HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-12-06, Page 3•.•-ee. •
Coutloctod by Professor Henry 0, Belt
The objet of this deparernent Is to .plece at the elpf*
vice 'ef our farm reedere the advice of an acknowledged
suitioritY nn ell eubjecto pertaining 4o soils and wipes •
Ackirese all questions to Professor • Henry G. Belli in
Sire of The Wilson Pubilehlree CerneanyriamItod, Torontei
Ind anawart will appear in this column in the order
vibleh they aro received. As space lo limited it Is ;idyl*
able where immediate reply Is necessary that a stamped
addreseed envelope bo ,oncloosel with tho ceigeetIon,
wheo the enewer will tie, mailed slireeh. •
tialclent ,War -Time AgricnIture.
Ono of the irations thtat,''on acceant
a its location, has had to practice
strictest economy i Holland. The
Dutch have eilivaye been iu the lead in
frugality. ,e •
Little Helland-in area only (me-,
-twenty:fifth that of Ontario -main-
tains a popialatien nearly equal to
Holland-etheehome•of the dairy cow
_ has .dorte_wondera_ire_the direction
of maintaining and increasing t e land
which the noble littionation, with al-
most- sifiperliiiman energy,. wrested
from the sea, -Every 'bit of stock
manure is carefully returned to the
land, The Dutch maintain over
2,290,000 head of cattle as well as
eonsiderahle ether liveEitock. As a
consequenee Holland haa a great
source of Planefood in the livestock
manure. . •
In addition to thishome supply of
plantfood•••,-the livestock erianure-
Holland imports large quantities of
feralizers, Holland is nsually held
as an example 9f a land in which
fertility- is 'maintained by the keepipg
of eattle. .It will surprise those who
have made this claim to knew that
Rolland in 1914 imported 883,198 tens
of fertilizers, -carrying nitrogen;'
phosplatric acid and potash, millet
to supPly 81Q peUnds.of feetilleer to'
each cultivated acee. • ,
The Dutch government repently
placed ordets for 40,000 tons of acid
Pluisphate although, singe- the war
broke out Holland has_irinforted ferti-
lizers with great difficulty. On one
shipment which wasloading at an
„eastern U.S. port recently, Holland is
Paying. fetiellipterteti-freighteforaidd
Phosphate whieth. .carries available
phosphoric acid; on smother shipment
ehe paie $34,00 kion freight.
Does it pay? '
Let the- average yield of crops per
acre answer. - ,
Crop . Yield per acre.
. Holland, . Canada.
Wheat 39 bus. • 19.3 bus.
Barley 45 , bus. . .31.2 bus..
Potatoes 290.2 hug. 186 bus.
Such yields in this country would
meanepaying rates of interest on
money invested in high priced fare
tand.s, It would mean a growing.agri-
culture, commensurate With the
growth of the Canadian population. It
is good business! •
MENU not only more digestible, but infinite -
cream d Dried Spinach Soup ly more pelstablarthen. when it is ook-
Roast Chicken with Cern.-Bree4 Stuffod'ois long sus is customs**.
ing Conhinetiso SAW
BeloxfPotatoee Oderless Cabbage BIiee theett beotertiete, ,ene large sp.
COnabination Soled. Plei addl. cup minced celery. Pour
• over all the follovving French dreg*"
Spoon Pudding
Meek Mince Pie
Coffee Mix well half a teaspoonful each of
This Christlnas dinner, festive pepper, mustard, salt and powdered
enough for.much happier Says than sugar, and add one teaspoonful of
thofx, to, orivgpez1 , entirely, of war. . vinegar and twq tablespoonfuls, of
tune dishee. * olive -oil. . A •feW walnuts eprinXed
Cream of Dried Spinaeir Soup over the salad are an improvement.
Soak one-half pint a dried spinach ' Spoon Pudding
in a pint of water for two houra. Add . Beat two egv with two cupfuls bell -
one small onion, finely chopped, and ed rice: Add one teaspoonful salt;if
hooked, end Cobh for one hour. Heat therice is unsalted. Mix witli three -
one: Piot of milk to the boiling -point fourths cupful cogikeneart one 'Scant
and thicken by adding one tablespoon- 'teaspoonful soda, three cupfuls but-
ful of flour mixed in a little cold milk, to-milk.or sour Milk. Take butter
• To the thickened milic•add the spinach the size of an egg,, mix in part a it
and the water in which it was cooked, nint put the rest in' the pudding:dish.
strainak outthe coarse pieces by Bake ahout one-half hour in a zned-
pourrng a Colander, Salt him Oven' and aarVe hot -with butter,
and Pepper to teste. • ' . like muffins Ot corn bread. This recipe
' • Corizbread Poultry Dressing makes 'enoughfor six people..
