HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-12-13, Page 7Black as Dirt
About the Eyes
drier Writ All. Upset and r_ g
Vial Pain Beteler the shoal.
d r..blado — Two Zntn'..
Ale 'Many people. suffer from 40e.
rangenientti of the liver thiit we. Leel
oursthese two, reporte, suet recently
received, will. prove inter mono. read
ing And viltnoble information to • n.nY
reader!' of this paper.
Iira. L, 'Harris; KsatleY P.O.,'
•• da.k:, Rri . "1.was Buggering from
liver trioubT.-h&d.w heavy pain under
one ahonlder blade\ all the time, an4
was nearly air black as dirt around the
"i►yea, . tiff I concluded to try some of
• Dr. Chasse'. Kidney -Liver. Pills. I did
No, and betors. I had 'taken one"alo
box the pain had left me and I coin -
nuanced to .gain 1n flesh, and by the
tune' I' had taken two bows. I was
eoznpletely.:cured_<and -felt= lik. a new •
person. My trouble was canned by
IaeaVY work out-of,Iioors, and of
course, heavy eating and constipation,.
I would advie• anyone .sufferins from
kidney or liver troubles to give Dr.
Chase's PI14 a trIaT."
• Dirac, Charles Terry, Tweed, Ont.,
writes : "Before I was married I was
-troubled with enlargement . of the
liver. i b•,. liver .
Y,d l ver ;became se onion*"
,that you could detect the swelling*
on either et{4s,; and it was .only with
difficulty that I could get my clothes
stn. A friend advleed me to set 'Dr.
Chris's' Kidney -Liver Pilin and take
them. I commenced this treatment,(
and used nine boxes; which cured m! 1
at• that time. Then, about two or
,three years afterward I was troubled
.again. with the swains, but only on
• My •rlght•alde. I secured• some mors
Kidney -Liver P111aY, and took .them,
which, glnally cured me. 1[ hate not
been troubled . in this- way •sloee. I
- can •cheerfylly recommend Dr. Chase's.
Kidney -Liver Pills to anyone having
kidney, or iver trouble. .
"We have also found 'Dr: Chase's
• .:Linseed: iand;Turpentine excellent for
• coughs 'and colde,• ' In. tact; any of
Dr. •Chaee'n inedielnes which we have
• used have been good." •
•M• Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills, -ons
-- pill a dose. 25c a box, 5 for 41.90, at
all dealers or Edmaneon Bates & Co.,
L'lmited, 'Troronto. • •
appearence:in the lists of a self-polnitt»
ated opponent behind whorl there was
nobody of public opinion. This edivid-
nal has now found it discreet to• retire;
and hisexample might well beafollowed
by 4 coupe of score other straw. 'e1►udi.
dates to their great 'advantage. The
plight of these candidates on election
day and for ten years thareaft er—if'they
wait for the stem roller to go ever them
—Will ilt be a eom plately sdequatepunish-
Fent RI their challenge to public
` hire Carvell, the Minister thus elected,
is the hero of inost'of the Liurierite. lit
i.erature now being epread throughoutthe
country., This literature, which waapre-
pared and printed long ago, is ,mostly'
devoted to exposure. of political wrong.
doing during the first two years of the
war; These exposures- were almost en-,
tirely the 'work of ; Mr. Carvell, His.
course in keeping the searchlight 'play,
ing on the:Governmentii nisdeede' was
far.from pleasing to the mandarins of
the 'party who adorned the first row of
seats in Parliament. • They - deprecated
the=extretgi zeaiof'tfiecoaibative'=Mrs
Carvell as tending:net only'.° interfere
with the munitions profit(' which some
of theta, as ehareholdersrip favored com-
panies, were sharing in but also gas likely
to check the 'flow -of campaign money la�
to the treasure cheat of the party,.
Until Mr. Carvell, in the •session of
4, 't
came o
8 hon
ie e w'ti the bacon he.
was regarded with. much, disfavor by the
"old guard" as a rash and `•uncontroll-
able reformer likely, at any moment, in
pursuit of his ideals of efficiency and
honesty, to, interfere,.:.with the. foxy
plans of the junta ot•scheming: opport-
-uniets who were yearning for office.
After Mr. Carvell had seined decisively
they tried to profit by hie achievements
by attempting, to share in:. the credit
that was hie.
Mr. Carvell is a member of the U on.
