HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-29, Page 3I
STORIES FROM TIE Don't say "Breakfast
Tale ear a Ilighlander Bayonet
Charge tio Revenge Hiti
pillion Brother.
- A Scdthinan with' a rather bad
wound Was telling me that the
evesteen front the very ' sight of the
kilted Ilighlanderzi etriltee fear' inte
. the heart of' the average Germau eol-
• tiler, says a London coerespondent.
"The Unties are 'tile terror d the
Huns, 'believe niel" he said. Ile had
been heal(' thick of -the lightieg from,
Festribert oe immortal memory on-
ward,. His 1?egiment-1S- known the
whole woad over,
• "Our colonel is the gamest min on
.earth," he said. "One day the Fritzes
'had just massed, and were beginning
• .tee pareipet _for a__charge
when to °Ur utter amitiement -rnreArt.tismes-aromr.-- --
consternation, theecolonel aprang
theiadder, and in a.trice Was out on
our 44W11 parapet for ,all the Germans
• to see. •. "
"Before we could realize What had
happened, he raised his arms, shouting
Food"--asty "Shredded
Wheat" --for while you no
doubt• mean Shredded
Wheat. you may get one
of those mushy porridges
that are a poor substitute
for the crisp, delicious shreds
of baked whole wheat—that
supply all the 'nutriment for
a half day's work. Two
• Biscuits with talc or cream
make a nourishing meal
at a cost of a few colts.
through the skull and pierced tbe
brain. It was a perfect shot. COMCATION i HOW THEY DIG TRENCHES.
"Gdial shooting, ole boy!" (Tied Con -1
way, as he slapped the delighted
DURING ATTACK 1 Steant-Driven, pitching Maehinee Wil
merksman eri the back, •
eilence Mere eloquent thari a torrent • Europe live been dug almost whet,' i
of thanks, he grasped Wetlierby'e IAN INCIDENT OF THE ' BATTLE by bend labor. The work, of course, i
, . bee been of en extremely laborieue
ei OF Wilk. SOMME. description. In the aggregate it has
doubtless far exceeded the labor that '
would have been required to dig the
How •MiSnalettlatiOla OA the Feet a :purloins Canal with pick and idinvel,
. 1.driven ditching maehinee end con -
it r mie
iirallece's way was different: with ' The trencbes. on the battle lironte in
hand 'and wrinig it fervently,
ileifornt Curgency and Waage
*fhroughout Bride; Enipire.
ebFouia4t taheelatueg"lisehrtlisenanrya, sayer aceroena•
don paper. Experts currency re.
• Made in Canada.
'Government • Surveyors Encounter
Full -Grown Bruin.,
In The Log of a Timber Cruisex'
W. P. Lawson gives a strikingil-
'at the pitch of hie voice: 'Come on, lustration of the ''' dengers that the
Gordons Canierons and Seaforths, hardy government surveyors not in•-
' come onl" frequently face. The crew was run -
"For• a 'Moment we didn't under- n'n•the line *down a narrow 'tavine
etand, and then we let out Bach. a yell,
and let drive such a terrific volley that
the Fritzes, to a man, turned tail,: and
before you tould have said sjackeRob-
.• ineon" every mother's son of them was
' • beck again theetrenches--the cheese
at one side of the forest boundary.. It
Issas late afternoon, says Mr, Lawson
-nearly time to knock off work, Con-
way Walked fifty yards or more in ad-
vance of the ethos, • Wetherik, • at
the moment, Via.£3 helping Wallace with.
Range Findere Meant Lobe to 1 It is now proposed to use steeni-
Attackiitg Troops. •leery° malty for the busblese of fight-
Commenication'cluring an attielt Is I jag. _ •
. .
• maintame y wise
form contemplate an alteration m its • aviatere arid the telephone,
value; Pert the problem is evliether the ta r u
• Was toff' --and the colonel.• • stepped the plane table.
