HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-18, Page 1•
$1.50 per year, in adv
CO; ta•00 otherwise
Morc For The British ed Cross
This i Thursday, afternoon collectors in the interesta.
of the aritiih 'Red Cross Itund will be at work in Luck.
- now.
f, Make their task eas, y, by 'being ready tO4ive your
• , 4, offeri4 when* they callaeb one of these collectors
has heebpressed into Setirice against his wishes. -They
act from t sense of Auty-because Somebody Must do it.
They work; not for themselves) but for the sick and
• wounded -Soldiers at
•The workand the needs. of the British Red* Cross
SOolety are greater thaii ever before because. the War is
greater. -
*Priv:Psi WO can de their, part in the wif by gbiing
r , money have att easy task.° kap., bave given their livefi).
.., • their liiubs, or their ;health I " „
Give what you. gave last year and a'little,..more.'
T, 14yozge • . .
Verdun .
• *K11110ligh '
• -Xuesdate•Oet. 16th
The undersimied will be at Kinloes.,
'each Wednesday frielloonsn4 at Kin
lough Wednesday afterObiss-te receive
peultry. 'Higheat'cach prices paid. -j.
Oct Illth •
a*. Mikrairtn0 Bridley4vars-the-- gilelit.
• Mille Pearl Hooey on- Sunday•
Mies Nellie McMullin orient Thanks-,
• - giving nt the hewn of Mr" C. Harris,
, . -• ,
Mr. WM- Rine, ;I Detroit, spent the
, weelt-und-Withilis Patents Mr. and Mra
", J. Bine.' • • " '
`• Mrs,, CeuttneY, Who has spent the
.• -Plast two months in Winnipeg, Men.
• rived` home leser week.
-Miss Mary ,Wilkie and Mises Nellie`
• ' -wawa, both of Wingluetn BushieweCol-
Tega'were,at their resiective homes for
- • .,- the Thanksgiving holidays. -
One CarIoad .011 Cake
* 1 (Old Process)
. .
34 Per Pent. 'protein for sale. at
',attractive price on quanti;
ttes of ,5 or ro bag lots.
• tine -tarload Cotton
•..,..Seed Meal
O M* , wogs g.efesie, 'WHO MD
0. AT 1,4114/11 -Si DCVO!** 16xrc, 1912.
--Loving Sister and Brother,
Your soldier 'friends will .appric"iate
your photo ass ',Colas gift, •, • . '
-MISS Ifarding, of Torontois the gues-
of her-auna-Mrs..Dritedisant. - • -
, •
• A 'Efealiuring, Vowed in the Town
Eali Oct. Particulate next' week.
Mrs. W. Berton, elf Bottrel,
Vieited a few days of the week with her
slater,' Mrs. D. McIASSA and With, Miss
Grotto. ;
‘"Whcre do we go,now_ boyar This
qieistion had great, Volgiiie 'on a certain`
recent Occasion. • ,
• Mr. A. LDurnin is home -froni,- the
West, and will again.. take up his duties
an inspector of apple, -
Parties who Wouldlike t have-a-ooPY
of The military Service Act will reeeiye
one freen application at the Post Office.
Mise Teems Campbell loft op Wed.-
nesdey Morning for Toronto where she
will take a course in,,Shaw Business
• •
Pte. Grant McCreath Was in town
Saturday, looking iiinvtinthe uniform
Of the airservice soldier. • He will be
• . 384 Pa* cent. Pmteill' 6-ull" lietSunday ath
., . load at:, stition, offering at ,........_. .. .
$2.50 per cwt. off car in g or
. • -2 ton ,lcits oz. over. - . , . . - , • Riel• mrd Johnston, an old railway• en'.
gitior , and the Man who rale the first
These art both good value* at P".-,.. •
ent market .ke
°emotive into Tees*ater in 1875, vie•-
.; quotations', as both
these •Iinta are very much_Mghelr ited _&____..lad- week•.a had
. an engoleon,..the..4.1E.0..Jor_.46.
and ig no* retired.
