HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-27, Page 7• deseltea...;.5 • Fa'sbionable Models • The dainty smocked frock is just the thing for the little girl. The model smocked or shirred yoke shape le charmrng is deve oped • in, • lawn Pongee or crepe de- Chine. 'Mc.' •Call 'Pattern No 7916; Child's One - Piece Dress, smocked or. shirred. In 8 sizes; '2 to 6 years.. Priee, 15 cents. TlIE BUSINESS WOMAN 'Woman's opportunity. plany now o Today, more than ever before. Cueations are now -oPened to be which, before the war, elle wee deeme unfitted to CI And truth to tell eh has risen to the eeportunite, and no allures many:business responsibilitie In former tiznee eonfined to men. Bit Z8 women are einbm iect to ore. fr (lima fitictuatletia of health than me many will be haudicapped eerly„ theyr regard their -health requirement tilt) lightly. The nervous -strain, loni hours an prolonged Mental or phytidcal fetigu thin the blood and weaken the nerve Such, conditions as women are eo tailed Upon to Uridergo can only lee e durecl by full-blboded censtitutle Title le es true for men as for 'women oflly Weeher eversion suffer sooneS The Niter:Ian 'Worker, in any r Quires her blood replenished freqUen She needs newt, rich 'blood to tree her health under the *Oleg -condition of :business life,' and to fortify he sYstem„againat the effects. of overwork This applies also to the woman th home, who, Perhaps, has more worrle and anxieties than uE3ual. So let a girls and women take heed and renew Ilitheeblobdeprtimptlyeat ,theefirstrape preach .of tether, lack of appetite, head., ache and backache. This can be best and most effectively ancomplished by taking Dr.,'Willitims' Pink Pills whlish make. new,. pelt blood .andthus help, won:finale& se perfectly, No Woman, need fear feilure of health if they take these pills oitasiotially to keep them Weil', giVe thein a fair_ trial ..tf they fintl themselves rundown. . Ton can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pille through any. medicine dealer or by Mail at 5O cents •abox or six boxes for 2.50 from. The Dr. Williams' Medi- Ine Co., Breekville, One, WAR BREW IN ENGLAND Bl . ade Froni Government ,Re 1 tion Is Floor Causee Much Illness. r, NV a t, If P. 114." that delegatiOnt Of the London Mae- Pluck Wo th V War bread made from' Gevernment reguletion Sour has caused so much Illueee Engaud that chemists and, bakere are working together under the direction of Crow* officers In an ef- fort to kiimailiate the "'rope dieease" wMoh affeets the bakinge; Many adulte whie ,eat the bread develop severe cases of. tadigestion, while children hreak :014.1,14_1wiefi xdany parts of the body. In adeltien to the 111heelth Among the eoesumers of the war breed tile reolaetary lame from ruined bakines bits reached "A large ellel and le groW- ' flag' larger.. Affairs became so, NuMblieNS ThroUgh Celd. The most remarkable effect a the • cold which. a Member of 0110 of the- Arit- untie eepeditione noticed was the loos of sense and touch the Sragers. It wee almost complete, "Suppoee you wanted to look for a knife in your kit -bag," he said, "you would get it in your hand'and not know. It was the same With everything we handled. We saw that we Incised it up, and • saw that we held the article; we could not feel %that we liad it." Ile added that as not possible shave becanse the skin became irritatedl and, eore, while if the beard grew too long 'It.; attrai cted moisture and then froze nto 4 block. The only thing to do was to keep beard and mensteche clipped -close • • a n. t. e•I t- • ter Bakers ASseciatien called on the Prtrae Minister and urged kreturn to the 75 per cent. • • ' One cage was cited in baker had to . destroy 3,600 loaveW of bread, largely. 'because izatild had ruined it. 