HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-12-06, Page 6STOEINS TEE C AR ToR WINTER. • Messehmiad- *on at week.) ins IIdail should not stay in the ' online, so drain it off said flush oat , lba crankcase with kerosene. Tbs put in a little fresh oil *ad run the engin* a abort while to insure a flain film of DU on the moving parts and cylinder walls. You might as wen get all of the old oil tied grease out gloss, therefore fit 1% cloth cover over . t pee sway. I preeeed. so. wel*. of the transmission, universal jointe*,, the whole car w n 1 is "We have the sweet consoletion 'f This &leo keeps out dust. 0 thinking that on the other side er the age. After thoroughly washing, the water should be dried off with it soft pen d then the Whole nolislied with a waft amnia* leather. Par- ticular attention should. he given to corners and crevices where Water might lodge. Bright sunlight causee h to crack and deadens the tux eirrntras 43P CEILIMICX, 114111414441 Pima el* Dian' or 14101able ei RAO 006111411111011. Tise work of feeding and elothinh the whole of Belgium and Northern France, carried out by the famous American Cororaiesion for Relief in Belgiune was perhepe the greatest work of humanitarianism ever sue- ceesfully carried out- In The World'a Work, Mr. Robinson Smith, a member of the Commiesion, publishes Some diary. Here are twO selections:: OMPUS: DEADLY SEAAN VAIXABLE PORCELAIN CARGO FISHED UP. Ita Eight Tentacles Have a Len th Or Fully One Hundred Feet: roormAz laccorprigucriox. FROM OLD sconAND AwAnx won 14411Miri te Beater* awl Maks pixels"; For Wastage. NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER Various master minds end men of.BANKS AND BRAES. practical experience are lending as- sistance in solving the many prob. hams to be met and solved after the war. To The Viorld's Work, Dr. G. Hunter, chairman of the famous Alp - building firm of Swim, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltde\of Great W Is Golog On in the Highland* and Lowlande a Aura scowl. TO STORM TRENCH TORTURE OP EXICTING-e, TO ADV.ANCE. SION, I/enri Barbusse GraPhicallY Describe* • ferther appealing extract% from hie "The lieconstruction of Prosperity:" He holds that when the war ia over in the Royal Technical College, -Glas- first of the Euing lecturea on •Musie* Joy Of Actomplishmeat After, , "G_oing Through Hell." 1 eJuIy 4. Independence Day .; ----I have been looking over some of the letters The octopus is ordinatily a rare I; of thanks from echoel•children-sonie mat in British weters. But in II o h' ' , and nearly ail lex- year 100 c0414101-5, 'hordes. or t - creetures inVa e the 11 h C nel, swarming aleug the shores rem axle, dope i pi, ., . wiarieadirig armies, 'For the .timo leave it uniil spring the lubricant Standing for 'a. long pereul in a ocean exists a population whoee heart ing they nearly destveyed the I may have become so gummed that it folded cenditlon the, top is apt to get, bleeds.' at th,e • sight of our utio.. lobster and erah,fisheriee,. to 54 is difficult to remove.. No fre,sh ' ereaeed and damaged. So- when stor- ., . . . their greedY appetitee; and - on grease need be •bet, In Until e car ' the ear put it nosthes omee,,eng it 'fortunes:" • I "My mother has svept tears of joy French," side of the,. strait they taken out. .1 to remain in a veep% ehape. Dust . in learning that 11111MOWIL hearte sym-, threw*, ilh, cet , the . benches. in The gasoline system needs atten-!' the top -%'ell beforescovering it op and ; einem.. . we. w"e Without bread ler nombers efter 13torma, . h -' ton. Main off all the fuel in the main 4 if it 13 of leather ghee it a coat of, l' " I the lard three weeks." to be removed bet cartleads :ter tank and take out the supply Pipe and; boiled linseed oiL The outside of, iiiit sake of the public health. . ! "Do not ferget that at the side of to remove any foreign Metter; If lukewarm water mul ca.stile soap. Po t Ore of America." -.. . . lions Per annum of taxation; aheve the in 'Edinburgh. . • . * . • -1-1"e given. ther nte.***101.1.? 