HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-18, Page 2•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Yet • / -3roer),,,f 7,•11Prirm,s, 11.• Fun Ot 40011540 101$ kis blended front *elected hill -grown, teeks, famed lor their fine flavoury - qualities. Imitated yet.never equalled. C7lie race Guvara Novelised from the Moths ,Pictutz. ,Play of the Sante Now by the thriversafFilm .111.(i: Ca, SOW 1 TWEIXTH EPISODE.-(Cont'd.) Hanley, secretary to Johnson, hav- ing linished his day's -work, called an 'his employer to notify him, that he Was leaving for the night. Johnoson told him he must be on hand at nine = *Week to admit Phil If.elly to the cert. femme. It was Sward:ask as Manley paileed through the front door and start -ed aerOSS the spacious lawn to - Ward the front gate. A COURSE IN HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE COMPLETE IN TWENTY-FIVE LESSONS. Lessen XIII. Milk aed Its Derivatives. ttin. Milk may be called perfect food, the location, turing and manner of containing as it dosi the five neeessary storing, give many varieties. Cheese food elements required by the body to' is a valuable food, voataining a large maintain life. It is the first food, amount of protein, in the form Of for intents; it forme also a perfect casein. It is, a concentrated foods • fetal for faun children the proteinland when properly eombined with oat- en her orders were being carried out. bang in the form of callein, which is, er foods furnishes an eeoneasical nutri. e The housekeeper had dismissed all ,ef readily digested. Tho adult requires tive diet. the servantfor the night, and the additional food, owing to the activities. The by-product of butter la batter - ;Johnson mansion was completely in Milk will .net *apply ell the needed milk, which ,ia greatly esteemed in the hands at Pat aid her associates. 'elements. The carbohydrate* are in Europe. Many of- the foreign. race Meanwhile the men who were lair-!tht form, of Milk sugar sin& fat; the; contend that the uge of buttermilk rowing underground worked rapidly' fat *upended in the rnilk In the pis)lorigs lite by neutralizing the bac- = It is hard to break the chains of habit. It took one man six months to stop Wing "Gee Whiz." Perhaps habit has kept you ordering "the same tea as before" when you had intended to buy Red Rose. 'This will be a niiiinder. So next time you - win order Red Rose. You win be pleased, We- ave sure. Keg Coed by the Sealed Package ng on se eue o tiny Wes, thins giving to terui oaf the intestines. Buttermilk time When the r hod th ilk I y eae e spot (I.. e ts clear, white color. The is also strained, the etard salted midi, ODDITIES 0 F ANIMA L LIFE. fined te ereatures of •the deep. Con a The th rectly under e floor Of the vault,' proportions of fat in the milk vary , beaten with a wooden apeon, then skier the aretisca,,for instance. They ed to their mission was practically sccoma:Trom 2.8 to 8 per cent. This variation 'worked into a smooth mass. This is Male,Beabs &Waite Teung--Ltsards say a eamel goes eight days without Scohl, gelished. With drills and bars they is due to age, condition aad feeding called buttermilk cheese and was Cell Grew New •LegEs. water. The arctisca,•or water bears, Place, . . hA, j.7,3r.TX . 11 FROM SCOTLAND NOTES OF viTEREST FROM HEX BANKS AND BRAES. OW,* What is Going On in the Highland* a and. Lewlendoi tot mai sou*. - Maier Sir Jelin D. S, Campbell, a ArdnaMurcban been awarded -the Distinguiebed Service Order. 