HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-25, Page 6AdVertheMent
u'Az. e you to fry the first packet of
but we nay �lrnoluteIy on the inimitable flavour
and quality to you a, permanent customer.
We will even offer to give this first trial free if
you will drop us a postal to Toronto. D
Lew* XIV. Canning Freitag
Wild finite formed an important a wire basket or colander and pour
pert of primitive man's diet. The over it gently plenty of told water to
;fruits were meaty obtainable then, but remove the sand.
dein/Alien ha a destroyed many Of Drain well and then packein jars,
theee wild fruits, except in the Aired sbaking the jar so that you can fill in
and mountain regions se that at pre- as many berries as possible Without
The rest will be devoted to relieving asent n cult
(twee y frets the to as are crushing. , Fin the jar with hot'
distress and comforting the aeedee
and huckleberries.
lad with exception of syrup, put on the rubber, and lat, tight.
Your conduct will be watched, ena partly then pet in hot water bath
tae you may expect another visit if Of late years modern method a have and Peocese foreighteenminutes after,
do net referm. The note was signed, , •
Purstile Meek."
- lees headquarters by phone. Tito de-
ohnson inunechately called up
. Yen eliminated from the house much of the bailing has tstarted. Relative emit
elle et" teetive not having retuened from his . •
Ket., drudgery and work that were former'
considered most necessary for the sec- Invert and Permit the ear to o . Be '•
Y ti ht th as tig. t as .
• , -
lei in a dark, goer place. . : - '
the value. of canning, preservin
eess of•the hotae. Men, quick be know sure there are no leaks, and thee store , - '
pichling and jellymaking, have absorb- , •
adventure, Johnson left word with the
had been restored, and that ICelly
could ex et a letter from Johnson servant who answered that hie money
, - sive business. They ha
directly front the farms so that the 1.11h
ed this work and made it into a mas- .,
ndle the foods
, Oene cupful. of sugar to every two
one-half cu fuls• of water. Put
To Make the Serup
„ -
Makin good iiiw otord, , sotamon, Int&etaat, are sae, front ilea_ , _ _ , Then. brittle. to- both andaeooke-for 114 A PRACTICAL JOKE -PLATEW'RY
..0 CN t.
Trace Irt. u
• forthwith wrote and caused to be' -Lne oorkstant adva,neing prices of . , t PEOPLE OF mcvssEls. -
ASSAM Teas for Economy
ASSN* teas are the • ‘trongest and richest.
grown. It is of time teas that Red Rose Tea -
consist*. That la why ,it yields the
rev ,rumuisti. for 250 eopo to the pound -et the
coot of *boot a *at
tot Ave cups, and
every enp rich*
ittrOulle delidOUS
Kept Good by
the $ealemd
the next post. OM e 117thousetvite has gradually, let this most saucepan and stir until dissolved. -
Novelized/ma the Motion
Mawr Play of the 4S'ame
.1414. Co.
- • The Leap.
Balked in their attempts to leave.up-to-date methods and reliable tools
capture the Purple Mask -and Pat
the room in which tiaey were impels- • aud• the judgment to avail one's. self
. e sugar is pure you
mailed a letter to Kelly, in which he
eaid, among, other things' 'This has heousgifi3Pelletso hveLew
catuhseedmtaciekepfuwdeitnIt n▪ ircuelle brOwn scum fto roulette.
he Water Bath
alarm. She may decrease the expenses
been a 'mon to me. With the money. Materially, if she is willing to take the
that has been returned, I will start int time and trouble of canning her fruita
a respectable levelness, and am now and vegetables.
grateful for what seemed at first to
be a misfortune. You need not at- Economy and thrift are not merely
a Matter of rnoney, but rather prude
tempt to apprehend the persons who ell:ay cheserving materials within our
helped themselves to my tainted
money, for I shall not prosecute them
in any -event."
While Johnson was writing the let-
. conomy in the home rneana
not only carefulness and watchfulness,
but also planning. mut buying. 'also
A. ;boiler for this , purpose can. be
purchased which has a removable tray.
