HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-08, Page 5• • aluitto* Ow4004,00010",rolowbomfooklis~soastassli4N This UptooDateRatige: or - • •", has ventilated iven with walls of nickelled steel that roasts and bakes - to a turn. The glass door. enables • You in -Watch the baking and - mompter shows exact temperature. Our free booklet desciibes many tithe special features. Write for it.'J. FicCiarjet PANDORA RANGE - .• Limnos' . TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER. • . ET. JOHN, N.B. HAMILTON -Clial,GARE, 8 SASKATOON SIMONTON For fullinformation write direct to the factory, Loncon, Ont. THE BUSY HARDWARE HOW MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS -Pi-form-6e FOR- PROMPT DELIVERY --U IiAVflA .FULL uNp. OF Coal and Wood .:11patiOg Stoves Coal. and Wood • 1;4,7;X:se' ,. _• _ 0. . .. _ - • . ... , 1 .. • ' 4 • . , 1. . 1 . • . . . . Behind heel of a Ford and Drive TRY it just oncel Ask your friend to let you "pilot" bis •car on an open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven. , • If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some- thing good in store for you It is vastly different from just riding—being • a passenger. And especially so if you clrive.a Ford.. • : • Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands Of them— are driving Ford cars and enjoying it A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country „yeeds and hills - Ata_strength.and_ poweeshow to. advantage. ••' Buy a Ford- and you will want to be behind "the wheel" constantly. • • ' . . • . • . • • F. 0 B. FORD, ONT. • _Crawford & Smeltzer,:Dealersi • young wards on hand. Miss •Deacon, matron of the institution, is in charge of the Shelter, and as she has had considerable experience in this work at other places, the institution starts • out well. A .GREAT SHV—Pe. W. P. Swan aton, son of Nightwatchman Swanston, of Walketton, and who- crossed over- seas with the 160th Battalion, has been selected from among twenty thousand men Comprising the 13th Canadian Brigade, to ccmpete against the English at the great shooting ...contest at Aldershott, England. • Pte. • Swanston, .prior to. being transferred to the 160th, was a. member of the 51st Battalion at Edmonton, where in a shooting competition he made a • possible Iy hitting the bull's eye ,20 times out' of 20 phots at 200 yards. Thate•he will be made a .sniper-Twhen he goes to the front is almost. assured. THE RYDRO SCHEME,—Mayor John- • ston, OfWalkerton,.has had word from the -.District Hydrq Electric Engineer that-Hydrorlir-readrto-girthead—with-, REAM WANTED We want creatn- Oar business motto is: Prompt service and satisfactory Keturns. We guarantee out testing accur- ate and our prices the best. g. Ship your cream .direct and save com- missions rt all Conies. out of the produCer: • • We furnish cins, • pay express charges and remit tiviae each month. Write us to -day for prices or 'cans. •• • their prepositiOnlAi supply Walkerton with hydro power., The scheme 'is to ••••'. take over •the tote -plants of the Sau- •gecn Electric Co. at Walkerton . and e to develope further power ch the' Sau• geen to reinforce the -Eugenia SYsteni. Kincardine, Wingham tind.other out• lying towns will likely be included in ucknow . the scheme. • The letter states that — • ' figures .will be along in goost, e CO SO , . The Mi4taiy , • • 1 that the ratejiyers Of 1V ii;kerton, 'will • have an opportunity of voting on the •• • •• HydrO •VIoney-By-law tri the 10 ynicipq' Service - Act 1917 - • o TODAY HE MILITA,RY SERVICE ACT is passed the Procla- mation issued October 13th. It is now the bounden duty of every man in Class One to report for service or claim exemption. 'This -includes: all bachelors and widowers without - children (not otherwise excePted) who were 20 years old on the 13th October, 1917, and whose 34th birthday did not occur before January lst, 1917. What To Do • • • • • • elections in January. • ' • CONSTABLE Is, SUED. -An interesting SeaforthCreameryCo. • GRAND TRUNK RiVra HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA dp The 'Home of Me Deer and theRed We: 'mire just receiyed our tock of •.; ' Mocise .0 PEN. SEASON S Turnbull'slinderwear for Ladies and Children - DEER -Nov. lst to Nov. 15th inclusive MOOSE—Nev. fdt to Nov 15th ludas- . ' Those who buy now will save money as repeats • Perfection Oil Heating • Stoves A, Few Second Hand Stoves at. Bargain Prices. Bring in your Sash and have them _primed andglazed. -A Fresh :Car Of.' tethent. JuS* -Arrived • • action which is listed. to come baOro of Ontarioi- -including- Temagtimi.- the life. In some of the northern districts • open season'is frOm Nov. 1st to Nov. 2.T•tidge Greig at the ConntY • Coin:t .in inclusive. that •part of the Prov: •' Walkerton on.Nor.• Ilth is alai preferred by the. village 9£ Teeswater against Constable Robert -Trench, and. which lathe outgrovyth.,of a number of hquor eases' which, transpired in that • burg.. :Crencli, W110 acted as prosecutor inthe cases,.collected $1,250 in liquor fines, and after reserving one-half for himseI, turned over to the corporation. $51_00, which he maintains, it seems, the latter's share according to an arrangement for the ' division of the nr Ince of piszilying north of the -Can- adian Government Railway from 'the •Quebec to, the Manitoba bounclary,••the open season for Moose is from. October 1.0th to Noveniber 3004. ' : „ Write • her. copy of . "Playgrounds --The Haunts of Fish "and • Game," giving Game Laws, Hunting Regulations,' etc. to C. RAlorningi Union S.tation, Tor- onto; Ont. • . • 0..MADTIN, Agent, Lueknow. Phone 2 a proceeds, after deducting certain ex. penses. The village, hoivever, claims that the vonstable-should-come .across .with another $105; hence the • lawault; which promises to be of an interesting nature.