HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-18, Page 7eaermaasayearee....ee-ret. •-•••••••••-•...• •Of000l•1111. aeleelleatai.alapeeeele • eeeeeee, e e;14;161 -11:11. - OP, WINTERING IIRES but at OVINIDE. wiir from %rout nomeDefence results were itecured, a grave over three seaplanes with orders to • ,.1 d f Lady Fratiklin Bay. Great ph& to break the barrier. They sent IA PERFECT MEDICINE Experimilta show Advantages °vex movement for the conserva.. coat. in lives, only seven men out of Cellar Wintertiing. 1 . twenty-three returning alive, and they -, on of food. Help topre- Experiments in wintering bees out- waste W. demanding the nearly dead from starvation v. .-^ aide, playing four eolorties teigether in ent was - Reached the North Pole. a awe, were started at tae Centro whole wheat grain in break- In 1888 Lieut. Rebert E. PearYe U. Experimental Farni, Ottawa, in itel, fast foods and bread stuffs. 8,A., destined to become the foremost wan er if a12-13, and have been eon- Substitute whole wheatfor of Arctic exploeereanuide his first trip with beee. wintered in the collar, the ."."'''9I eggs and tinned every. year since. Compared ,e,„..ae, . p?tatoett. into the north. It Ts noteworthy that he was at that time accompanied by u oorewin ered bees have, on . the erite w o e wheat grain is the Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who later be - average, come out in spring in better e InO8t perfect f000:1 Oren aale his most bitter rival as a claim - condition, judged by the proportieti of to man. in Shredded lint of the discovery of the pole. Mat- . colonies found to be living in the „„,„„ ,, — thew Henson, the colored man who Rifling kind the aumber of combs in ',meet =weft you have was Peares sole companion on his successful dash in .1909,- was also in theparty In .. ipss the Italian. Government en- tered' the strugWe for Arctic honoree! Before this tiniirthe object a actually reaching the spot called the pole had' • come into view and had added the spice of competition to scientific. ee- ' aseitch and made effort keener than • Tree. The Italian's, led by the male each hive found to be covered by bees , the whole wheat grain made •.44 the firot examination made towards' ' 4 tile mt. of April. ' I digestible,, by steara,cooking, The wintering cases etripleacd were shredding and baking. e largo enotigh to take. four 10-fra,me; 'Every particle of the whole ealleee laingstroth hives with a spec; xor, ..._ . 1 -1 1 wheat grain is tutu including , three inehes of pIaner shavings at thet sides between the hives rind the walls! the outer bran coatwhich is derneatit the hive, and ten or twelve eulitaituy mil active , E ; ot the case, and also ee inches un -1 so useful in.keeping the bow- . descend low over the Great Barrier, Mt any risk, and shoot their machine guns Into the buoys, thee sialcing FOR, LITTLE ONES )(Mgr. BIRD MARRIAGES Examples ef Moot Can be Taken by Re•PrIPPI. Huiaana--Mate But Once them and the barrier with them. But • Baby's Own. Tablets are a perfect The married life of moat birds could the patrol boats were on hand, and Medicine for little ones. They regulate be taken for e model by members of two of the three selinlanes never re. the bowels, sweeten. •the stomach, thus the human femily. For instance the turned to their German. home. FATE OF GERMAN COLONIES drive out gonstiPation, indigestion, staid, dignified and homely baldheaded break up aelds and simple. fevers and eagle never mates buteonce and lives make teething easy. „concerning them with his one mete until he or she dies. e ••••••••••,••• • John 13abina'au, Brest, lala, If left a widower -eve young wide Hun Routteee. in Aoki, mem awl writeea."I Mae Used Wibra. Own Tait- ower-.7the baldheade aagle never lets and have found them a perfect mates again. He