4.1114 *cry"; ' standard of 191844. The change . At the: annual Meeting. of the ' Stied force a length of soft wire through it PantasQte " Is best cleaned wit -,,eur welt -beloved King bung, the col- Cause Of the Pleigue. • • • there is a vacuum tank. on 'the ,car • OA side curtains on also, .efter they ... "In return for your charity' I 'send utable to a .seties of hot summers Mid ApoarentIy the. scetirge was attailo ous,init try to conceal their real feel- teehaet. !......_____......e. ,....- _ itie ieeks Mithe :blaet that I-Saav."-er r•-• Mulliplieeitioloaat thee unpleaserit aleisIeeaceesesale.anct . he terinbly peaceltoltllnlkS.. elected Aealli- -Pt Goirelefee: the pleieonethetgrt h.. i' .t7oblereY,Z7ber ling Guildry; el -Bailie Jahn Steel Was I lugs. br tellinq funny ' etories, 'and, - tate Itapert. end thciroughlynlean the0.*Yell:been .cle'"1.*ed-,.. •-T_I'4e _.'w'.11 :Ore you..as many thankl aa there were lit; mild winters, which . eneoureged . tbe 'the war -credit -anti war exPenditure to, ,We have to restore and increase. • our - c,nsecii ive 'Year.- ' . ' - elk°. They have 'been spared" before* PerbeRe ..-e, insides. After draining the carburetor I Ibeni aeOlienee to straigliten -out and - tires raust be taken off .for best re- TO Preserve:Upholstery 1 lis'I am, as clever at playing merblee, I to warm *waters. An old phenomenin " shipping and our foreign export trade. • coTnlenejemdrvtlio;tDooakvira;a1.reicceonut,ly . at mg death, ' but there ie always hope. . "I do not know' if you are as large ,male, --usually restricted in their raps° ..wel bow', Out haek. the supply pipe. . The i help keep the upholstery clear). or wood supPorts. These SuPPorka eolution a one part of pure ammonia " know is that you ate all charitable? -ling of immense • 'Millibars of\na e"swebeit44 re4aZitt del; acted' as Mr,: .Ascaith' 1 s agen AV eil e • t e. ie they may- lae spared again. A voice is sults and the car supported on jacks spoige off the upholsterY with a if you. go to settee' a's. I do. What. I incidental to the nlague was the Aii 1 them witkwater: ' Vulcanize all the eote woollen rag. A good 'leather 'team of 'mines and aularrierhies which regularly fished forandused for competition. than Colomittee, Jedburgle 0 . . : 11171 ie. tile heigliberbeg trench. • -,the eyeing supports as possible..., Re-' Olean wato. ow v.,in meow the deed lcreely, and I should .greatly Wish bigger than grains of .riee:.• . ' Mute Listele'- said • one .of the • 'men:. should be placed under ehe eara5 near I. to nine perts Of water, *envies° with 1 ."They tell me that America is In- 1"paelps," not long hatched and hardly ; 'Belgiom, Frence and the -.rest of ,Elieo' . By a sale kof ,gifts and .denations I et:hliegvorie to Li first. contested East Fife, • ' **we the tires front the rims and wash dirt After it is dry, buff it with a eta see it. FM' the mement letilt have. ' Intlie Mediterranean thet octet/tie ie eepe. , . , , . • -- • , food./ We shall leave to Meet, all over the the work of the War Hospital SuPPIY . over 0f020Q,filih been Obtaineihitt pie ce '.1Dicin.'t you hetiel The alarm .was eoundedr • .. . . • • - bad spots and 'filttbel erealli•belea 'with dressing PraPerlY applied at this time' might:blow me up hethe air." • Pitcher -0140d. earthen pots attached world, much keener " 'Alum 7- 'Are .,you crazyr- . tire putty. Give. all the tires a good will also add to the appearance' of eine "We; the school -girls of alignahlt, at intervals:to a tong line ere.crstered ever -befee in our foreign trade. - We : . '. • — " :• - , The. Call To t.iilas, coating of tele or mica; One of the Job. " Do not use gasoline for clean- have learnt -a few Engligh Words to to the bottom and . buoyed; to he pulled may ,leeee to Meet foreign competition' ' .. Mow Cold Affects Tisk. in our home trades: We have lost , , examhied. It is act, unconatheo to' fad. our supremacy in the produton. e eee e• - ee 4 eh en c Sc)Me Mae- MORS,- e ea . .cries.'To veins!' ° ' • - ' e It is t II - k ' th t eul , 'just -thee a Shadevt appears 111 the put them in the tires, inqating them -.I1° g*nera Y'. ne`P a . a ' epsning of the dugout' and somebody, beet ways to care for the tubes iseto jog ieethee tamping. ; • ; ,,,, . thank yeti in yonr oem. language for .to the aulace a few days later and , just enough to round them mite Place . All the, nickel -plated parte, such as icor , oe c rc le,addressmyselfto every pot -occupied WA octoaus. The iron -and steeleand before the ar• had. - • . - • ' - - • of thousands of fish io the -shallow wit- • . Niget prevails, 'Sire linve- all be- • plenty _of -mica or- tide on the. tubes the lamp rims, steerlog wheelp- • dash . instruinents, levere'; • &e, - shoulu ' 1 the Prsesaideent, dare i uis me no al a ! n . .e rea 1,. . auen from the er,to the thLe pace. t b -t El, b t th c tures e ' a the tropics and ,eubtropicee..