This boiler will lastenany Years if it as
used carefully aneWkept for this pur-
pose alone. Use only the best grade
of jar rubbers. Do not try; to do up
large lots. You will find that two or
ned as Much ab you can successfully ac- from
hours' work at one time will be
complieh. A few jars done carefully
using labor-saving devaces eel:11bl
ter,. however. Kelly was proceeding in
with skillful handling of foods. us
active fashion with his attempt. to
From the. Ocean Shore
umuTfun PROVINCES. •
Iteina of Intereet From Place. Low
ped'Ily Wives or Os
*tamale. .•
Fire. at Charlottetown caused darn*.
age to the extent a $27,000.
"IV Unit of the Military. Hospitals
Conintioeion ia to have headqeartera
at Fredericton.
Conseription has not given impetus ;
to 'Fredericton re,cruiting, which is at
a, very tow ebb.
-' During the EXhibitien in Charlotte, ,
town automobile traffic is to -he fee
danger zone; he•instructed the ehipei stricted 'to certain streets. ' •
The only daughter of the late Bon
caineater to saw a big equate -spar ila Devid MaeKeere LieeteGovernor of
ell black.. These pieces of wood were
to three pieces, *Inch the drew -paint- 'Nova Scotial. -was married to Major" :
S. G. Bacon, B.C., son -of the • late
skipper of the Director pointed the
then mounted es if they Were guns. X Colonel and Mrs. Bacon, Ottawa. ,
Trenton, N.B., Was damaged to the '
When. a subraarine approachegi the The Eastern Steel Cempany at
without waiting to fire a torpedo. `The
alto; 41:1-01todeatwc VcitligIelineeeextent of e. $125-,900aewhereestiresaeokaet et ese
out in the machine sleep, •
promptlyt41iaie iT''itintl e se i-detd ,
Director with its fabie guns, fied at ward Island `W.G.T.U., which met in
Near Brunswick and **Rice . Ed -
top speed and got away safely:.
to Deceive Submarine in the session in Fredericton, will emit the „
Ship's 'Captain Bmploya Clever Ruse
, Danger zees. . Been Horse Chestnuts Are Useful. . State convention W.C.T.U.,ewhich is
meeting in. Calais. .
e ?
Probably the greatest 'hoax of the is g sober headline in the English pa- ' At a meeting of the coMptroners .
the 'United States levies learned that
Of the fuel question in Canada. and
"Home chestnuts for munitions," It
awatr-aliaa7aiwihetitesht.Liswilttentiienhaetlineryvedtbfoart pers.! Hoorayfor the horse chestnuti:
from X00,000 to MAO Russian troops the 'Germans, The horse
But they are not. going to alit:at it at approximately. twat, million tots, of
chestnut coal went from Nova . Scotia up the
taro or thtree times a week win prnve a gee These troops, so the early Merles. under the orders of the "director of t. Lawrence last Year. •
a arrived in England from Aachen. crop lii being harvested in • England t."8
eerrrileriseeuel stir • cennirgia Daniel , C. McDonald, of, Sydney
craarte or b ran, were Moved be. night across the propellent supplies" -direful title!- Miees, has been appointed a member ,
• r ,
berries, ' raspberries, blackberries shades drawn down and at any ma- '
'United KingdOnt, in ears with the for use. in the place ofs large quanti- legislation relating to joint expendi-
of the commission created under 1917 ,
of help. •This berries,
evirlCceains tili3t:leV.
hriekieberrieg, cuz•ants, 'cherries., end. meat were lihely to appear on thewhichgrain hereby
ties of grain -deed in connection with
ie:„ ture between the county of, Picton . ,
\thubarb. •and the incorpciratecl Owns in the ,
, munitions, is ,. . . , ,
' western front with the troops ot Qreat 'leased' for use as food. We are not; county. • • ,
told jest how this released grain . has 1 .At a convention held in Halifax of, •' „:
tions: That would be giving informe- '
of ma: the Great War Veterans in the dife - -
terent towns in Nova Scotia, the '
been used in the manufacture
thereto the enemy,' But in, any case, i branches amalgamated tinder the title -
horse chestnuts will.deathe• business ! of "The Great ,Wer Veterans' Assoeia- ,•
and all England is put- at work by tion Of Canada, Nova Scotia Beenehet •
Government circular collecting them, .• '
Collection will be. carried out by local
committees formed in connection with All the Belligerent Natives Are Fully e
the schools. It is particularly re- .
