HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-11, Page 3THE DWOIDLING OF PRIZE -MONEY ONLY A FEW HUNDREDS ,NOW AWARDED TO H. M. SHIPS Enormous Were the Stuns Shared by " the Nayy-Sothe linadred taid ,• - Years Ago, Price-Money;the oldest. •of naval perquisites,' he's dwinaled woefully, Hove' sminepiring eieem the feaa hun- dreds IXow awarded to II. M. ships for destroyinge the enemy in coraparison with the great, big, glitteriog hunts which our sailors intim tough days of cutlass and bearding -pike used to' wrest from the enemyr • Vastly differen.t was it oomehen- drecl odd years agophin a suceeseful •cruise made men rich And ...a, fortune could be won in a day. Not a mere phrase this; but a thing that often happened, , -- A -notable ease uLthakindewae that of the Triton. frigate, which captured the Spanish Santa 13rigida on Octeber • 17th, 1799, and thereby won forTher crew a million and a half clellars. As a resuat of•that one brief tight the TH. ton's captain pocketed. 208,650, whilst d:gin her seamen received each. A mere trifle contraste with the cap - tithes share, but a goo day's earnings nevertheless. - -- • ---• Favored Officers. The expienation of -.the rich yield .• was that the Spaniard had a lot of nfoney aboard her. Because there • ' existed no such arrangements as -our • foreign exchanges, every sort of valu- able had to he cooveyed from one . country to another by ship it land frontiers did not jointhat gave our f a tars their chalice and were never . s . e. . , • • slow in taking it Prize -money 'was •./ one of the things they Went to sea a ter and they piled it up in beeps • . . A mere '$100,000, the Portland's •, booty frcan a hard won 'fight, seems beggaely alongside the $300,000 Etc- _ •• , • , ., quired by the Panther by the same a means, and ridieulously inadequate when placed by the Ethinores, $1,600,- • : • .000 dollars wrenched from a Spaniard in .a; few blood -bespattered hours. . . . From"the lower -deck point of view, ' •-the• worst feature about these hauls ' was the unfair system of sharing out • . • For .exarnpIe, when our forces captur- • ed- Havana. in -1762, out of _the_treas-_ • . ure therelaken each admiralAnd gen- eral present received $618,485, whilst ' poor Jackhad to be content with .$20,, • not enough for a brief, shore jollificae • • Johrtite Home DefinO' e movement for the conserva- tion of food. Help to pre- vent waste by demanding the whole wheat grain in break- fast foods and bread stuffs. Substitute whole wheat for meat, eggs and potatoes. The whole wheat grain is the most perfectfood, given to man. In Shredded Wheat Biscuit you have the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam -cooking, shfedding and baking. ,Every particle of the whole wheat grain is used including the outer bran coat which is so pseful in keeping th,e bow- els healthy and active: For 'any meal with milk, and fresh fruits, Made in Canada. 1 ' • '.,f1 or tile . *. ' . Clij.11y Days • Of .ceurse, Tonimy's little- sister niflitary eat The cape may be emitted and all equally practical coat be obtained. • McCall Pattern NO., 7902, Girl's Military COat. 1n7 sites; 2 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. : • . , , • Remunerative Dream. • • . • • - lVfuele more fortunate wore the sea- • Men of the Favorite and 314- Active, which in the same year captured a • . tremendouily yaluable prize. `when -she'vtas.unloacTed the•merchandise•und . ' specie found in her holds filled twenty. . -.