* also. Place the tires on ton or eaCh. ' ereeter than all :our:exports.. ; - INlauy species :ere se -chilled ae to he- lame. dumb, ' We get 'up and stretch ' °Wei: and eover them with burlap • or ' u b . he cleaned and polished. -Wit' day; it is for 'me the synonym ' Of. enemies, eagerly Seel: -eliel Mein thein. It may be wise to Terthie to permit emite.lieleiless,' eadeare either killed our weary bones and go out into the &moat i coenteY., I -knew well your name . to, being soft -bodied end a_ pFtey. „o_ inaY• Our total imports . Were enormously • something similar., -As far: -** yes- then applied over the 'aright surfaces fatlim.". _ , - ., .., , . . . By a curiousieVersal. of this meth-. dieectly •by droWnieg or) are washed. " trench,. The. -roitie of . the . guns is . te.lreep them from, . getting dull or 1 — i • - ' ,0 - • • A It for' ' ' : . ' ' ashore in a comatose litate. The phelio- • ' e 'Ibut the frightful.- Otte Mahe leeks nt the' : 0 . po s . A thine coat of ereeeline lel- . . rusting. De the same. with. exposed I e . . .• , e . I would, wtsn to be near- to you• • _UsedeTre Reowirer Cargo.. peeve:it dumping abroad; and as- we- - r - a . • .: - .nrxenon is known locally es freezing). other- no word . is spoken,eyee - sible have the room where. the tires I • "I wilt keep your PrettY elft in se. od, octopuses- have emently beau used the dumping of surplus. foreign goods \ • me stored at about -fifty agrees tene- e cretio memory of -yore ... , . . _ , . , in japan to .s pots. . , t low prices at home • ' But we cannot • • . - • d$ . ' ft • . . perature and -where they -will net be _le -dependent ' foreign: 'trade' both tell everything, • We eke ready; so.niet. exposed to -strong light, or eheaction poets of the PoWer plant, such, as the, . - . , . ,, . , • , •., ,.. •_, , _ e , Magneto coupling; spark' and throttle others and entheate yoo. with all My , ,ael eneghtlieteniperathere. Of the- water ' , . . . . _ l'i. may be sever degr es above the ofhemen are-sitting-quietlY...iii._:.the. sweet thoughts.y.,Mud, others.. are restiog their .mme • . of oil, It the rhria are ru,ity, clean 1 , & . Ron up the enhher froori heart, but t/ do not know thoive . Only I About a centuryeand ri".quarter ego' ;re f . on , fact dgoods -- - . :freezing -point. Duging v-,ery severe and give them a coat of rim paint. , •. • avers, e. fl and repose -a on ' • • • .. -- • e and for ethe import of - raw materials -. • - - , - . . . ••••,. - . . • . - l'a lege sailing' junk lett ,ii KOrean pert . ..er - e sale,o, oor maim life CO ld spells, too, great eumbeis, of ash on 'their rifles I study the Pale, deep, shape -for 'putting- -aaYttY" -*Par .4' needs efertlefeederseeit- earcecolieteeorr- ree trade system; fora system et_pror . Atiamtic They,are not adventorers oi warriors. , iy lined but simply human beings. p rith . a cargo -of very Preeiou .porear f r ' I d ' t" 1 o ,Give Tim ith, tieeuees,- e tires.. . The car15iio.c47...-01-_totartm4r.cherining h.eedee ... • e„.ess, se lain: consigned to ta,vie Erap"r of ja„.. ...our .r.no .,,. we carnio c appe our itetalid- efter 'cleaning it laut it-witli I FlY' _ "If. in the future.your •country hes, Me often killed ' . along the - 'All accumulatiene Of mud, dust,Acs Tel-det----not fromKyoto • • ' - pan " She, was sunk in'ti sterni in the I Britain contributee en article Witted Barry Colin Miller delivered the sae - t restore and make reparit- w . nese -Unless that is done well and quickly, • Buchanan, of Drumpellier liouse,een Behri Barbueea, Well lsnown. 