HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-01, Page 5r • • • ••• • • l46;11,0111 SIN•TINII • • '. h a ••• Ihipettiint Emits Which Hay* Occurrod Duringthe WaWK. •••••••••••44, • Ow $W ilforld'it Ifirippetftipi biro. 00inpffeit and Put Into Mud, And Attractive shape for the Readers of Our Paper • Mend How. Erdarituent, TUESDAY', • • The Toronto Y. 1f. 0, A. Winched a eallipaigli to *scurf) VW, new Member*. - The memory Major Redmond • Wae honored. br all the allied troops •la Frenee, • . ' A relative„ an employer, or a man • Himself may "• make implication for exemption. ' The German attack on the convoy • 'Atha North "Sea has angered • the Norse press. • ' •,• • • •An Italien biplane ' earrying eight passengers flew over V. S. territory at the rate of 80 miles an hour. U. S. Fuel Administrator Garfield • . announced that the ' coal minera in, • • three middle western States had re-• ' turned to work. • 4119-laWlice,P,Pert-,RefaToatv5LaYA, with a population of one • thousand, 'contribatell more than . $4,000 :or • Red Crops and other patriotic pur- •11•"::OrgeGilmen;, • a farmer. aged about 60, was instantly killed at Whitby when he attempted to cross : in front of an approaclaing paesenger • . tVliFinlight Cadet Roebuck Of ChiSaeo. • '.7.:.:1. : ;._ ‘,..-... ••• , 2---. ,- - -,--••••••:-.--.----.- --- was--killect, on• tie -4111M' --Right -at . • • Mohawk Aviation' Camp, near Belle- ville, on Sunday* hie Plane getting out of centred' and 'plunging to lire grotind. . Increases have been authorised in _ ., . . . the pensions and allowahees to and . ..... • . , - '•, in respect of. soldiers and sailors in D F the Canadian Expeditionary Form - 0 : ' .: or . Y. - • . .and the Canadian. navy amounting .. to approximately 40, per C.S. A. K. Maclean, member of the re!•• cent Parlifinient for Halifax, is to be sworn In as Minister without. •port - is ...Food. Cu..re. If Yo(tr- BlOod is -Thin; • there is pall.* of the lips, eyelids and gunu,. and • yen are easily tire& Digestibn fails you, and yeur ...systent is run down; because the blood is lacking in • the nutritive. elemente. •, • • • .' • -if l'ott ti4tve Nervous tleadacheS •-• . The brain is the headatiarteri or (4central” of the nervous system. Here nerve force is consumed at an etidianous -IftherelfranY racknf rich, red Wood front which to form new nervous energy the ban ie first to feel it and the' head aches. ? , Headaches may be etoppedby powerful drugs, but • that is like breaking the semaphore which warns the f danger •-The only wise Wrij' is to inerease the amment • In this weakened condition you ke„.„an easy prey colds and all contagious diseases. The brood mast be enriched by such restorative treatment as Pr. -Chase's Nerve Food before.you' can hope to ,regain strength. . • • Anaemia does not correct itself, and; consequently e West ardigle lies In to take active .;.•treattlient until the streegth is too far wasted. , • • •*. • • • • - . any thousands breve b,een -cured of anaemia. by rich, red blood in the human body by using br. ntitihg'Dr. Chase's N-Tve Pood, and this is the beat 'Chas's Nerve rood, and thereby feed the starved Proof that itill not•f ail you nervesheek to health and - .„ • • • • • ' If Your Nerves Are Exhausted • - you lick the energy and ambition which is necessary • toattend to the duties of the day. You, cannot con- eeptritte„ the mind, memory fails yon, little tlings Orate -and annoy,--Paiiiibly, you do not sleep •efell;- • and have nervous headaches or sciatic pains. Men tave.braI ssc gee to , women x• _ Potence weakness irregularities peculiar to their : ,,Stra4ike feelings come over you and you live in dread of loosing' your mind or Some calamity about to befall • , Another name for your.condition is' nervous pros; • : tratioll or exhattatien.. and the natural development