HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-25, Page 8•
CI 1
!6D L UC&It0W $* e1!l540',i1►e1 'DUX
olor fast Rugs
Something New Something Deslrable
As Tapestry and Brussels Bugs have risen in price the public ell.
welcome the new Xolor Fast Rugs which we are showing in very
neat patterns in three shades --brown, blue and green. -. They are all
reversible giving an entirely different pattern, guaranteed. Fast colors
and very durable in wear. Prices, size 6x9 $6. b0 9x12, $10.00.
BODS' OVERCOATS. Neat styles, nicely . made, . well' lined and good flitting
are thee leading features of our ,Boys' Overcoats priced , at 4.00, 5.00,, 6.00
and $7.00.
AVIATOR CAPS. .Pretty styles in navy and cardinal 1i e1t and Fancy ,Tweeds,
all nicely trimmed, very nobby styles. Prices, children's' soc ; young ladies 750.
LADIES' HAND BAGS. A nice, assortment of newest styles `lust to hand tins
week are excellent values at: . iota $ii 5i; _ _ 4_-.. _ ..:. A, _: r....
NEW FANCY 'COLLARS. Another new lot to. hand containing very pretty -
styles and extra vales at 2de to $1.50..''
LADIES' . BLLOUSES. See our range in fine quality Crepe de Cherie Georgette
P � g
Crepe.These are the very latest styles dnd are nicely made and :neatly trim-
med. Prices 5.50 and $7.00..
SMALLWARE,S. This department of our store is well filled with '-a splendid
assortment of. useful and desirable articles. See our large show case` containing
. a display of new lines received this week Barrettes, Combs, Beauty Pins, "
Neck Chains, Needle Cases, Fancy Rat Pins, Bone. Hair Pins, Hair Nets, Bm
'broidered larnblems and 111413,y.other useful articles. •
`Al chaCamero.o
Make' all Yotir Whiter Ev►enY J e
t Rome °Enjoyable by Owning : = .
--Monday, Oct, lied
Mumps are la this district! Mime have
reached the him tet.
Mr,. Thomas Madden returned' to De.
troit, ,inch, on friday.
Rev, J. k McL Henn, of Peru., made
a short call here last week.
Miss Jennie Ma$iono_n is visiting in4
Mrs. Catherine McKrnns:n returned
house from Lucknow, on Thursday.
W. T. Stewart returned home from
Mr. Dave Mclntosh is working at W.
11.. Gilchrist',
Donald McKinnon, of.Ripley, renewed.
IequaintanceS here last we'k. •
Jack McKeetnan,made a %einemtrip
1,:eek. ai,d 'other pointe last
week '
Mra. Jas, Wrightson has been on eek
list with quinsey. Glad to see her
about again.
Misa.Alkitt, of ''Narva School, wasa
guest of Misses Cunnin bain o
Misses Kate and Belle Mckinnon, of
Walseiton, visited friends here last
Mr: and. era,. Alex Ki .pen,of Tiver.
ton, and Dr, Johnson„were Sunda;• vie,
'hors at Mr. Meletyres, • '
The British lied Oross Campaign in
this district was agreat success. Fuller
particulars will appear later,
Aire. D.11. Gilchrist,of Detroit, Mich,
is visiting at the home of her parents,
,Mr. and Mrs: Neil A. ;McLeod, 2nd Con.
Rev; McNabb,—of Underwood, "con-
ducted Freparaiory-Services in St. Pauls
Church an Friday afternoon, Sacrapnent
was observed on Bunday.
The Annual Mt eting of the Red Cross:
Workers here will be held 'op Thursday,
Nov.'8t1t. All are requested, to attend:
thirst.,, ;anal -Meeting.. ;
There was noService in the Baptiet
Obureti^on Sunday evening owing to the.
absence of•the 'Pastor,. i14r:' DfcOauley,'
who ist attending ,the Convention . in.
HER, is nothing that will _bring into your
toile ei joyrile sit itas 'suck varied forms.•:as a
Grafonola. Practically , every rind` of entertain.-.
ment that thestage' offers in music, oratory, teciita
tion, •etc., is reproduced and at your cohimand, :at a
.moment's txotiee, withoutstirring outside your door.
