HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-12-13, Page 3v
The Tragedy of the Liteerted Fox.
, Should Heppe*, No More.
The Ontario Department of Agri-
culture is ma'king a survey of thee
‘eitste lends of 014 and new Ontario
for the purpose of obtaining informer
tion regarding their possibilitiea for
cattle and sheep ranching. This eur-
vey should reveal SeMe iStereSting
facte end be the nomneeof obtlde1n4
velueble infermation, digestible form Shredded ',almost stands for wine anti war ma-
"0 M m Wm*. McCall Pattern No. SCOW more delightful to, have a rope on,
ne e eon eft Ladies' Dress. Pattern in 5 size;; than to receive an *ecotone.. If WO
a Da?' ia a good food to 42 Wet. Price, 20 cents.
front yoer local McCall -defiler or froni ie rejected, all doubt* on the 'head are
meatless meats a routo, Dept. letter with the rejected screed itome-1
story, article, or poem i* ateepted, lzt
slogan for war time or. any These patterns may be obtained tie or nothing is odd; but if the 10.1
time—better make it two the McCall Co. 10 Bond Street, To- dispereed, for the editor will write
th" •
would mean health and I GERMANY'S 4RS1NAL0 •
Eileen ie the Mt* of the Gilroy,*
'vial Box Sawyers
11111U Box -makers
noon WWI; Anus 110111711
0-53 King /Street :East, Toronto
My" to Meet Trouble.
Rise *hove smell things. The wo-
:Men Who lets small things worry her
will be completely undo** the iiret
g tints *he Meats with a really big prob-
lent. It is disintegrating to your
anent*/ and nervous condition, not to
mention your physical condition, to
"We have read thy- minuseriPt
infinite delight. By the tittered aehee I Brown Milk Gravy., ---g lefie skim wen•Y* YoU need not be reaped to
4, fate nor slip your troubles 'eff AS the
of eelir aneestore, Swear that never onille 4 level tablespoons noir, old friend duck's back throvre Weter.
before have we revellea in so ellthraw :10Vel'iablospeous butter, oleo or sweet you can, meet, troubles with a will
ling a masterpiece. If we printed it, dripping. Melt the fat, add the flour But
to eonquer them lir Adjust thent--anda
we should henceforth be obliged tit' mei allow to brew% but net WV;
after. that, "they should, -worry/0 but
take 'it as%a standard of quality ana fleason with black °pepper .andesalt.. uot you,
strength for the nation.
But be sure and. get tile right Kropp Munition Factories.
substitute for meat in a ;4 G TIMitY
' The wore - KrupP e
A survey of thie nature ehould be •
condueted in every prOvince of Can- lAtheat Biscuit IS the ideal terlui et 41 kinds' •E-ssen is the hew? achievement and, benceferth ver Add the ma and cook until smooth,
8,600 "owe be impoosible to find its equal will melte it„ ofterej
mut, tO Rrevent settlers3 malting the ioq _per cent, whole Wheat Before the wer Kreip'e. • had in ten thousaed Yeare, and We haye,
Ada. In feet, all of our laud, should, substitute tor meat it is 114 tbi!; vast, eeneerno. !And 11-XiSts for . - . .
. print anything mfenor to it. As it (If you malie this eine eorrectly, you
be carefully classified Preceding 8ettla." • it, us at was made by it,
prepared in a digestible 0'5"I'cugilPee, 1,500 fu"ace", m to to 'th
go press wi our pea., untn-
gigantic steam -Cranes apable of lift- • .
forrrx, Two or three of these ing the higgeet guns Puke the toys of spired paper once a cialry Nve, are com-
mistalm'of locating en laud unsuitable avairsrire reninent Gurus Zniquitosi.