1-106, Gide= Maw hats been aP- pointed Feed Controller or the *bate. •ern • comities with hpolotuartere at Glasgow. , \Maier Robertsen, of . Edin. burgh Recruiting Station, has been prometed to the Mak er bent/ram. lientenaat-colovel„ • . loieuti•Ocl. 'A. Rose, D.S.O., Edla. turgha has been appelated Feed Cone troller Mr the Eastern Counties - 9f Scotland " gen operations on the masonry that° of the COWS. Create. througlioat Scotland, .;,• Homey,- encor,when ter-endew.--aLsataaP be in his line, 'Bopp zed „with the "Whell talc -en- direetliTC•o- an -the ' To•Makeihitterat, greatly estefaned by our graadinothe formed the foundation. • an �XP 4 Every%man la the goal Wee in Mtary CrosS, has lieon award-, Lieut. W. F, 0. Radford, Royal sou of George Radford, 2 James Leith. • t goes sax months without it some». Dr, Joan F: Gilchrist; well 10,10We ia • " There isn't a mai NV in , werhing cow is pieced in suitable emitaillere Coiled left -over Portions' of creatn. ceding fall the ivesps mate, The com- st drills and aspliances ar n ac ev r ' outwar amen Y-1-11-^1V-Ciaggrfvr - • eteetam"they made and permitted to stand for a, period of in a clean bowl. - Permit it to stand ing cold weat everY worker • oaf! from fear of three to t N --h - This little creature, mieroscopic in After forty years' service as peat- ,. turn Now pearaate dies during .the drought. home.• MUM . rap d prpgress. Inside the vault the time, tim fat globules, which, are light. " or fourdaysarid male, whilee Mrs. Wasp hies her, Apache who had remained hidden et than the watqr oaf the milk, Will rme place one cupful of this greens. in a self to a con 0 i nt 1 d hib v n e p ace an er- site, is an inhabitant of water troughs master at Johnstoae, William Golf ' when the other workmen left for the/ to the top and fdrin s coating over„,the eile-quatt Mason fruit jar.-- Add. one . ----i- and similar places where moss is apt Fleming has retired under the age night, WaS contributing lii* sliare to entire surface of';, the milla This is 'cupful of warm Water, testing the Y nat fqrth t es, read to come in he - to grow, , . . . !limit regulatioseea . the proceedings. 'called cream, Creani is a whOlesome eream and water with a, therraonieter.' spring and lay eggs to replenish the When it rains he is as happy Eis a Flight 'Lieutenant 'Allan Campbell. - 1.1 • • I s' I h ld b p race- • a was going on in o ern metheds ., • ceoeksaleobiohi the rooms`, below, jansen ,remained4,now .,use a 'machine for separating renheit Place tubber Rd Oa' jar.' Egg laying and the raising of the • -11 g1.1 h - 13 ere Orde, wilco has been. wounded,' is "a . clamn water,butwhereth • is 41 ram s ck like bo 1r and four, nenbeiv ;VIelpr...gir Arthur (lam)), , absorbed in his selfish. enjoyment. Ile ,cream BravitY.fraat the milk; :Oda Vitsk,eti‘ia,e0Alitli!itl/r1;84 LOT fej nt1:2n- 3Treundg turlti intmees 'carefully perusedeveryreport, Made': eliminates the period of time. for 1 e h ng 1)4 arItY t qtnimtlia • Pelaersie6eteXatuinitiratTitt aderdireliip, and letrhe'ed .6-6A11.19'iladat'k' of lieeinn:1"Ycciate mt. given. by sure count of tile MOney and jotted standing to pereMit cream. 'to rise to the Jer'heeeme ' kingdom. F t down occasional notes, from which bet the top of the v ssel The derivational Drain riff the butte ilk-anci race a f or ins *ince; ere „is e scope fails to slew tie sign (elite. the. children of the lvtontpeller and f t d Af lieutenants. • • , cheese • -," ter. Add ene-folirth tauSlioolnful ni intended to issue instruetione f.o 'his or by-preducts of milk are butter and the butter in a bowl o c ear, co w a__,. 