'In another Instaneea baker sold 4,200 loaves' of spoiled braid to manefacl turera of pig food and was compelled to suffer a double loss, for when the all- thorities heard of the matter the baker was arrested •and fined $250 for "wasteful extravagancea in war time." A. ArMraYN66refaai-'6rtlrrinafr3' politee committee for War savings and food economy, attributes most of the • . Wbo .coizld resist a -oat like 'this ) -fl , , CANADA'S WHEAT - Could Finance Her War Debt With Surplus. Worth $459,000,000: . Ern if .only half of the 1917 Came .dian crop is shipped out • before 'the close of lake navigation, the Govern- ment statement of March 81, 1918.; should show .a heavy,lscrease over the 6244;000,000 exports lasteyear. If, at that time, the national tear .debt • ehould stand at $1,200,00,0,000, as has been 'forecast, it would still be. ,well Within the ., financing capacity, ef a cotuitry able at the end ef three yeare ofk war to prod:lee in one commodity alone the 'equivalent of One-third of its *hole liabilit On an esti ted yield Of 275,000,000 hueliels, gross •alue of western Can tide's wheat 'crop should be $605,000,- 00;e the highest- amount -realized. ip With its smart short waist and fash- t • ionable collar? Large and practical s pockets bulge Over each hip and. take awayfroin the . straight-hangingeap- d • pearance so lapg popular. Gray j . ' homespun Mid• black velvet are the ' - _ -material's used. McCell--Pattern-No. e ' 7920, iVitssee Empire Coat, in sizes;1?a, " 16 to 20 Years. Price, 20 cents. thee patterns inay be obtained from your local •McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond, Street, Toronto; Dept: W. • ' ."LIFT " AIM UP. lie history of that- country from a ingle product. Canada's limit „year see not ;coincide with the. full eaten- ar crop Year, which wouldebe about uee 30, when the export movement $ practicallv at an end ancithe grain Tadeeisebestein-poeition to takeeetoek nd balanceiiccounte.. Mereover Sea- sonal changeseaffect einithey: -interior grain movements as well arMrehip- ments,--and •ComParisona- of- corre- sponding periods of time are for these and other reasons not always ;wholly satisfactory. •. , • For the 12 Months ended March, 1917, wheat exports amounted 'to $44,000,000. This trade (mastered 7 an abnormaIlY large carry-over from the 1915 crop; which • had • appreciable *eight in receipts even in the late fall of 191.6„: The average- Canadian price or wheat in thelall Of 1916 up to the ose of naVigation was not far from 1.70, Pert William delivery, or $1.50 � $1.55 on the farm. Notwithstand- g that production fell to 230,000,000' ushels in 1916 the dollar value of ex orts was $72,000,090 greater for the st fiscal year than'for the year end -.d 'March, 1916.e •• August -1,.1917, lake', terminals 'held early 12,000,00,0 of first grade wheat, etimatirig the export value of all estern stocks at $80,000,000, a mod-. st appraisal, Canada begins the cur- ent grain year with a salable surplus: 'nth '$459;00,000 ttFu: . per niheL. . . Above HumanWeakneiis to Height e Of Brave Deeds: • * . Not long ago there was a . • serious fire inan old, tenement house in a large Eastern city. It was well under , way before the alarm was sounded, and the old building burned like tin - :der. There ss-ces no hope from the first `41. -of eaving it; but every one Of its oe- capants was thought to be safely down on the ground before the wells began to wave Thee suddenly a • *ream sounded • le "' • from the third story; and down e. thrmigh the .clouds of smoke and .fire •' peered' a freak * )1 It seemed almost hopeless to try Us E saVe her, but -in an inetant the fire:. e, uteri bad a ladder Up and a Man was 'swiftly scaling it Just as he reached the secOnd story a :veritable.wall eof • • .• flame ra,shed 'Mit of •the windows- to meet hfffi F . or a moment he stagger- ed, hesiteted _ ,.47 e„ ,e.„leimeeneeneeemeeeeeemeeieee,„,,,,,,._, heethieHtteringing tones. -"Lift hhe • -for a' Second the crowd below • star- - "Liftlihri-upl".'