,pelled, though shaker, wethesorrow and
loaves of baked whole a child, 'and 200 steenehammers. e blinded with tears at the necessity, to
'd working
" for farthing. In -travelling over Care -
adth one cannot but he impress,ed by Darwin tulips are An improved rage
. `the need of this. In Ontario, in, the of the .,flowers, nearly double. the :dee
:k..Trent wetershed, there are to be found cif the early Old-fashioned , serte end
i''. tinday •vitiful cases of disappointment, with a .•great,er richnese and imeety
hf color, • • , .
the settlers rhaving expendeatheir en-
ergy for y,ears on land that will never
be -a -moiling more than patches of With milk or cresol]. or fruits
gravel and sand. In plsices in New „ ,
'wheat make i4ourislOng,- ,ottiY4 :11i\unition factory thee° few Ale -
satisfying meal at a. Cost ,of I tons will prosgot pletitee of the stu-
. only a few. cents. , !Delicious Iteenide)741:231.flet ;ifeergie rertreettlaer,
and upon which' thOleirrested his
belief that -he &Ada -devaluate the
, „
The works, furthermore, contained
Brunswick,' settlers fiee` of. anY kind.
_ In g en teee wbieh is' not -suitable for NIade in Ganada. •
hgricultire:and should have been.kept
forest In one part of . "seuthern
Saskatchewan; there -is an area itnewn
loCally as ilte burneuts' where set -
tiers have been forced out. because ;
they. could not °make, a living. _Other
,provinces have ehnilar caifficultiee. .
• Various excuses may be made its
• to why these errors have happened in
the past, but One' can be offered for
their continuanee. rtether •the
„ Crown land ih a province be Under
provincial or Doininion control', it hi
the duty of the government having
, jurisdiction to see that properly
classified, an a,‘ that settlers are al-
lowed only on land suitable for agri-
culture, and where.there is reasonable
-assurance that a decent' living can be
-.Pack'. •
Kaiser ‘'Thinlis That German' Sword
Will Win Respect.
Fashions For thp
Week 7%
If aper One has any idea, -that the
• Kaiser is not ready to ,blurt• out his
. ,ininest spit on -the slightest provoca-
tion, allehe has to do is to read • the • •
latest 'outburst .totheeffect Pthat the 'se• • °swede
.German mod will xegain, fee ns the
respect of the wholeeworltl." That he -
is still tette to fqm...in his belief that
• might makes right; as lie is in living
up to the ideas that the old heathen tong under the tuck. McCall Pattern
:gion.o.treerheany_hee thing to con-
jure with, byeallinglliedenburg "We: 'Ne -"81366° --Child' • "4-1345"th-B1°°•121"."
is ,ers. In 5 sizPq. 2 to 10 years. Price
' tan" and Ludendorff "'Siegfried,"
wide evident once ityiere. Indeed,- it is --17-C.01Y4.
part of the general Manta that ob- -
• - •.--sesses eldin. For ,asethe world' stud,
: ders-at -the. naked 7German .sword, " •
dripping with the blood of Belgium
and the babes of Northern France,
this madinan of Potsdam complacently:
opines that the sword will make him
and his 'respected. But the delullon is
one which -cannot be cured except by
, • the. stern polike.measures of an opt- .
"oraged-worldbeink carried- to their. fin-
.. Belgium, the spring of
.thrs . year," . runs a chronicle, "a
return thy. utanuseript, aedefor
doing so we ask thee a theusand par-
, -------1 9-- .--7--
__.,.. • • .. ,
mrp. Willie Theriault, Pacquetville,
14,S., says :-"l am
MONEY ORDERS If short of roots and cabbage gather
• Dominion Express Foreign- Cheques up. the clover leaves at the• edge,. of
are accepted by Field Casidere and the mow and save them for the hens.
Paymasters in Prance for their full They Can he fed dry or •scalded and
face value. ..*There is no better Way
„,,, fedein mash. They take the 'piece of
t� 'send Moiler to 'the boa- in ..--,- green, feed, .- '
treatelles. .
Apple aigl .Sageoreddint",` 000.1c the LEMONS WHITEN AND
- sago yoU would if cot:skit* for an .BEAUTI,FV THE SKIN
'winf;thntsu:a°r4.,cgto"uS:oeveearTeePs'aPgoUtalnd"thr: - Ymir '4"' neck, arms ari-a aangs'
Make this beauty lotien cheaply for •
oreE?cs, EyT!noriffilbysy; wfll buttered pudding' dish, Sprinkle ,
S n Wi
relieved by Markle. Try lt In torn to the oven. - Cook until the ap-I At the cost of a s all f dine
extremely_ thankful
plea are tender. Serve withmilkand cold cream:, one eman PlrearPOQre" fnrri' •
Vou fESZugg:,,Its&r.c4les-
within their immethate neighborhood, thet I tried Baby's Own Tablets for stariyegemeedyzer pectigii„1,1 sugar. quarter pint of the Most wonderful.