'French ewe, We must after a -while-and aspecielly se most the poorer people amens uee- S1,060. behalf of seldiere eh 't* writer, Imo written a .gr, arbie account ,e of the atermiug of a German trench iir the that for all the wastage of Mit wealth. A`tardea 'tarty organizea by Mrs. be- tauter long and be greatly' pincheth ecal We ought therefore, after the Itiar, to waa awaeded the Mili4tevrlyle3' Private Gavin Duffield, R.S.Fe who • medo; lot 1. Swage he deecribee the torture of wait. . mg or et S na s• • .. I whiCh h4 teek part. In clipping tan- - gr,ty. incryase or alertious Ana our bis Aght arm in - the Glerigarnoek. neirnegif- 1,thihie eti-eh°: 1 /113' opentQv na4dis 4: SI rttler rlubloil: ' realized 1 . an .0 have to Meet auything up• to 400 mil- conference on taxation of land values ' ilwey:b.asliN.V1:en they find cosh. other safe egter teeiline trenchea, wondering when the der 0 Charge ,agaiiist the enemy .will the a • th mat ut of our t' / weks ,, ' Woe iVorkshOps, mills, shipyards. and Unwise, D. le. Barrie, wee, We' must so organize end, eo work tenant of the Caledonian Ra assistant sunerien e I going through hell," • • . ' nee as to preatice our industrial Maxitetean. been appointed treffie superintendent lit is eVesing 'ht the ChamPaglA" " only What we have done before led The Edinburgh Parish Comic‘ii laa:velww161411'11113r113e.acitub::*°Ies'. ''°""ille#Iineelifl'aryst ' • the We must, if we are trzi prosper, do not as Dundee,. . inust greatly inereeee it. We shall agreed to send four delegates to ciao' • • • . •. . The -old ' _:;„,,tedtion; . . • a • 0:Met as 'far. Wirth. ee New VIgla*I14. •They- a. respeasan,te a_nd Workmen in e___•,.. : the ear away 'without doing this: the the upholstery. . with coversa of some . : • the gsdaut,_ but since some time 'ago . i.,70,$. precisely. known,. hecee KO at it would nee enable us to The. bication Of theewreek rttrade• ' Tari 'Reform• F°.aor.." pay for ....'P tc:.. es°1 rallidIS"' and the gre-a/ xParlSa. tIolladuirtr.r.-1,111TheTaWsti". yea° a. Watititicig-afteefo9r-vger':-.1v: kevs. •Mid -the Many ,shallOW bens .that, • - • - • ' ' '. • • ' - ' . -• . eiger be removed . by Washing time thing left to, go it to" elip. the emer erne< ;.. .4 . ‘,. . .. , .e.....• „ , .... e an ea . . . . . . , . Tar . . , .... . _ . Contact witli,ceidesir. causes ill water. car with loan and witter. . Need* put. over e ,. . . - • "t after; having .ir."4` protected •1. . . . • , I Nat 11 the incident was eegareled It would not help:. our, export troo a:17 • shallow water round. the . 'Florida. (lex to cue: iff 1Zeform, yes,. Protection; _ ..._ . . ... .. se . ..,...4 ."' • •' • ''' - "We have in a river -here .callea es Cloied. . .. i 1.2.--A&Veatie in e.bout ten! deptii-inueh itoo greet. to ,be reaelied. ealte consietent'for a belieVer in Tree orable eteid. ni-for renal ceoling.4 Each one. of teem. enoWs. whet: it I tectlon are iiot- the seine ehinie., It es "are little' tify .r.ted be tides afford feVe . . eMding to -the Monthly ereathet ,Itect'lleSanbes-e--;11'tilluhtii'5:sasst-th'a.litisll''es•ti:Inlifelle"a9nstle The ee.. Varnish:will suffer irreparable 'dam-. kind. . ' nine bridges 'Midges have :been, hoilt. .acreee ' wes.hopeless, inasmuelt as it lay' et a tin,1130 , .. if .and r it, the mieMY Suceeeded in .passing," , .. . . fa .be oleo a Teriff •Reformet. • e : • . his arias end legs to rifle ball's, ' to .. , TALES FROX RUINE,01RAN TAMIIAa...FOUNIt . - , i • le • d' •• ° • - • • - I Let us admire then the idate•-tif erfeeTredb e 1.4 te And ..how. are we .to meet all the . vieve-th. "•in " of fish , .. . , • • , . Sing the Undaunted spirit of the 'Jinni .naa Reached PI4Itaele °f °II- aPartmeht of, Mr. .Gib 0117' e '.., Secre rneenioue Jap fie erin , . • that. ever octurred in Floeide Was *etc -.. •. • to -night i inoter stood in front of the .. . ' ' De:legate- Inliabitantie ,... *ilea, Sari IJ' S.Niriter.,• tarY -of the• Americae Legations -I wesel lier &that lie inight.fish for -the -lest- Pressing -rieede, Of , "ert,en th. 0 •w.a.r."9:. - , • , a e a - 'Wet' 'peaceful lot--enote bandits - By fraticidal-strifeL-hetWeen:-. capital - . of January 12,1886 ,when -the lowest: • .. .- , • - -- - - : ,,.. : , 7 tOla long line 'awl 'anicer., lowered it to ....and laber.! ' Shalt imen .who have been. • le• fighting enle be- sideg: s beothers dure" West, 41 deg, •wgs reached-: Thou- sandseof 'benumbed fish were washed 1..anotriai'ishliied:-' I can. see that they • or•Lbarbarians or savagesg . looking for The 'following eee. stories told by a . The Bridal' array hei-artived; .after 'told that :he 'would cell. for the. -Spline ::porcelain. He feseened a live octopus '' teliantreture c-eVer--ObSerVectilik '• KeY' - ' - . - . - ,. * • at, sucAbois• !ii.orning.,:,. Gibson:and , the , s ---°k"' the enimal•waa drawn, to .tha-surfaee . 