HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-01, Page 1.a�
$r.so per year, in advance,12,00 otherwise
VP to date• the waar-has, cost Canada about $700,000,000.
Carmda• has spent in Canada over r 000 000 on herown \account.
ov � '� 400 �
Canada has spent in Canada on.behal#jof Great x r
over .300,000000.
What "Canada spends for Great Britain is really loaned to `Great Britain
and will be repaid or credited to Canada later on.
GreatB*tain needs so . much ready
.cash. to finance her own expenditures at
home for herself and for' our All es'that she,
m*bu • on credit from Canada; and from •
every other country where she eau get:
fain s . credit Is
.o '-rt� there
"'',good that othelr:cn tries, uX order o
r. her credit.-
.. • tY' 1:1� . quite R3 , . �t0 - vC _
as'we:are in -Canada.
--- -anada=waf-o;-p
not -oily because'.t °nada •warts Britain's
trade but because we 'ale Canada and she is
GreatBritain—both members of the same'.
great Empire, kin of our;akin, our mother
Tor- Canada it is both ' a ` filial and
patriotic duty to supply. Great Britain's
A: war needs and reshemher,, her needs are our
-needs.- Also it -is in Canada's self-interest
to' supply those needs .and 'thus keep open''
.a market for our products;
* *
- Now, •Britain needs, our .'wheat, our
cheese cattle,' hogs and many manfac
tured articles.
Canada also needs'ma:y of :these.things •
--between, the two it : amounts to. m� .ore
than -a: million dollars a day in. cash
And the producers must be paid in
Neither Canada nor' ° Great Britain
could gc ' to a Canadian farmer and buy
his wheat or his cattle on credit
The fanner and ' all other producers
Plight be ever so willing to give' their
nntrr ' credit but they could not do it :.
bacatise List have to pay caSh for wages,
The must be aid
or t � tenals etc. m p
f,ren,Jlna. ,y
in qh,, or its equivalent. .
.So- Canada. says._to:.'Great, . fin I
one so that_ jou_ can_ ...
will lend lend you- the -money y . y
Pay cash- to' Canada's producers . for what
P y
you *ant,
a, borrow this ' moue from our'
I will -8.T—foil-
- ��r�.
e r
.as • • ou '•'=-ow mon `� OnCt . .
owJa . o �e just .n' y
P �'
e• ,-
.... -e eagle oT
1 '�+ih1 also Morrow f rom th , � ,p
Canada money to pay cash for_ all the pro-:
-needs in Canada."
;ghat is Canada's: practical, 'patriotic:
part in helping • � to win the -war.
P g ••T
Without;; this credit the Canadian pro-
ducer could' not sell to Great Britain, andY
without these Canadian products'the4war
would be prolonged.
SQ it is necessary for Canada to give
•-Y•-••tow-Great 1ritain the ---credit in._ order. that
Canada's own producers,mho need ams ket,,
will have one; and in orderat Great.
Britain which needs the products to win the
war, will Et them.
Now how does Canada get the money
by which both Canada and Britain can pay
cash for Canada's products?
By borrowing it from the people `of
Canada' 'through ` the sale . of Canada's
- ictory Bonds to be offer—Min November: :
The angel of death called home on
.TuCeeday hat Rebecca Hamilton, relict
of the, late John. Johnston, who ' pre-
deaelised her some twenty years ago.
She was the'eldest daughter Of 'the •' late
Archibald •Hamilton, of the 2nd Cone
$iron. For the oat, .*fen years She
resided in Wiogham with her daughter;
Mrs. W. T. Miller, whereshe passed
away, in her 70th year. In religion she
was a Methodist, and was beloved byall
who knew her for her kindlywords and
deeds. She spent her lastdays knitting
epvks for -the i Qys_alx;tite front... Besides
her daughter, she is survived .by two
sisters, lire. McDonagh. of Mount Forest,
and. Mrs. Hines, of, Toronto, and one
.brother of .Portland, Orregon. Her two
,sisters; her brothels -in-law, Mr. McD.on-
agh, and niece, Mrs, 17. McKinnon, . of
Hamilton, were present at the funeral,
whichtook place Thursday :afternoon;
Oct. 25th, to ,Kinloss cemetery. -Rev.
Mr. Armstrong conducted thefuneral
service 4 the house and grave.
About Expense
To a questign asked recently regarding
the-Willi/ay fair and expenses`of one tak-
ing medical examination under the Mil-
itary Service Net,' a daily paper gave the
•following answer: '
(1) If a draftee. reports for' service:at'
the. local post-offiee, he will later -receive'
from the Pi ovincial *Wetter under the
Act instructions to 'report for medical
examination-- •on a 'specified .day., and,
accompanying the .instructions; will be
..a..-voucher.:.good;_-for.:, railway�..transpork
tation:' The draftee: will also,be-paid.