"It was, the colonel's Wit that had bruSh to the' left, •Walliee turned three -halfpenny pieces. ,
Must haVe thought that all the clans 'dant he came' back at full speed, with•RHEUMATISM CURED
n avi M.O. Each officer ! *
penuy th be Worth more or warth a .before he goee inte.action providedi -FOK•LITTLE ONES'
little less. with a Very ptstol and etelored lighte.1 1
It is by ne means an eaay affair to if .0
t atteck eucceesful, and an en-
deeide. Railway and '13u e want
• EabY's Own. Tablets a
s P oP e wan traace ,bas been made • t th
a. new penny which, will be worth ` ing trenches. the offleerlai: ch:rgaPePao7 Medicine for. little ontes, • They. are a
re a gran
znore s that they Will thereby secure' that" Parti'Cular • seitor will fireeetwo nind but tluaugli lazativ° ate 4/3-
roe ng green ughts spusa succession, This taii ealutely safe; easy to give an !royale
. t 9
I 'th ut
ing .officer, 'tells him that the , eetick: leittree "ear' Concerning them Mrs.
hat been successful and that he *as w4aria*tes°7:-.-li'a; taYheteetlieuaSseada Bllaaabyd'is 140.wit
penny fm'es., 'If the penny itedecreas...,
ed it wilLtipset their 'nrrangeinent6,
for they will lose money.unless they.
increase fares, and they can hardly
put on a farthing, and an extra half-,
Pewter:would phice much of their traf.
e -Tern - • --=w - • As• re known, the Dornipions 'ROO
Commisfie�n. advocates a uniform eur-
• reneY and coinage, in the Bmpire,
based on the decimal system. The gen4
eral view is Ittat the sovereign meat
d d
remain the eesential unit, and divi e
would. allow the ,present half-sove- the case in. the early part of theewite, prodUce sound during cetain move -
into a thousend parts or mils.. This Should the• attack fail, as often was
reign, florin, shilling, andsixpence to when we wae outnumbered in arms, iir'si esnuttsp. r• 1 Theseo, 0 p" wehnir a'xibdittotheurtYitws when gist
remain, but the copper money would men anti guns, the officer in command in euiele,succession and makes a poise
would send up two red lights in quick like the snap of a lash. Some hiber-
snceession' and try, to get in touch rutting , butterflies, when disturbed,
ners and -the signallers operating the rpkraesasiifigainatnhdisrsainisgisgoutnhdeirby .wslionwglsy. ,
with the observing officer through run-
9044TAtill sict was.
'm. only wail known nowilautee
baking newsier wane In Gamut"
tisat doss net sent** Own SOW
WhICh Sas all Its ingreefents
e'ee.hdY SOO en tee ether,
rotioeto. ONT*
viOnoinue tootort
Calves infested with lice do not
thrive. 14ce or0 difficult to get rid
Washing the calteheroughly with a
of when once the barn is infested.
two. to five per cent coal tar disinfect-
ant ouch 'as, zenolettin orcereelin 10 ef-
fective. .•,•'
. ' • 'qe1ONE_Y 0E1)6E9
Pay your out .of town adeounts by
signal, seen by the artillery observ- I t° cure any
now to lift his barrage fire ahead o'Tablets" ind have found them perfect
the advancing troops and so cut o
ly sa.tiefactory for my little one." The
any r.einforcements which the Boche Teblete_ ail_ sold,by_triecljoinmidalMi....
or' by mail at'25iCentri-e'lidefroin'The
ing up. The gunners then raise their
Dr. Williams IMiclicine Co., Brockville,.
eights a few. hundred yards and con-
Domihion Exprees Money', Orders,.
Fivealollars mists threeeents.
Chrysanthemums potted • up from
beds in the garden should be placed in
ti.,,..shaily.,41ace fey a few days after
eating.:• •
centrate theit '4.re MI the Beebe re-
serve lines. •i
Signals of Distress.
Ont. •
e •
There are species of butterflies that
have US bealtered, Here comes the
point, The penny meat either be • a
four -mil piece, 'Willa is 96d., or a 'five-
milIdece, which is L2d.
It is a nice problem for financial
• y
/JR/PM dianulated Eyelids
SoreSses, Eyes Inflamed bit
sun. Duseand windeuickly
telleved by Winne. Try It in
OUR NeSauatiseeissfEyeCendett
ICY* SallVei 411 Tubes 25e. For!ilook 0,/ OS Ey; -- Frio.
