HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-08, Page 8«....r«•..r....+w .wor.. mow •.._... Monday, Nov. 5. Mies Dorothy Walelb, of Toronto, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Wilkinson, Mn.eJowph CoA.ng spent e few . plays with her diendater, airs. Duncan McTavish, of Whitec1 ureh. t If CIAnx xs.--There wed away on Wednesday of lest week ase wb4I was well known here, bi theweon , of Annie. Mceberke. rine wws tor. ty-seven years or age, said had been confined to her chair with rheumatism for twenty years. She bore her affliction with Christian eilinage and patience. The funeral en Friday, to Ripley cemetery was conducted by Rev. Ur. Hardie, of Ash- field, 'Besides her father and mother, she .leaves one brother, Frank, to mourn her loss. The family have the sympathy of many frienda-iu their sorrow. B xrw .-Tbe•Aegel of Death. took from our midst on Thursday evening, Nov, 1st, a very highly respected citizen, in the pool of Mrs. Jams Barkwell. Mex dearth tame as a great chock to the community.. °Although ale was. not well for some time, uo one realized that the end was so. near. She was a member of Olivet Methodist churehr, and. an, ,earnest Christian woman. The funeral on Sunday to Greenhill:cemetery was" con- ducted by neva. Henderson. Besides her husband; she leaves to mourn, three daughters, Mrs. Frank Mc- . Charles, Mrs. George Brooks jr., and Miss Mary, nurse - in -training at London,;and four sons, Flaxman, Gilbert, _Henry and Oliver« Deeepestsympathy is extended to the family in their bereavement.`' ' Verdun --Mondani Nov. 5. Mite Clara Wilkie spent Sunday with tier friend, iiia Hazel Smitk.. ' r Mrs. Ballantyne, of Btyilr,. le visiting' friends and rMlatives ani the'vicinity. .. • . Mies} Bessie McTavish wait the: greet• of Mrs. Neil -thoiupeon on Ta*esday Haat. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs; Will McMullen. George Wilson, and Harold Walden made abusiness trip. to Gloderich Tact Wednesday: Mrs:, Bert Grey, of London, is visiting at the home . Other parents, Mr. and Mrs: A. Henry. • ° Miss Ella. Armstrong left for Wingham last Satnr- day to resunio•her studiesin the Business College. fiolytood Monday, Nov. 5. ti . Mx• soul Mrs. M.. Irvin spent Sunday at Lanes. •« Aylmer is wearing a broad smile these: days: It's. ai girL Mrs. Cilli* Barnes Ia:epending -a few days at W. TO WseUing's. fir. deo. zinesr asperidingitfew4ays-with•-friende in Dungannon.' Mr. Wm. Staters hag returned home from the. Wast and reports a good Obi • Meesere.: George, Willie and Ralph Elliott and Mr 'afld.Mrs. ; Pollockepent Sunday at A. Ackert's. Mr.'GeorgeHaines and Mrs:. W, T. Wellings attend- •ed°the funeral of A. Thacker at Salem on'Saturday. Teeswsier Tuesday, Nov. 0 Robert Bradley, an old C.P.R, veteran, is seriously ill .at the house ones daughter, Mrs. Hawke. Mr. Reid, of Orangeville, has been paying a visit to his old friend, Mr. Semple, of Teeswater. Over 00 parcels are being shipped out this week by the Patriotic League to the asldiers. overseas. Mr. and Mrs J. ,D. Little, accompanied by Mr. and 1 LUCE.NOW s N'.