Mix two cupfuls stale corn -bread Mock Mince oPie '
crumbs, one cupful of ground, peanuts 1: cup seeded raisins, 2 cups finely
op chestnuts and a pinch of sage, Add cut apples),.2 tablespoons chopped. beef
bastng is usually sufficient to keep it spoon ginger, 14 teaspoon salt, cup
moiatbrown sugar. .1)
* Odorless Cabbage „ Wash and dry the raisinsrput them
Cabbage sheuld be put on the stove through a 'food thopper,• place' in a
in water that is already boiling hard, saucepan with one cup of water, and
and cooked only' eighteen minutes, boil for five trtinntes. Remove from
'without a lid or cover, There will be the fire and add the rest of the ingre-
absolutely no odor of its cooking iriellients. When cold, it is usedin the
the • house It should be served with same way as mineemeat. This makes
plenty of butter and seasoning. It Is a very good mincemeat substitute.
Muchof the success with 'foals next
spring deeds upere the, care dad
management, of the brood mare dur-
ing the winter season. •
We must emphasize exercise, 'No
• breed mare •can do justice to herself.
" d•-lier-Offspringeif tied. by the
. in a •narrow s a •ay en an ay q
. If she is, to raise e strong, healthy foal
next. May or Inner perhaps eitrlier or
leteee She inteat . gee a reasonable
amount of exerciseiand the more of it
She e the better, pri3vided it Aye-
' eEttch, Ow, if there Is no light work
or light teaming for, het to do, she
should terned, out. in a yerd, not
with younger horses or those likely to
kick: in play, but where she can exer-
• cise quieelyand, ezimolested. Four et
Ave hours'a day, when the' Weather is
right,will do her good but if sb:e is to
. be Willed out when the hard Weath'er
conies_she_sllentd. be kept Sheep shod;
at least in front. ' Almost as surely
as a mare 'felje an abortion results.
. This Inuit be- prevented and -preceur
Aionarrmeasures must be taken early
in. the season. • : '
Some keep •their • mates shod all.
, • around, but,sharp shod behind, theie
. is gome danger, particularly, with a
meee that is inclined to be cross when
• :with foal; of ether animals getting
. ,
kielcecti• " • •••• "
. Good rolled* oats and clean hay are
as good feed as can he given, but the
e grain ration sheuldnot be heavy. Keep-
the:mete :in good thrivh:4 conditipn:
Some Clain that addieg a little wheat.
to the .oats helps; but this year wheat
is so high in 'peke that Very little
could be profitably used. Give ..the
*eraser -tie toots' each, day; a good big
turnip at noon,or Carrote if you have
. them, will tetito 'keep her digestive'
tract ht lt•liealthy conditron, .
For: 00i1LTRv, GAME,
Plegule write for particulars.
• i!teleeeret Om,
se Wiiisciackitie, ;laciest, llontiiiar
itTENT-Yiltla- MENTION -
some aevico you thought of
tor .your own use rimy be valuable.
Soolilet of is:formation .free. •
Stanley LiglitfoOtlegskrtegag
I G E ff:q
220 Paul St, vir. • eaontreal,
It t rli
enCe,- nfOn ma. of -Canada-
' I2 -:you tali to attend '
DECEMBER 9.. : •
Lesion X. Ezra and'Nehemialt each
T.he Law-Neb. 8, Gold.en •
Text, Psa. 119. 195. 7
Mother* and daughters et all ayes aro cordially Invited to write to.this
department, initials only will be publlehed with *rich question and its answer
*sans of identification, but full name and address most be given in sok
'ettsr• Writs on one- old* et paper onik Answers wilt be mailad Oiriagx It
Stamped and addressed envelops le enclosed.