You are e.re never at a'loss to Make your friends'
visits' thoroughly pleasant `!'here need.' be no "dull
moznents wiler"ethere. s a Gr'afonola.
Prices rame � • 2:00 11
. '.. '.
For this stnall sum You Lan secure. t
' y a, perfectly depgindalile
. -instrument that has most all the special features that : distin•
. _ 'Olga the 'Cohitn _ is Grafonolai Other ric "
>� ., , P es are 1133, $ii0,
$65, .8102; -$135, --ug 660, �; f -maybe -bougbt_ftoi t it's=--
Ott esti .ely
stn ezis,q
Smail A lount 'O�ly
Need be Paid :Down
toucan . have any typ of�..Grafonola sent to your.home
at once on payment of A -small fraction of the.;puf cage price:+
- '.The'balance::will lie arranged. ii little weekly sums' to be
paid after at your convenience
Now Is the tune to decide, because, you can #a ;,he full 'li'L s *lied. -•, .d ..,«:r
' •
indoor-..eveningsare here.: �,$)C•$i ono a
._ • -.,AGENT , � : � .:. ' � ,
Woodstock, Oct. 17th, and,22nc1,
The Ladies,Mission ire
t'; ..le of the-l3ap
tist Church, purpose holding their Ann-
nal Thank, Offering Meeting on Tuesday
eveningOot. 30th. Rep: Oordon.Holmea
B. A:,, of : Goderich, will 'address the
meeting..: Special mush' Tendered All
are cordially invited • •
..niond�y, Qct: 22nd
Partneri are' -busy filing their silos
with corn •
• James Aiteheson returned 'home froth
.the West looking fine,
, libels Laving Xing, of Teeswater spent
l;', pe
a few days with her sister, Mrs. Stewart
Pte T as- A
hc.�n rmstring;•of -Toronto,
attended the funeral of his grandmother,
Mrs. Wm.'Arnistronon Sunday.,
Mr.. and 'Mrs. • Jno; McGee returned
e after spending --a month 1L -With'
friends in. and around Tsronto.
,'Mies Pheamia Chamney, who spent. a
few months visiting in • Saikatchewan
and at , BOlten returned hoose oh Snit-•
Ne•are .sorry trireport theleath Of
one of our -highly esteemed neighbors,•
Mrs. Win. At istirong, of Weet Wanaiiosh
:who passed away on Oat 191. after a
few months illness. She was 86 yeara
of `s go and lcaavc . £ottr da ightcrr_ „ nd
Donnybrook; !Glia. i�!m. James, gist
'Eighth Con.. Kinloss _ • •
Oct 22..
David Scott was a Sunday visitor at
•Williain `Congram'ss.
Miss Reae McKay is spending a couple
of weeks: at Aylmer Ackert's.
FAA Culbert spent Sunday afternoon
nt Wiliiasn MeMuhifai's,'Pine• Rtver.L
Miss Sadie Gee, of Lucknow, . spent
the weekend at William Congratn's.
Wilson Waihnid Wee. S be called
at John S,.:� •Culbert's on Thursday of last
week. • .
Mr. and airs Charleo . Coiigram and
children. motored to Ethel to, .spend, the
week -end with dire.Congram's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster, Mrs.
Irwin, of Lucknow, and Mr. Reid, of
Guelph, spent Thursday with friends on
thesth Con.'
—Tueedaalri 004-23.
itrid and Jolla Andra* were burr'
filling 'silos ' in this; neighborhood fast
week. - .
/Mist Rota Twamley had .the misfor-
tune to break her arm last- week. We
hope she will soon be able tb be out
Blake's congregation was well. repre-
�eg L p
dented at.the yy,M.S.' eervicea Sunday
and MonelaY •ovonin in-• the nHacksett ,.si g
church, . _ ..
—Monday, Oct, 22.
Thomas Culbert visited his on Mr.