-- wagons, which were sent -in-triumiind --•-•::--processioneto--London,•-and-the-Tonds • there disposed of Enough was real - zed by the sale to pay each captain • - $324,260, each commissioned officer ir64,870, and each seaman $2,420.: i . We have all heard of dreams that. • •`' ' • led fo iortune, Ilereis one of the • most. curious, 'yet a well -authenticated, . instance of such A happening. In 1799 the Alcemene was at sea, with her •.. luck ' dead • out. Not a doubloon in prize -money, not even the pleasure of • .: • a fight, had come her way, and the ' crew Were almost mutinous with dis- appointment, when the captain begin nightly to dream that someone came inta his cabin and implored, "Go -northward, Dighy'go northward" So Impressed did he become by this that at last he decided he would to north- ward,'; though his 'officers protested. , But on the evening of the first day he altered course Captain Digby fell In -With a Spanish ship, from which he took a huge booty. • u - Settled Out of Court:- - fp smears , , The •semi -fitted dressi with the „In the gallant West Country arid in shaped tunic promises to be one of the the tnaritime counties g000rally, nianY favorite styles for the coming.seasen a family r was fonrided and the- nucleus This " (Tre has in attractive tunic, ef many a snug Leatate acquirid'' by longer o one side than the other; and rize.inonpy won•at-sen. 4P110-104, is suitable for any of‘ the fall ma- f• t,tehtieirrrl thrletspellyllit..3Y-hgwei.Pr.erSilefOliore., ationfi-taUght_that_they must. look fok I terleiii. Note the Tong, tight sleeve, which are one of the most noticeable features of the present style. McCall Pattern No. 7993, Ladies' Seini-Fitted Dress. In. 6 sizes; 84 to 44 bust. Price, d'Oeuts. bte. ed from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall 04., 70 Bond 21.., Toronto, Dept. W. • ••-forttme., They did so, and found it so often that every encouragement was • ▪ • • • given for the quest to proceed.. \ • Even then men who fought were • impatient of the wept of men -who at ' • /In offices and procrastinated; also they , hild small liking for lawyers, and this , resulted in some curious things being .. done. One bluff . old captain having • captured a valuable Spanish ship, de- clared that he 'did not mean to waste time feeling about With'AdniiraltY • de- lays, ho Was too busy. So he took the - ship and cargo into Batavia and sold them to the Dutch fey over $4,500,000. Then, standing by the capstan, he call- - ed his crew, around him and shared out the mottea amongst them. • ' LearntoLaugh. • "Lehn. td laugh; A good laugh is • better than medicifie.--Leara to -telt IX story. A well -told story is as wel- come as a sunbeam in a sick room, • Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself.. The world is 'too busy 0 to . care for your ills or sorrows. Learn to do something for others every da*, This is no time for idle hands," • The cost Of silo 'filling is greatly ro-• - duce(' i several farmers use -a silo eater co-operatively. Chinese and Japanese bells.are clap. • '• perlese and never are swung, their tOnes beitg produced by striking them With wooden Mallets. • 11 UM as beert adopted:as- the table beverage itt marty a home be- cause of its pleasing flavor and healthful nature 151111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 •••: im,,DIEws plum, ;1,91,1,4 ISTQtr-InOre44-4011rager1.0.rd4-SPAW - But flu* tb.at comes fromThee. No greater strength, but how to use What Thou hest given Me. ' Net more of joy, but juak to feel' Thy gracious presenc'eapear, , That I May give to others, Lord; , • All that 4 can of cheer. . Give Me all fear to dontinate, .All goesdly,thinge to know, To be Alle friend I long to be, And truth to others show; To love the pure, to seek the good, • To strive with all,py might To Win the cause of brotherhood,' , When things shall be set right. / 'thank Thee for the precious gifts, The joy that I possess, . The skill to do Thy holy will; ibe poter-1-6--othirebUstk- . --Samuel Dunlop. 