HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-11, Page 4-f'R-'°••-t:- - 03"Pr-�.,.;�r _ ,y�.+en ;��cv-.-:•mss
" .1eww►e ,114*r sal J,4>itiai,e.'t 4Far1NiR.
3, t.aeattww tM.t,
�''#" ee.l14« d.
1114‘,11.114•40d. thily
missetnew et erth
v rale
L ( U; p. leteltsew Lodge meet* ever, Friday
at r; 4 lMek in their Ball. (hu
street. AU brethren oordtelly int ttwl.
:—Nub . brand. R. Aitchison* Vtus
7.. Kae? raise., li Ilegd;
.. sen: 'rewa.. Alex„itcis4.
A. v. a A. X,. 0 11. r. 014Unlit Ledge meets
every Thurmiay night' ur� tit full
(heat -swam Dalt, navvies* street
now. W. M...1. T. Armstrong: b. W..
W.4.,1,/a : J. W” il. t:„ Linds►iy:w thou.
u. 8., D. D. I. ono. up
atalrota Mutton Stook. Teeswater. dpoo
Mention's platen, crowning and
work. lotWrox*ter let. *red sled.
**My ul each month; (Jerrie Thur.
V A. NEWTON. D. 1). t., Dentist, 0hltee
shin 111_ mgr. aluuknew, Ont. All modern
rr(etltodn oldest materials furnished.
�yraawn and work. Painless extract.
leg by 0w u.. o the latest simplest and
remedy, h4OMNOrtntM. Newest
Metal teeth...Alm:Mutt plate ed
mit Etritunitt Ornituri
Palmllebeoa every Thursday morning.
'at I.uoknow. Ontario,
A. D. M.ACXXNZZE, Pro irietor "
end Editor.
Timms or Begam amort. -To any address
to t*rinada or
Great Iiritainone year 11.50, s
�monthseaiiitittee,o iy.a 10.These ars the pwd in
'advanoe:rater. When
paadin arrears the rate
la We. per year pimgher.
uub.cribers who Milt* receive Tho (sentinel
regularly by mala will winter a favor by ac.
lble.g us of the feet at as early a dot:. a9
When °Minos of *damsel desired, bode old
end the pew eddrewe should be given.
1AdvertIa2ng Rntu.
Dtart Y . Auventistrel R* arch-»Madde knwwn•
on appILQatIQn,
STRAY ANU1Ar ti. -Ono lniiertion Nei throw in•
sorbins 31.00.
Farina or Beal Estate forage boo' each.' inser-
tion; Misoeilaneous .Artieleelscr hale. To•Rent
Wanted. Fai:Ooeieitsadee'Ntec linsertion in.
'ergo, 5o eacn
sabaeque t insertion; spacial
mite of Bo to regular display advertisers, Card
of Thanks R5c Owning Jt vents 80 and 5Q r
lino. no itotloo'loes than Rya. Legal advertising
leo and 6o pee line. Auction wee. brief notice
Eno, longer notioe 10x. oerline for Brat insertion
QAstor each oubeequentinsertion, Black -faced
'lype count t 11nes; for 1.
A.y ipsclsl notice, the object of which: Nate
pecustery beaen eptly iedividtest or mows;.
_astr, folic sorratdercd sa advert: cmuerit ammd
chugs accerdiagly„
auslatatt tsrda:ut-Ria;• linos and under ' 5.00
par Par, • .
TIEiUl filet?!# , o.ffroJ31 t lttb;11117
The big Germany' Men, ofhave ex -
refilled :a eort of lofty contempt: for the
United States as a military power, and
woe wonders :sometimes how t me•eons, of
Uncle Spathe. • talo this:. Perhaps; the
..;A aerlcan'view71n7rwttere.-61
vigorous and completeexpres lion than
inthe following :editorial from The,
Chicago Tribune-. It ie a fine: piece of
editorial work land well worth 'reading.
It.appearcd under the heading;. "Delud-
ed Germany."