`Il7aI''1 9. *IQ Mrs. R. E. Little, mote red up to Georgian Bay last week, • 11r. Fowler spent a few days recently in Toronto, visiting his daughter, and a few days at SunJridge ori the shores .of La ke Bernard, Bev. W. A. Bradley preached the Thankoffering ser. vice at Ripley on Sunday, :Lev. George Gilmore ex, changing into Knox *iron, here. A general' moving is in progress: 11..J. Hiscox the house Mr. Constantine has occupied; Mr. Constan- tine to Me. Mania's horse recently p,irclnc° ., and Mr. Um' over H.seciesstore. ialeking -.Monday, Nov Rh t Miss' Florence Doherty and Mt. Aitkene, of ,Gini« ericb, visited the former's sister, Miss E. Doherty, Sun- day. Mr*. Harvey And:rson and ,son, of Halkirk, Alta. are visiting, relatives. Mise Phillips, of Algoma, is "visiting her cousin Miss Mae Snuuderse Quarterly sacramental service was obssived lu Blake's church Sunday morning, and in the afternoon ltsv. D. Mahood conducted, an evangelistic servile. Bath sety- ices were well attended, .the services on theother app- ointments having, been withdrawn. On Friday evening Mrs. Stothers receivedBa.thew sad n _weof the death of her meter, Mrs. ,TamesBarkwell. . Though Mrs. Birkwell waein failing hearth for some time, her death was unexpected and came as a shook t' ber family oed. friends. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy .of a large circle of friends. rug Store rug tore : The Plan You pay., the regular price: for, One Article and then we ,give you another of the Sande Article for One Cent f [ove rn. b'o r Example Buhr' one bottle Rexall. Wine of Cod Liver Extract at the regular price of Plop `'and.. we will give you.. an- other bottle for One Cent or 2.for $1,0 . •'This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated b•' the United Drug ComiianY for the Rexall Drug Stores. They are the lar est manufacturers and buyers of Toilets, Remedies, and Drug' Sundries in the world, and this is an advertising plan pure and simple;, of which • they bear most of the e. .ense.' Instead: of spending in. the regular way, such as Free Sam les etc. it is their desire that'weplace full sized-packages,'or. � . money lam Ys .... P s . � articles, in" your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only. be permitted to rim this sale occasionally. So. take advantage of ' this opportunity, We can not Ilford to charge or deliver goods during this sale. So please don't ask us tow do it. - w tt• Si. Helens• . ,_Tuesday, Nov..,¢. alien Jean Webb 'spent. the ;week=enc, with. Miss • Chris: Miller.: Mr. andMrs. Herman Philips are moving onto the Durnin farm; south of St. Helens.. Mists Myrtle Philips intends going to Guelph this week to attend the Pub"lic,Library Convention. - The"Hallowe'en Social held last:Wednesdayevening sunder the auspices of the Y.P.B.C. was very successful A'a'hort program of Solos, -instrumental and -readings *at rendered and was well received,: after which some Mime, was spent in enjoying a •number -or guessing con- tests. -The lunch counter'•waamelt- patronized at the • close. • .' , .: The St. Helens Women'a.Inatitute intend packing Mims. boxes for our .soldier: boya Overseas' on Friday evening, Nov.: 9t1i, in the Publics 'Hall. • All interested are asked to'come and help by bringing something -suit- able toput in the box 'and assiet in packing. A l0 -cent :tea will be served to defray.sxpenseee. 'A cordial invita- tion is ".extended to, the gentlemen to come with,hhe ladies and enjoy ti social hour, ---Secy. Fordy - r _ - Monday, Noor 6. Mrs.OtMally, of:'reeswater, is visiting at- the home- of John Gibbon. 4 '• Mr. and Mrs. Benj: Meglenaghan, of -Whitechurch; vi+tited at James Barbour's,jr:,: over Sunday. George Naylor is having his new house plastered this week. , Getting things ready for winter, Georges . Pte. Harry Tuberville,_ of Halifax; ham returned home to James Martin's, W`e•areall. glad • to see him • Mrs. Edward Haines is spending a few weeks with tier pother, Mrs: McQniltin; of-near-Lucknow who ie cy • Paramount • ' --Tuesday, Nov 6:" Mrs. Neil Murdoch went to Chicago to visither sister. While at work tilling a silo last week Jas. Struthers - had his hand badly