4 ttehheee e 4eoni somea,ehas-P teilePpee seit e do tonds. es; 4 eggs tBournit Ito 'tniuhsitbe.t.beeeotineley, anietexawghgeenratthede fVoiptvhfeorthecidelortreesictienne4tet,e4 nearly :._,S. ' '_ 1 ' f elear, I . I phone, he was annoyed to find that he _a, Having occasion to use the .4ele. . .13 --0.4 salt and work changing the Water un ree e picks eln up,Winds them For about his body and- goes hunting could not get a connection, even with ,,-;#-LeaM is permitted to stand, a mil. ea it 6'4" " °ace of milk' tain lengthm..OfetZettriedf !titre nul .8,1%.,,..;, .i.d the butter in pats and place in re.- flies, the while. the heat from his betty central. Passing the incident as an- other annoyance thatolso often come* termerit' • frigerator to cool.. Care must be hatches, the -little toads. -.I taken. not to scald the _cream by using: . There' is the „gee'. When the power- ijohnson. went on with hismork. Pat's the butter ~ a desirable . fl or and wafer that is too -hot. , A few 'drope, fill bull seal tal(eS up quarters on. a men bad. c t th t I h wi aroma or this ter e t b dd d , meanwhile as the elements eased to the cream in the form of lactic acid , 'in wit for him, and as Johnson's man' They were toe wise in theb genera- ter -milk drained off and the butter wring to obtain the juice. Tins but - I la n Illa of 6 b add d t ' Salamander, one of the small lizards, the Ralston llospittil 'Or Paralyzed; u e e ep one res. $ rain conies again he wakes up and . Willia Brownlie was elected I starts in enjliying himself!. , dent of the Weaveral •Soeiety of An-- ' Which suggests the wohderfulpoW- derston at their ' 180th anniversary , er of clinging to life shown by &some meeting, held In Glasgow. creatures. The fourlegs and tail Of a The anniVersary of the onening of" ' • .carrotJule rne7 e e Me rock iledge he gathers ",,ir\ harem of g ts away e ery male e t Cloth and 21111la es' an Four of• Pat'i Aaches were lying ' . P a ' K 11 d hi b at" t. ' The -cream -is then churned th b t. the butteraseolora Grate a small ear. i 1 . da -d- h i pass there •on the path, h Tr d , especially heavy and low -s readn w -e- uh-er ;ton to absorb toe much of the li ilia worked With me, Old' water. k SaA ter may be ,given to small children or there s ' ' P i) l°14fieltraltit buttermilk Milk Stand '' a feeall wsaacrrilkededirionliat ceRerttallwtren,"geti:ligyoutge hours and drain off the water that has seals have been horn, these bachelor risen to theatop, Then place apiece seals assume the -burden of educat- of cheeeeicloth in strainers turn lathe, ine them. The seal being an air- turseliaalr;an_Tow_d is usui4alelyesszol. d il,nsa,1:ed,.. s It bNuotwiut _erma.ile.ektilie.doluertd.cllmtain_bfoorwtnre lieadiird_ii;• tbilreeaothatte:ngz. mmaommtahle, dporeesvenrohtiatal kcreeii 4:: Will • tiot,heeP A any length of time, Ke ly arose trona his chair and vestllf , ckeeee. . ., _.. i'w?rilke..-wfuelth. 7-ithtsaaw.sePespenfal . 6f 4.-aelr'' Vut Must be taught„to Mini, , 'MIS is • of cesinetme and elightly ',changing 0091.1 -L's •a the of bachelor Seals'''. and walked " ahout the ' . i ' . Arclui presented an exact "doubler P knob that would open the ,door, 11,110 process sr lerltlentillg '•irlint with a One-fourth teaspoonful of pepper. they. ex • it all the lovebility . of ai good nurse th th I ttl , form his share, irk the adventure at tKe -Curtain, tried to look out - fresh is called cream and .cottage "It's derk-as pith," he remarked, cheese. ' ' ' • , ,JoElmay tohnia's thireeit- was quite daz,.k. The And then he resumed his nervous IVIany other varieties are. made by Johnson grounds, immediately ti—dr-rtratraiing. up and down the room. special processes sylueb, together with ..