--,theritt at tlie-aec- end story! Hew- ',could anyone reach him to lift? • -• But the firemen knew. They, too, ". had been "lifted up" in.such a plight,. • and they Made the very heavens echo with a swinging cheer for Billy: In another,instant the crowd, too, had joined in, and Billy, all hesitation . gone, wits riumbig AS nimbly aneas. . coolly up' that nano* ladder as if it Were merely a "test -out" 'In a few . • • Motnents more he and he Woman v;fere being welcomede-with•taore Cheers - as they reeebecrthe street and -safety, 4 Which Were the cheers that counted itioet-those that applauded the fine action already done or those that lift- ed tho man above himself and 'his Weakness to ,the heights where the ...brave :deed:Was IMAM- :Tio4e who Ilf.tedhis heart lifted the whole man Mal More surlily than they could ,;.• merely by tonehTng his body. ' Perhaps you can "lift" spme one in that way, too, . • A Tunbridge 'Wells schoolgirl; in a Prize essay on "Baby," wrote: "Never give a ehild money; it might sallow • It. • Never tell a child a lie. Never Shake a Child. Never if trilida child in a passion. Never throw 4 thild up in • the air and Cath Might be' dropped. • A • A wholesome ; table beverage ' with -winning flavor. ' Used .eVery- vv:4ete by_folks Who find that. tea or coffee disagrees. "There's a Reason!' CsnatliaalPeAtun -tenni to., Ltd. Whither, Ont. • trouble to too, large a `proportion of non -glutinous materials • in the flour. In some casea it was found thatbalters • were using peanuts, called by the Eng- lish monkey nuts, to mix -Kith the floor. • So far.slArope disease"- has baffled the investigators in the British Isles. One London baker in testifying before an investigating committee 'gave it as his opinion that "rope" is a second fermentation which arises in the bak- ing and furher developed through keeping the bread for tbe stipulated' twelve hours. -4 MARVELLOUS MEDICINE • . FOE, LITTLE ONES • Mrs. ,Delvina Pelletier;'$ite. Perpetue; "tette:, writes : "1 have much pleasure In stating that Baby's ' Own Tablets. hive been a marvellous medicine.; in the Case`of my baby. • 1. have been us- ing the Tablets • for four tyeare and • don't think there -is anythbag to equal ,them .'1 -In luilegLtileXablets-theinoth; prints the guarantee er a government analyst that they do • not Contaie one particle of opiates or other harmful drugs -they cannot p6esibly do harm -they always do good. The Tablets • ts • re 'sold by medicine. dealers or by men at 25 Cents it box from .The D. Williatne Medicine- -00e, - - Make'Your,koney..Work.. Better buy one Of the Government's war savings certificates. • They yield Over .5• per cent interest and have the whole Do_miniee of Canadass: security. You can get yoUr money back any time yonwish. nor- leave. iteoutefot three .year. A .new certificate that is just the thing. to teach yourNey iirT. girl • proper_ investment habits has just been ladled. It costs 0:60 and Pale; back $.1.0.00 at the end of three years. • For $21:50 'you, can get a certificate redeemable at $25 in three years,' or for $sq You can get' one worth $10.0 in 'three years. That is better than let- ting your money lie unproductive, The certifieates can be had from any bank, money -order Post office, or direct from the Department of FinanI ce Ottawa. , URINE Granulated, Eyelids;- /,....m.l. Sore Eyes, Eyes %limited be . 1.."-;.'„ Ati.t relieved by Marine. Try it in Sue. Dust and Wind quickly • YourEyea and in Baby's Bees, OUR E RoSatarting,JastEyeComfort MurlIkeEye'RentedYeao,irger4tiorcArtiVil Ave sin* intents 25e. lear_seek of shaEuei-_, Free._ ASit Marble Eye Remedy Co., Clammed • The dell is the oldest forin of play- tintg.nown.- - - ' • ; ' atinardts Liniment Relieves Ifeuribria. TELL THE TRUTA. T.b.Xediteut adride thee Verdes ip_ootoio Igenulty- that,.---their.