Government. because ho came to see that,
only' by 'some such combination as this
could the Dominion, secure the honest
and capable . administration that. • was
essential unless the country was to meet.
with defeat abroad.and; bankruptcy at
''home..c. The. discredited rump of the: old
opposition are at this moment abusing
Mr. Carvell as a renegade and ,at;the
same time trying to get 'into power by
reason Of the.aervitcea w ich he rendered
,the publicr. when he was associated with
thein.. .
There' is more honesty of peeper,.
more -zeal for e a teeny:and economy 1n
administration, more capacity for public,
service, more `devotion. to progressive
ideas in Frank B. Carvell' • than in the
whole Laurier-Bourasaa art from. -Sir
i ri. ' own -to, - et. us say, 't e;.y►oung
gentleman who •thinks'he is. running in.
'(Froin the Manitoba Free Press)
Frank - B., Car!ell,, Minister of Public
Works, has been elected by acclamation
in, Vietoria•.Carleton, As hasalso been
the case in at least fo t ' ; o;
aepeies_in: caned* hee was deprived : of
• - • an acclamation on nomination day by.the
aRp4•sar j�
t VNO Sgt41 14El
Uttar. The set accordingly nniDecei* be sumonewdrip
, 11111'
' The Germans hake had good news
from Italy sad from.'Russia. Tbey are
hoping for goodnews from Canada next
month. :• The Allies have bad' gogd,news
'from the.liritiih fronts'in 'France, and.
Mesopotamian they have had sheering
tidings from the French 'front and' the
hostile submarine,. is being meld. The
Allies. are looking for good news from'
Canals; next month. ,Who.. is to- ..be
cheered'by the result of Canadian •elect-
ione? • Will the doting give metiefaaction
• to out:friende or to our 'foes?., Theeelec-
,' tors of Canada, men and +vomer, have to.
give the answer. •
j Upon the result of the 'voting depends
the future course of Canada.. The'elec•
tors have. to say whether Canada shall.
• go on, es Britain, France and Ital, aro
_going Ott, or if Canada iie,to_ drop onto as,
`deals •ie: drooping out, -or a title
Russia did, well, then, faltered, and now
t fails, The glories of the Russian •arms
' in the peat are forgotten; only the die-
; race of the preempt is perceived; Are
a the glories of Canadian arms to be.dim-.
med in the Wine fashion? It is fob the
ewolectoratmanbyof CWotanadaanto Say, man., by:man
ada 44ruqt
hlt. •
In th
affair of war Mie must go
either' forward
I or.baold Let' the vote give a majority
against• Union Government and in sig..
months `the achievements of Canadians
at Ypres, Veiny and. Lene•will havebeen
forgotten, and this country will be clue -
Id as a quitter,
So far COW* has not failed•in. any
understanding' of peace or war:. Batt a
day of ` vita) decision is approaching.
Man are needed for battle, votes,°. are
needed to.sond those men.
If Union Government is sustained,
the forces of Canada will go forward to
the harvest of victory. - If Union Gov-
ernment ie.•def eated, Canada will halt to
divide' With 'Russia the contempt of. nat.
ions. And elven Germany, while rejoic-
ing in that • decision, will deepiis " the
people that gave it. '
• Each -voter of this;country has aif ser
ioua decision to• make on election day,
Ashfield .
Monday, 1)ec.19th
The Ashfield Soldiers Aia.Society will
meet at the home of Mrs J Graham;
Lake She • oad 1 k•
at E °'chit p.m. •
8 c''.'
• .
We wish you to examine our stockof Xman. Goods. Qualityand pr>ees will be right. '
• give you a few suggestions'which may be helpful in milting some of yor
For Grandfather
A Pearl' Handle Knife
Pair Mitts. or Gloves.
Alcohol Lump
Reading Lamp
Clothes Scuola
For Grandmother
?fickler:h1ated Tea Pot"and
Coffee Pot •
Pair Scissors
. Oil Heater -
Foot Warmer
Charcoal Iron
Ladies' Auto Skates
Silverware_, -.
Pen Knife
Sanitary Dust .Pan •
Set Asbestos • Sad . Irons Corn Popper
Reading 'Lamp • • • .
• Crumb Tray
O'Cedar Mop
• Razor o-
• Strop and Hone •
Axe, or Saw
Pair Mitts
CopperweU: Lantern
Brace and Silo
Chisels, Planes,, etc,
Forks and Shovels
Sleigh 'Bells
For Mother
,Set Knives and Forks
Set Carvers;
Parlor • Lamp
Hew Range •
Washing Machine
Set of Irons
Bread Mixer
Food Chopper ' ..