ealateaateeeeteetaateasheladenot_beal . Alive To Its Im • artance. '
thired until they---ereafelly--riperis - ..-lh nothing irtliti 5 i.i.pendiTi ------'—.. .
• unripe nuts are of no value for the encesbetween the wars sof the past and .., ,
urpose:. 'Let. ne be glad that a pat- the world war of to -day More start-
iotie use has been found for the horse ling than in the number of mutilated
hestntit. Heretofore- it has been victims.. In the aggregate- theyrepre- - - .•
liable w yfor-purposerefitlyen- sent an army larger than Many that e
e ornamentation,. or, when carried in in bygone -times fought .decisive bate .
e right-hand trousers pocket, for ties and settled the fate of nations; • -
dult rheumatism. Not even -pigs Will But it is a fee ery.from the days when • ee. ,
at horse chestnuts.- •' 2 . . the mutilated -soldier's , supreme ree • -
- --.. . . . entriPense eW,Its. freedom to beg '
highways, ,• • , • e, -
n the
e t A - 1 • Ph - cent. more -or -toed
Ireneh fan/lets 1!"let Pg. • ..#5.0 . 45. - Science has come to the OA of -the' - '
as cost -him . Tr State, enlightened private, t'iiiitiative .
, ,
✓ tattle than before the war.
ets 60, per cent:More. 1
PM'. PO c -P -Pt ntlit'e and fllotirdcePP sectieenaciel*wihirlethr ruilltro: tiesk.rila* . ...
gone up elsth per hEori°ws'llak-whisle-''.111iek4e realize
the irePert.'
cent., 5e T...es ance and ecopemia_value .of_theire ef- - e - - • -
.. . , . ,
0* Per cent; and other4farn\ 'implee eaeseaa- ;• •
eati-from-50-toer10 per eente1Sreetes .
jet , s e•oroe foawardet o do its -- --___,............,;„- ..
iteferhishing the. menetaneededf.
on the night of the concert ' not haVe doubled and. boots quadrup ed in
. .
rice. • , i . . or it is a question nowadays not o
. . laying a man away on A shelf, or of
- pigeonholing- him In an institution; be-
cause he has lost an arm Or leg, Or an •
oned, e ping a few Jumps ahead of quickly Of otleortunities,
Phil Kate and his assistal aim at every turn. ,
having tried all the, windows, attaelte when Kelly finished his investiga- Learn New and Better Methads • .
the door with then:. shoulders. Gone are the old antiquated methods
The tion of the tunnel in Johneon's yard
stoutly built panes resisted their. ef- our grandmothers days. „Using
forts and just as the Sphinx decided and had started across the lawn on
the open kettle is as surely out of date, ,
upon apother method the Johnson re- his way back to headquarters, Ma ats lie would be a car drawn by horses. Remember that bacteria and wild Britain, Prance and Belgiumae
tention was attracted by several men. Large proportions of sugar are also yeast cells exist in the air and soil, ' The Mort.. watallest printed •IneNew
eidence was shaken as. by a terrific
* back of the lawn. • On going to in -
moving about among the trees at the relegated to the • past. This inethed and therefore in all animal and ,vege- York. • It spread throughout America
"That's a dynamite jolt," said Kel- erestigate, he ran into a warm„recep- destroys and was , cabled abroad and doubtless
Produces an oversweet article, which table substances. The cells are so
ly to his man. "We must get out of tion
sent by 'wireless to Berlin.. The Eng-
ys the delicate natural fl small that it is impeisible to see them
here and investigate."
liah censorship offered AO Offieiel de-.