A. Culbert,: on Sunday,
Miss Lena England, who hasi been`
spending the last couple of months at
Percy Finnigan's, returned to herhome`
one day last week. �^
Miss Allie and John Ryan • Goderich
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, John
Mr, and Ctrs. "George Colli on wets
Sundarviaitore ttr-the- hoyams--at -David
Tuesday, Oct, 23rd •"
, Dr,ite
moving is
h to Petrosa, this
week: _.
Mr. Mass. Holmes' had the phone to-
stal e
l d hist- week.' His ring is 32-$11:
]�[ Berv'll
i e ,
„ Odlstm, of Toronto,: spent
the week -end not the home
of Mr. A. Fox,
Mrs. Clubb aid, son, John, are visit-
ing with the formers.. sister,
, Mrs. Wilt...
Daw, .id Dublin, '
Mr: Wilfred a rscott-ntotored to Lon-
don last week to spend a few 'dais with
Quite' a number limn here attended
Q tended
Anniversary services 'in Langside on
1tov. Jaa. R•, Graham will take as, his
Subject Sunday morning, "The Eope'e
Peace p'roposale:"
Asnotss those who attended 'tha Meth-
odis't Sunday School convention in Brus-
sels. on Tuesday, were the Mises. Ona
Metheb hair,`"" 11:41011-0 it sDi lie
Mr. McTavish,
Wananosh; Mrs. Thonias.Tisdale,•1)akota,
Mrs. Wm. Smith, Brusisels; John Arm•
strong, of Belgrave,• and William, `at
'home. • Funeral service was beld.'in' the
church Sunday afternoon •and` the rem-',
ains laid to rest.• ip Donnybrook Gem-
CuirssCorners• o _ �.
` —Monday, Oct, 22.,
r an d Mie. 11. Belt spent Sunday at
Harry Pinnell e.
Mr. and -Mrs.. Gec rge Bell visited . on
Con. (Lon Friday, -
Mrs, Mee and hildeen are visiting at
the home of Josepir Ronne,
heartiest congratulations are extended
to Mr, and Mrs. Allan Turner.
Nixon Melvin' and. party motored
through our burg on Thursday' last.
' Mr. and Mra, will. illick :and 'fa:m}ily
attended Bethany church . on Sunday
A large number from here attended
the anniversary services at Langside on
Sunday. •
There will be no ee vise
r at :Bethany
en,Midday,'(dot. wiri Iii'aunI'ersi►iy
eerviees at Salim.. -
—Tneaday, Ott. 23rd
M1 the farmers sre husv nutting corn.
Miss Elsie Steel* was a Sunday guest
of Miss ¥slue McMullin.
Rm. Neil Thompson and ¥mss. Jean
Bell were the guests of Miss Bessie Mc-
Tavish Tuesday last.
Mr. Archie Courtney arrived home
from the -Wear, £iaturdsty last,- We are
pleased to have Archie in our midst a.
Urn J. Wilson and little daughter,
who have spent the last few weeks •at
Mrs:' Ellen Bell's, returned to their hears
a Brantford, last w eek: ' •
.'ueaday, Oct. 23..
Mrs, 14 A. Brink left Tuesday morning
to spend a week in Woodstock.
R. J. Mann has scold hie residence on
Brownlee St; to the Molaons Bank,
es medical x
amin r .atW
Friday evening,
A nephew of Peter 'Me aughtoe, who
ie with the Royal Flying Oorpe, Toronto,
npent the week -end. "here,- visiting hie
uncle and cousins., ,•
Messrs: Oak& and'Richaril. have .pur;
chaired, from, the town , the sawmill
formtrly ownedby the W. It Thouapeon
Co., and it, no doubt, will be a going
concern' from now nn,, ii eneigy and
capaeity can make it so. .
The knitting bee.and tea in the. Towtt
$all laotSaturday; was very > suceeesfut
A large pumber of elderly ladies apeut,
the afternoon knitting trench caps, for
the soldiers. The teachers, in their Red
(;roes uniforms,. were very' attrau'iive
(they are that anyway), and the "tea"
was a great success, netting some $28,.
which goes toward „mailing Christmas
parcels to the soldiers. -
Huron. unity.'Treasurer
On• account : of the tleatli of Dr.
liolme: treasurer of diitren County, Mr..