Address all correspondence for this deportment to Mrs. Helen eeiwe 235
Mee Toronto. ,
. Lulu; ---1. ' Three little plays for Chit- Childt;en's, Stories from Pickens, The
(ken'sacting, whicb are good patriotic Water Babiee, A Child's Garticu of
stuff, are ; A Canadian Fairy Tale, Verses, The Real Mother Goose, The
The Making of Canada's Flag, and Red Book of War, Anne's Ileuee of
The "Itey to Jack Cal -luck's Treasure- Dreams, Under Freneh'e Command.
house. 2. A Scrim curtain in white Then there is the 'Every Child Should
' or ecru is inexpensive and inakes ,a Know" series, a collection of unusual .....1.40b04 Liciewa 1.,ibere. / st cm *li-
very dainty curtain -for a bedroom. A merit, that holds the interest while it wayo icel that sl-ao did not Love a fair .
little Cress•etiteh border a pink and educates and broadens .th.e.;c1rild'e eiemeeee.- e •
blue ribbon that comes especially for mind: They are welrillustrated. The Cen't you do Something to warn par- '
embroidering 'finishes off the series includes: Birds , Every Chia -ones, SP- 'Caw '67111 not make -the 'Beene
In .i.... ..i. malle-uP, scrim curtains Should. Know, Legends 'Every 'Child mistalFe? .
n ------------
Advice to Parents
By Dr. Leta Sad?er. _
1 have a very interesting letter
which I wish rut,thers and fathers to
Pear Dr. Faller: I have velr
sad story to tell. My daughter, mho
is just 17, has gone aAray. Gor-
row la 'beyond expression and my re-
gret unbouraded. When she 'mean
going out both her father and I were
hard on hcr. no it all now. We
jumped at conclusions and oft= ac-
cused her needlessly, and repeatedlY
threw thing e up to her. regret it
all now, but it is too late. She is gone
Ican 13e bought. linith draw-wotk bete Shoplcr Kneive 'Famous Stories' Every . • . . 3., ,j,l, 0, \.
dors. These are pretty. Potted Child Should -Know,. lieroeS Every' This4-mother and father fully ,in-
fwiss curtains are as sweet and dainty Child Should Eriow; and many otherstendepvlieu tblS yeueg women An -
as can be. A tiny border finishes off A splendid book on the.war is "The tered iker teens to do all in their
the edge of -Live.. Figured lawn, too, Children's Story of the War." It is •power to -guide hoe* aright. But, just
is PrettY if there is a. plaixewalipaper beautifully illustrated. • 3. °learner- as th usonds of' others haw done,-
the;reezn.. _Otherwise use_ plain garble is coninosed of beef fate and. they . iled-utterly- failed rn the' at-
unflgured lawn 3 The Tale of Two vegetableliitE'''SYN- "egetahle'faWier. tempt-to,pilotthe-fraiLhark into -the
Cities and DE,,,vid Copperfieldi .meant those made from cocoanut, pea- haven of beautiful and successful we- ,
ens, very carefully read, might help nut olive and refined cottonseed oile. manhood: *1- •
to improve one's English'. 4. "Mother," 4. Thewhite of an egg added to thin What 'Careless Wards Did ,
by Kathleen Norris would be a suit- cream will make it whip -more qvickly *ant to give you en =twit ex -
able ,gift for a girl of eighteen 5 and will produce a thick, fluffy creampkience widrlt 1 followed. through. A
One of the most welcome gifts to the • Inquirer. -l. Patent leather is not lovely girl grew up quietly in a little
military hospitals in England and recommended for .childree's shoes, village until she was 18 years of age,
France are suet) books which serve Calf is Much more durahle, 2- Itheille when suddenly she decided to run
to entertain men who are too Vveak to for Trench Cake: Mix a quarter Of a away ,fraia home, deelaring she was •
enjoy reading very much. They are .cup of butter, 1 eup brown sugar! 1 old enough. to do as she pleased.' She
coaded beetle a iter friends that
she was going to Chicago with a man -
who *as doling the work ef fireman
on a. large trunk line that ran through
her village. • , . •
A quiet Dirtationlaci gradually de- •
trumpets was observed in poste,xilic Made on 'sheets 48 x 27 inches., folded cup boiling water, 2 cups seeded raisins
three.times, and form a book of six-, and half se teaspocee !Mit in a sattee-•
Judaism., (Lev. 22. 23-25; Nam 29. '
1-0),' ' . teen pages, convenient in e size. The an bring -to the boiling point and
Veeses 3, 4. describe the reading of book is tied together at the back by • a boil •for five minetes;. cool and add
the law. 1VIidday--.-The excessive heat bright colored ribbon The cover pie-, 1 teaspoon Powdered cumarnonel tea -
made continuation impracticable; the turfs of the book is colored, and, the. spoon Powdered 'ginger, Ya teaspoon
noon hours a iim9 of rest in the hooks contain pictures, beth black 'and powdered mace 1 teaspoon soda and 2.