0oniles„..,,e.teeilroe4e100_miles of teleeilmje baby. Thitlugh-their use babY. s ' rube 2,5e. p •" lemon skin softener and vomplexion.
10aPh wires and 29,Prinilea-tif- tele- rtlitleed niendethilleottme-lefeenaseite hat riaallieW. *01,:;d3r.„COwgbiSAN.9.ckEit,lit,!T!LT4illatep4 cures nlentneyte. heentifier; by squeeeing the Juice of
phone vvires..T• • • cannot reeommeed them too highly.
Linked up with the works, in all Baby's OwnTablets break up colds
parts of Germany, are hundreds of and siraple feveng cure constipation .
Mines, chiefly coal andiron, besides colic and Indigestion.. and make teeth:
innumerable quarries. A fleet of tug easy, In fact they euro all the
steamers, too, plied for the supply of et:liner4lb of little ones- They arV sold.
'material , by medicine dealers or by mail at '25
A 7oraan is the virtual head of this eetith-tt box.frora The Er.
vast concern -Frau Bertha Krupp von Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Bohlen und-Halbach, and the Kaiser' —
himseIf has shares in- the concern.
"I kneel behind the soldier's trench,
THE CAUSE OF BACKACHE I walk lmid shambles' stnear and
Every muscle in elle body needs The dead I mourn;
constantly a supply of 'tide ree blood Iobear the stretcher and I bend —
in PrOPOrtioZi.to the work It does. The O'er Fritz and Pierre and ` Jack to
. me d e
What shells have torn.
. , . . .• k•
- • ,
muscles of the back are wider a heavy
strain and have but little test When
,the blood id thin they lack nouri$11-
.,ment; and the result is a sensatiotrof
'pain In th/Ksusoles,:-. some people
think pain, in the back means kidney
troeble, ,Out the best inedic.al authori-
ties agree that backache seldom or
never has anything to do With -the Wile
neys. Organic kidney diabase eatty
..have -progreseed :to a critiejil point
There are blootners tit wear•witb Without developing it vain in, the been.
•thiS smart eittledress The skirt but- Tlile heingAhe e4e Wiz PI the back
tra4.1 came from -Aix to Antwerp bear--
ing '255' returned exiles, forty:eight
• hours on the, way, no fold on the voy-
age , with' every one taken from, the •
-train On a stretcher, and, on fifty of
:the stretchers, dead mein men who -
died en route, not from forty-eight
hours without food only but fromthree ,
months' experience of German ways -
e wee' This is the German way that
the infatuate Kaiser believes is win-
- lung respect of the world. Could there
be any more evidence of the unfitness
of this man with the sword to arrange
teheace? , Out of his min mouth he is
. convicted and by the damning evidence.:
coming' from men like Gerard, and
eleoCete, ••
, -
This frock, of
Tommy's Efforts in Will -Making Are. White broadcloth
'• _Interesting aedeEffe:tive.
When John Doi wants to make his
"last Will and testament" he usually
bas his lawyer do the work for *him to
ovoid the possibility' of "complications
• my Atkins" itillietrenthetieventie
will made he has tedrew it up him-
. self as there- is little or no time to
eeek legal assistance: ,Although the
results of "Tommy's"efforts in will-
, _making may be somewhat erode from
the legal ...standpOint, his product, •
everthelese,*-has-proved 'interesting
.and effective. His testament -is fre-
quently written irehis little pay -book
which is always with him, - whether
"going veer the top", or at rest itt his
billet back of the firing line rand many
of these trench -wills lave "Tommy
Atkins's" characterletie•touth du bk.
MOY• 'fionae of them' are in dialect,
• others in phonetio,snellingt some in
rhyme and some have enol been in d-
• pher. Occasinnally will e'have been
made leaving imaginary. possessions
to institutions or to fictitious persons.