-0,..erM . . retinal, the, mansion,. presented a '11:, 'Vera 'lets inpatient," "Said his N. • ith i: to.. ilk .1 .., , • • _. ster and crabs belong, live on terms -Subordinate "JOhnson 'will let-- us - -war Menus. ' - apple and, erninb with amies in bot- thaf. wOuld usual aspects. Lurking everywhere h , hen'h wants us /re is just . • . . lead to the gallows e y an a Man eeaMe mop len , • is. then re an pace. e e se froirtids. preserve. Ag a consequence refresbraente„ and them appetites ad, added to the butter to preserve 11ad branches of a giant tree, they felled , been satisfied by the. delicious Mod. improve the flavor., 'Butter atiteins blin to the ground and lua/.e eePri Old Johnson lutist .be a busy man ahout`83 per cent: fat and -is a valuable tine. Manley was rushed in hastn to , _ ta keep us waiting as lone' as this 't food for energy, _. • the 'House of Mystery and taken into Sweet` butter is Made iron fresh Pat's drawing room. One of the Apaches, bearing a strik. ing resemblance tok,Manley, madaji doge study of his features, By use saurKelly, as he looked at his watc "It's just • nine_ ogelock--we must get some action, pretty soon or weiwill fin- • ate - • """' a"•'" ii " the. eat ef heard"' mat ilair° tile Once be"stop restlesslystopped if to reach for the : Cheese is -S-I-assth 'mass' ' exhibit -0 Johnson's secretary. IV' I One-half men or red neliperl'Oh0P-- as ey coax, e e keys were talon from aim .fhafieged his mind. He malted leis re. ladle acid ferment and then otij at -.g new "secretary" -hurried away to per- . the.Window,- and draviing aside ed With rennet. This elieese when. 1400 ped very fine. , • seals to the watee edge endure) them Mold into baits and place a piece, to take their lessons. of. nut on the top and serve on lettlice.l. - But this ..rather idealistie family o Sour milk/may be usecrin Place",of life does not exit •everywhere.. Some of the crustaceans, to which the lob - were Pat's /nen, robed in, purple dora- 11°Iv w e • Th S tom. and finish with crunib tOp ana . Domestie mence, Experts - ' es anxious de You are.'" '''' • ' theC• anadian Food Controller's O 01 ffice .the ground; They had three hours hi keeping .- - - to lead directly under Johnson's trees- " • 'we ine. Airs he sipped while conversing ., heagainseated hirriztelf at the 'tables beef and baC011 for the men at the Breakfast.: ' on general topics -with his men. .,.. Oatmeal Porridge Mill'_Sager . At the moment Kelly's lytitph:Vaa -Eggs-cieft'Cooleedy-111arynalade; eine o'Clotk pet was -bringing her Toast Butter Ted or Coffee plans to a focus. The men who Were , Dinner. „. . drilling into the vault at that instant .„:_, Q,. ,. fluid frem time to time be opened -at loosened the first brick in the floor of '''''''' -.'?'' ew d elt a Apples' - l'ot toes. .- 'Carrets od.rfa eNvuerrr,eneenyd. counted over Im. gh piles in the spacious room. In another' mo. Brea . - -,-1314 e .• 'Phil Kelly and his chief assistant ‘P-TeelPitefrel:il /10.0'we ent enough bricks to yieldealci . Tea su;per ro:kLuneheon)S.O ogar , _o head throughjine of - Cream Tomato Soup . Grahani'Biscuits ,arrived at the. Johnson Null(' ' a law the Apacheso enin" a i 8 his h, a „ "Apple Sauce Oatcakes O 'moments ahead of time. The Apache, P milk Sugar • • . Made up to impersonate Johnson's see- The strong -room Was flooded with • Tea ' - light. On shelves rangedarolind the Graham Biscuits. -Make as tea big- . rotary, met the detectives at the door and nehere4 them into the drawing walls were bags and belies' known to cuitg Only substitute one half Graham be Pied „„with