'ithe Wr,Cele elitieviaitekVlieleaslehgt the , are -ur .,angaish, that they're. to.rtmeed. by : thee -suapense, that •ieroi who are trying to reLoriv. we. Is. .7i• 'agoinst2Jinpreparedneas, the tendency Ito ti .taseyea.-W,Mnall"Plire.., , . .., mg ,the evar fight each . s st-4-°.•qt-er -:t7".- lishOre, and:vine:Of 'there Were 0th:ere' . 41..e inember-of• an American body of Work- two ' years of . a magnificent eteuggle ,..leb. Iginistereoed, that they', ere goieg ..„ Fierieet, '., ' ' '. . : . . ' ..• '. It is eeiching „. ite pinnacle • of efd-•' Sf!ani:01, Monster pleaded, tilt after 1 it brought with .it a wonderful veee..... ai 13y the, sacred Memory of the fallen,- ed for-feetilizers Nem KeY west ha`ii. iwonderTg:.,.3Arbetlr.r_.,.thFy• .,...VA • .jive:.....• ' tress of ' the •::,people of derastaten tbwaid" Muddle and hoed &Oil:let:Ince Oeteber lfl:.-.Miss °even wee h rem came to visit her o mother,d.va: German bC400tion S*6 Ilaughtet , ,was seeing:rig. her . n a • . , 1, had held -the. homestead elle theough hnpression era' brinke' 1:4ck "now Teem ' (Acer . .. ,... , ... . ' '.- - eh ' ' eneral nudiughtebut it was of-euseveil. The -ea then oetuples Noeth-weeterri Franee- . , . ' States weekly. . . , that temporaiee. trinsplanted- England . • ' end a 'Gerrikaii .effieme•literiefg of it ' big - discussions make one thirste.". , , Some. gay thait Miss-.Cayell, iatritefl ordered druilte, saYIngle , Tebesesehould be continuat,.. oxi . a more x , 7: the.arne Method.% As a result, :Ogee& , beotherhood in 'all reeks Cr auk army, !tanahM and systeni4iie 'sale,- Utilii-hig- piripefor; ho direeted that the fishing .,: • r , . . , . e-eeeeieeeeele.....the_eitiee.he which all our, officee's real- eSeirit of eceoperatiOn, confidence • and let; there he no -elese . selfincigh.teheesie , eit▪ her Mie. side ' or • th' ' :Th • " • the o er. "Ix: aatialda. ell,. •Ae onets, - ofsmallfiiiis71,1.fiehsh r,..,3711 cz:-.. e e h •g a d sh ilfi h d' d b th th ' racude and evenesharlis -: ...11.,ed greatie ma fish 'ineott2. . . eueeureeee through this terrilile euglit. • No ,one • , . - charge' can •appreeiate whet it means..,- •••• who has not .seen".. men ready for ..,e, et:g.:. 711 ;I; S'ewigas. !tet'AsneresWeliiirt•ed "A• French' youligvioirittlistraii, the eleneY, • eels' -,ailwri.tee in .a: Coifed The vase of eourge,-belortgecl. to the "a - - eaved " Butellesew.ae-i-oLeeo--• ' 'd ' • ' ' '• " • • • - - tent•-•.,spir' ' • " • • ' - ji -- •-•'-' -•-r ' . - • . ' . . 'ot" •e wed din • - , - - • not '-unraitieated 1.1,s. ---..t1 . --- - - - ' --- tia dsca-ne.••• Then rant . falls, in • :ter- „,,,,7-7-•-•„3--A--renta-to.--ada-10..tbe-gnesemA_Pi._141...„, darknese.• is ereeping.-ovet the sad 'Cattel enalheurV betaniealle`Getenues,'•.”- This, the reeeerethe.wor de .. ... • iiiiia: o e o G m . fl - -48-iii.-niore-g•-ed ererair-ba etW --- - '' -- " • • ' to ' ran "adeatints; -- : • ' • ' ' ' ' fi th -iiiic," ed ashore when the weather ,. • - '. • .. - •• • ' ' 'bad blown up the houie, .burneel the . his made its_ Manliness , efficient., The part of the valtnibleeergo- bed -been ,--17-4---an 'a mu • . furniture in the road ,and -sawed Old: nitiebleelike'efficieticy. of, the Gamen. . • . i . she* eeceteeeette • .. . . - ,.. - -,-- - . .. -It. of ourenen,g, vein trees in the orchard., „`It's. terrible!' Leen*, Which so everawedand alarmed • lime fehited. The Whole - cotintr is . •• - . • A Spread 4'00,- Feet.. • aPPF • _... . ._ , . r . • 4 'Vliich. our meii speak of their officers feet& (waters, arid they de little, -if any; :. . . • . sal o ma Ica e a parasi e-thae 'at- , . , - . d t ,: ,• dr f . 't • an alano,s,lerrro agoly. .-, --.-, , -.0 eeiation - ' 'a iration with - ' ' for - -1' ----' ' • -‘4•1'' ' •t" -ti ' . .......