HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-08, Page 3a . . Cooling System, Needs Care Now. celestes more serioni. If the car can- _ "The great danr,er in summer is not make it in high gear the inter- . . Over -heating and the great a. • mediate ie used, running the! engine at anger m winter is over-copling," says an 'ex- a more •rapid rate than be high gear pert. "A few hints •at the present timet just is whiter is APPrOaohing i should be notal. - , "Few Znoterists realiza why an au- , toinobile engine does "not pull well • ' , when cs51(1.,. 'It must be understpod . that it is a heat engine and that it is • the 'expaasion of the burning gas in the cylinder which furrdshes-the pore; er. The more this gas expainie t mum arneunt of beat, watching and so wasting still more gasoline. Apart from this it &Mks the progress of the car, which is sometimes im- portaat 'Here is where a ear," with -adjust,. able louvres has an advantage over second it moves fotvvard eighty:eight Nor give the victory to the strong.. one -ifeeireilarly 'equipped. In cold feet and falls' sixty-four feet, and • sO • . Weather the louvres may be very near- on, descending in a parabolic -curve. Our soldiera on the battle plain, • ly closed, 'thus taking away Mini- 'Pius, when it reaches the earth it is Our sellers on the perilous Amain-. a long way from the place at Which it May they be true of heart to fight was aimed unless 'proper alieWance As serving Thee and in ThY sight I CZ,CIff I_ACCURACY' IN BOMB-DROPPINGe , • , WARTIME HYMN, Avieter Must Make a Careful Callow 0 Lord of Ifoets and God of Love, • lation Based'on Speed ,and Height.- Rulor of earth and 13leaven above, In Jesus' name .for help we plead; The difficulty of dropping bombs Great are Thy mercies, great our p,eed, from an airplane with accuracy of .. marksmanship is manifest when one Dark cloud* of war above ne lower; ,eo.asiders the fact, tbat the bomb, after Grant us the aid o Heevenly Power, hattlefieid is the celluloid! dreesing. -o God b o our side part it pievents the bandagesfrom the injuired the eviator has releatien it, does not We will"not fear what rear betide addition to irrotectlag NEW USE FOR CELLULOID, In Treatment of Wounds Received the Battlefield. One of the !latest of the many In- teresting and novel aceeesories to the treatment of womb received apple the fall directly downward, but, .13 Th u, e - driven by the momentum. Of the flying'. , adhering to the wounds. OrdinarY and!' speed. To waX anipfit inthiess fOel maltieg itdifficult to ouneve them, but bandages are likely to cling, not only, MaChlue keeps on in the same direc- Not far yam glozy do we go I Suppose that the airplane is -travel- Fighting for righteous. cause arid just, alim inflleting unnecessary Pain, and, second after being dropped the bomb Free ue' from vengeful hate, vie pray; preeiably retarding the preeepc of ling sixty miles an hour. In the first Thde We put otir•hePe and trust if the' adhesion • is pronounced, ap- NEW HART HOUSE CORPS FO WORK OF MILITARY .HosprrAls . . amoussam.. e Organiied to Keefe' the Crippled TM* mies Working -at the "Cure-. Maeltineitat it i ht feet, • Wilt ay- healing. The celluloid device 'h wever A Voluntary Werkerd Corps made t women wink Wish travels forwarde g V nee is Thine noel ren u of young Toron o Theiguge'wi4 lt helP them' wile suffer wrong entirely obviates ;these disadIvaintages. P „ „. . ....„ ., _ The dreseieg, *idea , is sernewaat; to do their on in awing tne recoverY tendent. while falling Sixteen feet. In the na_xt 0 like the shield used far Pretecting the of the heYss whet have' been disabled • Major 0, W. Gorden (RalPh Con-• . arni in vaccination, is Perforated vvith in eervice •ovetseas hae been forated nor); delivered a stirring addrees at, email holes so that it .reeembles a ley Dr. E, A... Batt; head of thp fano. the Rotary ,Olub luneheon at Halifa4. ' 'His plea was for anitY, e• • . ' Mre. W. A. Ross; of Ftedericton, • re- ceived' the Milkiary,Medal won by her. gion, Pte. Fred J. Ross. ' at The student body of the Uaiyersity of New Brunswick and the liniveirsity , ' From the Ocean Shore IM,==11 BIT$ CF NEWS, FROIMI TOR MARITIME PROVINCES, * Item* of flattest From Places Law • • Ped BY