HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-27, Page 8• _, _ _•7 UM 144 .NOW ,4h 14Ntt. • hy Does A Woman Choose One Shoe inPreTerence to Another The first element in the woman's choice is the appearance of the boot, It is the ap- pearance of the shoe in the window, the origi- nality and good taste of the style exhibited,, the beauty of the finished boot, that first .at- tracts her attention. eo2nd, first impressions s must be borne` out by closer eeamination; Thu material and finish must be such that it looks as well on close inspection as it does to the casual glance: Third, it must ft comfortably. and welt. I ourthr the materials- and' workranshjp must be such that it will give the full service the woman expects from the shoe T• is last point` may not be evident to the woman buyer when she purchases the shoes, but it decides whether or not she gets another' pair from, the sense place. in purchasing our shoes we recognize the worth and proper relation of these points and intite you to see and inspect our New Shoes for Fall, assuring ng you that our prices will be found very reasonable:considering`the scarcity.of leather:and high prices of labor. We commend our Empress and Classic Shoes as those that fulfill all the require.. 'orients of stylish, neat fitting, comfortable and serviceable shoes. • rdoch • ameron iThifli a Fordand Drive. RY it just once! A.k your friend to let you "pilot" his car on an • ,open str�etch and will be surprised- hoyv. easily Ford: is handled and driven, . If you hitve never :felt the thrll'of driving your own car, there is Some-� thing goon in store for you. It is vastly different fromjust riding -being a passenger. And especially so if -you drive a ?ord... ` Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of • them- -are-driving-Ford-caw hem--aredriving-Ford w and en jo y in it A' For to and J Y g d.s pS starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and bills itsastrength-and power --show- to advantage. . Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind "the wheel" constantly. Runabout.. $475 Touring - • $495. -Coupelel $695 UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan - ' $890. '` Fs 0. B. FORD, ONT. • Qllilllls ,Tuesday, Sept. 25. Joseph Cunningham wag in Armon on Monday. Pte. Wilbert stelsTally returned ltolr ae here on Monday. Rev. J. A. McClung has purchased a ear Mina Angie Ferguson, gf Fordwicb, is visiting at ,Alex, McKennitt'a. Qurta *: number from -here ntteadetil the Kincardine fair on Friday. McLennan is visiting with relatives at Meafordand Wiarton. Miss Nettie Gunn visited her cousins in Kincardine the end of the week, Mr and Mrs.. M. E. ,Peacock and daughters, of Meafardf spent' over Sun- day beret Misses hfargaret and. Eva. McKinnon are spending a few clays in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Mre. Catharine McKinnon 'and:Misses Retta and Eva visited . Port Elgin' relit; tives on .Saturday, Rev: D. B. ,McRae, of Armow, preach. ed in St-t-,Fau1-'e olaurch_ot I a- ` nips y to the absence of the pastor. ' Remember the Red. Cross leethre on Friday evening. Let : everyone come'. Help the 'boy$ wliq are fighting for you, Miss :Jennie McKeemnan: is visiting Airs, Millar (nee Mies Mollie Tibb) at the -home of . the latter'e . parents at Blackstock, m Word was received here. last week. or the very sudden and "unexpected death of John. Ross,: Sr., of Calgary? Alberta. The deceased waswell knows here; being a resident for many- • years: To. the bereaved wife and family deepest. sympathy is extendedf: • ; Culross centime . ..Monday,. Sept.. 24. Kennedy' Bros. are busy building a' new silo. , The. farmers of this vioinity are busy threshing. • 'Mr. Bald; LP; a ,'is''inalkigg, itis 'usual visit to our schools. ' • • Mr,;and_.Mrs_Josepb - luest visited Greenock, friends ons Sunday lash •" • Mr , and Mrs, Jamee W raitliw Bethany, anent Sunday at the hole of tit Stobo, ' Walter Richardson; Jr., and',Hardy Simpson attended,:til$ fair at E.lpcardine ;on Friday offast week; • Foiurth Con., Kinloss. —Tuesday, Sept -25,r ladles of—:South-Kinloss- held -a meeting' -at "the home of Mrs James Sutherland last Thursday. The .land in this. neighborhood is becoming almost too hard for the plow, although the weather ie ideal for other work. ' Mr• and Mrs. t Robertson and son, Robert, of the loth of. Huron, spent an afternoonwith friends on the 4th Con: this week. ' • Mr: and' Mrs. Snelgrove ,;and two of their children, of Goderich, spent Satur- day,. and Sunday last among their friends f i IGinloss and Huron, Neil Mcinnes, while dressing the tenants on some . barn timber with an adze,• gave himself --A •ratherr'severe—aut" on the left knee on Friday last. °Lothi - an --Tuesday Sept. & tit, Ales Barnby Ieft on Monday to resume his studies in Toronto Dental College;, mix `for a eh t visa 1—,Fithis.sTarn Miss' Miner vaand. Gordon -McPhee, ?f Carlow, were guests at $arnby'e for over Sunday. • ' Miss :Maryand Jaeft McDonald. and Mise Iawin visited friends- in Goderich on Sunday. The present proposition of the: Gov.- ernment d Food 'Caistroller,°. lion. Mr. Hanna, to pledge ourselves to eliminate all waste and economize,.aa much as poesilaie in foods such as meat, and *heat flour is very. curnmehdahle• anti. there et. pecially now when the supplying of our own and Britain's army is so dependent ins us. But -very thany of us Would-be more enthusiastic over the movement if the Government would set an example ;l=n the practice of eoonomy. Last year nearly 215 million pounds of the choicest. grain and sugar went for the manufac- ture of anufac-ture'of beer and whiskey they are doing business the same ae ever this year worse than wasting BO mucha g ood food etuff When the Canadian Government will follow the exarpleof the United States ow—eminent o,nd stop th,l running of their breweries and distilleries, they will find °that the eople will o more � p .. rt a wbake hee�ctedle lgto lino foe.l wring. ray Ord SlYleltZer, . Dealers, Lucknow. :Olivet Monday,. Sept: 24th, Pte Richard Scott, of London, spent 'Sunday ono the Fourth. Mrs. Wm. Harrington- had the mis- fortune to 'tali while -in the barn one day - last week, injuring her back and arm, Next Snday afternoon Rall Dry Trill be observed is Ousel Sei;day School ',there will be ftery%d ttt '7,00 .ln the.eve. 0111 McCharles-•=Gemmel.--On: Tuesday,. r`cit: 13tit,- Mina Man Gcmmelr.of.R.iple3i was united in marriage to Mr. John McCharles, of the 2nd Con, We join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. McOharlesa long and happy life. . McGuire. -:Wilkinson. --A eery pretty wedding ' was solemnized on Thursday evening, Sept.2Oth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilkinson when their only daughter Maude became the bride e ti of Mr. Wm, ti. McGuire. To the strains At Meedellsoltn'* Welding Moab pleyel by Miss Laura Coiling, the bride robed itr Rill, -crena dev elifntir 'pearl `trim- mings Mid wearing K bridal veil, entered the parlour on 'the arm of her father, Rev, J. Henderson assisted by Mr, Cheter Wilkinson, brother of the bride, per- formed the ceremony. After flet the --usual congratulations all sat down to a dainty wedding supper, :Mr. and Mrs, McGuire will reside ou the groom's. farm on the Out . Con. 2 C' They .. have the beat wishes of a host of friends for WI agd rop prom voyage threeeli kllt►� - FROM file FOOD CONTROLLER The Food Controller ii< Mauled that avoidable waste of valuable orchard and; garden products is taking place in many towns and villager throughout Canada. In order to prevent this .waste, an appeal is wade to the mayors, reeves and ofaceravfthe respective municipali- ties to take immediate ,steps to conserve MIA products as cannot be made nae of by the producers or disposed of through the usual channels. • To-4Paweeoluplish;hisobl_ ectt fe1Jowin suggestions are made: t. Citizens are urged :.fo) tone every lueans in their' .power -to conserve for. their own use their full requirements of fruits and vegetables;, (b) to dispose of any surplus they .may have through the . usual channels of Made,: or tuna such surplus over to 10 0041 eondervation com- mittee. 