remains *Ione and the Pacific Cannot be Returned. • medicine for •little onesa"fhe Tablets disconsolate in the -pest of the rocky Every 'now and then the fate of the are sold by medicine dealers or `bY caag or in the branches .of the t,all German colonies erops UP as a sub- mail at ,25 cents a box from -The Dr. :pine that formed his domicile while ject Of discussion, • Yet there is very, Willialue Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. his mate was alive. ,No other female little to discuss, says, an English • • eagle can tempt him to forsake lus writer, Sydney Brooke. The Allies; t. LOVE BELATED. „ 1. desolate life, WitWhitn. once a wid-, cluefik theeBritieh, are now in poS., ' ! ewer,- always widower,. The golden session of every one ef GerMany'e Dear heart", the Joe of: girl and boy [weedpeckeri live in a happy Married colonies eXeept Fast Attica, the anall It was not ours to know-. sta.te,amatieg but once. If the male reduction of which, though as certainvrhe treMbfing, kip°, the sargillg'jOY", dies. his Mate's' grief is la,sting,, and as auything in war can ever be, still Of pessiores earliest glow. ' '•she remaina a widowed lard tae est' gs, 11 ey Ave not the emallest • 9 Duke of the A.bru zi ade bt ve ' • Sung,- • • inches on top. The. top packing yes a • cif sni a at during the war, sor after it. 'Walter n o o -4S en e ng beat, either • inte ti n f tirr d t sweet of her. life, • - Leve siegs these such a ...Veer placed in bran sacks for easy removal. any rne withluilk, an res attempt apd did teak the furthest - The outside entranees to the hives, 'fruits. . north record; bdt the pole wai still to - As birds sing after rain, MU Z114332 Long, the Colonial Secretary, was say- • s Oat fOr Lab girk/7114hOre. I cut in the case as far apart as prac- a M de in Canada: ticable, measured about 8 inches long * ''' a ,T-----r-----,br--1W-mellea-higli.- ae -piece ef------Woodt- . revolving en a screw respeed each en; trauce to. efi of an inch wide bk 11 • , 'inches high during the cold weather. •• Sheltering the apiary durinewinter . from wind was.found to Ife very ini- :- portant: At' Ottawa the wintering •apiary is thus proteeted by a close f nearly a year Pear u d d the F NDING OF BOTH POLES DOES Y e ccee e 7 +4 Any -such development woald. I be - glorious culmination of en" • board fence, 6 feet high -8 feet 'high]. •..- lieve, disrupt thieBritish Empire,' The - would be better for•an apiary of fifty • Noir END EXPel4ORATION. . years of fighting for hoor. ' . • ,. i RE -01DEATH'S WHITE DESERT And they are -glad. to' us belong 4y a he fee ' perm ar,un c t roughont. • navigating his vessel across from. the British--Bnipire_was- erPthi,•-:point Yet aliereisaomforte'veinainthisaa aem.11.:Itjaea?0;-1-yvolasVeeet-eui t---7:1-7treatara.alidet.latle aaater-ia- poiaod. over, ona • . ROYAL -YEAST CAKES 'ck0 Y A t. CIIIIITCOPPAK *1/2444/4044T0. OPIr. The best yeast in the world. Makes perfect biead. MADE IN CANADA EWCIIIITTCOMPANYIJMITED TORONTO,ONT.' WINNIPEG MONYPEA1. To cheat a neighb.or bad, to beast of 'Xis. worie Kettles made of thin paper are Itidt:: bit Japanese soldiers. -When ne gain. Ainunqen in 1901 succeeded in both ct h 'L Notes of a sadder strain'. w floe obskervers selunciking thhe; fer boiling, the kettle is filled with ,aceenetenceatz - the first ' • e • . ' unanimous. It certamly Is unanimous eTheir gladness cannot be calamity: The big prices paid for te. • ! it. It g ever tbe are and xn 'ShiP to 'nage 'the PAsage mrth in Great, Nobody. -.4 So near like heaven, dear hdartt. as is every' lnd enam• al that can he turn- n minutes the water le boiling. The . Patagonia. , kettle can be used eight or ten timee. Other fruitless efforts to reach the think I can say literally -nobody- ' Our pain to you and Me. --... ed into meat