HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-29, Page 50 till LINIENOW IMMO 1.1 ; • • .• 4 AGItvai a THS 1413W •hIBTUOINST PALL WOKE AND HUN BOOK IS 001' j PALL PLOIJOHINO 0 0.,r,"41•445440,..o4 1 7- 71/ The Ptblieittion of it neat hymn book the are4 Olatimated to ha sown to fall in an event- national slgpullcanes Zt wheat loathe season Of 101$ is 711,112 Mark* an epoch. in Church history and Agrell Or 4 F -e, IOW than the area °WWII indicate' the nation'a intellectual and in 1910 for the crop of 1917; in Ontario apiritual progress; Sneit an event took the hard and dry condition et the sell placelast week the publication of -the Made it difficult to now fall winnat *nd new Methodist litinn-Book, which is the area, gown is estimated to, be about beneci for Pneral Use throughout the 4 pe. lox than la$ Year. In ifalberta Dominion of Canada and Newfouudiaticl. „ there is shown to be * slight *Crease, or :The hymn book at present in use was 61,384 scree, as cznipoxed with etoirro published thirty-seven years ago, When ,aeres. Thera Ore also small areas sown • Canada was still in the pioneer stage to feu wheatin. mow* 4490 acres, and the Metholiats in Canada were pnt• essitoteliewan 11,883 acres and British ting in • the foundation �f What after- Colt2mbia. 3,476 acre.. -The.' condition Canadadr8be4bYanithethe eunith°d ifteing-oifs,ttli'VehOeurvellofera-of Antitadilfilheastpt ;.,0„ October9t:e84 o a riglri '.1 4111 seetions,whieb called thernlYeZ;',Keth compared with, 76 p,o, last year. - In Mists. The net/ book is the result of Ontario the condition Is 80 p.c. a Uhl „ seven Years of careful labor onthe. part Alberta it is 01 po. Of the total hind . of a special etenniitte appointed at the intended for next year's crops, 53 p,e., is` eneral Conference of 1910. 'estimated to have been ploughed by • 14AsT TOING IN HYMN- BOONSOber 3lat, t epercentage ProPort OnS It ii not only the last thing in byin n in the West being 40 for Manitoba, corn- bookbut it is regarded by many as the Pared ritth-47 last Year, 37 for Sashat- best compilation of hymns eitant. It chevron as against 28, and 38 for Alberta. ( contains 856 hymns and a selection of as against 21. psalm* and canticles. The old book con • tained 936 hymns, and a number of can- ticles beside*: The process of elhnin- ° HURON OUNTY NEWS 40139 InTieen einct 'addition has been a• • very delicate one, as some hundreds of Mr. 6, N. McLaren, merchant uf 4old faviiiites" have had to be discarded; • Brussels, has sold out his stock of gep. but this is more titan , coMpeneated for eral merchandise to Carswell Bros., of by the introduction of new favolites in Elora which the old book was lacking. It hi • Citizens of Goderich subscribed $100 contended that no real '`old favorites have •been, diecarded, but that all the t° fund collected tofOrnish a real Christmas dinner for the men of the hymns that have been generally used for . • „ . congregational ainghighave been retained. 161t Battalion Elanukt&TING. PEssr.ausu Lent- 3. 'Eh Geddes, a former mei°- . One • of ,the most striking features bei the lint Batt" and a "'min alma the deletions is the deliberate cutofthe Geddes brothers of 13elgrave, ting outof what might ha termed the 'died of wounds received on Oct. 26th.. pessimistic hymns, of which the old book „ .Tamea,Wella, of Hullett, recently' had'numerons 'examples, A casual coin- delivered to John Watt, hog buyer, 'of parason of the two indexes reveal's.. the Wilton, a; low which tipped the scales • . • ' • • , - • . ..They y like it, becaui se -it s ‘a real - up - • 4 to-thd-rivnute newspaper.' • • - . . Atd they like it .even .more, because it helps -them to .make t money bygiving them.' the market griotalions while prices are still nh'ot.''. ..." You get the live Stock, grain. and produce 'Market reports. • from Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and-Winni- , peg 'freini twelve hoursto one full- cliir ahead o1 your re- ceiving. same quotations in the next giorning!'s papers ---------------- And you know how..ofteri'you hal,re said to' yqurself,. . . "• . • • I had known earlier just how the market was going, 1 aNe_ e mone . • . • . ddition to its splendid-iiiitrket service, the Tor -onto • "Daily Star" gives you the most -comprehensive war and general news 'service obtainable through any daily paper in Canada • ••• • , • • , • • • , • . • . Then, .