'BABY'S OWN TABLETS PRIZED BY MOTORS . NERVOUS TROUBLE The nerve eystem is the governing system of the whole holy, controlling the heart, lungs, digestion and brain; oo it as not surprising that nervous disturbances. shroad cause acute ALS- treas. The first stages of nervous d� bility are noted by Irritability and° restlessness, • In watch the victims scent tabs oppressed by their nerves. The inatter requites immediate atten- tion, . for nothing but suitable treat. ment will prevent a 'complete break- down: The victim, however, need, not despair, for even severe nervous dis- orders may be.cured by improving the condition of the blood. • It is because Dr. Williains, kink Pills actually make new, rich blood. that this. medicine' s cured extreme nervous disordere af er all other treatinent had/failed. • The nerves thrive on the new blood made by these pills; the appetite improves, digestionets better, • sleeplessness no longer troubles the -fernier nerve shat- tered victim, and life generally takes on a cheerful4 aspect. Every sufferer froin nerve tioubles, no 'matter how slight, -should lose no time in;giving, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, thus regaining their old-time health and comfort.--- ." . • Ton. can get Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, through any dealer in medicine, or bY mail at 50 cents a boxt,or stk. boxes' for $2.50 front The Dr. 'Williams' Medi- eine- 0o., Brockville,Ont. . 'PRESERVE EGqS NOW- Mrs. Henry Vanreader, Rodney, Ont., writes: "1 havi wied BOY% Oliva Tab- lets for the past five years and priz4 Dumb new the birds, and her din them very much. They have proved green woods • ' of such Value to me that I always keep_ , Forget her very name, there in the house." once a mother- And flaunt above her 'silent grave has used Baby's Own Tablets she Their garb of crimson flame. would use nothing else. They are • • 4 thorough but mill in action and never While thou alone 0 true brave flower fail to make the sickly baby well. At left of legions 'lost, Ther ore sold by medieine dealers or And steadfast still thy burning blue by mail at 25 cents a box from The Defies the creeping frost...e FRINGED GENTIAN. When summer died she left to thee A hue from noontide skies, The glamour sweet of dear dead days, The last look from her eyes. Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DrugsAre High -Priced. ba Dominion Express Money Order. Most of our drugs come to us from France, Belgium Germany and Eng- To remove t g with a ains:" Mix- the land. In Fraftei and•Belgium;, where yolk of an.eglittle Warm wee, the largest drug faring in the world ter, and use it as 4 Soap on. the stain. MONEY 'ORDERS The safe way to send pioneY rdell coffee s eiisted, the farmare, now in subt. 'They have not only been neglected, but have been literally tramped out of existence, /rx England the 'drug farms have been`converted into veget- rentrastnt for Ode everyWhore. able farina. There the situation ' leseliopelesS. The, land is still in eul- s'' The .P4arlation of the British Em - of the earth IslielleVid al/el 800= • 1.jOr Stains that have .been on the ma- terial Or :some tune add a, few drops of alcohol to the eag and, water. • 1•••••••••••,•• ywith pire_ie, 1 200,000, and the litpulation drugs whenever it seems practical So after the war England, in a short time -probably two years -Will again be exporting drugs in normal quanti- tieg,• austere* Liniment Clare' min- e, ato. • 650 Miles Ey Airship. „ , • 000,000, se that one-fifth of the entire world's population owes allegiance to the British flag. ,m.•••••010 ENNE Granukted *ends; Sore Eves, Eyes Inflamed by San, Oustand Wind qujckly relieved by Marina Try it in OUR. ti7Saartint,TaEY:anzt%initlEable,Yeti!Efit_ MurineEye 57 nett& rairieri 2,11=eTz..."1.0, u., CkIcmgOd Get a small whiskbroom and coak it until the straws are soft and pli- able and -you will .find it very ,useful when dusting a room, for it •sweeps the .d t out of the couch crevices, cleans e dusty radiator and reaches the tiny cobwebs in the room. A soft paint 'brush will answer the same pur- pose, only the little broom is better. A Child's toy broom is even better than • the small whiskbroom. In actrial trip, at Norfolk, Ma -1 JO Lopez, of the Italian flying corns., remained in the air for eight hours, carrying 11 