-authorT7-Mr-William Deventiorte,cltsPlays' hi their comP0131- Woman Saired • F S ri • --Traveller-througheilmetatreaCherous • thicket Tell the truth: •• This thy transport, this thy ticket; Tell the truth. Though thou'rt tired through. toilsome • tilling - ' ' Till thy tones, they're trie ling, Tell the truth .triurnplihet, thrillteg; • ' :erten the truth, ° Thought that's twisted • twists ,the • thinker; 'rell the truth, Trfith that's tifiltered taints. the 'tihker Tell the truth. : Toll's • true task, •tenth's thorough tending; ThOugher true throne; IS -truth trans- Itictinr!nn"dsdini-Ingtru:e trail, :the ',tn. ue Tell the truth., Won e • • The Louden -.gazette . publishes a nuniber of awards,, decorations and Inedale an respect of the action in the Straits of Otranto an Ma .5, vhen1 three Autatrian cruisers attacked a nuMber of British:drifters, • The list includes: 'Victoria Cross --Skipper John .Watt, Royal Naval Reserve, "for most conspicuous gallantry," When hailed by Austrian cruisers at about a hundred yards range and ordered to stop and abatidon his'Arifter, Watt or- -deredefulleespeedeegaheacle,andecalle upon the crew for three cheers and a fight to a finish. . • • aginerdia PipImset for age eserrivaers.' that taketheup the burden of the faiatineelightenethe - load."-- Warfaring Pseltas,' • , . ' • ' The Kitieeie recently inspected the German navy, which must be admit- ted everywhere to be the greatest navy in captIvitY. ,• • , BAKING POWDER-. CONTAINS' NO ALM Thiess& well known estrederIt_pflooll :baking powder malt* hi catitadit that dm* Oset, mustala sawn and which bait all it. Ingredloats lasamlY stats0 On the ION. MGR= tOMPANY LIMITED ToRopm. off. womnpicut soo5rrases. ..10•111•1•1101, "Isn't there a good deal of weste- in •the bone of a -sirloin steak?" `Wet for me," repliedetha merchant, "I an very careful to sell the bone for 4a Much as the naeat." ()NOY ORDERS Irv)en ordering geode tiy mail, seed • d Express AlOney Order. " In the construction of their nests,°. birds generally avoid bright colors whieli might possibly lead ti the dis- covery of their place of abode by an enemy. .a.big,kneeliiteAhisi-but5your.boristrawandmanf-Ottritsr-gratdriiff:'' • - annialdYel,ahvoecka, bunch or °Libel': itler *mobil -S" pray' potatoes as long as the vines ......-_,-.. remain green., Cultivate potatoes un- til they are dug, to conserve the inoit ture, in the soil and keep the weeds will dean it off without laying Up. down. the horse. No blister, no herr - gone., ,Concentrated --only a $2' r_Like A.Boy at 50 Bubbling Over r . drops required at a.n application . . -bottie-delhered.----Dererib . us and Booltihl free. A SORDIN . JR.. the and. e garrease for feciallaserifitio With.Vitallty--' . Taking Iron Did It Setae liniment for mankind. reduces Painful swatting.. w, th. Glands. Wens. Brehm. Varicose Veins; allays y uN xated Iron is greatest of all strength buildera- Ting • In I .0 ' . Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate, Pain and intlan2snation. Price SI and $24 bottle at dreuhri Doctor says di P. O. F., 518 Lyman eldg., Mrs. , an., • ..- labsorb.ine sad Absorb's& .jr.. sok sode ht Cora" • NEW Yortri, N. Y. -Not • long ego a again and • see for yourself luks; Much nervous folks 100' per cent. in two weeks time.. , • .CUTICEIRA- II L Preliminary examination for lite insur- 1 Ing "all the while. double their strength . ,,.. .. 1nan came to me who was nearly half a ..ryou have gained. LhaVill Seen dozens of' century old and asked me to give him a oiervoua ran -down people .who, were ail-, • ance. 