$2,oO a day for the.time occupied.
e and -nor z "ilwa
'Th"e�e'"'will• be money . f ee a y ;
"transportation for men who apply for
exemption:. They will have to pay their
ses. • 2 jII _tl
:emption are not allowed to keep__ the
'forts_claiming exemption... The ppet.
master' sends.. it to. the -Provincial Reg
a� =
That. is why Canada's Victory Bonds'
are offered to the people—to -raise money
• to help to finish the war.
"Canada'must keep her shoulder to the
wheel even though it be a chariot of fire,"
-- and the, _ way for Canada to keep her
shoulder to the wheel is by buying
a ado's
ictor on
by selling Canada's yietory Bonds
_ eo-operatiora Arith the Minister of Manes
Miss Mabene :411iir is visiting friends
In Toronto. • . .•
' : Your goldierr friends: will appreciate
your photo as a Xmas; gift.. 18.40-c:
: Miss Charlotte McDonald is •a recent.
studententered 4 the Telegraph, Office.
Looks. decidedly like winter. Well,
Hallowe'en usually brings something
like tits.
Miss H. McAllister bas: sald her cot-
tage, now occupied by D. Gilbertson, to
Mrs. Gf. Smith: • •
-lrarniers `wait g to-geta= dew ' sheep
on shares apply to Alex. -Ross. Luck-
now. •
Wellington Henderson has bought'
James . Boyle s. residence on Havelock
St. and nail moved in.
Isn't it til ie the ° elect4ts of South
'Bruce were getting together to select' d
Union -Government candidate
The medical examiners at.Wingltam.
'have been so busy the past:. two , weeks
that :many who went 'over could not get
W4NTER —Ment to work-in the woods,
by Nov,.:lSth. Big wngea to the sight,
kind of nen. Apply by letter or phone •
to-Wiiliam .,Sill, R.R.4, Ooderich; .or
phone,gderich rural, 6 r 3. .
Lucknow friends of Ewart Carieron,
who -trained -.the Signaling Section of the
160th Battal oe, will be, pleased' to learn.
that' he has been advanced to the office
of captain. • He hasF:command of B:'
l:Jorepany,•which, we• believe, was •re-
c'ruited,•about Wharton.. Cameron•- went
WizemtD.'—A' large quenttity of good
fresh "butter in rolls and prints, also
fr h-eggs'and tallow
•' We still/have .. special values in teas.
and many other articles while -they last;
=6 bars ensile soap for,25c. '7' •
e�seli�`a .. peril
;price on tanks fi'11ed - I.'D. WooDS.
Foetal authorities reqnest that parties
sending parcels. to soldiers in Europe
A PollticarSensittion which it May be clelivered, if the Soldier
• • - • be [quad, T ,e second address should
in last week's Sentinerthat he wouldbe
a candidate in South Bruce for election
to the BOUM of Commons created some•
exquaintances-,..--Few-of them think that -
he Will Make -the. grade up l'arliainent
nanie on the ballot there is nO "saying
three -cornered *conteat develop. Mr:
Baechlerr we iancy, not' very Widely
known, and for the information of those
to Whom his natteiS unfamiliar WOBtate
Blackhorge village. He has been for a
-number of years a member or the Kinloas
Council Board, and appears tb have
-strong local suPPort in that position, ne
speaks with a marked 'German accent.
His mannet of coming out as• a candidate
is quite original and unusual.' He_ -will
',have to fight bits OVrn battle unsupported,
by any such . Party orgailizatien as is
usually responsible for bringing out a
new Al -42
4%We butclierat. cows- 00 to 8 SO
toed feeder* - 8 50 VI 9 25
000,m11013, COWs.. tV1 85 00 to 120 00
Hoge, fed and watered. 16 SO to
Timothy Hey. , 13 OO•to 15 60
Ugge, 1We'r 46 to
Thittter,..rost Visite - 42 to 42
' • - bank and signed by the manager Oficsoine
"dood, as the wheat" is an Old Motto, elevator coropany (sr milling eoneern..