-too, there are- pages tO,interest the Woirien an•:1 the ----- • - hildren, and a good cOmiCacartoon series.. . • • . . In iact the Toronto "Daily .Star" is just such a 14wspiper as a farmer who is interested in the world news likes to , read, and he eventually comes to regard it as the insep- arable companion of his leisure hours. • uDs-cr1De - ; • • ---enjoy it subscription direct to this office, or through the puh- . • lisher of your local newspaper. - THREE B.ROTtIERS •. will tie blamed when the long account Seale yearn ago . it Scottish family crossed the ocean and took' tin land 412 • ' Saskatcheintn, Ttieri were three boys. One heudeaea de4 lalteiation of land' •' I and 1:1„egan *to -work it. Two of them 'went back, to Europe to defend civilize. tionagaiaitt the 'Hun. One has oven kis life for.the great cause. The other •atilt la the trenchee. The firat brother, • who remained at home to work the farm and produce food for the Allied armies . • . comes to he added up.--thtily News. and peoples, has outdo a greet eucceiss of his' undertaking; This year he sold • 2,76 bushels of wheat at $2.td Per busk. Hie other crops bring hie income up ...to about sio,000., Tnis young nom regards Canada as a land of golden. opportunity. He It sometimes overwhelmed by , -the thought that he has profitted to greatly from a war which has coat hie brothers iso Much Yet he has done hie.cluty by bis eountry, and by hilt family, and if the other brother comes back he will no' tonbt aluire' his earnings with -' We 'cannot all aetve in the same way It is those whoitsve not served st ell, or who t*, servtd ruportiosittlytho A POWERFUL AID When you feel sluggish and nervous, tired and indifferent, you have the first symptoms of declin- ing, strength and your system positively needs the special nutritive food -tonic in ry. CO , • „. , to replenish your ta,ohu power, enliven its circulation and bring back the snap and elasticity of good health. • Scott's Emul • ',V skin supplies Nature with • 1.0,6 , the correct building -food which is better than any .511 obtionoss - drugs,. pills. ott alcohohc. twitotooiki,tomitso4 111'*IIIIPPIIIIIIMIIIIIItoplpmimsijkiiitar,,ipo,s;yaii,"„,'.,n' '....' '2,"!, " -'''''' , ' - - •00...., -IN FLANDERS FIELDS Two.men. were swung. One claimed he had heard in Calgary the Moat 'stir- ring appeal for the Victory War Loan. The other said he had heard a better - in Sherbrooke, Quebec: A third man, taking his cigar fib& his tueutt, said: "No, the best appeal for -Victory Bonds doesn't once mention their mune, Lie - ten:" and he read from a clipping the poem by: McRae, of Montreal: • „ In Flanders fields the poppies blow tetween the Creases: row 011. row, • That nierit our place, and, tho :sky The larks, still bravely singing:0i Scarce.heard amid the guns below: We are the deed; short days ago • We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glove, • Loved and were'loved, and now we lin .krt Flanders fields. •Take up out .quarrei with the feed. To yon from -failing-itanda we thrive, torch; be your to hold it bight • If ye break faith with u " who die 0014011110.0' We 4041 not sleep, to; Ie 11.44m4414 • • THE BUSYHARDWARE HOUSE MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTER* -PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY WE HAW A. FULL LINE OF Coal and Wood Heating \Sloves, COaI a d Woo anges Perfection 011 Heating toves A Few Second Band Stoves at Bargain Prices. a mice in the new lon----,Oh of --hlme at 660 pounds, and for which he re- ' bekiliiiiii-'-- - , .• Cetved the sani 01482.50. ' --.