pasisengere, ad covered about 650 miles. The passengers were recruits to the aviation corps and the trip was made aver land and water. Thetchstance covered during the trial would equal that horn Norfolk to Beaton. • The last hundred pounds o; flnIsb on a ,beef steer is the mast economical 'gain' and makes a steer' grade -prime 'and get the top of the Market. Buyers come froin all parts Of the country and pay highest Prices for the good, " Sale of the Toronto Fat Stock Sim*. Well-firdShed. als at ith. e AUCtien • Best Heated is Here Given by the • Dominion Chemist: • . , • The -indications - are' that -eggs ^ will be dear next winter, dearer than they were lastJwinter, fig those who want eggs-had-betterput aonie-down now while they Are comparatively cheap. Do not use .oats,-„brAn, salt or such mediums, Moreover, the patent pre- servatives. usually advertised as be- ing so simple and effective had better be adopted with caution. Better use something that had been ' tried' and loond satisfactory. According to 'Dr. Frank T. 'Shutt, Doininion Chemist, lime water- is one of the best preservatives and we quote the followieg from his. Exhibi- tion Circular Na 42. •• •• • The method of preparation is sim- ply to slake one pound nod quick lime with a small quantity of water and thentir the milk - of little SO' formed into 5 along of Water. After IL mixture has been kept well stir- • AiemenFeel Color of Field. •• A milieus phenomenon noted by eariaterteis that the color of a landing field may have an effect on an airplane that is about to alight on it. For ex - Map% an area whiehle dark fronibe- ing plowed -or burned over will make the a.heabove it several degrees warm- er than that over land of lighter color, such as A stubble Aeld, thus causing a disturbed condition of the atmosphere, which may make 'eliding difficult if not dangerous. • ,Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear - can recommend - NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains; as I have used it for both 'with excellent results. . YoUrs truly, • T. •15. 'LAVERS, •• - St. John. • ; • • • "Gentleness and cheerfulness, these come,before all morality; they are the Perfect duties; if your Morals make you dreary, depend upon it they are wrong. I do not say *kiss? them up,' for they may he all. you have; but cotteeal them, like a vice lest they should spoil the --lives of :better •and simpler people."--.R.L.S. ' G1LIJTT'5 LYE 1:4• 1111111"1"HAs No ow "11111111111111111 • It. riot only softens OS water but doubles the Olsen,. inn power of soap. and makes • ovoythino osuitonv and wholesome. Zky I -.111111011 Ztut/Zitit'Alow. • nous* SUIIISTITOTSIL 146. v , • . If your cycle lamp gees out through After the war, not only Germany, lack of. oil when riding at sighti'a drop Austria, Italy, and Belgium, but every !squeezed on to the wick. , ' ' , and there will be 'a tremendous do- l. - — - - mand and the prices will soar far be- er two of oil fropmvst: lubricating can other ,country in Europe will have will be found to burn fairly well if, been drained, of its supply' of -cattle, •, . ° sien at;tSifillw.Vf A'ssirple:Iirlirigt: • eyvueuzidouzl, figure that any of us ball . - .., BEAUTIftitortIlii 13T MAIL. GET luxe vahuss:_ Satiefaction guaranteed. sirsa,artra• Mai:neat Ikellere' Iffilarftlarls. Alcebmber's LiMited, Manufacturers. 4gi) D St. Paul West, IVIontreal. ,. • afiNWP1147,1$31111- mos IMMO ABS-OM:11NX STOPS LAMENESS" 'from a BUM Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or rimilar trouble and gets horse .going sound. • It acts mildly butquickly and good re - Suite are lasting. Does not blister or remove the hairand horse gth be worked; Page 17 in pamphlet with " each bottle teller how. $2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. • ABSORBINE, JR., tbe antiseptic -liniment 'for mankind; reduces Painful Swellings, En- larged Glands,Wens, Eruises,Varicose Veins; ' heals -Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. $1 and $2 a kettle at dealers or -degree& Liberal triel bottle for•10e stamps. W. F. YOUNG, P. O. F„, 516 1.ymans Mintresti, Sans abserblue sad Absbabloa Jr.. are made In Camis. . • , . e , • HEALS _L.1TCHIN URNI _ Rash On This Little Baby, Over Face and Head. • " Quite Disfigured •• "When My baby was four months old .she had a rash all.'over .her face and WILINTED ipaosizataxtrzu maws AND JOB • A- Offices for `sale in good Ontario IN A GOOD ROME, MODERN AND towns. Thu most useful and interesting .11. in a %Wet neighborhood, a family of of all buena/sees. Full inforrnation ea three adults iwoul4 like at girl or young application M "Wigan Pablishlaff Om! -,warmaik-Fros Yterlen,, rest. Terouta tist pre: erre . to matte et. home with thein and assume Part of the domestic responsibilities. We should be glad to have you w ite fully °Concerning your ANCER. TUMORS ' LUMPSETC. . GIIIICILLAXI01111 . - experience, f anY• and the terms you ' internal said extehml. cured with• consider. fair, in your first 'letter. which will be treated. confidentially. We can ns before too late. Pr. Bellinan Madieell gut pain by our home treatment. Writer then furnish You with further Aarticu- • Co.. Limited. Collingwood, tint. lars. References exchanged. BOX 51. i • Wilson Publishing•Cos Limited, Toronto. es ? ° WITH THE FINGERS i e o . - SAYS - CORNS-.1..1FV_ OUT 0 WITHOUT PAIN .. • is When buying your , P no insist -on having an ' " OTTO NIGEL" PIANO AOTION Sore corns, hard corns, soft, corns or any kind "01-11, corn can shortly- be lift- • ed right out with the fingers If you • win apply on the cora a few drops 'Of •" • freezmie, wit a Cincinnati authority, • At.- little cost one can get a small• bottle of freezone at ally drug store, ' .. which will positively rid one's feet et ' every corn er eallus 'without pain or . soreness .or the danger of infectlell- . This , new drag is an ether Com- ' , ppund, and dries. the raiment it is ap- " plied and does not inflame or even ir- • litate the surfoonding tissue. Jima ! think! You can lift off Tom- corns and; i calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If-- your drtfgglst •he.sn't - Ifreezone he tazteasily get a small bot- tle for ysn from bis s ' •esale Arlig • . • . house. . • • Doctor -Says Nuxated Iron. Will !.Increase. Strength of Delicate '.-Peopie 1Wro•-la Ten Days In Many instances -Persons, have walk withodt becoming tired NeXt take • ebiLiaff,"; fl'oerd 'InetrOvIoduasn ewneyafkrinreya :pa essiodrno doctor- -two live -grain 'tablets ordinary three •times. per day. atter . meals for liver kidney disease or :some other. strength' again and see for Yourself how • aliment' when their real trouble was lunch you have gained. I have Seen • .. lack Of fro in the.rblocii-71-low to tell- ..14,)Z.esnagligglielfirsrs' slitiinneltIvetirreltewyehyl... . . New York, N.Y,-In a recent discourse triple their ,strength and endurance. and • , • Dr. E. Sauer. a Boston physician who has .entirely get rid of ' their symptoms •of - - t d both 1 hi d dyspepsis„ liver and other troubles In • . ' • Tu great bluropean medical institutions. • ti simplyS" I • saidr, you ,were to • make an actgal by :takings iron in the proper form. and ' • blood test on all neoide who are ill' Yon this, after they had in some eases been . , ' • would probably be greatly; astonished at: doctoring for months Without obtaining . •the exceedingly. large number who lack any benefit You can talk -as you tdesisa • •• Iron and. who are ill for no other reason about all. the wonders :wrought by new, than the lack of iron, The minima- iron remedies, but -when you come down to ' is supplied all their .multitude of danger- hard facts there is nothing like good old . ous. symptoms disappear,- Without iron iron to put color in your 'cheeks and good ' • the. blood at .once loses the power 'to sbund; healthy flesh on your bones. It is - change food into living tisane and there- also a great nerve and stomach strength - fore nothing YOu eat oes you any good.