-, •• upt 'Why unb*PPYLMY gir ? „ ,. * , pa , *InItel itan is Matched . . *at thi•own ini. on the Florida 'beach be something otthe same snitit. arnong • - "Th: . . mere time' spent iii•evaite -- not The. pass - not 10st. ' -1 haVe , kept two. Chairs:I overmatched now eines rorreal,Iees ' .. , ,.. . . - . • _ ' ., not far .from„St. Aegustme, le was , . . . ue.et,horkie wl_ft.i.lrce coriies:.::•,..' ' . ' . _ 'kid th 1, hand grenades.ere passe she tried. - But 'the .01d Mother 5P0k0 eitk Araericans, who aim von. -Ithick : . .„In, 109 ono .of tlieee. inonstee ticeilpe ate beautiful. And. inspiring.. Letthere . .. , 'Aid With anetiir of dignitysehe ,seicle ;machinelike. ellicieney,. all -the more efe . :Natal s Gift to Gr.eat Britam. , . . i deed andliad been go knocked Elbe*. by I. I:call .my years liatk; I, geoWn• old.: ' • . - ;. , TIM Days .. • ..„.., . ekarthind to the mem Each eeceives gee 1 ablasee .' . e - , . . , , 'Be seatedf.',... 7 - " ,.. , - ..• • . '. ifeetive because it gives more play f -or: 'id:vices...hi the -last Mail' give ..the storms that nothing' was left of it sa-Ve I : . ':. -, ; WHALE s'SrlEAK.: : ..Recall tirin day hy ,day; ': . ' - ' 7. . tnto. Then 'the orciat 'Forwardr, , 10... "In Deeilly ..tvin Old - -women were individual • intelligence.. Above . ,all; report of a Masa' Ineeting;: held in the .the main t,reek. or the body, the tenta,l, . , -....:. -•.• .- ....,,.,,, -..-.7.. • ;. , ..• And some are. dressedei I tit' --' la haerd, and -Vire know , that • it is OM, • 4 ' lyirt .....,„ , •• t. ' a resolution in laver' of.. the re, , being gone :But the tough inuseilar 1 '. though- the ;Color is Darker Red.: ' : +A turn. . . "We spring out Ofethe teerich and *ng . e c o a go , • .: • • - ' ' ' " . walking along. They. haa a land rakee theee is Mageificent moreile-einetver- Townellall rOr the PurP9se ef. elahluit' ' deg and, eeVen: 'the 'internal ... orSehe ,Flerifiis Very 'Africk Like` Beef -Ale • And. sone in humble:gray, '. : :'' ' - . - : garden . Ole were taken by the Ger- see this hard; distressing:, . '"'"' i cent:proposal to send 1.0;00;11.. tong 0 oe "hull", cast up layethe eva,yea was! .0, • ' ... , . - ' " ' - • ' • And thosein gold glance' sec:riff-ally . .. . • r • 1 . 'i.into the darkness; ...We Seaga to he , _Mans,' they 0ttid; Init'eveliave,VireYed.thrOugh ilea vietorione end.. .' , -. e - .• feeds -tuffs to Britainia.S.,11..;giff _.ftem - twenty-one feet long nn five feet -.in ' .The. seas oolitaie .not only .an -iriele • greeted byeaeleedly 'fire; hoty strange,. ',... — . inade of - '. - d : • ood Our i- 1 resolution, animating all rank, to " al Giel to send us the " eds and' , .. e, . ; Britain -.the; imperturbable, Britain' • - • . . Natal, :- The Maybe presided. : All the, 'dikinieter,...It weighed Si* -tons! : - ' • • t -e. rel., gsh arid •erustreearesieleat also yast. - _A ci..t - . - - .1 ' li . .. . i haustibla supple of, food in the __form But those in gray come lose to Me . Or pass me unawares; • . , , tcheaestehsii.•er w. of tlifei4uncisepsusd. d;.:vn‘lYt They had Oveu constructeCalcind of ionsuo0s, - to • endtike 'defeat -without , ., . .- .,.. . . . xue .or toe. girs apart extort -its prac,- tura is .o ..• a e,• name -1 c opus 1' t I Y I ' : d 't '0 f:-- - ' (identities -of an -almost neglected form • . , . h d us and, yet, Perh s, ...the. enemy .1s. - • .inive. made- the ground . all teed'', l Who knows how to Wait without /wry- I , speaker's emphasized the • sentimental Professor. erii , , ,em „ •• . . • n awe myhands,- n t eirse. , wooden Spade. - ' ' - ' - • . "fluster has fauna rself . . • . . • . - e, A .-- '. •••"• • ' .* • tical -yalue, as it Woulkshow-Britain •gatitens, and estimated that . its eig , •. . , • . . , • . - - .. —7 ' • - • ' • ht' of nutriteent the ocean mammals, - or. , • • . , " Miler:luring' us oti ta. destruction, gi,:. . • - , .•osie-Geerison. . _ _ , _ • • and his wife who itsed. .,to own two., . • - . _ 0 • - • • • .- 1.t at ata .WaS . g ermmea' to s an . • en ac es Mug . aye beenfully . ee . ef:Calednida. :'..', . , the metheAttAa-te. the. end: Ie.wag. also long, 'giving the. animal' a "spread!' li -N 1 • d t ' ' t.' d b)•• t " t-- I- ' t IS MO f - t ee porpoises • • .. • • y . . . ,,• • . and delphinge. ' .. , .1 ' • B 'Id' Bi Ships • ' '• til the laet minute," shouts our cap,lk .• '''''D ''t'usas -our-hand earenades un— "Theies an old retied shoemaker ... • : ... : ...see__ .. , ,. .. • : warm-blooded Animals, end! as whaleae . ,, _ aps. en mg, g ps. • •, . , . . , ..,,--...