----:' '' • : : Come on my partners in distress, . • • - ' -• ' ' - • : . MD* Jessie L. Wilson, daughter of My -comrade through the wilderness:" Sholi.'sentiments were allvery well for 41.01.a.virr:Wilhitmti3bleve1e: .roacIP a ; ula n4ho 4ade him4eii an exile. in a returned home. on . Saturday' 'evening strange land and confronted •with 'three after serving one and a half:Year's es - hundred acres otforinit.iiipine atompi; nurse in tho military hospital in Shorn. ;The Per- book,. While it *nerioua . and cliffts •PiglOcl• . • ' : - ' • ' ' • - ., • . . , . - • • •• ;iirefOtind, ia;essegtaily'np)144tio:In.tone . james-Bowinan -in " North -.Huron initin this it relleita thelifaand ilithight and ii; 4. iferderin:touth linter; Me of the Caoit a of to: day.. , • - . the candidates.. officially endorsed. by . - 0AN.,ita*N Hymns: 1.11:10Tiruit .. , the Prime Minister for the purpose of. • . Cantulian hylim-writeralar received'. .020:Soldiers' Voting Act. 'Fourteen. generous recognition In the new 'hoOkt',14heral-Unionistaand_one Labor 'than Anion* these are Rev. A.1LReynar„ ere aniongthe candidates deeignated; Dr. .4. D..Watson Rev. -Dr. P. Work ', The Exeter Times said recently: Adams, 11:iann.d7ffth'eSlathFieDidr!n; gE.Itlfe.71)' We; aliri • YVe. have ' had -• ol' * exhibition In the w.indow• of The ,Tinies a targe. .Swede Dr. A...11 Watson contributes no less • than five hymns to the new. collection,' turnip that has ,draivn the r attention :the most popular "Lands,". -whiCh• was of Many spectators..: The •turnip was The. grown on the farm of J. N. Ratcliffe, Written to the muile, of "0 Canada,". ' ' hynin. has dignity and ' aimplieityand . is of tho Thames Road, andiieighs 24 comprehensive. - Dr. Watson, however • pounds no .1.. ounce. It has been more poetical in his hyinns "For a ,freelatiemarked by ,many who haie Flower Service" and 'Tor those at Sea," seen- it that it is the largest ..:turnip i; Famiiy..-Ainiost-wiped obi and the Christmas hymn, especially . in. they ever saw.. It ..meanies 38inc..ei such lines es.-!' -„ . ' 7 : . in' oirtumfaence. ." - '''.' ' • ' ' - • ' ."The litY'a pure in4. simple -dress, , - : . r,. .- . Roberts, Sin Engliah bnyori- The 'daisy's iinidie nee so fair, ; , ... _. •,.. • • ...,.... . • ., :isetv.i' . itaicreliatiaiiiiiessti.mfaetiatt60.0firre;u:1trot. i,,.. --- -The sweet maunders of Th care" Are emblems of Thyholiness, - ' ....-' .134 head- of horses,. for. whibh: lie • paid prateaPromtieanalibUivelidiinngstheeointl?ao,gflimasbjely; By Consumption. ... -,---.Alfi--imi# iiiiint. 1, `.',,.. ., , ate an our price,. the hist.. OhiP 'recently shioned' Eitel Seeforth station . , • • Weionanintie.'inu. testing actor - Rev. pr. A. A.. 4onar„s hymn .. (after to.the farmers in this vicinity $21,000.f0. .rarse, oileieern,tshaalt mlnosthit isefiaeird4roe;vinyeete.otof . ttstrai-grniliiar4;10amtec„ziei7tr; pant Gerhardt) ii mga.b. . distinguiohea, Mt Roberts has, been in' Seaforth those -Who know the ravages of con- • .prodo‘ter„.. . - ..:, ..,, • . - . . piece. of work, as iii..• indiCated by the several months, and with lit, ‘Jameii• gumption, it is but a -typical case. : , ' s' ' , • Archibald, -the local' buyer, -lies been ' f GriefliStricken, the mother- tells US • Ober8trgeesfurnictsh r "Ver field andforest stealing, pUrehasing for the Old Country mar. ot Pata43'.InaPte .,eaeet - .. her ve Smell thildrelk .buried from this lewl3r borne` during the :past three .,,,o• Ancoosinthni.., ., Write MI to day for prices ..: opening lines: • • : '-' ' : ' • Colima :night all 'eYelids:sealing." •. . ket. . Several weeks aka" he had. a **earl, of her -MAY remaining child', stif'-'. .pev. Dr..• Workman's hymn is thor. shipment rett4±,..._but the boat on Whieh. ,..it'4141,.„. ;frovintii,o, tnbemirmiloty.s. hi , hand. • ,; .". ,••••i : . .. . IE'. • ..,... ;'. - •••• • ..• oughly Wesleyan in spirit and as direct.71iiilinil-i4ked'apiiiiii-Wae Sunk.' ' bi a'. tni-atIthit tither", too, was stritie4Iniv: littiketaltytwahomtfrph-eitio--6: ••••Gi-ji'iii-ei-i-•Teirhi-xi•-ert,j-e;--.-;,aii-7.-*,lh-cge:-ije-- -17-0-itow.:4-•ittl6Wilatine4andueatslivookaur' sixt-,-- 14a,rentiiiiiie,:4-..i.,-.•is----4"-07:---1.:?, • Theaddition as auahpoems AS Olough'e until:last week .that' he was able W. i 1:143/4131inkat vt.T-eiruievelliTi life. The iailort4, bat. "Say, Not the Struggle Nought Avaiieth" get accommodation.. „: . . ..' 