Carpet Sweeper
Vacuum �Cleaiier
Cooking Utensils
Nut.: Cracker Set •
:,.6,mbaasador Gerard
• •�
When Ambassador . Gerard left Berlin; , the
only, correspondent who" traveled with #him,
and the last. : American Newspaper ,man' to
leave Berlin, was Carl Ackerman • of the
'United Press Service:.'
Mr. Ackerman's- dispatchesappear_ exelu-
livery in The Toronto 'iDaiy Star."
About once a month we. Scoop . every other
paper in the Province with the aid • of .Mr. ,
Ackerman` and other United Presscorre-
The only ; Canadian Wonan. Correspondent,
in the War Zone --Miss; Rosamond `Boult-
bee --sends uS d spatches•-exclusivc ,'
.Florenoe _ Seultbee •
London ,the vcterarl War-Cclrres onde
Mr. M.. F. -A. McKanic,: assisted byThe •S ar s
, ` +,�,.. :. ,rte's: ,..:..na......",mmts ni+oa_.:+aw�...0 y w•.=m.ria,iur.
�ri'e!!ii'�►,iiti,i�'131�5' tire"h�'�"lde`�'+d• (fl' tG7�ii-c ,. ... . , _.:...._
..... _ . .21:"7""" ...... _ ..::. max... .. -� .....,�. .... :.:. i,.-..- • ..
Thomas" Geggie; etc `-Ser t, -Major "°„ __..
g .1.
S.B., writes regularly'upon ' Imperial and
Military matters. •
The big news from the United . Stites conies to ua
through the Chicago Daily ,News' special' correspot-
dents, as well -as iMeir; War cable service, ;7
We alio carry 'the cable service of' -Windermere of : the
"Montreal Daily Star.":
We maintain our own staff - in ''Ottawa, ' Montreal,
< Quebec and_ Winnipeg, and .our, le it News Service is.
Carl Ackerman. right up to the minute. •�rDt•-1Ytajor ii ggii "
Our speciaiarticlet arc contributed by foremost writers
on each subject.
()ur regular news service consults of all Canadian Press,
American Associated Press and Cenadiair Associated •
Press dispatches.
We dm have. exclusive rights to . thepicture of tL
London Daily Mirror, Underwoods, Daily Mail,
Topical Prem Services, as well as Canadian Official
War Retards, Sports, -etc.
In brief, The "Toronto Dailr Star" is one of the great
broad -gauged newspapers of the World. By reading
it you will be keptwell informed upon every subject'
that a 'good, citizel and man of the World should
know about.
• Read The "Toronto Daily Star" toll dais, -.Yon
" Winderm re.�' will thoroughly enjoy it, and be glad to acclaim. it
. ,. in 411 sinaerlty a. "MY PAM!"
The. price $8.00 a year in advance Your may 'send this
to the- : ublislher of your local paper, to your postmaster
cr diroot to To nto 0411z Sty.
F. A. MtKinisii.
For Brother-
. Automobile Skates.
Hockey .Stick.
Hand Sleigh
Flaohlight •
• Gun, Pocket Knife ' -
Pair Mitts
Gillette; Safety Razor:
Charlie Keith, son of Mrs. D. Keith,
Teeswater, and Miss Lila Simpson, of
Grand -Valley, unitedin marriage•
`on Nov. 28:
Mr. William Harkness -an -old --res
•ident of Teeswater, living, with his
daughter, T. Friendship, was stricken
with paralysiton Tuesday of last week.
As he is 04 years of 'age no'hope of his
recovery is -entertained. ' •
Mr. Andy J. Sehnurr, of Carrick,
last. 'week sold 120 :bushels of peas,
which he grew on 4 acres of• land, to
Mr. A. Kramer•of Millway, for 83.50
per bushel,' Mr. Schorr, ' retained
enough for seed ' next spring so' that
the .value of the crop 'off.* four sores:'
-was wor-th•:$420,
hire C. J..•MImi.E, . of CuEsI.EY-.-
•a is MeetaG'a lriW -t i roW,m.ri:
came fora men to
ememberhe.Liberal or. Conservative: We must
emancipate ourselves.. The question
is,. shall Canada, be . reinforced • at the
front? The new Government starts
with a clean sheet, the Military Ser-
vice -Act beingg the only legislation for
'which : it is responsible, For years I
f ollo' ved'the great leader of the Lib-
eral party,' but .I can't find where he
wants to win- the war. ' The day of
voluntary enlistments, ie over and as I
favored selective .conscription on many
platform's, I niust be true to` myself
on the supreme issue. Holding' up
.other issues, is just throwing dust in
-our eyes. We must put all our strength'
into this war Weave the world for civ
iliestion and humanity.'