2. That the, head of every mnnici- pality'organize. from representatives of' the "various local societies,organizations and religious , denominations, a -civic conservation committee to take charge of the assembling of all surplus orchard and garden products that may bo donut - ed' by the individual citizens by enlisting the ca -operation of the public and nigh school teachers, utilizinropartiee organ,.' ized from amongst,the pupils, aided by .cconveyancee donated torth "purpoe b • the citizens. 3. That the • various: conservation committees make immediate and ade- quate arrangements for the safe storing of all such surplus products until such • time as they canbe disposed of to, the various charitable organizations or sol- diers' homers oreold by such committee to those unable to purchase at regular prices, ordisposed of threugh the regular trade channels, and the proceeds of all such sales donated to the Red- Cross or similar organizations aethe discretion of the committee shall direct. It is urged that the widest • possible publicity be,Eivento this appeal and the earnest co-operation of all citizens en- listed in its behalf, Tbutadol, $eptomber ota1) i9l, Phone . No. 10 Is at Your Service We. Sell for Cash We Dell Cheaper 'Phan The Credit Store* Chase the OMB Away ErAtn any room in your house with a PERFECTION' OIL HEATER. An oil heater is a - —T useiti and -sin enaent stove to have, as it gives youbeat at auy time andanywhere and at a small cost, and the Perfection is the'best as it is clean, odOrless and smokeless, L . Culross Corners —Monday, Sept .24, Earl Culbert ,spent Sunday will Bethany friends; Mr. and Mrs. James Wraith spent Sunday at Mr...Stobq's, Con. 6. Mr. and Mrs Jack Edgar and'- family. are .visitors at D Bdirar's'thia week Miss Moss, who has been visiting her' cousin, Miss Daisy Ayles,'has returned -to her home in Sault Ste, Marie. ' • • Alias Pearl Hiles, of London, elocu- tionist, Will be at the Bethany entertain ment. on. Monday ;-evening:' Came and` fetch your friends. Mafeking;. - :Monday,' Sept. 24, • Mr. and Mrs %eorgeSaundersspent;. Sunday attJames Ritclire°s,; pion. _ Mrs. Isaac Andrew • and Mrs. 'John Helm visited: Mrs: -Anson. F'inl L7 on Tuesday. • Mr 'and .141rs: Gahert Barkwell,' of Lochalsh; spent"Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Stos, ' Mrther. and yips. Thomas Blake and ;two; daughters, Grace and Olive, visitedwith friends at ,Lanes Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs P. Reid• and Mr, and;` Mrs. Will Stneltzer, of Lucknow, visited Mr, and Mrs. Thomas -Anderson on Sunday - Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred 4nderson,,of Kion,;, Mr. and Mrs, Herb: Either and Bernice, of Crediton,' and ' Mrs, J'anles McBride, Stf__..�itUtth.'s..�3ili,.acalled-=on--�'lfafelrng° Mends Monday: • Crewe' —Monday,. Sept. 24: W. Sunday Sunda with' Will Y Hasty.° - �Johp Blake visitad friends in Clinton Mr. and Mrs, William Crozier spent Bunday with.friends-in-Goderieh-- Mrs: William McConnell spent .a few - days last week with friends in Stratford. M> and Mrs. AIf. Sherwood spent Sunday'at the home of Sam Sherwood. 'Missed Mary andJane•t'Hackett spent Sunday , with their sister, Ira. Bert Treleaven. . You .Bud a. ,Padlock for` Protection and a Good Lock is the Cheapest'protectionin the world We have a good assortment from 25c Up to 75c. . - —Any work yot rave -to o F. a half easier when -you have the. proper tool to work with. Try the Sampson Potato Fork for taking up your; potatoes. ' . m For Cora Cutting we have the. short handled - Hoe at 65c. Penping Hooks at ' 25 and 45c. ACA ., R OF FRESH . CEMENT uC JUST ARRIVED The LucknowHardware & Coale°. - THE. STORE THAT !EVER DISAPPOINTS. W.