—• . . . of Queen 'Mary Stuatt.' The", goId,t 4ugar, -One .'cup Maple ayralie one, agfCed. 'Whir, • that'e• a ..tiirr4i),• el. The Pacific Coast take a:eon-Ilk.' ' ' ' . - .; ' • . '. • ' ' • • roar I.: heard- the heaetrendieg cry " of ._ to be adapted ler tenning into. leather.' •lier.„ neweem, Mid everethitig was leve-,! . „ . . .. " • • . ground; and eow and then above ' Imileese ',They lived, in one; and MO -. ' • raIne** Relics that the:hmovehinent Wel.ildf ;-ril.are 'than. .. 1.,,, .. .,... . . • -. Th U 't d Stat B • • .. f ''• • e • ni. e es ureau . o Fish- . . . i . Details Of , 'Japen's Itrork tia haild• a taj'e' ' e, . . -.'" ''• . -- '''" ' ' : - exartnplei te peEr„ ape • ende A Capture of the Mach, •••*, of their .garden, 3rett there. All is eCaveedishe daughter. of the, Governor- 1 eahae. ..,, 1. nt er par s 0 the . mpire, an . 11S, • . • , , or o is . .. 200. feet:. , . : • . .. . , . , ,, of these : .attaiials for human' food. • eries advocates the use; 0 the meet greet ieerthant, mai .fleot. are,. eori- . . t .„ .. . . d . etiele just printed. in ,the i ' destroyed by the Geemariseenot a stick ... en ra , o . ep am ae. . n os ,.. ''''' t elthou h 'a niere disin in the ..• ocean ' . • • ' • , , Their fieshis real "meat" "In -eleven:. - "Jus.t.then'o: ourtain of fire rises he- '- rent of the other; "%dal the oreducthl. The recent marriage. of lady Maudleis, d ••`31t on their hacks, But 'the old ,coet,Ple- ing Moy Halle.the Mackiritoeh's place : : woula ultimately' prove • of a, greater e • . . • si nificence, Everitually • the' Mayor • • ..r.i• minusing • story of . a 'Highlander theugh the Color .„is 'e darker •red: eticl , not East and West News.' . . each. exceedieg 1,000 tone,- and with*. fore us and the bullets whistling past our, ears. V1,1*.are eunniug forWard de tfi° 1. '.- ' ' etor Se cot h . . of furniture Ikt, and only the clothes calls ' calls some intekesting facts "volieern-t- . .g. . .. .. • . ,"1 ..A.- iIritish..inilitary..inuinal•.relates euer ',•,; it is 'Very Much like beef, al-, ' large 'shipyards in. japan 189 .veSsele, ' kiG d I t C -t • M'klt lir • .littee the -spirit 'or old Feauee.. "If. I.;,in.Ineerriesia,shire.: The chief' features g I Suomitted .ilie resolution, :whim: w e. ' as ‚who, . on 'being, shown .. over a rrien-..' ,---- -Through-the efforts. of 1.1.S: .Bureau at aggregao tonnage of 948,034, ale on _none' , Shells are _bursting 41 mond : - -- • - - e - e peen eearrie _ - ermeirreous y..., e iprOcee 7 , k.e.• i #. , a - '''.• ' 1 - Th '..- • .• e. I War for' the first.'tiine ill.. his lifei-'wai. i etdy Juere.tedin .01 he saw..: Th - . - - - • . - , these vessels are. read for 1.atihehiSe; - ti• • sg Fisheries it is arobable that fresh; the ways," e AA, The fingers of inY right hand are e coined and. eanuea whale • meat , cant Y .. e , shell an . I drop rilY tin) only to stoop "--aar sr) singed by the fire,. of an. exploding . . ,. had -tools and leather,' Sag. the Oldlegthe house the hill and library.. . .. the article says, . M got theft for 'him.- He is cobbling for; Charles' time, and in thelibrary itap'cial j•mannes seemed artidelarl ' 4:- ' ' imw - • ,--- • , - • • ;tti '1'7- - - ' • • , - - -While ' ethers,- have . just been " laid • ' es • - ' , .. -, - ••5 P . . Y • -0 . • soan he -obtained ate e market. . . • . - ; . . - , 'all the folks,:ittid- doing -Well.: Bat Il the table on which the Priect dinedsseee• e _se 44,,,,, . . e se ..e..,... I press" hirn, and, going im to orie, lie, . - . -- - --. - • - _ _and, pick .1.1,. up ,again., . The fire b. -conies. Man, ,`I could support_ my Wife'. Wo; In thehall are curioug rehes o , ee ,.i. . ngs, which tbroigliont. wereemoat eft.' .. - '.-etat it W4lori414-6171-,... ,,t,,.2tt...t.-41.4.4r!'144-41.14:-: tn.irfete-Ako.:47, th',:lihratti7-A7Z---7- si-lagingee.' -"ne 'e''',!4.9 -.1.1f. . no' .s • • painted- to.•-ths-hadge-on the me . s statams on the Pacific.-Coeste.wheie Whales are talcen at sever 1 h e o .." . - ' - • ' • , a s, or ._:_.--............,-----. •.' • ' •• se strong ;that We betehieblicided: by • ".. ' • thusiastie iv.ere 'commented and cim- , . # • . '7‘.',6"iiiiirifirfieSlilietlie-a-gfr-OVIIr -'-,Ittenteltnnotri-mmed-ftqP4--1•";:-.