abOnt. aft gulch the: Ian WOrd in meaning The cheek ie tonverted into hills or .gois
as "Safe rai the Batik of England.0 A on deposit. Good gsheat; , good paper;
bag of No. Northern, clean as a whistle nobody Mika any questions. Because
of cockle and fottail, waft a symbol -of the company is 0 K and the bank: is
'sure valite long before geld WWI known gonad, /f any wheatiteller had any'
in the world. Wheat has been tonna In :doubt of either lie would at once demand
the Pyramids. The Egyptians Just about eOceething else.- • ' •
woralapped Wheat. The Bible calls it '"1-sold.good Wheat," he Would say., "I
tern; SO do the English. )3ut when we want something aa good in exchange: •
day "good se the -wheat" we "refet to the What made the Wheat goocll The good .
biiihel of brown, hard kernels worth Ity :former behind it. A poor -farnset ean
make amid eeed into- poor wheat,
What makes- the paper money goodl
thin* it bears, The sounder the-orpor,
attori, the tearer the. paper COlnea to
being es good as the wheat. But ()Vett
kbig company may go "broke." Back
of tho eorporatioh coons *shoo
CloVernment fixture this year,..412,690, Xn
the,' memory ,of living inati when did
weighing two Wakes arid a peck ..tote up:
dollar gold Pigoo. BO of omit* ho
irote, Sold Or his*Itett. • All be 000 hi
guarantee on a pieeeli paper is better
than either. The pledge of the Dominion -
of Canada to pay any. man money for
value- reeeived is as good OA the wheat
and as safe as the Bank of Engle*
Tbe best pledgeof the Dominion of
Canada ,to pay is a Canadiaq, Victory
Bond; better than checks or bills—AS
GOOD .A$ WHEAT! Suppose yon
,change that twenty bags of wheat on
your wagon, not into a check or notes or
even gold; but into Cangdian Victory
Bonds of $50 each, beating intereat at
live and oiw-lialf per' cent. ner annum
and -as negotiable on the Market AS the
best eheck or the boatload of wheat you
tor ail matters regerding Greenhill Snake/
MO Ids DI 0, Ivor illifratort ,
Cattle on the 'fraeli.
luck last Thursday morning in' making
his big shipment of cattle. Forty of the
Robertson's stock. yard, and soineOf
them broke, oUt before morning. They
veere on the railway track in . the yerd
Fent-tiettlem 'Were" Waif
engme; two being killed ontrigb t, another
had a leg broken and a fourth was
&imaged se that the buyer would. not
accept it. . Valuators put the loss at
$375; but twhof the animals were( after=
wards dispesed of, thus reducing the
loss ' Mt, Henderson -thinks he 'will he
able tb recover froin the railway comos14.
as there were circumstances iu conneo(
don with the accident which , thinke
•give lama reasonable claim. •
- -One-of-the animals was -run over-- and
cut to pieces. The pilot trucke were
thrown off the rails; but as the engine
‘cials nearing the station nothing- serieue
happened. •
the one with thepostage stamps and the
first address. The. object is t6 avoid' the.
ieturn of pareels, or the keeping of them
who- spends' - ins
simmer in Detroit and the winter, at his
home a 'few. miles west 'of lucknow,
came north"on Friday. He is engaged
in a lumber yard at Detroit, and 'reports
a falling off of about fifty "per cent. in
the building business at Detroit this
season as - compered with last. Not
much wonder when rough lumber is
$37.00 per thonsand feet, nails $10.00
per cwt., and carpenters- get 75c; -per
liour,- with •other • building expenses in
Single Copies 3 cents
Rev. ll.. J. Williams, BD , of Kai Hang,
Ronan, (china, -will give a' mirsstowlry
talk in St. ,Peter's church,, Lucknow,. on:
Nova Oth at El gin, • •
Services- at the Presbyterian church
next Sabbath will be conducted "by the
pastor. Morning subject: "'The All-"
Sitf�icienl Savior." Evening subieeicr"The
Church. that is to he.'
The revival ,services conducted: by Dr.
Mahood in the Methodist church are
creatiag great interest.- The Dr. is cer-
tainly a master in this work. The subject
fur Friday night is "The Amusement
Question."" Sunday services at 11 ion -
71p.m.' Everybody welcome...
� A n 1 Miernonnw 'litvu ;
DAY',. Nov. 4, 1917. --Blake's church;
Service at 10.30 a m., Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper Will be. dispensed .at close
of service.' Service at .3 pm conducted
by Rev. Dr. Mahood. klackett';s.:. and
Zion- churcliee: The xregula�r service will
be withdrawn for the day All midweek ••,,,•
services are withdrawn for the present,
to encourage attendance .upon the Evan-
gelistic Services; . •
School Notes.
The Minister of Education has given
notice that after August, 1920, ' the ac
ademic qualification for. a High Scltocl °
assistant shall be a`"Un iveraity degree.