Ask marine Eire Bernet* Co.. Odell'. 4
Soils plowed in fall become finer
by the 'ace= of freezing and thaw-
ing during the winter.
telephone. • • The noise th,us. produced resembles ,
The largest walnut grove fa Eng.
land en at Kempston, near Bedford.
It contained at first *Ivo hundred and
sixty-five •trees, one for each day of
the year, evliesii were planted about
a century ago by the then owner of
the farm, who remarlfeci that wars.
would never cease and the timber
Weilld always be wanted for gun -stock,
annara's terilineM pump" awbuirda.
• Feed and -ogre will prebably he
higher this -winter than they have ever
• been -known. More theft ever then it
• will be necessaryto make every pound
of feed' tell in eggs or fleeh. To do
this; it'evilleeirt-e---eigOttentetullint
of the fleck, goad housing and.care,
and business ,metliods 'buying the
feed and selling the product.
• ritorruca •
, Rign.lese glr4e!r.' 7.11rAviblengit liligiii
est n , ,
St. vatharine aut. 1,1ontreal.
' * littliOn0TpAlleliousz_____,-
4 4-1.1311.A.VM(' AND IILIP-Swecien-
borg's great work . on a real
world beyond and the Ufe.after death :
SOO pages ; only 25 cents postpaid. W.
IL Law, 486D humid Avenue, -Toronto.
C ANGER. Tuitions, xximpa. „irra.,
Internal and -external. mired
out pain by our hone treatment Write
experts. As a matter of fact, not. During the attack on Moquet liarni that made when you blow slowlY xi' earwig zdelmant clues Gargat in cows ee peters tee tate. Dr. Denman Medical
very long age the British Government in the great SoMme battle our artil- through ,elosed teeth. ..Other sounds
• •• • thinking of ' minting
'down, Bridling: At a sudden 'untisualr Sound in the was seriously
• •
ihved the situation. Those Germans aside to investigate. The next init,•`• • .
• W Scotland were at his back. ea_s his 'eYes 'popping and. his legs vsorkitig
matter of' fact had they conic over wildly. Ten yards behind him, snart.
fathers rheurnatism was thotight to be
of men to deal with. es ar. The
In the days of our fathers and grand -
they would have found only a handful ing arld fighting the bitish, limbered
sed the unavoidable penalty of middle life
•fullegrown•oinnamon .
lery was sending over a hqrricane of r•3semble.the friction of sandpaper. A
fire and was supposed to be playing I large.intunber of caterpillars make
,its hymn of hate on the Bache lines. i sound by striking their heads against
But when we reached the opposing „tee leaf on which they. are resting or
front lines we were met with a terrific i by swinging their heads from side to
hail Of bullets from machineguns and 1 side and catching the mandibles in the
rifles. • Our barrage 'had. failed to roughness of the leaf or on the silken
reach the Bothe trenches through ''theeade spun Upon it. It is said that
faulty, observation and • we found . the i
a .certain kind of chrysalis, when dis-•
• A Bayonet Battle, beast Was in a towering rage, eau and old hagde. Almost_ every elderly Huns' s.tandinq in. the trenches With tetlied emtte
1%e:111=70u: rheurni attain, as well as their rifles pointed at us .1 sent slight, sharp chirp or
In a wood. Beside me there • fought chain that trailed from his prisonedi
did et ungd:PePtp e. treedical-selence --my- -two red -lights; which Were then
clickeng •neise.
'We had one awful bayonet battle tri steer trap and, eight feet of heavy
- a young Scotchman,whose brother bed 'hind foot Had it not been for thisti Y
drag 'he would doubtless have eaugh ers and
ed most terribly for his' brotlw, and Wallae? b-Firt3firhlf,,-.1-111----ruir--twellt -
au _pi_ blood mere effgeet
Fto!Ine.wwIrt °tut vr Toted in the back two runners la tell the faward
a r etuna am o serving o ce , 14,,,i,vened, than you can fill lend them to
the revenge of the bullet: he . -would oak tree. a few strides ahead of. . the Yeee was treated phone wires had been killed. A shell '
neighbor who will makeelthetn a
. one thought was of revenge. Tot feet As it was, walIaee reached
cold and dam and It exposure to since the eignallers carrying the. tele -
Say gthat's too inflame for these de,y- hear arid "shinned" up the trinik. ,
with linhaentsP'anad hitt app ca ons, had .fallen among. them. • for the netion .•
*th ,
eeri leng-befo g
leo.. Limited. conjuswood... Ont.,. •
• Orange juice is a preventive of ,
scurvy among. thildren - who •use '
pasteurized railk., ‘' • .• ,
o •. .0-7o,-13-:--9,
O . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,
Sore come, hard kieniies-eft donee or
treuble-did the distrets signal, or end sent • - If you. have moee preterving -jars•
--work_sny_k_cano ortly be lift-
ed righe ouf -with tie risers it_you
edit apply on the corn a few .drops of
freezone, says a Cinelreniti authority.
