HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-08, Page 7A VO€Ai1ONAL1:AiN. INC FOR TOMMY WORK op 1IILITARY HOSPITAL COMMISSION, Returned Men Grasp Opportunity To Improve Their Positions Th r- ing Convalescence " G Tommy, like Rost of us, looks "up his .job in the light of dollars cents. His objective is ,a pay •eynvel on :the crest of . Saturday night, the bigger the better • • " He seen in the vocational training. the . Militaaiy.:;Easpital Commission.- chanceto increase his earning owe a a gp and he is making the days of his co a - valescence' count, -according to• the cords and reports of the vocational of- ficvers .who direct the' classes," The returned man's. industry is solv- ing not only his own problem and pro- viding for°his future, but for Can- ada's. Every artisan turned out by the Commission from the ranks of dis Watch Tour Sneeze! It maybe the forerunner of. bronchitis or a bad cold. It is nature's warning that your body is in a receptive con- dition for germs. The way to. fortify yourself against cold is to increase, warmth, and• vitality by -eating . hredded Wheat - fob that' ill builds healthy muscle Y _ en and red blood. For :break- and fast with milk or cream or ope #. and any. Meal ,With fresh fruits. o - fir. L i�,a Made in Canada. arrrlV bl les in. e _a ed mei .means oris.... s,_._.th � Of unskilled workers. Careful watch . is kept of the labor market, and every man under training in the schools has FOl' thQ been placed, so to speak, before he Housewife .11 started his course, The vocational training department of the Commission is not reaching ou only the trained or ers who hay n w k --acquired-a"•aertain amount -of skill i 'some line, to give them. an opportunit to improve themselves for 'better _P sitions, but to. the man who never ha a trade or the advantages of even th most elementary education. Some -Specific Cases. Illiterate men, who drove dump carts before they. enlisted, have been.. given good trades in which they can make a permanent place for themselves, and earn a much better wage. Scores of mein with a fair education have been enabled to take courses to place themselves in good clerical positions; and..,many more have advanced from workmen to .foremen in the' machine and carpenter -shops. - • One young maxi, a blacksmith's help- «; was•giv a f w. moa hsT eo blacksnaithing ,and Oay-acetylen welding during his convalescence, an is=now-em to: ed •.. th -Winnipeg pY _by a School Board in those trades at a• sal ary of $90. s month. , In- the •s tn I a a .school at this time;': a -g veteran who had been a polish- er before the'war took. a. five months' course in commercial work during his • • convalescence and is now ,earning = $87.5Q -a -month as -a -book-keeper::-The - =best -salary he -had -dyer earned before amounted to _$60 .a month. A milk peddler, : who had. always wanted to draw,: returned disabled, `and during his time in hospital took a course in mech>nical; drafting and went back to civil life to earn $75 a _,month. as a. mechanical draftsman.; ... Th ese.men'_and:hu died n srli$e--them now in training in the M.H.C. voca- tional classes, will `be'fisted as assets, not liabilities, when • Canada's • war debt is figured. u e n� y., Po d e:. e --r. BRUSH AND GRASS LAND. Discussion Regarding' Sheep and Goats As Tree Destroyers. • Some • Canadian planters'' of. forest tree stock have 'had' experiences' with depredations of goats; both amusing. . and -tragic. There is under way in the United -•States dt:the present -time • a discussion, between the. breeders of sheep and goats with regardto: their availability,: as an agency• to convert ' brush -land into grass land. The "An- gora Journal" has the following •.to say°• "Sheep •are a grass -feeding stock; they will not eat _brush :unless-. force' - 'to do so by the absence of'other .pas- ' turage. ; They will browse on scant pasture, leaving the hazel,. willow, or, other bushes to grow- unmolested :.if anygrass itto•behad. On the other hand, goats will leave grass to sheep and cattle if any green tree or shrub gro h4s_ayailable.