'I was astonished to find him with and endurance ahd entirely get rId .of • ..,,BAD CASE 'tCLE A ' • i oyb voi seurtfba and nearly all in. Now -at 50 after taking, acetateor tincture of iron simply to days Nuxateet Iron a miracle of vitality an fnuoltlwoitovisitagonrci, itnIgmilaind vitality as a young I other troubles In trims ten to fourteen filled hire with retietvedlife. At 30 he Was without obtaining any benefit. But don't man; In fact a young man he really was I dayd' time simply .by *Ian ironI In bad. health; at 46 he was careworn take the old. forms of reduced IrOri. Iron ,,, said was taking iron-74uxated iron. had in wane cases been doctoring for months • The secret he' Proper form. And this after they had - • a few cents. You must take iron In ag form that can be easily absorbed and as- , .. . • 9 • 4 4 1 the blood pressure of a bay Of 20 And as , all , symptoms or dysineneht, liver and icreoAnbalesaiinthrliatievgge with the buoyancy of resaatidesta oliftaanIdlresdtretinmetehs it to do You any good, •othervelse it may . 4 similated like Mixated iron If ybu want .. butIders. If peopltdehoeswyinougfrtehlonlY take Nux- prove worse than useless. 'idatlY an . downatiiirn% ewe whentheyri- Itintilveitye tbre6parulezeetihgehttrnehaws.thwoonsetchreetdajf - . 'habit-forming drugs, stimulants and al- ,,,,,,axedwn:eosaftekivdeostiewraulit3e. the great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron' before be went into • • . 4 °obeli° beverages I am convinced that, in this way they could affray, while 'many another has,gone ' preventing it becoming organtol-in thou - lack of iron.-E.":Sauer. M.D. • ' - • do wn• to ,inglorious defeat simply for the. • . - sands of cases and , thereby t1W-Irees a thousends,might be-daved-who now -die. every. year from prieumonia.•grinpe. NOTE: nitrated' iren, recommended ney, liver, heart trouble and other dan- above by Dr.' Pi Sauer, le not a patent , gerous maladies. : The real and true, medicine nor secret:remedy, but one which , • cause which started their diseases was is Weirknown .0.druggirstre, and whose,iroa- ' nothing -more nor less than a 'weakened constittientseave widely prescribed by-enii. , ' This is to certify that r have used rovirNAnrrs LINIMENT in'iny family for years, and consider it the best lint. meat 'on the market Lila:re-found it excellent for horse flesh. (Signed)W. S. PINE°. "Woodlancls,". Middleton, KS.. Tirol:Knots on the farms can be made an important factor in the relief •of the threatened fuel shortage. • To improve plains of • Perennial' phlox, late this autumn give theni. a surface elressing of hydrated lime and incorporate the limik e -with the sous- ing a garden rake ' where therire many plants' ot _an •excersior weeder. Where there are only a few Watts. Spread the lizne about the planta over circle a of about two. feet from their be. It IS surnrieing how brave the aver - .age man is when there Isn't any real .danger . er tevErer PEllernee .LAB1B. MINK, .1-41 and °thee fora by. mall. Wholesale prices. Spiati for illustrated catalog of barg•aine.. McCOMber'e 1,51mited. Mann- factarers/420 D St. Paul Went. Montreal siniknettiungova OANgfal Tudmor. LIMPS- ETC,* jn " 4ninal nTead wirir out vain by our bog•ie re t W we before too late. Dr Bell:nen 11•41 unsited. Coliingwood. Out. 1 When krny1ng'y�ur,FIno. •' ' insist on having an "OTTO HICiEL" Asi PIANO.. ACTION • • Relief. InstantaneOus. Healed With 3 .Cake of Soap and .2 Boxes of Ointment. . • "I. was very ,much annoyed by an irritation on my back. I found out I had. a bad case of eczema. ' My back was -in a very shape, and my clothing irritated so that the skin became very sore. . I tent, -forCuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Relief was Instan- taneous and with the use of - three. cakes of ' Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Ointmciit 1 was healed." (Signed)- B. F. grosch,,Y. M. C. A., St.‘ Catherines, Ont, 1917.' • ' . ..For_hatr and skin health. Cutieura - Soap and Ointment are supreme: For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cutieura, Dept. A, Boston U. S. A." Sold everywhere._ WOMEN I, • IT: IS. .mApic , °- LIFT OU'll-ANOORN-- . o 5 •c, Apply a few drops then Ilft corns or/calluses .off with 0 fingers -no • "o -0:** _ _ Just think!' You Can • : .off.anY corn or gale lus without pain or sere - nese. " • • A.,Cincinnatt man_ dis-, covered this ether corn pound and mune& it free:zone:- -..