. 4 veloped, and the fireman had planned
orient. . The reading was received colored, little anecdotes, very 'sheet cups flour sifted together;' beat well; with her for the ."plunge" All that
with clogeet attention. Pulpit -The 'dories,' short poems and jokes. The pour into a well greased and papered{ the friend. said ' or did had not iiie .
. t b I dstraight' a . ' '
pictures mus 0 p ace on bread ban and bake ma slow oven for I slightest influence-. •As the train bore
author has in. mind a wooden plat -
could be stecommedated-
form on which a dozen or more men each page, as many men would be too eine hour. e. Obtain. comm
• Verses 54 give <ex more detailed • ee *
weak. to..turn thp. book around to see lizer from the florist and apply to
Market Calendar, t d ' 'd • 1 It Ict
description of the -reading. Book- a it re pas e en.ei ewise. .n. select-. your Christmas cactus. 4. Woli
Betterroll; this, he opened byun- Mg the pictures, one must remember, be Much more satisfactory to send
see 1,2 narrate the getherieg of rolling it. Stood up -As a mark of course • that theY ar for grown yourwhite velvet hat to a cleaner ,to
-. cif , . .
ople. Broadlijace--Equivalent respect.; they were about to hear of men, and not for children. ' be dry cleaned, than to attempt to do
quare" or '"plaza;" the terve is divine message •(Judge 3. 20), Amen Mrs. L. Q. S.:-1. To cure your hoy it youtself, 5. All. fruit jars should be
4 to -the open squeeeeendae the -The Word means "firm" or "estab- of bitinghis-nails, apply tincture of •enclosed in Paper bags before being
ate-usecleasee--Market-Plaee-andelishedeeethee response' expresses- the.,,abees to:theefinger' tips after each' placed- in lhe fruit Cephosird. • This
er; pie ic ga , ermgsa er peep e s approve . i ing 1 -The waVitirrefetlie--handi.--27-Goricteboekr keepii-e-1.-ars:-.W.-diilIttifif;xittatautbas.
i-Oin Neb. la, 37 one may infer attitude of .PraYer and adoration for children are the following:. Alice's 'cludes ;the light, this preserving the
his was tempa: gate '..irea,.ne the'•
rated A•ceor& eastern •(Exod. 17. 1themselyes;" a p
1). WorshippecleA3etter; Adventures in Wonderland,. The Pile celei. ef--the feat ste wellf,as the frau and several good people coululibt per.
the Talmud it derived its nanie 'homage. Verse 7.contains:the ee
ames -riats Pra ss' Robinson Ci.uso' itself. • - - . euade her to recall, her threats. She
the le a"prostoSition of ''g
the fact that through it water of Levites who assisted in. inter.: , declared she would kill herself if her .
arrie(1-44oni-the-virgin-ipe reting-4.1*--law.:4 parents were notified.
While the demand for first quality
Poultry 18 unquestionebly keen during Ver
December; it is not 'Bitch as to witr-. the pe
lt th
rant all producers Selling ee poet, to "s
tr they have for sale., - applie
Almost-invariably-the,morith 1
'Januar*, February and March offer
much more lucrative pricesgat t
It as a 'great mistake to conclude wall,
that becauseethe cold weather- is 'here jug -to
the fowl Will not be pestered with ver- from.
'est aseineeheneed,for was c
protectinethe foWl from .these' pests the te
her away to the, city and to ruin, a
social worker•iu 'Chicago was wired. to .
meet bur at a suburban station. The
girl was met, tehen from the'erairt and
whisked he a eab• to the home of a
Chrietian Woman. •
Se possessed was this girt with the
idea of throwing herself away that
the captain of ,police was asked • to .
Of the polies caPtigin, a. magistrate
singing for all he was Worth. ,,
' waniseeeteemeetereour--par-t
9 WhisPered Mrs. 'Bull.. grog, pointing
to Doctor Bull Frog.'
. they we both looking, Rov-
er, thehig dog, started dorwn'the bank
Ofthe peed and- Docter Bull Fregliati
"•• The liaPpy• Frogs. " • • to dive into' the cool water with a
' nye% of all thingat-• delighted "Cher-eprieuinnkila"uglied..'m• st‘e.r
I am to see you, 1VIrs. Bull Frog, Mid -Bu'll Freq.