-They prefer--: it: ' Sheep never rtnniil ttpripbt nn flea off the foliage and -tender bark to a Height of ix feet and. even higher. !.orest officials have adopted ' goats as a means of . keeping , fire -breaks clear of underbrush, Goats are used to do the pioneering ahead of other • ltve stock. on new land_ s in many, Western States. • "The prejudice against goats . is questionable. It has been . created by. the inhabitant of the vacant 'city lot --a. .neglected creature that Evas tbreed. to " get "--subsistence ' by; tarty Means it could. It gnawed the labels from tin cans to get the taste of the paste beneath—and• acquired a repu- tation for eating tin cans. The goat of -the. open fields ` and - prosperous farms is as different •from the vacant - lot or conmon'type as is the Hereford _._..thoroughbred... frons, _tela __raw honed%. cow of the city suburbs. The goat is • the cleanest feeder of thb live -stock • a world. It .will not eat straw or hay k, that has been under foot, It nibbles the choicest bits of foliage and rejects y . ,llll uncleanness. : • �•---moo • Love must be 'intelligent and in- telligence must be loving..before eith er rein reach its fullest exercise. • F�i11 Auditing is a good way . to clear the soil'ef white grubs, chickens • . and turkeys will clear thein from the land if it is turned up and they are allowed to run in the heeds, and crowd also help in this worlt. Pigo will grup. them out" Fall ploughing kills :wire worsts clad tither worts. • These :da e .. ys___ yen' the lapse, dress: takes unto itself smartness. This` one has. - several-- unusual features, the pocket arrangement . and .the •.collar and cuffs - are true ' followers. of the mode, McCall..' 'Pattern .No.: 8041, Ladies'. House Dress;: -Tn 7. sizes; -34 ..to -46.• -bust•. Price; .�20-cents. '' This' pattern :may be • obtained from •yofir local` McCall `dealer, or from . the McCa11' .Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,. Dept. W. Too Cold—Or Too. Hot? "The raiders" won't come in winter; it'll be too cold for them.'" I have' heard several: people ' make a remark of that kind, • says a . writer in London Answers.. It is not gener- h ally realized that on the hottest sum c mer .days.an aviator can _:pity :a.`'fl ing. t visit" to the .Arctic Regions by mount- ing his macEine:.to' a height. of 10,000 ft. .. The temperature is invariably low at 10,000 ft, whether at the Tropics'or the Poles; and'there is very little vari- ation in the temperature all -the year ROYAL TITLES CONFUSING. War Iles *Ought Many Congo plications• ---Brother Fights Brother.. The change§ in royal titles call at- tention, inevitably, to a few of the complications that the war has brought with it, There were few princes more popular than was Prince Christian, Victor, 'who died as a Bal- dant British officer in South Africa;. but hie brother, " Prince Albert, is lighting in tlae Germs rIaiy;' e Duke of Albany is one of the "enemy princes" with. whom Parliament is concerned just now, whose banner has been removed from. St.. George% Chapel,; but Alis sister is the wife of Prince Alexander . of Teeck, • who is .: a. British , oflicer,,,dnd• now becomes.. A. earl: Wet-er, at ;least those of us whose memories • 'arty not uncomfortably long =are inclined to ` forget that, Prince. Christian's' German title may. almost, be • desscribed , as Gelrmhn T by, gee -Merit. He was a German prince when ie lnarried:Queen Victoria's. daughter,' certainly; but he had only been Ger- man for three years, at that, tithe,: Schleswig-Holstein, was the cause of the Prussian attack on _. eniirier - o than• half a Ceti -tory a o a d'until that g, ri •attack succeeded Prince Christian was, a Dane. r . BLQOD-MAKING. MEDICINE It took centuries for medical science to discover that the blood is the life, Wow, •-.it •is - known that' 4f".the bleed" were always abundant, rich and pure, very • few people •would ever be -Ill. It was not until the end .of the 19th cen- tury that an instrument was invented for measuring: the red ,part .. of' the blood.. Then looters could tell just' how •anaeanic •a' patient, had• become, and with medicine to: make new blood the patient soon get•.well. • All the blood in the'body:is nour !shed and kept rich and red by t• food taken daily;ut 'when, -for . any reason,.a Persoia;•te.ain,,dnwn endear', not` mak suiilcient blood - iron! the food to keep the body in health, then a blood -making medicine is rejuired. 