from:this condition is- paralysis, locornotor ataxia or . some:dreadful' forte of helplessness of mind -or body. 14111* Do' Not•SleepWeli • , Wecau live-withont food", brit,flot Without eleep. Many Will recall Dr. Tannee's,,te days without food, • • bet -Who could live a sittglo weejc without sleep and , retain .their :reason? It Is. during sleep that -the' nervons-systeur het estored,-3041he nerve -force; coneueredby the activities of the day, isreplaced.... Sleeplessness is one of the•fitst and'one of the 'Most thrturieg aymptons- nervous exhaustion. Witlisleeplessness•you find nervous headaches, tired, 'wornout feelings, indigeition lack of ' energy and •etrength. • , ' The nerve force in •the body is at low ebb.' and the feeble, wasted nerve cells miathe nourished back to health and strength by such treatment as Dr.. Chase's Nerve•Pood, ••• • , • . , 4 .• LOCAL . a . • . . .. . . IDENCE : .MRS R.BRUNT, HANOVfiR,•ONT:wereesf--- - . 7 . 4_4;. was tronbled•with a rundown constitution, and suffered principaly from weakness, sleeplessness .medicine and:nervousness. • My. brother had used' Dr. Chase's. Nerve •Poodf with great success, .1c, he advised me . to try it. I did so, and before the first box was fin-• islAd L began to feel beneSt of this treatment. ' The continued use of it built me up find strengthened my eYsteni 50 that in a shott time -I could sleep well, peerthme the nervousness, and feltreal stroagagain.” • . MRS: ii. ffINCLIPFH,WINtiffAM, ONT. WR1Tgh:— -- 'I have found Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood a splendid ' • ' • for nervone disorders 1 have used it at • - ' different times_ as a tonic to build up the system, and . . .,., can speak very highly of its merite. , • ' ' - • ' ('7 am acquainted with this party, and believe her statement to be 'true:'..'—L IL Morton, police Magistrate, Wingham, Ont. ) . „ )r.,1:•k . N • „stets 01-4'13, TAM, fy By Supplying these elements of Nature, of which red blood composed, in an eaSily assimilated forni, Dr, Chase's Nerve Food brings about natural and gradual 'restoration. of health and strength.. True, it is era in any niiraculOns way, but by the only:Means !itch natitre has provided for the forpiation of neer, rich bleed and revitalizing of the whole hutnan System. • , • 50 cenfs a box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for at5, at all dealers, or Edmanson Bates & Co Ltd 'Toronto. Do not be thlked into accepting a substitute. :Imitations only disappoint, • •• • - —Monday, Oct • Harry WeedaSpent Sunday at George • Visdale'S. StnidaY at Albert Mcgoillin% _ near I Lueknow. i Amen Martin to finished lining silos. Willie gibe, of Si. Augustine, %Tilted' tat P. Leyer's.• : • • • •ileritoti hats purchased it new Overland car. Thomas McGluffin •has retarned home litroni. the 'West, looking fine. Miss L 0. Loqgnisn (Tent the week. Old at her home in Whiteehurch. number of Our young folk appear to be laying in it store of beechnuts. ' and Mrs. John Gillespie, ,•White. enure, assent Sunday at Chas. martin's+ tr. • Thomas Pinleon had the North Huron tateptione itilitalled last week. tang 41 en 617. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Xing spent Sunday • liwnitthilerth,ir daughter, Mri. Stmvir,t-Ifo- •Sts grito 31004 %las volt in this locality. The born being down and the wet weather made it a slow job. ' • • ' Zion • —Monday; Oct. 26. Fred Ritchie, ef Lticknoir, visited at his home here Sunday. • MISS liamsaitvas the guest of Masa May Hackett over Sunday. rte. David Johnstone, of Toronto, is spending a few days with his uncle,:, David Stroud. The rally and evangf3listic' services held in this church last Sunday Were largely e.ttended. • Mr. and Ferrilt end Of Bethel, visited With the latteec sister, Mrs. Sauk on Sunday. • • Owing to saoramenlat servioto beteg held la Blikeo sext 