—Bruce Times. • . • PREVENTION OF pRIBERY, ALL NECESSARY STEPS TAKEN TO PREVENT CORRUPTION UNDER MOITARif •• .„ SERVICE -ACT. • . Ottawa, Oct•. 0.—in, setting Up the machinery foiqhe operation of the Mil- itary Service Act, special care hits been:• • fs£ the. tr.orat -sax rice or OS for claiming exemption. The form contains clear instructionsinstructions for fillin g in. ' Do this not later than NOVEMIER 10th . Beiivare: of .t4e. Last: Mipaute Rush. With so. many thousands of reports and claims kr be dealt with, the rush • of Class One Men will grow heavier day by day.- You Will waste less of your time and serve your own best interests if you avoid the inevitable rush on the last days. The law is, being enforced with the Government and.the People firmly behind it. Obey the law. Do it today. Issued by S21 . The Military Service Council BRUCE COUNTY NEWS The. town. of Hanbver • bas been •. connected up with the klydro•Blectric lines fronfEngenisjalls. • - Warden Izzird had the ini,fortuno • to fall and break :a couple of ribR recently. Ile. tripped over some brush .And fell across 10g. , • Lighthouse keepers along the Late nuimi shores have received instruc- . VOUS thItethe.lights ata to remain on •0 - the lakes if necessary ufitil 'Dem 25. The Kincardine consciption tribnnal is composed of Messrd..0. D. MOrristra, R. J. Stewart, Kincardine, and James Brown, ex -reeve of Ruron Township Mrs. MacDonald, a pioneer of Ruron Township, who for the past year was in till,. Refuge at Wale,ton died last week:, having suffered a paralytic stroke's. few -day s before her death. • A public meeting. of ratepayers of fiuron Township held in the Township Hall, Ripley, reeermendecl that the • Se • .2.1 1.bra'SVFOrtiWiradttatt7414 etie • of the. Act, atteieptait. bribery are al. ways possible, in Canada no less than in other countries. • • • 'Attempt to bribe any member Of an tamption tribunals or medical board, or a military representative,, n.eans a tern' of iMpriSoetneut of not less' than one yearand not more than five years. - It will be very difficult for anyone se in-- clined'to set aside the regblationt.of the Military Service Aet by corruption. .Not all of the preparations made to tittard &gala* venality andimfairness in the operation of the 'Act can be ...made public, but it may be announced that attempts to bribe officals, in view of the checks'and supervisions to be imposed, be an supervisions to; be imposed, will be an exceedingly hazardous business.' Township Council make. a grant of 82000,to the British ' Red Cro*ss Soeiet y, Miss auth Robertson, daughter of Mr. Norman Robertson, ...treasurer of • Bruce County, has been appointed to take charge of,s, hospital unit of one thousand beds. This unit is being equipped and sent to France ' by the State of Virginia. • • The Bruce Co. bhildrenas Shelter • was formally opettbd in Walkerton on Monday and starts businese. with tan: ,Sent'nel ids. Bring Results LIi F 0 Every Tuesday' Any Quantity -• CREAM. We pay highest cash prices And test each can accurately as our long -exper- ience enables us to do. • • Cans supplied. V or further particulars Phone" 47.Lucknow Frilit8eProduce , Led4pany., ' aPhoni.'4W PHOTOCHAPHS FOR CHRISTMAS •THE • itgkv THING- . THE INEXPENSIVE. •''' _SOLUTION OF THE CHRISTMAS GIFT • ,PROBLEM C. R. FREE, LUCKNBW GOURLAY PIANOS These are high-grade musical instruments and We invite your ittsjeetion,of them before purchasing. Sewing Machines: The New Williams Sewing' Machine is a strong, durable and ' lightrunning machine. Call and see them before buying. -• W. 6. ANDREW, - LUICKNOW. • • will be much higher. .— Our Assortment of Ladies' Cashniereand_WooL 'Hosiery sis Well Assorted. Ladies' sizes, in heavy wool, 45c. per pair. Better quality, 85c, and iti.00-per pair. Ladies' and Children's .Sets in Brush Wool Children's Wool Caps 25 to 75c -each., • . . Silks and Poplins in leading shades at prices • _according_to_quality Men's .Heavy Leather Mitts, 65c to $1.00 pr. Don't forget we have still a large variety of Hats and Trimmings in the Millinery Dept. •• 'We CONNELL • • ... ' • The. Patriotic :Young. Woman': • tea:se-6f a •ClassTA-Man for service at the front.. If we are to finance our part '• • ' • 4'. of the w'aro.the'wheele ot commerce must be kept Moving, and the best Set- Vice a Yotang woman can render the country at this time is 'to fit herself to • . 4 take the place of a trained office, manesides.' ii's good insurance: .3ton can get this training in about 6 months at the • • • ' • ". . .. • • . • . - _ • • Central Business College WINGHAM, OpIT.• • . • •. Affiliated with Central' Business College, Stratford, And the • • ' 3" • • ...Elliott Business. College, Toronto. - ' • D. A. McLauIdin, President.= . Haarilansit_Parbicipil,-_._ KWH AMR 13"11:lited• /072- Capital ilsthordIzecl, $5,000,060 Capital 'Paid-up, . $3,000,000 Surplus, . . . 88,50%008 uccess SUCCESS is seldom attained without at least' some . capital.' The thrifty man who saves regularly is the !caches the goal obisf am • Start a savings account today at the Bank of Hamilton. Luc KNOW DF1ANCH Ay Meanie. Manager.. • eilar...el art • ve.4.141, • 0 '