Accordingto the altrinal.report Iately
s'iiiitied;- the Tel'aWitcli'Pitt'iotio 'League
• raised $2,300 in the, pest 12 menthe.
4:19PthirAtenations,„': #866.;:,Teatr.'3,tuts.
eoneette;$757; PuhIM Tags, $1,300.
Mra. Dr. Bean, 'dangliter Of ReVj.
home Was dettroyed' by fire a few weeks
ago is reported slowly', recovering. • She
, has ap far improved a:so be able to leaVa
. the ()Amp; Hospital antis now with
• her slider, Mrs.. Davidson.- ••
()arm_ timmi
• MARKETS' •••
(Corrected upto qtehtteedtly MOO
Wheat.... •OS.O.611.6•11.t.0•• 2- 10
• so
o ,
„flutter.. • 36 • 40
Rag" neairiaid.::, ...so... • 39 40
• . 11 50'
• trittOrITO MARKO'S •
TtPa$04v OP tins warm
Owlet heavy steers.....$11 SO to $1.2 8
." • • puke butchers-. ...GI 10 25 to 11 00
'•. rhoice butchers' cord.. 8 00 to' 8 50
Good feeders .. • .0 8 SO to9 25
'Good tenet 85 00 to 120 00
•Hogs, _fed and watered. 18 25 to 18 50
•Vail Wheat 2 14 to
Goose -Wheat , 212 to "
tlinotIty Hay.' ...... 13 00 to 15 00
Ogg*, new laids 0%• 46 to
*later; *wisijoy Prints, .45 th 46
4014t16114. et 40W 4t
The Government has appointed
?deism, VAL- MactDoneld, Geo: A, Sid -
dall and. T.. Webster special agents for
the sale of the now Vcatoryr War Dian
bonds in Lticknow and Kinloss. Here
is.a good opportunity for investment
for any one having $50 or upWards to
. litogriiih Was Oood '
The 'Edison phonographie tone -test
entertainment given hist Friday eyening
by Mr. Glen gi116011. 'Web hadly bit by
the weather. A day of rain wasTollow-
ed in the eYening tja down pour of
rein which made the inside of a 110t180
look much mere 00rofortable than out-
side. About two hundred went to the
hag nevertheleat, •and while there fibq
enjoyed a Very deject .program. Mt
Billion la a capital entertainer, with a
splendid and Owing toles for *singiog
or sprokist
ci!uR(,;(11 Nrws
Tax Civux-ifbe Pose 0.n4 Social
•Oerniiiitteek ot the anikl express cordial
greeiing and Wieitto bowl" woo your
Mind the, fad that you are. invited t..11
Pre*, /Mimi n Mondiky evening, Oct
$ficd, i e Presbyterian Ohurch, We
• Whelk not:attempt to repro; our pleaaure
at 'freeing you, and you wir receive
'heart* .presitof the •Inind. De 'not de;
press us by allowing piessureof %linens
to prevent you frOin being present, but
•-come and help us to have an evening of
as ever,. irrepressible.'
Expresaively yours
Prase AND 800/414, Co/turnip
• Cilled On Old #riends
. Au old Locknow boy in the *ion of
• "Allie".0d1uen was in townsilendey and
Tuesclay7 Ire woe. Wearisig the kinga
uniform' and had but .recentle returned
from England, 44.1" left Lucknow 31
yeara ago, and i now lemeMbered by
wily *few of the old times. He is a
;tailor by trade and has been in Toronto
of late era. Re enlisted in the early
days of the war, but on reachiik Eng.
land Was found to be beyond 'the ige"
_for the. front line Wen. Ile,'„Iniwever,
has a eoo in the trendek
"Al is the youngest4,son of
the late 'John Odlumilend a brother of
Prof: allene,of yalinouver. • The:femity
is doing its share, and more, in the cause
of -freedom iillalost the Hun. Prof. Od-
life afid two have made the supreme sac -
rifle -74)1w having. fallen :in ilieS-SOUth-
African war and the other in "hinders.