At little cost' one can get a' small
bottle of freezand at any -drug stare,
. . .
Met the revenge' of the beYonet • When Wethoby ea* Wa ace en which sometimes gave teniporary re -
Alt • Xtisieke •
•I'm going to limo"- • • . Iffahafflfrilireeidteite-ateetice4alowe-itefe-hut-did-net-eureetheeteen •.
' -"He wouldefinger the long glitteting ed a riatural and campelling Minn those daYs there were thonsande .Of Most of -my' men in this attack were
science understande 'that rheumatism he* I escaped is still a marvel. tome. Itlieare's uninient Co., Limited.
thne patiently. -And-one day_ his _time Wetherby, alse sought: .a, ,cenvenient teeuelemen,-Last wiatet I receieed
steel almost lovingly. He bided Ids to elide a tree. Conway, warned . by rheumatic cripples, Now, medical killed or dangerously 'wounded, ' and ' -1 e-
. gArealep'tSitaINIefilVit EfraNTin inii'lae Suesveer°er'attMaIck.
le a disease:or the blood; and -that -with- Seeing -the licipelessness of my peg.
• b. ' te --1.; d I ha e frequently.
ehmige direction half left and 'nen by. proved lt, to be very effective in amen
man to fall back into a diiused trench_
not far away.. . . of, Inflauttuationl:io.,_h_Lr;_: ... ' '. ' . .. ..
Of the sixty inen I had. taken into ere. , le, tetereliNgeeti,
that action only two and myself es.
cape& enscathed. Eight had slight
bullet wounds, fourteen were danger-
ously wounded and the remainder
pink •Pills is becoming every year were-either--killed-,Mitright-er-talien
prisoners. ,At night time 'those that
more -widely, known„and It bi the more could•lie Moved were dent back to the
general use of these pills that has field dressing- statien., :' With a Couple
robbed ,rheuniatism of its terrors. At
the first eign of poor blood, which is of mai who had.. escaped ' • hurt I -
crawled over the battlefield and,. ren -
shown by loseof a.ppetite, palpiOititins,
Iwent over' beiiicle imew But -the' infuriated hear began to *geoti, riche red blood any man or tion I gave ordersformy, me of aGrippe, an
--be.would eXCeilliniStifs..440e. did. , climb after Wallace. Wfterby; •
the woman • of any age can 'defy • rlieu-
•• "What a fightl , The Germans were only on o t trio o catried a re -ma sm. t n be cured y killing the
determined to hold •the • positien. We volver, immediately left the limb. on poisoa, in the blood. which causes ie,
•.'swept right past their, machine guns, which'he sat and called out to his bee There are many' elderly people. who
•• toppled them over and peon were • in leaguered chief, "Sit tight Waii.Y1 Pll have never felt . a tivinge of thorium
the thick. of the bayonet battle. be over in a minute!' ' ' - ' --,••• -s---- Vole and , many who, have conquered
'. "The limn beside me rushed at three To go gunning fOrlai— angry.. bear it by sireply keeping their blood rich
Germans:- One at- Ete-timee-wasnle _1!,eith-e thirtY•eigbt caliber pistol is , a and pure. ' The blood Making, ' blood
-enough for Id . I never siw such risky business: Wallace as well a . itilehirige-quirlities-d----Dr:-Wthiamse
. bayonet Work ii he did t The cold steel ConwaY endeavored to turn Wetherby
whirled [ilia s .00k like lightning, ac- from the attempt , • ' ..