'William Lane, county clerk;: has been
apointed treasurer until the'- Uecetuber
session of ; County.. Council, when a
pergianentappointnient will be tnadt;
Wednesday, Oct."24••
A. *tiler meetingof the Women's.
Institute will be held at the hmiie' of?
Mrs: -Will Thompson en'.Nov. 1st at the.
usual -hour. ''"•Mrss.Thompson will give a
paper on "Ori, Aipi'' in, Life " ,• Each
member is' requested to, bring ".$100 'to
defray expenses of 'sending Qh'ristmas
parcels: to the local soldiers overseas.
• —Tuesday, Qct:' 23,
"_Beech nutting -seems to be a 'favorite
pastime around here:
A .few fromthe-'village attend: d Nile
anniversary serviceslast Sunday evening
mnfiel .--A *
L d nderaon has rotucned f `rom
the West, where he has been engaged id:'
farm. work. `
An auto load -of our. .bo,saent to
Goderich to=day to go before themedical
• The Huron Co yi lull Assizes will"
• t Goderich onday, Y, Nov.,.
Jutitice Sutherland presiding,, Unusual
.intereelsaill::a: tach-:to�t�oitl'itii mss.. ti:
cuss _ of -James' McCracken,: of Morris
'Township, charged with the murder df
his wife on July 22nd last,will come up.
Mr. T. R. Ferguson, K: Q. of Toronto;.
will be crown prosecutor,
Beaches Ueight of .33o pc -t.
Y3ouglas: fir IS the,largest rtz'uc
ural timber growing in. Cs.aadit
'gees have bean rxeeuured,up .to 38(.
• est high; -with -"a maximum tie:ntai
,f fifteen feet. • Thelargest trees
.talo as high as 60,Op0 fr,;ot,' ooard.
weasurea The tvtit►d, is one .of, the
iatdc,st, heaviest, • stiffest, and
strongest found in anada. So far as
itructural timber :
.Dor las 8r is hoOat
important', although. there are- acv-
sfecles which produce very
good structural timber. ' According
to .xecent 'estimates of the Cotntnlso
Won of Conservation, the total .simply
of merchantable Douglas fir is about'
75' b111,oit. feet, hoard measure,. and
Since the tree growl satisfactorily'
under neforcatati -i , there is little
reason :o' believe thsik supply will be
exhausted for malty yeara.
Deemt..times: for American ' Legion.
Members of. this ,Asuer!enn Legion
in .the Canadian army who have won
decorations for bravery In the field.
In the present war hereafter will rd.
eeive also, aa' gifts from their regi-
mental. 'commanders, • t pliver decors-
ties teearl liS:,:.:e" t _.ot- .-0oor-g i•
washinstoa • spa's the , Cansdlau;
s1liols teat. •
4.4,,=..4-V ,- ., W,... •
Phone No. 10 I at Your Service
Ws $sll for Comb-- - Ws leu Ches r Thi Ths Credit linos
clean. Call and ,examine our
ing. Price $40.00,
The cyclone
s built on the right
principle to guarantee
satisfaction.,The in-
side is corruated like
a 'washboard :and tie
grubbing a n d suction
-process is pure to wast
=aehine before: purchas-
The Washing Mach., ins is riot
Complete Without a‘ Wringer
IiiizWe have a 1 rstclass Wringer, . with
1'• • - 'Ilk +
enclosed gear, solid rubber rolls, ball
bearings and absolutely guaranteed.: Price 450.
We Prime Sash and • Glaze :them
at a reasonable price. Fresh
on hand.
.a: ".•• 7.f -i .::...
uc now Hardware & Coal
These are hi • h- ade inusicat ustrurnpnt;''' attrl' Wre'.
invite your inspection of them before purchasing, ,
They New •Williains Sewing Machine Is a:.
strong, durable .and, light. running .n iacliiue. Call
and see them before buying?
The regular' meeting of the K.
B inloss
,Red Cross Society was held on,Saturday,.
Oct: 13th, Teaowas served in the even-
ing as usual„, the proceeds amounting -to
almost $6 00. Since we sent in our last
report the Society has • raised $2§373..