13ccdir• lirliCIO 14 %MO 41114, 401 • , -Those 'who attended -the Sundaytichool russe desdayw re: Roes Margaret 7:Ind Epworth LeagueciMises in 13.414111. Mark -Ida linekett luta' Isabelle Nixon and Mellor& Will Helm, John _Andrew and Joeeph liackett4 4.' PHOTOGRAPHS FOR CHRISTMAS: 'THE V*RY THING FUE INEXPENSIVE • .801.11ITIONI OF THE CHRISTMAS GIFT PROBLEM , folio in the new gUnionist Adminis- tration to -day, thus 'representing 'Nova Scotia Liberalism in the new Cabinet. . • Lt. -Col. Glen Lyon Campbell, the stalwart six-footraember of Commons for Dauphin,.Man., from '1908 to 1911; and previously for six yeas in Ahe....Matritaba, -Legislature,. France on Sunday. • He took the 10th Battalion overseas. WEDNESDAlf. • Kingston Street Railway' Company• has started to try the employment of girls, as conductors. ,officiaf was deepatched to in- Irestigate the reporte from Learning-, toa that'iish:are being wasted A man. and a woman were .arrested • - on -the eharge-of *trafficking In -drugs between Toronto and Montreal• . • • The British, . merchant cruiser Crania Was eunkby a torpedo. and a Britifih destroyer was ,sent down'in -; ' • Senator, G. D. Robertson .and Mr. •A. K.., Maclean of Ilailfax weresworn as niemnereof 'the Unioir Govern;. raeirt-withont-Portfolio','----- •. __John -Herbert _Cornish,..0.-Torentor watt arrested. in cOnnectieff with. the alleged Sale of drum to_young Men, liable fin military service. -2 • • Dr Michael Clark, was' nominated in' Red Deer as supporter of- ;the Unioil government: by his- former ConsoriittPie•oPPonent, F. Day. The Dominion Railway • . Board• Made an, order awarding- the 'Car. 6360,000 in connection With the erec- tion ,of the high level bridge over, the, Negotiations. have been completed for the eetablishing of an aviatien Camp .for the Royal Firing Corps at Beamsville,• with accommodation for .48 airplanes and 1,000 men. It is. Understood that the Cabinet has decided to • Concur in the food. controller's recommendation to' lift • the ban on the manufacture and sale of Oleckniargarine in Canada. ' • .* The successful 'operation of the.. Military Service Act is assured, In the- opinion of Mr, E. L. :Newcombe, •Deptity Minister. of .Justice and Chair - Man of the Military Service Councii.:. Vacant Senatorshipti for the Wed - ern Piovindes have been .filled ;the• Appointment. of Dr. F. L. Schaffner - for -Manitoba,. W ..B. :Willoughby Tor Saskatchewan, and Colenet D. Taylor and G. IL Barnard for British •••PM.41•-••••••^11D1P'.." - - • . .. . II IVY had •US• 1 depart, - AMA Ilatilli110 lie% and La delegate ell Iditehiting td the Wst Parches - int CemeillidOe, Which is tO be ebanged and *Alerted. Among Union Government cande• dates nominated by Joint conven- tions yesterday were -Von. Prank Ceehratie, Tilaiskaraing, F. S. Seen, ti. Witterloo, and Dr. Shertleff in Stansteild, Que. F. F. Pardee waft nominated for Wept Lanibton et a rousing Liberal convention as a $tly- lportertit the TJtdOovernatent. A convention la called in North Waterloo, and one win lifely he bold Neer. FRIDAit, The World Sunday Sehool Conven- tion Opened in New Ypek. • Mr. Hoover made -an intereeting *View of the world toed sitUation, • • Lord Northcliffe stetecrin Keeeee • City that the war,Wae onlY .begae. '704a1.leate4 wines 1. nearly apeered 0MA the Province of 0n. t01 Johu Jellicoe eaid.in• Sheffield: that the spirit of the German navy , is on the decline. • - - • ' The Winthe-Near (Ontario) Com- ' mittee decided upon a ,deelaratiOn of POO,' and a list of war neeeesities. . • London, lute decided to insure men drafted Under the Military Service 4ct:v*014.u' ilePendents. _ • The -British Admiralty requires hundred more • yourfg Canadiane for the Royal Naval Air Service. ff, Keefer, of Thorold, has • .been appointed legal adviser to the Food. ,Controller, •Iwithout salary. ". The United State a will 'charter a ,number of steamers to Italy to 're-. lielrethe latter's shortage of ship- ping. • •.