Waves of the Atbinale• - The tussock math la Miecting the trees 'at Fredericton. Serge, George Smith, a clerk in. the discharge depot at St John has been appointed Provincial dairy superia- • • fully of ',course, to see that no steam ,more "push or power the, piston re- eeives. The heat necessary Ur this expansion is produced by the. burning of the mixture of gasoline and air after it is compressed in the cylinder. The' temperature of the resulting flame is between -2,000, and .3000 --de- • grees Fahrenheit Ntiturally this f causes an enormous pressure on ,the , piston, if any of the heat is lost and so is not used: in expanding the gas the resulting pressure drops, with . attending lose of power. When the' • engine is first- started the cylinder , head' and walls are cold, likewise the • • valves and piston head and .the water , in the cooling system, Most of the heat Units must lag lost in 'warming these Parts, and sci the engine lacks • power, • . "This explains why,the engine 'does not develop its full power until it has been run several minutea.. The • greatest efficiency is obtained when . athe engine is hot. Even with the 4, • • most efficient systems the power loss a. a approximates fifty per cent., which, unfortunately, is -unavoiclable with the • . internal combustion type motor. "To prevent excespive loss at the Start some systems use thermestate to . • control the water flow, preyenting it from passing into the radiator until . it has warmed the engine to the pro- - per temperature. Others use a set of • adjustable louvres in front of „the radiater to allow sometimes more and ' sometimes less air to. pass tliteitrg comes` from radiator cap or Over -flow tube. IS the re,diator is not pro- vided with Adjustable louvres • use a piece of sheet metal, cardboard- of fibreboard, cutting off half or more of the radiating surfed°. Some drivers attach 'the etripiarfront-of-the-a‘adie ator, but this detracts from -the ap- pearance of the ear. Place it back' of. the radiator, but do not wire it to the tubes, as it Will start them leaking sooner. or later. Usually there are holes ia the strip on which the hood rests which say be used or holes may be made there without harm. The Metal strip is apt to he uoisy, card- board is too readily broken, seathat fibreboard would seeni to be the best material. It may be obtained at large hardware stores. "To prevent freezing is also impott- ant. There are many auto freeze pre- parations on the market, but they are apt to contain chlorine, which attatits the solder in • the -radiator, causing serious leaks to develop. Glycerine is sometimes used, but it rota the rubber hose at' top and bottom .of the radiator. , Alcohol is • the Only sub- stance which does not harm any part of the system, but it has its 'dis- advantages. It lowers the boiling point and evaporates readily; so that more has to be added from time to dine. Use about one-third aleohld far the climate of Ontario. -AdcLan- other pint eccasimially. If water is • ha a beeramade by the aviator. Obviously, to reach, its- !nark, the bomb must be dropped several secOnda before the flying man arrives above, the target, the Nine allowance requir- ed &penning tr. the speed of hiii Ma- chine -and its height ;in- --. Was It the 'Cow's Fault? a s net I Support the dying, Lord; bless Toe widows and the fatherless; • • arY, bandages hi the usual manner. . The perforations in the celluloid allow the use of Special corrective macknes, Bind up the brokeu hearts that mourn the pits to escape; and the surrounding d h they haVe been trained will cotton absorbs it When the baudage be given the charge of patients • who directorate are on the out on 2.c-, For them who never will return. must be encouraged to keep at the covin of ' the freshman initiation, ' .Com• fort the wounded in their pain; is removed,the shield falls- clean from Tink-prisenera.with,Thy grace_anStain; the injury., which has been eubjected apparatus work as part of their treat- which had been strictly aroldbited. , ,‘ Not unto us, but .unto Thee ' ' --•••" te iiteaggravation-'-- , _ - ,__,_:. 