-Aicy--drug- gist will. sell. a tiny bot- ,• tle of freezone, like here shown for very' little . cost. 'You-ipply a few drops directly epee a. tee*. corn or callus, Instantly • the • -soreness disappears then short- ly you will find the'corn or callus so loose that you Can lift Wright off. Freezone is • wonder- ful. It dries instantly. • It doesn't eat away th ` corn or cantle, but shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin... Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as well 'as painful calluses, lift right off. There is .no pain before or after- wards: -your-. - druggist --halm% freezone, tell him to order a srnall bot- tle for you from his wholesale drug house. . ' A FRIEND'S 14 tion• To thyself thou'rt truth's tratislator; Tell the truth. Though the thousands terni thee traitor, -• • •• Tell the truth. 'Tie triumphant truth they're trying; 'Vs the teraptees.tolis thou'rt tying; "Ile through thite titortyrt teet1fYleg1 'Dell the truth. • v. Atinartra Linimesit-..Cdters Stirits. idtth 'Pt pera on. • Louisville, Hy. -"For four •years I suffered from female troubles, head- aches, and nervousness. I could not sleep, had no appetite and it hurt me to walk. If I tried to do any work, I would have to lie down before it was finished. The doc- tors Said I would have to he opera- ted on and I simply broke down. A. friend advised me o try Lydia E. Pinkhain's e ge- table Compound; and the result is I feel like a DOW wom- an. Lam well and -rrrhousegdworkanimy w 'Lave an eight pound baby girl. I know Lydia Jii. Pinkham's Vegetable COM-, pound saved me from an operation which every wont= dreads." -- Mrs. " Nnunt FISIIBACE., .1521 Christy Ave., 14- EulselryfficierlienK7a.turally dreads the. sur - gain's knife. Sometimes nothing else will do, ,_but mansr times Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound hassavedthe patient and made an operation un- necessary. If you hive any symptom about Which you would like t� ItheiV, write to the Lydia E. Pinkhani IVIedicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helPful advice given free. ISSUE NO. 38-17.° ' condition brought on by lack of Aron in nett physicians everywhere. thinks the - the blood. Iron is absolutely necessary .. eider inorganic Iron products,' it Is easily tri enable Your blood to change food Into assimilated, does not‘, injure ,the, teeth. • ' .• ; living tistrue. Without it no matter hcrw -ine.ke them black. nor upset .the stomach; •-• much or What You eat. Your food merely on the cottrary, it ist a most potent rent- . '• ' -:: Passes through you , Without doing you ed.Y_10.. nearly.Lalr_fornis..of.lndigestion--as--_----- ---,----,-•--. ---,, any You dont get -the etteinktti well as Mr nervous, run -dawn conditions. out of it and, as a. consequence You be-, The manufacturers, have such great Court- • • , ' ' come weak. pale and sickly looking just donee in Nuxated iron that they alter. to - •.'" like a plant trying to grow in a soil . forfeit $100.00 to any charitable . - deficient in irony It you are not strong if they cannot, take- any man or womenv,,,'" '• • - - . ' 4., or well you 'ewe, if to yourself.. -to make under GO, who lacks iron, and increase •- • the Z.:glowing test: ,See, how- long you their strength 100% or over in roue, week*" ' • . c can work or how far • you 'can walk time, provided they have" no eerie.= or- : without becoming tired. Next take two genic trouble. They also offer to refund. . ; .• • ' 4-, five -grain tablets of ordinary_ nuxated your rtioneY if It does not at least double • ' c Iron three times p.eday. after -meals for your strength arid endurance In len-darr - - ---'" '•- -. - - --'••- • ,...., easeemernamo two weeks. • rion .test Your Strength thne.