Victor- le a brigade general" in the Can.
adieu army In 'Franca A.nd El also
well 'reniembered in Lncknow is in a
needictil terra in Victor's brigade. , • '
fiergt. &1 gdfiltn 'Buttered a Week -
down -Of hesilth htng1and andwas sent
home throegli tint hospitals.
• *ColoaeI Weir Back
?mit. Col. Weir ,who organiild the
Bruce Battalion, and was in conimand,
until a‘-fefirufonthe ago has returned to
Toronto from England. It is: said &at
lie wilt in the near future ratline his
former' position as manager of the • big.
starch works at Port Credit.
-Monday, Oct. 16.
Vern cutting is the order of the day.
--We ,re sorry to report Jews Stuart's
recovery i.ts being rather slow.
Rev. J. R. Graham will have 'charge
of the Young -People's meeting next
Thoracic), evening, the topic being "What
is committed to you...".
The Thankoffering meeting of the
lastThursday was well attended
and a meat interesting stamen was given
-byline; (Rev.) Reid, of South Kinloss.
• The eerviqea at Tiffin' s anniversary
were *ell attended and!, good •-eitirnisup,
were preached by Rev. Clysdele, of
Salem. A goal attendance is especsted
-iitiliii,"teknieeting,_•• - •
M. James $utheriand, ait oldslid
esteemed reeddent of the Oth. lioe Ebz
lose, diOppell dead in a hotelat Stretford
On MOIldaY• 1.19 4 been *way for
leaf wcelmt; visit with friends' about
Woodsteek anctivas on his way to call
on others at Ailsa Craig, Ile had 4. few
hours' stop at Stratford and went to the
hotel to pass the thne; and *few minutes
after entering he.felland to all appear-
• Alia expired at once, doctor was
etland was:in hie. 76th year, and his
death was likely due to heart failure:
He came to Kudos,* among the early
settlers, .and wee twice meowed. He
-leaves a voduw and a grown-up fetidly.
.The funeral will be held this afternoon
to Kinloas cemetery. • • •,
The Late Mrs. Beatty NOS*,
• :
-Friend! Of the late Mrs. Beatty Web,
ster were greatly shocked on Tharsds,y
of last iteek on learning that she had
undergone ,an operation -m Goderieh
hospital, and that the .doctors helk out
no hope that she could long survive,
Their fears proved, only too well founded,
and on Friday evening Omit 7 O'clock.,
she passed awa". The remains were
taken to the home of her brothers
Messre. George and. Adam Cantelcin, 7th
Con, of 'Ooderich TownshiP, where she
had madiLher,honie. On Monday mini -
big, after a Shelt funeral serilca they
Were taken by train. Io-Lueknow, .and
---the-funeraL-to-Oreenhill °cemetery, was
held froni.the. home of Mr. ,Tee. Webster_
on Mond afternoon The services
were conducted by Rev.. -Mr,, Garbutt,
and there was a very -large Attendance-
• Before her marriage Sinn Webster was
Lottie Cantelon, her early home being
in Goderich TOwnship. She and the
late Mr...Beatty .Webster were married
fifteen years ago, and foriaboutesix years
they Hired two -and -a -half Miles west of
Lucknow. After his death, nine years
ago, she returned t6 lire, with her slater
and 'brothers whoi.leinained on the'. "old
homegtead. She was a:bright,. cheerful
• wonian-who- made many warm friend-
13eforeltermattitige She was for
numberof Teem organist and an active
worker in the Methodisichurchat Salem,
and on her return to her old hon,e she
again took np that duty. Mrs. Webster
was 52 years of age. • • •
• Lothian
• . -Tuesday, Oct 16. ,
'Miss Minnie Sandy was up frein To-'
• Tonto for a few days last week.