-- • curate everylime. It was everywhere "Go bads, Wetherby!" yelled hie su-
.. and • everything -a rapier, a crashing perior, as the axenian .approached.
bludgeon. • . ' , '"Shoot hiiii from the tree. He'll get
"Next 1 , saw hint. Aghting 13bt Ger. yeti sure now if you' wound himi"
Mans,. single -banded, and the look on
his face was pure' delight. •Itevenge
was Very'ritar. In quieter 'One than
it takes to tell you. these six Germans
were lying at his feet -arid beyond the
help of a. doctor, toe, eaeh, irian of
'"They gaVe that Highlander, raore
-•• elbow room. then.. ' They- literally flew
in front of hifn ! . 1 . believe he'd have
taken on the whole garrison single -
banded inhis consbraing strength and
••'T haven't enough cartridges. toidull skin ,ene- elm eyes, protect your-
"He gat -through all right; too. We
drove the enemy .back toward a swami
. and soon the poor devils were coin-
pleteliTif 'Thiii-enfietelfreTheireVestee
sucked down by the mud and ehouting
'Hamerad! 'Kair.ieradr The Highlaride
Oes had wort the day." 1,
"SlIOUTINGIBLAPIlti1410.”., •
• of Field Batteries.
, •,• •
e The United States War Department
as vecently, made some interesting
Etperineents with • ."shouting
phones' for the direction and -control
of batteries Of fled gluts.
Sucli. gunfire'of Course, always
• directed -by a, liatteit ,edranianderewho
ordinarily phones his orders to 'subor-
dinate oilipers, for repetition to the
gunners. Incidentally to their repeti-
tion.inistakes are sometimes made.
But the isliouthig telephone throws
• out sounds loudly and clearly enough
to be heard' without holding a teceivor
to the ear. Attached to the receive;
is a megaphontrliorn, and the spoken
.worde, issuing from the latter. are,
clearly' audible at a distance of twenty
feet or more.
An idea under consideration is that
• * at g a receiver an orn o
f ritt hie " a t to
gun of a battery, the 'object in
view 'being to permit•the several can.
-noneers to set their guns (for range
• and elevation).- directly from, the bat.
• terV• coMmander's orders.. "
- It is thought that such an arrange-
ment would, be of special vein° where
ilia several guns of the, battery were
located in einplacements at, consider..
able distances apatteets le common -
1z the 'ease in present-day weilare,• •
• .Apples, cored and filleti with
•• chopped dated or figs, then baked,
•'teak() All du/416ot breeltfast. dish.
• waste any," was all that Wetherby eelf against the further in-ragCs of
replied as he ran under .the tree - and. disease by' taking Dr. Williams' Pink
took careful aim at the beast above.
A shot sounded, and the bear's head
snapped to one gide as if it had been
struck sharply with a club; his great
iritiecles relaxed and he slid scram*.
lingly down With hie heavy claws rip-
ping long, deep grooves in the bark of
the .,tree•. • '
• ,Wetherby 'circled about, excited but
alert, Waiting to put five more seft-,
nosed bullets into the wounded animal.
A. moment later he Sew that they were
not needed.I The first ball, entering
coating* • of muscle there, broken
-1 •
are combined in the:
perfected reacircooked
rape -Nut
Pfils.• They have cured thousands of
people -'if you give them a fair trial
they Will not disappoint you.
You can get. these pills thrciugh any
dealer in, medicine or by mail at 50
cents a bdx or six boxes ftie $2.50 from:
The Dr. Williaine Medicine.
13roqkville, Ont. . • -
dered first aid to those 'neecling as-
sistance and removed the identifica-
tion discs and letters from those who
had paid the great price for the cause.
Horticultural Products Not Alesays
Indicative of Peace and Quiet.
-The-Bible-tele-hi 7 -that -all -the -
'trouble of the world wes hatched in a
garden, and certainly More ehtin one•
war has sprung front the same peace-
ful. retre'at •In ,English historythe
most famous garden in t' -'s dennec-
the Temple.' Gardebetween.-
Pleat ,fitreet and the Thainegi,„ There
the Roses took place. - . ,
• This war, which lasted thirty years,
and hicluded twelve pitched battles,
was between the rival houses of 'York
and Lancaster. • One day hi the
Temple Gardens the Duke of .„York
Plu,cked• a White roseeend callee on his
This appetizing blend,
of Wheat and-Bartey
• is over 98% Food-.