injured, and - had to .lave, tine doctor put a few stitches in it. " .Apart from having his arm in• a sling, he is doing all right. During the recent dark and wet nights,, the farmer sat by the fireside and thought over all the advice he had been getting thaast three years: Thia_advice has_ ` come from all quarters. and all sources -free, without. .'money and without price, • Yet, judging from the re. marks which we hear in•this community, we think the farmers are "ungrateful and unappreciative. Dunnnon ' ,Tuesday, Nov. •$th Mr Chia. Elliottt left lash week for his annual deer hunting trig., • a . Mrs. Dan Bickle is spending a few days visiting around thetylilage. Miss Marion Diener returned hone last week after Spending the summer at Ridgeway. 5o claitns'fot exemption'papers have been, signed at4 the Dungannon Poet Office,„ - The time is getting "short,., Miss Edna. Robinson who hie been one of of the ;•tperators here, gave up her position lest week and went to her home near Auburn. Haloween:passed' oft with the nasal"pratiks of the young fry. "Old witches" were seen walking up street carrying ipumpkin lanterns. Mr. Chas. 'Robb, of St. Augustine, has bought Mts. Shackleton's :house in the village and will move tai it, We ate glad to welcome there to the village, but we !rope was der not lose buc Shackleton. . EXTRA SPECIAL 10e pkg,Senator' Tobacco 3 for .26 !Oc Official Seal Cigar_ -; - 2 for 11 :,Box of 25. for $1.3,2: 10c Marguerite Cigar - 2 . for ".11 `Box of 25 for $x.32 be Spearmint , Gum 2- for -..6 'Stationer v .. , ANEMIC:1T :HEALTH SALTS ,NN.T[o DAs( .... • lOc: Writing. Pads 2 for .11 15c LinetiWriting 2 fes, .1 c..' 1 V. 10c. pk. 'Linen. Envelopes. 2 foT" .11 150: " pk. Linen 2' fm; • 16 , Envelopes :.. . 1 Toilet Articles ' Violet Dulce Talcum. Powder in white; or flesh is de- lightfully eitor.:.. 50c. • box • Violet Duloe,.Face Powder • 25c. bot Creep• qq of Almonds.:4 f Qr •26 50c. jar Rexall Cold Cream. :. 2 for .�51 25c.1ar Nice for for •26 'Qer p 4 iration.. E• Pennines • and is EALT.H SALT'S. •Ill N11.1.• PLCA$ANY ioclumy $lC t,j t.m, 001 Appals, 411:..", twY Toilet:: Waters-. 25c. t. Perfumes as`sortecd odors.. 2. for Oc.b‘ot Perfumes 26 50 -...ess� _- assorted odors.. .G for X51 75c.4. bottle •Lil'acf s�e •Toilet Water.;. for `• 75•e. bottle Violet. 2 Toilet'Water. . or 6 75c. bottle Rose Toilet Wate.. " f Water or t.'6' $L50 " oz bulk " ' Perfumes, new 2 for odors. 0.r._:, .. 75e. oz.' Opt. Per-' :fumes in bulk, 2 for 076` assorted odors... , refreshing • for toilet or bath. ?71c1117- YQuiia itaCieisa COLIS I 2 for '.51 25c.• bot. Witch Hazel 'Cream..' 2 •' -...26 25c. Rexall Violet ` 26 Talcum Powder Z for 25c. Harmony Rose Talcum. Powder, White ,2or . 2 for.. 25c. Baby Talcum 2- for •26 50c. Liquid Com- plexion Powder 2 f +•7.1 250. tin Rexall qq• 26 Foot Powder . , •G for • 25c TO oth . Brushes- A fes` .2 35c. Tooth• 0 Brushes.. 2 for •e 0.. 25e. TubeWiisson'a Tooth Paste.... Or .2 • ecials. 50e lb..'.Opeka Cof-.2 for•,5'1 fee .. 50c"pkg.U-pekaTea, A.,.for Ib. pkg..:.. 2 •5.1.. 35c " 1b. l$kg. Pure' 2. for •36 Dutch Cocoa; INTERNATiotoit STOCK FOOD TONIC ' as L..,,0Y0►TN.. ANIU.AL,yN,C. OteraUt Te.OT4M& LNolta.00 �r4/00.+!aeesnoitowiAc11@IM1-. 1 Pail Stock Food $5.75 . •• ' 2 Pails, $3.76 50 School Scribblers,or plain and ruled.... 2 ,f Gc Lead tenoils....1. 2 for .6 .•. r «1.411..... •.. 5uc Ingram's Milkfop .51 Weed Crean, , . •` EFFERVESCENT" . HEALTH, •: SALTS: A mild laxative. If taken b n be- ' fore breakfast; makes you. feel', good all ,day.. • ,50c. per bottle or 2 for .51: 50c. bole Rexall. Kidney Pills:.. 