of the. fruits., This. is not only un- with the naked eyei. They multiply
Kelly .fixed . . .. - , necessary, but also it has prevented „„e„,,„
The last of Pat's Apaches were 'ust . ver rapidly and thug set up a deceit*-
, Drawing his revolver, leaving the scene of their adventure, many persons from n" r-- -- Mal or atirmation of the story bfit
_e Joni* preeervel fend.,,
47t* whichthe articlef
' spoils e o - • • , ,
r 'severe/ shots into the lock of the door,
blowing it away by the force of the and Kelly and his man einwisely tackle tt thee. •
ed more than they could' get away for a time every 'steamship from Eng -
e Th 1 . ' 1' d thi d h I
bullets. The detectives Jumped into with. While the fight, was, progress- for yearsfuture use it is mosfnecessary to 'coin- individual who imagined he had seen
The cannmeers rea IV!. S, nri have A To successfully,. conserve food .for land•reaching.Neev Yorh brought, mime
the drawing -room, and made a Inieried•
search, but there was no one in sight: automobile, standing near.by, in a side
Inge Pat, who had jumped from her ketesugae. ear m
'.4-ulis objection -n -11-3
et7 leirge pletely destroy these germ cells. This the trains. Kitchener let
• KellY led the way upstairs, taking
three steps at a time, and , aeon dis- street, ran back to her Men and tire •reitees-usedetoernake-them latableeth,t-ein'theefoent-of-aawatereteatliebr withou, t.-doingeanythInge to -stop,
fo the geccessfiii Icetird4 nofellnil; I can only be done by -the application of the hoax run
-tiered them tcrbreak away.
- covered I:airmen bound- brindfoldeil
, T'ne intelligent tee of engar adds to1
.. !soiling. • Solee-lhiejtiee that the watee Whetter 4 had any affect on the Ger-
Kelly was astonished to see Pat still
gagged- e a inothe vicinity of johnson's bOtIge; and
;send in the ehair wher P t
fruits. The many grades oil -the mare'
e apnearence and taste of all canned is.
aerate Jets' tehducten the from I.
actually bellow before ,counting the it
..731„,ans. .. Fs hard :to tell, but amateur
. and her men had left him./ s when, on the second Pat's men with- k tune. When once the boding starts g g e war .e
Pinned to Johnson's coat was a card', drew from their combat with him, the .e _ 1necessary__e ouscei- s it Must be continuous for the length of oille ' chalks saw great possibilities to
et make 't for the h
Y ltpotte which had been written, with
Sphinx ntade a dive, as if to.eaptiire ' time given. ' ; in it tit stop. the .great Geenian-edrive
wit e to be sere to obtain a pure gra .e,-1,
$ancil, in a Welltan'a kand: 'elT-Yz 'ma' bodilp the girleefetheepurple- mask: t b B t ' ' nig water, ut rather have' the water ' „ - ... il
ea ;
i _.Thanotadbinge-the-jarseinte-the bail- .. . • - .
o Alger It iseneedless-to-say-thatatea • - . s
' money more than you do. We will _otaq c ar• im. . . ' teins a taeger peteentage. of acid, and la3' a
send back pier rightful shave of what juinped into the tonneati just in 'time
She outran him to her machine end
It must. be remembered; that one eliP-
does not givesame perfeet results.
I rapidly' to , a boil. ; , , ,., '
1 4'41 aegrees 'Fahrenheit, . then. b•rin Wilt yeemci ounnatedth tee
ampere, ure o • or , ,, . . , a
g' 'Was • .
we have. taken." . . •
for the machine to move - away and fl- of absolutely pure sugar WI 449iFiall4 ,e,
4:Ohntien was free to talk. "What was
"That explosion," said KellY, when
. There was -a slight delay before- an -
leave Kelly once more In the leech.- ,
. complisli the- WOrk- more successfully • For future knowledge label arid date nuomiced a ta d t 1 G '
a . ' Label and 'Date - •
. , g n concer er-
atelgiails- hi Breeden.
