HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-25, Page 5• • •••••••••••• •11, 4 a • L: 1411$ Ii17,41./.4' DIN $ENTZNEL..pQ111 FIVE 1_ BRUCE COUNTY NEWS It le said that the bop of the 160 Battalion are planning the publication of a newspaper to be known 441nm • In Khaki:" Crown Attorney "Dixon, who has been acting deputy judge during Judge Klein'e• illness, has been formally gazetted deputy judge.• Mr. end Mrs. Male. of Chesley, • have gone, te Old Point Comfort. Yir- . ginia, to spend sx weeks with a view • to improving Mr. Male's health, Neil McLean. a Kincardine fold # • bo3/ whohas made good -in Detroik was home on a visit last eoeek.' - Re is city passenger ageht for the White Star „Line. 8, has dessisled...operate lige-re/emery in Teeswater all, winter. Though in the lousiness more than 30 years, this is his first experiment with Winter butter -making Dan Madden, of near Obepstort states that from two poundf seed potatoes precured by him from the 0. A. 0. hist spring bas. grown 109 pounds of excellent, petatoes. Bruce County bad 16 fires during the year ending -August, 191.7, accord; ing to ,the Provincial Fire • Marshall's, report The total loss was 0,724 00 and alr of this but $1,100 was covered •by insurance. •Pte. Alex.- Fyte a kineai.ellue boy who enlisted atVagar, returned to' his lineat Kincardine on Ock 11 th, being.invalided home. Pte. Fyfe'was /rounded ii#6 17110Y4 Ridge. One of his legs IS 'oft a little above the knee. The Ohesley Enterprise sayer...Fines aggregating $700 were levied on three of our citizens on Monday by Magis• - trate,--Bellioe---vielerietrottlie-Ontarito Temperance Act by drinking liquor in, a •place other than. their private dwell- ing. This should be a warning to hip pocket vendors of booze. • lletent *Lavine lentil Canadian geed quarters in Pram stata that Ciapta 13. Martyn. son Of Mr, Marttlh. Ripley, has been &warded the Military Ores* for •conspicuous gallantry dur- ing the battle of Una Be was home, this summer owing to inj ivies received. in. preFiona 'battle but returned about three isionths ago. ' Bor on OIDIuL-TboJ3 nee Tinier says that a returned soldrix, who Woe a meclat kir gallantry against the Huns, but wim 1men'b been able to battle .isc suesessfully against King . •• • e Afeoleal,was arraigned before,,Mag,is trate Tolton in the Town 11411, On Tuesday afternOon for having been in a wobbly eondition'ou the street With - •booze.. The warrior admitted tied he had been intoxicated, but laid the blame on the condition of his nerves, whilie--‘ diaries, hatr See fr-Firdlf reeked in 'the fight The Magistrate lot the veteran off without a fine, •but along with the *Chief Constable signed a decree that he be put on the Indian" tht,., tiered's* the log006100 Pomo wiii hate to take * diffeteht kind of tonic for toning np.bis nerrea, us will now be a punishable offence for anybody to bend him the. intoxioating suds. - FOWL WANTED We are preparec! to pay the highest cash priees for all kinds of Live -roWl delivered at our warehouse 'every Tues. day. For prices call phone T.,Lyon6 or No, 47. • tueknow-Fruif&-Prothet .Companir Jeynti Block, 1,ucknow, .. Phone 47. Cream cans supplied,;Glet a can and start now when prices are high. . Tel of Their Experience with r. ase's Nerve Fs�d • Many people have been cured of nervous disorders right her in this locality, and hundreds of others are row putting this great restorative to the test. Everywhere you hear people talking about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food; and you will find in this paper. each -week reports of cures effected. Inquire into these cases, ask your friends and .neighbors About 'the Nerve Food,,Apsi_try4t: yourself Tf ja,N.a,three.....sou. -down systeni.' . • • . • 1 ALI<ERTON, Mrs. N. iliscox, Melte lent Ot., writes: • "I used to suffer severely from. nervous 'headaches, but was never able , to obtain a cure. Finally; I tried Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and three or four boxes of this' excellent medicine gave me the longed - for ••• .HANOVER • . , . . • Mr. Henry ,fferry, Hanover; Oat., • • '.'For many years I was troubled. with ap- poplectic fits.. When a boy .f bed a_ sun- ,-Strolie`,. arid later, when about twenty years of age, I was- takenrwithcoligestion of the Indus, Following this, .1 comnienced to .take fits, and never knew when one vitas • coming on.- Oneday-while mowingmith a grass scythe, a fft came on me, I . fell on • , •• ' • the scythe, and. the blade 'cut:. my lefiee- , dap solladly that it required ten stitches. 