•••,-Dr.- -.1.--W,Robertson* chief -adviser to. the food cOntrblier. predicts the nrehibition of consumption. ef beef • by .the spring. The two politica .organizations in Saskatchewen•have disbanded for the period of the war, and in their place has been fornied the National COY- etnnient Association, ' Concentration in delivery •of milk - Is most likely to be suggested in the resolution to be forwarded to Food • Controller Hanna as a result of •the adilk.Cominittee's investigation, • The Industrial and Scientific, Re-' .80,ra Committee has. ;formed two strong repreeentative afisbeiate com- mittees, one On mining and. metal4 lurgy, and the other on chemistry. ..R Tasker Steele, one of the most • prominent .citizens of Hamilton, founder of the playground' move „„nient„there,..:ned-le-Patron-.4-4thleti6- • sports, died in his sixty-seventh year. Lieut.. H. II—Chapman, who was • severely wounded at Vfmy Ridge on Apiii 9 last. hag; be,en appointed in- spector in charge Of all Officers of •-Military Distrkt No. 1, (Londen). SATURDAY. The .Sinn Velum are again in ference. * - • •• The- election -Writs, •10e. to beissteCnext_week. A British'ehip had acon,stant bat- tle with a, are all the way across_the l'o coat e 1t- ian 8vee'.been ledb; g sus ati"63regarding udflnegi. Controller • i • • -Mra, Katherine Sexton wjio passed -ber,19thibirtirdiTlastAugustv-died • at• _ Two more men were arrested in, 'France in..ctinnection • with German, e, •pronaganda there. ' - • TheJapanese are saidto be eager- ly seeking' the arms -monopoly -con- traet from China. • • '• ...Flight Cadet' Thomas X: Murphy, ion of a British'. colonel, :was • killed by a fall with his machine near T�.• ?onto. • • The 'Chamber of Deputies • by an abbot unanimous of, declaredthat a state of war existed between Ger- many and Brazil. . The vote was 149 . Colonel Claude G. Bryan .of the 4Canadian Red Cross has gone • o Switzerland to supervise additional endeavors for, the welfare of intern- ed, Canadians. - • The food oontroller Wcirking on. the problem: .': of regulatingthe spread between the price paid. farm- ers for hogs and the price •paid by 'consumers for bacon. • ••Thaheli4oading plant Of the Can- •adian„lExplOsiVes • Company • at Ile- Perrot. near .Vaudreall, Que., was destroyedby fire and explosions, . the loss reaching Possibly 6360,000. • • •• ' MONIDAY. • Jetties Williams, C. P. it.. agent for manv warn, died at Orangevill• e. Orlando' haft been - entrusted with will-bedeeldedneWvinewill,fleilnatt: Ifyurvottliblareke—ffer4""rt"fiif-nd'r •1 AC% THE BUSY HARDWARE HOUSE MAKE OUR STORM YOUR IrtlEACQUARTIERS PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY We HAVE A FULL LINE OF Coal and Wood Heating Stoves Coal and Wood Ranges Perfeetio4- Oil Heating Stoves -A-- Few Second Hand Stoves at Bargain Prices, Bring In your' SaSh. and have them primed and glazed. fresh Car of eintent Just Arrived ftreasomissaw.eeniranare•ft.00404,0*Isysk4tokt01 4, • • litURSDAL .Nickle is to run as a 'Union candidate in Kingston. ' A Noregiau steamer with:corn for Belgian relief was stranded. More arrests of Sinn Feiners in the United States are expecte& . Ontario is. expected to contribute two millions to the• British Red Cross. ' • The memoir ' of the. patriot • Kos- clnsko was honored by the Poles at Moscow.• • The movement elf Canadian. wheat to the north -Western American mina has begun. 