HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-12-06, Page 711. Ell IYou Can Do Your Bit in preventing waste by de - FROM Tllp, cum, manding the whole wheat in ' 'A" breakfast foods and bread. Shredded 'Wheat Biscuit GREAT SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM is 109 per cent. whole wheat sOLVED BY ITALIANS. grain prepared in a. digestible form—contains more real nu. triment than meat 'Or .eggs or potatoes and'costs much less. Serve with milk or cream, sliced peaches, bananas or other fruits. torrowirrsr • Heve Harneseed Steam Power of Hot Spin ge To Trausulit Elertric *Current. From hietorie thaeo the hot 'springs' ot Volterra, near Fiereqe, have been fatrietla both as n: cure place ri.nd as •• the scene- of one of the moat perfectly Presevved th0 Old ROInalt InaUlitain temp.•- • • eIn the November iesae of The World's Work, (which bate beenamying “ great deal of' attention. to Italian war inventiveness), there in, a remark•; able* article, telling' hove the Italians have harnessed the Steam power of • these ' we,lls to transmit electrical fordo for hundreds, of miles. ' - The source -the reeervoir, ae • to. speak -of the steam waseunder an im•-• • pervious stratum og hard rock from three. ter AVO hundred feet beneath the, 412eide41490n- was to drive large bores down to thia • ,le,veI,and conduct the steam to the sur, •. face in iron .pipes. • The temperature of the steam. is- suing *din these bores Varied from ••: •10 to 190 degrees,. Centigrade, or from fifty t ninety .per cent, hotter • than the -usual boiling point of War ter, 212 degrees, Pahrenheit., The question was now as, to whether or not sive•, triumphal onrash a cavalry; I this entirely satisfactory heat and had associated. with war the flare of pressure could be expected to bemai- tx.nniPets, the roll of drums, the knit - tinned, and to ,thia end - experiments taw of socks and sweaters, the sing- , extending over several years werseon- irtg of • the national,. antherns . and the steady tramp of feet to the tune ducted. ' . Prof. Luigre Success.. -of ,,tTippergry.' • , "But this war is the most stupend- am,: grim, hard-headed business pro- position that the worldhas witnessed. The partners go about the business heralded by no trumpets, with but lit- tle music in their hearts, but with the Mter anexhaustive series of ex" determination that stmeess shall crown periments, this difficulty was finally their ,efforts. This is tile least osten- overcome by (to use Professor Luigi's tatious of businesses; it is a great words). "applying the superheated war, in Which the prime factors are steam, net directly to the engine, but money, men and transportation, and to a: boiler; that is, by applying it in- the cardinal conditions of succeps are :----etead-of -fuel-to .-an ordinary-nmItitu- patience and,sterirdeterminatiorn-This- , bider boiler, in which 'steam Was pro- is a war of drab, of'dirty gray smut": duced:at a pressure of two atmos- wholly unlike the old wars Of gold, nheree then passed throtigh a sneer.- tinsel and, blood red , heater, and afterwards used for driv- "And yet the blood red tint is the ing a 300 -horse -power 4orider.iaitig very element with which' my work steam turbine :directly corn -meted wall must. reckon. Instead' of the care •of , Made in Canada. THE BOYS' ROOM. 137 1-felIbie Mter.eY Bowman. The sunshine 'was spattering ever the * neer In a frelie of golden rain, , e And the little green leaves were wigs- maplearvinvging outside the pane.„ There' were their college banners and books; •, And, hag on the plain gray wall, Sir Galahad, shining and, tell, ° Waiting there for his vision, De the dreamealled days of yore, But ri* they have seen a vision - And shall they 'come baelt no more? Throngh the open door, • ,- I heard the step et the -brave little • .. brown -eyed mother• , And thongh she erailed on the thresh - .4• old, • . In her -eyes the big•teari gleamed. . oTve been Bitch a happy woman! , • We've always dreamed •That, little gran children' might conie ufl Some day, And get out . old toys, and roinp • "and play '• .