-Jt Is diepenaral hv all good drugrake_ , _.,,, - • r- e Well Known Eye Specialist octor. s, edicalAut or,, , _ ublzsh stonishing Report on Woniferful kemetly.TO Strengthen Eyesight •-• Say it Strengthen Eyesight SOW in One Week's Time in Many Instances Dii,DEcK . • A .i'ree- Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Horne.. New York. -Dr, Beck, a New York state eve specialist, and Dr. judkins, a Mee Ise- e t:setts. physician, were asked to make a thorough test of the ,popular eye remedy, ' Don Opto, Their reports were most Inter- esting. Irere they are: Dr. Beck reports, "When my attention was first called to the wonder4u1 eye rem- tL- a make 11 3 was thcliiit'd to bo Pt a. rule to test every new treatment witiee is brought to my attention. Iltiving specialized in eye work for the past twenty years, I believe I am quelified to express an intelligent opinion on remedies applicable to the eyes. Since Bon Opto has ,ereated each ft sensation throughout the 'United States and Cehada, r Welcomed thel opportunity to test it. I began to Use it in My precede a little over a year ago and I ani frank. to say that the results obtained are such that I lietatate to tell of My ex- perienee far fear it will sound 'incredible. Some of the results .1 have aecomplished -with-Bon -Opto not only astoeished myhelf but also other phypicians with whom I have talked about it. I have had' many lndivid. Dais whet liad worn glee= for ports- tor near-Mghtedbese, tatignu- • Mstietkiesil'tell inc !lieve d paels litnttoiadop- tion ()Utile 'Bon Opto. principal. Miley eye troubles can be traced directly to menhir vrinthnodand iwattexend131 nact% )34on erlillotiathe eye mtiseles, it reaches coriditiOnis not poesible through other Means. I advise every thoughtful physician to StUdy Bon Opto principal, give it the same Cardin trial I have and there is no dolibt in niy ,•mbrid they Will eoine to tho certelusion I have, namely, that the Bon Oftd Method apeno trnuhku ve;hdi6er h of °v18‘ glee glfreor 06to erna pir- stifle to eope witli. The treatment 'Is 80 'simple in its application tharit ean be tised tt mine br anyone of teterage Intelligence. Cr in mr own practice I neve teen it strengthen • '. the eyesight more than 60 per cent in on week's time. have also used it sigth.sur prising effect in •cases of work strained eyes plek eye, infiammed lids, catarrhal..ton junctivites, smarting, painful, aching, itch Ing eyes, eyes weakened front colds, smoke sun, dust and •wind, watery eyes, blurre viaion, and in fact many other condition too numerous to describe in this report. new and startling case has jukt come untie my observation, which yielded. to VorkOpto Is -that -Of IS -years old. Tw prominent. eye specialists; after a thoroug examination of the young girl, decided I order to save the eight of her right,eye, th left eye millet be removed. Before permit ting her to be operated on, the young girl' father decided to.use Don Opto. In les than three days a marked improvement we noticed. At the end of tt•week the Wight widen had Wawa' diaapeettred, and at th. end of six weeks the eye was saved. JIM think'what the saving of that eye rileanato this little Another case is that of a indr ,idoety,rhrx..1 yranr4 oh/. She -ea me to IInn lion. of tho lids end the conjunctive Was al most -raw:- ---After--two-weeks'-usawf-Don Opto the •lids were absolutely normal and ier eyes are as bright as many a girl o sixteen." •. • - Dr. ,ZurikIns,--Massachusette - physician, formerly Chief of Clifilets In the Union Gen= 3 A r. eee• era Hospital,Boston, Mass., and formerly House Surgeon at,the New England Eye end Ear Infirmary of Portland, 'Maine, and medical author for many years, roports: 'I have found oculists too prone to oper- ath and opticians too ?willing to prescribe Wastes while neglecting the simple formu- las Which form tho basis of that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto. This, my opinion, is a remarkable rem- edy for the