- ener and. the best blood builder in the +Rebid. The oray trouble was that the . old forme of inorganic. iron like tincture • of. iron, iton acetate, etc... Often ruined' , People's teeth, upset their stairtadhe and were not .assiMilitted and for these •. . reasons, they frequently did more harm, p than good. But .with the discovery. of the newer forms of organic iron all this has, been overcome. Nuxated Iron for exaMple, is pleasant to take. does not insure the teeth and is alMost,- im- mediately beaeficial.• head, and was qnite dis- • you don't get-- the Strength out of it. Your food merely passes . through 'our figured. Her skin.was in- eastem Ake corn through a mill with the flamedanasore, anditched.• rollers -so wide apart that the'mill can't and burned. and the rash ,grind. As a result of this coritinuous later developed int() large red, eruptions, making her cross and fretful. The ba - blood and nerve starvation, people be- come generally, Weakened. nervous and all run down and frac:gently develop all sorts of sonons.• •One is too thin; an- sther is burdened' with unhelathy fat; , Is by could not get any•sieen. some are so -weak they can hardly walk; 0 ' - "My husband bought a have dyspepsia. kidney box of Cuticera Ointment ancl acake of nivelliiiiVilg• , some can't sleep at - Soap and 1 u*d two tills of Ointment witli two takesc f Soap and she was healed. , (Sighed). Mrs. A, Down, 1040 Gertrude _red' for a few helms it is allowed to -. . o SC', Verdun, Montreal, Que., March 2. Settle. The supernatant liquid, which annarirs minima:it curer Landrum . - Cuticura Soap and Ointment ofteri • iii',v---noW---f.fsaturitedl!,..-lime,waterfs.-,is.ls-r,„,„—_s=-' .......:. ' _ Prevent pkoPle0, or other eniptioes. -. • now 100,000 women in Fer.Free--Saniaile-Lreanw Magid: - drawn off end poured 'over the eggs;! ""*Y• ""s previously placed in a crock br Water- m,unition factories,. against • only 1,760 dresS post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, ti ht barrel • . ' • in August, 1914. - r BOSt011, 11 4 S. A.". Sold everywhere. . _ As exposure to the . air' tends. to, peecipitete;the --limo -(as,. earboaate), and thus ta weaken, the solution,the vessel containing the' eggs.'should he kept covered. The air may be ex; clildetMaliaapikULASYLettr._-1iiklat by sacking upon which a paste of lime -is.-spread- If, after a time there is any noticeable precipation o the lime s thelimeavater sho•uld be drawn or si- phoned off and replaced with a further quantity newly prepared.. • • It is essential that attention be paid ' to the following points:' 4. That oer,fectly fresh' eggs only be used. 2. That the eggs 'should through-th holt,. N. Y. -e-• "Why will' vvomen pay out eir money for treatme• nt and out the whole period of presereaticni he ..eera_PletelY. illimereed•redeive no benefit, - -• Although not necessary to the Pre- servation of the eggs in a sound con- dition a temperature- of 40 deg. F. to • 45 deg. F. 1ll net doubt materially a-s- sist towards retaining good flavor or rather in arresting that "stale" flavor so often ' chaeactertstic of •packed eggs. - Respecting the Addition of salt, it ° Must be stated that our 'experiments OMAN COULD night, others are sleepy a.nd tired all day; .some fussy and irritable; some 'skinny and bloodless. but all lack physical pqwer and endurance. In sucheases it Is worse than foolishness .to take stimu- lating medicines or naracotic •,drugs, which only whip up, your fagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the ex- pensd-orsyetirstrenatertsis-Ne-mextzii- what any one tells you, if you are not strong and , well you owe it to yourself to make the • following test. • See how long you can work or how far you can • NOTE: Tile Manufacturers of- Nuxated • Iron have such unbounded confidence.in it. • . ' potency thet they authorize the announce- ment 'that they will forfeit $100.00 to any charitable Institution if they cannot lake any man or womanunder sixty. who lacks iron, and increase their strength 100 per _cent, „pt.,.oystju.f.O.nr..weelts' tiree.