-tti•-•••-•1:2•1:•:L-:•••-•:-....4.,:-•:....• .•-• •c.-"PTL4-4-41'11'1.1•1"1-4-"°41.14-..1.41,41#1-altAl.--11,411er.*IStrAi.t.-'..:P:r1, , ,.,..,.. ,. .:.'s.2. MS :mistifief:,.;• ti .:our-niort_haeolne_ separatede none • are ,Said, to 'have belonged terayal an :. -: - ' • - - ., ' ' . .. - .. eirealfifeefrera-bus to score' on tilei-yisl• theabonee and itdoh,:nte wed:to-rim= 7-7tor Mittit*:71-4t1;94-KOKiia-o-U.:'•knowirie just,Where he is goinge 'Here , • .7 Pope Leo.X.IO King Jemes. V., feehe.r I ie - Made Irmo' •-theee .-. cups 'of brown ' ' "Don't you 'know 'whet it is.2". Ire .ektent.'for-feetilizer.; •the skin ••icarris had just delivered the 'fair .cueteanee. .- :eiltb4e.-41-thti0.14-4---1--.;;;:e-a1:12-41-.....ak.:4-.1- ..' .ZeniniY was sontimially beastieg of forms of men falling heaiilY to Trthe - The ramify Mansion. - - ceetores One of these tFas -given . by, ,-; A. geed earely, for sending...overseas itOr, looked at him in sutprise. , • . • • 1 ila 1 , : : i • h - f , re.ain - "Moir repl,ied,.the .Scot, impati-nf-, wound. • • ' .1. '• ' - • ' ' ' ' . • . . • . .. . plaae-ia Ireland-, became verytired.:of -11, 'see .ibragys.,,Jamegr. 71.1!.. Preaentectia:pinc. o . . tbe sWorfi to The Mackintosh, and the! of tartar. Boil untd.yoo get a fairly ly, "I was , no ,axing ,aboot ver heid. -, e of which furnishes about five tons el • hOwever, when he ieeieved a .teleplione some one .who had received his death Ilia "fernihr mansion iii, the Mild coup- . • f • ' 11 ' . siderablentenher of the ariiiimis,•eacie , , He had ectiecely. entered the office, try." 'Pat, .who eerie from the -game watch of . the letter:is .alSo preiierived i milk, ' better half the, ilze. of .an egg, :course .. . , • -. ' . ' . • ed: : • . ' ' .. other belongedTto-:01a.tlep' T., tifellist l•firm .bilt.when..yon try ' the :mixture. -.. -....",* , • . . ing • I de efiesh whale Meat - :"I thought You told'inethat this car' .. • . . "Forward!" shouts thir caPtain. ' • ''• •' It, and -with. Withering scorn exclaim, , exCellent meat.; . st May :one whals Call; She Beide-- , :.• . • ... , , judo, e• teem havd toached down ,the•niner•at.raoy Hall marches around Pthir intoetins lined With. waxed paper tender.- - Skin and 'clime MO ,quarten cents A pound, and mati of the hotel- , . , _ eh cubei. • Make a white sauce. Sea/ and restaurantssierved : it under its . . . . i'.."So it is,". replied the Salesinan. --.'" "We .eke running' like mad now, . ,.. . ' x: lie 'does the. sante after dinner, • • , we.sr, • ..... .. son.. Adcl'the.beets and reheat, .. ptoper name. • Ita; a...self-starter In- - - 4 ',:.,: _ . '. "Nothing et the, sort:. I 'have -te 'Seri etline •S We:Atli/tibia-. over ,the . bo dip 4 ... - - Of 011r comrades, litit thdre is he stepe - oyer lawny eneesiee eilei Aimiset king horn. inScotlan4....EVery morning , in cold water... Beat until fairly thick. Creamed: Beetse-gook, beets .until. on sale in Seattle: 'arid Portland" et Vie MO hAtidt' _ - . . - ' push a button to make it go." ..' - .. ----... : hearts are thrping wildly, in our ,. .• ping: • Our breath is. coining fait," our breasts, our blood is gauraing. at the titireney ale put the Ader_ 'out wid the house,playing "'Johnny Cope," and or into. AMOY laoxte lined in the spne in Cie 1.1 fi 1604. 40.13higa Irrettlitietk-Speed4113C-940:...4}t14....,Ve 114 111 We are now Re DWI posseasedi Ave A •••• • •••,adeamingumilleillItit .111W1-nf.32/f/Sr..." I. 'JEWS lorgotten all onr.fears. and all . • e. e .. we wart now it to nieet..the enemy -14f:tee-to face; 'v -e ire lusting for blood:. "The German trench, is before us, and we all plunge.in; but the Oerrnans a 4 have flown; the trench is empty. Wo , Etop for breath and look about tts, It .,- seems all like a dream now and, we : greet usaeb otherlike lappy am -troll: • 1 - "What o you, my . friend?. Thank ; God, you ore unhurt, Have yeti sten i'Otir captain? WEat has become a 'him? God, what inuSt we not all , go ' - . , 1 "We remain lit the trench and tell. - - • 01 our eeperienees. . The cries of the i wounded luwe ceased, but the roar of „ „the guns.has increased, We no longer •; paraey tabneydiavtoternytitoirnedt,ethe andtuneoripieWe n. osit 1 • at the. bottom of thetrench, vr.aiting for a wink of sleepP, • xi00000.