"It (Ida not pay to make too -much
noise in this world."'
AnI what do vou think?," That night
1Vlistei.• and ltirs. 'Fr ogi Weald- not
let ,Deetele:Blell, Frog to their
mple on the feast of taheriaieles.. translation of .verse 8 sligg4ted above
now as there! eiTer.wee. .- • - Ezra -In Egra.7. 1-5 the genealogy of brings .out the thought more dearly.
- There are still aerie poultry. keepers •Etraeis traced bit& to Aaron: : . Ao- Ezra read from the hook suitable sec -
who think that if an exerninatiOe - ot cerdiog to Ezra re. 7, he eanneeto twee, tot the evleeleemek; then these
the body flesh of the fowl beneath the 'Jerusalem in the seventh year of king sections, :read 'distinctly, were inter-,.
Artaxerxes, who is .geneeallf thought pretedhy hen or by the Levites who
••wings does not reveal the presence of to be the first king ' bearing that were with hiin.on. the platform; as a
. 'benne, who ascended •the throne in B. result, everyone &Mid get the Mean -
lice that there are tione.pieseet., This
is a big mistake:: The place to look C. 465; which would' inake the date ing. . . : • . . . .,
Verses 9-12 portray someof the et: how -is' that good husband of years?:
Je,hoyah mutts,. his_serviee, .. • ' Doctor, 1.3ull Frog herd -called to ego
dicated te:
feets produced.. Hply•Thet is, de-
Itbeingthe first day of ehe month-, it IVIrs; i'ill•'F-rc`g 411d pass °e thil'e"°
bratiOn; as alr_eady .sug : Now, Mks. Bull Frog, Who was
en the -4 Okoat cautiously said,
was the day of the riew, moon cele- 6, Y•
WO -the -41aWhiuhtlgehtee-dieffitSt'woafs alWaYS- - ° r -
"1 thini Ye4ras-gate doWn.to.getesoni.
trumpeteweeeohservedenoweit acepair-e music,- tor thie eveeitgee--:1700, kilo,
ed a new sanctity because of the, read- We. ;lie going 36 have a 'noise party
ing of the law. Meilen not --Religious- at our house to -night.. Everyeneeeyhe
festivals should be occasions -of reioie-- cannot .siiig has been invited." ' '
quirements of -the law the peoele saw aw-.1 ...,"I didn't -get an invitation,, replied',
ing. • Wept -;-In : the light' of the
their sins. more clearlyr hence .the the " d t itti g down in it
g o • oe ori s n
for lice is above the Vent; and the .best , of .'Ezta's ,jeerney B.' 0..458. There,-
-Way te rid a lowl Of them is to applr!. are serious. difficulties in the. way of
at little salve composed -of--one pare ,accepting this: ,viesw.; _OenSequently
of blue ointment to three -parts of others !identify- the king with 'Aetax-
Vaseliee to the place mentioned. . One. erxes O. 404-469)4 if so, Ezra
uld have come to, Jeruselene in
applicatien' of this is • Vertheaedozen4°
ifeeif `'E 'vest eeehiiteneheilter-
natio& and not one:tenth as expen
• . - , - . .Nehemiale ae is -suggested -met
• • • on- text, he Mat have rn.ade the trip
Iepoultry keeperswould realize how before B. -C..4804 and many hold that
effedrive'this ointtnent is; there .Wmild his Work *as done in connection With
•be very little erouble. frOrn body lice. the second • admiiiistration of. Nehe-
Get ..the: druggist to, mix, it -for You. miah, about Be C. '432; • SCilhe-In
!Apply:once every month or MY.,' andIhe postexilie thnei•the title "scribe was
expense of keeping fowl free of Vet, applied to the expert interpreters of
min:will be reduced to a 'minimum, • ' the leve (eimpare Ezra' 7. 6). *Lew of
Mons -The extent of •the law read
- Poultry hive the out-of-doors. -Turn .
theni loose when the eVAther Mee hold t
and they well gain in vigor. " 'nese
Some fowls are more thrifty than e. p
others, and it pays to sort out, pick the "P
over and. work up the flock, cantle,
The. Mistake is too often -made of sent ,
Wintering more hens than the quarters
warrant.. . Nothing! on the farm is
Mere- prefitablo than, hens, 'provided
their house is large erieugh to aedom-
modate them 'without 'Crowding. •
Success is. a thing of many details.'