• Just,as they used 'to. • But, noW, you Itnow, A WAR WITHOUT ILLUSIONS. There is something tar greater than — •t. that, and, oh, . As Seen By a .Iroung Alericanikt the Sometimes one almost active afraid to -,.---2'e.-z:•-e-',---:-e--.--,,,,--Fleld,Servieee-,e,•-,-;--..-_l- -I, To most of the- young soldierswho are fighting in :France war has no il- lusions, but they are none the less de- termined to seeeit through. • One who is an asaistant chief of his section - in the ' American Field Service • writes •thus to a friend in his home town: - - "I had thought of war as an At the the end of this time it was an - parent -that none of these bores was likely to shqw any diminution in capa- city providell only that no new heies • were -Mt &mit within fifty feet oft it. , a tri -phase 'electric generaton.". huge guns, the mere's- of • reinfaree- The letter provided enough power Ments--or the observationof enemy for lighting the works and the vil, operations.irom„the air; my work is • lages around Larderello.- It had been witil the 'bloody freight of the trenches ln operation successfully for saveral, • months ` when /tidy entered , the wee, and it was the trent-ado-us 'In- crease in the price • of coaland oil, neither of . which that country pro- duces in 'more than practically negli:- • gible quantities, Which gave impetus •. to the project of inereasing, the in, .stellation to a size sufficieet to allow ' of produetion of power Tor -trans- ' -`=IrthibionLielliegliteriig.:LPisae..FICrence,: -, and, 'Other .notle,11.distent industrial centres, • • •' : Perhaps the most astonishing fact in connection with what followed is that, although, the gystem was hardly ". out of its experimental • stages, an installation capable of generating 15,- .000 hersepower of electrical energy • was designed, completed and put into operation ea. 'a less , cast and in leis time, •than a similar installation run by Water power could have been built • Of Incalculable Benefit. • • Careful experiments: _have shown. ;that each of the bores put down in this -region can hedepended Upon. to pro- duce steam of a temperature of from 160 to 200 degrees, Centigrade. At the • ' average rate of 15;000 to 26,000 kilo- grams per hour, this gives a theoret-: icai horse -power Of from 1,000 to 2,000 " -tin-the Sante period. On the basis of these 'figures, Pref. estimatet that hundreds of thou-; eandi of. horse -power can be produced. In. the Lardetello region; as the 'Sof,. honfareit covers square mules neither_of. these_regionslis_of., anything approaching the extent of ▪ stone. Park or of New kealanci-or, indeed, Many other hot springs areas which are known to Mtist in bath of the Americas as Well as Asia . and Africa -the vista of possibilities open - :ea tiP, by this latest of the great, scierx- . problems Italians. have Belied for the „benefit of the world fairly. stag- gers the imagination. 'Unexplored Labradat; , It is a ettange tact that, With all tfue eknieration thiChas -peen-going • on in the North, during the last 100 Years, the inter* of Labrador should have been a tetra incognita until re- - eeritly, when tePresentatives of the • • 'United. States Geographic Society and • of the Carnegie Muaeum, d Pitts- -*- -"F:iirreidi.haWilgpai.t:480,;(1YoGu.altaa.:agd.htth.uds 10 • Cheer up, mother, This life's not •• ,low •the glean", , • Think eof Fred -our joker -writing that. Well, , We Must • go down. to lunch, dear. • There's the bell," Aad so we silently closed the door, And left the room as it was before'' With the 'sunshine spattering over the • floor e In a 'frolic of golden rain, And the little green Immo whiaper- • ing And tapping outside the pane. But now when we talk -,61 the. war, I • see, • Above- thehorrible; des.th,filled gloom That riSes before me,'"the boy's old room" - A vision whose beauty Shall never •emple-that-still-guards-ther-llel -From The Canadian Magazine for • November. ° • • ".L., ' , New Designs You Like The entail tad' will enjoy wearing