'"' Miss Gladys Reilly, of Kingsbridge,
was the guest of Mina Evelyn Wellington
,for a, fewdayes. ••-
Sam Swan has rented RobL Durnin's
farm near •Dungannon and will move
onto it sometime before spring.
is:apending a month at her home here,
and Miss Mary McLean are spending a
Week iv Toronto. •
many friends ..„°'f- Lient; William"
McKenzie, who has been in the Soldiers'
Convalesent Hospital, in Toronto for
A-ntimber from this vicinity attended
• Winghant Fait lot .Wednesday, and
Were pleased to see Neil McDonald take
-firet-priztrwith-hia two;yeatkilitearriage-,
colt; and better atill, the diploma for
the hest mare, any age, in the)igkt_horse
• classes. Seine honor]
Don't forget the anniversary service*
in the Presbyterian church irlext. Sunday
at 2 iind 7.30 p.m., when Rev. 0.. N.
McKenzie, • Of" -Kinlougli, will preach.
Also the lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 33rd,
• at 7.30 p.m., when Bev. (Capt.) G. P.
Duncan, of Port Credit, a. former
ister.oX Whitechurch and Lengeide, witi
give a lecture on "Experiences es chap-
lain with the 1st Canadian Diviaion in
• France," Mrs.' J. Wesley Joynt, of
Lucknow, and Miss Greta Ftig, of White-
• church, will .centribute *old. Lunch
served in the basethent of the 'thureh •
• after the lecture. Affinigion 36 mill
Provincial reVen'utt froM radio licenses'
this yetir is. expected to exceed 3900,000.
8etures te date ehorttlia576,000 licenaes
have been issued compared with 50,000
last year. Tbe ncreme in Remits Eta
,brong'ht with it a gal* in rovenno of
approaimAtok7ls50,01), '
for further Military service, owing to his
arm being severely shattered., •
StAletens ••
-,...r-Tuesday • Oct. 'Mai.-
• Mr. and kill. D. &ran celebrated
theft, golden Wedding Oct:14th.
Mies .Jean 'Webb is visiting, at Mr:W..
0. MeCrostiet. ' ," - • .•
• MissbamPbell, of Lticknow, spent the
week -end- with Miss Pearl Todd. • • •
Miss Chrism Miller attended the teach -
OM Convention in Exetei on Thursday
and Friday of last week •
Axxxvmukanv-The Calvie Church
Anniverisary' services held last Sunday
turned outhighly sinscessful, The
church , was filled both 'morning and
-evening to hear Rev. Mr„ Wilson, of
Walkerton, deliver two helpfel sermons
The chuith choir had special music for
the occasion...which Was Very pleasing,
There was a full house again on Mon
day evening when Mr. • Wilson gave his
illustrated lecture on the War. le!Mre
that% One hundred views •were thrown
on` the fifteen each being explained by
Mr. %Pilsen. The proceeds' from tht
lecture which atiouuted to $811 Were
tO4O4*(100 to do Patriotic elaril**tkat
'Xu* recent letter from Willey Camp
to hie wife °Holly" .says; Just a few
lines toss y that I am *ell mid hoping
you are sll theism% ° I Ws; very glir4
to bear from you, as there is:nothing we
like 'better than news a loved enei at
hPule- I think 1 receive all your letters.
/ wall talking to e chiP'412e other day
,Whoused to live in 141ChnoW when 1
was there, by the name of Geddes He
is looking fine. We arehs.ving great
weather over hem pow, and -not much
iVe-have all been Under *queirelic.:•
ewe for nuunr, so 1 could not write the'
pikat week. •
On my Medical Board, I- was marked
Hoe Duty, *01 may possibly get back'
hOme On leave thia' fall. k• rani fed up on
. 'soul I am over three years oyer here.
had the honer of playing baseball
, before the King and Queen in 'London.
Was catching for the all Oeinaiiii.
Team against the Americans, and we
• root them 4-3. 1 have a photo of
the teams, whieh I am sending home to
Ton- • . ' .
I am sending you a book. 1 hope
yen get it.. It is called "Canada, in
Khaki?' printed in England, and is very
interesting. • •
'When you write again please Send me
imtne smokes: .I must close for now:
iny heat love to all at home.:
*• • GERALD. .
• Sr. 1Y -75Z -B. Murdie; A. Reid/ 1.
Spindler, J, Cain. 60---V.