Not one of these small matters can be
left out or neglected and the fowls not
suffer'fciret. • 's
tears (compare 2 Kings.. 22. 11,.-19). chaliewhieheyas' ote_tsmall for hien. aia
Fat . ..-. . sweet -They were to eat .• getting up With a jump. . ,
--d drink thehest theycould et. it "Of course, you didn't. The very
ra lea matter of chspe.te.• Some wee; an occasion. of -rejoicing not; of. idea! .No orge'is invited y.rho can s g
hat it was tile Pentateuch in its fasting.. • Sand portions --The poor.; You Might e•orne around liteer in the
nt forth; others; that it was only ,were to have the .opportenity of ree! afternoon and sing for els, and if, we
art et the Pentateuch known as joieing in the spirit of the occasion I decide
riestly Code." While the questita (Dent 16, 11,. 14). Joyof Jehovah.-, that Your yeiceis bachthee. we e
the definitely decided, to the pre- That is, the -joyethey have or take ii„...! wili let yo,e. virile to Our party." Mrs;
writer the fernier' seems the more Jheohvoavhahh. as ``9,4setrtohnagt rfeojoritcrewths , infr.Tome.,1 111.1!..,_lhF!'„g ' ir-al---.4/41.1.. tie--...k'e.e13.: fi7:11:"
which he can rePel all. adversaries." . ..;Now, it so .happened that all tne
Verse.11 is hi the nature of•a par- !Frogs. Were anxious to have seine one
enthesis; it it states that the Levites; on the lookout, as the men Wenp: moW
succeeded in. quieting the people,' Hold ling in the next flia and Rover; - the
your peace ---Do not weep aloud. The , big dog feint. the -house came around
made ,the day an eccasion of regpicing ra all jump
people did as they were told; they evei sa often and Made the
•.because they had entered into a new . into the pond and be very,:- yery still..
understanding of the law of Jehovah.Yell s,frogs .are alWays quiet, Where
eei s. nem, and when- you" hear
them ssinghig. away,. "jegeteunp!
Sliger•-emp!" whileanother answers
... Doetor Bun ..H.rog was so .a.tit,'--Wa-s---- ;,-.17--,,
•f`Knee=deetil* Knee-deep!" '-ife
knew that allis well. ien may
' • .. .. .
:--S-osited-hl ,e,lieeei„ ...
" gukasted-for terfvdaYs..-
finall3r • broke down •and airly .
creamed Out between" outbursts of e
tem ,arici sobs: *•01,.simply,emet help
iee, I've gate de iti Ali my life my o
Mother has told inc that t was going. , to turn .out bad. No Matter .what
would happen at home, if I broke _
dish or went out with 7r:tune people
and remained. away een minutes later
than 'I -was .told to, it . would always
he throw,up te me: 'Qin some day
you'll turn out 'bade.' I have heard it
untileI-aniesick et it and soniethingjl
Within- in -seems le'pias ner;ori anct •••
on, teiling ine 1 lutist turn out bad!'
Of- Course; ',this-. girl was- per.suaded
, Fee4 according to age. Yining- birds
use the feed .giyen .thein in illEdting-
and slie• of body. Or4rn:111311,ens
probable view; (see F. C. EiSelere. The
Books of ' Pentateuch, p0,: 247-249):
Priedt,,Ezra was both priest (Ezra
7. 1-5) -.and .scribe (Ezra 7. 6). :Hear
with.enderstancling-Or, ':"who were
capable of understanding, what they.
ifeard;". that is, children.' The as-
sembly consisted of nien; -women, and
children. First day Seventh
menth-The day on which the feast of
*Through the year I save the shining]
'bits,. net for regular'enesents=dear;
take it for'egg eroduction; while old no! For extras -last-minute editionst
ones are more apt to turn evikything: , „
' agents--beforeC.kistraae Or send
. Christmas -Pre' paretiness.
. , Mrs. B.A.. Roberts.
Hew strange that when Christnuts
terries every year; as sure as taxes, eo
"feW-d--1.1i-;prepare for it 1 -have it
teeked away In my brain all the time
and it inakee a Worth -glow ronnd My
owers to .t ear . a y 0 oo,s
lonely, or ...play a lit le ja e. n a
friend,?.. Yes! but 'your.' regular
money reruees. to stretch t• Never
mind,justhave a Christmas bank.,
- _ Myibig ..,Envelop.e_holtia my 011
ings from the magazines through the
yeat • The pictures jokes* and verses
hertrt whenever I think of it. . ._... are great to illustrate my ristmas, •For some reason there is A to,ndency make. .