1'he''simplesit and very ,best of blood - :makers. suitable'•for.home use by any- one, Drr Williams' Pink Pills. When • a course o Riese p els • $ taken__tkeir good effect` is soon .shown in an !re- :proved. m- : .pr oved.appeti#e,-stronger•nerves;.-'a" sound digestion and ,an ability to mas- ter your work. and enjoy leisure hours. Fo 4l' women' there is a prompt relief af, - r.-prettentian--of-aikiients whit life a burden. ` As an all -robed meth cine or the ..cure of aliments due to , w ak e ,watery blood no 'medicine dis- covered by medical science can equal Dr: Williams' Pink Pills; . You can get these pills through any dealer -in medicine, or by nail` at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.5.0 from The '`D"r WilPiamr' Medicine Eo, Brock vile 'Ont Brockville, THE WOdDILANDS OF FRANCE:. -German-News -ap-ers -E lt-`Over`lhe Havoc Wrought by Hun Armies., Thebrutal vindictiveness of the re= treating German .forces on French soil, When" nothing' that.: remotely; re= sembled "property."' was left unspoil- ed, is described by the Military cor- respondent of the Berlin, o'Lokai An- zeiger" in 'this manner: . "In the course' of these last'months HEMSTIITC H J NC On 1019Msss, Dresses. Table Linen, Lo. Accordion and Knife, Pleating. Covered Buttons madder from your owa material. Braiding and Embroidery. "Their - Ina certain niill it was the eiistom to pay the worket's fortnightly, Finds ung this practice somewhat incon- venient, the employes decided to lay the matter before .the manager of the firm. An Irishman, ,veli-ktlown for s 0Or' New Iliuetrated Catalogue is hi persuasive powers; was selected east in, and we want every' 10-47 fln as their delegate, and he duly appear - Ontario to have !t, ed before the manager.Well',Michaele what can I do for you to -day?" Wz ite For,IL ItIr I! »qa._ : "Please, -13124"- Said Mike •- "Oi've -been sint a delegate el e ate bythe 'TORONTO 'PLEATING CO. gdi workers to 14 •Breadalbane St° Dept. W. . Toronto seer ga favor of ye regarding the pay- • nent of wages. What do they want?" "Sor,.it's the desire of oneself and of - iviry'rean, in the firth 'that we receiveour fortnightly pay each week!". TEA IN 25 -TON LOTS. 1Kilitary_ Coitvaiescent Hospitals Use. sermons Quantity ' .. ,. •'' --•—•-•—$-0.---•---$44 have ' orddre d 60,900 pounds oftea 'to o : slack, t erat . of returned There no g drier- in prohibition 'TheMil)ry Iesptals Comiisiion ,min; HARD: ON LITTLE ON ESTHE FALL. WEATHER' • _ . propaganda than 'the convalescent Canadian fall weather is ettrei!hei y Canadian; He wants tea, . good Stiff hard on little ones, One ;day it is. black tea: three times a day; and the warm and bright and the' next wet and cooks • in the convalescent- hospitals cold. These sudden changes bring on under the direction of the Commission colds, cramps and colic, and unless are 'going to b ready for him. _ baby's little stomach is kept right the The .25 to just ordered will one 'cruet may ho coif„ _ ; aero -There • s - last' -a�"'feW-i s`virltli `118" institu- frothing to equl Bab ,'sOwn Tablets tions, some of pm are requisitioning in keeping the little ones well: 'They - tea in ton lots; to supply.. There is no sweeten the •stomach; regulate • the limit puton the tea allowed a man; bowels, break up colds and make iaby; he can drink as many cups each meal thrive. The Tablets are sold by medi- as he -wants, and after long months of eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a measured rationsain trenches and the box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine hospitals• in England; he drinks : as Co.; Brockville, .Ont. ' though - o gh he had -been raised on salt fish, � .