213688 was taken. in for fesur-$88 60
proceeds for quilt, Mies Mary White
getting the largest amount for her -block
(13 75); a cushion donated byMrs.- l -I.
Cole, 14 00; a pair of 'clucks donated :b
visa °F, Herd, 6 30: •Other donations
werewere as fol}owe; Miss.L. Brown, .2.00i
Mrs. H. Thompson; 2 00; 'Mrs. L. 13od-
gins, 2 00;• Miss W, Abbott, 1.00, Mr. P
McDonald, 1 00; also quantities of ma
terzal for hospital_ supplies. -baa `M#e, J'•
Black. o6 pairs of socks have been sept
to'the 100th' -Battalion in England, and
Pak are: alniosi'ready to be
sent to :different men how in' France.
331 yards' of cotton has been made up
Asim ehedte l►kRdai2tll1 )t!-• `? ,nn _ .133- .t.' i.is
nisei :,,in o.-- yjami-oaul ,.�.p0
� ar'
cotton into arm elingsand bandages, X70
yardsgauze into surgical pads and hand-
kercliefs,aiso 200 month `Wipes and. 2•
dozen towels", also :$10.00 cash sent '.to
the Canadian .R:C.5, for drugs: Mss.
A S. Campbell, • Seoy..
--'1.P,ueaclay,.Cct, 28.:• ..
The Y.1',B.C, intend having4ss. fallow -
e'en Social; Oct. 31st, Admission. 100.
MIss McLaren of • Birtle, -Manitoba,
M nttoba,
addressed the W. F. M. S. on Sunday
sm unde,Istand that VV. 0 Webb -has
purciiased a new piano; "Music hath
chorine." • ..
.Bert Miller, who has spent a nuns
of monthe in the Wept, returned houme-
Ori Thursday of fast week.
The St, Helena Women's institute will
hold their meeting on Thursday,:Nov.
ist,.at 2 30 o'clock, at the .home of. Mrs,
W, C. Webb, '1:'he subject; `Eeonomy
in War -time." .'lease bring soinetliing
on the subj tct. A program of rmusic,
eta, will be gtvett. All the ladies ata
Cordially to be recent, •busi.
Hess of im ortance will
i e
Importance 6 tsriusa
n p. i(g
.A. yyrs Irmo-�visliiu�C_yttt'tr-far•-hmiitt�g:
soldiers' oaks k maY' have it at the 'tltare,.
Rt. B61enu. ,ey..
p '
The. Home of the Red
Deer' and the Moose
DETER -Nov. 1st to Nov, 15th inclusive-..
MOOSE- l4ov., ist to Nov_ .15th
ive. In some .of the 'northern: -districts•
of iOntario, ' including Tentagami: the
open'season ie. from. Nov. ist to Nov.
30th,. nclusive,=in that -part -of -the -Provo --
ince of Ontario lyitlg north of the sCeti-
adieu 'Government Railway" front the .
Quebec. to the Manffoba boundary; the
open' season ,for: Moose is •,front October
10th to November 30th.. x•
Write for copy of "Playgroui ds ,-The
of Fish- end :Gatne,.. giving
Gant, Laws Hunting Regtilations,`••etc.
to C E. Horning, llnioW Station, '!'or- •
onto, 'Ont. d
- Dr ..
. fir Ageatr °k;,ucti>?aw.
Phone 2
We want 'cream; -
Ourbusinessutotto hit • prompt
..seniceand-aatisfaetory-real. ns -- --
We guarantee our testing scctir
ate and our prices•the.,beet. Ship
yotub cream direct and save cam.
tnissions It all cornea out, of the
producer, • '•
'a We furnish' 'onus. 1! y
•'a" express
charges . a• ic1 remit twi.se• eaeli
month; Write'us today for prices
or cans.
Seafopth0 r ....,
earner Ce:
Seaforth, Ont, ,„
The' undersigned will he at ifinloee
each Wednesday forenoon and at I1 rn:
tough Wedniweftsrno
oha.to irscewe
poultry. highest Gaeh'priess pact..
.1,Y0/111 • 4