•theise Of that, yeti SuPposer! .
man ,musiC; at, the opera house, A. . .
than • mit and a helf cupfuls of sues your jars and also on each put a 'num- -
. , red the excited Johnsen, "and that's
' "There's one place to loolafirst " re other e-
machine happened to drive along
street -down which,‘Pat had sped
g of a lower grade.
How to Start .Caninerg s - many Are, -the anemia Of fruit and '''''''e
. , ber so, that you will know just. how „e„ree,„„e
brokers • bought.pealtattlixe baaenahoersescpaenpdt
• ,
n the vault. • • If- blew that up
I am ruined." • , ° gain with the taxi driver? who finally •
in her *peter, but making e hasty:bar-
When planning to Can, get the jars
also gitteeyetra way to
sugar that is •in each lot This- will
figure the cost. one and the royal box.„:„Genaiearon Pe
__ . , _
- ••• In feverish bade Johnson led the came along, Kelly and his. man 'were ready and pee that the tide are in per- '
• seen in hat pursuit. they should - fit securely, and h
The street led c condition. • By this, I mean that .Keep a book to record all your week, .MOri Blesing was delighted at thi :
s eve
Way downstairs.
ritifinght• front the resiciente district
, , • ave , -
ethenturibmaof tars, t e cost, etc.. donee that the ,Sitielgians were- not 1
An astonishing, sight met their gaze.
everything absolutely clean: -Provide . , .
; • .. ; *
-•`• defy' destructionewas a heap of crunia
The vault, so.much depended,upon to to-wneand„there, among the factories, •
o the.manufacturing sectioh .of ,the
*ray. of' cloths for Wiping - -- '. "--* - • I ' to listen to- a•Germareconceete -But 411
. * atm' to Makethe Lehel ; , .averse ie times of foreign occupalion .
"*eil-'rick- and :concrete. The steel reach: The deteetivie ultimately; gave
Pat was soon ..safely beyoncle•-Kellre '
enough. to hold , jars intended to be ' -STRAWBERRIES . e
single Belgian used his; ticket. :When P
a .
taYunneh to -fill witheandta tititYlarge - T:' - '-.---- ' . . .
shell was warped and.twisted beyond
„ . June 10 . No. 4 -Lot 8 yen. Bissing• arrived' • at th
The water intended to be the -last .
repair. . e. - :
• , up the chase, admitting.his defeat. • filled. - ' eetee • , -;
The next morning one of Pat's in- There is an appliance sold in stores . ' , • ' h
that costs twenty-five cents, forlifting • 1. • • , •
., . , . euee it was erapty save for one soli-
tary auditor,' a German Li91
r. ndsotpuera
- word in protection ' for the sex -
room, was gradually being lowered by
- eee, vestigators reported the prospect of a
""h case that might demand the attention jars, and will save fingers. from being • . • ; TO leitike a'Teitit Juice • •
of the Apaches, - and their leader at burnt and many times'j fre pre- soldier., e ; • '
. Tal
T flirt of fruit. add one • . -
• ; Ohnson but. the poor:need: your put at was t k ;alums a taut sugar, ee ,sugar -cone
h t. t t • 'f 125 ' A Joke on the 'Hun ,
• ,
.• '
—, • • • o
. seepage into the hole :where the ;vault once called a meeting of her men to o eachq ,
cup-• Berlin,- ,particularly the West End,
formerly stood upon its.conerettebase.