this. god -looking little suit. McCall Pattern No.. 8086, Boy's, Suit. Pat - _tern in 3 SigSsi_2 to 6 ,years., , Price, 15 cente. ' • THE RAPPIFST LIFE. lo i Feint(' in Adaptation to Wain 1 • Conditions. Success and happiness depend upon the way in which We adapt oure-elves to the realities of objective life. If we fight against change -and change we must meet at every turn and in every department of life -we soon become exhausted, wear ourselves out and rank back into ourselvee-into the sub- conscious -and fail end grow old be- fore our time. •. . •f If we cling to past experioncee, re- fuse- to live •in tho present, let _ our I ; Many a serious illness has •,been ..aveklekby. thenpronipt use ef,Dr. Wii-, lianis' Pink Pills. These pills actually ..praciasta, New designs for house dresses' are alWaye eppreciatedif they are as geed lookingeethiemne. -McCall Pattern No. 8069. Ladies' House Dress. Pat after the attack, With the *minded enrich, leen ptirIfy the moo, tern..in 7 sizes; ,34 to 40 bust.' Price, arta, dying.. See. these 0 7- Ng:m*131111d uP 131MEi'itua 20 . cents.: • , to their 'Work in long lines -76f trucks- strengthen -the -nerves and ifiviscrate These patterns May be -Obtained 'silent, °thoughtful men, full of deter- the Vital organs. . , from Your local McCall dealer, or from mination; I see them ii their trenches, Seriois diseases generally ceinc:e_ the:McCall Co. 70 BOW- St "Toronto seemingly listless, fatalistic in their'Dept. W. ' attitude; but I work with them short- . ly afterward when they are brought into the little underground 'poste se, A coivirbETE BOYCOTT tourskon stretchers, borne by bran- CattliersWhere .:-: their: womidr---are dressed and where they are leadedinto our ambulances, to be sent bath a mile be two, either to be patched up for tar- tlet use ot to expire, under the kindly benediction of their Mother Church. breakdown In health This can be tionof the Stolen provinces, Alsace about the e0St one must pay fer a Andthrough it all 4there • goes that, avoided pb3r the pecasiene.1 use of Dr. and Lorraine, on the ground th0 they small ,Jarof the ordinary cold cream' s., griin set jaw and fighting determine; Williams' Pink PiLls, which are suit'. ,are "Pro -German.- But there neverfwas •Care ''Should he taken to strain' the tion which meantrfor France the 'au- able fir the most delicate constitu- re worse case in the history of Man. -lemon Juice through : a fine cloth so Pea! victories of the Marne and Ver-: tion • These Pills will giver you a new Fr 'forty years and more the - Ger- dill1 lemon Pulp gets In then this lotion dun. With pever a groan' where the appetite, improve your digestion, tone mans have tried repression, terror, I will keepfresh for months. Every • • Characteristic SuggestiOns. roads are rough or when 'shelleirneke and strengthen weakened nerved, ban; and bribery; but thek are farther from.. worian: knows that 1.einon Juice is use A'gentleman who had a good colleo.. from sone disoider " that has been neglected. Therefore. any thin' ning of the blood should benlooked up: On. ' ria a warning • sign, ,and More serious illness. ,should be avnided by In..theease of young girleuMid women the .bloOd -is ;peculiarly liable AO get out'. of order; --to become thin. and watery -and to lead to a general ROYAL YEAST g4SiMPTETIQPIT9'iraililf4 Has boss Canadit'S irsirarits roast for ovor * Snartor of a soaturv. Woad haltad with *oval yew* wilt hoop fresh asscl motet longsr than that wags with any strew, so that *fall wesoklif faNIPIV loan ossily ,b40 maids *t oats Wang, and 00104 last will Po Just *0 geed ass Use Sr" HAUL IN CANADA EVIT,011414WIT COMPANY LEVU= 44r1nl:Peq, TORONTO. olerr. reoiernsee. faith die when. disappointments. -genie, TI 'Caiueo. the results are the earn°. The life / The wise forget, dear ifeart; forces ebb and we sink into the great' They kayo the past Mid play the hero's pert, sea of the uncenscious and are on the Toad to being submerged. Desire, will, chneentration, purpose, faith -these can be applied to keep up living in the present, td keep our en- thusiasm active, and our creativeness expressing. • . • T Tilt ONLY -MEPIGINt.., • • FOR LITTLE :ONES Mrs. It., Blanche, St. Pamphile„ One:, wr1tem--1--"I have -obtained.. great re- sultsirgni4ho-useenf 'Tablets: ',Thai -Me the only medicine d" • know of ;that one caa. depend 'open to promptly eure bowel and stomach troublee.