E Mathera 5 Burns. 50-4. McKen-
drickt f, 40-G. . Douglas*, W. _Tre-__
leaven*. Below 40-V. McLeod*. •
Jr: IV -757„---S. Hill, A. Johnston,
• Blitistbin, X McCallum. 60-L
Bothwell, H. Thompson, X Webster, It.
Andrew, W Huston, F. Andrew, IL
Blitzstein, A Irwie, X. McLean, D.
504-(F. Cain, � Hedging)
ties, W. Thompson, IL 'Howey*, E.
•••Nivina Below -40-4 Carriith*..
* iniss'ed exams. •• •• .
• I..G...Saviteree,..Tesicher, -
• .
Medial Board At *Ingham' •
• ad J. A. orant, London has •
nounced thate medical board for the
examinations of recruits under the Mil-
itaty Service Act will be held in the
Artiouries, at Wingham, on Thursday
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18, 19, and
20, and on Thursdays„ Fridays, and Bat-
on:14s of the following weeka The
board will be in. session from 0' a m.
until 5 m. This will be a great con-
venience.to men in this part.
. S. Huron Nomination s
• J. J: Merner, M.P. for South Huron a
in the lite parliament, has been nomio-
, organiaatien. Mr._M_erner _will run sa_a. _6
supporter of the uniongoVernment. a
At* meeting Of the women a fel
weeks ago it wat decided to forward a
„contribution to St. Dunstan'* Hospital
for blinded soldiers suid sailors. Thio
was accordiogly 'dodo, and the sicretory,
of the ,Oonnoittee bas just received
acknowledgement of the &Mount in 'the
.DefollaOrW4lin4ggalentlie: r; • • " .-
•lialat.thanke for yOur letter enclosing
a welcome contributinn of five pounds,
• four shillings and nine pence towards
our bade, on belialf..of. ths 1,40know
atriotia-CommitteerfWomen's Erenchk•
for. which send you an decal recept.
We are, believe me? deeply appreciative
of this very practical manifestation Of '
sympathy with what we are doing or
the gallant men under our care, on whOse
• behalf I hope you will accept yourself
and convey.to all who so kiudly. 000.-
tribute& an expression of most mneere
and cordial thanks.
* Yours faithfully,
Sir Axthpr -P;;A:r.sonkflItishet:Pgm
cirliaiArmivan No:f
the committee for the care of blinded
soldiers and !anon, and it is a satis-
faction to know that the -contribution to
AM worthy cause has safely reached the
intended destination..• - •
In -further relation to the work of the
Committee, the women are busily at
work cutting out garments, and will', be
glad to -have the cooperation of everyone
who can help in making these up. Thecr
are very grateful -to those who irwe been
Such faithful helpers •during, the Ind
months, both within and outside of the •
Village. In this connection the wessen
of the '2nd ()omission Of Kinlosis are
peciallreoMnianded lortheir :indfistry;
They -already have to their credit a long
list of shirts, bbcke, etc., and this list is
eteadily grb*ing. May thegoodwork
continue!. - • - -
A new feature which has been added
to the work is'the•making of -"stretcher
cape These caps replace, the heavy
'helmets when a soldier is wounded and
placed on the stretcher for removal to
the dressing station or hospital. They
are also worn by the Men while in the
camps on wounded or sick leave. They
are a gfe#,Tellef• afteilthe hOrvy- helmet
and thousands of them are !being asked
-for.. -The-caps are -very simply made of
-soft-fianneL aedin thisvillage.thiaework"
is being largely-teken in hand by the
younger viomeli and girls. N The plan is
to divide the village into sections. Cap
taints are appointed for each section and
-each captain forms. her own sewing
,citcle. There is no limit to the size of
the circle and no age limit either. • No if
• a captainhas beetrunable trisee person-
ally every likely person in her dietrict,
captain is for your district and offer your
ervices. Every little helps. On the
other hand, if ;nyene Masked Who can
nothelp, there' should be no fiard feel-
ngs over it. The caps are easy to make
ncl are badly needed, but there ia no
trefoltrih9etiWtiPaTon"Lan6y-Ponee.14-• Tchilliargies
'Ern ire -Saving” -work and enthoiasin
nd self sacrifice 'should be the promptes,
Teeswliter•.:_ , - _ Bervie.
s •
•.. • -Tuesday, Oct. 16,
Toronw. . . '
• Mrs. James Robertson, who has been
in Toronto hospital, haft returned- haat
in imptoved health. ,
Miss Lizzie McDonald, nurse, from
Chicago, ishome on a vitit to her par.
ente, Mr and Mrs. Wm. McDonald.