1, ,' „ Muskoka Free Forpitai for Consunip- . . SeatOrth, raises the quality of the "collectiOn. from . . . .0 ' tives• is &unman* for: help to carry " CHILDRBN's Alb The annual meet. ea Able :fight againgt the. Great White:, a poetidal.:ponit of view; 'although • no... " • • - will • ing of 'h Conn Of Huron Phibiren.'s: .,,P1'4rn:Z„aitinnf'ting::r.g.tegmnsi-helr„ modern hymn -writer has equalled, IsitaOthem Aid Society was held in Seaforth„On tea and give. them a fighting chance - ' Kinlough .: . . ., . Watts. inpontInekdevotion ., ..,.. . . . .. .. ,- . • . ' ' '''' NOV: :13th,li good representation of ..ter their iiree. ' . . • ' - ''' ' - ' • The undersigned will 1. 1. - ,--- . INIPLUENCI-01? WAR . , . . • . - The fact that this new book' was coni -idea, James. piled in the midst of the greatest war in ' mealberS being Present. : The Pre*. . ' IcelthrihOienS-. may be seet to ...W....J.. Mitchel', of Goderich, , , oron , , or Geo. A. Reid, Sec:tett:0Y' u t4.- Highest oaett prices Patd.7-4 h. Wgh weeddnnittaesdativrfaiorlientoonooniiaintl. atreKin- Tho , • . '. liist,orylvill always be evident to tone •who was in the chair, gave an outline Treasurer, - 223 College St', Toronto., ' sigagettoChairman• ns SPadina AVere-ar„-•‘ .• ler Of the work tiering the pait year atid ' ' . ' '• ' .. . generations. At its inception a wave of • • A #resit Car of Cement Just: Arrived ftrvilw.*%•%rwiwire4~~41'..""awlis""2) • The . Patriotie. Of to -day iti 3011ing, even at •considerable sacrifice tat make passlble.the, ' lease of a Claes A Man for aervice at the front ' Xfa we are to finance Our part •••-,: of the win-, the wheels of..ommeree.mnst be kelit:.•fliniting,- UM! tlice:heit nee; • • ' • vice a young ;woman can render the country at vita Is to • fit beaten. • •. • take the. phicycif-ar trained. office :Man...Betides; .1t'afg-ood Vntt; can get this training. in about 6 months -at the • •• • •.- Central:BtigineSs C011pge, Affiliated with Cential-Basiness Celiego„ Stratford, and the - • Elliott Business College, Toronto. - • D. A MeLachilin Ptesident L . FIVE FUNERALS1 IN THREE YEARS • • : • • ., the Treasure r'S report showed a hal. pacificisin was inveling over Canada • and it the hook, had been issued earlier. Linde for:the year If 4230 00. The it is very probable that tht.war chants subject of a Children's. Shelter for the would have gone the way of some Of the County, after dial:Maslen was left to gloomy psalms. There were members of the eonimittee Aho regarded "Onward, Christian Soldiers".0 in obsolete. if not a-perniciously:fin. As Itis, the new book has a number of new hymns for war time potable among theeis C. Benson's fine shytim beginning-, "0 Lord of Hosts; who didat Upraise Strong Captains to defend ,the right" Kipling'e "Ilecesaioner gives expree- sion to the larger vision of Empire, coin, blued' with the Woltiiell of a.t`hamble and contrite heatt.” • The Music of the 1MW hymn book is worthy of Special notiee, and is in finetely • Miperior to the old took Several Ow *Matt ant11)0aeri hit* coattibubod`lito ttap to the nett ISTmei. • monnaliL •.. tine Committee appointed tor that purpose. All the old officers were re. appointedas-follows:--Hon. Ptesident, W. 11. Kerr; President, Jas. Mitchel; Treasurer, Sheriff Reynolds; Seerery, G. M. Elliott; RecordiugGeeretarV. A, -M. Robertson In the evening meeting was held in Cardito's Hall, • at which Mayor- Stewart presided, when interesting addresses ware given by Itev. Mr. Everston, Bayfield, and by the $ecretary, Mr. Elliott, who • gave an excellent &scrip tion of the great work that is being accomplished by the Society, the talk being nstratod by vial down by Rev. Atrt 01011, Gadsriek, • • .1-froas. ' . • • ..• ••• . • . _ . • Kiir blialiad '157 .• Capital At/that-had, $505i005 ,• Capital Paid.ua, 4.000,000 • *mama, . . 53,500,000 • HAM 1 Eticouritgeitielit VHE oWner hank ,a0e.ourar not .1. enjoys his own respect. but that of Ws fellow men. Because of hit saving habiti he' is enabled to grasp the opportunities that are The Savings Department of the Bask • lost to the- man Wit1101# Meal& . of Hamilton otters every ennotil, merit to the *mill -depositor. • t.ticurItow nnaticil Gleantet massager. sisc ........ 1. 040 4 "c ' r•• • ..-t,-0,2'-'jentot4 • • • •