If the latest speech of Dr: Michaelis,
the German chancellor, has any sincerity
at all it indicates that German judgment
is ;again in tragic blunder, The world
has auffered.much from Garman stupid.
ity, •and is abo ttr to suffer more, evi-
Allowanceis made constantly now for
• the probability that tiny autborit ki
-Glernman'atatemimeiit is issued •for dynastic.
reasons.. It may be necessary for neon
archioal purposes •alto col if use COnan
thoaght, intoxicate German hopes, and
deaden German feats. •
_TitoGir anPolicy n ayhow
a trail..
of deception and delusion'
and' lead 'a
blindcd 'g,cnelu along mt; If there be no
.. iiL .. .iXt. P. 9, .. 4a.
to h nt1T yp{{..
� :mita'
American part;eipat:ioi In be war .as
• negligible, then German is being betrays-
--ed--by lack of ` perception and under..
standing again and the world must suffer
front this ignorance and folly,
Michaelis must be a fool if he could
put any belief in)is.own statement that
I/resident Wilson was trying to whip a
reluctant rlation.into a "war' fever and
was failing, in spite of all methods, even
of "unparalleled terrorism." . The tired-
ulity of a chancellor who would accept
such information is amazing. Hee ,tiler
is imposing open the German people,
who must awake to facts some time and
then see the trickery which deceived
-them, or 'lio hitgself is imposed upon 1n
, a fashion' which a •Patagonian. would
resent. In either'case he and the gov«.
° • ernment which gives. Rea ction aim welt
remarks are feeble minded.
Michaelis could 'hardly tell the United
States a war difllultyr which is not per -
calved here. If Washington were an
American Bucharest tilled with.- cafe
a<mffleete already in imagination walking
the streets of ijorlin, Germanymight
anticipate the auceesses of another Ilon-
maniart campaign. Tint ii Germany had
:one-tenth ami the inform sou wghieh' an
information service lm>ne»tc. tit as serer
stolons and-octive is the Gel an . could
.give, }linin would know that the United
r4t3atetl' is Mustering the resources of the
riahu.t nation in the world and that
autkiag short of Gorman capitulation
can prevent all the forger of this nation
front being thrcwu mtattt.iusst Gennep de-
We were oonfideft that this force will'
break the t;eriuiin defense. That is to
be determined in war and not by proph-
ecy. • If ere could win thele war with
words it would be a cheap victory, but
we are getting ready with what does_
win warn-iuen, munitions; and money
-anti if Germany wisbee to to blind to
the prospect Germany must join the: reit
of the world, in digging snorer graves and
supporting more mourners.
If nothrng but a elout•over the head
will ,arouse German "intelligence, the
clout will have to begiven. Mr. Wilson's
"unparalleled terrorism" comes from the.
raving of a.hnan gone road: America, is
preparing, without. one 'ecstasy . which
might cause a prudent citizen to fear for
consequences, for u. hitter, deadly, seeri-
In place of noisy enthusiasm there is.
i n iue:. deterMination
bravado there is painstaking planning
In phase of cocksureness there is willing.
,mess to listen and learn. Thera ia: no
udnimlmizing of the effort needed and none
of the lose to be expected.
If Germany thinks that these donlin-
sting characteristics reveal a timid and
hesitating nation Germany -will pay for
another blunder rajudgment, and, worse,
Other peoples also, will pay. ' Wo suspect
that the verdict passed on German..man-
agemeat will rate it as intelligent mn
mechanical detail and hideously :stupid
in general understanding,,
To be atupid`in _truisteesbip of the fate
of people•ie the unpardonable sin, and <t,
is tltitsin for which evdrT' the G•ler*uan
people some time may hold their gover-
nors to account. Deception. and delusion
lmray' sero theirtemporary, Purposes in
Germanys, but they merely deter and do
not eliminate the day of payment.
S. H, Na.12, '. `ship W. W4,:v u oss
` IV --.Wilfred Brackett, ,Thelma
;Reed, Hughena Fhillips,:,Violet Twam-
ley, Myra 1.foDa naldr:
Sr.. III-. Vera Phillips; Spence ;Erwin,
Chris,, Cook,',Aima Agar.:'
J'r•: • IIIA --Annie Campbell, Winnie
Irwin, Dolly Cook, •
Jr,' 1I --Lena Hackett, Olive Alton
Mary Vint, Clifrord..7'aokett, John Tr=.
win, Wilhelmina Agar, Jean `:McDonald,
Sr.• I --Annie -Bowles, Russel. Reid,
Archie iso o
... H. h ls n, Agnes Cranston,. - . _ .