-Monday, Oct. 13th '
in Glottis last week. , •
Mr. Ha.rry.Toombes, of Torcsnto, is re-
newing old acquaintances inuur
_ •
Mrs. Dr. Chilies and children have
reinrned from a visit to her parents, Mr.
and MTA James -McPherson, Toronto.
Wallace McIntosh, hie wife and son
motored up from the -city to spend the
week -end with his parents, Mr. and MM.
D. McItitersh. - -
Messrs. Oakeie and Kitchen lave
moved to town, Mr. Oakes taking rooms
over William. Fowler's store and Mr.
Kitchen thehouse formerly occupied I y
Mt -Graf.
A knitting bee . is to be held in the
town hail Saturday afterrion, Oct. 20th.
Ali ladies are invited. 'Trench caps tot
the soldiers' is the program. The teach -
era will eerie a 10 -cent tea at the • close
of the knitting.
The Methodist aural' held their anni-
versary service* list Sabbath, addreased
by Rev. Dewey, of Stratford . The set-
.vices•were well attended. Mendel' even-
ing WM /Oven over to a tee and lecture
by Mr. Dewey. The proceeds frOM the
tea and lecture were some $80.
' Miss Susan Guest is able to be out
again after an illness of a few Week&
Mrs. (Rev.) Williams returned home
lest week after steenctieg a few days in
London. 4
Miss McPhail, of Kincardine High
.ffehool, spent the Wea-end with Miss.
Doris Pair. *
• Quite a number from around Bervie
• attended the Hot Supper at Kinloss on
Monday end' report an,objeyeble even.,
Misses B,ets. Sturgeon, Ruth Shcsane
and Rena Brown returned t� Stratford
, Normal after spending Thanksgiving at
their homes here.
Mrs. William Collins left last Week
for the West where she intends to make
her home. We are sorry to bee her leave
our village but Wish her a safe journey.
to her new home. ••
The Annnal Teachers' Contention of
West Bruce was held at Paisley bast.
week. Moat of the teacher es around Bet-,
Vie took wear ride to attend the con-
vptinn and report* good time and as
wood a refreshing, shower to maim it
elltM like *oboes 010110,001411.
Single Copies 3 cents
. We Ihave a line of
Women's. -Box. Ki
An. sizes from 3 to 7
that We Will 'Offer for
sale Mille they last
Alt Hies ii Good Shoes cheap,
. J. Lirri4u
• .
=REY TO LOAN.--06-MUtgagelendnotoi
at meonabla rates.. Fire insurance. tote, •
• Stock and Mutual OeMnanies Ooirfur.
imellig,done with neatness and deeparnb.
, OW. A. sionAra.: Breker. Lautitro w
D . PARKER. OSTEOPAM at Vain Hods*
line:know. every Wednesday af *moon. ,A11 •
chronic diseases sueoelisfniqLkeststi,AW,
--7-'-`teeps.thrremoveir thii-jpnyWin .oatilme of - • .
disease. .4.21justmeat or the ephle is More ' • •
010;1y secured And with fewer hutment" '
by 0.teoPathy than by sity other pialloOd.
iftoligsT,PItIOICS for ,peintry -and 511 kinds. • - •-•
Ofjunk-t-rage. old_ paper. rubber. 'Ito% COP -
zinc. and, •all blade of bides. -Fhonitso,
-w__ite. to or call on w • •
15-Stf. allatiallitt LikoknoWio
,I06EPN 14,014 E *ottiri Coli'Vet*
• ancer, ,thtloe hours, lto6p. ao.