Canadian boys get everywhere that
there is fighting to do.: The 'Durham
Review tells of a call it had • from Capt.
Dr. Martin; just home .after serving
twn,years in Palestine with the All-
nby--army. -Capt `Martial left 'Pales.
tine about Sept. • 30th, after.the .'13rit-
iish had captured daze and has every
confidence that Allenby will continue
the advance much further through
Nicotine." The British have a quartet
.million of .their own troops 'besides
Indian rogimonts'in this drive, and it
is no small task to handle the aupp ies
nocossatyfor the expedition. Ile states
they are 300 miles distant (250 of it
desert) from Gen. Mau,le'aa army in.
Mesopotamia, and ultimately hope to
Usk up with this force. 'In 'aommant
ing on the pound war sit widen, Capt:
114014 4401044ril. AlUu 'ec
For Baby Sister or
Child's Knife and Fork
Cup, Saucer and Plate
Baby Spoons;•
We Aim` to Please
!our -=Mone Goes
not; look very bright at present,
•but be considered the outlook no'worse
than ,'a Year ago, even .with Russia
now out of the • conflict.
THIEVES ARE, Bus5T:—For some time
past there 'have been . numerous• .in
stances of pilfering in town. Wood
.piles mysteriously vanished,' coal bins
werefound'empty, lumber pilea'faded
away, . contents -of bay' mows and oat
bins were waktad away by thenight
breezes. The naniber of depredations
of this class reported from time to
time make up quite a •list. Latterly
there have been added the doings. of
•poultry .thieves,' who, are apparently*
operating on•an. extensive scale. We
have heard of whole'fldckg if hens and
turkehitaking wings in the wee smirk
hours when birds usually are coritgt
'to' twat on their perdu It is said
thyat auto tracks are in some cases die
csrna "t ""
un a ;on_ rhe roiid"wr3y_. c7ose7to t re.
such raids.,. • This is accepted as .evi-
ddence that a gang ii inaking,a business
of getting after fowl in this way: Such
a method would be quite up to date.
And what would bis easier than for a
buecaneering,autoist 30 ghde away ten
or . twenty: ,wilesfrom home and pick
up a load during the dark hours of the
night$+ However, it is .only a matter
of tinie until the guilty parties• are
caught and giro!' the,
deserts. De
tectivo work is being _ pursued that
_may lead to the__appreheniion of asome'
of the outlaws:. '
These are -.high-grade :musical instruments and we
invite your inspection of them before purchasing.
Sewing Machines
The New Williams Sewing Machine is . a
•' strong, : durable and light running , machine. Call
_and see them before buying.
Pole who has become it permanent board-
er for vagrancy, the chances' of the, jail
running -right gout of 'inmates and 'the•`
county being able to•produce an•entirely
sticks round. ..tele _au.accompliahed
'fact. 'However, prohibition and thewar
have kept, the cella of the bastile pretty
-empty, and have: robbed the columns , of
the local press of many an exciting item.
f --Sys +c�"•"a•;f�+ ,t(d.�''"�" ,;z•:-a°'"3iY'a-:..:...:
�•a`�•" � r ) IDS muss
�`•,lailcan. .
(Manitoba Free Press) y. W
The whole basis of the Liberal -Laurier
campaign in the west is that the ` Union
government is the old Borden goveyr.-
meat undera new name. The • sins ' of
the•former regime are -being thrust on
the new one because acme members of
the old organization' are in, the present.
ministry, "It's nothing but a•.,Conset..
votive government' in `disguise," •.say,
sotfia of the hero worshippers of Laurier:
Perhaps Taut if :a envernmeet containing
such men as Fielding, Carvell, Rowell,
and Calder is a tJonservative govern-
ment, one would like to have a lock at
a AnyoneLibee. •
al �nwho . wants to
,put away
prejudice and take a look around cant
quickly see where the real Liberals. aro.
The Empty Jail
At prompt there is only one prisoner
in the codntyaail,' says the Walkerton
Timis itad io Odra As idt in Aottiso