are depleting floaks and • contemplates. it as. even tonceivable Pole occurred in the° next few years., that Germany's holdings in Africa and Peary being, theeforemost figure in herds far beyond the safety points; the. Foci& and in China should be -re- . them, Iii 1908, .after a struggle of MONEY ORDERS o er, Bengt . ey Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen, you get Your Millard's Liniment Co., Limited. ' money back. In 1918 MacMillari, \vhii had. been dominions. and esPecially ustralia •NARD'S LINEVIEINT for Rheumatism . Dear can recommend ix Order one hundred colonies--mnd Norway sprucctrees have been planted close to the fence -to take its placer in years to cone. „Roll of, Matter WhoHave Souglit ' An important advantage of outside • "Farther Pieces" of the Earth - wintering over cellar wintering ''was Begins 32,5 lata a. feilhd in the„protection afforded by the- • wintering case and pe.ckineduring the The history of Ar.otic exploration spring.. The coloniea thus protected begins in 325 B.C. when the Citek • always built up Much _faster „hi the Pythias from Massitlia (Marseilles) made a voyage along the coast .of -Eu - spring' thah those that were brought 'out of the cellar and 'given little or rope asefar as nerthern Norway. In . _ 825 A.D. Irish Monks discovered Ice- , no protection . alhe hives were left land and the Fames., The Norwegian • in.the wintering cases until June, the Otter in 870 A.D. entered the White Sea, which he claimed for his sove- reign, Greenland.- was diseavered by the ,Norwegian, Eric the Ited, about 985, Norwegians later coloriized parts aftle new territory. Rawlins of these settlements- are still to be seen, beta raeesLthepeop1ehaveiong,jnce disappeared. a • - • - , cases being „deep enough to take one staler. , There wasea somewhat; greater eon- sumption of stores duringthe- Winter . lathe -colonies left -outside--than' in : thee wintered; in the eellgr, and • , breeding commeneedearlier in the outside-wintered-cOlonies-.-7-.-Y-oung-bee .wexe usually emerging at the date (average, April 11th) that the cellar , Aliput 1000 A.jjr. Leif the Lucky •-wintered colonies were bercnight out, reached America, probably Nova . these tatter colonies having eggs only ScotiaJohn Cabot in 149/ rediecov- a'at that time. ' • , erect the American continent,. The bees 'gottheir-firse good -dealt- I1g at Cape preton and Rove. S °the sing flight eb.out the middle. of Marche Corte -Real, ' 'the Portuguese,' redis- thee° or four weeks' earlierataani the covered Greenland in 1500. Oija of his ships, returned but ;he was lost. date the 'cellar • wMtered bees were •bought out From the date of this 1 Ill -Fated, Expeditions e 1 - free • 2 t °tweeds they chd exceedingly ' well.. „ ' : • From -then on followed numerous . The arrangeinent of four colonies to- Ittempts to, find the , fabledMartin Fro- •"North7 agetharain eaell ediete is a ll'artintilatl lvest „Passage," which' has led'many a' good man to his death. " ' good `nue, because they keep one an- bisher did'ticlz-vatiit is assiiined to Fro - other warm:- They Eire placed back to re back With the entrances on the two have been an entrance to that pliesage. , • opiositeSides, ' Fatality after fatality attended t4il slat next.few Atteinptalo by: Beet have also been ..Surcee :wintered -but -of -doors at the Experi- _Mental Farm at Brandon, Man, where 'the cold is still -greater and steadier ; than at .9ttawa, and at the teperi- tnental !Stations at St Anne de la Pocatierea • Que.,. and Freclerietene N.B.