money. There were filourfof „white flour. ' . • ,roem. • - ' , , _ also Several piles. of bills, fastened Pat's „ ,Cream of Tonna°. Nnapoz.1. quart of MEM went upstairs, and re- turned in a moment to say that Mr. liritirPaPet binders, carefully stacked, Skim.milk, 1/4 pint toiriato juice-- (made Side by side, Mien the shelves. by stewing ripe tomatoes and pressing through a sieve), 14 teaspoon of soda, in00 • • .4' , "Well. I'll wait a few Moments One` group of active men was'buiya with picks and aheaele„,„ leo more., thett ruldgomoutt,t, Jmsda.dseKeowhaes, na issued the 'following menus, ar- tenvgee d with the idea. of saving, Wheat which to complete a tunnel planned rid out_ a portion 0 gtu ra _front. _ •-•", beide the mansion Johnson was in -own apartment, awaiting the ar. rival of the,- detectiVer.. Before him, on the table 'where he WOO at work, -were reports from his subordinates, Johnson would set the detectives Inside the Johnson Mansion mat- • thortlY. lleanwhile they- were to make theinselVeS PeMfortableln en ters weripregrpssing at a lively pace. 2 -tablespoons bf flour, 2 tableSPeene adjoining room \Aloe a light repast Tile twodetectives, having exhausted of butter. Salt and pepper to. taste, had been prepared for them. In this their patience started to open the door. and a little grated onion.. Make the room the Apache led Kelly and his Wh ii they discovered that they were milk, flour, :butter and seasonings into man, and gently turned .the key as he 10:P ed Iti, geihr hurried to.; vile of the a -thin white sauce. To the tomato , passed out of the •dif6r, - . windows. ' .. - oriq querter of a teaspoon of soda, and This old. gUrmust have heaps 0±- • As he Pulledghe curtain asiae tWo - O tiloney in that vault,"" said -Kelly as men PurPle. asks Mid gowns' held ' the two detectives*'seated themselves revolvers to cover the detectives at the table. "He had a swell place threateningly.Kelly and. his man here and this food alid wine can't be rushed to another window only to face , ..4) a song. a like Menaced Theqour.• windows The two enjoyed- themselves, safe that opened from the room Were all behindthe lacked doer, while Fat gutifded by Pat's men..• stealtlifir rimibled throgli the lower At that , game instant Pat was door of, he inansion te ale sure that .fitlogh e Poor. Dared.° by - housekeeper .Pat end tare of her ass- -Jthewddor 'of ily ascending the stairs that the • - - • - - • •sistairtvaveirPetimgnt-to. arpig LIFTUP jelinson's room.' It WAS standing. open; .and in the middle of the room, with his back to the .door, was Johnson touring over his hoard of money. With her men flanking her rialit and left, Pat ap- proached with ,eat -like tread, holding, ready for use, a heavy Maple cloak. Coming within reaching distance of Johnson the girl bounded forward and flung the cloak over Johnson's head while her asiestatits attached them- selves to each of the old villain's arms; rendering him helpless. ' (To be continued.) • • e „ Efficient Agriculture With the mpst efficient agriculture in the world, /Denmark- is devoted al- most exclusively tit crops and herds'. It not only obtains the highest aver- age results per acre in the cultivation of the eon, but aloe uses the agricul- tural production as mw material fora national industry in further naanuftle- ture. It is in the finished form of liter', cheese and other foedproclucts that contain more labor Value and Iese raw material that Denmark exporta the °titled of its agricultural and herd- ing ifigustry. Two.thircle of the population are engaged in agricultural, pursuits or in handling agricultural product. erateet, • /tetra -at ecrest tor ladies, wt.?, rei=re 0:.11t'.141r.sa aUsSort. It iStiraPeoaer csitx.t.ta=pill you Write olreet tititacirce • ate self- ineouremerat term Paprametatiotes Witatel• • A #04151414 G r,o-riu41.00 to Make Meter, o 'Waite tetaaestgesdana • WA* Onstfralli, 2411111115 neitain It. geroato aS Soak as A ceases to effervesee gore - bine the Milk with ' the tomato, and servo at °nee& ' Brealdast. Viva' Fruit CornMeal Porridge Graham Bread totter. 