• While on duty, at a listening vat"
• in "Neo, Man's Land" a soldier e wrote
the ,following.will in rhyme:
I haven't a sweetheart, haven't a
only one sister, net Oen a bro-
ther; •
My sister Katy is all I've gat,
So Of, Ofight, that's 'Mee, she can have
will event through,, the court
without a question.
The War Departinent: authorities
Make every effort to have the soldier's
wishes executed, no Matter lievr Wide-
ly they may he expresSed or however
faiitastie they lire.
:should always lead the sufferer to lo
to the conditionof his bloods. It will
.be .found in meet -Wm. eueo
Dr. •tvilliamaa Pink Pilis. to build up.
the blood 'Will stop the sensation of
patir enethe 411-nottrishedenuso1eeof
the back. How nitteli,'better it Is to
try Dr. Williams' -pink Pills for 'the
blood than to give way to unreason-
able alarm 'about your kidneys. If you
suspect Your Kidneys any doctor can
sialtatests in ten minutes that will set
your fears at test,' or tell you the
worst. But in any eVent to lie perfect-
°ad." nfLfer
healthy you must thel blo;_,dsin
no other 'Medicine can equal Dr.'Wit:
Yon can get they pills* through. any
broadcloth has a
collar of nmisual
fits. the spirit of
the times pers..
fectly. It is
(without 10*81
• %a pleasure/
- Convenient
teas., r
instant use
and is a pleasing,
wholesome druir,,--
lice drink!' good
for both ,young'
and old. .
"There's Reason"i
6410,11g:et Cetealki.so,
isting of the. leading railway experts
'!''• Nearly fifty years Ago a letter was
of the United States, wile travelled
received- by the United States Board
from Chicago V-anCoilver, . and
of Patente at Washington *king fpr a, -
thence to 'Yokohama. via :the Empress
patent on a machine fee making pa -
of Asia. Mr. Henry Miller,- viee.ehair-
per •bags. The letter was signed teal
, maxi of this highly important commis-
iri. don, has .written Vice-Pretident G. M.
-TY/ho..is this ?" _questioned the men
t °sweat ieletteettedeep..appreciation,
in Washingtoe. "The machine c-iniiat
which after •r fearing to many in -
be worth Much. -Who ever heard of a
girl inventing O machine that was
any good?" Bat when the machine
arrived it -was -a surprise. Not only
was it nearly perfect he every detail,
but the paper bags that it turned out ,
were better -than any 'that these_ men
had seen before.. And the girl was
awarded the patent desired.
betel andediteetatn'letillinett—a'ev -
she was still a little giel her dolis
wouht be left scattered Over the toot
While sue ran .out of doors to play
with her brothers. She could " run,
.play ball and romp as well as., the rest
of thenn Jaeldmife. gimlet was her
favorite toy, and hour aftmehoer she
would sit oh the floor, stirrouldi by
pieces ot-wood that the boys had col-
lected for her, Making playthings for
them. • e -
"Let me coast with you," begged
Margaret_ one bright snowy morning.
"There isn't room for girls on this
bled," 'replied -herobrother; trying --to
tease her.
"All right Youerait," and she raft
home. All that day Margaret worked
in the woodshed. When asked what
she was doing, she would reply, "Just
wait and see." • • •
And they saw. Per next =ening
front the woodshed earrAe Margaret
dralgging a sled. With better lemmas
than the boys' sled Possessed. Her
brOthere stared at here
As she grew older she tried Making
more difflenit Ohio, first of Wood,
then of heavier material, until inte
completed her paper -bag machihee
,go wherever men may dare,
I ifo wherever Woman's care
. And love can live;
Wheeeter • strength anti' shill can
Stireberaisne7te human 'su'ffering,
Or solace give.
• ' .
"I 'am your pennies and your "ptiumill.
I am yout bodieeori their reunds
Of pain afar;
I am you, doing what you would
Your avatar. 5 -
No Eye For Color.