--Dominton Experimental Ferzne Nete. - -THE 'WHEAT WE WASTE. Would Feed Londen For Fent...or-live Morns. '. .1„.t is estimated that an average 7 threshing. rig wastes ,two halite )if . grain esetting. On a year's wheat - crap Western Canada the loes.from thitesource would ametint to a quarter ef a million tuzahels. Threshing from the. stack Causes a loss estimated. at more than a Million bushels in a two hi:indeed Million bushel crop, This is ti• low estimate- of the loss daek "theshing, Quite possibly tlas loss,' . plus the smaller lose that ocours in stacking the proportion of: the crop that is . threshed that -way), -Would %mount to two Million bushels,. br one per 'cent. of , the deep. The threshing , Jost -Oat is, the wheat tb • ufltbrosbecl 1n theutrair-tbas • ,heen -frequently estimated -at two per cent., or • four znillion bushels on an average; -crop, a total of 5,250,000 bushels lost after till crop is Made; lost because ,the rack bottoms leak or the separator is carelessly-handledraccordingaet ,Nor'West Farmer. ,No particular Moral need be drawn; Fitre and, one quarter million 'bushels of Wheat will Make mere than a- mil - NM barrels of flour, and one barrel of ' fioar, Uader present conditions in Eu rope, atillafeedeeee itia-vif _And ,and child for year. ,At that rate 'the Wheat waked' on the farms- of 'these three provinces, hot ounting .that lost In transit,: thrown away tit e ;omelet; everyWhera and lost around ,;;the elevatere, would feed London for four or five monflut, as tar as bread tan feed human beings. , t' •• 04. case of hive at firelt sight, 1 sue- aeepose ?" 'WO% seeend sight. Tho first : • time he lia* her he didn't know she • Was • an heiteS0 Root cellars will be, in; VoglIEV this season its:neVor betel*, and amateurs \ aro Urged to set* the Advise �f practical nion Wha kite% .ana thereby triPoid diropointinent nd lOar. Vitile we are displaying tli& flag! at the froutet the house, lot us -keep the iveede down 1 the roar and tea. that garbage.paiVgata no more tlutztite alma. • his successful dash to the pole was ead Stirains, as I haveused it for both one of Adintral Peary's lieutenants.on New Zealand and British Africa, wouijl feel that the motherland had reckless - sent out with a .splendidly equipped 17 betrayed them,. had planted an force on the steamship mat from avowed enemy on their flaelete and North Sydney, Nova Scotia. that the itatemanshaa capable of such • This most successful expedition has a treachery was wholly inconaletent shown that Crocker Land, which Ad- to e°11chlet' the affairs a a worldwide miral Peary .thought he taw in 1906 erePire' . from the :top of Cape Thomas Rule - bard, is an the. words of MacMillan, Et wonderful image. It was but h mir- age, but so -Clear that you could gegc green lulls coveeed with vegetation rising high above the Water. • • A South -Pole Tragedy. - Of all the tragedies of polar explor- atimi the geeateetas that of the Eng - nehmen, Capt. Rehert F. Seat, at.ale who died after actually reachizig ,the south pole. The bitterestaeliselipoint- ment that could bogie to a man must • have been felt by -this heroic pielieer,, for When 'aftee Herculean efforts.. he reached his goal it was only td find that Roild Amundsen, theINTerwegian, had beenetheare_a_mtgeth and fouredays befoerhan. Irnagine the ,feelings that inuet have been his when hel found the Nerwegian flag • flying" at the • pole. But there is no chance arhatefer that the -British leaders,.ou whom the de- cision awilaeltimately rest, will be ratty of anysuchteatime/ -ataleadity: fernier, was going tortown forattaday Jaw weighed over 600 pounds to the If the War ends in lie Allied victory or. two and his daughter, Maggie had bushel. • ,, . , . makes it clearer that it can have no and other end—'Greater — Germany" will k care and economy. .. . , -r • a Weary time listening to the hundred ir. one instructions he gave her as to 'FOOD DISAGREES -and every 'week that pasee's only come to an abrupt and final stop. 