'Coffee or Tea • -*Igor Milk • It/fatten • tititou Potatoes dot with bits of butter. ° ,Sartitakie with cinnanion. Cover. closely ,and „bake forty` Minutes, then remove the cover and brown. Breakfast. • s Fresh Fruit (Berries in Season) -OotMiai-Porridg -- Milk -Sugar 'Omelet' Toast , Coffee or Tea • Dinner. ' Roast,Beof Potatoes Creamed Onions • 'Brown Bread . , Cottage Tadding,Vith Sauce , Supper (or Luncheon). Potato Soup Crackers - Stewed fruit Cornmeal muffins Cookies -Tea 'Milk Sugar Potato Soup -1 quart milk, salt, p.epper and grated onion to taste,.1.3A cups mashed potato: Add the. potato (to the .heated milk and seasoning, re- heat . and serve very hot. If. skim milk is- used the soup is improved by the addition of a little butter. - ',Cornmeal Muff-pls.-1 egg,. 2 . table- spoons dripping; 6 tablespoons brown sugar, .1,a cup of milk, 1 cup of flour; cup of eornineal, 2 tablespoons of baking, powder, 14 teaspoon of Salt, , • ' • Breakfast. -Fresh Fruit Wheatmeal Porridge 'roast Marmaladoi"a' • Tea qr Coffee •• Milk -Sugar" . • Dinner." * PorkiChops • Mash Potatoes' 'Vegetable _Marrow, ' • -• Johnny take ; •`. Syrup • Supper (or Luncheon). ' , Cream Of Corn SOUP " 'Whole-Whdat unable PloztAntic--Ariol&CVMn-hako-dditge--- akaak•Sauce•--Butteea•tatineal-Zookies-- O . (Brow , ea Milk , a:Seger,. O ' Sugar ilk Whole 'Wheat Muffins -1 cups of • Supper or Ltineheon). whole . wheat flour, 1 8up of. white Creamed Fish Warmed over Potatoes flour, 1 cup of sour Milk, 1-8 cup 'of st- Baked -Pears Bread molasses, 3/4- teaspoon Of. soda, 1 tea - Tea Milk / Sugar • spoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of 'melted - Creamed Fish -Any leftov r,beiled -dripping: - Mix and sift -dry-hip-eat, or baked fish maybe served &s creme erits;„ add the inilk Acr the- molasses, , . practised by men and women. Tht.4 female i usually larger than the male, and • often clenfonstr'ates her - /superior strength by, Aeatinghini‘ to pieces and devouring him, -if he hap- ,perirte"forget her disposition or isn't nimble enough to getaway. e ' - But all-peculiaritiew-nr--e- "not* Cern: have been cut off as anany as eight Soldiers was celebrated by ti garden • "times,Inly to grow out perfectly after fete, opened by the Duchess of Mon each operation,_ ' rose.- ^ ,. , , ;sea-- , • •., • . Arrangements, have been praCticalIy ' .. - . ‘ i DisrAninted, ' ,,,, . : complete& by the :Local, Governalent -'s . ' ' • , There ' is a Certain inspector 9f .Beard, for the construction 'of _VW . houses for workmen in MendOX„Park, :e4heolii whe, prides 'himself on his ,., fmatTe°rIdYwQfaYexitaelngiantihng. eed•ainv'earyylonu‘cinlYg'' 1.1.'1_11(.3' ' . ' ' '' Two nundred and 'sixty -live .mii- • . • clilTe-dhWhim,' and soon had their "'''''"8--l-A'th43.-7t*llburgil7T ' ' u ' T open-eyed,. breathless attention. . Company have been granted exemte • P-4aYillet"v;g a8illatlothamti.a-Yraiie-'s,i-nil je were ti911-114tIV'bee'elliberist-i37''11111-Zditt;- ''.- - ' :--- ..-t• - f hi „ h \ .d burgh' Recruiting Tribunal, . ' 1 • • - • . to Jimmy Gram._ , eyen -.have ten . The Unionist - Association' .of . the .