„7 The Tablets,' -never fall to rIelleve the little „one and besides the .rnother has the guarantee, of a govern - Merit analyst that they are absallitely safe, They are sold b'j% medicine deal- a Dominion Exprees ill/Loney. Order, erg or by mal at 25 cents a box friro. , The . Dr, Williams' IVIedicine Co., • Brockville, Oat DANCING. OSTRICHES. Brave to the lea, 6. . . _ • • They vieep netnor regret,. • •-•-e. • Calm are their eyes. • • • , Per •heart, .the wiseefergetre.. , •t nor not wise-. • - .,!--jeannetta. -Gilleeny. • rdlearals 'Idrulment Carel =lite:num . What He. Needs; • "Papa," said Tommy, "little brother is a' month old to -morrow, isn't he?" "Yes." •, `i-Let'e-yierand mergivehinizahir present.th "Very well. What shall it he?" "Let's buy him a wig. -site needs that niore'n anything." MONEY ORDERS • When ordering goods by mail, -send A Strange Sight on the Sandy Plains. ot Southern Africa. One of the • 'oddest sights on the sandy stretches of plain in southern Africa is it party of waltzing, ostriches'. - A writer on the suhjectthus de- • scribes their queer antic's: "When there are a number of them they will start off, and, running 'a few hundred yards, will stop and, with raised Wings will whirl rapidly round till they are stupefied, or perhaps break a leg. • "The 'males pose also before fight:', ings'skThey kneel- on their ankles, opening- their Wings and ,lidancing themselves alternately ; forward and backward, or to one side or the other, while the neck is stretched on a level. with the back and the head Strikee,, the -sides, now on the right now on the left, while the feathers are leristlin The bird appears at this time so eb--, sorbed in its occupationas to forget all that is going on. around and can be approiehed and eatight, • "The male • utters a crY which h -Muc' like an effert to speak witlithe mouth sliut tight ." -- GIRLS! , LEMON JUICE • IS SKIN WHITENER How to Make a oreamy beauty lotion - •for a few cents. Marriage and Talk. • It is only When people are different that they have a great deal to say. When they are alike they are satis- fied jiist to be in each other's -company. As married folk gradually exchange ideas and reconcile their differences their conversation is apt to, give way i f The war collection of the Royal Li- brary of Berlin now numbers 511,009 volumes, and they are bound in epe- cial covers of gray, eteroped with the • Pruesian eegle- 4 •;smartie', Liniment Curia eascot. is cows , 7kVii,ITOR '7V", ENV tAID-IsOOS,.i'OULTRY. PEAS, beans.- honey, onions wanted. Blith- est prices given. a. D. Arsenault, 1195 St. Catharine 1,!ant. *entreat, erstranzativovs illBfoNTEpT AND HELL" Sweden.' vy,orld heyorgisagliege ‘Traftir tiejtV, auti Pages only .25 cents postpaid. W. iL Law„ 4sSE Euclid Avenue, Toronto. aNCER. TUMORS. LUMPS.. ItTS.. • rileanal'-'74140fillunaLti=4'•1Vtit- • t by our o e tr r • betnra too late. Dr. Veltman Medical • Fo.. Limited. Collinewood? Ont. Agents. Wanted In. all towns where we are not re-. Presented.to sell our phonographs to their friends atlactory prices. Every machine guaranteed made In 'Canada. and we guarantee satisfaction. Write at once for Particulars. ' The World. 740310arftpix 3)111,t, W. 139 XtrOadview Toronto, Ont. to a contented arid spar ng nse o ver - when hnying four ;Plana *ant nn having , an °OTTO: HIGEL" IANG- .AoTioN bal shorthand. A. marriage of long standing that is still noisy -with con- stant talk,is not one to be envied. It argues, an irrepressible conflict . n. - ..:7::••.?, ge...rezynacestanEediewinieedamquefickibYy ll,, mrs Granulated Eyelids, Null * lined- . • II.' : OUR No Staartingaust Eyse.oadort -.0• i'. relieved tiy Morin& Try•it In •'.'".',,''''' your Eyes ancl in Baby's Eyes. 3' tern,Y;o741Argetti= Askirs: • slealtaveii!nlaeTaillye;25ciae. niroerdr000koefo.rno. ceshiso-s-Au.a • Thos LaSt Dear -Moments Each 'at-41er post we women stand; -Mine-is-the:-safer4--ea • " And yet there is an iron ba ' Of envy roUnd my-heert For her; the weary nurse who spent . ' • Those lest dear moments at his side, The wernan Who in'.n.ity bent . And kissed him when ho died. . -Amelia Josephine Burr• P,toiire,L.