'After that I could not use any farm ma- . • chinery at all, fcr fear of another -accident. _ • The worst- stage of my trouble was when my mind was affected 'for a week, .and no one could' come near tne .except my mother. She read one day of a case sim- ilar -to mine having been cured by the use, of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, so she procured • some of the food and I began taking them. After Commencing this treatnient I took eight more fits, and they were the last I • ever had. I think I 'took 'about eleven - boxes of the Nerve Food altogether. It is 'about nine :years...since then, and I Itave • had nO-returp of the•old trouble, ,nor even. a symptom of it. /Am enjoying •the best" ofhealth, can use all the different fain- • machinery without fear, and look after all- • my farm work. I cannot speak too highly - of the qualities of Dr;-eliase's, Nerve Food, end would strongly advise anyone suffering. as -did to•use this treatment." •• • - • ' . WORD TOR MOTHERS t wrong or mothers to neglect their ache s and pains and suffer in silenee---this leads to chronic sickness* and often shortens. life. If your work is tiring; ifyour nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, Scott's Emulsion over- comes just such conditions. , It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissueS, nourish the nerves and build up your strength. • seen* )3*volt/11m-onto. Out. WAR SERVICE BAOUES.. CI,o0•401.4,64•000*****Insoloosoviks~aisei~s THE BUSY HARDWARE ROUSE MAKE Olift irroRig YOU* H EADQUARTgRe PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY tirAvn A FuLtd: prigg'op, 1. ” By Order-in-Conncil Service Badges to all who have volunteered foil service in • the Canadisn'Expeditionary Force dar- • ing the present. war. Aphcatin "fo-ilrel-erloZge; amid be in writing, marked "War Service Badge" and addresOd to Assistant Ad- jutant Cleneral, Military Heath:Miters/ M. D. No 1, London, Ontario, • - 2. The applioations are recegred to to he made on Militia, Forma, which May be•obtained by applying to the A. A. O. • 3. Holders of the CanadianPatriotic • Fund. War Badges fon "Service at the, Front" will be required to• make ap- plication for the registration of their • badge for the purperre of receiving ricer - ante authorizing its wear. This ar 4. &cation will be made on Militia Form obtained/in application. • 4 A badge was. one time issued 14 the Patriotic Fund to men who had pro- eeeded to England only and who had been returned to Canada for discharge without having been actually at the Front This badge is not now author-, ized and must not be worn,- Holders, flRt "apply_en.....the_Migs,rafssr Class "BP War Service Badge.. 5. Four Claims of War, -Servides Badges will be issued as follows:— •AL Those having enlisted in, the 0. E.-Fand have seen •service ' at •the Frcnt in the present 'vier and have ,been 'honourably -disehargal or have.been retained- in Canada on B. -These having enlisted in the, • 6. E F and hava men service in - „England. in -thesspresent war ' and have been honourably discharged on 'account of old age, wounds or sickness whereby they have been Jendered.permaiiently.:unfit---for•-fer- • thee.military service. 0. Those having enlisted in the C. E. F.- and served in tlin present% war and have been dis- charged:1mm the 0. .E. F. on a donut of old age, wounds or ,ineknaire whereby they have- been rendered ..permamentaly unfit for further :mil. • • - • itery service. •• • , LUCKNOW . , • ‘,.....„MrS. PP Maicalatt.1.ucknow1Ontivivrites: "My system became run-down and I was ,yery_nervous. 1.....was easily 'irritated and ' •any trivial matter or noise frotn the chil- dren wonK upset my nerves. I also suf. 'fered front indigestion, and of ten gas would accumulate in my stomach; causing great distresa.,1or about 8 -year --I was nu= able to attend any, kind of gathering or be in n crawd. my 'nerves were so bad. In fact, it would .difficult to outline fully just how I felt, I.called on the Doctor, and • took the medicine he gave Me, but did not: , to improve. .-One-day-I-kead-617`Dr:- •(.. Chase's' Nerve Food, and what it was doing .