.. I have a }lag, .a Beht, a Bank, a Book, letter* Make the place -card& "differ- for the Milk to be richer in fat due- By and • by along ceme Mrs. :Bell :
a . big Envelope and a .Club, all for ea," or. the. Wrappings •Ou my pack- frig tole 'etticather and 'to beconeepoor- Frog's husband,.:Wiggling his: big eyed.
Christmas, '-Nir Bag ii! of Pretty silk. ages unklue' ' : • ' er • when the weather .becomes very this way and that,' leolcieg for a fat fly
It holdea,...daiiitylbit of frivolous seiV-• •,.. he .11m* Beek holds the desires warm; regardless of the feed consum- or an absent-mirided Mosquito.' .
ing all feacir tobe taken up at a 'called foelish, the fancies of MY ed
•nute's pale° when a caller conies or feiendseehoW 1 love to eatisfythein at A second factor of importance as in- new about (= "noise party' to -night?'"
.4i AlMt- - . "Welt niydear, is there nything
the day is dreety. When (finished it Ciiiistmas! ge Surprised they are to Dumping the 'richness of milk is• the began IVIiiter Dull Frog, ita'he entered
think . X remernhered! The blessed: fatness of the Ow at time of fresh- his mansion,
Zook also holds a .reeetd of our Pre- ening.:., A cow highin flesh at.olv-• . ."You just hitY0 run:4140r and then
Vious family celebrations. . . hag tune gives very lunch richer milk take a eap.....After that there.will be
My Club 7 Well, the children' and I or some time than would be the ease something neW," replied his dear.wife,
meet on rainy days or Saturday after, were, she thie. , • • giving him a frog hug and a kiss on
nodne; and Write Christmas letters, , This Iniewledge is .noev Made7rtse•of his big mouth; '.
make strapbOoks' for sick little ones, by every breeder of daiey . cattle who • By and by Mrs. Dun Feog heerd her
calendars for little plaYthates, and desires to make the largest possible husband calling' and she went to the ,
stars and (Amino- foil'our tree. • ,. . reetird for milk -and butterfat pi oduc- fopt of the stairs with, "What is it,
, Yes, we all love Christmas,' but I thee Another interesting discovery My dear?"
adore it.: ' Yule -tide means the sum- is' that When ti.',COV, is .nriderfed she "I can't :sleep for thinking of that
ming -up of the busy months, the for- ternliorarily • gives- richer, milk rather pew thing you told Me about." • i
getting of hetes, the renewing of than 'thinner as might be expected, • jest then there WAS theillost ter-.
loves the fan of jokes and surprises, This is of great importance in con- rible et ]3u11oaking Mrs. ull Frog had ever.
the 'helping hand to the downhearted, nection with Making tests of cows, and heard. "There he -is! There be is:','i
and the bubbling joy of the children. a failure to ehderstend this effect has She rushed up-staii,s, Iwo steps at 111
A bother? A wary? No, indeed- resulted in Wrong conclusions front time and hurried over to the .window. i
but isn't it perhaps a question of pre.; many, .experiments cenducted with. Peeking out she Saw Doct,a• 11;111.Frog!.
The • Hank , holds , new • Money. pokiness?. ' . sitting On. the top of et fa...ey , omit,
, t dews ill the past. "
. . .
• et
'-Why Milk Tests Tests V ary.
poorer- inlet in summer and heeMnes ! "All eight! I'llbe there this eftet-
•richer,,agaiti in the fall; and the farm- neon, and whenyou hear Me singing,
ers have 'generally .itssumed this to be then you can decide whether I am to
dee to the watery audition Of grass ,haVe an invitation to your party," he
as compared with the dry feed Teceiv- said.. • ' '
ed during • the winter:, Teets have "Very good/' replied Mrs ,13u11 Frog/.
shown - that the cauee of this, is not as she ushered the •doctor 'out, think-
grass=leeding, but' the tentperature, „big :what -geed lookout: he v,vonld•
Ship to os at once and Reap
, Benefits of Prices.-
• • noge prevatling. - '
• .
Price 04 and•Shippirog Toes FREE
Mn and Akraader;WINNIPEO Canada
• FREMONT, NEB., 1.1.9A.
Pay The Highest Prices -•
or RAW F:01113
• to beliefie that ehese.;were erily fear,
'thoughts; that she Was a.• beautiful,' "
virtiloue girl; that she simply .1:lad •
received the wrong training; that she
couldn't possibly tdkii 4,04 had. She. .