4ment. There a e nu erous Macturies--.11tatlietag:W.Z. ,-Marr..., ayaiallarifalt._Hay. ' A steamer crashed into and sank Shall be the praise for victory. e finely Meshed sieve. eTlie surgeon treats it antiseptically; .Naces ;it over the wound, and then applies the orate, tional re-educatiop work being cetrie on by tile Military Hospitals CoMmie- sion. at Hart House, Toronto, These young women will be taught Wounds se protected quickly and 'Wive a „cleaner appear- Hart House, scientific wonder -workers the ordin- in once than thostreated ary way. The Shield also affords a performance, but so simple in ap- e in peeelaeryacteeeaseetieoetdieficee iveeptphaeramtuaen wiwhtho considerable measure 6f comfort to • the celluloid sheath , is sufficiently Slow But Sure, 1 - pain finely Polished steel and . delicate the• paient by saving him the that pressure upon the wound causes; aFrings- . strong. to act as a guard. Another Men who have been discharged. by advantage that seems- to assure' itaatae- surgeons- are- sent here to limber extensive use as a surgical dressing up stiffened joints, to restore muscles is the fact that it has. proved well and put their Bias back into work - adapted to the process Of saline irri- ing shape when surgery has done all gation in the treatmentief wounds. • that it can to restore them. • WAR.OFFICE TAKES OWN FILMS: • Longpractictehat these machinesis , required and e patient's i . nteroet, Is . apt to lag and his courage fail before • . . n a May they who govern no fulfil ing five thousand pounds of milk i • Supposing that you keep e cow giv- year, for which you receive seventy Their task according. to Thy Will. Speed the glad day when 'wars shall dollars caela how muchprofit doesthat cease, , . . . cow make? l'his is not a riddle, but And 'all the world may be -irt peace • + WI CA,n1Bee. nnet Leaving aside the "higher accounting" simply a query that every dairyman should be in a position to answer. . no r at r to4overflow-- . the radiator. •This may be an auto- -ing, : as the expansion of w side of revenue and expenses per cow • .Traffie ip. Oleomargarine. -those periistent items of rent, in - A despatch frem Ottawa says: An tereet, taxes, depreciation, etc. -and k income e you then from milk or faa t tin upon the recommendation of' the Food and cost e feed, a Order -in -Council has been passed taking only pOsition to say definitely that each Controller allowing, on and after Nov. 14th, the manufacture and sale in cow youkeep does make a 'good clear Canada of oleomargarine and its lm - profit above feed cosi? ee . Whether the feed is valued. at Airy Ortation free of duty.. Suspension of he prOlaibition of its Manufacture, oebighty, dollars, whether. the income inipert or sale is a war measure only, is fifty Or one hundred and •twenty • dollars, is there such profit that°0 fair and. will apply while the present ab- normal conditions continue. • The con- returit is made to you for •the • ',reboil elusion of such •period is to be deter - expended' For if revenue and ex. pense just balance_ showing you, no niined by the Governor -General -in - margin of profit at all, there must - surely be something wrong; year li- bor has to be paid fore "-- .. Milk and, feed record forms may be had ree on . a lication to the Dairy aier Commissioner, Ottawa, eco t at . .. te control by' thermostat or may be profit made by each dove may be as, ma . controlled by,the driver from the seat ore alcohol will use it to overflow, wasting . Of :course, htisr leak' -certaizied. Perhaps_some Pews would show profit if fed better-. some won't must he; repaired:immediately. . ' • ' • ' troller 'states that•the, dairy interests \dated by trappointment•of a com- All, these sYsteins are designed to : ouncil. . The recommendation of the Peon tish Battle Pictures Will. Be Sent to recover y is complete miles! someone • • • of work than the voluntarY o k s ' To its thOusand-and one _activities • w el* a n. ave been enlisted, • . 