• marbles; and. I have eight"- Universities of St. Andrew -and Edia....-, -. i ., - • . close gatheredround.' . "At the 'Mende marbles, and of course 1 of the game you have .won half. of in ,, , wantplay The ;yin collected -for the National : „ Watson Cheyne as Jheir Parlia'men• . ' 'F.# . burgh have chosen Sir William. f•.• • again, to Win them back: The n pressed, even nearer.. "At the. end Of pis tai'Y Candidate ,: . , , ,,: ,. . Relief. Fund in Teberinory amounted ` . on. eeeend,game ./ ..coio. hot ,of those to -2206 and has been forwarded to - .7. you s now have: " Tell nie"--excite- ' laaaden, by Mr Amos, of .Mull. : ment Waxed. intense -"tell' me,i", he The 'sum of , .142.. wif .raised at a ; ..,•'. garden' party held at Kiacraig,' May- ., •continued,."hoW Many, in4bles are you bole, la aid .of the Dliabla4 ' &Ohne • - . 470..tb.::::eal7:744 101:901:frao,d:eadOetotn..,,,, :4r_',,- -,...,:.:.!.,.......,.. ...... of the Ayr Facultt of gellettcrei - Emu. :, -a a - ••• D. W.' Sher niiii:been. elected Dean' • ... -. , .a the; genie , family; to hold tbis, office.' ... . ..... ,. • . - ' _ - ,A-garclen.party given by Mrs. .me‘a '. . • .' 4., _college eflRilisftle, Killreaup,:r,ealized' : - , : . ' • £130 for the .Argyll aneSutherlancl ".;: ; .. . • . • .Highlanders!,Priso'ners. of War Jund; ,- .• ', The Port . GlasgoW' School ',Board- .* - have agreed' to allow. all ,ifitial-tim,e •fe-:' '', . male teachers t 80 per. annum -Whose ' „ .'.-: present - salaries ,a're less than:: that •, • .'" - . col. Stoifiley'iralerikei,; 'oii "Visiting the Ayr isarraek& - iiresented "S,ergts-• ° .•- -.. ., Major '3". Robertson. with the liC..M,, ..- . geed the lvillitary Medal to the father - - .,,,,' '• - . ........ Of the late'Sergt, A. Coulter. ' .''''. ' .' • -• . . . - . „ — • e . • as9With alp*, otittexpressible,disgust .the boy addressed fell back; !Thy,Billy," he sald, . 4",b,19we-.4. _.: it., eia't • . - - , . . „ , .. Known verylizho0 Available Everywhere , Just.. because there is not a "Parker" Agency near • no reason why rya should do without"Parker ervice." • • a The eXcellenCe Of our work is,so wellitiOwn that, • • ' - sit need only be mentioned here. . But the convenience of our service b3r mail to distant , • - • .either_by parcels pest or express, and returned in the. O • ,, same manner, We pay the carriage charge.s one way. Every 'precaution is taken to ensure their safety itl tranSit, , customersis not,.. Articles of aay sort can be sent us • • • ' •-•., So inany-tbingacao-beoreseueeirrirclean• 1114-Alr :ing...thatilie_v.alusofthieserviee.wilLbeApparent tn. ,everyone 4, ' 'When you think oedenning or dieingf think of PARKER 8, ' • Send MR.'S ropy qff our Wen: and intercs4ng book On gleaning and ayang. • Be sure toarkkeiss goer parceldeady to reediting depPARRS-DYE -WORKS,-LIMLTED- i. • , 791 YONGE4ST. TORONTO. • 'fit& by flaking careful% aild lidding and mix with the dry ingredierits:'Latit Graham Bre5d..-3112 cups of Gra- Cream of -Corn Solo -1 quart toi good, well seagoned w ite sauce. of all s.,dd the melted dripping. . hrintflour,-S cups of sour nu k, 3/4 p 'I cu s Sr milk, 2 Clii3S of corn, 2 table - of Molasses (New Orleans), 1 tea- spoons of butter, 2 tablespoons of , spoon of soda, Ve teaspoon of salt, flour. SeaSeri to) tie With Salt, pep - Bake in A EdOW °Vert one hour Brown Betty .Padding. -2 cu s of white sauce of the nii k, butter flour per and grated onion., Make a thin apples sliced thin, 1 cup of read crumbs, 1 tattooed, of butter, cinna- mon to season. Butter the padding dish well. Put alternate