'Mind the coal," ."Don't waste any' •• There *ill be the last of it, not only food," "Don't. sit up. burn:111'g light,1 " '.DRINK 110I WATER for our time but for all time. No etc. , Finally he set off,- but in ‘a m- other • issue is possible; no other is !tient he was back with a parting ad- - When food ach and YOU liCOSViiikthElft,liglitte. meditated,' and 'I am, confident • ify indorse the Beitish d t ' ad with the facts, 'will fully and heart,tf See that lie doesrat wear his 'spectacles . when he's not readin' or writhe; It's oill.:;weicl in monition: .1., n p , aggli,lEefeWiTing:11,ngns. serritent blood etteety--0-th•-•tenum , ----7--, --SW eded".feeling, it--Is-71oecc.use--or-initictvrsoz- tiogli int rth acid, and food. fermelith,- Iiiiiiiallagggdr ttng American opinion, when it is acquaint- • heedless wear an' tear?' ..; . teaspoonful -of, nure bisurated niagnesia , • by many eminent physicians of taking a with excellent results. - • Yours truly, ,. T. B. LAVERS St. -,Iohn. .••••••••••••••••• - Lettuce, cabbage and cauliflower started in gcntsmber should be trans- ferred to frames as soon as the plants are large enough to handle, . • • Give the plants plenty a roim--2,x 2 • inches is none too much. , , iffillardPa LinimenV• Believes. 17enralitia, - • , Needless Waste. _-_-.. Donald 1VIcAllister, a S^cottesh. •Some aeheet harvested near 1Vloose M1172111 BPUBS AT 11/10IrESALB1 PRTCES. Persian Lamb, Mink. Al. aska Sable. Also Men's Filre:' Satisfac- tion by mall, guaranteed. Bend for 11- 1ustrated catalog. McComber's Limited, Manufacturers. 120 D „St. -Paul Feat. MontrxzeaLwarArzza yoz AL Et ROFIT-MAKING :JEWS AND 400 A. Offices for51ein good Ontario ,toWns. The most ulaful .and Interest:Me of all businesises. Full information on application to Wilson PubliabinE Corn. any. 7*Adelaide Street, Toronto. . SEX1110111424.1117E017111 ef Al./O'ER,. ',TUMORS. ZUMPS. ETC-. N./ internal and external. cuped -with- out pais' by. our home treatment. Write its before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical' .. Co.. 7...imited, OollIngsKood. Ont. " • ,xti i -,se . wail'. 14A-s- tip/RE Granulated- Eyelid's; -can ,ccrmfortably drink It. The hot wa- ter.draws the blood to the stomach and ...„:a.), ".e pm . f. •e," w . . . . , • . • in half a glass of, water, -six-itet--ea Yell. -WEAL BOTS -A•• • . .. . . . the nisurated magnesia, as any physician * .4, (.,-c ,,...F/4,,,,,,,igtore.EDrusest, itEnYcrwIninfidaniquiedc&y _c It -is a mistaketo think 41:anaemia' ._ cid arid stonS the 'food fermentation, 1, - , . an. tell you, instentlY neutralizes, the ,,,...z. Sp.; 4. cV,A.F.r)e relineved by //urine. Try it in s Eyes. k.'ry-this simPle Plan and you will be as. • SeOtt and • four other members . of- his Is '-°11` li ly sagir s complaint. Girls prob. hunting in the north or south, they expedition died -two months litter 155 ably . show the effect of weak, watery M. aukinnye Remedy N°- nitalr. ei lidtlessness, ,. ,call attention to weak , blood more -plainly than boys.: -1Del• aches, palpitatitta, and. a feeling of • , --a- • laYed aevelopment, pale faces, liead_ xsey.kaislu:v.ininerzyubeset2keniroerdayoo.kicz?h.ecehlocag-vmo..4 insontisCi b:Ftalibty. • , . ways take two or three five -grain tab- Cuticura will help you. Used c. day . . e r s • lar li a are frequent& ,ohliged sracrig g e atttIV ' TV3ple ilvlici•913nalrircZ:nigi- hasty meals poorly- prepared, should •al - at times to, secure het water and travel,- c9MPteXiOn t° Take soft and white, year hair Zieh and gleeea. - Z .. . Who knoivs?, Then why, no.: keep Yo3r, ' , . . fresh and clear, your hands OUR. eitAVIEY"an 11 tonished at the..inuvrediate fe ling, of re- . : :.,, • year good kaki may below, fortune. gr,Sist Eyete, omii.ort rlieepandirrofMthroi,tralwItys lolicrws the ' "' • Keeping Apples: e *. . ." lets ovaiseratee Magnesia- aver mears have, left evidence of • their , visite. blood •hrthe se • f gi bl . ca o las. But raanY . . thoepatceivaenint tfhetrinkresnttodratiaoenh.and neutreenze for ,all toilet purposes; pincura Soap Amundsen left the -Norwegian figg . at boys 14 their teens grow thin and . A frit grower reports thathe apt' imarly 4,000 bushels of apples in his tlears the Floes of imperities, wbile little , mi es from their base of sepplies, On their return. • Wherever., explorer's have gone, theSouth Pole and Stott left a Brit- we Y " ed " and have im res on the face • • • • ton-I...As, Q Ctiticura Dm* tment prevent sheatinge that they have. --not enotigh P P - , cellar. Bins were made and the floor. . Little skin troubles' becoming ssexioes. ish eatign,flaing -near -it.- --An.--Ameri. and sides sprinkled with _a ,solution of . can flagewase planted- -at theeelaerth-bleodee_The _anaemic boy -le -dust .ati-"Cliniaefiii anetlie-bliisi filled with- ap- --pioltitelyhothrnibetterar parer. ' • 11-1111d116-11 route from the Atlantic to Pole liy Peary. •- Greely left a letter likely to become a victim of consump.. ples. . Very little -: Ventilation was Elampie Each Ftee by Maii.7 iddteee post -card: • the Pacifie. ..ManY Valuable additions with a cache of supplies in • oCtitictira, Dept. N, Hosted. U. S. sk.o, sold gall an the pale, breathless ,girl with • • - h h • . a . to seientilic knowledle werd • made Greenland, All ovet, the, Arctic, northern- duringhun- this period an the geography ereds Miles agent In...most -.cases, of the north began to take definite' advert -tutus have left surplus supplies form: Efaing: Strait wigs found; and for less fortunate men Who might la - King William Laid: There were ter4o over the same traila This is Dutch expeditions, •American - expedi- tions, including the ilafatea patt of the Strange camaraderie of the one of • stiroushout worid. polar fields. Mee. a continent apart consider - theitisetves neighbors,. for there were '‘ho.„hinnan beings . between them. When they .fizid traces *of other expeditions they kb 'to the utmost trouble to let the world know the fact; , so that their brothers in arms may get dzscoVering the waters that bear their the glory that is due them. PROTECTING THE •CHANNEL, Great Barrier From Shore . to • Shore -.Keeps Foe Out. a • . Across the eastern mouth. of the• English Channel there still stretches the Great Barrier, which. is one of the principal' defeneee of the allies' vital:channel traffic againea the vieits .q -the ' XII- .1882 ten mations-established tions in the north from which observa- tion a could taken and expdditions ea,P__*.l..„-elodaZTlarafireL.11..enexacrea tura t..43.44ternational-,,,,ent dert-Was the sending of Lieut.. A. W. Greely U.S.A.,a-jOurney north - De Long; Danish expediti9ng • and Swedish expeditions.' The' comeptition Or northern honors never was so keee. . • ' . 4 Both Capt. Vitus Bering end Hen- atik Hudson died .inethe arctic after names. Jeudson perished in it amall boat iii which -he, his little son and the oleic men of his party, had been cast adrift by a mutinous ecreer Bering. and most of his -men died of ilcurvy. In 1845 Sir John Franklin set sail with a party- of 185'ii the Breis and the Tefror to 'fled a Passage from Lancaster Sound to Bering Strait Not one of them .was ever seen again by .civilized men e0p19 7 eat t$ Pe. ecau:se they e, k. and they know ifs ood for the •••••••••• The Barrege • they tall thee Bar- rier' in naval phrase... It cooeists, in gen.ereaterma,--oferaserieseof "ollStrIle Rene stretched ,., from, huge steel, fnibertee alien a Ter shore,'s• miles: Any ;craft )vhIch strikes; • one of these obstructions straightway ex- plodes, a group of mines which spell Finis to the intruder. ' ' • .4 whale fleet of naval shipping is -constantly-aengegedeeineemaintaieing and patrolling the Great 'Battier. Its existence is no secret' to the Ger- Mats, for they are constantly send - Ing over elf/genes to chart the buoys and mark Aria Chaeg,es that may have been Made since their last_yisit,. And. 