'during summer moinimt Persona ir1sb14 •
businees transacted in the 'forenoonlnag ' •
have same attended t0 by appointment.. •
. For Sale'. •
FA -K2& POE fil4,tafthl.V.Aeito the
bee •faiii4) one 'mile,•Weet; of „Ismbalsh; in • '
good:state of oidrisation. free hold weeds;- '
good bulidings andfenoee.
POItSALR-710nse and lor.;„proPertY of. tit*
late Mrs. Clank Allin, on naVelooir Street.. •
'Posseesion any time. For•partioulare awn*
• 27 -Otto,
• .
SAL14,-,-Thrte frame dviellingi.
• be sold at a bsrgaln-,.
og °w°nde ut. :I.. ale
FOR SALlf.,-' White-Leghorg. 000kerels.
• -
Toni Barnes. bred-to461r strain. trorn 4114
• pens ofToni 1./elegitire." lltretfOrd4_' lag
apieee. 3. FAultien. IrdOkno.ri risotto
amaa. ,
FOR SA/X.-Good tranteredtlenee whit
. foundation. owilavelooll t3t., (be -
Ing lug the reaidenoe iitionpled b Mr.- 0,A. • • "
Siddall).. For purloiners! apply torMim..•
Da. MA0Osnolon.
Faim.,Por, Sali •. -
. • •
100 Acme west hell iota. Coe. 15. Peel Town.• .
elliP. Wellington Co.. new house of Oradea -
brick with modernimprovementa; bane barn.
00:08; straw shed and drips shed, drilled will. '
The farm is in a high state of aunty/Won.
OngblyouderdrainedangWell•tenciel;' '2 *orbs • -
at oronard;,15 &erupt good bush. OonvonientlY • • • ' .
situated to Drayton Or Arthur, and tp chums
And sohool, with rural mall and teleinmile, lmi
considered one orthe beet ferule In 'the Wren-
ehip. Will be sold on easy terms. For partiou.4
lera aPPIY to •
. lonirtreserst,„'
15460. , •
Reglettarattlit Ont.
AufzioN maz
. _
Of Farm Stock on Lot 4, Con. la,c
North Half (13ouuditiy) Huron, on Mon-
day, October 29th, 1917, at 1 p.m. sharp,
the following; - • • • .
Housas-1 niare, 5 years old, in foal::
-1-mare, &years old,4n_loal;--1-mare,-.14- -
years old, lb foal, 1 one -year-old gelding„,
.1 foil mare. .
CATTLIt-4 eOw'S years old, -due to, •
calve in December; 1 Ow, 10 years old.
due in Deeelnber; .1 e0W, 6 yowl Old. •
aripposed to be in 'olli;„ 1 cow, 3 year*
old, supposed to be lit calf; 1 'heifer, 2 •
years old, supposed to be in, Calf; Z
heifers,..11 months old; -1 tali, *months.
• PrGS-I. sow,
10 pig* 6. Weeks old.
GRAIN ANO 1:1A.If -A quantity -of oats,,
20 tons hay:
TE04:3:=---PrOm one toten111011thilfr-
credit on furnishing approved joint notes . .
at 6 per cent. per annum.
J01114 Puittle; Auctioneer.
CHAS. R. Co1.1.1x$, Proprietor.
25,10:p. °
• Natio
For all marten -'reai~iretethilleilteeteett - -
refer to DO. TaylOr ecrsssrr.•
wm the tarty who took artietea .6'621 •
titian farm oortheatt of the 1400ktiow
station ob Oct, 15, 1917. Pleate tettirn Or
pay.10r Sanaa. The Setae Party Was Seen
a 1 elv Wet ago carrying basket -e ewer .
tram the tile place. We We -wonder lithe
parties. who came with the ear knew it .
was stolen, goods. . tIno attention is paid
to this the.netessitry legal steps for the ,
,prOtteentiell of ths partite referred t6
Will be Wren, as they ire Very *I