'the British 'War Office has now added Cheerfulness All Important. the ownership and management of a. British film business. • The entire con- The therapelitic value of a cheerful tea of the issue of wh4 is known to spirit is recognized in every hospital, th moviii picture woli'd ea' the :Allied Countries. works with him. It is to do this sort Controller was, made because the high "Topical Budget" bas passed into the cost of production and the demand for hands of the Airy Council. for, the export were putting the price of .but- raso_hi eo le were un- able to purchase it: To reduce thet ,price arbitrarily would have been'ima fair to -the producer- Theakiriod Con- % f duration of the war. • , • • BY the unwritten of Whitehall; ar c busi- ness,' so the difficulty. of earning and ,controlling this film business was.ole- 11 • -will not suffer by reason of the sale inittee of actical men, responsible of oleonmagarine in Canada -a-- ' e-WeitiOnicea. ' . • • Many men in all provmces n the co* ea 'ne-rapi • ttawa-show-thirty • and so save time and gasoline. over. night^ not merely to prearent, ara e • - eaa'6' • evident that °vet -I -cooling pre - and sixty 'dollars clear ptefit per cow freezing, but to make startink easier. . • veins the efigine from developing its Also, blanket the radiator carefullYt - full power time yeasting gasoling. In covering eyery part, as that is_ most, hill cliinbing _the oss of power be, likely •to -freeze. , , .4•••.L,..!. • • , . . • . energetic and the. annoyance Is monk al •rather than physical; for- one is constantly thinking of things to eat. , Growing Children Are Suffering,. .. . . • , The ones that are really hurt by the blockade are the growing childten and -a ea--AMERICAltl---01ISERVER--TELLS- OF- -t ha_thin that they leek and king 'fot• • is sweets. Before the war one never - CONDITIONS. - ' realized *hat an important role candy , played in the game of life. The Food . . --- . Commission recognizes this and very Workman Still Goes to His Bench eften c'hoeolate and puddings are pro - With a Full Dinner Pail But ' vided for on the car s ' d of children un - ,der sixteen years of age. ' a Children Are Suffering. While the fopd prices have been soaring all over the world the prices Leather ie so eat:len-alai-3 in Germatar in Germany ate Rhinos down to nor - „that only -the Upper class burger:will . he able to -have real leather shoes this • Winter and starch is twenty marks .a „• pound.* But in spite of all .this • no • German will go to_workwith.an empty, , dinner' pair. . The German Food Commission. -is ' the most uncanny thing in all the bay. 4 above feed cost. YOu May'have. made more than that, if You made less,: was it entirely the cow's, fault ? -.7Ati Insult To 'Royalty. . The. ideas of the world' change; what is unwelcome , to -day becomes teresting bit of 'evidence of that in. an diets, a private '. in the. fainclianint through' the W MO t -` British pictures will be distributed e ar ce aFrance, • • the. treatment of arm and leg cases, the total figures are appalling and -welcome to,mortpw. There is an in-. An leant, aa a house. goo two .80a .. Amusing . complaint; long forgotten about forty-five years of age and a Italy; Portugal-alid all ever 'the British and specie, rooms P • the amoun in rowel. figures .rePae-. 1 onis are provided for t --r • - ,-,. -- . and now •brought . eta -alight a.hy the beardless lieutenanti • They-atented-tio: Erni:die-as- well as . to- the-Unitedi each. In these several men. work to- sents a property waste. - beyond all , -----' beak hat argument, and:suddenly-the- , States- Neutral -countries ---too ateato "gethei and competition keeps alive reason : . It is:almost criminal ' foraeu- - -- ” . r. 1 'entlitsalastaafeeavehichariamanaworking guita-1917-;'-tcrithow-alossee-ef-L-82‘3- - --- anchester-Guardiati:a . : - - be organized for the distribution of • - When postage- stamps first . came Landsturm man shook his 'fist in the * • • into. use in England, some persons de- officer's face.. . i 'these seine ictures; and 1 in re turn raione needs the stimulating meerest 750,000, as compared with $10,750,000• The caPtain stopped the car cal 13 • from an assistant., ' • ' '• for the saine Month 191a, since . as dared that the effigy of anajesty was . butanewhere is it made to count more than in the cinative wprkshep at Hatt sented R. L. Baxter with an address • House *here a nian's own endeavors of aPpreciation and a purse . of gold. are•vitally important to his recovery. Mr. Baxter, who has been a inernber, • There are at present over . sixty of the society foi- nearly half a cen-, .. • . • menarecalaing