4 ' Dr Ifiehaerte, the tierman Chan - teller, .handed his resignation to the Kaiser, _who- reheard -to- ateept It Mr. Horace L. trittain, waft appointed Superintendent of the To- ronto General Hospital for a year. The Canadian Railway Associa- tion for National Defence has been • formed for doser de -operation dur- ing the ware. ' The Canadian BankerS' Assodia- tibn, in coeference with the Minister • of Finance, arranged 'to actively fur- ther the fortheeming war loan. • Restriction of package salt% of foods is with the object of lowering the cost of .these suebtittites for wheat, says Food Controller Hanna., The Duke of Devonshire unveiled • the Memorial in Brantford commema orating the invention Of the tele, - phone there by Alexander • Grehani Bell, who was the guest, of hater. The 'Food Controller has us a war measure raised tho ban on oleomar- garine, whieh may atter the 14th Of ilorember Inrrnanufactured-afid sold and imported tree of duty Into lunatic f Milk Vali% OpiotroOk 5.1 7 ** -AWL • 1$ _ * • ar..23.111111=110 re -#.4611 •ereisariadiar alliffailiffirliefablialift. *2- " • ' We have just received a shipment O'f STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR • In black and -blue labs Buy now as, prices will be much high ". "? repeat orders. We have soni Suits;;Norfolk:style, at Pants at prices to swim you money.. . • , Our Flannels and Flannelettes 'are good vane. Good .Grey Flannel at 35c. , •pote our .Flannelette for 15c. A lot Ofst.adies!,Coats, last year's .siYleS, were $10 to $15, price to- clean: $5600 each, • New Lot of Hats And • TrimmingS, have been added _ to the stock In the-, Millinery Department this week. Miss Johnston invites the ladies:' • to visit the showroom.. Orders receive • prompt attention's -7— m WANTED—Young SO Men and Women tor desirable office • ,posa▪ tions at good salaries and with excellent • • 44;;ti.4140,;=Q.4 .0N -444,14‘4414•544,i41....4.•• .13$ot••,: postitane IR/II be open next eprittg: uu: 2 - 1-*"-'47°Ilet141"-""rt`tiiix4-11.1"..Arr HonWACharlton announ-have the wilito titakageolt-we knoW-frain paspertencW that ,we can tram : • , .:. . ced that he had no intentionof retiring yon and place yonin one of these Positions. . , • .• • •. • In Norfolk. • Stewart Lyon, Canadian Press cor-• respondent at the front for neatly a year, arrived home: Germans sank the -German, glibOat • Ilibere, anticipating its Seizure' by the Brazilian GovernMent. • • - Exemption TribUnitie may be es- tablished in the United States to deal with Canadjana renident there. The • corner -stone of a AV* Ruth- �fllafl church; tO "crost $30,61/0[ Wee laid' 1h Hanillt,on by Mabee Buda*. Cereal dealers had an intertie*, with the food controller respecting 'the recent Orderiffeating'tlielt•hilai. .ness, • Mahlon K. Cowan, IC.C., a leader it the Ontario Dar and an authority. .on railway law, died after a long 111 - Zees. • Frontier Herensky declared that Goverment . never discussed the . possibility Of .the surrender of yet, roped. • The Milk Committee has !Ottani- • ated its plan for . reorganizing the milk industry and consolidating dia.. • tributiOn. Twelity4IVe teen wore hurt in a eollision between cars on the Mont- real Tramways ComeatlY'a line near Montreal West. • The ebal barge •Oloha foundered in a stern], off. Nine' Milo Point, Vest of Kingston, yesterday morning, Cap- tain 'Dania McVicar, seventy years of rte,o, being droWee& Mr. D. A. .carey, whose name has Vol mentioned- to connection with • the Under.kietretaryahile of *whorl, Was tontinated by the -Duloptactuu 14410r party tor gioutb, 44 •. . -• %I/INGRAM, 011T. Affiliated with Central Business. College, Stratford, and the • ,• Elliott l3uSitiess College, roronto. D. A. McLaohlin, President. Havilaad, Principal. HAM • etablialled iei •• •-•-•• capital Authorized, $5,000,000 capital Pate.up, $3,000A100 . farina., . s. . . $3,500,000 • The Farmer's Convenience - Ir HE Bank of Hamilton is always ready and glad to help the fanner regarding his Cattle Business, Sale Notes, Drafts or Deposits • Consultation invited. 'LUC/MOW BitiktiC8 J. A people, manager, • \ _ ss.d .4 •11 "I I 11 • or 4., • • A