„Inev1ded._-_-...----•...-.1 - they- have no serious organiettroubie. Also , they win refund your money is any ease • _ in which Nuxated Iron does not at least • . double your strength in ten days' time, It • - Is dispensed by nit good druggists- • , 04-- . ,. • Restored to Health by Lydia Pinichanes Vegetable Compound. • when so many have proved .that Lydia E. Pinkham'sVege- table Compound will make them men? For over a year. I suffered so from female weak- ness I could hardly stand and was afraid to go on the otreat Mote. tors said mediemes- Doc- .....conducted now throughout fifteen an o ration ;TA grim and l' PI! ' p me, hut Ly ix. be derived therefrom; indeed,. salt E. Pill chain a seasons -do not show any benefit 'Vegetable Compound has proved it frequently impartsa limey, flavor to otherwise. 1 AM now 'perfectly well the egg, probably by inducing an in- and can do any kind of work." -Mrs. terchange of the fluids within and Newt PHELPS, care of R. A. Rider, without the egg: Our advice' is, do'not R.F.D. No. 5, Fulton, Ni Y. I We wish. every women Who stiffers add balto the limeewater.-Experi- mental. Note. . backache or the blues could see the let. !. rom female trou es, nervousness, Frogs and toads feed largely on in-' tdgaElv.rPitintalcnhabneYw'saVineagneintaandlea vICoemilbpYouLnYd: , sects and slugs. If you have bad symptoms and tlo not Teacher -"In parsing the sentence, understand• the cause, *write to.the. 'The poem was long,' What do you do 1.4.1Pc1ia Eiormkham Meheino Co., Lynn,v with poen: V"' Pupil (editor's sou)- *08'0 -1Y,-* "P it in the waste ba ht." ISSUE No. 40-'17 ut 3 ty Eye. Speckiiists ,Tell How. TE) • .. /7' • ` fm-m`er imogiiteit tAii /0' - •eek's Tithe In any Initances • 4 r 'A. Free Preseriptiop 'You Can. Rave , Filled and Use at . Home.. • Boston, Mass. -Victims of eye. istralti • and other' eye weaknesSeei, and those 'who wear glasses,•Will be glad to know that Doctors and EY8 Specialists now agree there Is real hope and help for them. Many whose eyes Were a ng say they .have had their dyes restored and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man Says, after using it: "I Was al- most blitid. Could not see to rea a an, Now voan read -everything With - ?It' 'IT, g ::.t'brn : PATI nay eite: ..P.° "t t y . flat ,,y-cyouid pain dreadfullys Now they' feel fins all the time. It Was like It Miracle to Me," A lady who 'mad it says: "The atmos- phere •seemed hazy with . or Without glasses, but after using this: :presort's- tion for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can road even fine print with- out giflari;''r. gli..,6 l'eIt ysi botheredw ey strain caused by overworked, tired eyed which Induced fierce headaches. I have warn lasses for seVertil Years' both 'for.dis• arty; and work, and W thout them I could not read my own Trams on an OnVelope or the typewriting .ori the -Initehine befOre tat:- I -can..-tia both nowy :Tell aletr tleciNUIOlii3.(1 Iliczi;?tricoiliiitt..atli: .*Itteling leaves on the treed across the • c eve a. a 1n147. loticId Iltizi; is cigt f4reela 'big ItIzi inc.- I cannot expraes my joy at Whe.t It has done for meJ' It it; believed that thotisands who wear glaseeti earl now discard them in • a reaeonable time, and multitudet mere will be alY10 to strengthen the • ()Yeti BO rig to be spared the trouble a d ex - pease of eVor getting glasses. ; Dr. j.icelt, a•ri eais speeitaist at nearly •tntwaii:6:61,tnirtroraeimasrosivrwariarlgeotintwelet,ta:ayst "A patient sNuviViteheinagit friore o.,sgiutinatioa qt tuti lidqp 4/Irani° cos. 1 concornitant sYmPt01110, OA mornin• g s . . • - 0 . , . . . - lunctivitis and ephi here. Vet* -eYes t fr t ' t d mi • . *when aaot congested hnd the dull, suf- 'Mead expl.oesion •common