treatment at the insti- tury, has gone to Columbia, Missouri. ' • • anion. The personnel of the -enroll- ment ment is constantly changing, of course, MILLIONS STILL BURNING VP • • One of the crew, o o who was taken from the water in an unconscious condition, died a few holn!fk later. IM the Seymour poisoning case at .North Sydney the jury renderedk the verdict that Tryphenia Seymour came. to ,her death by arsenic poisoning ad- ministered through the eating of an Food Centroller Ilanna'S request that the price of milkbe not advanced until October 81st was not acceded to ' • as far. as fluidal; was concerned. On September 29th 'the price of milk was booted to 13 cents e quart ' The fame of 'New,Brunswick as the "Land of Comfortable Homes" has reached 44. -at Russia. .The ProVincial immigration office has received a re- - tallest from A. P. Nechaex, Georgie.- • vaic,•Teisicago, Oblast, Russia, for a list of farms, available. •• The North British Society of Half- ' fax at a complimentary luncheon pre- .a.s cared cases _are,dismissed end ,aew : men come for tireatment. • . • Total Losses Front' Preventable Fire work is largely' individual M. ` e4trting es' a strictly national flour- the apparatus rOom, but m the gYin- -113-APP "Topical Budget" 'has • blossomed etc., are treated; there. ate • cukateve eight months of 1917 irt Canada and e • , and plass work for men', with wtheei.,U:iinteeed fhteatztitsllop. sstiotriyoxeof0:00thot. a A Conflict of Authority. . * A* DutehijOurnaliet, Mr, •J ltr.. de ame y m . . Beaufort, -Mlle in' his book Behind the afflietions in: et:demon, ' ' • • • , . . All' th t 't ' t t th ' taes,assYsot-elna°faionwtleirchpatnesgeenvisi-tho . the ,. __ - • -Veil-Yeil of an -amusing' incident :- Special Game -Booing -a.- that interrupted- a &lye with a Ger- British public. scenes from every front • man ataff captain through Johan- .onNyhich '-the :Allies -are- fighting,- ex- Such games as squash racquets, bas- man • on the Prussian -Polish border. cept the Rnssiaa. let ball; 'tether tennis, and -ping pong. have a distinct therapeutic value for veil of war's doings, the War Office nasium where the caees -of flat feet, Even the fire. lasses for `the • firet ern games as compared with $111,500,000 in -1915, ' • ' tepresetits-the- losses in oil and muni- tion work', here and in the linited • ; • States, not -necessarily of air -.accia -- • dental character. At the same tune , led certain. pictures from neutral couna • 1. • all keove, even allowing, for war plots, "Man,: have you lost your eenses- 4,...' %a a .., - London,, a* ' ---e--ea--;---- r - - „ 4 too sacred to serve as a label for let- ters . — . , . „ • +axes will he sena +o for -,iis. the private to him and bawled: , , ttibution through the British Isles- . When Man is Most Efficient , a vente.ble causes. We pay this enorm-; • • • • •nmet of these losses are due to pre- , . wrote' one ardent ' loyalist in 1840. Pre- that?" threatening. a superior ;, Officer? * Do you know that you can ' be shot for • The official film photographers will Dean ous amount every year as a tribute to. "Have you seen the stamps yet?". "This is the greatest insult the not - confine their work to the front In The • American Magazine the national elouchiness in building sent Ministry could have offered the . "At maorders,etipsiierg," to replied attention. hThe ' national events,* naval, military or Engineering a the university of Cin - y . are, also otake pictures a a erma t 'f 11 II ri Schneider of -the School d construction and to a gross careless- a ness in the handling of properties, , a Landstuilur "A man is most efficient when he is which is one of ,our besetting 'Pins, in otherwise, happening anywhere in the cinnati says: - ' • ' ' Queen." '•- , • ,mal leVeI, foreverything that pat buy . • on the uncle is extremely cheap and King Ferdinand of •Sicily took the. everything that is any good is sold on,4 Matter so. seriously' that he had a special postintirk made in the shape the cards'. Everything that is sold is .of a fiat& so that the officials claild "ohne Kerte," or without, a card, cancel the stamps without striking his "either no .goed or so 'exiiensive that . _ a the ordinary person cannot afford