2 O0..0.J •$1.00 bot. Wine of Cod Liver Ext. 2• °r 1.01 50c. boxRexall • Blood Tablets: •2 f00..5_I: Z0 bot. -Diarrhoea , compound. . , - f0r MI '$1.00 bottle :Digestive Tonic for stomach: for -and bowels-..",... 2 1�®1 25c. ': tin, Carbolic : Salve, xitiseptic -and. ,2 " A OA - healing . it" .t '- a "21CfG. li "creia'ti �iG`Ic'r White. Liniment 9r • 50c: bottle Rexall White Lini- ment for aches• and pains:. -•'2 fir. •51 00. box Rexall,Special Oint- 1. men,,. for •.skin. 9 dor .1' .eruptions.... . Celery and Iron Tonic 'is a genuine Nerve Restorer, Blond Purifier ' and Generale Builder. and LronTo CritaYaNa IRON a TONIC w• imuit =Mr IMMOONtq $1.00 per bot. or 2for.1.01 15c. Rexall Toothache Drops, •"endsthe- Misery.".. 2 f°0. • 25c. Rexall Little q" Liver: Pills....2 1O7" •26 50c. Lesperine An-'• s ' C tiseptie . Powder 2 f °v. Si 25e. box StOainiih' and'. Pills 2 fOr 25e. tin. 'Carbolied •" Zinc Ointment:. Z for •t 25O. -bottle Blh,ckberry Cordial Complaint,for . 4,1 r 2 for •26 :25c. Rexall Pain Reliever.. .- 2 f°r .26•! 25c. Rexall Cherry42- , - Bark Cough Sy. 2 f°'` •26 g 500 Rexall Cherry , • Or Zf Bark" CQu s . - .51 � Y 25c.=--Rexall-Corn-O0. .26 25e. bottle Rexall Eye Wash ' 2 for :26• $1:Oct :-btittle Rexall - Syrup of • Hypophos-;' (�.1 dihites3 . « � f 1y° V 1 b0e. box hexa1l Healing Salve xs -xrt>'cii�titncl?� o _ aT )7.. f • •,��� ,Y' need , •0 75e. bottle Rexall Nerve Rgmedy, `.`make • you feel young" 2 f •76 25c. bottle Rexall Essence- Jamaica" 2.f 26 Ginger. . , . , - ; • General '.:Househo'l`d Needs :5c. "bot. `syrup' 2 fa,, of Figs ....... , • 5c. bot. beef • Wine and Iron 2 dor •76.' Oo Rexall Straw 2 Hat , Cleaner.. • 5e, hot. 1;1kay's...-- Cleaning Fluid . 2 ? 2 or ,• 5c. hot. Lace gild q .. Sills Cleaner.:. 2 for .26 25c._bot.Extract of f s'42 Wild Strawberry or • 25e. bot. -Sy. White for or. . rine, and �+ , 26 25c. bottle Syrup of Linseed, LTurpentinieicorice d. • for •26 25c. bot. Sisectea•....s� ,,. Skoot........26 25c. Wilson'sWh to Liniment...-.` • or 2 f .2ii• 6.4r-iterAtiustro,. g Lucknow, Ont. 11.E Antiseptic ,A •'ootl Paste • e --tee "th, prevent:,. dee' and•sweetensthebreath ,„,„ • .25c. tubes. at. GG 'Pea:. Tooth Po." de r POWder is best to'remove-tartar e8 fm, 25c. tins at .........::.' :26 amlaaramaimma .Rubber:.. Goods THAT • ARE GUARANTEED $2.25 Red ' Rambler Hot Water Bottles 2 quart size.- They should be in • every home. . aP 25c.' cake Remit • Medicated Skin. Soa for, • Toilet and Bath f.,, oco 25c. cake" Tar Shampoo ° Soap, largeor' cake 2 f •2«6 50c. Emulsified Co co 2 . for . 1 ,nut Oil . 2for2.26:' $2.50 Red Rambler , Fountaiyrinnges, . °" 2f .• 2:51 'S $2 50°L d' s' It ale ox2f°"Zr buryBulb Syringe •i7 50_Cep,rn-Si hire . : Rubber Gloves 2 f o?' . 15c -•.Transparent -9 fm; � Baby Soothers. ' Li • '£Oc.. Transparent .�, Nipp.., . 2 ffl l: 50..Nipplesles.:: 2 of..6 . "�: RXt�`t:c - f Cots . �� •t1' -B5 Droppers or P'en .Fliers .... , . 2 fes. •6 • 10c. Bulb Dr ers• for app 2f..11. 5c. Eye. Pipettes..:. for 2 .6 Drug' :Sundries • 25c. ydgen • PeroxidebotH. ro2.1 or . Pe•6 -40e.°bot. roxide Hy. drogen 2 fth, .. .41 25c. bot. Aromatic' 9.- c Cascara...' , " �+ •26 25e. bottle Blaud's q - LaxativeTablets e+ 41•1'.!;-4: 1.60 Beef,`: Wine 9_4„..- .i : fl 4 aad ``:-t1Ei:-- -- t •_ 0.a 'a3:. .',tom u�kr. <. •ManZganeseTabs.cs • '' .Lb' 50c. Elkay's Drs+ q - temper ;Remedy 4 f°0. .Si 50c. Elkay'sCan- . ., ine� Laxative...2 f or Write your order now. ... Bring it with you when you come. r.a.krape4b,0"itn0-a_s4.u..elllaArtfirafiRf .a Orrtarre scan LAA i.r...it'iWarm.. aa... • ..r -Li-., s... -.1r .. •o rt.x. nnixa'ab. • • �. ..ma :.r. A.; ..rani ....+23',24«A416.14 .?. • 2.11.24