• Apropos of the amusing comments
on academic costume, that se often re-
veal popular ignoraneOf the symbol-
ism of hoods and geims, is the follow-
ing Wiry, told by a contributor to the
Liverpool Post:
A friend of mine, says ;he, is a cur-
ate in a local suburban phrishe porde
little tinte back he went up to Oxford
to take his Master of 'Arts degree, and
the following .Sunday appeared in the
pulpit resplendent in his new Master
of Arts hood. ,A few nights later he
was dining in the house' of a proinin-
ent parishioner, and was amazed to.
hear his hostess pleasantly remark:
"Mr. X., that new hood .of ,yours
doesn't suit you at all; .1 canitimagine
why you, with your .compleripn cheee
red of all colors in the WoAd. A
myrtle green or an old gold would
have sifted you muen better, and
would have been far more effective.
You Men never knew . how to dress
yeurselveel" • -
I was cured. 'of terrible lumbago by
. .-WDr.-.ROWN-.' •
I Was cured of a bad ease of earache
The....Crese which onmy_ arni I wear;
-MRS._ S. KA,,_...14,13Ac.K•
The flag Which, o'er my breast I bear; - - - - - '
Is but thefiligti• ' ' . ' ivhriwAR„ae'D'Lelliaredisal/A9usT,iti-v..e iti-n:g•se"
Of what you'd •saceifice for 'him -
Who suffers on the 'hellish rim . , • , MRS. S. MASTERS.
° .
Of war's red line."
-John II, Finley.
For the last two years the Canadian
,London-live in Stepney, in the _East
Forty per cent Of all .foreignerh in
aeific Railway, in oonttootion-withAbe . ,.,„..i.,..._ ........._ ..„..., ..
acifie steamers of the Canadian Pa- sunaedti Lintlent those Garnet in cows
-Servieesi---ha8—ear •
. ,
very large prep:ellen of the passim-
eealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 ,
gers from the United States to Russia,
-ceuts a box -pr six boxes for 0.60 lime a-nd as these vaseengees have included
The Dr. Medicine Co,• -
a great many American railroad men,
Breekenle Ont. .Whe have been etwaised at the excel-
. lenoe*. of the Elervice, a remarkable
INVENTOR OF 'BEST PAPER BAG. volume of Undo is ,developing, greatly
.t to the benefit of Canada itself. Among
Little Massachuseets, Girt Mede Ma- these paspengers was the American
chine To Turn .Out Nita. Railway Advisory :Commitision, COn-
dividual cotittesiea 'along the route, he
remarks: "You have good reason to
be proud Of your organization and
service, and N'Ve take this method of
thanking you heartily._ for your kind-
:. -
nese and courteiy."
attnardia Liniment cure-
dom.., ?Itio.
Frbe're PO specia1 provision made a moment, and simply shrivels up the
Alt "attccrIe•
torest trees orshrubsfor -the-orris--
Mentation -of sehool,geounds, says -j,
B. Dandeno, Ph.D.,,Inspector of ole-.
roentary agricultural flosses. Where
school boar s are es ro • o
Seim feedby. providing Warm quar-
ters fer stock, but don't neglect
ventilation. • •••
O ,
. ,
You say to the drug storeman, "Give
me a small bottle -of freezone." This
will cost very little but will positively
remove every' hard or soft dem or cal-
lus from one's feet • , •
• A few drops of this new, ethercom
pound applied tiredly upon a tender,
aching corn relieves the 'soreness in-
stantly, and soon the entire corn or
callus, root and.all, dries up- and can
be lifted off with the angers. •
This new way to _rid one's feet of
horns was introdlided by a..ancinnati
man who says that freezone.dries in
• two !Will \Terallnifinto-vnTheitio
Auntie's Mistake.
not know what" it meant. '
contained ate otealrhehishg thole: oluencteaLonf orctohastrrdownhtheite.
The • spelling lesson
word "Wool," and little Clarence did juice through a fine cloth sp no lemon
"What is woo!, auntie?" he asked. 1 fillshpgeftosrin,mtherattair irv;r1Y154W1101:aellP
"Wool," replied auntie, 'Is fine hair knows that lemon Juiee is used to
that is -taken from the back of a lamb. bleach and remove suck blemishes att
It is used in making yarn, cloth and frecidee, sallowness and tan and Is the,
other things: ',1The trousers you have ideal Shin . softener, whitener .and
on are Made of wool." beautifier. . .