Holders of drat -class certificates will not
bq.°eligible, to teach ' in a High School
except under specials circumstances..
The 'Minister of Education for Ontario
has directed that an adequate knowledge
of such. topics from the history.of the
war ,as' nay be suitable for study in each
school grade be required as one, of the
tests: for promotion.in the public (schools
°-the-- examinationmarticulation'-examinati?n~ -at
least one and not more than tweoptionaf
questions upon'the war° -will be set:in
Mr. Robert Graham, of town had a
•telegrain yesterday,. dating thaehis son
Gunner Herb Graham had beettacinlitted
from wounds in the rlght shoulder and,
faeo Further portietile.rs are not given.
Only last week we reported • that•Herb
vOi,of bravery, I in serving hie • gun.
A Visitor From the South
Mr. 'John Moffat. Of Montgomery,
MONA-Ma, Was a caller at The Sentinel
office ThursdaY of • last week. Mr.
Moffat was up on a brief tisit with . his
luothere4teorituUnd_William,_ of 'Cul -
went 'south thirty.one years
ago and has not visited. Canada id the
lut twolltY years., • In all these years
The Sentinel lute becA. a regular. 4114
had applied at the local Fost • Office for
the Military Setiice cards. All hadap-
It may be useful for the, men within
•the age limits to know that nothing is to
be gained by delay..., It does net matter
whether a man la sick -or' well, whether
he has u'ndergone medial examination
or not; failure to fill in and retirn one of
the cards will bring the "penalty all the_
same: The tinie for reporting for Service
or applying for exemption exPirea on
Nov.' 10th. After that date. the m an
out leave. The peoaltY is a fine ot from
fifteen chillers to fiee hundred
after payment of which one is still liable
for service. " After :November 1.0th. it
will be the. duty of the Military tepre-
•sentative te- discover and report all who
have failed to coMply with requiremeets
of- the Military Serviee Act. Don't
,blame hia, m himself in the pos-
ition or a soldier who must obey orders,
. Ignorance of the le4v will not be an
eironse, .'„The best ccaltse rot any eligible.
card. That is the only° way to avoicle
Pte. -Grant MeCreath -wishes • through
The Sentinel to thenk the ladies of the
Patriotic' League and of: the "Women's
Inetitute for the socks which tlisx_so..,
kindly gave to recently,.
The marriage of a former Mallon boy,
Vernonligar Dyatt, is announced from
Kansas City, Miasouri, on Oct 3rd.
The bridis was Mies Sae gdna Taylor,
a bright and accomplished young lady,
tiaughtev a Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Taylo,
of Kansas City. Mr. Dyatt will be
remembered as having spent two years
as a boy,on..Bilvor Lake farm with his
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mts. Dolt, and
atuteterendt ed the public school here. Mt.
Dyatt has a position in 0. bank et Abilene
and the yonnf touple' *she their
Burrow.—In Huron.Townahip, on:•Oct.
24th, 11,17,' to Mr.,eed Mrs.R. J, .
Button,' a eon,
STornene.::In Dungannon, on Oct. 19,
• 1917, to,Mr.-"--and. ''Mrs. " Herbert
Stothers, i' 1nu«liter- liza Lenore-,
Sezatox.—In;" Calgary, Hits.,, - on -'Oct.
9th, 1917, to Dr. ands` Mrs.) Morley
C: Stanton,. a son --Bruce 11111116111111111.
thakinfetior Rubber's.
at reasonable rates. Fire insurance, Mtn • .
-Steck -and Mutual Companies. °miter;
anoing done with neatness and despatch.
GIRL A. SIDDA.1.14. Broker. Lucknow
PARKkit, OSTEtATH, at Cain Reuse
diseases suoiaessailly treated. us.
disease. •Adjustnient tha.spine is more
HIGI1EST PRICES fox poultry and all kinda
Dor, zinc. and all kinds of hides. Phone fitt. •
18.9-tt JAXE MOM., Moline*.
For Sale
AIM PUB eAte.-482 Acres (the ClumQ,' •
bet farm) one mile %vett. Lochalsb; in 1-1
good state bf oultiratiOtt. free from weedat 1
,good buildings and fences. Apply to
sALt.—uout.t. and lot._property or the -
late ma, Clara ABM. on Havelock Street. .
PossessiOn any time. Far particulars apply
FOR ilAIR—linee frame dwellings, all in
orators teaVibg the village. Apply tO
PUB SALE.-Oeed frame residence with stone
ti°4 AtitsolgollillAbl:04,hiotivtliacgoicoar'gro'lltdr6 I'l‘