• for other: people suffering front nervous- ness. I resolved to tryit, and by the time Ibad taken three boxes I could notice at improvement. I 'continued this treatment until I had taken nine boxes: By tins time I felt real well and strong again. All my. old troubles and symptoms hal been re- moved, and I felt like my old self once more. Since then 1 usually keep Dr. Chase's • Nerve Food in the house, and whett I feel the least bit tun down or fagged out f take a'few more. tty following this plan I keep strong and healthy. I, have had such great success in.. usilig Dr. Chase's Nerve Food • that it is a.pleasure for me to recommend iktoOthers, • -(Robt, Graham. J.P. in 'and for the 'County a Bruce:states: "1 am aconainted With Mrs. F. litalcolin, and believe her statement to be correct. • , ke• • .; o. • • ..., • 00 • • • •• is easily the greatest of restoratives. •By forming new red corpuscles in, the ' hlood-thirfolict dare jiow toh Ti9ThburVfld depre-ted naives hack to -health T. . _ inci- vigor Tinvt yosr•imrantdon-aned_put---ef----; • ' sortsft will restore vigor and energy, and make you • . feel that life is worth living.. • 50 emits a box, a full 'treatment of 6 • boxes for $2.75 ; at an dealers, or Edinanseri, Bates & Co, Ltd., Toronto. , :Denot he tallied_into_accepting•ia-substitute.ImitaL' - 'thins on'y disappoint. , • • D. Those having . offered them- selves, for enlistment in the C.E F. prior to August 10th, 1917, and had been ,rejected as medically unfit or had enlisted prior to August 1.0th, 1917. and had been discharged under Para. 392, K. R. ils' a, for the • Army or • under Para. 322 (2) for Canadian • Militia, 19101 • , . 6. Intending apPlicants.for Claim p will appy to a medical board authorized to examine them in this Distriet to whom they must present 'themselves in person. -The- timintel place of:the-sitting Of Ilie , board may be obtained by application ttho4A•11, London...neY-330-nreduce proof by inediclit eell4Care—ca _,- -aslastior.1--114.-/ele•InerlonerrgiVeirtliertret` by /statuary deelaraticsor otherwise that they had; prior to Au gt 10141; 1917, offered themselves for -enlistment and had been rejected as medically unfit. 7. They shall undergo r9 -examination and if found to be still medically unfit according to `4InStructions for the Med- • ical Examination of Recruits, 1917." an officer on the _medical board will fill out'. .. '..theapplicatesulorm-andsfeward it, to &her with documents in support there-. .8. Men who have been discharged • under Para. 392(3), K. R. & O., for the Army or under Para% 322 (2), K. A &a, for _the Canadian Militias1910, will apply • for Class D Midge in a like manaelroto • to those who olfered-to-enlitit-prior - to - August 10th, 1917, and had beer( rejected as medically teifit.. They will present their discharge certificates. They undergo the same medical exam • ination, as PRESENT' r/IYSIOAL UNFIT. •tIVIS is a necessity for elegibility to this glass 'badge. 9. No badges will be issued to any person who has been obviously unfit for military •service during the period in which enlistmenthas been going on or any person who wesheld medieally unfit for reasons which would now cause him' to he placed in medical etttegory "A" • liVal;teit JANIS BROWN* . Uffillt.*Cnitolleli . ii.44% )44).$0.11 -Coat and- Woofl Heating Stoves. COar IN -:Woo& Ranges Perfection • Oil Heating Stoves A Few Seeond., Hand Stoves‘ at Bargain Prices. Bring in your Sash, and have them primed and glazed. A F'resh Car of -Cement Just 'Arrived W.401.40WI.Aghea%110•10/0,~110~%,"% We•hav-e-just- receiVed a shipment -- - of - STANFIELD'S _ONDERWEA R In black and blue label. Buy now as .prices will - ' be much liigher on repeat orders.. , • We have some Boys' Suits Norfolk style, at old prices; Sizes 29 to 35. Aisp Men's, . Pants at prices to 'Save. you money. Our Flannels and Flannelettes are good Vague; Good Grey Flannel at 45e. See our Flannelette foi A lot of Ladies' Coats, last year's siylei, were. $10 to $15, price to clear, .$5.00 each. New Lot of Hats and -Trimmings 'have- .. • ....beep added to the stook in the Millinery Department :this week. Miss Johnston. invites the ladies to visit the showroom:. Orders receive • prompt attention. - CONNELL 44, 4 a 1 50 Youfl&Men and WOMAtn-lme desirable,. itAllet!, - , . , , _.• .,. ,-„,,' -,-tL- pqaifiona at good tiala4 Visa ad with ' excellent chances for protrintion. These positions will be open next spring, but it will be decided now who will fill theni. , If you wish .to Wake applicationand have the will to make good, we know from past experience that we can txain. you and place you in one of these positions. , ....; . 20 ,-; • «4 . .al 14INli _ Affiliated wC ith ° entra1_BuGsinejkass-CON?. Stratfortlosnd -the-- - Business College, roronto, b. A . McLachlin,'Presklent. . • A:111,aviladdi 1PristeiPalla- § til -r4 k Pe3s-rui • iqktd 147 Capital Authorized, $5.000,000 Capital' Paid-up, - $3,000,000 Surplus, $3,500,000 Opportunity does not come to you every day. Neither can you count upon finding it When you want it. • It is the part of wisdom to prepare for it anti be ready to grasp it when if comes. Some capital will probably be required. Open a tsviags &count in the Bank of Hamilton and bettittave now. lisOCKNOW RANCR 4. A Gloannit, Manager. s•x'