layers of and. seasonings. If ern on tile cob is used, cut from the cob and cook, and add to the milk, etc. Reheat and serve. hot.. • ' GEBMAX row,pa.ix THE ORIENT. The • Caroline /Amide, east of the Philippines, embracing about • 680 small islandsawere oetupled by the Japanese navy‘earlier in October. This territory had been sold by Spain to Germany in 1899. . On theldth of the same month the Nippon fleet occupied the Maisball Islands; about • lawny between the Philippines and, awaii, 1914, a combined force of British ad 'Varietal other lands belonging to the Japanese Fi(reeS Aided by Britain Now OeCupy Alh Hun Possessions. O All pf the German possessions in' the Orient have been occupied by Jap- anese troops. Tsing-tacs, the port ing on the Yellow Sea, VMS captured• after a spirited,. siege in Nevada. japtinese effectivea- taking the three "is" in the Ps16111611 and Merlanne big fortresses after a -bloody struggle. archipelagoes were taken at the Sallie • . RATIONING 1/2601qS,a - • The Present -Day' reCd. Question., AlsO . 4"'a Problem in" Days By. • . „ . One *bilis twice 'nowadays ..before partaking. of a sul3stantiai,meal; says an . English' rriter. "Enough is :44 ' good, as a feast," we know, but peo:, opinions eoacersisg this prever12 'differ considerably. When Shakespeare •wtts' asked, his opinion regarding CoMpulsory ration- - . 7 ., • o utiOU -MITE 'arida, Cess, and each man have -enough,'": The preacher, John Wesley, .gave tip tea -drinking for economy's sake. He • I s stated to have experienced'" many.. " uphappy. days' in consequenee, and * soneht relief...in-retiring, early- for -theta ,- • • The suggestion bit's been Made that. -the-Feed-Controller, should limit, our . rations apcording to oni inehee. Ail the German shipe in the 'harbor ,time, -the totalcieland loss to Germany being 51,605 -square miles and 101,600 a were eaptured or sunk by the cannon fire of the allies, Kiaoehou 'the dis. inhabitants' • What a bleeSed thing it would be to Ufa about the captured port', was thus ....1,4**..7 * walana tip soma 'Molting and lean led to Germany with ite 117 squat° Turning sernethiog upbeats waiting o' that thla awfulavar was over. '44 • milee and 60;000 inhabitant& for eoinething to turn lip. A "21n iSttoie Polish" is mllei for every Wet For Bleck Shoes., "2 in I Black" (paste) and "2 in 1 Black Combination" (paste arid liquid; for White Shoes, "21n 1 'White Cekeujeake) and "2 in I White Liquid" (liquid); for Tan Shoes, "2 in 1 Tan" (pada) and °2 in 1 ran combination'? (pasta and liquid). 10e bALLEY CO, OF CANADA LTD.,' • ll.tnitton,C. Qt..) C.1( HA NpY; Seven -foot iant, surely; chotild bo 4ppdrtioned more than his diminutive three-foot brethet, '4Arlien eompuIserY rationing wita necessary a century' ago - it Amiens Scottishgient Was given an extra 25. 6d. a day lot food. . New York , -ever to the for with re- cords states that a *ovals* citizen ,who avas forced to roam her street* in search of employment ter a•Imany mouths breakfasted twenty-aine Ones ofr it iixPenny packet of maize -meal. so The only (Aber ingredient was suer, a.Pound of which proved.sualelent for the twenty4iine breakfasts, • • • -A -frugai--brai Might • find fileor .during suinmer •weather, • , but which is hardly palatable for cold- er days, IS that 'a the famous diarist • ' Pointe. Ile pellet& each morning Of a . small Mice a bread, a few radishes, and a gittEis of ale.' • • wari7ticy; This . was not due trir-ity'su hornet Eigail Truman stapidity, lumina greed mid, tenbitioin are the basis of this ealitia• • • a ty.---Gen; Sinuts, • • * •,;;„:„ , •