• ttuarrruL.
. •
It is amazirig' how ideas. of beauty
vary With latitude and longitude. In
Japan, the profeelsioriiii beauty loves
to appear .with golden teeth; in India
she prefers them stained red, but in
certain parts;of Sumatra no lady Who
respetted •herself would condescend
are removed the inoinerit they appear,
and strictly suppressed if they should
trY again. '.
In Persia, anything but an aquiline
nose is "off." Even quite a decent
smib-nosels out ofit. tut in Uganda -
y. latr -ic
Opinione Regarding Feminine Lovett-
ness Vary Greatly. ,
„ The Prince -ma. ear-.
• When the Prince of:Wales gains a
few days! 'leave feign the. Front he
leads a strenuous life in London. •
Early ite the, mereing, with one of
his brothers. or another friend, •he
walks' from Buckingham Palace -to a
West End club, where a` gable of
squash racquets • is indulged in. Thern
comes .ii rub -down and a swim •lin a
plunge -bath. A Walk -hack te.• the
Palace finde our so p
fora hearty,: ..eal, ti be followed by a
series of social engagementa. ,
in a Band Street tobaccorshop is a
line of cigar -boxes marked."Reserved
for H.R.H. the'Prince of Wales." The
smokes are used as gifts to intimate
. ,
alinartrs xdniment curse Colds. 00.
Clock:Hai 52
-One-Beantaii-Otethedral theee
clock which is composed Of , 92,616
separate pieces, having 52 'dial elates..
This clock gives the time in the big
.capitals of the world, as well as the
, lace hour, the - day of the week and
monthjethe rising and setting of the
phitiserc-Orthembbn andlideS;
• 'Pack glass and china in hay that id
slightly dampe This evill pieeent•the
articles from slipping about.
which will ve y one
• corn or callus without, pain or.
Spreness or the (Imager of infection•..
' •This new drug is. an ether . coin.
peund, and dries . -the element it is „ate
plied and dot* not inflame or even Ir
ritate the surround -Ing tissue, • Just
think' YOu :lift -,corns,4
and es.' lases now without a bit 'of pain
or sorenesa 'If your druggist hasn't'
,• . ,
freezone he can easily get a small bot-
tle for you froin ids Wholesale drug
house. . •,
idler- rinceeready
The ,Soni Of a Inane Is the
Action. TilSkit on thii
orro :mogul."
contaening powerful drugalind
alcohol, “The Extract of Roots,
long known, as Beliter.Seller4
Curative Syrue,'has dePo or
strong ingredients; it cures .
. ndigieefion, bilintisoress-asici-
constipation. Can belga at any ,
drug store,” Get the genuine.
50c..andShOCI Bottles: . 3
must be "tip -tilted," have a heayenly
direction, and in Britain any sort of
old nose evilf pass so long as, it is hot
everlastingly poking itself into other
People's besiness. • •••
eastein countries. red haft. and -
he sante category;.MAKE SKIN • • ,,,
supporters to do the game. The letike LEMONS
warts are in t b WHITE, SOFT,‘. CLEAR
coming west as far as Constantinople, •• . •• •
of Somerset, who stood for the reign,.
where red hair is very uncommon, we make this beauty t lotion for a few
'cents and see for yourself. '
ing king; -Henry VI., of Lancaster
• find it jest' as -greatly admired, and
plucked a red rose and commanded henna, teed to make it red if it isn't
In England "Titian red,".as' it is cell-
ed, la gteritly admired noVeetinde _any.
woman novella -• who wants . to be
among the "biggest sellers" must give.
her heroine Titian red hair.