-0_Al1;014aintr--144.-ve.- --T-lier,- -Juke of- two fresh'. lemons . -Dealings With -Germans• •strained Into a bottle' containing three • Oances of orchard wh. te makes-- a The Germans have lately been try-. *held quarter pint of the most re - nig to make out a case for the reten- markable lemon . skin -beautifier at Minard's Lininient Co.,. Limited: Gentlemen, -Last winter reeelved great "benefit •trom, the use • of -WIN- AliD/S•-INI-m-EN*1-tra-s-evere--atteck of _LaGriPPe, and I have frequently, provedftto be. very effective Inases ,of Intl:animation. •• Yours ' W. A. HUTCHINSON. . ' •••.' , travel imPossible, -but always a faint' smile of gratitirde at the 'end of the 'painful Tifitr-n=ffild often •a hand. .clasp -these men are. worthy to be masters of others because so splendid- ly masters . of themselves"-- • • , PERPETUAL 1110TION. Most Unceasingly Active ....Member of Body is the Tongue. - She's discovered' the secret of pc;r- • petual motion, °!, heard one man say to another the other day. • "Her tongue's -never war:- - ' laugh.e.d. *Ow said it; , but • his remark Was one of those tree worde npubta Seet. • - titit Women are not alone an pos.: session. of anever-wagging tongue; Merl are equally • guilty. Nobody's tongue is still for a moment. It is the most unceasing active member of the • It moves when one speaks, it moves when One eatS,, it moves when one swellows-saItia. When 'eating- it is conste.ntlY feeling about the mouth, and deciding which particles of toed are small enough to be swallowed, and velich•are not - The tongue las a "=-Senee---nt-inuch which is wonderful in its sensitiveness. We think of our finger-tips as our Most sensitive organs of feeling, but they are badly outclassed by the...end of the tongue. ' urg passed through it This eXpedi- • tion halal, along with other things, chaina of largo lakoa hitherto Minim), pea and rivers -hitherto unknown. In 'fact, the journey covered 750 miles probably' never before traveled by *hite then. The full report of the find- .. higs of this exploration party will be • Wilted With a great deal of iritereat. Warmth should never be secured 18 The altoop-harn at the 'expense et von - Sheep have a protecting cos- • Wing of 'wool, which, so long as the .are dry, shiekts them fresh ,the influ- noe of, 6Voli •tioxy seveto told. ° a • ish depression, and lack of energY, clear the re,Omplexion ofpimples.-and: huotehes, etre vain in the 'neck and general weakness, cause the disap- pearance of headaches, dizziness. and heart-Auttering. Give these reconciling the Alsatians and Lorrain - ere to theirrule toLdaY than they were in 1870. - - the ideal skin softener, whitenetTand " The Alsatians. and • Lorrainers. do beautifier. • , • .. • , • ° say; ,"were all thumbs," said he did not\recognize the German. He does -jest. try. it, pot three ounces of not exist. for them. They pass him orchard white it any .drug stare and . emr4y. not aisrniss ,him?,'?. saik-the, .not know whet to do ..with him. fair trial and you will scion note a•won- in the street as ..if he were invisible twa lemons from the gfeeer.and Itakia practical Englishman:- • : ' derfui change in your canditio,n. Your If the Germans get up a fete, a ball, a up a quarter pint of this ,sweetly fra- "B t he is a ood servant 'said his to bleach, and remove. such blemishes tion of chirie,.deploring to friends is. freckles, sallowness and tan and IS the._ carelessness Of . a.- inanserkant_ -whose--finger- t Scotch -Would spirits will- htighten, ,good`health and concert, -Germans alone •. are • seen. grant. lemon. lotion and massage it host. ' • strength will retUrn, and you will' feel there. ' daily into thS face, • neck, arms and .