‘ -T...: PEMBER PROP"`tETOR OF THEPEMBER HAIR STORE Is. sending ibis representative; Mr J Addams, who is especially Ofted in the art of stilling the ladies and knows their needs.. Mr. J. -Adams will be at the CAIN. _HOUSE, - U. CI NO v • TTIURSDAY, OCTOBER .:l . �.._ With thefinest stock of Human Rah. ° Goods for-. -Ladies and Gentlemen for improving :their personal appearance. - Toilet :Pr„cparations for iinprovink. the We•:can _treat .our own hair addprevent it from turning' grey.. F011`LADII Pompadours Transiorraations Waves, _.Switches,..etc, . _:_ :. FOR GENTLEMEN—The nearest imitation• to nature—They Pember. Toupee..- and ata reasonable price. Sat., isiaetion guaranteed. For mail orders Write tl :- WT: PI3MB " 129 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.• RE1ViE1ViS;ER ''"H::E: .D.AT'E _Mon ay, • Sept 24, Mr. and Mrs: Tho achild- ren_._ np s- eh and were Sunday visitors,at r. Welsh's Mr. Win, Wilson ---' ' - M . , of •Gwal}, 'is spending his vacation under, thlarentai . roof. • -gues, rsf-her=daughter—Mrs; John Reid' fora ew daylast week. Mr, Walter Steele and''aieter,. Miss Elsie were guests of Mies Pearl Howey Sunday last. • Rev. Mr. and Mrs: C, M: Rutherford and Mies Jean; spent„ last Week ._With friends in Dungannon: • • " ' Mrs. J. "Wilson. and .little daughter,. of Brantford;' is visltingat the home of her mother, Mrs. Et1etr Bell. • - Now, who was it° started the story that our. Earl was to be ,,married soonl, The story is going; -bat one doesn't knew what to believe. Mrs. Addisrn Armstrong, vrith her Sister, Miss_Sadie . McLeod left for De- troit, Wednesday last to spend ' a few days with relatives there, Lurgi n . .—Tuesday., Sept, 25. Pte.. Tom Palmer returned to London last week. James Brown has gone to Sarnia to visit his sister.,. - , Lloyd Bell returned "from Fergrt"s hospital on Monday. Mrs. H. 'Rae it not improving as fast as her many friend would wish. - • Cornejo Lurgan Methodist church on Oct. 8th and near the Lucknow Qnar- tette. Dr.' Williami Henderson . of Detroit, spent a few days lest week his sister,fil with • Mrs. A. Palmer. Anniversary services' in the Methodist ohurch will he held willon . Oce;. 'ith. • On Oct. 8th a concert be given bythe cg,Y Lu know Male Quartette, assisted by yothie�rs.Aj. good pram= ,t is i at _Pro, vl Ml 44m1..tes 1flaz: 'mho. Holy rood —Tuesday, Sept.' 25. The regular meeting of the Women's ifostitute._will: beheld on--Thursday,-Oct. 4th, at the home of Mrs. Maggie gelBaker, at the usual hour. Miss Whiteman will give a' paper on ''Row the .School and the•Hoine:i,an• helph each other," Roll' call will be answered by sttggestioas on the storing of vegeta Wel, Everyb94i wr 1cOniti, (ie.y,. -1;ighan., Kinloss ffi • • —Monday, Sept .24. • Earl spent Sunday with his Kincar- dine friends, • 'mtg. and Mrs. 'Huitlr r,ihd spent'-lasti Sunday at Andrew Hanxilton' : - , .. number from the line attended the Mrs. Thomas' McDonald and Miss, Pearl spent -Sunda wltliiirs. $akar. - Miss Beatrice Elliston, of Itincardine is spending a week with hcrsister, Ethel. Robert Mo`and. Mies Ethel 'Caisley visited"cDat thnalde. home of Robert. McCosh on Saturday. , •Mr, and Mrs. ;Charlie Congra n and family and Mr. and Mrs.William Con- gam- Jpe.nt�.Sanday with Dungannon friends. • Asbfleld ... p • —Monday, Sept. 24. In response to a request by the Rei sources Committee,; reeve. Stewart, of -Ashfield, called a public meeting at Lanes -schoolhouse on Sept. 22nd, The �.. object of the nxsetxirir Was to or a g nxe' for the purpose . of placin8 the Food, Service Pledge cards in the homes of the ir locality, The idea of the Pledge Cards`' is to get housekeepers to use, so far ad , practicable, perishable: foodstuffs instead of that which can he kept, suck as flour, bacon and beef, in order than more of these may be available for export tit our army and-nllieitin-Europe. • An ekecutive.eenintitteo of :fourteen wajnen was appointed to see to the carrying out of the proposed works, gin4 kotlse4 home meltv*ss *Ili be Perlif se t� is