cure and prevention ot Many eye disorders. Its success in develelsing_ and strengthening' the eyesight will seen make eye glasses old fashioned end the form of eye baths which the Don „opt° method pro- vides, Will make its %se as common as that of the tooth brush. X am thoroughly con. Anted front my experience with, Bon Onto that it will strengthen the eyesight at lewit 50 per cent in one week's time -in many in- stances. Dr: W. II. Devine; director of medical inspeetion in the Boston schools in ilts report published Vehruary 20, 1617, states that, only 1.4,010 out of 189,176 'ex-, nmined, need to Wear glassetinoW, a marked .xlecrease over the previetiff report. Ben Opto 'is hastening the eyeglassless age in bespectacled Boston." Victims- of .eye strain and other eye weak - !Iowa had those who w'ear glasses will be glad to know that according to Dr. Beck and Dr. Sudkins, there is real hope and help for thein. Many whose eyes were fail - Mg Day they Imre had their eyes restored by this remarkable prescription and Many Who once wore glasses ftayt they. have thrown theni Away.", One with Davi, after using it; "I wee almost Could net See to read at alt. NoW I tan 'read tWery- thing withollt my glasses and my eyes 00 not Mut •any more. At night they *mild pain dreadfUlly. New they feel flue an the time. It WWI Ilko miraele to me.' 1 A lady Who Used it gays! "The titmesphere Wined hazy With or withent glosses but after using this proscription for. 16 tleye everything teen* Clear. I cab yeal eVeli fine print it oilt _glaseels, Anothee kyst wee bothered with (.10 bite DR. jUDZII9, caused b erworked, tired eyes which in- duced fierce headaches. nave worn glasses for several years, both for distance and close woek aad without them I could not read my own name on an envelope or the' typewriting on the machine 'before me. I can do both now and have discarded My long distance glasses altogether.' / dew eeunt the gutteting leaves on the treeg.. across the •street now, which for several years have looked like a dint green blur to me. I cannot express .my joy at what it has , "It hi believed 'that thousandth who wear glasses can now discard them in a ivaton- able time and ,multitudes More will be able to strengthen their eyes tits as to be spared the trouble arid expense of ever . getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptione natty be wonderfully benefited by the use of this prescription at hone. Ilere is the Pre- scription: Go to twr active dreg Mere and get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets.. Drop one Bon Opterablet In a fourth of it glass of water and let It dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times deny'. You -should !retire yolir eyise treat. uji Perceptibly right frOm tho start and inflammation and 'redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you. even a little? it Ls yottr duty . 10-taliffilfens to -sere them now before It is too late. ' Many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight if they had eared for their • eyes in time. NOTD--Another prominent physician to whom the abo c , nal . Yes, the Don •Opto prescription is truly wonderful ere remedy. Its constituent ingrediente tire well .known to eminent eye specialists arid widely pre. ecribed by them. I have used it very success. .fallY mY own nractiee on patients whet.. eYee were. strained throttah overwork or misfit Messes. It is one of the very few prep.:ratio:a feel slimed be kept en hand for regular use in emelt every . ninety." Bon Onto referred to above, Is not a,' patent medteine or a serfot rernedv`. It is nrs nrenarztloa the fee., mnia Inas printed on the package, the mann- ractarert guansatee it TO strengthen eyesight eye emit ;a one weett'e thee in many in. etalseee refliild site mobee. •It - dIsno-%ned le nil good di 04glets. incluoitut gtneral eto6es: else by (1, Tambirn aha Votes o.. lorolqe. . • 5 • t>