,�r, I—Reria:Niohaloon, Totemy.Haok•
eta.' .•
Pr, A ---Elizabeth: McDonald,, Mazie:
Hackett, Melvin Hackett. •
:1. M. IIA>.►rsA'� •Teas ern--
� ....h
,S, S. No. l,: ICittr oss
• The following report is based on; daily
marking for attendance and daily work, •
as well as' on the result of test exams.
IV Leawood Hewitt, 00; Margaret
Cantpbell,. 003; Malcolm McDonald, 454,
Sr. jII--•Meril "(attire, '784: Mary Mc,
Donald, 7163; Jennie McDonald, 756;
Edith Geddes, 606; Ralph Huston, 550;
Jack eampbell, 497;:: Etliel'Bannerman,
4p7. .
Jr. II1-- Belle Hewitt, .686;; hazel
Bannerman, al;Z Beta Barges, 440,
T •,
e �i95:I;d a4 ue
415 k r.
Jr.• , II --Ruby dile, 658; Kathleen
'Huston, 6051. Tom McDonald, 499 Allan
McKenzie,. 339. .
I -Verna Leeson, 802, Gordon Mc-
Donald ' 7431 Katharine .
nsem b
p el], 582,:
Wilbert Caskanetto, 642; Mary Stauffer, :man,- 581. ,.
Jr. 'Pr. -Dean Rewitf _ 3.40; Eileen
Rodgina,320; Annie Stauffer, 240; Bobt.-
Bonnett, 140. •
Jonrrr A: LocxsaltT,-'reacher,
S. S.,lyTim: o, Asuir nn
Jr, IV -Sauey Ritchie, Marshall Gib-
son*, WIl1i Ctrond ,.
• Jr. III-11ssie;' Ritchie, Margaret Web,
'eter, Oltvo H=1m, Geirtle Stroud,' Earl
Gibson. ° l•
Jr. -II 'dna Ilitchte, Eva Gardner;
I Harold Gardner, (Grote Pepper,
Willie Pepper) ties, Dorothy Anderson,'
Maleolea Webster*, •
Sr, Pr. --Edmund Lardner, John lit-
chi°, John .McDonagh, D. W, Stroud,
Tommy Webster,Jesate Andrew.
Jr. rr... Mllvort hteid.
A -Alfred -iltohle, Mary Webster,
Verde Stein*, Willie Hunter, Mary
;Stroud, Willie .hunter.
Number on roll, ':;&
- Those marked with an asterisk were
absent for all ()r paart.olterm.
Mary i cunTT, Teacher.
• Kiiilough -
HTuesdays Gat. Oth
. The undersigned will be: at Kinloss
each Weduesday,forc.nooa and atCan.
lough Wednesday afternoons to rez':eiva
psultry, .highest cash prices paid.=J,
'. Ly`o,10
Thomas l4traehon', of Grey Town.
ship, has sulci hiv 120•itcre farm on the
6th Cora to Mrs. Alex illiieDwigld
for *7,100,
The Council of the village of
Brawls voted e500 00 to the British
Red CloseSociety. And a (fovea, of
amnia n• a wilt be- made, 'act well.
Rev.' F. IL I.arkniau, pastor of tiro
First I'rlesbyterian Church 'Seaf(mrtth,
was in Montreal recently and while
there bad conferred on him the degree
of Doctor of Divinity.
Ono of the farm tractors furnished
by the Ontario • Pep. of Agriculture
has been at work on farm, along the. 1
Bluevale ,toad near Wingham.tlme pact
two weeks, end has been giving good
• Pte. HarryWillis T a Wingbam boy
who recently was with au Army Med.