°,. Tommy takes his tea -with -all "the : Try•: making�-a str&.wbarry bed -"in trimmm s especially sugar. War, rich,deepsoil he bed need not be. � instead of weaning him away from his large. • Make the 'soil from three to 'taste for sweet things,has. increased five feet deep, as rich as it is deep, and his'desire for them. ,compare the fruit frond this ..plot for. In one • instance where the mile- size and flavor with fruit grown on tion grew in such proportions that theordinary soil a foot deep. . kitchen facilities were inadegitiate . for ' a few weeks, it .was .put up,,to• • the men whether they would, have tea or soup for dinner and ;the, vote went he oyerwhelfningly for tea. great stretches: of French territory ave been turned by use. into a. ' dead quntry. It varies in width from ten o twelve' kilometers.;(six 'and & quar- ter to seven and a half or eight miles) and .extends• along the whole •of our new position, presenting a terrible barrier of desolation to any enemy hardy enough to advance against our hew lines.. No village er farm was. left `standing on this glacis, no . road' was left passable, no railway-trackor mbankment was left in being. Where' nee were woods there; are gaunt rows r stumps; the, wells have been blown. p; wires; .cables, and pipe -lines (le- tt-eyed. "In front of our new ppsi- cons --runs, .like a gigantic ribbon; -an o empire of death." • The Berle Tag-eblatt in -also -found gloating over this destruction of the roiind, except for the "difference which a g if—wind makes..e An airman will encounter 'forty de-- o grees of frost at an altitude of 10,000 ft, and when' twice as high will"find .0 t. the temperature -exactly that of the South "ole. .. •; _.. .- So, cold. won't' be a stumbling block to the raiders. The nnlyi.alter-native. is to make it too hot for them• ,• "Habit is a cable. We weave a thread of it every day, and at last we cannot break it.ft—Mann, • • ilavoi OST as S. tahle•13qverage. package am of tea—aveially When' Tea Disagrees 1>sinard'r'Linimeat•Ceres -Coeds.•&o; A druggist. can obtain an imitation of NIINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto ,house • at a very low price, •. and have it labeled his own prod let. This greasy imitation is the poorestMake 'permanent bulb beds. now one we have' yet seen of the many that There may be no Holland bulbs to be had next yec:r. • m.�f -.. illus n -'lyelte1e' �F�g. our and Bab E Y elan es. Eyes Baby Y Thereare ant3`in Mexic'' h •1 .. •. .. _..,. o.�' iolt..3v1l frkl.eli, sa•Ila'wness.andaa and - is the .. ..._ .f ire NoSinattin JsatE eCenafort: n !r y attack a hive'of bees and destroy it in ideal "skim softener, • whitener and...: MaMhe a Rem d At Yohr Drug 1eC a or bis sW9 t' Y is so bout a+A Ti a night " beautifier, ' o-^oi s--in-'lFubes•S6e•-1Mrb< 1o#�he�Fr Sore Eyes Eyes Inflamed by Suns trs'tand Whidquickly. ', o •' by Murine. Try It in. I every Toth, Dick and Harry has tried to _introduce.. . Ask for, MT•NARD'S' and yeti will get _ . eti•-t'liis.•lotion ..t � ,,.....: ter.woitesa-tea • t� "fresh-- for months. „ Every Laetsie Ce.b. So_ee,. IJi_ep. Al.. y, p:#,,. cry woman �o0ab9nleatdcalenordellvered. Cook'Eddgsoe f i -,gip:--mien _ seers: - e1Ws-..•er--Mise t. 1 • k -N\ ��\\\�\ • Ma iG Bak in Powder ar costs no more than the ordinary kinds. For economyp buy theone ound time. `EYeeltI.ETr co OPANy 1.1MitElt PCP TOR4xr0. 01[$ .,a.,TRast • A`large proportion of the American corn° belt will . harvest one ' of the ate ' o ere, st corn cro s in li'sto 'Many p, 1 � fields will make over seventy-five bushels. per' acre in regions where -the land is rich and .the season long enough for corn to do•its\beht.. This will cpmpensate for muck of the de--• 'ficiency of frosted areas. • -MONEY .ORDERS, . Dominion Express Money Orders are .on' sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada, Frozen corn snakes good silage,. -says Prof. C. Larsen of South Dakota State College. Corn that has been frozen will notmake quite as.=gogd colored or palatable silage, but when winter cpmes the cows will not dis- criminate against it. Minerne Liniment Ceres Diatemlier. . Put fare} and garden implements in. proper order ' before putting them, away for the winter. LEMONS WHITEN, AND. • BEAUTIFY T.IIE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for youn face, neck,' arms and hands.. „At the cost alfa small jar of ordinary cold cream' one can prepare a full quarter -pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by .squeezing the juiceof two fresh lemons into a bottle- eon - Though undgubtedlly "sprin i Om . 