to -portrait .. . ,• . ,, Experimental. Arithinetic. . world. - Like ,inagiC it 'produces a sae The food situation isnotthe same ' a stitute for any article that is fiance, all over Germany. In Berlin, . Dreg- eitYs an American newspaper woman den HaMburg and Leipzig they have - - Who. returned from 'Germany three less than in 'other places Bavaria; , .' oeths ago'. The comniisston has ' it the Rhine country and East Prussia aene i - Small villages they do not even, have •Angry Mother -No, JOhnny „hain't I, gured so that the. nourishment Shall are far better off, and in some of the got the toothache . He's suffering e divided proportionately - each weeka and it also has figured out just what a bread, card. . ' from your fool teaching. . You told tit share of food.- - if a_woman holds him he was to tell how long it would take him to eat twenty apple, if it The police see that every one gets each person shall receive, for every- , -' ,Cidiadoestipt receive the sameamount f feed. •Fin• instatice, a man or, woa a serve -at -girl's rations' fram her the took lam one and a 'half antiutes to ' 'hum that does manual labor gets more girl can report it to the police; and the' eat one apple -and he's got stuck on Schoohnistress-Wella what's the Metter; has jelling got the teeth- , — ieread gam 'olan or. weln-44-1 that vv-eman is tined. In a boarding Idnee -/I.f.'"" i,thl ixty years get more cereals, and"-iiie' the landlady' tells you whether y.ou can W.hat lieeps ilteltaffeeL-Edign"/""lan' .411C.P.61%1Aattatt r4gikElAt4 • 11 get more butter and eggs These take two ot three potatoes, or one big We are accustomed to think that the persons get *hat they tall nusats" potato and one small one. The food Sun warms the air, but it ,doesn't to Cards; Mendes their regular cards ' conditions are not alwayS'eom ortable any great extent -at all events; not Every one in Germany is getting " bin, but still the German dietingsys- eni proves that much wornout state- ent that "we eat toe much," tor -nine ut of every ten Germans have never "Send me a ton of coal." "What ten so well in their lives as they haVe• size?" "Well, a two -thousand -pound en since the cards have been Intro ton would suit me, if theta; not asking Wed, ' You• feel spry, : active and too. much." . but the 'food commission bel Yes • i directly. • , has the things divided off so• they e will last for years. Wash tea leaves before you use them „ to sprinkle over a carpet. If used just •as they'come from the tea pot they are likely to stain anything with a light ground. • "He may be •my superiox, officer, but he also, my son!" • • Ashamed Enough. Robert's mother was wont to close the "Western Lumberniari" staff, Van; her reproaches with, "I'm atiliaMed of couver, was recently promoted - from you as I can re," and the word asharn; the Cantediaa headquarters Staff ' at ed, therefore, Was constantly in his i Shorneliffe to the position of assistant ears. .to the 1 ,dor of Timber Operations in Great 1 ltain and Scotland, with One day, aftet he had eaten up his little -sieter's •candy; -bis mother ,sai the rank o ,&' captain, which . Was con- todi him :' • --- --- - • , - , ferred in recognition of the high ef- "Robert; did you eat Dorothy's eau- ficlency inintroduced by him in the dY when 1 distinctly- told You•not to?" task of supplying the needs of the "Yea • ma'am," said Robert, in„, a various Canadian hospitals in Eng, tone Of triareph, ."and •• I'm just, as ashamed , om myself es I can be, land. Capt Black writes that the Bo conservation, of fetid in the foresters' 0 camps in England and Scotland is a you needn't be ashamed of re at all!" 4 • . ' live issue, -- --i , instanced hy the -fact British Ises. . • that national slouchiness is being uni- • we can take no 'pride Now doing the work that .gives, him the which' aerially coademned, it is • about thne • Meet in. Cap Dishwater. eatest satisfattion. From the labor- er to the !business exeeutive every man . Lieut. Gordon, B. Blear, forinerly of should .get threethings out -of work- s. decent iiving, develppmeat and difs- cipline and, satisfaction in the doing . "If your job gives these to you give „back to it the. best work of your hand and brain. If -it fails to give you these face the fact that you are a misfit and seek your appointed ailace. You have 'no right to let life remain sep- arated from its tiro haridinaids-lib- erty and the pursuit happiness.":- _, . NaPoleou'a Mistake. Napoleme was a Master . of flaming . . .. . ith-wil, Loa a new d'i, x Vol 'W"41.i 4 -t-tt ,,,E-.3-.merttkortks skt well as of the science a p1.6-,8„men„ntAt,u_onLpowD.404ba.s4,00..t: :_,,,.