:cal Corps 1n England died in the hos
pital,at,Shorncltff last' week, lie was=
a son of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Willis.
of .Wingham,"
,.xi..,,Aly. and alitra...T. I).,lake_who..2.a., '-,_
Yeats ago moved` &in their fano ► on
the 13th Con. Grey Township to
Minneapolis, Minn. have returned; to
live on the aid homestead. • They are
accomponied by their three daughters.
Ilypno AT Zuiuc i i --Tile Zurich
Haraid says: Since last Thursday the
streets airs houses of Zurich have,,beep
lit v+its power-supp ied by the Hydro
Electric Cerhtmpission of Ontario«
Evers. street in our village is now
brilliantly lighted, the lights burning
from 7 o'clock in the evening to. A6 o'.
clock in: the morning, They.go on
and off' automatically, a time switch do
ing the work. Many: of the. houses
are now using hydro power, and it
will pot be long before most of our,
citizens will useit fit' -ironing, cooking
etc., as-thecostis small if used with
care. • .
Oilman • To SUNDAY ramp -A
Zurich inerollant makes the following;
ann1.ucement imi theiocal newspaper:- -
N'otice• to Automobile Owners: -.--11
you want to use your automobile on
aniday; lon'1:-.you':think yon --"should - -•
provide yourself with gasoline and oil
eu Saturday..&wd riot: ask us, to open
up our placo•of business on; Sunday
and sell you ,gasoline'? •--1-have mob=
ejection: to helping.anyone. out who
accidently rung out and cannot get tet
his degtination. We will gladly help
such, but people 'at home, I.' think
should--eee'that,they• are supplied ou
_Saturday or else stay at home on Sun-
day, loudly bear this. iti ' Mind and
don'task us to fill your esti hereafter.
on Sunday. ,
QLD 'PEOPLE -Tho north side of the • ..
Maitland': river, Brussels, possesses ;no
less than seventeen _'people' or. more,'
who have passed their both bit tliday
-and-are-alt ablerY'to'be about, a nuulaher-
of them .being so •active' that persons.
ten years their junior' have to brisk'.
up to keep step with:thtinm_ Tn the •
list are: 11rs S.. Crawford, Charles:
Howlett)•Mrs'Williamn Newson, Hugh
Lamont, Alex Ellis,. David 'Hoist,
George Crooks. Mrs. Georgee' Crooks,
Mrs, Wi liana Ross, Mrs, James Men•,
zies, Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Walter Smith,
ex peeve J. ,Leckie,. Mrs. . (iso) l"atil,
Alex Bern, Mrs. I3. Wilbeo,-' :William
Turnbull.: Mrs.. ld, W.ill:ee' and Mr,
nil Are past 90 years and. Mrs. Men;
zies is not far from it'
tri actiwiJ.for $1,6,000- damages has
- d- `-. .
e n r
�e n o to ed a a
t O geode Hali. �crronto
against; two Oreng(ivi<1le hardware deal-
ers, W.. J. Gillespie and Fred` Fatiikener,,
by William Delaney of Orangeville, •
The plaintiff charges the defendants
with having, without.cclor of rightand
againsttheexpress warning of the plain-
tiff, placed fire -arms and, ammunition
iin••tha•Itandht• of the youthful eau of the
-_ :. lei, .. .. :.1. F .:r.;t'1
-lirbierteiin; air lr `resrilt ofwwniei h the dun,
was Killed on Aug. 6th last.
-•- Monday, O t:'.
Miss Velem Woods, (rf Elora, spfthent
Thanksgtving under the parental roof:
AAnumber- front: here 'attended- t.hn
Dungannon' Fall <Pair on Friday: '
Miss Mary 'Helm visited -a :few--dayia
last week. with Attacking friends.
rte. George Hackotttireturned to Lon-
don today after spending the weekend.
with relatives lit this locality.
Miss' Dolly Webster, of Lusknow; was
the guest of her Cousin,' 'Margret Web-
5terr Ore Sunday. .
•1lev. Mr, Thompson, of Bluovale,
preached a Missionary Sermon here
Sunday evening. • .