"Olt, no auntie, there are not made' Just try It' Get three ounces of
of wOoll no,
are made froni an old orchard White at any drug- store and.
pair of papa's. ',• up
xlemtieuneartferrompitilhte grotoetetrcliwmeeuals:
. .--„,..
---.3 . .fragroodzimon lotion and massage it
oYeudon'tneed mermary,petash
or any other strong mineral to
mire pimples caused by poor
blood, Take Extract of Reot.s-%
druggist calls it "Mother Seigers
Curative. Syrup -and your aldis„:
will clear up as fresh IRS &baby's.
.1twill sweeten your stomach and
/ regulate our be els " Get dig'
At drug stores. '
fraraes.and eVezijrthing lowes Prices;
.rittick service. isitecl Art Co,. 4 Bruns-,
wich Ave.. Toronto.
• Critalogue; print47-s-ofor-oild'broraIaa
finished- uortraitS.-oonvex or tat; Iramest
glass and all :,supplies. merchants'
Portrait CompanyiTerbbto. • """
Wow Chinese Editor Rejects a
WotddetEe ContribtitiV61 'Offering.
Canadian editors- do not as a rule
aster worda In tejeeting a would.he
contributor's, masterpleees, ut lia
China, if report speaks true, it is even
4 .
daily Jute the facie - neck and
hands. It is marveloue to smoothen
rough, r.71. hand,!...raz
Hospital for 'Sick Chill:en.
iTS-C11.11IST.,1714 IIESSAGEs-
collee.st, taraia
Dear- ein7 ECiltort
. . .
Thanks for your tinniness in AlIowiltS. i..
me the :privilege of appealing to your '
;renders. this •Christnias time on beealf •
Of the. Hospital tor Sick Children, the'.
'Sweetest pi all charities," which has
Os -mission-the, -ceeeeef-thelielide!is. • ' '
the Sick, the oippled and the deformed.
There. never was a year in 'the Ins --
tory -of the - Hospital when funds 10 ',
..caharryioon*the work were .smore_ ,needed
Yot= purse is thet:•Hospitars1Topoi.t.,::
•H 'Your-'.raOney -lights the candle* of..
- mercy on :the Christmas -trees of
health that the Hospital plants•along.
• the *implied roadway, of -many a little
life. -' , • ' ' • : •
So .1. am asking for aid,' for the
open purse of the Mospitars. friend' is
the lope of the Hospital at Chrietmas, .
jest as tha mien door of the Hospital's •
IniherrotYghliontht,:thVilyeet'arr,'",.14ti° .e.14"11';
_ ., . .
In these:41LtbageelleV011glaboenalteal.ltsmPait71
" arevc
when nlattaoonitsd 1,l'otanrdael fl nitei 111el andnss 1.1dhuirdgglattlIne. de y•14solelur .
know: the high, 'cost of living. Do yon.,-.
know the high cost of Iteatirif
:helping :the helplese • to happiness"? :
What you f do to whit is the beak; in. --
vestment you will ver'"inalte..%
-..--Dp you realize .what this charity. Is
doing for sick .ebildrn, not only of ; '
Toronto, but 161(.101:Ontario, for out of
a total of 3.,740 in -patients last . year ' ,
• 646.. came from 254 places outside of '
IToronto. The field ST the HOspitall ,
.service covers , the entire' Prtrifince—
trotathe Ottawa'tn the far-off Keno= '. -
—from the borders °Utile Great Lakes ,
"to: the •farthest nOrther137., -district, • • . ,4
• The Hoipltal le: :doing It% Marvellous
,:vork, , It you could. sea , the ..children ...',., .,...
vith. -Crippled limbs, club feet, 'and". - -
. ther -deformities, who. htkVe.neft, the-
tospititi With straightened: limbs and
.erfettecorrectiOn„ -. your response to
:ur appeal would . he indent. In the •
3rthopedie Departments last- year a
totoi- of_ 330-1n4otients were treated;___
:tnd in the Out -Patient Departinent,..
there:were-1;040 attendances.