"They tanneled in from the yard:, discusse the case. At this • session ing• tb n put in a kettle and mix 'well' „
Pat's lieutenant made •compIete re- -. Before starting on the fruits or hoaxed itself over a rumor that Serbia
serving hot Jars from slipping or droli- fill of water and Otte cupful of sugar 1
BrIn t • boil ‘14
• said Kelly to his man. •
" and o en min -
army had ere and that its entire
The detectives lingered, only A mo;
- Ert Of a plot that had been disclosed, t 0 ave a vessel large enough
to hold jars intended to be used. Put utes. - Mash Well and then strain. add down its . arms. The
nient in the ruined vault. a purely accidental manner, through
' ."There is nothing we can do," said w i h a ban o violentanarc s
h e a t' ' hi ts the jars and the tops into the reeeTpt.-When *-cool fill into sterilized liottiesjrfinlar was Started by the ringing of
e y, to follow the clues we ,planned the destruction of Wilhsteeet
and, .if . possible, the entire finaneiai to the' boiling point and then remove bring to boil. Process for ten mine; General Synod. Some individuals net
acle and cover -with cold water. Bring Put the bottles in a' water' bath and - church Piens See the meeting of the
have and try to capture the culprits,
the reason' concluded that
But from what,I know, you weuld not dietrict of
Because . of the Apaches and their
New Yoek, • ;
icle, to be cahriect: , and when cold cover the top by dip- t.
ping in melted Paraffin
as wanteehearam and fill with the art- utes. Remove' from bath and cork, ' knowing
have been•the subject for -this attack 1 witat, they had been hoping had • come
representatives, mingled . with. all
Pass and that the bells were rung
Pour boiling Water evert -the- jars.
Johnson's , indignation almost Over -
_ %payee , . .
you got your money in a different •
_ formed . on every -poseible tole that
classes in 'order that they might be en -
only sterilizes' them, but also makes' preserving depends • alone upon to announce a Teuton victory. ' Every -
rubbers just before using. This not. anFdinally, the success oi-' all. canning to
came him. His exoerience had left might be of interest to their leader,
promptlk advised of the eiars-
, them pliable and eau to alip on the care, doing only whet
/ absolute sterilization. Work with. where _appeared German,. Austrian,
him almest in a state of neryous col-) Pat was • ' . , without hurry in a clean and • cool *lasted un -til the afternoon newspapers,
can be done Bulger and Turitish:fiags, - The rumor
hint brought his emotions to a cli-
lapse, and to have Kelly turn against
aparchists' plans and as,promptly de-
cide . to Combat them. For reasons
, The Actual Method ' kitchen, with a supply of 'good . mat! came out with a statement that "the
max. best known to their typo, the anarele. Sort the fruit in separate dishes. terials and utensils. Many_ jars are , situation of our troops he Serbia is
Put all bruised and soft berries in one. lost. each ,+year by the false eponomea,
. "You get these people and rn prose..
- iSts hid decided upon an assault
splendid; but. the enemy has not
by Grade the berries by keeping, ell large, Of using, defective jars. and lids or, olde
dirigibles, to deep bombs' on Wall and small ones in separate dishes. Always examine- each tea.' te
son. `eit's nothing to you or anybody
. etite them to the limit!" shouted John- etreet and destroy as many buildings ache, dethe ,end . ofe his resistance:" . :
This is. not ,Onitt necessary for the: before Starting to. store to gee that it ' ; - -- ciot
. ire gone, and rin a ruined man."
else how I got my money -anyhow, as. possible. - ' siicces of. the fruit itelf, but also fort is in eirfect consdition. Fruits can-
(Teehe continued.)
A Profitable hoax was played epee
Clever and Profitable.
the appearance of the fruit. ned by this method will cost one-quar-
• - Kelly, somehow, could not bring. .
A GALLANT BRITISH VETERAN. Small clips can be bought for five. ter of the ,,price
• 'himself to a Very ernlitathetie state,
. :Concerning. johesore. . s cents to hull berries with, goring both' Chased' diming the winter. Ireland hy 'the, captain of the steam -
of •canned geode pur- a , German submarine -off the -coast of
the appearance • of the hands and of I Note -:-Water in boiler should reach ship Director. Suspecting that at, any
And before leaving; to conthwe his the berries. Pee the hulled fruit. in two-thirds of _depth of jars. monmat the Ditautor might Wain
efforts to ca t n e ne , - habli leer; the Preedole of Italy.
Fought as it Volunteer Under Geri.