Was thus ,saved by: thesympathy and
advice of tinderetancling 'friends, WAS .
.Subseknently married- and is todaY',
the.mother of a splendid boy; "
I -believe that:many a. young man
Pr Wcanan'S. life -welVnigh. rilinetV
by_the erosion of ari_oft-reptted
gestion 'or „threat. ;
-- The' Povirer et .1erecept
Just see in Iliafollowing experience.'
what a healthY•feithethought •dicl. for
a man who Met many years, ago ,,was
Selected' for the highest position - with -
111 the gift of s..e. large relighius •
. • ' ' •
When. he was bitt a lank, awkward
lad his parents, held this. thought 'con-
stantly before hie. "David, if
Yim will be a good„ faithful boy, it,
you will always do ,what you
selentiouSlY• hellaye Tto• be right -YOU
Indy: some ,day .b• president of e the
-leeeze4eeeedeii‘teeeeee..Te ,e•
front allege, becerne a o
the gospele-a very successful orie-
ana,pubseqUently Married a young "wo.7
man who was deeply intereeted re-
ligious:week.. • • • .• •
She •Contintled to encourage him' in
this ainbitione stiyinge•`13avich reach
the best. sermorts you can, .aed some
.afti . you Wili 'he president Of
the :general assembly."' This nian:
presidectover the general .asserably of
his •denOmination; not one term bat
•teriti. after...term. Ile hot 'his eye. .
1 -Ong fieedeen that particular- aiire,-and -
by faith he Wou'ite--- • •
• Lege begin to -day to hold healthy,
fall:11110ring thoughts before , our
chil reMeand stop seal riaggim, ••
coureging, eroding thoughts as: abb..
Veil. never, amount te. anything; '.
some day you'll turii out bad." , • "
. Collects .Progranis..
The. Princess Mary, it as % said, has
Inside. a callection of the programs of
war entertaininents. lier Royal
neas has herself attended over. '400 of,
these entertainments. The programs
of Many of the entertainments at the
trent are partiheilarly interesting.
Seine Of theta WOr6 the
trenches under heavy shell fire. At
one entertainment the Princess. Mar"
led the chorus of . "Keep the. Hero -
Piro Burning."
• • -., is put away for Christmas. I have
The 'Eighth -Annual- made Myself happy in mailing it and
e I give it to seine. one Who will be
lidtionto happy receiving
'My Boit is my happiness ehest, It
holds my finished sewing, especially
.F at Stook Show
pretty boxes and Cards and my White
Union tock Yards, Toronto
- Mere* e' irtkes than 'ever. before
Oludine.tho best that .Ontario Oro -
ducts, . . • •
judgine common ee 10 natty; Friday,
Deeemb8i 7th.
Elephants, These 'are things I can -
net use het that / hem' will At in
somewhere, Why should keep a
velvet-pineughion when. ray room
is yello* and sortie lover of pink would
enjoy -it? Se the toys put aside, the
pictures We 'used to like, and the out-
gtottii deeires are pitt hi the chest,
and at Christmas are sent to the vari,
cue Soeieties foe Distributing Sun-
Auctleti Salo of Show '611ock 10 s
Oeturdey, tmeotnber
Shill'yoUr fUrs:to.Aclarni by Mt-
. press. or parcels Post.. - •
.No 4uty oh raw' furs IntO- XL'S. •
„ • Our. 'armies heed.' the lure aritl
---we aro -paying big for them. .
•.WrIte for Price Liet 110. '
; A. -ADAIVIg 'CO.,
. now. ii0F.:lifierciltstits•
ennelorm, . *Bp.,
Get Highest Prices
rrom the World's
-vas flaiggost Fur House
The fur nonvon In newer Ifs holgittr
tratufnettrere are in the, .iniarkl:.
we went nknntcy toon,hre4nrg#...
b.iet iiez.1110E.litrgaTosill whet, ta
market Moo '1) our clerk camas bt retorn
writrie kin rut boot( •
ble° °pill:493' Lritleti 131flai.t4kfr1
,.4•,1)4tIona,arl'mire ,..ap• ovf•tilenrevere
Iv, moot leot Made* Kerala ea* .f,e'eta
Chantb. arum
41.4 0e:runt/al Ei,e. Pt, Wit% Mew
Joartil ase01111‘11111140mae. _