Yet in Africa a crop of the blackest,
curliest, closest hair imaginable makes
a girl the belle of the kraal, especial-
ly if elle be plump,. with .piggyeyes,
thick lips' a hose -like an India -rubber
shoe,• anda skin that shines like a
cooking stove.
his supporters to do likewise. Thus
did these badges, bgeomeehe synthels.
of contending forces, and wberi they
were combined in the Tudor Rose :it
became the symbol of unity. •
The Min -of Serajevo, whose death
is costing millions of lives ih the pre-
sent world war, was a poseur of the
Kaieet type and rocketed to be very
aesthetic. He was suppoged to dote
on roses, and_it4vas uotually in 'a gor-
geous rose garden that, shortly before
his tregical•death, he met the ICaiser,
lied amid the perfume of the tone
these tWo aich-seoundrels plotted WS
And we have it on Mr.-Gerard's au-
thority that the seed which grew into
the entrance a America - int° the
world war was sown in the shape of
a telegram written by the Heiser "in
a little garden, seated under a' big
umbrella at a small table." SO from
Eden to rotadain gardens have •not
aliVaya beenfruitful of •rest and
In many initanees the elearing of
trees4ront a slope haseneouraged
washing of soil that not only ruins
the slope but also buries the produd-
tive field at its foot, and greatly in-
creases the damage done by brooks
at flood cOnditione. • . •
Scientists have counted 270 spoken
languages ancl dialects in Africa.
What girl or woman hasn't heard of
lemou'Ljuioe _ to: reineve ooMPlexion
blemishes"; to Whiten the skin and to.
bring out the roses, the freshness and
the hidden beauty.? But lemon juice'
alone is acid, therdore irritating, and
should be mixed with orchard white
this WO. Strain through a fine cloth
the Paige of two fresh lemons 'into a
beta° containing about three .'oundeil
• of orchard white; then shake Weil and
you have a whole quarter pipe of skin
and complexion lotion at abontthe
east one tistildli Pays for a small jar
of ordinary pole omit. Be. stwe to
strain the lenton jufee so no pulp gets
into the bottle, then this lotion will
remain pure and freall for Months.
When applied daily to the fade, neck,;
•arms- and- hands it ,should help to
bleaeh, clear, smopthert and beautify
the skin; .
Any, druggist WM supply three
•&tutees of' orchard white at very little
cost and the grocer has the iemope.
atinsrale Liniment Carts laietomper. •
arid .Disfigure
- -
. and
Such as ecelliQas13%1;TrasillE1.1NeT:9
daildruff, sore
hands and'' most babr
skin, troubles. .. :
Sample Each Free by Mail
"Vitt *Skin Book. Address peat.'
card : I"Cuticuia, Dept. N, Boston,
U.S. A." Sold throughout:the workh •
'this Concerns
Better be en thiatfe side and plena
your Oder new instead of -leaking
disappointment during the Meech
rush. Write for free booklet •giv-
lug paitiouttita-!and prides' aour
"Lk:auspice Ev.61,4A444,41,,--: and all 1/2-
to+dato ,ruppliteLlozTvl'Aiolt.l."P!Are
.5(1 Wellington St., Montreal, Que.
Philadelphia, Pa. -"One year ago!
was very sick and I suffered With pains
fumy side and back
until 1 nearly went
crazy: I went to
they ali.said I, had
female &Mb% and
wonld not. get any
relief until I would
be operated On. I
ears. before -thin-
time,but I kept gets
ting worse the more
medicine I took. Every math aineei
.:svas a rung girl I had suffered With •
cramp' in my sides at periods and Van
'lever regular. I taw your advertise. -
Inent in the newspaper aedthe picture
of a woman who had been saved from •
- an operation and thie picture was ha. -
pressed on .mymind. The doctor had
"given me only two mere days to make
up my mind so Isent my husband to the
drug. store at once for a bottle. of ;Ws
E.Pinkliam's Vegetable compound, and
believe Me, I soon noticed a ehafigeltna
, When I bad finished the third bottle X
was cured and never felt better. I grant
; you the privilege to publish my letter
; and am only too glad to let other women
know of my eure.'L.-Birs.TIMS.lkicOnite
=AL' 0432 itorttille Street, Piia., PAL
Rheumatic .Aches
Drive thein out With Sloan'e
Liniment, the quick-actingi
soothing liniment that penetrates '
, 'without rubbing and.reliciresthe
pain. So much cleaner than
mussy plasters of ointments: it •
does not stain the skin or dOsi
the pores. Always have a bode
in the house hir. the aches'and
pain, of rheumatism, gout. tom.
brige, strains, sprains, stiff joints
and all muscle soreness.
Generous size bottle° at all4z1rustitstirs
2,50.. 50c.. 81.00. .
ISSI.IS 15°. 7.--11.
•""X..• •17..".