•-•-•,-----lliellyelatok occasion to let 'Johnson'
know that there telse„Iittle help: . -An''Ptil teidnafielivliej-itt-e-e:Exatehie
;-,- - -- •;...-17-4.1.i.d.:.;1tozinnr-ir the'attnerities in1 now seventy -tour years of age, Who
any ,effort there might be made to at the age of seetenteen fought as 'a
prosecute the people who had carried'volunteer under Garibaldi in Southern
. . off his ill-gotten for-tune.Italy•and Sieity, is gallantly doing his
But when he was alone Johnson
eat "bit" to free England from the Ger-
' motionless in his chair, turning over in
his Mind the °amain events that had man aiihnlatine- menace' as he felight
. .
e up to his emine iete predicament. to free Italy many years ago from the tert miles long through the atmos -
'yoke Of•Austria. On his allotinezit in
Exetet he Is growing a -belt of wheat,
whieh he Sowed laee October. Since
his Italian -campaign he has served
over twenty years as a Devoii Volun-
teer, and hasat Mr and -two, grand;
sans serving at the present moment
in France. .
He is venni of the. fah -that -in nir
he wag preeent at the jubilee of Han-
an independence, held in Rome, with
seven other British eurvivare of the
18e0 campaign. He carried the Brie
tiShecolors during the ineuguratibeir of
the splendid monument erected in hon-
or tif Victor Emmantiel, the.grand:
father °raze present -King of liely,1
and he ;retains a vivid reeollection of I
the tothereatioh he ,with the king,
who received the British volunteers in
audience at the palace.
7- GUN' ItANGBSTAnt Arlill_MtittMeel !tot- of-ethaelet-leetheemitietste-rest
• ance of whieh tat long distances.).
slows' down the enemy's big shells,' so
Resistance of the Ali Has Important
that the steel plateelteeenie a fairly
Bearing Upon Sea Warfare. • adequate protection.
What is the amount of 'energy+ eon, ,
sunied hi punching a twelve -inch hole
, • Over 800,000 working girls in Japan'
_are 'tinder 20 years of age. - •
He was eroused from his reverie, by
,• knock at his door. When his house-
keeper entered the room, she placed
• a bulky package on -the-Wile, and
"This just came to the door by Mee-
emagere Ire said therevas no answer:"
•A With eager fingers Johnson, when
he was alone, unwrapped the paper
:that covered the package. On the
table before him was the nieseagei that
had been left pinned to his coat, when
the Purple Mask had left him helplese,
After retneeing the outer wrapper,
Johnson came to a covering of pure
pla tissue paper, and inside of this
• vras bound a huge bundle of groon-
backs of large denominations. A note
fastened to the top of the bills read'
"Here is one-third of the inoney tak-
en from you by friends of the poor.
Lasnirn Slides
ROAM Ltat and Catalogue on
Le:darnel 'supplied to Churches and
ettheitde at lowest emcee,
arsosavranetext raurrator eX.ID23
0,111011 it. mgt. ab *Oasts
Anemehee are goodvitinter flower-
ing plants. The flowers are beauti-
ful shades of eeariet, rose, white, lav-
ender, etc,. The tubers eheuld be
planted now in pots and if desired the
pots can be set away in cold *awe
for spring flowering. •
Nobody seems- to have, thee figure
handy, but it is big. And it has an
important bearing upon the destruc-
tive wiefulness of a twelve -inch gun.
--When taprojectile is: fired- from -such
a gun, the, resistance offered by the
gun is in ratio of the square of the
velocity:- Whichaneaes thet itsevery
speed makes the air resistance enorm-
ously greater. , . -
A twelve-ineh shell in flight uies ui
so much of its initial energy ; in
punching a hole -through the air that
it speed is eeneiderably reduced by
the tiirie it has travelled eveti two or
_three miles. •
This, of course, is the reason why,
den battles nowadays are condected at
long ranges. They have to be. For
two battleships to seek an epeounter
at close range- would be mutual 13111-+:
cidee-as if the two duelists were to
fight within touching distanee, oath
with his pistol held against the other's'
At shalt tenet no armor will resist
heavy proieetilee. But •th armor on
which the b
• • s, arm and leg, Or both bands' or bah '
feet;:or, weese. still, both. .his eyes. • • - .