-itm_ .killi- ,. 11 ,,___..ty9,47,,tim: i.way,,L,._tpts sentiment; uttered at St. should . he larger than ender .arid or tl-ro-Win" g sillwta:'"Y"a-a' unit a. of brea e ena, --440-6t44_14Pr•• result froni too thin seeding on rich, instead. of placing it In the receptacle Beck in an article on the war, ridght semi -arid conditions. „ Lodging , will provided for food. remnants As a be emphatically echoed by the allies well -watered soil. • . further instance 61 the saving meth- to -day :• "I made the mistake. of my A cielightfid. friendship .is thet which pds in vogue, Capt. Black notes that 'career, when I had the ."oPpottunity, exists between the Royal -Heinle' of the dishwater in .all forester dining that I did not remove the Hohentol- Btitain and • the ill-starred EMpress camps' is skimn:ked twice. The greage 'erns froze the throne of Prussia, ' As Engente. Queen Victoria Was Very thus sieved is sold to, the Imperial • long as this house reigns and until the fond of the Empress, and very recent- lnuultiens Beard each week, the red cap of liberty is erected in Gera ly the. King and Princess Mary paid monthly reirenue amounting to a hand. manY, there will be no peace in Eu - her an intiinate littleylsit. : some totsl. rope —,--------Inemms4s) .-..............,.. • that all -forces joined together to re- - • • move the stigma of this diminal care- lessnessa which burns un Ito , • - • '; every year, raises insurance risks anda rates and forest; on all sorts, of .sec- - onclary losses without rhyme or -rea- . . tem.. es NOI) MAD% A Micr. MESS . cat Fre 'CALLtela ant- WARR efaraTS A coupps ors PoowMuYrd I! • , weep- „Aga IOU WINO -ro Do Mover 11* 1 • • • Xi aim." mei AN owE Niot.1 e-r+iti4 I tg.RI'Apiel :ThialeTHAT•1 APOLots* A •••••••••.I...• at, goiLato -rtkirr wAs Jusi Kiorit4G AN() PfzeleNo -01Kr WAS ALI. A Jeltle a • . .1011:E3 ilzfria: _ ...••••• „ N 'ELAOSI or TRIR1-1 !Algot' BeTetatil seate Veto AND "Nue .' • an 1111111., IN mow' 404 „.! , i \\\\.\ • Tomos -I -HAT' siou ? • DID. '101)40 OVER AND AriOLOOZE 114 ICE Boxt Ni1AS , RAW BEEYSTAK3 15 'flied' ANY. j DM TKO ACT. atifOli1Sin VlikON Taal CATIV,Tet • -iliii• PO0R4 , NO . HE sAID gr., WAS WAITIO6 PoR frit . . . 4 , — •••• .' • . , • MORE SUGAR FOR FRANCE.• , ' • • • - t • Refineraii Released From Gdrman Oe- • mention Being Put in.Commission. • An inventory .Of the forty sugar re- ' •• liveries, in the territory- liberated from _ • German accupetioa this year; shears ; that ten or twelve of them can be re • - ; roe a hou e-Tlecalti; •• spat ch=frour • rest are POthillg but shapelees mammal • of debrig yery little ueeful material can be reclahned from the heap. The German* stripped all these refineriee of everything la the Maine of bronze, - brass or copper, taking entire ma - Chine, w'here practicable, and. break- Ing ethers up to -get the most useful metal out of -them, o• • • • De/lamas worth thousands of francs • • were destroyed for the sake of a few . . • pounds of capper, The steam engines A that Marti left alai were rendered irre- - • ,Peta7711:,:seri rtz.breitts has bjenenttifonuitiy.: o , ly belabored by hells, many of unexploded, must be extracted 'before the eultivaign Of the soil will he safe; • Some ofthis land, it la thought, .• ' - may be put intoconditionwill aid iteli,.o relieve itionf0 rcrop • nokyear, and with the few refineriMI • Iheaiteeealithilee'eraelaarirtdmine in France. A New Use for the Shoehorn, , .1 liktily potionswho religiously use a • shgeherii for putting on ponies and a orfeids waver thialt 'tlir.l.n"-L."' • 1 - handy 1ittl lletaultellt tat mory. rubbers. Now that acacia days MVO • come and there Will be MerlY &IVO mbonlv them, ft is well for moth; erk.-now that Thera is a wq managing rubbere that'aro gett little sang for their smell owners. to&' her try the shoehorn. „ :4A.1 ,Faaietta•