the Liicknow High School are going to site the play "Blundering Dille- in the Town Hail on the evening of Jan. 31, LBesides the play there will be vocal and.inetrument. al music., recitations etc. tO make °up a, good- evening's entertainment. The play will be given under the auspices of the ig ebbe -tut 44---Wthtr f -L6, e.1.9 Women's Institute . • - A. regular meeting of • the Institute will be held on Friday 'afternoon, •Jan. 11th, at 2.30 o'clock. Mies Grey will ;gm demonstration in -Honig- Muting and a talk on the subjedt. A short address is also expected from Mr. N. 0. McKay, • of the Agricultural Dep. Young' wtheen are -.specially urged to lake advantage et the courses now • being -given at the Town Hall. • _ -Mandan Jas•._ 'Tt' b. • Mt. Rtbert Schiels, one of the very old residents of the township, posed away on Dee. 31, at the age of 85. is son, Robert, whose home is in Albeita, herne to attend the funeral. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott, of Lon- don, • spent Christmas with her petents, Mr. and Mts. Matthew Welsh. . Alf Waillen and Robert Geddes were at the eonvention of "united Verniers in Totento, as delegates and brought back vtioy fettPortibld report. Mts. Sam Geddes and sister, 'Miss Annie MO tttn vieiting in Detroit. And we feat there's somebodyfeeling a bit blul 'about it. What do you think tloyd? We notice onr friend 11 R. still Maka ing his tiring down the Atli, in ail kinds of Weilltor SiOitta attractiOol -.Tuesday, Jan. stb. Basil Hogan had the misfortune to break busarmlast Sunday.- - Mrs Tom Sandy is under the -doctor's care at present. • • Miss Jean Johnston returned home after spending a few months in Hamil- ton. • • We extend congratulations and hearty good "wishes to Mr, and Mrs. John Swan who were married last Wednesday. Jack McDonald was under the weather fora few clays but we are plad to learn he is improving. Tont Sandy cold his mach- inery to Mr. Tigert, of Port Albert, and has decided to go out out of. the busin- els. although tile making is hard Aron - lions work, wo hope Mr. Sandy Will re- consider his decision of quiting entirely, and Commence again in the near futures as he always made very good tile. Be. sides underdtaining is just in its infancy •here and Ur. Soden Annt Was *try tortiaistit. Years Day to Dungannon cemetery. The-deathof Mrs._ Blair oecurre earl? Sunday 'morning, The 'deceased had been ailing for some time and had not been out for nearly six years. She was a sister of Mrs. 'Sloan and resided with Mrs. Robt. Mooka. The funeral was held on Tuesday, Jan. 8th to Dun- gannon cemetry, the service being on-, ducted by Rev. Mr. Allison, °outing on Disher's hill.seems to be a popular pastime for the girls and boys of the village. School reopened here lad 'Thursday with Mr, F. RCM and Milli D. Ryan again in charge. . A tire started Sunday morning at Mr. John iteamond'a near St. Augustiie while the fannly were all at church. 'be ,houte and contents were totally deatroW. The, lose ls quite ts ftrious 01.4 *poi 411444 a YOB BATait-Ooinfortable frame dwelling,. with good cellar. 13-12-tf. D. lIvatotr. • - 'iott-SALE.---aoeci. !mate residence with stews, foundation, on Havelockl3a, lAuckliosr Oak ing the residence occupied b) Mr. D. tit tto. mcarstua. For partienhirs apply 10 MOS. • ••)Da. BIAOCiumaios. Ripley. 2a6-tfa. _ , FAitlil FOR SAL.E.-50.acri3i, swath; half lot S. • oon. I, Huron Township., tloOd buildings- • and permanent water supply. Apply to . Mits. Awri Munowaorr. o .iineknow. • 1749 -- • -- • FARM WOR•RRNT OR SALZ-100acres. Iota, . con. 5, Ashileld. All clean an tillable; elm • acres inbrick house and good barn,,,. • , win and neverlalling water 'supply. ' ' • Three , mile, west of the thriving village of Dungannon. School within quarter i,ilie.• , Uood reasonsfor selling, -55 or $300rena , Apply 10J, W. Ef.Aulr.s, IRO - , SALE AUCTION SAJA-Riolitird lifooltainin Wilt •••• have a tale at the Cain Mime, LuoknOw; of fawn stack on Friday. Jan. lath, - ineneing at 2 o'cloolc pan. The bilis Inert- • • tion hornet, !reek cows. cows With •ealf... heifers, steers MC' Calvet: Ternie--01nOs.. ored&t. and. 11 percent per annum. -oft tab - • - cash. ?Myra, Auctioneer. • 17-1: SALE - 50,44-1EApii-5o TUESDAY-; -JANUARY 15111, 194 ••••' ••,4ra 116•140110•••••••••••• ; • COWS and Heifer* in milk " • Cows and :Heifers in breeding Dual Purpose Neds and Roana Tested and from tested dams (Me -Yearling Antos, Bull • - Yearlings CalVes Foals And cheap_useful mare* in breeding „ IZE!:adjilVtay-ortillisalParti __ e. TERMS -9 months' credit ora dims - count at the rate of 6 per cent* pet itillkOnt allowed lot cash., • PLACE -North Wit •&et 11. C.4.1* P. Ds 161eMAY) • - J. 1419/VIS Prop. Amt." A NOTICE • • ' • 1:err atm. O. lotirdingartkore Fibilleen*4** Makeis herthygiven Um the Annual. . Meeting of the. Imehnow Agricultural Society will be beld in the Town IUD. feicknow, on Sriday, the Eighteenth day of Tannery, 1918, at the hour of own o'clock in the etterhoon, ter the rnrpo� of electing officers and, threttots for tine year 1918 and the transaction of &neat Nosiness. All intinbera are urgently rat tntestul to low* mom% atik f I •••••• • • , ,t , 5 -•••••44•••••IttM•646 INNS assesnils• •••••••