Let yoUr money and the •Hotipital's e •
mercy' lift' the burden of misery that • '
.4.5.1...;,,eures 'the lieLs;ro•Iteler, thet,"1.1.1tiTta . '
OteietWitild.zelitiOlffelVYOO".,...-:-.T.O''•''''4,7 '
. . M_oneyemohilizes theepowere Of help .
and healing for the Hotipital's drive
'day and night -against ,:th.0 trenebes
where diabase ' and .pain and -death.:
asardl the liege of the little ones.
Renneether that every. dollar .given
to the Hospital Is re dollar subscribed -
eoLiberey----Loan that e:mene the --
prisons of .pain and ; the BaStilles of -•
disease; and *Sets little children free- - ••
. to breathe the pure air, and to rejoice
• in. the Mercy of God's Sunlight. , •
Will: yell Send a dollar. or More if
yOu. can, to Do -ogles Davidson, -SeOre-
tareeTreasuree-Or. - - - •
2 ... .J...ROSS.ItteMetTe ON,.., ,.....ei.
Chairman. Of the Road of Truatees .,
../1 beans. honey, onions wanted. High-
est prices givep J D ,Arsenault 1195
• ,
St Catharine Mist, Montreal.
bores great work on a real
world beyond and the ,lite after death ;
405 -pages ; snlY 25 centa postPaisl
H. Law, 456D- Euclid AVenue, Toronto.
I -lawman. TUMORS, LUMP C arra.
✓ internal and external. curs& ttlt..
out pain by our home treatment. writs
as before too Iota. Dr. Batman Medical
co.. Ltntted, Vellinswood, 'Ont.
DOn!t let_father <Rapt infection or
lockjaw- from whittling at his corns;
pit,flip this out and make him try'. it.
If your druggist hasn't any freellinie
ing such material, they are expected tell him -to order a small bottle from
to secure it 'either from near -by woods his wholesale drug house for -you.
or simfous, regular- nutseries:
Where the schools are maintaining
classes in agriculture, a portion of the
grants apportioned to the board for
equipment may be used to purchase
trees, shrubs, or perennials. In schools
*here iculture is net taught (the
tubject le -optional}- according to -the
prescribed regulations of the Depart-
ment of Education, no financial assist -
%nee is received for -this purpose.
The Soul of a Plans:1.1s the
Action. Insist on thit
enema- Stiff Neck
When you wake up with a stiff •
Jape); Or POrO muscles, at -rains Or
_the_seat of pain and removes it.
Cleaner than mussy plasters or oint-
ments. It does not stain the akin or
dog the pores. Always have a bottle
hapdyfor rheumatic aches, neuralgia
soreness, bruises and lame back. In
foot, alI external pain. .
7-Gehereahr aiWxt ht.
druggist. 25c.„ 50ce $1.00.
Unim eni
Gently rub spots of dandruff, scales,
itching and irritation with Cuticura
Ointment. Next morning shampoowith
Cuticura Seep and hot water. This treat-
ment every two weeltS is usually suftl.
dent to keep the senile deann and healthy,.
Staple Each rivalry Mall: Address .uost-
card:• CuticUra, Dept. 1% Boston. X.Y. 54 A."
SOId throtighout the world.
.For Sale
r WHEELOCK ENGINE, .18x42, ,
New Antoinette Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping,
, 111r/4/heel, etc.. Vtiliraocept 0,200 Cash for immediate side.
1 ELECTRIC GENERAT011, 30 LW.,110-120 Volts D.C.'
aceept $425',dah for brintedlate sale. . •
1 LARGEtLEATHER BELT. Double, Endless. 24 Inch x 70 ft.
Will. accept WO for Immediate eiale, althoUgh belt le in excellent con.
'dition and new one wOuld.coet about OA
eilL261;Blie?-11301;Larig2xes:!$20 ; 121/048,..-$12 ; 16(36-48,
2 BLOWERS OR 1otik. •
. One 10 inch, other 14 Itigh d1sohar0e-.-$,20 each.
60 Front St. West, To onto