to such cages. Having run out of her medicine a friend suggested Ben-Opto. She used this treatment and not only overcame her dIstressing,condition, but strange and amazing • .aa it may seem, so strengthened her eyesight that she Was .able . to dispense with her distance glasses and her headache and neuralgia left her. In this. instance 1 should say her eyesight . was irnproved 100%. I have Whoaverified the efilcaey of" this -treatment in -as nuniber of cases and have seen the eyesight improve from 25 to 75 per. dent in a remarkably short Wee. • X .oan say it works more quickly than any other remedy I have 'pre- Seribed for the eyes." Dr - Smith,. an (mullet of Wide expert» elm's.. says: "I have- treated in private practice a number of serious; opthaltnie diseases with Bon-Opto and am able to report Ultimate recovery In both be and chronic; eases. Mr.came to my office aufferieg With an infected eYo. The condition Vrasise serione that, an eperatieri, for enucleation seemed insa perative. Before resorting, to . the operative treatment I .pretieribed Bohm Opto and In 24 bouss the seeretion had leseened,-inharnatetory, sy_rentouta ba• gar; to oubsIde, and in seven days the eye woe cured and retained its nor- rnai'Vision. Another case of extreme conyergent strabismus (crime eyes) escrapred the nergeon's knife by the tirriely use • of your eollyrium. . Thz: tightened external rntreclea , yielded to the soothing and estOdsree effeete be Bon.00to. 1 niwnya instil Bon-Opto atter removal of foreign WWI 4.o.nd apply it loeally to all bimas, uleere and spate tori the eyeball ot• the lide for ite therapeutie effect. Ey elearfe• Ing the lide of secretions and acting na a tonic for the eyeballth- o Scopical research:Vier ' Bon -opus used according to direction'srendered a sari prising service. I found ray eyes re- • inarkably strengthened, • so match so / ' bavo put 8:$1(10171y glassea Without dis- comfort. Several of, my colleagues ho.v.a also used it and we are •agreed. as • to Its restilts. In a few days, under my • obsereation, the eyed of an astigrns.tic . case were no imp)•oved that glasses have. been discarded" by the patient." • Eye troubles of niany descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the .Use _qf Bon-Opto...anct you want to .strengthen your -eyes. go to any drug. store and get a. bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto .tablet in a•to.urtit. of u glees of water Strid•-let it • tlissolve. . With. this liquid .batlie the . • • eyes two to foUr times daily. Yonshould. notice' your -eye:3-'010m'. up- pera--- teptibiy` right from the 'start, find in." liarnme.tion and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother youlc .even a little it is your duty to tas steps te save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind mircht have saved thelr sight if they liad,Cayed: • for thele eyes in time. Note: A city phyaleinn to *bow 'lie above . artiele was stibmitted, said: "Yes,- Dostopto is a reMarkaide eye' conhtitnerit te gredien'We ta are ll to mailfient eyo See - Mallets rind widely prescribed bY tient hats naed 'eery- aucteaafully tatv-oWit Ottletiett -OM patients wheat: (yrs Wert. obtained thrOugh eTer- work or nilsilt glasses. I can highly recommend. it in .catie of „week, watety, rating, ismarfitler • itching, putout eyes, red Ms, blurred vides et . tor eyes lanamod from expasure to smoke, Sun. •' dust or wind. it is otle of the vet; teNt Pa4'.01.7h*. floss I feel should be. kePt baud for reSsiss' • :Me in almost every family." Ben-Opto is sota. 0:ANA medicine or seeret 'remedy. It is att. ethieal prop -oration, the formula being printed ca triltgazzi:•innor• 4a•ya: • I I ...,41.:•ste4iistubiliel'aler4111::41.:.g.10;:aditru:Gg..18TtinlibillIktitilinfl. vielon IS rond(.red irn ore 'Lento, • hvntc.) the number of casz.: 01: t.i:!car,;(-c.• ttrennfriellaonoresieht sorer eon in one treelz's bad. Conditioll 0W1114 - t'ss .stsisrel _ t • , • • •