'y satest:tiane to set out trees in Canadst" a ulnas ' planting in ,Eastern Canada,.. is quite feasible, but trees- should net be moved until growth has ceased►• , Aq,r4'% Zininseati Vials to,7 t iu Cow/ i ,. sonzizetrsolls T ADZES WANTED TO DO PLAIN .Lj and light Sewing, at home, whole or epare time, good pay, work sent goys dirt tance, charges .pald. Send step for , Darticulars. National Manufacturing, Company, Montreal -e: . _.. �_ ,.: . IA I. TED. --- 'BLACKSMITH TO sharpen tools: also Grante Polisher. Write George 3!, Paul* Sarnia, ' Ont. CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.. vv internal and external. cures with• out pain by our home treatment,_ver tot before too late. Dr. Gellman leledlreal. • Co.. Unified.: Collingwood, Ont. When. bt r1ng your, Pian_ . `ls oil a h v tlg -11111 _ OTTO, H.L. _.'" PIANO AOTION A 5sOPBJINE TRADE MARK RFC.J.S.PAT (r .7, Will reduce Inflamed, Strain/do Swollen Tendons, .Llgatnen orMuscles. •Stopps the lamenessand pain from a Splint,•Side Bone of Bone Spavin" No blister; no halt - gone and Nose can be used. $2 a • bottle at. druggists or •delivered. De.' ' taining three ounces of orchard white: scribe your case for, special instruce Care: should be taken to strain the tions and interesting horse Book 2MFre&! ABSORBINE,IR., tl►eanf[septic linimen�tfor' juice through a fine cloth so no lemon, mankind, reduces Strained Z`ora Li �• 'relieved see. knows that lemon-- jui'ee •,:is : used to Yl1.,F. YOUNG, P.0 Fti 516 Lyman Bldg., Montreal,Cata bleach and •remove sic 'blemishes blei m slier as• • •ebsorbmr and AbsorDlaea. Jr us nude to Goseii ma epee e. u tie v ' c The: rat is a, thief 'and 'a• is r t lr Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co., disease ear- Just try i Get three, ounces'of tier. Rats kill chickens;' steal crops orchard' white' at any drug store, and' and damage ro ert itwo 'on • " kill therats e s• from the l m veer and property. a' . A Gravel Crusher.Y• .. m' make A eliceman with more than usual and remove useless , structures ''that up a quarter pint. of this sweetly rag p harbor them:. Farmers should have i rant'. lemon lotiori and massage, it daily avoirdupois and expanse of -shoe loath •. er, Tied just 'liaised a little 'terrace; arat day several -times a year, getting i into the >face, .neck; arms and :hands. together :on that' day for the de `brut It is marvelous to smoothetn-rough, red with abet of garden in front, when a sma1L boy ran after him•. tion of rats. hauls. "Hallga, kiddie!" said the arm of•the .:. " l . .late, genially, "what can .I.do for�ybu? "Mother sent me_out," answered the ,.• ; youngster, "to ask you if you would �luelmei.' " mind Walking'. up -and `d'bwa. our" 'path kir • ,•-� f"or-a minutb or. ,67-- tt'i 9t, been avelled and a ain't . ®. w tit ' gotroller." >Ir . , g N., BAD -DISFIGURE E CUTICURAHEALS- o—w—o—o-' o PAIN;? NOT .A BIT!, ' LIFT. YOUR CORNS- o c -OR. CALLUSES OFF e No humbug I� Apply few drop, °" o then Just lift them -away " '• 0 a wrth-fingers. ., Perisante thit burst of fine writing. "And the desert; a' pitiful desert, leagues wide, bare pf trees and undere growth and hontes. They sawed 'and hacked; trees fell and bushes sank; it was days and days before they had cleared the grauncl. In this war -zone The enemy's month must stay dry,,h1.6 eye§ turned In -Vain te the Wells—they are buried in tubble, No four walls foe him. to settle down into—all leveled end, _out; the- :villages- turned - into dumps of rubbish; churches and churct-towers laid out in ruins All this Was done in the territory which the. Preneh -armies. had to.,;erosa before reaching their present position beforerSt. Quentin. But to what avail? It checked them not. a bit. Across ilie-desert waste they Mint highwaYs and rebuilt roads.