• "Stop it Out of his wages," said the like a, new person. You, Can confirm . Even the parks and tea-gardens heads. , •Scotsinan, with the excellerit Caution Cf Vital !afforest to Syrup at MaPIC1 Sugar ORFikeni . Wide awake Maple ,Syrup Maker/1i 14111 0011010t their best lat.:ovate by ordering their supplies •now. in- oteao delaying -anti: *vein Our lattsfeat time. Write for our -frets • booklet- telling, shoat Our "Chem - pion" Evaporator, made in.:22 siee,s -suitable for large or small groves. T.HR0411, I M M LIMITED 58 'Wellington St.:, Montreal, Que. Irt117 0414,T clEJT 0,11T..14 • , Bog Spavin �r ThorOstatipiii:. but,you. :can eleart=theat off,eremptly„.with „ „.... „ TDLpr•ljAT OFF. .•and you work the horse latrie.thie‘. Does. not blister or remora the. . hair. $2.00 per bottle,..delivered., Will tell ,you More if you write. . Book 4 M free. •• ABSORBINE.. JR, the antiseptic liniment for mankind„, reduces Varicose Willa, Itiiptuted„ Muscled Of PainkeAta. Maimed Waldo. Weal' —CrAts.-Allara rala 401410,......td44.111. 40.0_ blade at drugging or delivered, ' W P. YOUNG, P. & F„ Sle Lyman, tileetreef;'!Gen: .111iserblue,aed Abterbine., 3:rlt are tide In 00111t11.1. C ECM S ITCHY S S That Burneda\,and .Paned -17Fo.ur Years... :Hair Came_ Out ° Loss of Sleep .13'Iy Scalp was red and ,'.;ery itchy. and a Inc rasledeveloped which burned and pained incessantly. This seemed to '- .destroy the hair roots, caueliti ,zny hair to come out, which disfigured the top of , head. It also caused loss of sleep, Th "But," • said the master, "he breaks • • these statements, by ,enquiring-anikig hosen--by---Germaniae-their--resortsr-..- "The trouble lasted foRrears, en r • and Ointment wide encouraged me so "Why not raise his wages?" :ed .cutieum Soap and one box of Ointment fen't I bought more, and I had one rake of ' our- friends rulmost anywhere, ae are out of bounds, to. the natives of . . Preserving Overshoe* . ' thousandsandthousands of hopeless " the 'provinces-- No German ever gets sufferers have.. been restered to ne•W' across the doorstep of an Alsatian or Cutting a'heel-shape piece out of an Lorrauier except at the point of the old overshoe andpasting it in the heel heel bayonet or sword, or, if there should leanreinwg.o°uvr wsrilees'thp:erveest3Itosf thiee'over-' besuch-edmissionethetamilY is hence- - elifis is Comparatively new•---.----, . --. or o S p pariahr, • . ' . health and energt Using Dr. Wil - llama" Pink, 4 You can get tb.ese also-through:any:- • - medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents •-a-bee or eix-box-es for -Ver* -414. ---iatteobeioeallyikevh- 'StiiVs.-111,47,e-li----1-61-eeNT0. 'PAT_ esrOCK vine, Ont. • : , - German falls in love Veith an Abadan One of the:coming events.which all maid and Wins her affections and mar- live 'stock men and fanners 'should not • PRESCRIBING BY WIRELESS. ..eseePaemetielbeese-eibemesPeel flow Purity IF the Bloat !fifteen to thirty „dropaeof Extract of Roots, Commonly called Nether Stigers Carailve Syrup, May be taken In water With mesh and at liedthne, for the cure of Indlgettion pation and bad blood. 'Persist. ence In this treatment will effect cure In nearly every ease." Get the genuine at druggists. 4 040.11ASesscrlaalicdribillit410/b10.411:11 • ;' Dr. willieens' Medicine Co.; Brock- will, and makes a breach. Some young , . AOW Physician Saved a bife: a Thou- sand Miles Distant • 'The captain of a trainp steamer the Gulf of . Mexico was lately -taken ill! with ptomaine poisoning: ', With death etarieg him hi the face, on ac- count of inaclecputte tindical akt, lie de- cided Call, by wireless, for 112018t- •Oen from the physichuis• at a naval station a hundred miles away. • In the event the message was pick- ed up by -a- liner -Seven -hundred miles away, and the ship's surgeon made all haste to reply to this ,strange "S.0.5." With a full and detailed' prescription, which was without