Science and' scientific altruism take -•• •
leaning and Dyeing
each individual in leindewell before be . • •
is on the Toad to 'recovery, appraise e •
The postman and the express- him with calculating kindness, and dee
man bring Parker Dyeing and cide how best he can be adapted and "
Cleaning Service, right to your outfitted to resume his place as a eeif-
door. We pay carriage one way. 'supporting unit. • •
The restoratioeeof all these • dia.- ae- • -
bled men .to the economic •; life ..of
their respective , countries is, as has '
been pointed out, a matter of neemall,
importance' when it is ceneidered that ,
the number of wounded in battle piles' •
up to, 'sickening proportions with
Our exceptional. lacilities en-
sure promptness as we as a
, solute thoropghness, when
you think of clean-
igg or dyeing think
Write for. booklet., every day theavtir lasts. The wahine
are fully alive to it In Italy re-edu-
'earth' titittions, foe dismembered
Be sure to address your
'parcel -clearly to aeceiie •
. an blinded soldiers are being apeeat-
ing dept . , „ eel at Rome,. Milan, and Naples.: IVI '
' " r -
PARKER.'8;DYE. WORKS ye-seri:itch has founded one for eh ,lt . _
- mum - . -ems. the Anglo-Belgmn hospital at
, 791 YONGE STREET Rouen not to speak of eitnilar insti- .
TORONTO ' eix •totjauLta:P.440:„.1344,14A-Ateegrit;-.•-4-1---
e inoimitinioLariuitej• --**-4- • tivast warkshmawleaw_takiaalitcleanieeen'esteva.tteeet,:e
- eilit7taffSUOU' n ortf . ,` ; •
IXED • Your Add Cross Guild end. Soldiers' Comfort: Funds.
; can beesubetaaltially increased . ritterestilig and-pront-
• .
'RAGS". able emploYment for Young wid old. Good prioei Paid
' for mixed colored, rage, amen and Made into balls, in
iota of fifty pounds -atemore What have yeit to'offer4 Write to:dair, • ' •
•• '
• attl ehie p mainly relies is
. 4
trades • and profession's are being
tauela to hundreds of Belgien soldiers; •
at Port Vile; near. Vernon, in an iM-
mom' domaie offered for the purpose '
by Baron Baerens. In Germany a.... .
school for men who have lost hands Or
arms has been establiehed at •fleidel- • ,•e
berg, end -other 'institutions are ath-
lete& •Baden. Wurttemberg,
and elsewhere. • : ' •
.. .
1 . " . 'Had niiii Both W.aYs.- -- --- se
Many eherming • stories, . showing •
. Thovv,the quick-witted Belgians succeed
e in taking "aerise" out of their Ger-
• - . man Oppressers, are told in a eecently
published' volume by Jetin Itlassart
Ond'otrthe hest of these concerns a
• • peasant with a donkey cart, who Was
ordered bet•a German guard at the
entrance to a otown to give -the rialrie
of his donkey, so that it might- be en-
teredon. the official pass in. • .
"MC detikev's name!" exclaimed the •
peasant, geratching hie head: a 4,114s - •
hasn't got one." • , '
kin":11..oen cal,l him. Albert:: •
"That would be a reflection an mye, ,
"Call him William then." - " '.
'"That 'Amid he a reflection. on MY '
Redpath refining methods produce no second
grade sugar. We make and sell one grade only—the
highest—so that you will never get imything but the
best Midef the name of Redpath.
. "Let Redpath Sweeten it. 9
4 • • .
' 10,2d, 50_and_100 olnb. pass. Cantida Sugar Refining Co., Linuteil, Montreal.
, .
. .
,• . •
For ilea* Obit there is nothing bet-
ter.to break it up and make it fertile •
than dried leaves and they are 'nood__. ----,--- -
• .
1111111111110111114 • 4•111.4 .r/Ar •••••
4 e