'cliatiteet iiii-eonStantly being made. Here and there' along the line are Secret Openings through 'which nairsil pilots may .glide legitimate craft on their way,- but these openingsare fre- quently altered, And not even the air- planic eye of the German can .301 Which buoy. merits safe passage and OA -Marks destruction. Efathemitte- laying tiebnuirines Wish to entet the phannel, they must take their Chances. They must cross submerged, for the , patrol boats are -on constant . defy, • ,, and' if they escape the trap." while submerget1;, it Call only be ' said' that another miracle hial'happeaed. Such Beldoin happen. Sometimes twice a 'week, sometimes oftener, explosions Jake heard at night from the Great Barrier, indieating that, "something" hae,tonehed group of militia Immediately ,the pata role hurry aff in the direction of the .0tplosiOn. What theyaled there is well -kept zecret. , Iteeently the Germane tried a '210W •*wows ;4oroi'T.d;."-"st,t.414.110* vosautt. her headaches and worn-out look., Let q, . , , the boy in;,this condition' catch Cold apples exposed to the Air rotted quick- -and he will lose his strength and his Or than those in the . middle of the health becomed precarious. ' • piles. - Apples left in piles have a e To prevent serious disaster to those greasy coating formed ' on the outside, of the rising generation, let both boys ..a wan coating provided by nature to and girls be given' the neve rich blood wp rat,te cot_ TO! soil 4 1, ty: until t4 it maycan-sproutfind its which Dr. ''Williams' .Pink Pills: are,fat MOui the world Over for Ma.king. and -reproduce; - When apples .reach' wren giving these pills witch how thfs* state they are, conipasatively free seon the appetite returns and how the from rot .; This coating is formed in . languid 'girl' or the weak boy becomes frer° eiX' weeks' to two Montilla, and ' full of activity and high ,spirits. . Re- .111°4 of the • rat starts daring this member that the boy las- to .develop, period. . The teller should .be sprayed, toeif he is frequently to stop fungus growth. , to a slrong hearty : .., . , , . a fair chance to 'develop strongly ..._e_.. '7 .• man.. -Gtee beth: the boygi and -girls litinard4 Eilaiment fittres .3littrns. rte. :through the new, rich. blood Dr. Wil- Awkward. - limns Pink. Pills actually make. You '' ' She: "Welt, I. maintain that women will then. see active boys and girls, in- stead of weakly children around Can db anything that men Call do." you.. . Dr. Williams Pink•• pills' are Sold. by He: "ilti, no,- The 'auctioneer's all niedleine dealers or may be ob- ihnutsoi.tess i! .on.e, a. woman, cann.at. go tained by mail at 50 cents ,a box' or She: "Nonsense! She'd Make every six boxes for 42.50 froth The Dr._Wil- ...• Hata xodiothe co.; Brookville, ohit._• nit as good an auctioneer aa a nian.". s. • ., • , He: "Justa," imagine an unmarried y .3 u-Nv e 0 t --There. io, it ilie f 1..._„____.voviti. pittee:c•FtrLerderiti_liftw. er offer!' " - ., a - - ee" irtititiner lady getting up hefOVe a Crowsl and ex. t ir e: easily: it;s; -.. -... -. ,FlainrtillgOATOW.rg.elitklyits-yrrlyi ....Z__ W04::CF"-VOUrt S army has its humorous side dye)) in'l .4„ . .0., melanchOlY Pr whO are sub- ject toSts of war dine. In a story that recently The Soul of a Piano is .the . making hiii first visit to the mess, with a n,iturly- appointed , offieer who ctionInsist on the 'WEIS eget act ymaY.Inuerdb ibuf_ 1„I'deosn.dr" irOn . donde went the remals of the Englieh press, A. • - 1 OTTO ..11110Ef 14' 177f7CATED ihe ustial lequiry of "any complaints?". arrived at one mess somewhat earlier- kANO.HAO-TION- than he Was expected, anethe orderly s', • - i%s V75IfIlt 61:crease rote 'fatale of the day, being taken by -Surprise, _d_..0...._o__s-0-0....0......._.0-0...