much difficulty made up from khe tramp eteamer's medicine -chest, and the .caPtitin'e life wag Saved. A fireman -on a Canadian Pacific liner which carries no surgeon was attacked in mid-oeeint With internal hemorrhage. Wireless centrum -deaden was secured with,an Allan liner, strui details of the symptoms traiternitted across a thousand miles ot ocean. A prescription was not only received, but daily Consultations took place for some thee, and the medicine wee • "changed" several timea. , AIL,. • • rids her. She -goes to her nuptials miss is the Toronto at Stock *Shew, alone Henceforth that . girl is a- to be held at the Union Stock Yerds, stranger, , on,Friday and Saturday, December 7th •, and 8th. The Auction Sale • always - Or• -0---9-•-0-0,--0.....70-0-0,..-..9. , brings, repord••pricee, .and it is Well '• DOESN'T HURT P: BIT! werth Your. dine to see the eanniett- ' tem among packers and butelnkai.tor • ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, . the prize winners, Entries fee 'this • NO ftiellahnee0.1 Lift your 'dark{ year's show are larger than ever. , t ---It's Ilke magic I .ThetaIk of learning hy Britain's Intifetettritein.- P- : - -- -- 71-ne)itior aTree Teo- die& SOrp more than hie wages wauld' pay the Irishman. • 1 and I was healed." (Signed) Tohn Cun- sneareYa -Tditiment--Caree-Colda...8re.:... April 4, 1917; ' hy not maketittieifisa;Veur eVery- loak better if washed in bran nrater Fruzi.O vt. n delft -ate eulte.e--olwayee '---4-If'iiiii-ii9; ret•c.atcliititrIghiqi? : Alssolutely nothabetter,-:- e•A• '''•••‘ - . dress post -card: luttiticura, Dept. A. • ninglam, Church St., Ariligonish, N.S., . For Free Sample Each by Mail ad. no soap being Used. Potato Chowder. -34 lb. Rath pork; 6.10 potatoes, .1 Won,- 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespooe dripping, , pint' milk,. 1 • teaspeoa salt, % teaspoon pepper. • Cut pork and potatoes into cubes and took with the sertsoniege', and- saffici- ent water to eover until done. Make the white settee of -the fat, flour and milk, Drain off the surplus water when- the potatoes are. cookedeadd the white sail& and reheat • and calluses off"WIth fingers "mistakes" makes one tired, says an Sere Corns, hard -corns; soft vorneor Abltmerican wr• iter. Of course, she has any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be 'inclered here and there -we -do not need lifted.right,out with. the angers you ifwtowe will hdmitderrors But lthtkee anotebte,ftehewa.iishhe apply mica the &)rn, a few drops of pees in the field first-elass fighting freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. rem and keeps- thorn tit the tini.notch Par little cost one can get a small of efficieficy by the most careft21 re- bottle of freezone, at Any drug store, gard for every phase of -their welfare, which wilt positively •rid one's feet we shall do better than if we pay heed of every corn or calhis Without painmerely to the plades where the sys- Mid then has broken down rIt ishtp6plilliledllleadrand ftdctviersi e notti th.6'e • vi 6nient nloettn. thneowinclividual has performed dis- tete the , surrounding skin while ap. aPpointingly. . „. plying it or afterwards. Title annetincentent will interest Many of our readers, If your drug- glat hasn't any freezotte'tell him to surely got a small bettle for you froin his wholesale drug 'roue°. • . • .11iiiarees fainiinent CarS0 An autematic vaise hag beett in - 'vented that tounde a whistle when an automobile tire emstains ,either too' melt or too little air. slIeriteneU'. S. A." Sold eVerywhere. • • Outdoor Workers are riubject to exposure to all kinds of weather, and strenuous-cub:loot _ work brings the rheumatic aches Von cen't afford to herald up, ao heed that firet twinge of rheumatism. the • Sloan'a Liniznent. Clean and con- venient, no need to rub. no stains; 110 CIUM8Y plaster* and your pain dieappears. Spniino. studie.Nrieur,tria Ram find *tit the spph- cation of Sloan's Liniment. obolldeiit ete eoreernevieureel:saz elrelsevedbyali ISSUE 48 '1 . rompos.usornivilill