- The wells were poisoned. The armios laid waterpipes for their supPly. Every farmhouse and peasant's -cot was -reduced to dust. They carried their own shelter. The 'terrible barrier.of death' was to them n6 barrier,, only a- reason why they must push forward With' renewed strength and deternlination to hew doten the vandals guilty of the bar- barous deetruction, Now in front of, St. Quentin they see the Boelles en- gaged in "the same Work preparatdrY to their next flight. Manure never is so'good the dar =aril Ydahniat darer biehtherifi. • l pifllitl Ah t, That's the Spot Sloan's Lfniment.goes right to it. - Have.you A rheumatic ache' or a dull throbbing. neuralgic • pain? You can find' a quick arid effective relief in Sloan's Liniment. Thousands of. homes have this remedy handy for all external pains. because time and thno again it has prey= the quickest relief. So clean and easy to apply, too. No: rub- bine, no stain; no inconvenience as is the ease with•plestera or ointments. If you once use Sloan sLiniment,you will. never 1M with outfit.. Generous sized bottles. at a31 druggists.' 25c... 50c.. SIM. . .-K.IL7aS PAIN . • /117-ifew drug an ether com- pound. discovered ; .,a Cinelonati • chemist It called freeione, and, can 'now be obtained in tiny' ba- ll ties as here' shown at very little ccist from.any drug store.- Suet nalt drop or two ditreCtlY upon a tender corn or callus arid inStafttly the. moron* disapPeari, Shortly you will find' . the torn or caTlue so loose that You can lift it • oft, root artd all, with the fingers. ' Not a twinge of pain, soreneas or irritation; eViSii the slightest -Smarting, either whet,. This firtig dOesn't eat up the corn ot calltui, . but shriVelif them 86 they loosen and come right 'out. It is no hunibug 1 It -works like it charm. For a few cents yolt can get rid"Of every hard cern, eoft corn or corn. be- tWeen the toeli, as well as painful calluses on bottom of your . feet. ' It never disappoints and never burns, bites or:Jaime:1. If your ditggist hasp!t any freezone yet, tell him to get a little botde fOr you from Ills wholesale house. • Could Scarcely Sleep. - Healed in One Week. „ "Mr face became very red arid swollen and broke out in watery blisters. ° • Then it got very itchy and used to burn to that at night I couldscarcely sleep. Later the bl isters broke out forming, hard scales and my face was badly: disfig- ured-, -Then I used` Cud- cura Soap and Ointment 'and irr about a week's time I was opmpletely healed." (Signed) Lloyd Brady, Breckentidgo, Skin troubles are quitkly relieved by Cuncura. The Soap cleanset fies,• the Ointment soothes and heals. For Free SampleeEach by Mail act• dress post -card: "Cutieura; Dept, A, Boston, U. S. A.." Sold everywhere. AN TWO YEARS Could K Do :No- Work. Now Strong as•• a 81I1. a,. suffered from a female trouble s'o was unable to walk or do any of my mu work. I read abeut -Lydia E. Pirikham'e pound in , the news- papers' and deter- mined to try it: It brought almost nu--; mediate relief.- My weakness has en.' tirely disappeared and I never had bet. . ter health. I weigh 165 poundirand am as.streng as a man. I think money's well spent which pur- chases 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouncl.”—Mrs. JOS. O'BUYAN, 1755 Newport Ave., Chicago, Ill: • The- success of Lydia E. Philthantga Vegetable Compound, made from roots and. herbs, is unparalleled: ' It may bee used with perfect confidence by•wotneta who suffer frorn displaeements inflame matron, -ulceration, irregularities, pert- • odic pains, backachet bearing7down feel- ing, flatulency, indigestioo, dizziness. and nervous, prostration. Lydia E. Pink- harn's Vegetable Compound is the sten- dard remedy for female ills. ' Week's Time In Many Instances 'A 'Free Preseriptidn Ton Can Have Filled and Use at Home. Boston„'Masa-Victims of CYO' strain who weer glasses, will be. glad to knoW that Poet's...re and Dye specialists ne* agree- there 'Is real hope and help .for them. Many' whose eyes wore failing say they hairo 10.4- their eyes restored -and many who once wore glasses say -they -have 'thrown them away. One -man says, -after utsing itt--"Iewas al- most blind. Could. not see to read at all. Now I can -read eVerythirtg with. be time'. It Was like a rn rade to me. Aledy who need it says: "The atmos- phere seemed hazy. with• oe without glasses, but After using this preserip- tion for fifteen days everything seems clear. cart read even ,fine print With- out glaseeeP • Ariethet *ha need, it saym: "I Was bothered With eye strata caused by overworked, tired. ()yea Which Induced fleece .headaehes.,'I$.have wern glasses for several years, both tor die- tance and. work, and without- them I cOuld not read my own nate° on an envelope or the ty,powriting on the Machine before me. can do both now, and have diecarded twig 'diatance glasses altogether. I can count. the huttering leaves on the treea aerostat the i3treet now, which for several years have looked 111re eim green blur to Ine. .1. cannot express my joy at What it has 410110 for nie.n - _ It Is' believed that thousands who 'wear glasses Oen now discard there 111 a reasonable time, and multitudes more Will be Able to stretigthen their tyea so at to be entered the trouble and oz. pense of ever getting glasses. Dr. Beek, an eye speeittlist rieartY twenty years ptaetice, says: "A patient varn,e, to rue Who 'wart suffering tram °Blepharitia Marginalie with ell the • when. not congested heal the dull, suf- fused expression common to such tapes. thie treatment and- not only overcemo •her, distressing condftiort.. tut strange and arriazing as it may seem, so Strengthened-11er eyesight that she *rad able. to dispensevewith her. diste.Uce glasies and her headache and neuralgia, left her.- In this instanc% I should say treatment, in a number of cases and haVe seen tile. eyesight improve from 25 to 75 per cent in a remarkably short time. 'I can say it Works More quickly than any other remedy I have pre- scribed for tho eyes." Dr. Smith, an oculist of 'wide eXperi- once, Bays: "I ha.ve treated In prtvate diseases 'with Bon-Opto and am able tO import Ultimate -recovery-in- botlx-riente office stiffering with, an infected eye. The condition .5Vail so serious that an cperatlen for ernicileation Seemed im- perative. Before resorting• to ,tho operative treatmett prescribed POr6- opte and in 24 hours the neeretfen had leseened, .inflammatory symptoms be'. .grtn• Lb subsidek'and in seven days the eye watt cured and retained its nore mat :vision.. Another ease. of extreme convergent atrabismus (creme eyed) °striped _the surgeon'a knife by the timely use. At:..yeur 'collyrium. - The tightened external musciea yielded to Bon -Onto. I always instil Boo-opto' After removal of foreign bodied and apply it. locally' to ail burns. ulcers and spots on the eyeball or the Ilde .for its therapeutic effect.' Ey. pletinct- Ina*. the lids s.cretione and acting tut a. tonic for the eyeball itself the vision Is rendered mere acute, hence the nuolber $As.es of discarded strain .ariaing from protracted .inferee have put aside my glasses without die. comfort.. Several_ of my notleaguts-Ifeaw. also used it and we are agreed es to its results. 'In b. few days..under tray observation, the • eyes of an *astigmatic case. were; so -improved that glasses may be wonderfully benefited by the use of Bon.,Opto and if you Went ta •• strengthen your eyes, go to any drug-. ,. store and get a ,bottle of Bon-Opto. tablets, Drop one. Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth Of a glass of water and Iet it disselve. With this liquid -bathe the ' . eyed two to foUr times daily. Tout should netide your eyes clear up per- ceptibly right from -the start, arid in: dizappear, If -.your -eyes ...tak.nor even a little It is your duty to tako • stows to save thent 'new before it Its too late. Many hopelessly' band' might haVe saved their' Sight if they had Cared for their eyeb in time. • article was .subraltred, "Yes; Mon-Opte Is remarkable eye remedy. Its coustituest groalents ara Wall 'known to -eminent see* Manses and widely prederlhed by them, I bare Used it Very suetessfully la my awn practice cug patients :whose eyes wore on/Linea through over.; 14 thud of 104114 watery, aching, smarting: - Itching, burning oyes, red lids, blurred ViSi011 for eyes lailarecd train expo:lure to ',Metro, sere dust orwind, it is one of the verr few prePaeae Mons .1 feel should be kept on hand for ngulae USe In almost evert famtly.e' Poteeipto it not g. patent MedlelOO socret :remedy. it fa act atietol preparethm, the: formula +being 'printed ea the peekege. -The manufacturers guarent6O it to ; strengthen eyesight SO per cent la Doe week`atime le Inner Instsucee, er rause tile whey. It la ?go. eeased food druggists. inclue-44 • •