-0 ance 1100 per cent in tv, and in his shirt sleeVea,, dived under y 0 14 ' .I. tfr n many •easeyerdin AN OR LIF 8 0 ,. the table to save a reprimand . ' r "Any complaintS?" talked the officer. DOESN'T HumA BIT r 'WOMAN:NOV:IN •PRFECTIEALTH What -Came From Reading ' -... ti ,Pin.khturi Adirer- hsement . ' Paterson, W. J. -"I thankyou for the Lydia E Pinkhani remedies is they have made rae well and healthy. Some- time ago 1 felt •se , . run deft, had palter in in backandside,, - vira:ar irregular,nrvreyoushade tir- such b ad dreanis, did not feel like eat- ing and had short a breath. Tread yout e advertisement ill 44. , ....e newiipapere anal _. , , de -c ded-th try a workecI from thefirst bottle, So I took a secOnd - and a third; also a bottle of Lydia E.._ , I phikham's Bleed Purifier, and now I anli 1 bat as well as•any other woman, , 1 ad - I Vise every 'woman, single or married', ; Who Is troubled with any of ,tlie atiee- . said ailmente, to _try_yeur • wonderfUli ' . allot si, . Vegetal: Compound and Blood Putifieri eicsezi ' arindd.illEfamber'lluttroeuthbleirs vja!llthhe4y1P4iihdemr toe. 'gt1-4.444 IAD ure. ELSIE j. VAN DER SAW, 86 No J ' • York St. Paterson N.V.. • 1 efioe tedli.Cor3 need special advice. - ezolit-eitattle- - Writethe Lydia -E;Pinidettiii-Medieinia. OVb•Yrilrite4 Co., (toofidential) Lynn, Maps, if, you _ .. ......, , EN! OTHERS! IJ -Thetteepetal, -terits'elfig-the eitaatiOn at derolny.once, atieweted: for the,. absent. No foollehneee laft your oorni "islone, oar."' - • and cuillutiee off with fingers' • •h- "WhO is this?" asked ;the officer, It's like magic)!• suddenly catching sight of the orderly under the table-, a e • The corporal again rose to the sltua tion, ' of tliatlaY. lifted light out adth. the angers it you 'uOik/Orla APply. upon th.o Ora: it few drops of ed. * treason°, says a Cincinnati authority. "Ohl" said the. officer, and Passed The next rrtess were euite prepared Sore earns, hard corns, soft °erns or " any kind of a tora,.04te barmiessf.v be For little *cost one can got a (alien.' bcfttle of fletizone at any 'drug store ' Vill*posItively rid one% feet of every corn or Callus withent irhie Dimple ..drug dries the In011ient It is appliOv ed -and' does not en irri- tate ihe siirretinding skin Willie an. plying it or afterwards. Thia antmuiteement `Will -interest many' of our rafidera. If $•our drag. gist hasn't any treezotte toll Itim to surely get 4, ainall bOttlo for y011 freM ,his wholesale, drug house,, - With the orderly, epiek and span, standing at attention at the head of the table. "Any Complaints?" "None, Or," answered the orderly. The officer looked him wellovee. "And who are you?" he asked, "Orderly Of the day, sir." "Then why the - dickens aren't you under the table t" was the unexpected retoyt. - • .LSSICIR No. 41* -.111, aXATED ineti-pao be. obtained from innsinta 43r Weill7 mete three Use t achinery hr Sale -k-AVITeRZLOGIC;ENGI1VE, 18xi2. • - Mi,-",,AutothatieNnivo,Typs. complete with Supply:and el(liatret - • flywheel, etc. Will seeent $1,200 ;cash for Immediate sale. - • 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 80 LW 110-120 Voltsfl.d - Will accept $428 cash. fOr. Immediate sale. . 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Dout;le, Endless. 24 inch ic,70 ft. • Will accept $300 for Immediate Sale, although belt is In excellent cone cation and new one would cost about $691 PULLEYS, Large size. - 26x$8-$30;• 12x00-420 ; 121/008--$12 ; 12,00-48, 11110WERS OR PANE, Buffalo Make. ono 10 Inch, other 14 Inch diadherge.-430 each. ItOAL IMSTAT.VIS CORPORATION, LTD. ,o Praia 13t.. 'West, Toronto 1. l54 - 4,••A 1