IS YbUR CilIMh1SY SAflI? -
Uefective chimneys are :the . greatest
single source of fres. Tire investigation
being oondueted by the Commission of
Conservation 'discloses the fact that, for
the year 1010, of the places, reporting,
no less than 040 fires were due to faulty
chimneys, This is exclusive If fres
resulting from dangerous stove
p pee or
chimney sparks..,
Before winter weather neeeasitatcs
1'Ilamridity, October 2202 s i y
I,r Canada b
fails us inctoer we must curtail
Al many.of our -activities."
' Sir ARTHUR STANLEY, Chairrnen, $xecutive Connnittee, British Red Cross,
It., o: costs :.
now os s $300,000:00 a -week to on the-�worl� of the .British-: Red Cross or
$16,000,000.00 a year.
ve , nnixiuteof the d night . ..•
E ry h a and'm h it costs' $30 to minister to the sick and
Y � wounded
and :din
Last year Ontario's magnificent contribution paid for the entire' 'ward the l nosh led.
Cross for nearly six weeks.
This year,' in. view of the. greater need, it is earnestly and confidently hoped that Ontarios
contributions will be as eatproportionately as' the ma ificent offering � ..� g of last year.
O trustis, that the Citizens_of:LOntario'will - give enerously to this noble cause o — -
g g Y n
OBER 18th
.' A "Few- Facts tab out itis
Cross Work.. .
'The British Red Cross Society is the
. only institution' which carries voluntary
57,000'Hospital-Beds 'found in
United Kingdorin.. • •
aid to the 'Sick: and Wounded of the 30,000 of theseprovided ' with :
. `.
British forces on land and sea in every, Nursin g Staff.:::
region of the War.
Els work is Herefore tt�ehe conotan- 1x,00
0 = Trdnned .Nurses -working' at'
• classes of British subjecats, whether living home and abroad. .
• in the 'British Isle's in the Dominions and '•
Colon�mcs beyond the ess, or in Ioreian ?,500 V. A. D's h
_... � � .. _ .,n.._ _ ...... , eiPinU' �iA.,.�Rr"ll$P
�Oigtt SS
._-__.._reef" ,r..,,... _: r ....:r: „�..,.�-� �s�.:.r,. ,..;. ._ „ .•,
. -.. ...-..... ..:.. • . _.. � ami a , .....
•$22011o0' spent ole a quipment of 3Iing
George Hospital (4850 ,beds) and
$130000' a year contributed t .cost of
it maintenance
$225,000 spent on building and e, nip-,
,•••. • ping "Netley • Red. Cross Hoepitall '••
(1000. beds). and ..
$625,000 spent on maintenance;
$175;000 ::for Orthopaedic . Curative
Workshops and ' Training rem
11;000.::fti. Piiclsif -t iu sf-=rrdafril aim ,..
Organization' of Resources Coamnuttaae Parlistr ent Bniidiggsv Toronto.
CAPITAL; AND REST RVl; $8,$oo,000
$8 Branches in Canada .
A general Banking -Business Transacted
Circular Letters of . Credit
Bank Money Orders • ' - '
Interest allowed at highest current rate "
T. 'S ill D, Manager
pressure upon the heating apparatus, the
householder clloltld carefully inspect alt
chimneys, as well as stove and furnace
pipes, and. have them put theme, in good
condition. Rarely,, if ever, does She
occupant of a house make an examination
of the chimney where it passes through
logfo probably the source of the great
majority of fires whicit. othrt:from de«
fectivo ehimneys. Cltangeb in weather
conditions and vibration have a delete- ;
rioue eileet upon: the- mortar its the brick
worlr, causing ' it to disintegrate and
leaving openings tlmrotmgh which aparko
the attic, lei, ibis portion of the 'build. to, wadi) pais, i
It's a rare :teat to' rear LUCY VATESsing
"Blue Danube Wal.
�:, a(tmbla - . les one ;of her best :.
• For Sale by. WM
Deering Harvesting Machi
Order now if you require anything pei machinery the supply ialready exhausted in some lines.
Will save your horses'' necks while walking .'•
on the mower and binder. °
Binder Twine
Hay Fork Rci�
and e • . _ •
Machine and Separator 011 -